Minutes dated June 22, 2017
Meeting was called to order by Council President Cichetti at 7:30pm in the Auditorium of the Roberta G. Doering
School,68 Main Street,Agawam.
Item A.Roll Call
Roll Call was taken with the following councilors present: Cecilia Calabrese, Council President James Cichetti,
Christopher Johnson, Gina Letellier, Council Vice President Joseph Mineo, Robert Rossi, Anthony Suffriti and
Richard Theroux. Councilors Bitzas,Cavallo and Rheault were absent.With 8 present,there was a quorum.
Item B. Moment of Silence and the Pledge ofAlleeiance.
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Council President Cichetti asked for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Item C.
I. TR-2017-27 (PH-2017-5) -A Resolution adopting the Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Operating
Budget for the Town of Agawam(Sponsored by Mayor Cohen) -Motion to Reconsider
' Motion to Reconsider made by Councilor Rossi and Letellier and seconded by Councilor Calabrese. Councilor Rossi
asked the Chair to please check whether it should be a Motion to Rescind or a Motion to Reconsider. His thought is
that a Motion to Rescind must be taken that same evening but that a Motion to Rescind can be any time thereafter and
•, requested a ruling. Councilor Letellier made a Point of Information that in Robert's Rules of Order Point 3 Section 35
stated it was a Motion to Rescind. Motion to Rescind made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Suffriti.
' The vote was 8 YES,0 NO,3 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas, Cavallo and Rheault)approving the Motion to Rescind.
Motion to Amend Paragraph #2 after `administrative transfer of funds' add "not to exceed $1000.00" made by
Councilor Johnson and seconded by Councilors Rossi and Suffriti. Councilor Theroux wanted clarification that this
was being treated as a new amendment and that in essence we were starting over. Council President Cichetti agreed..
The vote on Amendment 41 was 8 YES, 0 NO, 3 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas, Cavallo and Rheault) approving
' Cut#1
' Councilor Johnson made a Motion to cut $25,000.00 from Admin Building electricity/heat Line item
#11222-52110 which was seconded by Councilor Rossi. Council President Cichetti asked for the vote. The
roll began and then Councilor Theroux Charter Objected according to Section 2-9(c). He stated that as a new
' member of the Council he does not believe that after six weeks of having the budget, the Council should be
making cuts at the last minute. Councilor Rossi made a Point of Privilege and asked if there was a question
or a point to the Charter Objection being made by Councilor Theroux. Councilor Theroux stated this was not
a "gotcha game" and he had a right to explain his Charter Objection. Councilor Rossi thought it sounded
like he was lecturing the City Council and asked him to make his point. Councilor Letellier made a Point of
Information and stated that according to Section 2-9(c), Councilor Theroux should have made his Charter
' Object prior to Councilor Johnson making his first amendment and cut and therefore he made it too late. She
also stated that if the Charter Object does stand, then we can always have another Special Meeting but that
either way this budget will be voted on and councilors will have a right to have their voices heard. Councilor
Johnson agreed with Councilor Letellier stating it should have been done before Barbara began the roll call
vote. He also noted the Council just voted on an amendment to Paragraph 2, and the Charter Objection could
have been in order if it was made at that time prior to that amendment. Councilor Theroux stated that the
issue for him is that the Council waits until the last minute and he will challenge the Chair if he has to.
Councilor Letellier asked for a ruling from the Chair on the Charter Object prior to any further discussion.
Council President overruled the Charter Object. Councilor Theroux asked for a voice vote on that ruling.
Council President Cichetti called for a voice vote noting (after Councilor Johnson's Point of Information)
that a Yes vote supported the Chair's position and a No vote means we do not. The vote was 7 YES
(Councilors Calabrese, Cichetti, Johnson, Letellier, Mineo, Rossi and Suffriti), 1 NO (Councilor Theroux)
and 3 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas, Cavallo and Rheault) supporting the overruling of the Charter Object.
Discussion continued on Cut#1 with Councilor Rossi noting we have 45 days to make cuts and amendments.
Everything has to be done again because in effect we undid everything we did at the last Council meeting.
