CC MTG MINUTES AUGUST 14 2017 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL ' Minutes dated August 14, 2017 The Special Meeting was called to order by Council President Cichetti at 7:00pm in the Community Room at the Agawam Public Library, 750 Cooper Street, Agawam. Item A. Roll Call ROLL CALL—9 PRESENT,2 ABSENT Roll Call was taken with the following councilors present: Cecilia Calabrese, George Bitzas, Paul Cavallo, Council President James Cichetti, Gina Letellier, Donald Rheault, Robert Rossi, Anthony Suffriti and Richard Theroux. Councilors Johnson and Mineo were absent. With 9 present, there was a quorum. Item B. Moment of Silence and the Pledge of Allekiance. Council President Cichetti asked for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Item C. 1. TR-2017-49 - A Resolution authorizing the adoption of Orders of Taking for the Morgan Sullivan Bridge Project under the authority of Section 14 of Chapter 40 and Chapter 79 and ' Chapter 84 of the General Laws for the construction and maintenance of the Morgan Sullivan Bridge Project (Sponsored by Mayor Cohen) Motion to approve made by Councilors Rheault, Rossi and Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Bitzas. As Chair of the Administrative Committee, Councilor Cavallo provided his report stating that the committee met with Town Engineer, Michelle Chase and Solicitor Patrick Toney who provided a very detailed presentation ' to the committee and Full Council. They reviewed what land was being taken by the town as well as which land MassDOT was handling. They have worked with the businesses and residents as well. Offer letters went out and there are a few businesses negotiating with the town. There is a three year appeal process. •' There are many easements with utilities as well as others. Some citizens and business owners expressed their concerns about police involvement and the hope that communication will improve. Discussion began with Councilor Bitzas stating he was glad to see this finally happening and thinks the intersection will look very nice. Councilor Letellier wanted to send a big thank you to Michelle Chase for all of her work. Michelle Chase appreciated that and expressed how difficult and involved the easement process has been. Councilor Rossi noted that some business owners were not yet on board with this to which Michelle Chase ' reiterated that there was a three year financial appeal process. Councilor Cavallo expressed concern about the CSX railroads and the proposed message boards. Michelle responded that the state has some proprietary issues and they are not as on board as the town is regarding CSX message boards however she will be ' pushing to get these done. Councilor Letellier also noted that the construction will cause increased traffic issues at the Rt 57 rotary as traffic will be rerouted. Councilor Suffriti mentioned everyone should reach out to local legislators to get the message boards installed. ' The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT ) approving Councilors Johnson and Mineo a rovin the item. � • Item D. Adiournment. The Motion to adjourn was moved by Councilor Letelllier and seconded all around. Meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm. i REGULAR MEETING OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL ' Minutes dated September S, 2017 Meeting was called to order by Council President Cichetti at 7:00pm in the Auditorium at the Roberta G. Doering School, 68 Main Street,Agawam. Item A. Roll Call ROLL CALL— 11 PRESENT,0 ABSENT Roll Call was taken with the following councilors present: George Bitzas, Cecilia Calabrese, Paul Cavallo, Council President James Cichetti, Christopher Johnson, Gina Letellier, Council Vice President Joseph Mineo, Donald Rheault, Robert Rossi,Anthony Suffriti and Richard Theroux. With 1 present,there was a quorum. . Item B. Moment of Silence and the Pled e a Alle iance. Council President Cichetti asked for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Item C. Citizen's Speak Time The following citizens spoke: + Corinne Wingard spoke about the Meet the Candidate nights on October 3rd for all City Council candidates and ' October 4th for mayoral candidates. It will be a "meet and greet" forum