CC MTG AGENDA DECEMBER 16 2013 AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREET +� rt AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ROBERTA G. DOERING SCHOOL 68 Main Street, Agawam, Massachusetts �:,*,:,Mond,iy,h ecen,I)CF 16, 2013 Yh: 7.00 P.M. AGENDA 1 1. Roll CalI PRESIDENT Christopher C. Johnson 2. Moment of Silence and the Pled e of Alle fiance VICE PRESIDENT 3. _Citizen's Speak Time Dennis J. Perry COUNCILORS 4• Minutes George Bitzas Cecilia P. Calabrese 1, Regular Council Meeting—December 2,2013 Paul C. Cavallo r__7 James P. CichetH 5. Declaration from Council President , Gina M. Letellier ' Robert A. Magovern 6. Presentation of Petitions ResolEitions Memorials & Remonstrances Joseph Mineo Donald M Rheault 1. TR-2013-51 - A Resolution Congratulating the Agawam RobertE. Rossi High School Varsity. Football Team for their undefeated sewn and playoff victory in the 2013 fall football season (Bitzas) +.n ' ADMINISTRATIVE 7• Report of Council Committees ASSISTANT Barbara A. Bard 8. Elections ' 1, TE-2013-5 - Election of a member of the Agawam Zoning Board of Appeals to a term expiring January 1, 2017 (Council) ' 2. TE-2013-6 - Election of an alternate member of the Agawam Zoning Board of Appeals to a term expiring January 1, 2017 (Council) 9. Publi c Hearings. I. P11-2013-16 (TOR-2013-8) — An Ordinance to Amend the Code of the Town of Agawam Zoning Ordinances §180; Mixed Use Business District(Referred to Legislative Sub-Committee) ' TELEPHONE 10. Old Business (4I3)726-971 b 1. TO-2013-24 •- Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's FAX LICENSE for Agawam Auto Mall, Inc. 825 Springfield Street, (413) 726-9717 Agawam, MA (Clerk) (Fabled 12/2/13) (Referred to Administrative EMAIL Committee) ObbardCa,agawam.ma.us 1 2. TO-2013-51 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE for Malkoon Motors, 1039 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk) 3. TO-2013-52 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE for RNK Auto Sales, 28 Moylan Lane, Agawam, MA ' (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk) 4. TO-2013-53 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device for Ray-Mor, Inc. d/b/a The Elbow, ' 386 Walnut Street, Agawam, MA (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk) ' 5. TO-2013-54 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device for flome Plate Sports Bar, LLC, 827 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA (Referred to Administrative ' Committee) (Clerk) 6. TO-2013-55 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an ' Automatic Amusement Device for The Main Street Still, Inc., 858 Suffield Street, Agawam, MA (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk) ' 7. TO-2013-56 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE for Elias Auto, 1123 Suffield Street, Agawam, MA (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk) 8. TO-2013-57 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device for Ferrentino's Inc., d/b/a ' Ferrentino's Pizzeria & Pub, 1676 Main Street, Agawam, MA (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk) 11. New Business 1. TR-2013-50 - A Resolution to Appropriate Funds for Agawam Police Supervisors Association, Agawam Clerical Employee's Association, Agawam Department of Public Works Employees' Association, Agawam Police Patrolman's Association, Agawam ' Building Maintenance Association, Agawam Administrative Union, AFL-CIO, Local 1973 Firefighters' Association (Mayor) 2. TO-2013-58 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for ' Automatic Amusement and Weekly Amusement Device(s) for The Quest, Inc. d/b/a Michael Anthony's, 1251 River Road, Agawam, MA (Clerk) 3. TO-2013-59 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE for Balfor Motors, 1801 Main Street, Agawam, MA. (Clerk) ' 4. TO-2013-60 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE for P. J. Lapointe d/b/a The Car Connection, 820 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA. (Clerk) 5. TO-2013-61 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE for R. Conlon d/b/a Motor City Car Co., 91 Ramah Circle North, Agawam, MA. (Clerk) 6. TO-2013-62 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for