Minutes dated January 3, 2017
Meeting was called to order by Council President Cichetti at 7:00pm in the Auditorium of the Roberta G. Doering
School, 68 Main Street, Agawam.
Item A. Roll Call
' Roll Call was taken with the following councilors present: George Bitzas, Cecilia Calabrese, Paul Cavallo, Council
President.Tames Ciebetti, Christopher Johnson, Council Vice President Joseph Mineo, Donald Rheault, Robert Rossi,
i Anthony Suffriti and Richard Theroux. Councilor Gina Letellier arrived a little late. With eleven present,there was a
Item B. Moment of Silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council President Cichetti asked for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance,
' ItemC. Citizen's Speak Time
Item D. Minutes
1. Regular Council Meeting—December 19,2016
Motion to approve made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Rossi. Voice vote approved.
Item E. Declaration from Council President
' Item F. Presentation of Petitions,Memorials&Remonstrances
1. TR-2016-78 - A Resolution appropriating funds from the Wastewater Retained Earnings account to
the General Fund. (Mayor)
Motion to approve made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. As Chair of the Finance
' Committee, Councilor Johnson provided the report stating that after a brief discussion this resolution involved
repayment by the Wastewater Fund of the $269,875 previously approved by the Council from the General Fund
Reserve Fund for the emergency wastewater repair on Main Street. There was a motion to send a positive
recommendation to the Council made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Theroux. The motion was
approved by a 3 yes 0 no and 2 absent(Councilors Cavallo and Letellier)vote.
' The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item.
' 2. TR-2016-79 - A Resolution appropriating funds from Free Cash to the Reserve Fund Account
Motion to approve made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilors Johnson and Cavallo. As Chair of the
Finance Committee, Councilor Johnson provided the report stating that after a brief discussion this resolution involved
appropriating the $269,875 from Free Cash to restore the balance of the General Fund Reserve Fund which was used
for the emergency wastewater repair on Main Street. There was a motion to send a positive recommendation to the
' Council made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Theroux. The motion was approved by a 3 yes 0 no
and 2 absent(Councilors Cavallo and Letellier)vote.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item.
Item a.,Report of Council Committees
i None.
Item H. Elections
Councilor Rheault as senior member of the City Council presided over the following elections as dictated by Charter.
' 1. TE-2017-1 -Election of City Council President
Councilor Theroux placed name of James Cichetti into nomination which was seconded(but not needed)by Councilor
' Calabrese. Councilor Bitzas moved to close nominations which was seconded by Councilor Johnson.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO for JAMES CICHETTI for Council President.
2. TE-2017-2 -Election of City Council Vice President
Councilor Theroux placed name of Joseph Mineo into nomination which was seconded(but not needed)by Councilor
Cavallo.Councilor Bitzas moved to close nominations which was seconded by Councilor Johnson.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO for JOSEPH MINEO for Council Vice President.
3. TE-2017-3 -Election of City Auditor
Councilor Johnson placed name of Cheryl St.John into nomination. Councilor Bitzas moved to close nominations
• The vote was 11 YES,0 NO for CHERYL ST.JOHN for City Auditor.
' 4. TE-2017-4 -Election of Administrative Assistant to City Council
' Councilor Johnson placed name of Barbara Bard into nomination. Councilor Cavallo moved to close nominations
which was seconded by Councilor Johnson.
' The vote was 11 YES,0 NO for BARBARA BARD for Administrative Assistant to the City Council.
Item L Public Hearings
' Item J. Old Business
1. TO-2016-84 - An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE to Richard Conlon Jr.
d/b/a Motor City Car Co.,91 Ramah Circle,Agawam,MA(Clerk)
Motion to approve made by Councilor Johnson and seconded by Councilor Theroux. As Chair of the Administrative
j Committee, Councilor Cavallo provided his report stating that the committee sent a positive recommendation to the
' Full Council with a vote of 5 yes, 0 no.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item.
Item K. New Business
1. TO-2017-1 - An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE to Paul J. Lapointe d/b/a
The Car Connection,820 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA(Clerk)
Referred to Administrative Committee,next Agenda.
2. TO-2017-2 - An Order granting or renewing a PERMIT for Weekly Amusement for OMS
g g g Y
Hospitality Group d/b/a Chez Josef,176 Shoemaker Lane,Agawam,MA. (Clerk)
Referred to Administrative Committee,next Agenda.
