68 Main Street, Agawam, Massachusetts
5, x'Tuesday, :January 21, 2014
7:00 P.M.
PRESIDENT 1. Roll Call
Christopher C. Johnson
VICE PRESIDENT 2. Moment of Silence and the Pledge ofAlle ig_ance a
Dennis J. Perry
3. Citizen's Speak`Time
George Bitzas 4. Minutes
Cecilia P. Calabrese
Paul C Cavallo 1. Regular Council Meeting—December 16,2013
James P. Cichetti 2. Regular Council Meeting—January 6,2014
Gina M. Letellier
Joseph Mineo 5. Declaration froin Council President
Donald M. Rheault
Robert E. Rossi 6. Presentation of Petitions. Resolutions,Memorials &Remonstrances
,4nthnny R. Sa�riti 0 . 1. TR-2013-50 - A Resolution to Appropriate Funds for
ADMINISTRATIVE Agawam Police Supervisors Association, Agawam Clerical Employee's
ASSISTANT Association, Agawam Department of Public Works Employees'
Barbara A. Curd Association, Agawam Police Patrolman's Association, Agawam
Building Maintenance Association, Agawam Administrative Union,
! AFL-CIO, Local 1973 Firefighters' Association (Referred to Council
Workshop) (Mayor)
2. TR-2013-52 - A Resolution confirming the Appointment of
Tricia O'Grady-Howard. 121 Reed Street, Agawam, MA 01001 to
• Planning Board to a Term Expiring January 1, 2018.(Mayor)
3. TR-2013-53 - A Resolution accepting a grant from the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts State 911 Department pursuant to
Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A to the Agawam
Police Department (Mayor)
+ 4. `1'R-2013-54 - A Resolution to appropriate $4,547.00 from
Agawam Golf Course's Retained Earnings Account to fund the
TELEPHONE Agawam Golf Course's Regular permanent, Golf Overtime Accounts
(413) 726 9716 (Referred to Council Workshop) (Mayor)
FAX ], '1 U-2013-55 - A Resolution to appropriate S8,040.00 from
(413) 726-9717
the Agawam Wastewater Department's Retained Earnings Account to
EMAIL. fund the Agawam Wastewater Department Regular Permanent, Regular 1
Temporary and Wastewater Overtime accounts (Referred to Council
Workshop) (Mayor)
6. TR-2013-56 - A Resolution to appropriate $11,832.00 from
. the Agawam Water Department Retained Earnings account to Band
Agawam Water Department's Regular Permanent, Regular Temporary
and Water Overtime accounts (Referred to Council Workshop)
7. Report of Council Committees
8. Elections
9. Public Hearings
I. PH-2013-16 (TOR-2013-8) — An Ordinance to Amend the
Code of the Town of Agawam Zoning Ordinances §180; Mixed Use
Business District (Public Hearing continued 12/16/13) (Tabled
12116/13) (Referred to Joint Council Workshop with PB)
10. Old Business
l. TO-2013-24 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's
LICENSE for Agawam Auto Mall, Inc. 325 Springfield Street,
Agawam, MA (Clerk) (Tabled 12/16/13) (Referred to Administrative
2. TO-2013-58 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for
Automatic Amusement and Weekly Amusement Device(s) for The
Quest, Inc, d/b/a Michael Anthony's, 1251 River Road, Agawam, MA
(Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk)
3. TO-2013-59 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's
• LICENSE for Balfor Motors; 1901 Main Street, Agawam, MA.
(Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk)
4. TO-2013-60 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's
LICENSE for P. J. Lapointe d/b/a The Car Connection, 820
. Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA. (Referred to Administrative
Committee) (Clerk)
5. TO-2013-61 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's
LICENSE for R. Conlon d/b/a Motor City Car Co., 91 Ramah Circle
North, Agawam, MA. (Referred to Administrative Committee)
6. TO-2013-62 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for
Automatic Amusement and Weekly Amusement Device(s) for Sabre
Entertainment d/b/a Bourbon Park, 360 North Westfield Street,
Feeding Hills, MA (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk)
7. TO-2013-63 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's
LICENSE for Dino Carando d/b/a Euro Imports, 325 Main Street,
Agawam, MA, (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk)
S. TOR-2013-9 - An Ordinance amending the Code of the
Town of Agawam creating the position of Chief Procurement Officer as
required by Massachusetts General Laws (Referred to Council
Workshop) (Mayor)
9. TO-2013- 64 - Transfer of$303,525.00 - from Reserve Fund
#16605-57300 in the amount of$93,525.00 and Salary Reserve#16605-
57350 in the amount of $210,000.00 to the following accounts
(Referred to Council Workshop)(Mayor)
CC]UNCII"IZI-?CATLAR P13RMANEWl I I I t 1 510W $ 857,00
MAYOR RIS}UI.AR PJ'.JZMAN$:N'1' _ - _ -- I1211 51010 ---$ 5,196.00
A13MINIS'I'LZA'17VE13LISI.131NC•R-1--O IA11L P11WANENT 11221 -STOIC) $ 314.00
. AUDITOR 1U-Xi UI.ACtf F.IZMANI-NT 11341 510)0 $ 3,406.00
CLF.IZK]ZIX.[A.A Ii Pl RMANFNT ... 1 161 1 5 LOW $ 3,643.00
ASSU-SS,01Z RILCI[1LAR PnIMANENT 11371 Slbto $ 4,I85-f10
1"T4Z1-`GUL.AR PJ.UMANI-:NT -- 11541. 51010 ' $ 3,128,OU`
132FJ1SL7R73RrCQS-1.73C:'I'OR KEGUI-AR.I'1-1kMANVNT 1138t 51010 - 11 6,912.00`
POI.ICJz RIiC31JI.A1Z PI RMANI-NT 12101 51 010 $ 65,247A0
1 O..CI-]ZI-CiL7 -AR ]IZA RY TI.AIP( - --- __
12101 5102U i $ 310.00 .