at the Agawam Public Library from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. • Charlene Clark—spoke about the speed bump issue in the area of Paul Revere Drive in Feeding Hills • Joseph Moore—spoke about the opioid crisis and thanked mayoral candidate James Cichetti for releasing his 5 point plan and would like to be a part of the discussion to get rid of the stigma and shame associated with this disease • AFD Chief Alan Sirois—asked for support of TR-2017-48 and replacing the outdated fire trucks • William Clark — spoke about storm drain problem in town and the lack of investment in infrastructure; questioned the use of Chapter 90 funds on the Morgan Sullivan Bridge easements; asked for support for TOR- �' 2017-7 Capital Improvement Planning Committee saying it was a good idea and can help communication; questioned the letter of no opposition to Mr. Flores plan to put in a medical marijuana facility in town when RMD Herbology did not receive the same; and asked for attention to be paid to Valley Brook Park in Feeding Hills. Item D. Minutes ' 1. Regular Council Meeting—August 7,2017 Motion to approve made by Councilor Theroux and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. Voice vote approved noting the ' abstention of Councilor Calabrese. 2. Special Council Meeting—August 14,2017 Motion to approve made by Councilor Theroux and seconded by Councilors Suffriti and Cavallo. Voice vote approved noting the abstentions of Councilors Johnson and Minco. �i .item E._Declaration from Council Prestdent None. �� 1 i Item F._Presentation of Petitions,Memorials& Remonstrances 1. TR-2017-48 - A Resolution to appropriate and authorize borrowing in the amount of$1,290,675.88 for engine replacement and fleet improvement project (Sponsored by Mayor Cohen) (Referred to Finance Committee) Motion to approve made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. As Chair of the Finance Committee, Councilor Johnson provided the report stating that Chief Sirois explained the need to replace the current 2008 engines as front line apparatus. Chief Sirois indicated that the 2008 engines would undergo some work to repair rust and be utilized as backup pieces while the 1996 engines will be retired. The amount requested is based on a state bid program that allows municipalities to price new apparatus without the need to develop detailed specifications. The new engines would be manufactured by Pierce and the price quote included updating and upgrading equipment for the new engines, as well as, rust repair work on the existing engines. Councilor Theroux made a motion to send a positive recommendation to the Council which was seconded by Councilor Cavallo and the vote was approved by a 3 yes 0 no and 2 absent vote. Councilor Johnson thanked the Chief for his very detailed presentation and back up. Councilor Cavallo also noted that the Chief always comes to the City Council well prepared and it is appreciated. ' The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item. i Item G. Report of Council Committees None. ' Item H. Elections i None. Item I. Public Hearings 1. PH-2017-8 (TOR-2017-9) - An Ordinance to amend Chapter t80 of the Code of the Town of Agawam — Temporary Moratorium on recreational marijuana establishments (Sponsored by Mayor Cohen) (Tabled 8/7/17)(1 of 2 readings) (Referred to Legislative Committee) Motion to remove the item from the table made by Councilor Theroux and seconded by Councilors Johnson and Suffriti. Voice vote was unanimous removing the item from the table. Motion to approve the first reading made by i Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Letellier. Council President declared the Public Hearing open. Neither the sponsor nor anyone else came forward to present the item or to speak in favor. No one spoke in favor in name only either. Billy Chester spoke in opposition stating there should be no debate as the voters voted no and hoped the Council would not go against the majority vote. William Clark stated we should be voting on banning or not banning these establishments instead of wasting time on a moratorium. No one spoke in opposition name only. Council President declared the Public Hearing closed. As Chair of the Legislative