October 9, 2018
SPresent: Rosemary Sandlin, Vice Chair
Anthony Suffriti
Paul Cavallo
Arriving late: Councilors Rossi and Mineo arrived at 7:00pm
Also present: Council President Christopher Johnson and Barbara Bard
Meeting was to order at 6:02pm in the Community Room at Library by Vice Chair Sandlin.
A enda Items
L Viewing of Streets
Motion to suspend meeting to o view streets made b Councilor Suffriti and seconded b
p g g Y Y
Councilor Cavallo. Left library at 6:05pm.
Washington Avenue arrived 6:10 m Status 4
g e r
Wisteria Lane arrived 6:15pm Status
Avalon Place arrived 6:18pm Status
Elizabeth Street arrived 6:21pm Status
Coyote Circle arrived 6:27pm Status
Hemlock Ridge arrived 6:28pm Status
Plumtree Way arrived 6:31pm Status
Farmington Circle arrived 6:23pm Status
Lango Lane arrived 6:39pm Status
' Councilor Rossi declared the meeting reconvened at 7:15pm although he stated he was
unable to view the streets. He asked if it was affirmative that all streets were viewed and
status was okay. Move to accept that all streets were viewed and status was okay made by
' Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilor Cavallo.
1. TR-2018-76 - A Resolution adopting the order that Washington Avenue be laid out
and accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:17pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hearing declared closed at 7:17pm.
' 2. TR-2018-79 - A Resolution adopting the order that Wisteria Lane be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:17pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hearing declared closed at 7:18pm.
3. TR-2018-55 - A Resolution adopting the order that Avalon Place be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:l8pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hearing declared closed at 7:19pm.
4. TR-2018-62 - A Resolution adopting the order that Elizabeth Street be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:19pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hcaring declared closed at 7:19pm.
t5. TR-2018-61 - A Resolution adopting the order that Coyote Circle be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:20pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hearing declared closed at 7:20pm.
6. TR-2018-65 - A Resolution adopting the order that Hemlock Ridge be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:20pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hearing declared closed at 7:21pm.
7. TR-2018-73 - A Resolution adopting the order that Plumtree Way be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:21pm. Eric and Tina Jack of North West Street asked if there
were any changes for homeowners and what the difference between private and public streets.
Councilor Rossi explained that public streets allow for services like plowing to be done by the town
and there would be no changes for these streets after acceptance. Eric Jack stated he had no objection
and was in favor. There were no residents that spoke in favor name only, in opposition or in
opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public Hearing declared closed at 7:23pm.
8. TR-2018-63 - A Resolution adopting the order that Farmington Circle be laid out
and accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 7:23pm. There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hearing declared closed at 7:24pm.
9. TR-2018-68 - A Resolution adopting the order that Lango Lane be laid out and
accepted as a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)
Public Hearing declared open at 724pm_ There were no residents that spoke in favor, in favor
name only, in opposition or in opposition name only. Councilor Rossi declared the Public
Hearing declared closed at 7:25pm.
10. Any other business that may legally come before the Committee.
' None.
11. Adjournment.
Motion to adjourn made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Mineo. Adjournment at
Chaired by Councilor Rossi
Minutes taken by Barbara Bard