Automatic Amusement and Weekly Amusement Device(s) for Sabre Entertainment d/b/a Bourbon Park, 360 North Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA (Clerk) 7. TO-2013=63 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE for Dino Carando d/b/a Euro Imports, 325 Main Street, Agawam, MA. (Clerk) 8. TR-2013-52 - A Resolution confirming the Appointment of Tricia O'Grady-Howard, 121 Reed Street, Agawam, MA 01001 to Planning Board to a Term Expiring January 1, 2018 (Mayor) 9. TR-2013-53 - A Resolution accepting a grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts State 911 Department pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A to the Agawam ' Police Department (Mayor) 10. . TR-2013-54 - A Resolution to appropriate S4,547.00 from ' Agawam Golf Course's Retained Earnings Account to fund the Agawam Golf Course's Regular permanent, Golf Overtime Accounts (Mayor) 11. 'I'R-2013-55 - A Resolution to appropriate S8,040.00 from the Agawam Wastewater Department's Retained Earnings Account to fund the Agawam Wastewater Department Regular Permanent, Regular ' Temporary and Wastewater Overtime accounts (Mayor) 12. TR-2013-56 - A Resolution to appropriate $11,832.00 from the Agawam Water Department Retained Earnings account to fund Agawam Water Department's Regular Permanent, Regular Temporary and Water Overtime accounts (Mayor) ' 13. TOR-2013-9 - An Ordinance amending the Code of the Town of Agawam creating the position of Chief Procurement Officer as required by Massachusetts General Laws (Mayor) 3 14, TO-2013- 64 - Transfer of$303,525.00 - from Reserve Fund ' 416605-57300 in the amount of$93,525.00 and Salary Reserve 416605- 57350 in the amount of$210,000.00 to the following accounts(Mayor) COIINCII.RI{Ci I11.AR PERMANENT 1 1 1 1 1 51010 x x57,00 MAYOIL RI�iCAJI.AR PF1ZMANIfNT 11211 51010 $ 5.1 x6.0o : AlJMINI9'['RKl'IVIS13Cllf..1?ING FLIECiLILAIt I'1.ULMAN] V7" 11221 5W10 $ 314.00 A1JI)]TORliJ SiCJ[,AR PJ7LMANfIN'C 11341 51010 $ 3,406.00 CJa 21LK RGC;IJI.AR PI RMANI N'1 11611 51010 $ 3,643A0 ASSESSOR RI=(rOT.AR PPRMANEN'1' - - 1137I 51010 X--- 4,1 K5.00 ' Cl'REGIJLAR PJ[RMAN 1?NT _ _ _ 1 1 54 1 51010 $ 3,12800 "IRFiASURI S 1 1Z-001.1 i:'1"OR]L[3Ci17LATL PIRMANIiNT 11381 51010 $ 6,912,I)o POI.1CLi RI=CRI]-AR I'1-'KMAN1i 5 N-C 12101 1010 $ 65,247.00 PO LIC C,1L][C iCJJ.A[L'IEMPORARY 12101 51020 $ 31000 1-01.IC130VI:R"1']MI{ 12101 51030 $ 4A 4.00 PO1JCF IIOIA DAY 12101 51030 $ 500.00 - 1'OL"ICIi UNIPORNI AI.f.OWANCIi 12101 31070 $ 275.00 POf.ICIi COURT' I1.MI 12101 51080 $ 1.6C)L],o0 PO I dC1:RC-114NC'1 COI-1.1 ol1 I'IDI a1120 $ x,470.00 POI-ICI:FIRI QUALIFICATION 12 10 1 51130 $ 4,600.0❑ POLIC:I:LONOINII Y 1?101 51400 $ 600-o0 1:11U:RIiGUI Alt P13RMAN]°N I' 122o l 5101a $ 57,o77.00 . I-1RIiUI?G L If_A 14'IA>M I'U IZA RY 1?2oI 51020 X 500.00 ].I RI:i i?VI?R11MI? 12201 51030 S 7.5110.00 FIILIS f 101.I13AY 12201 S F050 $ 340_lx) INS1.1:C'I'ICINS 51'14ViCFS RI:GUI"AR I-I?RMANUNT 12901 5 if;1[J S+ 5,642,00 1D-AI:1'EIRI:GUL.AIL I'ISLMANL:N 1' 15101 5IDID $ 2,469Ao COMMUN11Y DI:VL:LOPM]7N7'ILI-(iCJ["AFL PI'lZMANENT IIx01 51010 $ 2,614.0o LIBRARY RI?G17f-AR l'13RMANIiNT -16101 -51010' $---17.739 00 PARKS&RI C RS_A'41ON LLVOI)LAR PFRMANE?NT 16201 5I010 S 2,473.({) COA REGULAR PI-]LMANITf'1' 1541] 51010 $ 6.13 LL70 COA 1L]�CtCAIAlt-t JjMVOKARY 1541i 51 if-, `$ x24.11() PUMAC WORKS RHOCJLAIL PIJLMANLN7' I4o0I 51010 $ 5,501,Oo I11GI1WAY REGLA.AR PERMANI-'N"l" 14201 5 10 10 1 2.7,973,00 . IIIGI1WAY REGULARIISMPOILARY :1420f- 51020 % 8().0[) I.0f IWAY OVI R1,fMli -. 14201 51030 $ 90000 I-]IGf-IWAY SNOW&[CG OVISILCEME F4201 51031 $ 1.900.0❑ MO"1'OR VI 1I[CI.I?MAI NTL!N AN Cl;RI CTII.AIL PERMANI 14901 51010 - 71; 3,018.00 M01-FOR VF:II[C,f.I d MA1N1l-.N ANCF.i OVJ ill"'IMII 149(11 51030 $ 134.00 I?NCiINI- IL Ci RISi11LA]L l'F'ILMANl'-N'1' 14101 51010 $ fi,244.0/1 INGINJ--fz NO OVJ RTTMIi 14101 51030 $ 10.00 ' WJI1,1}ING MAIN-ll T'ANCIS ILI;6ULAR P ERMANJ?N7 11921 51010 S 39'095.00 BCl[LF]INU MAIN'iI:NANCI?RIiCiU1.AR TFMPORARY 11921 5102o $ 40.00 BUILDING MAIN"1A=NANCF OVI;RlTMF I1921 51030 1,200.00 L K)AIZO 01'AP1'1'Al.ti 16604 51100 $ 45400 - 12. Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council. Adjournment. 1 N r i i 4 1 "