Committee, Councilor Theroux provided his report stating that his committee made a Motion to send a positive recommendation to the Full Council made be Councilor Suffriti and seconded by Councilor Rheault. The vote was 3 YES, 0 NO, 2 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas and Calabrese). He also noted that the Council needs to stop and look at what ' we need in town. Even though the town did not vote for this, it passed statewide. This moratorium gives us time to protect our community. Councilor Rossi is against the item as there is no need for this moratorium. The House Bill details it quite well and provides for a moratorium statewide. This is rather redundant. It makes more sense to meet with all the Department Heads to craft an ordinance that addresses this. Councilor Johnson shared some of Councilor Rossi's concerns. The state indeed already has a moratorium in place. He is more concerned that this moratorium conflicts with state law. Should we amend this to match the state moratorium until 2019? Councilor Johnson believes that the majority of people voted on legalization of marijuana—not as to whether or not a facility should be in town. He would like to see a question asking the voters whether or not they want recreation marijuana sales in the Town of Agawam placed on the November ballot. His thought process is either (1) amend the date on the ordinance to December 31, 2019 or (2) defeat it and then place the question on the ballot. Councilor Bitzas agrees with Councilor Johnson but thinks we should act this evening and then find out. Councilor Calabrese applauded Councilor Johnson for i� 2 highlighting the simple remedy which makes sense. Councilor Theroux said the MMA suggested and recommended that communities pass a moratorium. We should probably do what Councilor Rossi suggested and look into town zoning however he did agree that the ordinance should be amended. Councilor Letellier agreed that the MMA has been extremely helpful with this as well as with solar. She would like to have a public hearing or town forum to see what the people want and get an item on the ballot. We should act appropriately rather than acting quickly. Councilor Johnson noted we need to ask the Law Department if this is consistent with the state and favors placing an item on the November ballot. Councilor Johnson made the Motion to amend §180-147(B) to change the effective date from July 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019 which was seconded by Councilor Bitzas. Councilor Rossi reiterated not to lose sight that we need to do something soon and Councilor Rheault agreed. Councilor Cavallo said the community needs to get involved and is in favor of public input. The vote on the amendment was 10 YES, 1 NO (Councilor Rossi) approving the amendment. The vote on the main motion as amended was 10 YES, 1 NO (Councilor Rossi) approving the first reading as amended. 2. PH-2017-9(ZC-2017--3) - Petition for Zone Change by Vitally Hrom for property located at 1178 Suffield Street, Agawam from Industrial to Residence B—Public Hearing date set for September 18, 2017 (Referred to Legislative Committee) Motion to table this item until the Public Hearing on September 18, 2017 made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Johnson. Voice vote unanimously approved. The item was tabled. 3. PH-2017-10 (ZC-2017-4) - Petition for Zone Change by Halladay Farm Trust for property located at 311 Shoemaker Lane from Agricultural to Industrial B and Residential A-3 District- Public Hearing date set for September 18,2#17(Referred to Legislative Committee) 4 Motion to table this item until the Public Hearing on September 18, 2017 made by Councilor Rheault and seconded.by Councilor Johnson. Voice vote unanimously approved. The item was tabled. 