CC MTG AGENDA JULY 9 2018 AGA WAM CITY COUNCIL 1 F A 36 MAIN STREET AGAW AM,MASSACHU SETTS 01001 413-726-9716 Office 413-726-9717 Fax ww .aawam.ma.us I COUNCIL PRESIDENT Christopher C.Johnson COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT Cecilia P. Calabrese COUNCILORS George Bitzas—Paul C. Cavallo—Gina,V.Letellier -Robert A.Magovern -Dino R. Mereadante- ED �� Joseph A.lineo-Robert E.Rossi--Rosernory Sandlin-Anthony R.Su ffriti ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT—Barbara k Bard bbbard(Ra.Qawam.ma.us "NOTE ADDRESS CHANGE" REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Community Room at the Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street, Agawam, Massachusetts ' * *Monday, July 99 2018 * 7:00 P.M. ' AGENDA A. ROLL CALL r' B. MOMENT OF SILENCE AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. CITIZEN'S SPEAK TIME D. MINUTES _7 1. Regular Council Meeting—June 18, 2018 7- E. DECLARATION OF COUNCIL PRESIDENT F. PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTIONS 1. TR-2018-43 - A Resolution accepting a gift from the Pioneer Valley Transportation Authority pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A to the Agawam Senior Center(Sponsored by Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Finance Committee) ' 2. TR-2018-44 - A Resolution to become a member of the Pioneer Valley Mosquito Control District(Sponsored by Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Community Relations) 3. TR-201845 - A Resolution accepting a grant ($18,500.00)from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office for Administration and Finance pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A (Sponsored by Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Finance Committee) 1 4. TR-2018-46 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Gerald. O'Keefe, 27D Castle Hill Road,Agawam, MA 01001 to the Agawam Municipal Golf Commission for an unexpired term expiring on December 31, 2019(Sponsored by Mayor Sapelli) G. REPORT OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES H. ELECTIONS ' I. PUBLIC HEARINGS ' 1. ZC-2018-2 (PH-2018-6) - Petition for Zone Change by Owners, Thomas F. Reidy Il and Sherry M. Reidy for property located at 466 South Westfield Street from Agricultural to an Age Restricted Housing District(Residence A-5) (Referred to Legislative Committee) 2. TOR-2018-11(PH-2018-7) - An Ordinance to amend the Code of the Town of Agawam Zoning Ordinances to allow site plan review waivers (Sponsored by Planning Board) (1 of 2 ' Readings) (Referred to Legislative Committee) -Public Hearing Set for August 6,2018 J. OLD BUSINESS 1. TOR-2018-6 - An Ordinance amending the Code of the Town of Agawam Chapter 149 entitled "Smoking and Tobacco Products" (Sponsored by Mayor Sapelli) (2 of 2 Readings) (Referred to Legislative Committee) as amended ' 2. TOR-2018-9 - An Ordinance amending Chapter 33 of the Code of the Town of Agawam (Sponsored by Mayor Sapelli)(2 of 2 Readings)(Referred to Legislative Committee) 3. TO-2018-25 - An Order granting or renewing a Class 3 Dealer's LICENSE to BBB Auto, Inc.,266 Walnut Street,Agawam,MA. (Clerk) (Referred to Administrative Committee) 4. TO-2018-26 - Order granting or renewing a PERMIT for Weekly Amusement for Six Flags New England, 1623 Main Street, Agawam (Clerk) (Referred to Administrative ' Committee) 5. TO-2018-27 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device(s) for Six Flags New England, 1623 Main Street, Agawam (Clerk) (Referred to Administrative Committee) 6. TO-2019-28 - An Order granting or renewing a PERMIT for Weekly Amusement for ' Matthew Gibbs — Quest, Inc, d/b/a Catch 1251, 1251 River Road, Agawam, MA. (Clerk) (Referred to Administrative Committee) K. NEW BUSINESS I. TR-2018-48 - A Resolution confirming the reappointment of Paul A. 3enney, 367 North Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA. TO THE Agawam Housing Committee to a term expiring October 1, 2021 (Sponsored by Mayor Sapelli) 2. TR-201849 - A Resolution authorizing the Town of Agawam to participate in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (PACE Massachusetts) (Sponsored by Mayor Sapelli) 2 3. TR-2018-50 - A Resolution establishing a Special Revenue Fund known as the Transportation Network Company("TNC") Surcharge Fund(Sponsored by Mayor Sapelli) 4. TO-2018-29 -A Budgetary eta Transfer of$10 217.84 as follows: ' From: Mun Golf Regular Temporary ($5,834.45) 65261-51020 Mun Golf Overtime ($1,153.43) 65261-51030 Mun Golf EQ Repair&Maint ($326.33) 65262-52030 Mun Golf Equip Rental $(970.00) 65262-52070 Mun Golf Water Purchase ($1,933.63) 65262-56670 To: Mun Golf Dues& Subscrip $ 110.00 65262-52170 ' Mun Golf Printing& Copying $ 172.80 65262-52280 Mun Golf Contractual Service $ 1,363.65 65262-52360 Mun Golf Food& Sery Supp $ 8,571.39 65263-52220 ANY OTHER MATTER THAT MAY LEGALLY COME BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL M. ADJOURNMENT 3