PO C..IC L:QVF_It"I'lvCL [2t01 S103❑ $ 4,434.00_
I'C)I.7C13 IIOLTI 3A Y 12101 51050 $ 500.00
PC)LIC�3i INI I7 WM AI.LUWANCI: 12101 5[070 -$---- -275.0U -
POI-CCI'.0 )(JRL I'IM1 )210I 541).go i; J,60U.00
PC 3l.ICl:SCIFNC1'.C[)1.1.I iCil 12101 51120 S R,470.U0
P[)L.SC:ISCIRI:AI;M.ti C?liA1.lI IC:AIION 121OI 51130 $ 4,600.00
:'Of 12101 51400... $ - 500.00
f IR1::RV;LJI.AR P1[1ZMAN1iNT 122U1 51010 S 57,077.00
PIRI:IZS-i(i1JS.AR I I:MPORAIcY 12201 5203f) $ 500,Oi)
)>C]V1;K-Y)�1IS 12201 51030 $ 7,500.00
im.1-,IOLIDAY 12201 51050 $ 340.00
1 N S 1.1"(2110 NS SERV IC"'I SS RIXi[J I.AR 1'ERMANI?NT 12501 5101f1 -S _5,642.00`
TIYiAI:CI[KI X.CJI.ARI'I:RuIANLN"P 15101 51010 $ 2,469.10 ;
I.1DR.ARY JzEG[-[].Alt Pi-RMAN1"SN'C 16101- 51O 10 S 17 739.00
PARKS&Rf C R1A'.. CI0N RUCAJI.AR L-EUMANEN -)6201 51 U IO $ 2 473.00
COA IZL.0Uf AR PIJZMANENT 15411 51010 y; 6 13L00
COO RI>C.UI AR SI'MI ORARY .15411 51020- '$ R?4.00
1-11111-IC WORKS It]`-CAJI-AR PI`-KN1Ar4r--N ' _S40U[. 51010 :.$ 5,502.00
]i1(i1JWllY ltl'-GU LAR I']i1ZNfAN1 N'!' ]4201. 5u]l0 � & 27A73-OU '
I-IIUI-IWAY RI.>C111I.AR T1-TVIPORARV 14201 51020 S U0.00
HTUII WAY O VI'R ILL91; ,14201= 51030 % 900.00
71 LCA LWAY SNC11V&ICE,OVERTIME -- - - .14201. 51031 $ 7,900.00
MC)"COR VI-I ISGL.I:MA7NTlNnNCE:A73Cu7-A1Z i1f7IZKGtnhtC f4'X71- 51bx> .1; 3D1 s.uU
M010It VJJIIC:LI[_MAINTINANC130VLRTCMG ---:14901 51030 � $ 134.00
... ..... ..: e .... .
13NGINGUIUN['r IL1=<iCA.AR I4101 51010 t $ 6,244.G0,
LTICl1NIS1+1UNG O\+f UlI.,MJ- -- 14101 51030 $- 10.00
1311[1_13INCi MAIN NI"l=NANCL RVC'sU1"AR 1');'ILMAhl73N"C 1492J: 51010 '$ 39095.[)O"
131JI[.3)IN Ci MAIN'll?N ANCIi KRG11LAR'1I:I�IV0KARY ---1 K921� 51020 � $ 4U.f)U
J 3If17.771NC;MAlN71:NnNC1iOV1+R';7M]_i 11921 51030 3; ...1,200.00
IOA RU 0 V AI'1'1.fA 1., f6604 51100 $ _ 454.00
1 1. New Business
1. TR-2013-57 - A Resolution Accepting a Grant from the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Fire Services pursuant
to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A to the
Agawam Fire Department (Mayor)
. 2. TR-2013-58 - A Resolution Accepting a Grant from the
National Association of County and City Health Officials pursuant to
Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A to the Agawam
Health Department(Mayor)
3. TO-2014-1 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for
a Weekly Amusement Devices) for Crestview Country Club, 281
• Shoemaker Lane, Agawam, MA (Cleric)
4. TO-2014-2 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for
Automatic AmUsernent and Weekly Amusement Device(s) for
Springfield Turnyerein, 60B North Westfield Street, Feeding Hills,
MA (Clerk)
5. TO-2014-3 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for
Automatic Amusement and Weekly Amusement Device(s) for
Agawam Bowl,359 Walnut Street Ext., Agawam, MA (Clerk)
6. 'IT11-2014-1 - A Resolution Accepting a Gift in the Amount
of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars from the Agawam Dog Owners
Group pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section
53A for the Agawarn Dog park(Mayor)
• 7. TR-2014-2 - A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment
of Alice Smith, 523 North Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA to the
Historical Commission to a term expiring January 1, 2017 (Mayor)
8. TR-20t4-3 - A Resolution Appropriating three-hundred
thousand dollars (300,000.00) from Free Cash for the purchase of sixty-
six (66) motorized golf carts and corresponding service plan for the
Agawam Municipal Golf Course. (Mayor)
12. Any other matter that niay 1eg_alty come before the Cily Council.