4. PH-2017-11 (TOR-2017-10) - An Ordinance to amend the Code of the Town of Agawam Zoning ordinances to add solar energy systems (Sponsored by Councilors Cichetti, Mineo and Suffriti) (Two Readings Required)—Public Hearing date set for September 18,2017(Referred to Legislative Committee) Motion to table this item until the Public Hearing on September 18, 2017 made by Councilor Johnson and seconded by Councilor Letellier. Voice vote unanimously approved. The item was tabled. Item J. Old Business 1. TOR-2017-7 - An Ordinance to Add Section 3-8.7 to the Code of the Town of Agawam entitled Capital Improvement Planning Committee (Sponsored by Councilors Cichetti, Mineo and Suffriti) (Tabled 8/7117) (Second and Final Reading) (Referred to Finance and Legislative Committees) ' Motion to remove the item from the table made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Johnson. Voice vote was unanimous removing the item from the table. Motion to approve the second reading made by Councilor Letellier ' and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. Councilor Cavallo thinks this would be a good trove for the town regardless who is in the mayor's seat next year. This provides improved communication with the administration. Councilor Rossi agreed with the intent however challenges the legality and believes it to be in violation of the Charter. He feels the procedures are invalid and illegal. Councilor Letellier said there are two clear sides. She believes it to be complimentary and NOT contrary to the Charter. This in no way changes the Charter — it just adds to the communication. Right now there is no mechanism to hear from the people. This is NOT adversarial — it is only adversarial if the Mayor does not want to talk with us which is how it is now. Councilor Mineo noted that it mirrors our charter and is a good tool. It gives the people a voice at the table. Councilor Rheault also did NOT see how or where it conflicted with the Charter. He would think it's a matter of if you believe it to be a necessity but said it was not contrary to the Charter. Councilor Johnson concurs with Councilor Rheault in that it in no way is conflicting with �� 3 to the Charter and said the vote is if it is necessary which he believes it to be. He also concurred with Councilor Letellier in that it is complimentary to the Charter, Councilor Letellier noted the the Law Department did act and send their opinion. Councilor Rossi made a Point of Information that it added Section 3 to the Charter to which Councilor Johnson quickly noted that there was no Point of Interest as it specifically states "add Section 3 to the Code of the Town of Agawam" not the Charter. Councilor Theroux stated that he was correct in the sense that the Capital Improvement Plan is in the Charter. Councilor Letellier made valid points for more input for the public. Hopefully with the new administration in January, the Council could have a seat at the table and hopefully set additional parameters and have more input with the process. The process indeed should be more defined and refined. Councilor Cavallo expressed confusion. We are trying to be proactive and should move forward with this. Councilor Theroux said the City Council has the final say on the Capital Improvement Plan anyway. The vote was 7 YES (Councilors Calabrese, Cavallo, Cichetti, Johnson, Letellier, Mineo and Suffriti), 3 NO (Councilors Rheault, Rossi and Theroux), 1 PRESENT(Councilor Bitzas)defeating the second and final reading. 2. TO-2017-28 -Voucher List for MMA Annual Dues S5,434.00(Referred to Finance Committee) ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Letellier. As Chair of the Finance Committee, Councilor Johnson provided the report stating that the funding provides for the town's membership in the Massachusetts Municipal Association which includes the Council and Mayor. Councilor Theroux made a motion to send a positive recommendation to the Council which was seconded by Councilor Cavallo and the vote was approved by a 3 yes 0 no and 2 absent vote. The vote was 11 YES, 0 NO approving the item. Item K. New Business 1. TR-2017-50 - A Resolution authorizing the posting of the warrant for the Town Primary Election on October 10,2017 and the Town General Election on November 7,2017 (Sponsored by Mayor Cohen) •' Next Agenda. 2. TR-2017-51 - A Resolution accepting a FY2018 Traffic Enforcement Grant in the amount of ' $10,000.00 from the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPPS) to the Town of Agawam Police Department(Sponsored by Mayor Cohen) •� Referred to the Finance Committee, next Agenda. Item L. Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council. Councilor Cavallo asked Council President to inquire about the cell service which has not changed since the Verizon cell tower went in and Verizon ensured better service in the Silver Street area. He also wished the students good luck • in the new school year. The Full Council wished all the students and teachers a great year and reminded everyone to ' drive safely. Councilor Theroux asked Council President to invite the appropriate members of the administration to discuss concerns with the Walnut Street area and reminded everyone that we need to be working on the Agawam Shopping Center. Councilor Calabrese is keeping her eye on Ceasar's and wondered what was happening with that. ' Councilor Mineo noted he resolved his cell phone issues by changing carriers. Councilor Letellier expressed ' disappointment with the Chamber in having a mayoral debate that is charging the public to attend. It should be open to the public however she has not received a response from the Chamber. Councilor Cavallo also said the times were not ' good for most people anyway as they have to work. Councilor Letellier acknowledged that but the bigger problem was charging for the debate. It should have been rethought. Councilor Suffiiti reminded Councilor Theroux that he was on the BMI Committee with a meeting on this coming Tuesday, 9/12 at 5,30 in the Peirce Room of the Library if he or 1 anyone would like to attend. Better to start there for more information. Councilor Rossi was grateful that some people are interested in business growth in town but agreed with Mr. Clark regarding the parks especially Valleybrook and Meadowbrook parks and asked for a memo to be sent to the Mayor and Chris Sparks — he wants these neighborhood parks up and running. Council President noted that there is currently a survey online regarding parks and recreational needs in the town. •� 4 AItem M. Adiournment. The Motion to adjourn was moved by Councilor Theroux and seconded all around. Meeting was adjourned at 8:1 1pm. I 01 Tau-7at7-7 AN ORDINANCE TO ADD Sill 3-8.7 pursuant to sub-serhon(C)beow. Any capital funding request that Is at variance from the TO THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF AGAWAM ENTITLED CAPITAL IMPROWMENT PLANNING OOMMrr EE Capital Improviament Planning Committee's written recommendation shall be accompanied by 01 (Sponsored by Colordlors.1ames CEchadirWi ni ph Minmeard Antha wsuffenil a written psilliication of the variance,including a comparison of the cost-benefit aa*sis for [heaHected project. WHEREAS,it is essential to the future fiscal health of our city that appropriate planning take piece regarding proposed capital improvement projects; R, The Capital improvement Planning Comirl shall study all proposed capital proleas WHEREAS,there needs to be better communication and transparency between the and Improvements Invohdna major nonrecurring tanpble assets and projects which:(a)are adminatra[IDn,the school department and the City Council regarding proposed capital purchased or undertaken a[intervals of not less than five(5)yours;{bi have a useful life of a mprtrvern-t projects; • WHEREAS,the creation of a Capital Impovement Planning Committee will foster leadfl-e 51 yeam.and(c)are estimated to cost over ten thousand($14.WD.DO}dollars. greater communication and allow all the stakeholders w our community to participate in the capital planning processfor Agawarn sfutum, C. The Capital Improvemm e Program prepared birthe Maya in accordance with Section s- WHEREAS,A is in the best interests of the City of Agawam to create a Capital 3 of the Agawam Home Rule Charter shalt indude a section which includes the written Improvement Planning Committee to assist the Mayer and City Council in the planning and implementation of capital projectspn Agawam;and recommendations of the Capital improvement Planning Committee regarding all proposed NOW THEREFORE,THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL hereby resolves,ordains and enacts the capital projects which meet the requiremenmof sub section R abose- fdbwing addHEon to Chapter 3 of the Code oFthe Torn of Apwam: M All department heeds,boards,commission and/orcommictass,including the Maya and fi 341.7 Capital Improwmem Planning