CC MTG MINUTES AUGUST 4 2014• REGULAR MEETING OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Minutes dated August 4, 2014 • Meeting was called to order by President Johnson at 7:00pm at the Auditorium at the Roberta G. Doering School, 68 Main Street,Agawam. Item 1. Roll Call • ROLL CALL—8 PRESENT,3 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas,Letellier and Mineo) Roll Call was taken with the following councilors present: Cecilia Calabrese, Paul Cavallo, James Cichetti, Council President Christopher Johnson, Vice President Dennis Perry, Donald Rheault, Robert Rossi and Anthony Sufftiti. Councilors George Bitzas, • Gina Letellier and Joseph Mineo were not in attendance. With eight councilors present, there was a quorum. Item 2. Moment o Silence and the Pledge o Alle iance. • President Johnson asked for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Item 3. Ud en's Speak Time Several citizens appeared to speak at Citizen's Speak Time. The following spoke in support and praise of the Agawam Municipal Golf Course: i William Roberto Daniel Michael Sam Demichele Zach Brown Bob Chmura Bob Rivkin Anthony Roberto Daniel Shay Ron Waite Jr. • The comments were basically praise for the excellent condition of the golf course and the amount of work both Anthony Roberto and Dan Shea do on a day to day basis. They thanked the City Council for the funding for the new golf carts and the paving of the parking lot. Bob Chmura also thanked Chris Johnson for having the foresight to purchase the golf course years ago. • Frankie Mazzei and John McCarthy spoke as representatives of the Commission on Disabilities to announce their 10u' anniversary celebration which will be held Columbus Day weekend. More information is to follow to help raise awareness to the works of the Commission on Disabilities. • Marilyn Curry also spoke in support of TO-2014-31 which is a Resolution to use CPA funding to put an irrigation system at the Anne Sullivan Memorial in the Feeding Hills center. • 1 • • Item 4. Minutes Motion to approve the June 23, 2014 Regular City Council meeting minutes was made by Councilor Cichetti and seconded by Councilor Rossi. The minutes were approved by a vote of: 7 Yes, 0 No, 3 Absent (Councilors Bitzas, Letellier and Mineo), 1 Abstention (Councilor Perry). Item S. Declaration from Council President None. • Item 6. Presentation of Petitions,Memorials & Remonstrances 1. TR-2014-30 - Resolution to establish an Ad Hoc Sub-Committee of the Agawam City Council to initiate an investigation of the Agawam Municipal Golf Course pursuant to Section 2-11 of the Agawam Home Rule Charter (Councilors Letellier, Johnson and Perry) Motion made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Rheault. Discussion began with Councilor Calabrese giving the Community Relations Committee report. She reminded everyone that the intent was to find out why the fund was not performing properly although there seemed to be a positive cash flow in the last few months. Substantial money was spent on the new golf carts and paving of the parking lot. If this item did indeed pass and a committee was formed, it was understood that councilors would be invited to participate. Motion was made to send a positive recommendation for passage and the vote was 2-2 so no recommendation either positive or negative would be made by the sub-committee. Councilor Rossi stated that during the budget hearing process, there was a lot of discussion regarding the funding. Sure, there are problems but maybe this is not the path to choose and maybe an Executive session might be in order to look into any budgetary problems. The golf course is being treated unfairly and the course looks great. He is not in favor of forming an Ad Hoc Committee per se although he feels the intent was not to cast any negative light on the golf course itself. Councilor Cavallo is not in favor at all in forming this sub-committee. The word "investigation" itself connotes that there is trouble at the golf course and maybe the term "clarification" could have been used. This should be able to be done in open session not in executive session and the Golf Commission meets quite frequently—he's sure they have a handle on things. Please keep in mind that the Golf Pro only had three years on this job and that the previous golf pro should have been more proactive. It is unfair to look at this negatively. We • should work together to figure it all out. Councilor Perry as a sponsor of this Resolution reminded everyone that the Golf Course is an Enterprise Fund and should be self-sustaining and it's not. Where would the golf course be if the town had not funded the golf carts and/or the paving of the parking lot? As a City Council, we need to look at this —it is our JOB. The food operations have gone up and down. We need to continue to move forward and keep fiscally • responsible as elected officials. Councilor Rheault thanked the people in the audience for showing up for the meeting. The term "investigation" is a scary word but according to our Charter,that's the language that is necessary to get this started. Councilor Rheault has heard that the golf course is in excellent shape but as Councilor Perry stated, this is not a witch hunt but is meant to help strengthen the golf course production. If this is a way to improve the golf course, then he is all for it. Councilor Cichetti will not support this Resolution. Instead of a committee, • why not first meet in a workshop setting with the Mayor and the Golf Course manager and anyone else involved? The Council should listen to all of the positive comments that were made during Citizen's Speak Time. Council President stepped from the Chair and stated, as a sponsor, he remembers twenty years ago that it was his idea (as the then Mayor) to buy the golf course. He supported it then and still supports it today. However, the problem is the Council continues to 2 • ask questions regarding the golf course and continues to not get any answers. He would be happy to table this item and schedule a workshop. He personally has been asking questions for over a year with no answers. One year ago, the Council was told with the new food company, that the course would make money. l am heartened with the positive detailed breakdowns that were just received. 