CC MTG MINUTES NOVEMBER 17 2014• REGULAR MEETING OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Minutes dated November 17, 2014 • Meeting was called to order by President Johnson at 7:00pm at the Auditorium at the Roberta.G. Doering School, 68 Main Street,Agawam. Item A. Roll Call ROLL CALL—10 PRESENT, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese) Roll Call was taken with the following councilors present: George Bitzas, Paul Cavallo, James Cichetti, Council President Christopher Johnson, Gina Letellier, Joseph Mineo, Vice President Dennis Perry, Donald Rheault, Robert Rossi and Anthony Suffriti. Cecilia Calabrese was absent. With ten councilors present, there was a quorum. Item B. Moment of Silence and the Pledge ofAlleziance. President Johnson asked for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Item C. Citizen's Speak Time There were several citizens signed up for Citizen's Speak Time all of whom spoke in favor of the Resolution for the School Street Barn. They were as follows: • Robert Magovern Elizabeth R.airigh Richard Bennett George Galiatsos Magda Galiatsos • John Walsh also supported the barn but specifically to restore it to leave as a barn and reminded Council to keep an eye on the structural supplies. Also speaking were Robert Magovern and Shelley Reed in support of the Resolution for the Track facility Item D. Minutes Motion to approve the November 5, 2014 Regular City Council meeting minutes was made by Councilors Rossi and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. The minutes were approved by a vote of: 10 Yes,0 No, 1 Absent. • Item E. Declaration from Council President None. 1 • Item F. Presentation ofPetidons,Memorials& Remonstrances 1. TR-2014-30 - Resolution to establish an Ad Hoc Sub-Committee of the Agawam City Council to initiate an investigation of the Agawam Municipal Golf Course pursuant to Section 2-11 of the Agawam Home Rule Charter (Councilors Letellier, • Johnson and Perry) Motion to take the item off the table made by Councilor Letellier and seconded by Councilor Perry. Motion to approve main item made by Councilor Letellier and seconded by Councilor Perry. Councilor Bitzas stated he would like to see a citizen appointed by * the Mayor and confirmed by the Council. Made a Motion to do an amendment to the amendment to have two councilors and one citizen — this was seconded by Councilor Cichetti. First we need to have discussion on the item. Councilor Rossi said the original intent of this item was a Council undertaking and should remain so. We don't need anyone's permission to have a "fact-finding" committee. Council President put forth a good compromise. Councilors Perry and Letellier agreed that the compromise put forth was a good one. Councilor Perry also stated that this is a Council committee — not the Mayor's, not the citizens', not the Golf Commission's — and will not support Councilor Bitzas' amendment to the amendment. Councilor Letellier said the Mayor had plenty of time to correct these issues way back at budget time. Nothing happened in this regard until the Council started questioning things and hopes to be given answers and not encounter road blocks all the time. Councilor Cavallo reiterated his dislike of the term "investigation" while Councilor Rheault stated that the term investigation is right in our Charter and he is against the amendment to the amendment. Councilor Cichetti said enough is enough, simply put the Council needs to take some sort of action with regard to this item. Let's move forward and help the golf course — the back and forth is crazy. • Regardless of the committee, the meetings would be open meetings and anyone would be welcomed to attend. Councilor Mineo agreed that this has gone on long enough and made a Motion to move the question which was seconded by Councilor Bitzas. Motion to make an amendment to the amendment made by Councilor Bitzas was • defeated by a vote of 4 YES (Councilors Bitzas, Cavallo, Cichetti and Mineo), 6 NO (Councilors Johnson, Letellier, Perry, Rheault, Rossi and Suffriti), 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese) Motion to amend the original item with the Council President's amended version made by Councilor Letellier and seconded by Councilor Perry. The item was passed by a vote of 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese) 2. TR-2014-37 -A Resolution appropriating from the Community Preservation Fund and authorizing the expenditure of Community Preservation Funds for the rehabilitation of the Athletic Facility located at the Agawam High School (CPA) • Motion made by Councilor Cichetti and seconded by Councilor Bitzas. Councilor Rossi stated that we already reduced the track bonding by one million dollars and we should not delay this by tabling it -- let's move forward. Councilor Letellier mentioned that she proposed the cut in the first place and has no problem voting this evening and Councilor Bitzas agreed with both councilors. • The item was passed by a vote of 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese). 