Minutes dated September 2, 2014
• Meeting was called to order by President Johnson at 7:00pm at the Auditorium at the
Roberta G. Doering School, 68 Main Street, Agawam.
Item 1, Roll Call
ROLL CALL—10 PRESENT, 1 ASSENT (Councilor Letellier)
Roll Call was taken with the following councilors present: George Bitzas, Cecilia
Calabrese, Paul Cavallo, James Cichetti, Council President Christopher Johnson, Joseph
Mineo, Vice President Dennis Perry, Donald Rheault, Robert Rossi and Anthony Suffhti.
0 Councilor Gina Letellier was not in attendance. With ten councilors present, there was a
Item 2. Moment of Silence and the Pledge afAllegr'anc
0 President Johnson asked for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Item 3. Citizen's Sneak Time
There were two citizens signed up to speak. Florence Coyle spoke about how to report
non-working street lights. She said to get the pole number and report it to your utility
• company. David Morin also spoke about the upcoming District Attorney election.
Item 4. Minutes
Motion to approve the August 4, 2014 Regular City Council meeting minutes was made
• by Councilor Cichetti and seconded by Councilors Rheault and Suffriti. The minutes
were approved by a vote of: 9 Yes, 0 No, 1 Absent (Councilor Letellier), i Abstention
(Councilor Mineo).
Item S. Declaration from Council President
Item 6. :Presentation of Petitions,Memorials & Remonstrances
1. TR-2014-30 - Resolution to establish an Ad Hoc Sub-Committee of the Agawam
City Council to initiate an investigation of the Agawam Municipal Golf Course
pursuant to Section 2-11 of the Agawam Home Rule Charter (Councilors Letellier,
.Johnson and Perry)
This item will remain on the table. Council President Johnson stated that we have some dates
reserved for the Workshop. He suggested Monday, Sept 29`h at 7:00pm in the Community Room
at the library. Barbara will post the notice.
2. TR-2014-34 - A Resolution designating the position of Inspector of Weights and
Measures/Enforcement Office to Code Enforcement Officer/Sealer of Weights and
Measures and the position of part time Cade Enforcement Officer be designated
part time the Electrical Inspector.
Motion was made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Bitzas. Councilor
Calabrese gave the Community Relations Committee report stating that the intent of this
resolution is to change the former Electrical Inspection position into a full time Code
Enforcement Officer and part time Electrical Inspector position. The language, however,
still needs to be tweaked therefore the committee did not make a recommendation and
made the Motion to table. Motion to table made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by
Councilor Perry.
Item 7. Report of CouncU Committees
. None.
Item 8. Elections
Item 9. Public Hearin
1. ZC-2014-1 (TOR-2014-6) - An Ordinance to amend the Code of the Town of
Agawam Article XIV entitled Personal Wireless Services Facilities and Towers
Chapter 180 §180-94 (Two Readings Required) — Suggest a Public Hearing on
This item has been referred to both the Planning Board and the Legislative Committee
and the Public Hearing is scheduled for September 150'. Motion to table was made by
Councilor Cichetti and seconded by Councilor Suffriti and Cavallo.
2. ZC-2014-2 - Petition for Zone Change for 105 Rowley Street, Agawam as
submitted by Attorney Michael D.Parker on behalf of Carole A. D'Amato,
guardian for James J. D'Amato — Suggest a Public Hearing on 9/15/14 (Refer to
Planning Board)
This item has been referred to both the Planning Board and the Legislative Committee
and the Public Hearing is scheduled for September 15t`. Motion to table was made by
Councilor Cichetti and seconded by Councilor Suffriti and Cavallo.
Item 10. Old Business
1. TOR-2014-3 - An Ordinance to Amend.the Chapter 114 of the Agawam Town
Code entitled "Junk and Secondhand Dealers"(Mayor) (2 of 2 readings)
Motion was made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Cichetti.
The vote was 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier) passing the second and final
• 2. TOR-2014-5 - An Ordinance to Amend the Code of the Town of Agawam to
add Section 49-9 entitled Use of Municipal Vehicles(Councilors Donald Rheault and
Robert Rossi)(Two Readings Required)
Motion to table was made by Councilor Cichetti and seconded by Councilor Cavallo.
Item 11. New Business
1. TR-2014-35 -A Resolution authorizing the posting of the Warrant for the State
Primary Election on September 9,2014 and the State Election on November 4,2014
s (Mayor)
Since the election occurs before the City Council's next meeting, Motion to move this item from
New Business to Old Business was made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor
Rheault. The vote was 10 Yes, 0 No, 1 Absent (Councilor Letellier) in favor. Motion to
approve was made by Councilor Cichetti and seconded by Councilor Suffriti.
The vote was 10 YES,0 NO, 1 ABSENT(Councilor Letellier)to approve.
2. TR-2014-36 -A Resolution to bond a new track,field and school locker facility
at the Agawam High School(Mayor)
• This item was referred to the Finance Committee and moved to next Agenda.
3. TO-2014-19 -Voucher List($400.29)
This item was moved to the next Agenda.
4. ZC-2014-3 - Petition for Zone Change for South West Street, Feeding Hills as
submitted by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. on behalf of DCJ Realty, LLC —
Suggest a Public Hearing Date of October 15,2014—Refer to Planning Board
This item was referred to the Planning Board as well as the Legislative Committee and
! moved to the next Agenda. Please note that the date of the Public Hearing will be
October 20t`.
Item 12. Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council.
• All the councilors wished the students, teachers, administration, and secretaries a
successful school year and to drive safely now that the school is back in session.
Councilor Cavallo reminded everyone about the September 11 h ceremony at the
Agawam Fire Department on Main Street. Councilor Mineo stated that he believes in the
democratic process and we all have a right to vote for whomever we choose. Councilor
Calabrese mentioned the upcoming Rosie Robotics Golf Tournament and Council
President Johnson remarked that as the Staples commercial says "back to school - it's the
most wonderful time of the year".
The Motion to adjourn was moved and seconded with all in favor of adjourning. Time of
adjournment 7:20pm