Minutes dated December 15, 2014
Meeting was called to order by President Johnson at 7:00pm at the Auditorium at the Roberta G.
Doering School, 68 Main Street, Agawam.
Item A. Roll Call
Roll Call was taken with the following councilors present: George Bitzas, Cecilia Calabrese, Paul
Cavallo, James Cichetti, Council President Christopher Johnson, Gina Letellier, Joseph Mineo,
Vice President Dennis Perry, Donald Rheault, Robert Rossi and Anthony Suffriti. With eleven
councilors present,there was a quorum.
Item B. Moment of Silence and the Pledge o Alle iance.
President Johnson asked for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Item C. CM en's Speak Time
Doreen Prouty was the only citizen signed up for Citizen's Speak .Time wishing to thank the
Council for their past support and ask for their continued support in her re-election to the
Agawam Zoning Board of Appeals.
Item D. Minutes
Motion to approve the December 1, 2014 Regular City Council meeting minutes was made by
Councilors Mineo and seconded by Councilor Rheault. The minutes were approved by a vote of:
11 Yes,0 No.
Item E. Declaration from Council President
1. MMA Trade Show information
It has come to the attention of the Council President that several councilors expressed an interest
in attending the MMA Trade Show in January, 2015. We would need to transfer money to an
already existing line item to pay for these expenses. Please contact Barbara if you are interested
in attending. Also, Council President placed staff evaluations for Auditor and Council
Administrative Assistant to be completed and returned by the January 5`h meeting.
Item F. Presentation of Petitions.Memorials A Remonstrances
1. TR-2014-47 - Resolution to accept a restriction limiting "Alteration" of
"Riverfront Area" (Conservation Commission M.G.L.A. 40§8C)
Motion to approve was made by Councilor Cichetti and seconded by Councilor Letellier. The
vote was 11 YES,0 NO.
2. TR-2014-48 - Resolution opposing mid-year cuts to Unrestricted General
Government Aid and Chapter 70 Education Aid (Councilor Bitzas)
Motion to approve was made by Councilor Cichetti and seconded by Councilor Letellier. Even
though it was not referred to the Legislative Committee, Councilor Bitzas asked for a meeting and
asked Legislative Committee Chair Cichetti to give a report. Councilor Cichetti stated they met
that evening prior to the start of the City Council meeting. There was light discussion on the item
and Councilor Bitzas thanked everyone for meeting. The committee voted to send a positive
recommendation to the Full Council by a vote of 4-0. Councilor Bitzas then thanked the
committee and the Full Council for supporting this item and hopes it will send a strong message.
We need to be proactive and not reactive.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO.
Item 7. Report of Council Committees
Item 8 Elections
1. TE-2014-4 -Election of a member of the Agawam Zoning Board of Appeals to a
term expiring January 1,2018
The Council President mentioned these positions were duly posted and advertised and declared
the floor was open for nominations. Councilor Calabrese nominated Doreen Prouty which was
seconded by Councilor Cavallo. Councilor Rheault moved to close nominations which was
seconded by Councilor Bitzas.
• The vote was 11 YES, 0 NO for Doreen Prouty. Council President thanked her for her
continued service.
2. TE-2014-5 - Election of an alternate member of the Agawam Zoning Board of
Appeals to a term expiring January 1,2018
• Councilor Cavallo nominated Richard Maggi which was seconded by Councilor Calabrese.
Councilor Suffriti moved to close nominations which was seconded by Councilor Cichetti.
The vote was 11 YES, 0 NO for Richard Maggi. Council President mentioned that Richard
Maggi sent an email stating he was unable to attend due to a prior commitment and thanked him
for his continued service.
Item 9. Public Hearin s
• Item 10. Old Business
1. TO-2014-44 - Transfer of$150.00 from Clerk Regular Temp (011611 51020) to
Clerk Longevity (#11611 51400) (Mayor)
i Motion to approve made by Councilor Cichetti and seconded by Councilors Suffriti and Mineo.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO.
• 2. TO-2014-45 -An Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
Amusement Device and Weekly Amusement PERMIT for Buccaneer Lounge,84-86
Maple Street,Agawam,MA(Clerk)
Motion to approve made by Councilor Letellier and seconded by Councilor Rossi. The
Administrative Committee Chair Rossi provided the committee report stating the committee had
no issues with any of the permits and saw no reason not to recommend to the Full Council for
passage. The vote was 3-0 in favor. He also made an amended Motion to Consolidate Items 42
through and including#9 which was seconded by Councilor Suffriti.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO.
3. TO-2014-46 - An Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
Amusement Device and Weekly Amusement PERMIT for Crestview Country Club,
281 Shoemaker Lane,Agawam,MA(Clerk)
See Item#2.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO.
4. TO-2014-47 - An Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
Amusement Device and Weekly Amusement PERMIT for Ray-Mor, Inc. d/b/a The
Elbow,386 Walnut Street,Agawam,MA(Clerk)
See Item#2.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO.
• 5. TO-2014-48 - An Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
Amusement Device and Weekly Amusement PERMIT for Home Plate Sports Bar,
827 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA(Clerk)
See Item #2.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO.
6. TO-2014-49 - An Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
Amusement Device and Weekly Amusement PERMIT for Polish American Club of
Agawam, 139 Southwick Street,Feeding Hills,MA (Clerk)
See Item 42.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO.
7. TO-2014-50 - An Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
• Amusement Device and Weekly Amusement PERMIT for F.S.F., Inc. d/b/a
Riverboat Bar& Grill, 11 South End Bridge Circle,Agawam,MA(Clerk)
See Item #2.
• The vote was 11 YES,0 NO.