2 • 3. TR 2014-38 - A Resolution appropriating from the Community Preservation Fund and authorizing the expenditure of Community Preservation Funds for the preservation,rehabilitation and restoration of the historic School Street Barn(CPA) Motion made by Councilor Suffriti and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. Discussion started with i Councilor Bitzas wanting to amend the resolution to include the words ONLY without alterations etc. He was seconded by Councilor Cavallo. However, Councilor Mineo pointed out that we should be allowed to discuss this first so both makers of the Motions withdrew. Councilor Cavallo said he would be adamantly against a second phase or anything other than the barn remaining a barn and that's it. Councilor Mineo reminded everyone that the only thing before the Council this evening was the one phase and that was it. It is not necessary to amend the resolution. If they want to do a second phase they would have to come before us again. We are preserving the barn and that's it. He would support anything more either. Councilor Rheault stated that Jack Walsh who spoke during Citizen's Speak Time said everything he also believed. Adding alterations wouldn't be supported. It's paid for by the Historical Fund of the CPA and for this reason he would support it to make the barn structurally sound. Councilor Rossi also stated that there is money in the Historical CPA account and if the Historical Commission desires to spend it on restoring the barn, then it's okay with him. Councilor Letellier made a Point of Clarification that with every CPA application there are details that they have to adhere to. If they do anything other than what is documented in the application, they could be in trouble. She wouldn't support the amendment because it is redundant. Councilor Bitzas again made the Motion to amend adding the words "ONLY...without adding heat, air conditioning, dry wall and plumbing..."which Councilor Suffriti added was more than the allowed ten words however there wasn't a second this time. The item was passed by a vote of 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese). 4. TR-2014-43 - A Resolution appropriating from the Community Preservation Fund and authorizing the expenditure of Community Preservation Funds for the Roof Replacement of the Shea Field Storage/Bathroom Building(CPA) Motion made by Councilor Suffriti and seconded by Councilors Cavallo and Cichetti. The item was passed by a vote of 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese). 5. TR-2014-45 -A Resolution to appropriate an amount$22,245.20 from Free Cash to the Agawam Golf Course(Mayor) Motion was made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. The item was passed by a vote of 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese). 6. TR-2014-46 - A Resolution to appropriate an amount not to exceed $91,000.00 from Free Cash to the Agawam Golf Course (Mayor) Motion was made by Councilor Bitzas and seconded by Councilor Cichetti. Councilor Rossi stated that he had voted on TR-2014-45 because the Council had no choice or the amount would be added to the tax levy. Mr. Roberto should have a surplus so he might not need this money. The golf course got themselves into this mess and he thinks they should have to get themselves out of it. Council President Johnson stepped out of the Chair and stated that our choices are simple — either we cut $91,000 from the FYI 5 budget or allow this as a type of credit line to finish operations for this year. The DOR states we can only spend what you made in the prior w year. $589,000 is targeting for them next year and if they hit that,then they could repay both the $91,000 and the $22,245.20. This is tougher to vote yes on this item — more difficult than the previous item. If we don't vote on this, the golf course will be closing their doors in the spring. We have been put in a box but it is because they created it. If we cut the $91,000, then they 3 • • won't have enough money to stay open past June next year. Councilor Rheault agreed that the decision is very difficult. Other than the golfers, most citizens do not want to spend taxpayers' money to support the golf course. At some point we have to draw the line and for him, the line has been drawn. Councilor Letellier questioned the timing — does the Council have to vote on this item tonight. Council President Johnson didn't think we could wait too long in order to • conform to DOR regulations —at the very latest the first December meeting. Right now the golf course is on track to spending a significantly higher amount this coming year. Councilor Letellier also asked if we could come up with a combination of cuts and Free Cash appropriations to handle this which yes, that was within the Council's prevue according to Council President. Stepping from the Chair, Council President Johnson also stated that he would never want to see • the golf course close and knowing his role as a councilor; he is just looking for accountability