CC MTG AGENDA FEBRUARY 3 2014 1♦ AOAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREET y AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ROBERTA G. DOERING SCHOOL 68 Main Street,Agawam, Massachusetts 'Monday, February 3,2014 *** 7:00 P.M. • AGENDA PRESIDENT 1. Roll Call Christopher C. Johnson VICE PRESIDENT 2. Moment of Silence and the Pledge of Allegiance Dennis J Perry a: 3. Citizen's Speak Time COUNCILORS -_ George Bitzas 4. Minutes <� Cecilia P. Calabrese cr: Paul C. Cavallo 1. Regular Council Meeting r January 21,2014 James P. Cichetti EV Gina M. .l etellier 5. Declaration from Council President C)Joseph Mineo to Donald M. Rheaull 6. Presentation of Petitions.Resolutions Memorials&Remonstrances Robert E. Rossi — - — Anthony J:. Suffriti •. 1. TR-2013-57 - A Resolution Accepting a Grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Fire Services pursuant ADMINISTRATIVE to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section. 53A to the ASSISTANT Agawam Fire Department(Mayor) Barbara A. Bard . 2. TR-2013-58 - A Resolution Accepting a Grant from the National Association of County and City Health Officials pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A to the Agawam Health Department(Mayor) 3. TR-2014-1 - A Resolution Accepting a Gift in the Amount • of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars from the Agawam Dog Owners Group pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A for the Agawam Dog Park(Mayor) 4. TR 2014-2 - A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of Alice Smith, 523 North Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA to the • Historical Commission to a term expiring January 1,2017(Mayor) TELEPHONE 5. TR-2014-3 - A Resolution Appropriating three-hundred (413) 726-9716 thousand dollars (300,000.00) from Free Cash for the purchase of sixty- six (66) motorized golf carts and corresponding service plan for the FAX Agawam Municipal Golf Course. (Mayor) (413) 726-9717 EMAIL bbard@agawam.ma.us agawam.ma.us 1 • • 7. ReQort of Council Committees 8. Elections • 9. Public Hearings 10. Old Business 1. TO-2013-24 -Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE for Agawam Auto Mall, Inc. 825 Springfield Street, • Agawam, MA (Clerk) (Tabled 1/21/14) (Referred to Administrative Committee) 2. TO-2013-63 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE for Dino Carando d/b/a Euro Imports, 325 Main Street, Agawam, MA. (Tabled 1/21/14) (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk) 3. TO-2014-1 - Order granting or renewing a.LICENSE for a Weekly Amusement Device(s) for Crestview Country Club, 281 Shoemaker Lane, Agawam, MA (Referred to Administrative Committee)(Clerk) 4. TO-2014-2 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for Automatic Amusement and Weekly Amusement Device(s) for Springfield Turnverein, 60B North Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, 0 MA(Referred to Administrative Committee)(Clerk) • 5. TO-2014-3 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for Automatic Amusement and Weekly Amusement Device(s) for Agawam Bowl, 359 Walnut Street Ext., Agawam, MA (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk) 11. New Business 1. TR-2014-4 - A Resolution authorizing the Town of Agawam to expend funds in excess of the available appropriation for snow and ice removal(Mayor) 2. TR-2014-5 - A Resolution to appropriate funds for the Agawam Police Supervisors Association, Agawam Clerical Employees Association, Agawam Department of Public Works Employee's Association,Agawam