We are well within those 45 days and well within our purview to review this and make cuts. Anything
beyond that is just pure obstruction. He said let's get the job done. Councilor Letellier apologized for the
other night stating that between the heat of the building and the heat of the meeting, words got a little heated. '
She was disappointed that the Mayor was not in attendance because in the past when the Council has
proposed cuts, he could address them and we've been able to successfully discuss cuts. Carryovers and
unspent amounts in her opinion were not addressed prior to the public hearing because you don't ask in
January why you haven't spent 50% of your budget because there is 50% of the year left. The reason you
ask in June is because that is the last month of the fiscal year and that's when you can compare these
printouts to the budget numbers that are proposed. She noted that according to the updated reports from the '
Auditor and with nine days left of the fiscal year, over six million dollars has not been spent and $L7million
in carryovers and 11.8 million dollars in unappropriated Free Cash. As Councilor Letellier says everything
year when there is that much money in Free Cash, you are over budgeting, and she thinks the problem comes
with responsibility and over budgeting. If the administration properly budgeted, then we could possibly
afford to hired the four firemen that are needed. Imagine how much of this could be used towards
infrastructure, policemen, firefighters, ambulances, sidewalks, etc. The DPW Superintendent stated it will '•
take 92 years to repair all of our sidewalks. She would like to think we would be able to repair them a lot
more times within 92 years? It's not so much about making cuts but more about responsible budgeting. The ,
administration needs to prioritize. It's too easy to say "I gave you a level funded budget". With $6,000,000
left over and $1,700,000 in carryovers and $11,800,000 in Free Cash with nine days left of the fiscal year
tells her that we are not setting priorities and not being fiscal watch dogs. Everything continues to stay as it �•
is and we keep allowing it to happen. Councilor Theroux might agree with some of Councilor Letellier's
thoughts and/or comments but again should have happened six weeks ago. If councilors had issues, they
should be brought up before not at the public hearing in a "gotcha game". He still believes the Council is
wrong regarding his Charter Object however he notes the Council will do it this evening but the point again '
is if these cuts are made and I have no one to ask about that cut. This is not the time—he feels that time has
passed and that the process is absolutely flawed. Councilor Rossi answered Councilor Theroux's question
by noting that for the two meetings we had with the department heads, the Mayor was noticeably absent and
he was the man to ask. We had to listen to department head after department head after department head and
the Mayor was not present. He should have been present to ask those questions. The first time he was ill the '
second time he had other issues other than his budget and again he is not here tonight —that should answer
your question. Councilor Theroux stated it did not because he didn't need to ask Richard Cohen the question
— he would ask the department head -- it's the "gotcha game". Point of Information by Councilor Johnson ,
noting we were voting on Cut#1.
The vote on Cut#1 was S YES,0 NO,3 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas, Cavallo and Rheault)approving Cut#1.
2 ��
Councilor Johnson made a Motion to cut $50,000 from Motor Vehicle Maintenance Line Item #14903-52130 which
' was seconded by Councilor Suffriti. Councilor Theroux asked Councilor Johnson to explain his cut which Councilor
Johnson made a sufficient explanation as he also noted at the previous meeting ending in stating that instead of giving
them$100,000 only give them$50,000 as they had a sufficient cushion to account for any fluctuation in fuel.
1 The vote on Cut#2 was 8 YES,0 NO,3 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas,Cavallo and Rheault)approving Cut#2.
Councilor Johnson made a Motion to cut $75,000.00 from Blighted Line Item #16602-57710 which was seconded by
Councilor Suffriti. Council President Cichetti noted that in a meeting with the Mayor, the Mayor asked the Council to
compromise at $50,000.00. Councilor Johnson asked leave the appropriation at $50,000 or make the cut $50,000?
