CC MTG MINUTES FEBRUARY 21 2017 REGULAR MEETING OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Minutes dated February 21, 2017 Meeting was called to order by Council President Cichetti at 7:00pm in the Auditorium of the Roberta G. Doering School, 68 Main Street,Agawam. Item A. Roll Call ROLL CALL—9 PRESENT,2 ABSENT ' Roll Call was taken with the following councilors present: Council President James Cichetti, Christopher Johnson, Council Vice President Joseph Mineo, Donald Rheault, Robert Rossi and Anthony Suffriti. Councilors George Bitzas and Cecilia Calabrese were absent. With nine present,there was a quorum. Item B. Moment of Silence and the fledge ofAlle lance. Council President Cichetti asked for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Item C. Citizen's Speak Time ' None. Item D. Minutes 1. Regular Council Meeting—February 6,2017 Motion to approve made by Councilor Johnson and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. Voice vote approved noting abstention of Councilor Theroux. Item E. Declaration from Council President None. Item F. Presentation of Petitions,Memorials& Remonstrances 1. TR-2017-4 - A Resolution approving sewer use rates fixed by the Department of Public Works (Mayor) [increase in sewer rates as submitted by the Mayor] (Referred to Finance Committee) ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Johnson and seconded by Councilor Theroux. Councilor Johnson as Chair of the Finance Committee provided his report stating that after a lengthy discussion with Superintendent Golba regarding the need for an increase in sewer rates based on the following: the department is currently relying on retained earnings to balance its budget and the department anticipates several capital projects in the next three years,the largest of which will be the mandated elimination of potential sewer infiltration. Through the utilization of Tighe & Bond, the department studied 2 rate increase alternatives and recommends the alternative which calls for an immediate 20 percent increase in rates followed by an additional 10 percent increase in 2 years. The current rate increase will raise the average residential sewer bill by $47 per year and the second rate increase will raise it an additional $28 per year. • The rate increases are proposed and recommended by the Mayor. There was a motion made to send a positive recommendation to the Council made by Councilor Theroux and seconded by Councilor Cavallo — the motion was ' approved by a 4 yes 0 no and 1 absent vote. There was no further discussion by the City Council. �� 1 The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas and Calabrese)approving the item. 2. TR 2017-6 - A Resolution confirming the re-appointment of Jennifer Towne, 775 Springfield Street 1111, Feeding Hills,MA. To the Agawam Housing Authority for a term expiring the second Monday in January,2020(Mayor) Motion to approve made by Councilor Suffriti and seconded by Councilor Letellier. The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas and Calabrese). 3. TR-2017-7 - A Resolution adopting and endorsing a Tax Increment Financing Agreement between the Town of Agawam and Sound Seal, Inc. (Mayor) ITIF agreement as proposed by the Mayor] (Referred to Finance Committee) Motion to approve made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. Councilor Johnson as Chair of the Finance Committee provided his report stating that after a brief discussion regarding the fact that Sound Seal, Inc. proposes to make an addition onto its present facility in the Agawam Regional Industrial Park and is seeking tax incentives from the town which will result in the gradual taxation of the increase in assessed valuation resulting from the addition. The agreement will require Sound Seal to hire 15 new full time employees in exchange for the tax incentive. Councilor Johnson shared information from his tour of the facility with Council President and indicated that • the company has facilities in Agawam and in the Chicago area and would prefer to expand here, but needs the tax incentive to move forward. According to the information provided, the tax incentive will total around $33,000 and result in the creation of 15 new jobs. There was a motion made to send a positive recommendation to the Council made by Councilor Theroux and seconded by Councilor Cavallo —the motion was approved by a 4 yes 0 no and 1 absent vote. Discussion with the Council began with Councilor Letellier noting that the proposed agreement allows Sound Seal to back out but not the Town. If this happened would the taxes revert to what they are now she asked. (yes) Councilor Theroux stated it was the second time the town did a TIF but doesn't want to open the door for everyone to do this however he would like to see more action in this area. Councilor Johnson understands that T1F agreements are geared toward job creation and the importance of job growth. The Agawam facility is a beautiful facility and agrees on encouraging job growth by utilizing this tool. Councilor Letellier thought it was a good fit for a TIF. Councilor Rossi mentioned TIF Agreements are often misunderstood and by definition is a transfer of taxes to subsidize private businesses. In this case,the town benefits with increased jobs for its residents and agrees it is a good economic tool. The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas and Calabrese)approving the item. 4. TR-2017-8 - A Resolution authorizing the approval of an inter-municipal animal control shelter • between the Town of Southwick and the Town of Agawam (Mayor) [current agreement with Town of Southwick is expiring — this is a renewal as the Town of Agawam does not have its own facility] (Referred to Community Relations Committee) ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Letellier and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. As Vice Chair of the Community Relations Committee, Councilor Letellier provided her report stating that the committee agreed with this and sent a positive recommendation for approval to the Full Council. rThe vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas and Calabrese)approving the item. Item G. Retort of Council Committees • None. •1 2 i Item H. Elections