Committee the School Committee,shall by January 1"of each year give the Capital Improvement Harming a There shall de estabi�hed a tt,,,Md a known as ttte Capital lmV WtmetR Planning Committee,on a farm Prepared by it Information Including but not llmhad to,an evplarwton Committee which shall be comprised of the following individuals,or their designees: lay the of the need for the project;an analysis that klemifles the cost estimation of additional Treasurer/Collector,(bl the Writing Maintenance Director;It)the Superintendent of Public operatgnal and personnel rusts assomatad with the project and the proposed source of works;(d)the Director of Parks and Recreation;lei the CAy Co rnal President;(fl the School funding for the capital Project,for ah requested capital projects which meet the requirements • Supermtendem;and(g)a School Committee member. The Capital Improvement Planning of cub-section R above whleh are to be included in the upcoming Capital Improvement Committee shall provide recommendations,in writing to the Mayor and the City Council program. 1 E. In preparing firs recommendations,the Capital Improvement PLarming Committee shall consider the relative need,impact,timing and cost of the proposed capital prolms and tJw effect each will have or the financial position of theeity.No appropriation shall be voted for a capital Prole=t a'#ss the wapmed capkat pio*ct is catssi iamd fist by the Cap" Improvement Planning Committee, or the Committee slug first have submitted a recommendaton for the proles to the Mayor and the City Cuuncg,escept In case of an . emergency prajea. DATED THIS_OF_a017_ PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL lames P_—"I,Presitlent APPROVEDAS TO FORM AND LECALmY Paidck M.ToaeY,Saletar .� C 011111111111116 TR-2817-48 Rearolutioa to Appropriaee mad Auehnrin Rartnwing in the Amount of 51,290,675.08 for Pontine Repinreamt and Fleet lmpruvemeat Project (Spowsneed by Mayor R&hard A Cohen) VF•N1SRF.AS,the capital inrprorcment fundingprnjeet.-nti[1cd Engine Replacement and sleet]mprnver u Protect w illcom't Chu:MH601r 11vo Ilttrdzed Naety Tltousanl Six Hm)dsrd Seventy Fiyc Dollars and eighty Eight Cents(1,29f1,675.88);and W1WREASr The Lingine Vt pl wmcnt artd Fleet Improvement Project will rover the eons oVTeplacing Firs Fngincs'L'tvee and Four which hale been in curttinanus,c ice xinee 3496;and WHERF-US,''The Elgure Repliccnsera and I lco Jnnp orcment Program will r wcr the costs of main siting Fine Engines One and Twu which coil:he ruhtted to rese:ue status and used by the Agawam C:ail Firelighters:and WHEREAS,tine Mitlim Nim(y Three Tftnasand Three hundred Fdkp Eeghl D llara(S1 0933S8'Q0)is necessary for the purchase of two neov Vim brigietes for the.Agawiun Fire Depanment;and W1ICRRAS,one 3laadred filly Seven Tho-sud Tirrec Hundtcd Scvcnrecn Ooliara and Highly Fight Cent,($117,317.88)is necessary for equipment o)uulfit the new Ei rngirtes;:urd Hundred Se�enty Fire)Mlv,oral V>gb1,y Fight C1nts6l,29%67S.FA)antler ili.G.L.e.44 17 tor WMIIRF..AS,Tarty 71x,uwrnl Dollars 440. 6.99)is rwemry lot;zest mitigalim! any oikerP bling legisla,.a.Any prtn,ium received by t1e'1'own upon the We.bony Iwndx,c expenses to exiendthe lire 16 plug years of'll,e'I awn of Agawarti s icon misdngT ire Engines r.X-appms4,1 h}this rcrerdutksn,I-,anysrrch prcraium applied to the pa,ym nt of the eosr of for book up purposes;and issuance of aw-h lwnds or nuley may he applied W the payment oi uos4'appmved by tfus resolution m acwolsaee w'Ji Chapw 44 Seniors 24)ofthe General tav:x,therrhv rcd.ing the SVIIERFAS,a Forty Thousand t?af Jar(540,00U.WJ discnunt wit)be appkcd it amuum authorized to be burrowed to pay such—1,by a likt aatoum. payment is nude within fifteen days of mccuting the vcnux:t;and DMED this day of ,2017 WIIERRFAS,it is v:the hea interests oi'the C iy of Agawan,and its citizens to replace PPR ORDER Or THG AGAWANI CITY CO17NClL and tevirali?x The Sown of AgawLn's Vise Lit-incs and to ippropmle-6 a,nhoricc barrewirtg in the arnuunt of Onc Ullion Two hundred Ninety Thousand Six Hundred seventy live Dollars and Eighty F.ight Ceuta(1,2911,675 Rg)for the Engine ReplAcenter:l aM Flo:l[snprovcmcnt Projeu. Junes Y.C:iel,etlr,Pruident NOW THRRF.PORE 7 HF:AC.Aw:AM CCI'Y COn CIL f IEREBY RESOLVES TO ALM MIZE THE FOLLOWING' APYROV-M AS TO CORM AND LEGP.LITY Otte Million Two hiundred Ninety I hausand Six llunched$wenty Firc Dollars and F.ighq Fight �....if Cents(Sl,290,675.88)is appropriated for funding ncc project entitled Emmm[ ons kepia�inetu and /�_�f'�r,/' Vim lmpwvement Pnujml,an m ,ca d further,[hat to eet this appropriation.the 1surcr.with the apprurat nfthc Maya-,is elstl,rsrixd to bmow 0,,:e'.tlilbon Twu Ifundred Nimly Th.