1 was told that they didn't exist. Council President Johnson also stated that he wants the course to be more successful and has no intention of hurting the golf course and again, the problem is the City Council continues to ask question after question to which they are given no answers and no information. The fiscal year is now closed with a deficit and no reserves —the taxpayers need to know this. He also stated her realizes that the golf industry is down however this item would not be on the Council Agenda if the requested information had been previously provided. Motion was made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Cichetti to table this item pending a publicly posted joint Golf Commission/City Council workshop. The vote was 8 YES,0 NO,3 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas,Letellier and Mineo). 2. TR-2014-31 - Resolution appropriating from the Community Preservation Fund and authorizing the expenditure of Community Preservation Funds for the purchase and installation of an irrigation system to preserve the Ann Sullivan Memorial Green (CPA) Motion was made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilors Rheault and Cichetti. A Finance Committee report was given by Councilor Calabrese at which the Finance Committee gave a 4-0 positive recommendation for passage of this item. Councilor Perry was unable to attend the Finance Committee meeting but questioned whether the cost to install these irrigation systems were provided? Would the work be done by Building Maintenance and DPW? Will DPW be responsible to maintain these systems? Are there timers to turn the water on and off--very frustrating when it's raining and you see sprinkler systems on. Council President stated that the amount of this appropriation is $3,800.00. The vote was S YES,0 NO,3 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas,Letellier and Mineo). 3. TR-2014-32 - Resolution appropriating from the Community Preservation Fund and authorizing the expenditure of Community Preservation Funds for the purchase and installation of an irrigation system to preserve the Veterans Green (CPA) • Motion was made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilors Cavallo and Cichetti. A Finance Committee report was given by Councilor Calabrese at which the Finance Committee gave a 4-0 positive recommendation for passage of this item. Council President stated that the requested appropriation is$4,600.00. The vote was 8 YES,0 NO,3 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas,Letellier and Mineo). 4. TR-2014-33 - Resolution appropriating from the Community Preservation Fund and authorizing the expenditure of Community Preservation Funds for the purchase and planning of Arborvitaes at the Town Hall (CPA) Motion was made by Councilor Cichetti and seconded by Councilors Cavallo and Rossi. A Finance Committee report was given by Councilor Calabrese at which the Finance Committee gave a 3-1 (Councilor Calabrese)positive recommendation for passage of this item. 3 Council President stated that the requested appropriation is $9,550.00. Councilor Calabrese stated that her reasoning for not being in favor of this item is that the cost broke down to $136 per tree and she thought that was a bit excessive. Councilor Rheault remarked that it required digging up the old trees and putting down new bedding as well as new trees. • The vote was 6 YES (Councilors Cavallo, Cichetti, Perry, Rheault, Rossi and Suffriti), 2 NO (Councilors Calabrese and Johnson),3 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas,Letellier and Mineo). Item 7. Report of Council Committees • None. Item 8. Elections None. • Item 9. Public Hearin s None, Item 10. Old Business 1. TOR-2014-3 - An Ordinance to Amend the Chapter 114 of the Agawam Town Code entitled "Junk and Secondhand Dealers"(Mayor) (Two Readings Required) Motion made to take this item off the table by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilors Rheault and Cichetti. By a unanimous voice vote, the item is off the table. Motion made by Councilor Cichetti and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. Councilor Cichetti gave the Legislative Committee report stating that the committee gave a 3-0 positive recommendation for passage with amended language which Councilor Rossi provided. Council President suggested that they have the first reading and then send the amended ordinance to the Law Department for a clean document which we would have in hand when voting on the second reading. Motion was made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Cichetti to amend the ordinance pursuant to the written submission of the Legislative Committee. • The vote was 8 YES, 0 NO, 3 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas, Letellier and Mineo) on the amendments and the vote was S YES, 0 NO, 3 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas, Letellier and Mineo)passing the first reading. 