October 4, 2018
Present: Robert Rossi, Chair
' Rosemary Sandlin, Vice Chair
Joseph Mineo
Anthony Suffriti
Paul Cavallo
Also present: Council President Christopher Johnson and Barbara.Bard
Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm in the Community Room at Library by Chair
Councilor Rossi.
A enda Items
1. Viewing of Streets
Motion to suspend meeting to view the streets made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by
Councilor Cavallo. Left library at 6:03pm.
Jasmine Lane arrived 6:06pm Status
Woodside Drive arrived 6:10pm Status
Connor', Cove arrived 6:16pm Status
Mark Drive arrived 6:19pm Status
Barden Street arrived 6:21pm Status
Forest Ridge Lane arrived 6:23pm Status
Coventry Lane arrived 6:25pm Status
Alice Lane arrived 6:28p rri m Status
Zack's Way arrived 6:30pm Status
Michele Lane arrived 6:31pm Status
Stevenson Lane arrived 6:35pm Status
Lakeview Circle arrived 6:40pm Status
' Maple Meadows Lane arrived 6:41pm Status
' Councilor Rossi declared the meeting reconvened at 7:15pm
1. TR-2018-66 - A Resolution adopting the order that Jasmine Lane be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:15pm_ Diane Fern of 26 Jasmine Lane spoke in favor of
1 acceptance. There were no residents that spoke in favor name only, in opposition or in
opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public Hearing declared closed at 7:16pm.
2. TR-2018-80 - A Resolution adopting the order that Woodside Drive be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:16pm. Councilor Rossi noted that the old portion had already
been accepted—this resolution was to accept the newer portion of Woodside Drive. There were no
residents that spoke in favor, in favor name only, in opposition or in opposition name only.
Councilor Rossi declared the Public Hearing declared closed at 7:18pm.
3. TR-2018-59 - A Resolution adopting the order that Connor's Cove be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
' Public Hearing declared open at 7:1 Spm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hearing declared closed at 7:1 Spm,
4. TR-2018-71 - A Resolution adopting the order that Mark Drive be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:19pm. Shirley and Joe Estridge, Terry and Yolanda Gamache,
Almeiro and Martha Serna all spoke in favor of acceptance. There were no residents that spoke in
favor name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the
Public Hearing declared closed at 7:20pm.
5. TR-2018-56 - A Resolution adopting the order that Barden Street be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:20pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hearing declared closed at 7:21pm.
6. TR-2018-64 -A Resolution adopting the order that Forest Ridge Lane be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
I Public Hearing declared open at 7:21pm. Joseph Cristoforo, Shirley Hardcastle,Michael Lapolice all
spoke in favor of the acceptance with the question asked if there were going to be any changes or
improvements. There were no residents that spoke in favor name only, in opposition or in
opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public Hearing declared closed at 7:22pm.
7. TR-2018-60 - A Resolution adopting the order that Coventry Lane be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:22pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
IHearing declared closed at 7:23pm.
8. TR-2018-54 - A Resolution adopting the order that Alice Lane be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:23pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hearing declared closed at 7:23pm.
9. TR-2018-81 - A Resolution adopting the order that Zack's Way be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:24pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hearing declared closed at 7:24pm.
10. TR-2018-72 - A Resolution adopting the order that Michele Lane be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:24pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hearing declared closed at 7:24pm.
11. TR-2018-75 - A Resolution adopting the order that Stevenson Lane be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:25pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hearing declared closed at 7:25pm.
12. TR-2018-67 - A Resolution adopting the order that Lake View Circle be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
' Public Hearing declared open at 7:25pm. Marc Fisher spoke in favor of the acceptance. There
were no residents that spoke in favor name only, in opposition or in opposition name only.
Councilor Rossi declared the Public Hearing declared closed at 7:26pm.
13. TR-2018-70 -A Resolution adopting the order that Maple Meadows Lane be laid out
and accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
iPublic Hearing declared open at 7:26pm. Will Clark spoke in favor of all the streets acceptances
hoping the City Council would accept them so they could be included in Chapter 90 road funds
however if they were private ways, the town wouldn't be obligated to plow them. There were no
residents that spoke in favor name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor
Rossi declared the Public Hearing declared closed at 7:26pm.
14. Any other business that may legally come before the Committee.
15. Adjournment.
Motion to adjourn made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. Adjournment at
' Chaired by Councilor Robert Rossi
' Minutes taken by Barbara Bard