-and Sk P:—k M.Toney,City Solicitor I� ZC-2U17-3 PF,TITSOH FOR ZONE CHANCE BY OWNER,VJTALAY HAI M FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT J 1711 SLF'FIELD 91-REE f FROM IN D11-51MIAL TO RESIDENTIAL:B .� WRRRLAS,Vitally Hsom is the CyantcxrPctitkneer of a parcel of land situated at 1173 Nuffield Street,Agawam,13sanpckn Courtly,Mawehuxns,(See Hampden Cooley Registry of Deeds Docunneu 2W,M3,C'Cf 37136)whiehis cur m;lp amid Indcs[rial,and W RildtEAS,Vtttdiy drain llrsirestn change a,neng o11he subject property from the earrcnt ctass,tkadnn uRrduslrid w the Rcd ltrdial B cia0ficmi4n;and WHEREAS,4'[C:diy ff no pe[ictuns die Cur}ofAgawam Ina}k—the acirery ofsubjeet prapenv to be rczma,d as R�skl..Gal H;cod July 17,M7 WHFRG!k5,the caning clnnngc is heuig requested to allory far ntiliratian of the propeny I� 6tr is highest and best use;crud WFIEREAS,a is in die best inmc%of the City ofAgaw;tm to change the wni%Qf tbc property]ceatcd at 1178 Suffield 5t7ret,Agawam.MA from the curler elassifitxdon of V01 CHFl2—c lTY C()1:WCTL Induvtwl m the RPsidem.l B classilieatioa NOW THI;RKFORE,the Agawam City C'nuncil hereby reaalyes to change the waing of the subject prnfnxy ImMM at 117E SuM ld sum.Agawam.MA frum the current elo,hiwliun of Indusuial to the Itesidcruial B classificalinn Qtn1.i]11 fuereat Oxner:Vitally llrom Yreperrl'=lddreyf-137A.SYIlPId Svse?,AgawMl.YEA UI OGl Vondat n; t'1a55?:eh-netts N9tet:ILipiyl.A56oCidli.an Asxcssor's Pared ID:I5_Wt cod 151.14,uhtrh i,auached hereto as k'xhihit R and Annuhi glee.711 i 17--6.'Slh'1$ incmporatnd h..rern by rerecerrre. Org.frl i 112 Owed this`day Ubi.#52170 PER ORDER OF ME A0A1VAM Cfl'Y CCJfJN0L ln'v, ]l4D32 55,434A TOTAL. SSAM-00 Junes P.Cicheai,P raident APPROVED AS TO TORM AND j k:G ALtT'Y • �' Pntriak M.Toner,City Sn]iciwr TOR-1017.10 AN ORDINANCE.TO AMEND THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF AGAW AM ZONING ORDINANCES TO ADD SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS (Spoiawced by Catmcdors James P Cichetti,doaeph Mined and Anncffky R.Srlidid) ZCiI017-0 ....._..._ PETITION FOR ZONE CHANGE BY HALLADAY FARM TRUST FOR PROPERTY WHEREAS,purguint to M.G_L-Chapter 44A°y3,the ki await City C:outtc0 may LOCATED AT,11,SHOEMAKER LANE FROM AGRICULTURAL TO INDUSTRIAL Propose anmtd o"n"ornddi"to the Agawam Loning Cody,and B AND RFAMEATIALA-3 DISTRICT WHEREAy., gS)Sto ns,motoring nmmia gomd mound olacneCy installations,am curtcmly not dcfined,regulated or referenced m thr Agnwarn Zaming Code;and 4i'HER&45,the Town of Agawam currently does run have in place an ordinance to WHBREAS,Hafladay Farm Trost is the owner ofpstcala of land known as"Paul r provide standards for the placement,design,eorstnrctiern.riperation.monitorin*rmdification and"Parcel2"]mawnas Al l Shoemaker Lane,Agawam,Hampden Comity,10--limintsi;and and removal of t onarri vial ygtsttnd mourned solar energy systems that addresses public hoahh, safety end welfare and minimises impacts on scenic,naural and bistorio usarvaees and also WHEREAS,Halladay Farm Trust desierx tokeep tli—u irsg of rheaubjeci property provides adcquatc finarrcial a,rarenec for the eventual decemimissioninguf such instadlions nor "Parcel I'ofdta ntrrtmt clanviSmtinn nfEnidenlial A-3("Puce)1");and is it addressed anysvhem within the Agawam 7.tming Cade:and WHEREAS,Hatladay Farm Trust rksires to chargeyoiing of tlic subject property WHEREAS,tl is ini the best WerW of the Town Df Agasvam m amend the Cnde of the "Parch T'from the cumm classifcatu.n ufAp-Rum!