8. TO-2014-51 - An Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
Amusement Device and Weekly Amusement PERMIT for Scoreboard Bar &
Restaurant, 15 King Street,Agawam,MA (Clerk)
See Item#2.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO.
9. TO-2014-52 - An Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
Amusement Device and Weekly Amusement PERMIT for West Springfield Fish &
. Game,Inc.,329 Garden Street,Feeding Hills,MA(Clerk)
See Item#2.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO.
10. TO-2014-53 - An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE TO
ACE Auto Body, 1363 Main Street,Agawam, MA. (Clerk)
Motion to consolidate and approve items #10 through and including #14 as well as Item #16 was
made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. The Administrative Committee
Chair Rossi again provided the committee report stating the committee had no issues with any of
• the Class 2 Dealer Licenses and saw no reason not to recommend to the Full Council for passage.
The vote was 3-0 in favor.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO.
• 11. TO-2014-54 - An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE TO
Paul J. LaPointe d/b/a The Car Connection, 820 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills,
MA. (Clerk)
See Item #10.
• The vote was 11 YES,0 NO.
12. TO-2014-55 - An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE TO
Elmwood—D&J Auto Sales,521 River Road, Agawam,MA. (Clerk)
See Item#10.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO.
13. TO-2014-56 - An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE TO
LaFleur Auto Exchange,374 Main Street,Agawam,MA.(Clerk)
See Item#10.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO.
14. TO-2014-57 - An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE TO
• RNK Auto Sales,28 Moylan Lane,Agawam, MA.(Clerk)
See Item 410.
The vote was 11 YES, 0 NO.
15. TO-2014-58 - An Order granting or renewing a Junk Dealer's PERMIT for
David S. Camp Collectables &Jewelry,270 Main Street,Agawam,MA. (Clerk)
Motion to approve made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Rheault. The
Administrative Committee Chair Rossi again provided the committee report stating the
committee had no issues with this Junk Dealer Permit and saw no reason not to recommend to the
Full Council for passage. He also stated that the permit needed to specifically state that said
permit was in effect ONLY for this address at the Flea Market. He wanted it stipulated for this
item as well as the Agawam Coin & Gold that was issued a few weeks ago. If the permit was
already mailed out,the Councilor Rossi requests that a letter be sent specifying the stipulation.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO.
16. TO-2014-59 - An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE TO
Balfour Motors, 1801 Main Street,Agawam, MA.(Clerk)
See Item#10.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO.
Item]]. New Business
1. TO-2014-60 - An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE TO
Zielinski Brothers II,218 Shoemaker Laae, Agawam,MA.(Clerk)
Referred to Administrative Committee,next Agenda.
• 2. TO-2014-61 - An Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
Amusement Device and Weekly Amusement PERMIT for Main Street Still, Inc.,
858 Suffield Street,Feeding Hills,MA(Clerk)
Referred to Administrative Committee, next Agenda.
3. TR-2014-49 - A Resolution accepting a grant from the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts State 911 Department pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws,
Chapter 44, Section 53A for.the Agawam Police Department($27,063.23) (Mayor)
Referred to Finance Committee,next Agenda.
4. TR-2014-50 - A Resolution accepting a grant from the Massachusetts
Department of Housing and Community Development pursuant to Massachusetts
General Laws Chapter 44,Section 53A to the Town of Agawam ($10,000.00)
• Referred to Finance Committee, next Agenda.
Item 1Z Any other matter that may lerally come before the City Council.
Councilor Bitzas began wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Councilor
. Letellier also wished everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwanza or whatever you
celebrate —just enjoy spending time with your family. Councilor Cavallo echoed same wishes
and reminded everyone that the School Budget timeline has been sent to them in case you wanted
to attend a meeting however no numbers have been presented. Councilor Suffriti wished
everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and said to be safd and enjoy your families.
Councilor Rheault thanked everyone for the belated birthday wishes and said have a very blessed
and happy Christmas and a Happy New Year. Councilor Perry wished a Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year to the camera crew, Barbara, all the people in town and his fellow councilors.
Councilor Mineo also stated have a good holiday and hoped Santa was good to everyone and
looked forward to seeing everyone at the Council Christmas party on Thursday. He thanked
* everyone for their donations to the Women's Club to local needy families. Councilor Cichetti
echoed everyone's wishes all around the board. Enjoy your time with your families and friends.
Councilor Calabrese reminded everyone to drive safely because it's dark very early and to be
mindful of the school bus lights. She also commended the town on the spectacular holiday light
display this year. Councilor Rossi also wished everyone a happy holiday and wanted clarification
on the Council President's Memo regarding TOR-2014-9. He felt the item was important and
shouldn't be withdrawn due to a technicality. Council President stated he too felt it was
important however when it was eluded that he did something illegal by neglecting to refer it to
the Planning Board, he decided to withdraw it. Councilor Rossi agreed to sponsor it and put it
back on the Agenda. Councilor Letellier wished to be a co-sponsor as well. Councilor Rossi
reminded everyone not to drink and drive and be safe out there. Council President brought up the
• inquiry regarding the issue at AHS. With everyone's permission,he would send a response that it
is out of the City Council's prevue but will most assuredly pass on the inquiry to the
Superintendent. He'd be happy to do this on behalf of the City Council. Also he suggested a
reminder not to hit "reply all" in emails. Emails are acceptable means of communication
however it cannot be used to discuss items of Agenda or potential items of Agenda. By hitting
"reply all", you are including everyone in the cc part of the email thus potentially violating the
Open Meeting Laws. Councilor President also wished everyone a happy and healthy holiday.
The Motion to adjourn was moved all around the house with all in favor of adjourning. The time
of adjournment was 7:31pin.