Police Patrolman's Association,Agawam Building Maintenance Association, Agawam Administrative Union, • AFL-CIO,Local 1973,Firefighters Union(Mayor) 3. TR-2014-6 -A Resolution to appropriate four thousand five hundred forty seven dollars ($4,547.00) from the Agawam Municipal Golf Course Retained Earnings account to fund the Agawam Municipal Golf Course regular permanent and golf overtime accounts. (Mayor) 2 • • 4. TR-2014-7 -A resolution to appropriate eight thousand and forty dollars ($8,040.00) from the Agawam Wastewater Department's Retained Earnings account to fund the Agawam Wastewater Department regular permanent,regular temporary and Wastewater overtime accounts(Mayor) 5. TR-2014-8 - A resolution to appropriate eleven thousand eight hundred thirty two dollars ($11,832.00) from the Agawam Water Department Retained Earnings account to fund Agawam Water Department's regular permanent,regular temporary and Water • Department's overtime accounts. (Mayor) 6. TO-2014-4 - Transfer of $332,164.00 from the Reserve Fund #16605-57300 ($122,164.00) and Salary Reserve ($210,000.00) to: • COUNCIL REGULAR PERMANENT_ 11111 51010 $ 857.00 E MAYOR REGULAR PERMANE[T 11211` 51010 S 33 825.00 i AMDINISTRATIVE BUILDING REGULAR PERMANE1,77,11221 F 51010 =$ 314.00 _ - - AUDITDR REGULAR PERMANENT 11341 51010 S 3,406,00 - - �. CLERK REGULAR PERMANENT 11611'' 51010 $ 3,643.00 ............... ASSESSOR REGULAR PERMANENT.. —-- — 11371' 31010 $ 4,185.00 .................... ITREGULAItPERMANENI' 11541 51010 S 3,12S.00 . .. TREASURER-c6T I ECTOR REGULAR PPRNIANEN7' 11381 51010 S 6,912.00 .... PO ICE REGULARPERMA_NE TI' 12101' S1010 S 65 47.D0 POLICE REGULAR TEMPORARY - --- 112101' 51020 $ 310-00 POLICEOVERTIME — 12101' 51030 S—4,434.00 P01ICEHOLIDAY -- 12101, 516-5 S 500.00 POLICE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 121011 51070 S 275.00 ... ........_ POLICE 12101 51080 $ 1,600.00 ........ ......... ......... ...---. ......... -.... POLICE SCIENCE COLLEGE112101.. 51120 . S 8,470.00 ....... ............. ............. POLICE FIREARMS QUALIFICATION 12101 51130 S 4 600,00 POLICE LONGEVITY 12101 51400 S 600.00 FIRE REGULAR PERMANENT_ 12201 51010 3 57,077.00 FIRE REGULAR TEMPORARY 12201 51020 S 500.00 _._ FIRLOVJ3tTTME .12201 51030 3 7,500.00 FIREHOLIDAY 12201 51050 S 340.00 INSPECTIONS SERVICES REGULAR PERMANENT 12501 51010 S 5 642.00 ..... .... 1 .... .- HEALTH REGULAR PERMANENT 15101 51010 3 2,469.00 COMAUNTI Y DEVa OP_WH NT RI;C`iUlAR PPAMANEN 11801' 51010 $ 2 614.DO _.. • LIBRARY REGULAR PERMANENT 16101 51010 $ 17 352.00 PARK S&RECREATION REGULAR PERMAN ENT NENT 16201 51010 -S 2 473.00 COA REGULAR PER[vlAtd] iT' 15411 51010 S 6 T 31.00 COAREGULAR7EMPORARY 15411' 51020 .$ 824.00 PUBLIC WORKS RT7CiULARPFRINANENI 1400! 51010 S 5,50I,00 ......... HIGHWAY REGULAR PERMANENT 14201' 51010 S 27,973.00 I-HeHWAY REGULAR TEMPORARY 14201: 51020 I$ 80.00 HIGHWAY O VERTIME 1420 L 51030 _S 9D0.00 HIGHWAY SNOW&ICE OVERTIME 14201 51031 S 1,900.00 • - .... MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REGULAR PFdiMAr 14901 51010 S 3,018.00 MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE OVERTIME 14901 51030.= S 134,00 ENGINEERING REGULARPERMANENT 14101' 51010 S 6,244,00 ENGINEERING OVERTIME 14101 51030 S 10.00 B MAINTENANCE REGULAR .._...... i 00 BUILDING MAINTENANCE REGULAR TEMPORARY 11921 51020 S 40. 00 BUILDING MAINTENANCE OVERTIME 11921', 51030 ..5 1,200.00 _ 30ARD OF APPEALS 166N 51100' S 454.00 ......... ......... ...... - - -..... • 12. Any other matter that mgy legally come before the CiV Council. Adjournment. 3 •