(�Parcal 2`)lo ludustrial B end Town o(Agawam m add Solar Energy Syatmos and Residential A-l;aM NOW'IHEREFORF.,the Agaw;mrt City Council hereby resolves.onhrins and aimnds WHEREAS,the xining change from kyricultuml in hadustrial i)and Rcsidunial A-1 and eructs tls attached Arliele XXI entitled Solar finergy Sy'skms w be invTW into the Code of will alines'fetrtia bt$ineas d-doMent of the parcel;and the Town of Agawam. WHEREAS,Halladay Fans Trost petitions the City ofAllawam to aUowthc majority of DATED THIS_DAY OF .2017. the subject property"Pared 2"to be rczmed as Indrsteni.a;and WHEREAS,Halladay Fun Trust pe itioes the City,(Agawmn to a11„w the inithern PER ORDER OF THE ACAWAM CITY COUNCIL pnniar,irbe nt6ject ptnpeny"Parcel 2"to be rezoned to R-denial A-I;and W HEREAS,it is in the host intr..ew;ofthe CAy of Agawam ks change the tuning of I11 • SFm=zker Ivor,Ap.wmi,Hampden Comity,MaaasAusensio ladustdal B and Rosidenual A-3 in its entirety. Iattxs P.Ciclwtti,limsukta NOW THEREFORE.,the Agawam City Courial baby yesojr to charge the aning m, the Following parcelof lard from AgrlcNtaral to Indua a rial B Ind RddcrHd3 A- Distriel: APPROVED AS TO FOR1I AND LEGALITY (',.'cart Owner Halnaday Fans s ae Property Addrere:3 tl Shoemaker Lare.Agawam,Haapilm County.Massachusetu. Aannaor'a Pared ID:i and 2 which the paresis ofland arc further dcacribcd isb m t ' ••A'wbioh is atwclwlhrcto atd:noopoated be.—by reference. —...-... __ ... ._.... . Dd W this_day,d ,2017. Patrick M.Taney,Solmikr• rR-2H17-sl • A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A FFY 2018 TRAFFIC ENFOR('FMENT GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF S10,000.00 FROM THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY f EOPPS)TO TIl R TOWN OF ACAWAM POLICE DEPARTMENT (Sponsored hs Ylayor Richard A.Cotten) WHEREAS the Esccutisc Or=of Public Safety and Securuy{EOPPSi has upproved a reimlwrsernem grad for the I—of Agawam to r Dcmd with the!Hive Wber w Gar P.Be,(Uver Deccmbar 201?.Cock u cr Trekel A4ay 20f8,dad Il—Saber r.,GNr P.Wd Over 4r gun!2014 mnhiliradans under the MY 2013"Traffic Enforcement Grain program;and WHEREAS,said grans is to be deiivered to eke Town of Agawam Police Depax=eld for the teimburax rent of TR-2017;511 funds tined in the following manner. ARESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE POSTLVG OF THE WARRANT FOR THE 1_ Mobl litalinn-Driver Rabe,ar(,it Pulled T1ver in i)�eml—21117 TOWN PRIMARY ELECTION ON OCTOBER 10,2017 AND THE TOW 1%GENERAL 2. Mobilization-Chek It or TSellel in.lI—201 g ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 7,2017 Mobiiimlion-Driver Sober"Get Filled Over in August 2018 f din<forlhe daces:and WHEREAS,approval has been requested by the City Clerk fox pus hang of the warrant for WHER6A$,said grant is aut9utiad turd uwardvd in winplimice with grant guidelines:and the Town Primary 6ledion can Odolwr 10,2017 and the Town General Election on November 7, 2017 by the Ek—d of Regixlrmc;and WIIF,REAS,.raid V�ar[guidelines dots nit;-aquae an in-kind match by the To"n ofARawrm;and • WHEREAS,it is in llre hest inlem,l of ll> Tnwn of Agawan In properly poet said WHEREAS,The City of Agawam desir6 to acceprssiddrait;nnd warrant fur said ela:tiuns: H'I1F.REAS,'Ihe City of A,eawam will use lM:grantF iG itriendcrl mid legal purposes:turd NOW THEREFORE, THE ACAWAM CRY COUNCR, hereby revolves drat WHEREAS,the grant monies'lill include.maximum egrtpmerri award nf&5,(ABh011(;3ve thousand dullan ail W authodmhm is even toy posting of the Warrant for the Town Prirnary ElW-ion.on Oetobea I G. canto)and a minimm.—Fwcement budget,f liS,000.00(five d,nussrA dollars and nit corn);are 2017 and the Town General Election or November 1,2011, WHEREAS.it is in the hc0 4 safuy-and but ka—i of the City of Agawam and its cif—to accep(the Grant tier The raecuti-Ufce of;'ublie Safety and Scmvity. DATED THIS OF ,2017. NOW THEREFORE HE IT RESOLVED,that tkr.Agawam Cry C in nei r-start to M.G.L.e.44 ySA accepts • PER ORDER OF'fHE A(;AWAM CITY COUNCIL 1hix Rtact ofSW,000.00 irons The Ezceadvr Office of Public Safety and Security for ire Mcrae S-6-nr 6W1%11ed fhrr0—be,2W7.Cii.-kit017',kar.Alay2018,rrrri Drive Subs GelPo!!ed(her.Ccc—20)8 mobiliall0r, Dated this dayot" _,201". lames P.CwhMi,President PFR(WIDER OF THE AGA W AM CITY COUNCIL APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY 7smes Ckhcri.N-ident r-'"t .AFPROYb- AS-fO f•OAh1ti1`11 f,FGALITS' • Petrick M.'Foney,Sohmilnr Patrick hL'Toney,Cih Sdicitur •� 7 E