Minutes dated April 3, 20I7
Meeting was called to order by Council Vice President Mineo at 7:00pm in the Auditorium of the Roberta G. Doering
School, 68 Main Street,Agawam.
Item A. Roll Call
Roll Call was taken with the following councilors present: George Bitzas, Cecilia Calabrese, Christopher Johnson,
Council Vice President Joseph Minco, Robert Rossi and Anthony Suffriti. Council President James Cichetti and
Councilor Donald Rheault were absent. With nine present,there was a quorum.
Item B. Moment of Silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.
' Council Vice President Mineo asked for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Item C. Citizen's Speak Time
1 The following spoke regarding TR-2017-17 Walnut Street Ext. Streetscape Project:
• Michelle Chase,Town Engineer
• Dave Morrie
• Billy Chester
• Linda Galarneau
' • Stephen Roth
• Donald Cook
• Corinne Wingard(also spoke on Housing Committee Town Meeting)
1 • Doug Reed
• Vakny Chonmany
Michelle Chase stated after the lively debate at the recent joint meeting, they are working to make revisions to reduce
' funding and phasing re-options are being considered. Dave Morrie thought the project was foolish and ill-advised at
best and referred to it as `Walnut Street Fantasy Land'. Billy Chester is not in support of the project and would rather
see funding go toward the forgotten Feeding Hills Sewer Project. Linda Galarneau said this funding should go towards
' putting in an Early Childhood Center. Stephen Roth said the Mayor's vision was flawed and quoted several councilors
expressing concern for the fixed-income senior resident noting how this would again overburden our seniors. Donald
Cook said `the back of this camel has finally been broken' and stated this project was a big waste to benefit a small
' percentage of the town and noted that the Early Childhood Center was also not necessary. Corinne Wingard still
unsure whether it would be a good project or not but said it seemed like a decent idea after enough people expressing
an interest in making this project a priority. She also reminded everyone of the Housing meeting on April 4 . Doug
' Reed spoke in support of his brother-in-law's business and his being upset at staring at Games &Lanes. He noted the
fact that even if this project passed, that eyesore would still be there and that this project is putting the cart before the
horse. Vakny Chonmany did not agree with this project and mentioned that his taxes were high enough. He thought it
' seemed more like a sales pitch and anything else.
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Item D. Minutes
1. Regular Council Meeting—March 20,2017
i' Motion to approve made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Letellier.Voice vote approved.
Item E. Declaration from Council President
Item F. Presentation oLPetrtions.Memorials&Remonstrances
1. TR 2017-17 -A Resolution to Appropriate and Authorize Borrowing in the Amount of$5,280,000.00
for the Walnut Street Extension Streetscape Improvement Project(Sponsored by Mayor Cohen)
Motion to table made by Councilor Bitzas. He stated he wants to let the people be heard and wants another public
meeting. Before tabling, several councilors made comments. Councilor Letellier said if it were to be tabled then it
should be tabled to both the Finance and the Community Relations Committees are previously referred. Councilor
Rossi disagreed with tabling this. The plan makes no sense. The Mayor has only asked to table this because they see
' their item going down and want to save it. This should be withdrawn and then come back with something better that
makes sense or just vote it down. We do not need to table it. Councilor Theroux thanked the citizens who came to
speak at Speak Time. The Administration and Engineering Department brought this forward mainly because of the
Morgan Sullivan Bridge Project and how this would tie in with that. The price tag is too large but it would have been
negligent on their part NOT to bring it to us. Games & Lanes is another problem. There are many issues with all of
this but it needs more discussion. The owners of the buildings and the businesses need to buy in. We can't just let this
go however we need to prioritize things. He is in favor of meeting as many times as necessary to revitalize this area
and hopefully Games & Lanes will be sold or torn down. Councilor Letellier said if anyone is negligent it is the
Mayor who should have set a specific budget for this project right from the start. His attitude of`if you build it, they
will come' doesn't work and his failure to set a budget ahead of time is why this is happening now. Councilor Johnson
is not in support of the project however we owe the Mayor the professional courtesy to table it. There is no harm or
foul in tabling it. The timeline is due to the Mass Highway Morgan Sullivan Bridge Project. Councilor Bitzas agreed
with Councilor Johnson. We should respect the Mayor and the Engineering Department. We could have another
meeting and the Mayor will be there with Department Heads to answer everyone's questions—all these people have a
' right to be heard. Councilor Cavallo noted that there weren't many if any people in the audience that supported this
item. Councilor Theroux said he applauded Councilor Suffriti for continuing to mention Games & Lanes and keep it
in the forefront. We need to get in the game and get involved. He also noted that if the Administration had included
the Council from the beginning on some of these items we would have more input instead of receiving the items at the
last minute.
