' October 18, 2018
Present: Robert Rossi, Chair
Joseph Mineo
Anthony Suffriti
Arriving Late: Paul Cavallo arrived at 7:O0pm
Absent: Rosemary Sandlin, Vice Chair
Also present: Council President Christopher Johnson and Barbara Bard
' Meeting was called to order at 6:04pm in the Community Room at Library.
' Agenda Items
1. Viewing of Streets
' Motion to suspend meeting to o view streets made b Councilor Suffriti and seconded b
p g g Y Y
Councilors Mineo. Left library at 6:06pm
Windermere Drive arrived 6:07p m Status
Burlington Drive arrived 6:09pm Status
West View Lane arrived 6:10pm Status
Logan Place arrived 6:14pm Status
Spruce Circle arrived 6:21pm Status
tBlair's Hill Road arrived 6:27pm Status
Abbey Lane arrived 6:29pm Status
Councilor Rossi declared the meeting reconvened at 7:19pm.
1. TR 2018-78 - A Resolution adopting the order that Windermere Drive be laid out
' and accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:20pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hearing declared closed at 7:20pm.
2. TR-2018-58 - A Resolution adopting the order that Burlington Drive be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
' Public Hearing declared open at 7:20pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hearing declared closed at 7:21pm.
3. TR-2018-77 - A Resolution adopting the order that West View Lane be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:21pm. Rena Thibault spoke in favor of acceptance. There were
no residents that spoke in favor name only, in opposition or in opposition name only.
' Councilor Rossi declared the Public Hearing declared closed at 7:22pm.
4. TR-2018-69 - A Resolution adopting the order that Logan Place be laid out and
' accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:22pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hearing declared closed at 7:23pm.
5. TR-2018-74 - A Resolution adopting the order that Spruce Circle be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:23pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
' name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hearing declared closed at 7:24pm.
6. TR-2018-57 - A Resolution adopting the order that Blair's Hill Road be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:24pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hearing declared closed at 7:24pm.
7. TR-2018-53 - A Resolution adopting the order that Abbey Lane be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:24pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
' Hearing declared closed at 7:25pm.
8. Any other business that may legally come before the Committee.
9. Adjournment.
Motion to adjourn made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Mineo.
' Adjournment at 7:25pm.
Chaired by Councilor Rossi.
Minutes taken by Barbara Bard