None. 01 Item L Public Hearin 1. TR-2017-5 - A Resolution authorizing the application and acceptance of Massachusetts Community Development Block Program (Mayor) [accepting a CDBG program grant as submitted by the Mayor] (Referred to Community Relations Committee) Motion to approve made by Councilor Rheault and seconded by Councilors Suffriti and Johnson. Council President Cichetti opened the Public Hearing and asked Jim Mazik of the PVPC to make his presentation. He discussed the eligibility requirements and having to meet the income levels for the program. The grant for FY17 could be up to $800,000 and the deadline is March 106'. He expressed a need for senior housing rehabilitation. Councilor Cavallo asked if Planning Director will be taking the lead or will there be staff hired. Jim Mazik stated he has his own staff that handles all of the surrounding towns like Agawam. Local contractors can apply to do the local rehab work. Council President Cichetti asked for any other people wanting to speak in favor of this item, and in favor name only. No one spoke. He also asked for anyone to speak in opposition of the item and in opposition name only which again, no one spoke. Council President Cichetti declared the Public Hearing closed. Councilor Letellier as Vice Chair of the Community Relations Committee provided her report stating the committee gave a positive recommendation to the Full Council. • The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas and Calabrese)approving the item. ' Item J. Old Business 4 1. TO-2017-4 AMENDED — Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device(s) for American Legion Post 185 Wilson-Thompson located at 478 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills,MA. 01030(Clerk) (Referred to Administrative Committee) Motion to approve made by Councilors Cavallo and Suffriti and seconded by Councilor Johnson. Councilor Cavallo as Chair of the Administrative Committee provided his report sending a positive recommendation to the Full Council. The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas and Calabrese)approving the item. 2. TO-2017-5 - Budgetary Transfer of$10,000.00 from Building Maintenance Regular Permanent Salary (Account #11921-51010 to Building Maintenance Overtime (Account #11921-51030) (Mayor) (Referred to Finance Committee) • Motion to approve made by Councilor Johnson and seconded by Councilor Suffi iti. Councilor Johnson as Chair of the Finance Committee provided his report stating that after a brief discussion with Director White regarding the need for the transfer which is based on unexpected losses of personnel due to work related injuries and the death of an employee, there was a motion made to send a positive recommendation to the Council made by Councilor Cavallo and • seconded by Councilor Theroux—the motion was approved by a 4 yes 0 no and 1 absent vote. The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas and Calabrese)approving the item. 3. TO-2017-6 - Budgetary Transfer of $2,000.00 from Building Maintenance Regular Permanent Salary (Account #11921-51010) to Building Maintenance Regular Temporary (Account #11921-51020) • (Mayor)(Referred to Finance Committee) Motion to approve made by Councilor Letellier and seconded by Councilor Johnson. Councilor Johnson as Chair of the Finance Committee provided his report stating that after a brief discussion with Director White regarding the need for the transfer which is based on unexpected losses of personnel due to work related injuries and the death of an •� 3 i employee, there was a motion made to send a positive recommendation to the Council made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Cavallo—the motion was approved by a 4 yes 0 no and 1 absent vote. 4. TOR-2017-2 - An Ordinance to amend Section 49-7(9)(D)(1) of the Code of the Town of Agawam to update the hourly wages for election & census workers (Councilor Bitzas) (Two Readings Required) [increase in hourly wage for poll workers as submitted by Councilor Bitzas] (Referred to Legislative Committee) Motion to approve the first reading made by Councilor Sufffriti and seconded by Councilor Johnson. Councilor Theroux as Chair of the Legislative Committee provided his report sending a positive recommendation to the Full Council. The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas and Calabrese)approving the first reading. Item K. New Business • 1. TR-2017-9 - A Resolution confirming the re-appoint of Alice Smith, 325 ]North Westfield Street, Feeding Hills,MA to the Agawam Historical Commission to a term expiring January 1,2020(Mayor) Next Agenda. • 2. TR-2017-10 - A Resolution appropriating $22,165.00 from the Community Preservation Fund and authorizing the expenditure of Community preservation Funds for the replacement of benches on town owned land(CPA) Referred to the Finance Committee, next Agenda. Item L. Any other mailer that may legally come before the City Council Councilor Suffriti again spoke about blighted properties mentioning he played phone tag with owner of Twin Silos. He feels Games and Lanes is important and looks forward to the update of the plan due in March/April. Councilor Letellier stated that since spring training has opened that it is a good sign spring is on its way! Councilor Mineo noted that Games and Lanes looks as"secure and safe"as always—with a big hole in the middle of it which puzzles him. He hopes it will come to an end soon. Councilor Theroux also looks forward to the Games and Lanes April report. He would like more information on Twin Silos property as well as the others. Councilor Cavallo spoke of the upcoming School Committee Budget/Finance committee meeting and all are welcome to attend. Councilor Letellier also mentioned that School Committee member Wendy Rua called her to say the School Committee decided they should only be on the search committee but thanked her for her interest. Council President Cichetti said during the Mayor's • Agenda Review he spoke about the blighted areas memo and the Mayor said they were working on the list and would have it to the Council shortly. Item M. Adjournment. The Motion to adjourn was moved by Councilor Letellier and seconded by Councilor Theroux. Meeting was adjourned at 7:47pm. •� 4 i