' The vote was 8 YES, 1 NO(Councilor Rossi),2 ABSENT(Councilors Cichetti and Rheault)tabling the item.
Item G. &Cort of Council Commatteg
' None.
' Item H. Elections
Item L Public Hearings
' None.
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' Item J. Old Business
1. TOR-2017-3 - An Ordinance to amend the Code of the Town of Agawam Zoning ordinances
Regarding Commercial Ground Mounted Photovoltaic Installations (Planning Board) (Two Readings
• Required) - Suggest a Public Hearing Date (Tabled 3/20/17) (Re-referred to the Planning Board and
Legislative Committee—Joint PB/City Council meeting set for 4/6/17)
' Motion to remain on the table made by Councilor Letellier and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. Councilor Johnson
moved to set the Public Hearing for May 1, 2017 and was seconded by Councilor Theroux. Council Vice President
• Mineo also cancelled the Joint meeting with the Planning Board for April e. Councilor Johnson clarified that
according to the Asst. Solicitor's memo to us,there was not sufficient time to hold the joint meeting since the Planning
Board's executive session would last too long.
' 2. TOR-2017-4 - An Ordinance to amend Chapter 103 "Fees" of the Code of the Town of Agawam
(Sponsored by Councilor Theroux)(Second and Final Reading)(Referred to Legislative Committee)
Motion to approve the second and final reading made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Cavallo.
The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT(Councilors Cichetti and Rheault)approving the second and final reading.
3. TO-2017-13 - Voucher List for MMA Trade Show reimbursements ($929.28) (Referred to Finance
Motion to approve made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Letellier. As Chair of the Finance
Committee, Councilor Johnson provided the report stating that a motion to approve the voucher list was made by
Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Letellier. The motion was approved by a 3 Yes 0 No and 2
•� Absent vote.
The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT(Councilors Cichetti and Rheault)approving the item.
' 4. TOR-2017-5 - An Ordinance establish a revolving fund pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 44 Section 53E1/2 for Overflow Trash Bags (Sponsored by Mayor Cohen) (1 of Two Readings)
(Referred to Legislative Committee)
Motion to approve the first reading was made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilors Theroux and
' Johnson.As Chair of the Legislative Committee, Councilor Theroux provided his report stating that his committee sent
a positive recommendation to the Full Council with a vote of 4 Yes, 0 NO, 1 Absent(Councilor Rheault). Councilor
• Theroux stated that when it comes time to implement this that Tracy DeMaio should appear before the Council with
' more information about the cost of the extra trash bags and where they can be purchased and whether or not extra bins
can be purchased. Councilor Johnson made the Motion to amend the Ordinance to reflect the date of 2017 not 2016 -
this was seconded by Councilor Bitzas.
' The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT(Councilors Cichetti and Rheault)approving the first reading as amended.
Item K. New Business
1. TR-2017-18 - A Resolution accepting a grant in the amount of $6,460.00 from the Massachusetts
Emergency Management Agency pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A to
' the Town of Agawam (Sponsored by Mayor Cohen)
Referred to Finance Committee,next Agenda.