of the representations made to us. If the golf course indeed hit the $589,000 target then they could repay both of these appropriations. Councilor Letellier commented that she is not comfortable with in essence writing a blank check to which Council President agreed. Councilor Cavallo stated the Council should vote for this. We just voted on and established a Golf Course Committee which will oversee and review all of this —we should let that committee do its work. • Council President said is the Council approves this then we must hold them accountable and that would beat budget time. We have appropriated $300,000 for the carts, $22,245 and $91,000—all in one year—must hold them accountable. Councilor Rossi agreed and said no one wants to see the course close however it has been on a slippery slope for some time and we, as a Council, are not getting the respect we deserve. We have to be responsible for these appropriations but the Administration doesn't seem to care. He has a bad feeling about this however he is willing to go • along with this with the promise of them paying this money back. The community does not deserve this. Councilor Bitzas stated that we already asked for clarification from the Mayor to repay the $91,000 back to the General Fund. If the golf course closed, someone will build 175 homes there with children in schools, etc, all at an additional cost to taxpayers. He agreed it is difficult to vote on this but we must do it, there is no choice. Councilor Perry mentioned that the Council is also part of the problem in essence. This money should have been cut back at budget • time however we approved the budget. We are part of the problem. We made recommendations to make cuts but never followed through and voted on them. Please remember this a budget time. The item was passed by a vote of 7 YES (Councilors Bitzas, Cavallo, Cichetti, Johnson, Mineo and Perry), 3 NO (Councilor Letellier (who tried to Charter Object • but it was too late — it must be done before voting begins), Councilors Rheault and Suffriti), 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese). Item 7. Report of Council Committees • None. Item 8. Elections None. • Item 9. Public Hearinms 1. PH-2014-8(TR-2014-44) - A Resolution adopting a Residential Factor of .823463 pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws,Chapter 40, Section 56 (Mayor) • Motion was made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Letellier. Public Hearing was opened. Assessor Kevin Baldini made a fine presentation providing a comparison of rates between Agawam, West Springfield and Westfield—Agawam continues to have the lowest rates 4 • • even with this slight increase. There were no citizens speaking for or against or in name only for or against. Public Hearing was closed. Council President Johnson wanted to compliment the Assessor on the breakdown and great information that he provided. Councilor Mineo also thanked the Assessor for his excellent presentation and booklet. • The item was passed by a vote of 10 YES, 0 NO, l ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese). Item M Old Business 1. TOR-2014-5 - An Ordinance to Amend the Code of the Town of Agawam to • add Section 49-9 entitled Use of Municipal Vehicles(Councilors Donald Rheault and Robert Rossi) (Two Readings Required) Motion to take the item off the table was moved and seconded. Motion to approve was made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Cichetti. Councilor Rossi was amazed at the controversy this simple ordinance has caused. He was accused of trying to be a micro-manager • which if anyone knows him; he is a goals-oriented person certainly not a micro-manager. His intent was to simply have appropriately-designated town cars with town seals and blue plates and feels there should be something in the Town Code. Councilor Rheault mentioned that this all started when the Mayor purchased his own car which is unlabeled with no identification and without any knowledge to the Council. Councilor Letellier agreed with the intent and agrees . there are issues and that the idea is right of trying to reach the goal of properly marked and identified municipal vehicles and that too many employees drive their cars home. Councilor Cavallo said we have bigger fish to fry than to get consumed with this issue and that he was the one was said this was trying micro-managing the Administration. Councilor Rossi said the Solicitor has refused to cooperate and come to meetings and it just isn't right and is totally untrue that this might subject the town to unfair collective bargaining. The first reading was defeated by a vote of 4 YES (Councilors Johnson, Perry, Rheault and Rossi), b NO (Councilors Bitzas, Cavallo, Cichetti, Letellier, Mineo and Suffriti), 1 ABSENT(Councilor Calabrese) 2. TO-2014-32 - An Order Granting or Renewing a Junk Dealer's PERMIT for • Agawam Coin and Gold,270 Main Street(Flea Market),Agawam,MA(Clerk) Motion to remove the item from the table made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Rheault. Motion to approve made and seconded with the Administrative Committee report made by Councilor Rossi as Chair. After reviewing the information and meeting with the applicant, the committee made a positive recommendation for passage of this item. • The item was passed by a vote of 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese). 