3. TO-2017-3 - An Order granting or renewing a PERMIT for Weekly Amusement for American
Legion Post 185 Wilson-Thompson,478 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA.(Clerk)
Referred to Administrative Committee, next Agenda.
4. TO-2017-4 - An Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device(s)
' for American Legion Post 185 Wilson-Thompson,478 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA.(Clerk)
Referred to Administrative Committee, next Agenda.
5. TR-2017-1 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Charles Elfman, 46 Barden Street,
Agawam,MA to the Planning Board to an unexpired term expiring January 1,2018 (Mayor)
Next Agenda.
6. TR-2017-2 - A Resolution requesting the Agawam State Legislative Delegation file legislation
amending M.G.L. Chapter 44B(Councilor Theroux)
Referred to Legislative Committee,next Agenda.
' 7. TR-2017-3 - A Resolution Accepting a FFY 2017 Enforcement Grant in the amount of $7,500.00
from the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPPS) to the Town of Agawam Police
' Department(Mayor)
Referred to Finance Committee,next Agenda.
Item L. Any other matter that on legally comes before the City Council_.
Councilor Letellier noted the invitations on the desk to the Rotary Club's 4e anniversary on January 18`h. She also
' suggested that the Council get a table together if attending. Councilor Calabrese wished everyone a Happy New Year
and noted that Rosie Robotics begins their season kickoff this Saturday for six weeks. Councilor Theroux wanted to
Legislative Committee meeting scheduled for January 17th. He also asked for an update on Twin Silos area before it
becomes a Games & Lanes issue. He also noted it was his pleasure to nominate both James Cichetti and Joe Mineo
and applauds their efforts this past year and was a pleasure watching them work with the Administration. Council
Vice President Mineo thanked everyone for their vote of confidence. He also wished everyone a Happy New Year and
wanted to thank certain people who were instrumental in helping with the issues with the YMCA/West of the River
Family Center and its subsequent closing—Dr. Gladys Fernandez, Gary Shannon, Maureen Cayer, Aaron Young, Lori
Stickles, Charlie Alvanos and a very special thank you to Betty Grimaldi who he stated he can't say enough about her
and all that she did to help. Councilor Cavallo stated he would be meeting with Superintendent Sapelli soon regarding
the next school budget and would have Alexis create the same calendar of meetings as she did last year. He also
mentioned HAP/Ludlow in the news and wanted to ensure the Council gets informed of any HAP meetings within
Agawam. Councilor Bitzas wished everyone a Happy New Year and hopes the Council continues to work together to
benefit the town. Councilor Suffriti mentioned that he hammered on Games & Lanes and lots of empty store fronts.
He also said the City Council needs to come together to come up with solutions to move Agawam forward. Council
President Cichetti thanked everyone for their vote, He and Joe appreciate their support and plans on continuing to
work with Administration. He also wished everyone a Happy New Year.
# As stated in the Council Rules and Regulations, new seat assignments were selected by drawing numbers from a hat.
' Item M. Ad'ournment.
The Motion to adjourn was moved by Councilor Rossi and seconded all around. Meeting was adjourned at 7:28pm.
U Agawam Massachusetts
Office of the Mayor
•1 36 Main Street,Agawam, MA 01001
Richard A Cohen Teh 413-786.4520
Mayor Fax:413-788-9927
January 5,2017
i Mr. Richard Girard Jr.
943 Blandford Road
Russell, MA 01071
Dear Mr.Girard:
1 It is my pleasure to send this letter expressing my gratitude to you for your service and the
support you give our service members.
Your loyalty and dedication to the Veterans has not gone unnoticed. The citizens of this town
recognize the time and energy that goes into being responsible for assisting the Veterans and
their families in this area. I truly appreciate your efforts and 1 am aware of your contributions
to the Agawam Veterans as well as all the districts you serve. I can only Imagine the backing
these Veterans need,in addition,you make their transition easy and manageable with your
knowledge and support.
Congratulations on your continued appointment and I wish you many more accomplishments
' now and always. Thank you for serving the Massachusetts Servicemember Post-Deployment
Council in this capacity.
� o
Z 'e",
' Richard A Cohen
cc: City Council
Member Districts