Council President stated the Mayor asked to leave the appropriation at$50,000 to which Councilor Johnson noted that
would mean to reduce the cut to $25,000. Councilor Johnson's personal opinion is that this is not even necessary and
that there is a mechanism created just for this reason and it shouldn't cost the town any money however if the Council
wanted to compromise,he was willing. Council President Cichetti noted that the Mayor just asked that he bring this to
i the Council. Councilor Letellier noted that of that$100,000.00 budget,nothing was spent. Until seeing some action in
I this blighted property line item, she can't imagine giving him half of what he didn't spend any of. Councilor Theroux
mentioned that if the Mayor has asked for a compromise then we should listen to it and he knew personally that there
were some issues in "the hopper"and is favor of the compromise. Councilor Letellier asked him through the Chair to
' share what "items were in the hopper" with the Council. She asked how Councilor Theroux had privileged
information that the rest of the Council did not have. Councilor Theroux mentioned he speaks to his son a lot and if
she wished to find out that information, she could call the Building Department and ask herself. Councilor Letellier
stated that she thought if he had that information and did not share with his fellow councilors then he was not being
upright. Councilor Theroux stated they can each have their own opinion. Councilor Johnson amended his Motion to
reduce the cut from $75,000.00 to $50,000.00 leaving $25,000.00 in the line item. He also noted that in the Mayor's
tirade in the hallway, he indicated that he wanted to use the money as leverage to force people to clean up or demolish
so Councilor Johnson thought $25,000 was sufficient leverage and this amended amount was seconded by Councilor
' The vote on Cut #3 was 7 YES, I NO (Councilor Mineo), 3 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas, Cavallo and Rheault)
approving Cut#3.
Councilor Johnson made a Motion to cut $150,000.00 from Capital Improvements Line Items #16610-58949 for the
' Early Childhood Education Schematic and seconded by Councilor Calabrese. Councilor Rossi believed this cut was
unnecessary and feels this would save the town money by doing this. He doesn't believe it is putting the cart before
the horse. Councilor Theroux noted that of all the cuts that could happen this evening, this is the one that should not
happen. If the School Committee, voted this then we should not second guess them or the administration and will not
support the cut. Councilor Johnson stated as he also stated the other evening that he too supports the Early Childhood
Center however does not support a schematic design. It requires eight votes to pass a bond. What happens if we
approve this and spend $150,000.00 on a design and then it doesn't get the necessary eight votes to approve the
' funding for$10, $12, $18million to build it—then we have just wasted taxpayers' money to come up with the plans but
never approving the funding to build? The Mayor should come before us with the appropriate bonding information
46 and in his opinion it is not appropriate to do it in this way. They are leveraging a Capital Improvement project without
' having the eight votes and his crystal ball does not work well enough to know what will happen in the future.
Councilor Theroux equated it to not buying a house without seeing what it would look like and believes this cut should
be defeated.
The vote on Cut #4 was 5 YES (Councilors Calabrese, Cichetti, Johnson, Letellier and Mineo), 3 NO (Councilors
Rossi, Suffriti and Theroux),3 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas, Cavallo and Rheault) approving Cut#4.
Cut#5 Is
Councilor Suffriti made a Motion and then withdrew it. Councilor Calabrese wanted to revisit Building Maintenance
Line Item #1 1 922-521 10 that recommended $920,000.00 line item and proposed a $200,000.00 cut which was
seconded by Councilor Letellier. Councilor Johnson noted that the difficulty was not what was proposed but the
massive carryover from the last fiscal year. Councilor Johnson believes it to be an accurate projection. It is up to the
Council now to not allow the massive carryover. Since Monday's meeting, Cheryl(Auditor)has charged off the fiscal
year 2017 numbers against the line item from 2018 and re-credited the carryover amount. The problem wasn't the
amount requested; the problem was the massive carryover from 2016 to 2017. If the Council takes $200,000.00 out of
that line item, he is afraid that Doug won't have enough to make the bills. Councilor Letellier asked Councilor
Johnson through the Chair if he was saying that the carryover was going to be closed out? She asked if Councilor
Johnson confirmed with Cheryl if this amount will be closed off? Councilor Johnson said if she does her job then yes,
it has to and as Chair of the Finance Committee, I will ensure she does her job. Councilor Letellier said if she indeed
does her job and the Council ensures she does her job, then Councilor Letellier would take away her second.
Councilor Calabrese removed her Motion.
