CC MTG AGENDA MAY 21 2012 . % AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ' ROBERTA G. DOERING SCHOOL 68 Main Street, Agawam, Massachusetts ' 7:00 P.M. PRESIDENT AGENDA Christopher C. Johnson VICE PRESIDENT 1. Roll Call Dennis J. Perry 2. Moment of Silence and the Pledge of Allegiance COUNCILORS George Bitzas 3. _Citizen's Speak Time Cecilia P. Calabrese Paul C. Cavallo 4. Minutes James R Cichetti Gina M. Letellier I. Regular Council Meeting—May 7,2012 ' Robert A. Magovern Joseph Minea DonaldM. Rheault 5. Declaration from Council President Robert E. Rossi 6. Presentation of Petitions, Resolutions, Memorials & Remonstrances ' ADMINISTRATIVE 1. TR-2012-27 - A Resolution Authorizing the Adoption of ASSISTANT Orders of Taking for the Phase lI Southwest Area Sewer Extension Barbara A. Bard Project under the Authority of Section 14 of Chapter 40, Chapter 79 and Chapter 84 of Massachusetts General Laws (Tabled 5/7/12)(Referred to Administrative Committee)(Mayor) +V 2 TR-2012-28 - A Resolution Supporting theaPendi ' Community Preservation Act (CPA) Amendment (Councilor Cjchett�.' Johnson) Zr ' 7. Report of Council Committees 8. Elections 4In ri 9. Public Hearings 1. PH-2012-1 - (IR-2012-23) A Resolution Adopting the Fiscal TELEPHONE Year 2013-2017 Capital Improvement Program (Public Hearing Date Set (413) 786-0400 Ext. 8716 for June 4, 2012) (Referred to Finance Committee) (Mayor) FAX 10. Old Business (413) 726 9717 1. TO-2012-12 - An Order Granting an Application for EMAIL Abatement, Redetermination, Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment 11bbard@qgawam.ma.us 1 i Assessment Requested by Ralph DePalma for the Property Located at ' Rear 683 Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA. (Tabled 5/7112) (Referred to Administrative Committee) 2. TO-2012-13 - An Order Granting an Application for Abatement, Redetermination, Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment Requested by Giuseppe Tirone and Ralph DePalma for the Property Located at 497 South Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA. (Tabled 5/7/12) (Referred to Administrative Committee) 3. TO-2012-16 - An Order Granting an Application for Abatement, Redetermination, Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment Requested by Thomas S. and Paul J. Napolitan for the Property Located at South Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA. (Tabled 5/7/12) (Referred to Administrative Committee) 4. TO-2012-17 - An Order Granting an Application for I Abatement, Redetermination, Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment Requested by Thomas S. and Paul J. Napolitan for the Property Located at South Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA. (Tabled 5/7/12) (Referred to Administrative Committee) 5 TO-2012-22 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for.funk DeaIer(s) — T's Jewelers, 559 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA. (Referred to Administrative Committee)(Clerk) 11. New Business 1. TR-2012-29 - A Resolution Adopting the Fiscal Year 2013 Annual Operating budget for the Town of Agawam (Set Public Hearing ' Date- Suggest June 18, 2012) (Mayor) 2. TO-2012-23 - Transfer of S540.02 from Council Professional Services - 411112-52190 to Council Regular Permanent Salaries - #1 1 1 1 1-5 1010 (Council) ' 3. TR-2012-30 - A Resolution Requesting the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Legislators Support the Immediate Passage of the Chapter 90 Bond Legislation (Councilor Bitzas) 12. Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council. Adjournment. 2