CC MTG AGENDA JUNE 4 2018 AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL A 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM,MASSACHUSETTS 0100I 413-726-9716 Office 413-726-9717 Fax www.azawam.ma.us •i. 01. COUNCIL PRESIDENT Christopher C.Johnson COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT Cecilia P. Calabrese ' COUNCILORS 1 George Bitzas-Paul C. Cavallo-Gina M.Letellier-Robert A. MMagovern-Dino R.Mercadante- /qp � Joseph Mineo-Robert E. Rossi-Rosemary Sandlin-Anthony R.Suffriti ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-Barbara A.Bard bbard aaQawam.ma.us REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Roberta G. Doering School Auditorium 68 Main Street, Agawam, Massachusetts 1 ***Monday, June 4, 2018 **'� 7:00 P.M. ' AGENDA A. ROLL CALL B. MOMENT OF SILENCE AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE :=- .A. C. CITIZEN'S SPEAK TIME D. MINUTES n 1. Regular Council Meeting—May 21,2018 E. DECLARATION OF COUNCIL PRESIDENT ' F. PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTIONS ' 1. TR-2018-36 - A Resolution appropriating $220,000.00 from Free Cash to Building Maintenance Electricity/Heat Account(#11922-52110) (Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Finance Committee) 2. TR-2018-37 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Susan Cameron, LMT, 19 Witheridge Street, Feeding Hills, MA to the Whiting Street and Thomas Pyne Fund Commission for a term expiring December 31, 2021 (Mayor Sapelli) G. REPORT OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES H. ELECTIONS ' 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. TR-2018-35 (PH-20184) - A Resolution adopting the Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Operating Budget for the Town of Agawam(Mayor Sapelli) l i 2. TOR-2018-6(PH-2018-5) - An Ordinance amending the Code of the Town of Agawam Chapter 149 entitled "Smoking and Tobacco Products" (Mayor Sapelli) (Two Readings Required)—Public Hearing Set for June 18,2018(Referred to Legislative Committee) 1 J. OLD BUSINESS 1. TOR-2018-7 - An Ordinance to amend Section 103-5 of Chapter 103 of the Code of the Town of Agawam(Mayor Sapelli) (2 of 2 Readings) (Referred to Legislative Committee) 2. TOR-2018-8 - An Ordinance to amended Section 49-7(c) of the Code of the Town of ' Agawam (Mayor Sapelli) (1 of 2 Readings) (Referred to Legislative Committee) (Tabled 5/21/18) 3. TO-2018-13 - Budgetary Transfer of$20,000.00 from the Firearms Qualification(#12101- 51130) and $50,000.00 from the Uniform Allowance (#12101-51070) to Longevity (#12101- 51400) for a total transfer of$70,000.00 (Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Finance Committee) (Tabled 5/21/18) 4. TO-2018-15 - Budgetary Transfer of $2,800.00 from Carry Over Professional Services (#11379-52190) to Professional Services (#11372-52190) (Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Finance Committee) K. NEW BUSINESS I. TR-2018-38 - A Resolution appropriating from the Community Preservation Fund and authorizing the expenditure of Community Preservation Funds for an update to the historic inventory(CPA) 2. TR-2018-39 -A Resolution authorizing the reservation and appropriation of funds from the ' Community Preservation Fund(CPA) 3. TR-2018-40 - A Resolution authorizing the appropriation to fund deficits in Snow and Ice Overtime and Equipment Rentals Snow Accounts($177,544.09)(Mayor Sapelli) 4. TOR-2018-9 - An Ordinance amending Chapter 33 of the Code of the Town of Agawam (Mayor Sapelli)(Two Readings Required) 5. TOR-2018-10 - An Ordinance authorizing the acceptance of General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53F 3/4 which establishes a Special Revenue Fund known as "The PEG Access and Cable Related Fund)(Mayor Sapelli) (Two Readings Required) 6. TR-2018-41 - A Resolution transferring funds to the CATV PEG Access and Cable Related Fund and appropriating funds to support cable related expenditures(Mayor Sapelli) 7. TR-2018-42 - A Resolution appropriating Twenty Two Thousand, Six Hundred and Forty Seven Dollars ($22,647.00) from Free Cash for the Funding of Temporary Salaries and Contractual Services for the Agawam Municipal Golf Course(Mayor Sapelli) 8. TO-2018-16 -Budgetary Transfer of$7,675.00 from Fire - Science College (#12201- 51120)and$10,000.00 from Regular Temporary(#12201-51020) and$5,000.00 from Regular Salary(#12201-51010) to Employee Benefits Buy Back(#16602-51040) (Mayor Sapelli) 2 9. TO-2018-17 - Voucher List in the amount of$1,188.00 for BoardPaq annual invoice(City Council) 10. TO-2018-18 - Budgetary Transfer of$15,000.00 from Law Regular Temporary (#11511- 51020)to Law Department Professional Services(#11512-52190) (Mayor Sapelli) 11. TO-2018-19 - Budgetary Transfer of $9,850.00 from Line Item Reserve Fund (#16605- 57300)to Professional Services(#16602-52190)(Mayor Sapelli) 12. TO-2018-20 - Budgetary Transfer of $20,000.00 from Highway Grounds Building Maintenance (#14202-52020) to Highway Electricity & Heat (#14202-52110) for $5,000.00 and MV Maintenance Electricity & Heat (#14902-52110 for $5,000.00 and Wastewater Electricity & Heat (#22542-52110) for $5,000.00 and Water Electricity & Heat (#60142- 52110)for$5,000.00(Mayor Sapelli) 13. TO-2018-21 - Budgetary Transfer of $6,000.00 from Reserve Fund (#16605-57300) to 1 Sewer&Water(#16602-52490)(Mayor Sapelli) 14. TO-2018-22 - Budgetary Transfer of $12,000.00 from Reserve Fund (#16605-57300) to Medicare Insurance(#16603-57040) (Mayor Sapelli) 15. TO-2018-23 - Budgetary Transfer of$2,000.00 from Fringe Benefits (#16603-52350) and $70,000.00 from Unemployment Claims and$106,000.00 from Property&Liability Insurance (#16603-57500) for a total transfer of $178,000.00 to Medical Claims (#16603-57060) and Medicare Insurance(#16603-57040) (Mayor Sapelli) M 16. TO-2018-24 - Budgetary Transfer of $9,604.87 from various Golf Accounts to various Golf Accounts (Mayor Sapelli) 17. ZC-2018-1 - Petition for Zone Change by Owner, Salmar Realty, Inc., for property located at 779 and 0 Suffield Street from Residence A-2 and Agricultural to Business A — Refer to Planning Board for their Public Hearing (June 21, 2018) and suggest a City Council Public Hearing date of July 9,2018 18, ZC-2018-2 - Petition for Zone Change by Owners, Thomas F. Reidy 11 and Sherry M. Reidy for property located at 466 South Westfield Street from Agricultural to an Age Restricted Housing District (Residence A-5) - Refer to Planning Board for their Public Hearing(June 21,2018) and suggest a City Council Public Hearing date of July 9,2018 ' L. ANY OTHER MATTER THAT MAY LEGALLY COME BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL M. ADJOURNMENT 3