CC MTG AGENDA JUNE 2 2014 • 1� F A ,� AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 • p REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ED 1�P ROBERTA G. DOERING SCHOOL 68 Main Street, Agawam, Massachusetts :,-.r:; l����s�n��, =1�sne. , 2t114 ::•.:s: 7.00 P.M. • AGENDA PRESIDENT Christopher C Johnson l Roll Call • VICI: PRESIDENT Dennis J. Perry 2. Moment of Silence and the Pledge of Alle ig ance COUNCILORS 3. Citizen's Speak Time George Bitzas Cecilia P, Calabrese 4. Minutes Paul C. Cavallo James P. Cichetti 1. Regular Council Meeting—May 19,2014 Gina M. Letellier Joseph Mineo 5. Declaration from Council President 4 Donald M. Rheault Robert E. Rossi 6. Presentation of Petitions, Resolutions, Memorials &Remonstrates ,4nthony R. Suffriti -- - -c 7. Re ort of Council Committees ADMINISTRATIVE A ASSISTANT 8. Elections Barbara A. Bard 9. Public Hearings • � crr 1. PH-2014-2 (TOR-2014-4) - An Ordinance amending the Zoning Code of the Town of Agawam creating the Mixed Use Business C District.(Planning Board)(Referred to Legislative Committee) (2 of 2 readings) • 2. PH-2014-3(TR-2014-20) - A Resolution adapting the Fiscal Year 2015-2019 Capital Improvement Program (Referred to Finance Committee) (Tabled 5/19/14) (Mayor) 3. PH-2014-4 (TR-2014-24) -A Resolution adopting the • Fiscal Year 2015 Annual Operating Budget for the Town of Agawam (Public Hearing Date set for June 23, 2014) (Mayor) TELEPHONE 10. Old Business (413) 726-9716 FAX 1. TOR-2014-3 - An Ordinance to Amend the Chapter 114 of • (413) 726-9717 the Agawam Town Code entitled "Junk and Secondhand Dealers" (Mayor) (Referred to Legislative Committee) (Tabled 5/19114) (1 of EMAIL 2 readings) bbard@agawam.ma.us 2. TO-2014-12 - Transfer $30,000.00 from Overtime (#12201- 51030)to Fire Protection and Safety(#12203-52410) for the purchase of portable radios(Mayor) 11. New Business 1. TO-2014-13 - Transfer $169,345.09 from Line Items Reserve(#16605-57300)to the .following(Mayor): Snow& Ice Overtime(#14201-51031) $55,247.11 Equipment Rental (#14202-52071) $69,112.80 Hwy Ice Control Material(#14203-522 10) $44,985.18 2. TR-2014-25 - A Resolution authorizing the Reservation and Appropriation of Funds from the Community Preservation Fund(CPA) 12. Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council. Adjournment. • • , i i 2