3. TO-2014-34 - An Order Granting a Class 1 Dealer's LICENSE to Beaver Camper Service, 721 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA.(Clerk) Motion was made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Rossi to approve all the Class 1 Dealer Licenses in a consolidated vote. The report from the Administrative Committee was to send a positive recommendation for all of these licenses. The item was passed by a vote of 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT(Councilor Calabrese). i 5 • 4. TO-2014-35 - An Order Granting a Class 1 Dealer's LICENSE to Sarat Ford Sales,Inc.,221 Springfield Street,Agawam,MA. (Clerk) See item#3. • The item was passed by a vote of 10 YES,0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese). 5. TO-2014-36 - An Order Granting a Class 1 Dealer's LICENSE to Sarat Ford Sales,Inc.,243-249 Springfield Street,Agawam,MA. (Clerk) See item#3. The item was passed by a vote of 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese). 6. TO-2014-37 - An Order Granting a Class 1 Dealer's LICENSE to Sarat Ford Sales,Inc.,250 Springfield Street,Agawam,MA. (Clerk) • See item#3. The item was passed by a vote of 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese). 7. TO-2014-38 - An Order Granting a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE to Elias Auto, 1123 Suffield Street,Agawam,MA.(Clerk) Motion was made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Cichetti to approve all the Class 2 Dealer Licenses in a consolidated vote. The report from the Administrative Committee was to send a positive recommendation for all of these Iicenses. The item was passed by a vote of 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese). 8. TO-2014-39 - An Order Granting a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE to Garden Auto Sales,204 Garden Street,Feeding Hills,MA. (Clerk) See item#7. The item was passed by a vote of 10 YES,0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese). 9. TO-2014-40 - An Order Granting a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE to Joseph J. Polys d/b/a Joe's Truck Repair,97 Ramah Circle South,Agawam, M. (Clerk) See item#7. The item was passed by a vote of 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese). 10. TO-2014-41 - An Order Granting a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE to Luigi's Auto Sales,Inc.,371 South Westfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA. (Clerk) See item V. The item was passed by a vote of 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese). • 6 • 11. TO-2014-42 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device and Weekly Amusement Permit for DKJ Corp. d/b/a Headquarters,485B Springfield Street,Agawam,MA. (Clerk) Motion made by Councilor Rheault and seconded by Councilor Rossi. The Administrative Committee sends a positive recommendation for passage of this item. The item was passed by a vote of 10 YES,0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese). 12. TO-201443 - Budgetary Transfer of $13,000.00 from Capital Improvement Station 2, Electrical Upgrades (#16619-58701) to Fire Department Grounds and Building Maintenance(#12202-52020)(Mayor) Motion was made and seconded. Council President thanked the Fire Chief for his back up information regarding this item. The item was passed by a vote of 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese). Item 11. New Business None • Item 12. Any other matter that may lezally come before the City Council. Councilor Mineo wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and also wished good luck to the AHS football team. Councilor Rheault mentioned since there wasn't any New Business would there still be a meeting on December 1st. Councilor Cavallo complained about the timing of meetings. Councilor Letellier mentioned that the annual Rotary luncheon with Agawam and West Springfield is this Tuesday at the Carriage House at 12:15. The "losing" Rotary Club donates to the Parish Cupboard every year. She also reminded everyone that the Parish Cupboard is in need of socks, boxed meals (i.e. Hamburger Helper, Macaroni & Cheese), hats, gloves and mittens. Councilor Letellier recommended Councilor Perry as Chair of the newly-formed Golf Committee as he has corporate management experience. Councilor Bitzas also wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and mentioned that the MMA released information about the shortfall in Massachusetts and related cuts to local aid. He will be sponsoring a Resolution as the Council needs to be proactive. • Adjournment. The Motion to adjourn was moved and seconded with all in favor of adjourning. Time of adjournment 9:02pm. • • 7 •