Councilor Letellier stated there was still $6 million left over, the carryovers and the Reserve Fund is only half spent,
she proposed an across the board cut of$500,000.00 which was seconded by Councilor Calabrese. Councilor Johnson
made a Point of Information while he agreed with the sentiment; he stated the Council needs to make specific cuts to
line items. Councilor Letellier thought the Council could make general cuts. Councilor Theroux agreed with
Councilor Johnson for probably the only time this evening. Again, six weeks we've had the budget,you want to make
a general"I'm ready to go home" cut off the top. It's wrong. Councilor Letellier noted she was ready to stay all night
and was in no rush however noting that only 45%was spent from the Reserve Fund and proposed a cut of$150,000.00 '
from the Reserve Fund which was seconded by Councilor Calabrese. Councilor Theroux asked for further clarification
of the thought behind that. Councilor Letellier stated that only 45%of the Reserve Fund was spent with only nine days •
left in the fiscal year and she thought it was appropriate and we've done this before. The Mayor can bring
supplemental budgets in front of us if this is approved so if there was an emergency that needed attention, it could be
dealt with that way. Councilor Theroux it seems without conversation with the Treasurer and the Mayor and others, it
shouldn't be approved. Councilor Letellier also noted that the Mayor was not at the first budget sub-committee
meeting. He wasn't at the second budget sub-committee meeting and was not in attendance this evening so if he was '
concerned, he'd be here and my colleague to your right was concerned about the state level budget, she wouldn't have
seconded me. Councilor Theroux noted that the Mayor was in his office today, the Treasurer was in her office last
week and the Auditor was present the other night and he never heard this question mentioned. He mentioned he calls '
them and asks and also noted Councilor Calabrese's comments on the state budget. Councilor Johnson agreed with the
sentiment but could not support the cut as it is there to support unexpected needs and the Mayor has to come before us.
Councilor Letellier reiterated that if the Council did a supplemental budget that wouldn't tax the taxpayers and also �•
responded that to date we had only cut $275,000 out of this huge bloated budget and would be willing to cut
$100,000.00 out of Reserve Fund. I don't use these words lightly but she amended the Motion to cut $100,000.00 out
of Reserve Fund and Councilor Calabrese amended her second. Councilor Theroux asked if Councilor Letellier was '
aware that the town hall roof was not in there and Councilor Letellier noted that that was a capital improvement item.
Councilor Thcroux said he knows it would be coming out of the Reserve Fund and asked if she was aware if you made
a significant cut it could affect the town's bond rating. Councilor Letellier replied that there was enough money in this
year's reserves for the roof and was indeed aware of the bond rating and $100,000.00 was not a significant cut. '
Councilor Theroux also noted that the town hall roof was not in there — Councilor Johnson made a Point of
Information to correct Councilor Theroux to say that money was already out. Councilor Theroux stated that the
Auditor told him that money was not out. Unfortunately Cheryl was not present to ask her. Again, we could have
asked during these past six weeks. Councilor Johnson made another Point of Information to state that once the City
Council approved the appropriation that money was moved and if Councilor Theroux looked at the printout in •
Building Maintenance Building Improvement Line Item, it shows the transfer amount of $153,672.00 so it is not '
reflected in the reserve fund balance.
The vote on Cut #5 was 5 YES (Councilors Calabrese, Cichetti, Letellier, Mineo and Rossi), 3 NO (Councilors
Johnson, Suffriti and Theroux) and 3 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas,Cavallo and Rheault)approving Cut#5 .
Councilor Theroux moved the question to approve the amended budget which was seconded by Councilor Johnson.
4 �•
The vote on moving the question was 6 YES (Councilors Calabrese, Cichetti, Johnson, Letellier, Rossi and Theroux),
2 NO(Councilors Mineo and Suffriti) and 3 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas,Cavallo and Rheault)moving the question.
' The vote on TR-2017-27 as amended was 6 YES (Councilors Calabrese, Cichetti, Johnson, Letellier, Rossi and
Theroux), 2 NO (Councilors Mineo and Suffriti) and 3 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas, Cavallo and Rheault) approving
TR-2017-27 as amended.
Councilor Theroux stated the issue still remains that we can do better and hopefully next year we do better.
Item_M. Adiournment
The Motion to adjourn was moved by Councilor Johnson and seconded Councilors Rossi and Suffriti. Meeting was
adjourned at 8:50pm.