2. TO-2014-14 - Transfer $.09 from Veterans' Benefits (#16604-57100) to Western • Hampden District Veterans Office(#16604- 57150)(Mayor) Motion was made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Rheault. Councilor Calabrese gave the Finance Committee report stating that through the budgetary process, transfers are no longer available and must come before the Council for a vote. The Finance Committee voted 4-0 with a positive recommendation for passage. • The vote was 6 YES(Councilors Calabrese, Cavallo, Cichetti, Perry, Rheault and Suffriti),2 NO (Councilors Johnson and Rossi),3 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas,Letellier and Mineo). 4 • 3. TO-2014-15 - Transfer of$41,250.00 from Uniform (#12201-51070) to Longevity (#12201-51400)(Mayor) Motion was made by Councilor Rheault and seconded by Councilor Perry. Councilor Calabrese gave the Finance Committee report stating that the funds for uniforms were • being lumped into longevity to bolster retirement. The Finance Committee voted 3-1 (Councilor Mineo) with a negative recommendation. Councilor Rheault stated that the Uniform Allowance and Longevity should remain separate items and this was a terrible precedent to set. Councilor Rossi is against the transfer and these two items should never be rolled into one and that it was crazy to even think of doing something like this. They • are two distinctly different line items and he was an emphatic no and stated that this shouldn't even be considered a valid request. Council President commented that the backup information was merely a printed email and nothing else. If this had been negotiated prior to the submission of the budget, then why was this not included in the budgetary process? If we approve this then we are admitting there is no truth in the • budget process. Administration should have planned for this and had plenty of time to do so. The vote was 0 YES, 8 NO (Councilors Johnson and Rossi), 3 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas, Letellier and Mineo). • 4. TO-2014-16 - Order granting or renewing a .funk Dealer's permit for John's Trucking of Agawam, Inc. located at 415 Silver Street, Agawam, MA 01001 (Council) Motion was made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. Councilor Rossi provided the Administrative Committee report stating there was a positive recommendation for passage of this item. The vote was 8 YES,0 NO,3 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas,Letellier and Mineo) 5. TO-2014-17 -Transfer$100.00 from Council Printing& Copying (#11112- 52280)to Council Dues & Subscriptions(#11112-52170)(Council) Motion was made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Cichetti. Councilor Calabrese again provided the Finance Committee report stating there was a 4-0 positive recommendation for passage of this item and this was to cover the increase in the MMA dues. The vote was 8 YES,0 NO,3 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas,Letellier and Mineo) 6. TO-2014-18 -Voucher List$5,071.00 for the payment of MMA Annual Dues (Council) Motion was made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. Councilor Calabrese again provided the Finance Committee report stating there was a 4-0 positive recommendation for passage of this item. Council President commented that the President of the Massachusetts Councilors Association was in the audience this evening and thanked him for attending our meeting. The vote was 8 YES,0 NO,3 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas, Letellier and Mineo) 5 • • Item 11. New Business 1. ZC-2014-2 - Petition for Zone Change for 105 Rowley Street, Agawam as submitted by Attorney Michael D.Parker on behalf of Carole A. D'Amato, guardian for James J. D'Amato — Suggest a Public Hearing on 9/15/14 (Refer to ! Planning Board) Next Agenda and the item was referred to the Legislative Committee as well as the Planning Board for their public hearing. 2. TOR-2014-5 - An Ordinance to Amend the Code of the Town of Agawam to add Section 49-9 entitled Use of Municipal Vehicles (Councilors Donald Rheault, Robert Rossi and Anthony Suffriti) (Two Readings Required) Next Agenda and the item was referred to the Legislative Committee. ! 3. ZC-2014-1 (TOR 2014-6) -An Ordinance to amend the Code of the Town of Agawam Article XIV entitled Personal Wireless Services Facilities and Towers Chapter 180 §180-94 (Two Readings Required) — Suggest a Public Hearing on 9/15/14 ! Next Agenda and the item was referred to the Legislative Committee as well as the Planning Board for their public hearing. 4. TR-2014-34 - A Resolution designating the position of Inspector of Weights and Measures/Enforcement Office to Code Enforcement Officer/Sealer of Weights and Measures and the position of part time Code Enforcement Officer be designated ! part time the Electrical Inspector. Next Agenda and the item was referred to the Community Relations Committee. Item 1Z Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council. • Councilor Cavallo inquired about the Wads and when will we start to train with them. Council President Johnson stated that we will have a workshop as usual in September and work with Jeff Hulbert, IT Director and Barbara to learn how to use the BoardPaq system. Councilor Cichetti asked Barbara to schedule a Legislative Committee meeting as did Councilor Calabrese for the Community Relations Committee. Ad ournment. The Motion to adjourn was moved and seconded with all in favor of adjourning. Time of ! adjournment 8:19pm 6