CC MTG AGENDA FEBRUARY 6 2017 AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Z F A 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM,MASSACHUSETTS 01001 413-726-9716 413-726-9717 Fax bbard aaawaxn.nm.us www.a awam.ma.us COUNCIL PRESIDENT James P. Cieheiti COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT Joseph 1fineo COUNCILORS �l u George Bft;=3—Cecilia P. Calabrese—Paul C. Cavallo—Christopher C.Johnson—Gina V,Lelellkr- Donald M. Rheauli—Robert E Rossi—Anthony R.Suffriti—Richard,W. Theroux q ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT—Barbara A.Bard REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ROBERTA G.DOERING SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 68 Main Street,Agawam,Massachusetts ***Monday, February 6, 2017 *** 7:00 P.M. AGENDA A. Roll Call IB. Moment of Silence and the Pledge of Allegiance C. Citizen's Speak Time D. Minutes -y 1. Regular Council Meeting—January 17,2017 W t R� E. Declaration from Council 1?ra id ., 1. Discussion of topics for upcoming workshop c, F. Presentation of Petitions and Resolutions rn G. Re art of Council Committees H. Elections I. Public Hearings J. Old Business 1. TOR-2017-1 - An Ordinance to amend Chapter 180 of the Code of the Town of Agawam Temporary Moratorium on Recreational Marijuana Establishments (Co-sponsored by Mayor Cohen and Councilor Theroux) (1" of two readings) [adding an amendment to place a temporary moratorium through 12131118 to allow town to undertake a planning process related to recreational marijuana] 1 f ' K. New Business 1. TR 2017-4 - A Resolution approving sewer use rates fixed by the Department of Public Works(Mayor) [increase in sewer rates as submitted by the Mayor] 2. TR-2017-5 - A Resolution authorizing the application and acceptance of Massachusetts Community Development Block Program (Mayor) [accepting a CDBG program grant as submitted by the Mayor] —Suggest Public Hearing Date 3. TR-2017-6 - A Resolution confirming the re-appointment of Jennifer Towne, 775 Springfield Street I l B, Feeding Hills, MA. To the Agawam Housing Authority for a term expiring the second Monday in January, 2020(Mayor) 4. TR-2017-7 -A Resolution adopting and endorsing a Tax Increment Financing Agreement between the Town of Agawam and Sound Seal, Inc. (Mayor) [TIF agreement as proposed by j the Mayor] 5. TR-2017-8 - A Resolution authorizing the approval of an inter-municipal animal control shelter between the Town of Southwick and the Town of Agawam (Mayor) [current 1 agreement with Town of Southwick is expiring —this is a renewal as the Town of Agawam does not have its own facility] 6. TO-2017-4 AMENDED — Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device(s) for American Legion Post 185 Wilson-Thompson located at 478 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA. 01030(Clerk) 7. TO-2017-5 - Budgetary Transfer of$10,000.00 from Building Maintenance Regular Permanent Salary (Account #1192I-51010 to Building Maintenance Overtime (Account 411921-51030)(Mayor) 8. TO-2017-6 - Budgetary Transfer of $2,000.00 from Building Maintenance Regular Permanent Salary (Account #11921-51010) to Building Maintenance Regular Temporary (Account#11921-51020)(Mayor) 9. TOR-2017-2 - An Ordinance to amend Section 49-7(9)(D)(1) of the Code of the Town of Agawam to update the hourly wages for election & census workers (Councilor Bitzas) (Two Readings Required) [increase in hourly wage for poll workers as submitted by Councilor Bitzas] L. Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council. M. Adjournment. 2 •1 ..