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2. TR-2017-19 -A Resolution accepting a grant ($12,018.30)from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
State 911 Department pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A for the
Agawam Police Department(Sponsored by Mayor Cohen)
i� Referred to Finance Committee,next Agenda.
3. TR-2017-20 -A Resolution confirming the reappointment of Henry A.Kozloski, 102 Meadow Street,
Agawam, MA to the Community Preservation Act Committee to a term expiring April 30, 2020
Next Agenda.
4. TR-2017-21 - A Resolution confirming the reappointment of Violet Baldwin, 1245 Main Street,
Agawam, MA to the Community Preservation Act Committee to a term expiring April 30, 2020
INext Agenda.
5. TO-2017-14 -An Order granting or renewing a Junk Dealer's PERMIT for T's Art Studio,38 Rising
' Street,Feeding Hills,Ma.(Clerk)
Refer to Administrative Committee,next Agenda.
6. TO-2017-15 -Budgetary transfer of$12,227.06 from Capital Improvement Holdover#16619-58500
to Fire Department Protective and Safety Equipment#12203-52410(Mayor)
!' Referred to Finance Committee,next Agenda,
7. TO-2017-16 -Budgetary transfer of$5,010.10 from Irrigation#65269-58431 to Municipal Golf Water
' Purchase#65262-56670(Mayor)
Referred to Finance and Ad Hoc Golf Committees,next Agenda.
!� 8. TO-2017-17 -Budgetary transfer of$168.74 from Municipal Golf Fuel&Oil#65263-52130 to
Municipal Golf Water Purchase#65262-56670(Mayor)
1 Referred to Finance and Ad Hoc Golf Committees,next Agenda.
! 9. ZC-2017-1 -Petition for Zane Change by Owner Volodymyr Boyko for property located at 30 Royal
Lane from Agricultural to Residential B—Suggest a Public Hearing Date of May 1,2017
Set the Public Hearing Date of May 1, 2017 and referred to Legislative Committee, next Agenda. Councilor Theroux
' asked if we would have enough time to receive the Planning Board's recommendation. (Council Administrative
Assistant said yes,the Planning Board was scheduling their Public Hearing for April 2&).
Item L- Anx other mutter that may lezally come before the City Council.
Councilor Suffriti said it was now the month of April and he is anxiously awaiting Mr. Peters' report on Games &
Lanes and whether it will be sold, torn down or rebuilt. Time to start pushing and he also noted there are other
S buildings in town notably Caesar's on Silver Street. Councilor Suffriti would like an updated list of the blighted
properties in town. Councilor Letellier joked that the Red Sox were currently undefeated. Councilor Letellier also
mentioned she had never heard of a Capital Improvement Plan holdover account. She asked Council Administrative
Assistant to find out what it is and why the funds have not been moved over to Free Cash. Councilor Calabrese
commended the volunteers from Agawam that were at the recent Home Show selling Wreaths across America.
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Councilor Theroux mentioned asking the Law Department about whether the Soldier On housing project would have
an effect on getting the 10% affordable housing as required by state law. He also said as councilors we need to get in
the game and get more involved. We should be involved from the starts with our comments and concerns. Councilor
Bitzas agreed with Councilor Suffriti. He spoke with Mr. Peters last week who said he had two interested parties in
' purchasing Games & Lanes and possibly converting it to something nice —we should know within 2-3 weeks and if
p g p Y g g
not, he would tear it down. Councilor Cavallo reminded the Council about the School Budget joint workshop on April
0. Council Vice President congratulated Jake Wieners on winning a PSA contest and receiving$10,000 for Agawam
High School. That's awesome. He also thanked everyone for bearing with him during his first meeting as Chair.
Item M. Adjoumment.
1 The Motion to adjourn was moved by Councilor Bitzas and seconded all around. Meeting was adjourned.
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