CC MTG MINUTES JANUARY 6 2014 REGULAR MEETING OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Minutes dated January 6, 2014 Councilor Rheault — Good evening. Welcome to the January 6"' City Council meeting. This is purely an organizational meeting and the reason why I sit is because the Town Charter under Section 22 declares that I am the oldest member of the Council and the Agenda is as follows: Item 1. Roll Call Councilor Rheault—Let's start with the Roll Call first. ROLL CALL — I I PRESENT, 0 ABSENT Councilor Rheault--Eleven present. We have a full quorum. Item 2. Homent of Silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Councilor Rheault—Please rise for a moment of silence and a Pledge of Allegiance. Item .3. Election s 1. 11,-2014-1 - Election of City Council President Councilor Rheault—Nominations are now open to the floor. Councilor Minco —I'd like to nominate Chris Johnson. Councilor Rheault—Chris Johnson's been nominated. Councilor Calabrese -- Second. Councilor Rheault— Second is not necessary but I'll accept it. Councilor Bitzas —Move to close nominations. Councilor Rheault — Moved by Councilor Bitzas to close the nominations. All those in favor? Ay? Opposed? Barbara, would you please call the Roll for the record? ROLL CALL — I I CHRIS JOHNSON Councilor Rheault — By a vote of 11 -- 0 you have unanimously elected Chris Johnson as City Council President. On behalf of the Council, congratulations Chris. Council President Johnson —Thank you. Thank you all. 1 • Councilor Rheault —I will turn it over to you. Councilor President Johnson—You can continue. 2. TE-2014-2 - Election of City Council Vice President • Councilor Rheault---Nominations are open. Councilor Mineo —I'd like to nominate Dennis Perry. Councilor Rheault—Dennis Perry's been nominated. Councilor Calabrese — Move to close nominations. Councilor Rheault— Moved by Councilor Calabrese to close nominations. Council President Johnson —Second. Councilor Rheault— Second, Barbara please call the Doll? ROLL CALL— 11 DENNIS PERRY • Councilor Rheault — I I for Dennis Perry. You have unanimously elected Dennis as your Vice President. Congratulations! Vice President Perry —Thank you. Item 4. Any other matter that may ISgally come before the Cilk Council. Councilor Rheault — I think that in order is to select or draw for seats at this time which is a standard procedure. (Switching seats) Councilor Rheault— Starting with number one - Councilor Rossi --Nothing this evening. • Councilor Rheault—Thank you. Councilor Calabrese? Councilor Calabrese—I have nothing, Councilor Cichetti —Nothing, thank you. • Councilor Rheault— Councilor Mince? 2 • Councilor Minco —Nothing tonight. Councilor Rheault—Councilor Perry? Vice President Perry — Just briefly I want to thank all of you for having the confidence for electing me back to the Council Vice President seat. I appreciate your confidence in me and I look forward to leading this Council in the next year. Thank you. Councilor Rheault-- Councilor Johnson? President Johnson — I would just reiterate what Dennis just said. I really appreciate your support and confidence. Dennis and I have worked hard over the last couple of years and look forward to working with all of you over the coming years. Thank you. Councilor Rheault-- Councilor Suffriti? Councilor Suffriti —Nothing tonight, thank you, Councilor Rheault—Councilor Cavallo? Councilor Cavallo -- I have nothing this evening. Councilor Rheault— Councilor Letellier? Councilor Letellier — Just want to wish everyone, including my fellow councilors, a happy, healthy and prosperous 2014. Councilor Rheault—Councilor Bitzas? Councilor Bitzas —Happy 20I4 to all. Councilor Rheault—;Vice to have you at the end. It's nice and short. Councilor Bitzas —No, I'm in the front I'm first... Councilor Rheault— On behalf, I want to wish both of you the very best of luck and the rest of the Council in this coming year and stay healthy and have a Happy New Year and I'll now entertain a Motion to adjourn. So moved by the Council, seconded by the Council. All those in favor say Ay? We are now adjourned. Good evening. Adjournment at 7:09pm • a •