CC MTG MINUTES APRIL 2 2018 REGULAR MEETING OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Minutes dated April 2, 2018 Meeting was called to order by Council President Johnson at 7:00pm in the Auditorium at the Roberta G. Doering School,68 Main Street,Agawam. Item A. Roll Call ROLL CALL--10 PRESENT, I ABSENT Roll Call was taken with the following councilors present: George Bitzas, Council Vice President Cecilia Calabrese, ' Paul Cavallo, Council President Christopher Johnson, Robert Magovern, Dino Mercadante, Joseph Mineo, Robert Rossi, Rosemary Sandlin and Anthony Suffriti. Gina Letellier was absent. With ten present,there was a quorum. Item B. Moment o Silence and the Pled we of Alle 'ante. Council President Johnson asked for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. ' Item C. Citizen's Speak Time I The following citizens spoke: • William Clark_Thanked Mr. and Mrs. Sherman for their generous grant donation to the Agawam Library and mentioned that during the Wayfinder meeting there is a seven percent local preference for residents. He also ' commented on the Park& Rec Master Plan which has a lot of plans for the Feeding Hills area. He also spoke about the pavement plan and said it was a good plan. • Doreen Prouty—expressed her strong disagreement on the Council being the permitting authority for the solar ordinance however stated that other than that she was in full support of it. She also asked for the Council's support next meeting in her reappointment to the CPA as she hopes to continue serving. • John Nettis — spoke about the ALICE program (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) noting that when Mayor Sapelli was Superintendent he hired him to be Safety Director. He has 18 years' experience in special ops and 6 as a supervisor. He noted that Agawam is one of the first in the Commonwealth to develop the active shooter training including our drone supervision. This program will be followed by the `ILoveYouGuys.org' and `StopTheBlecd' programs. Mr. Nettis also mentioned there will be a training session on April 27te at Phelps School which includes one hour of lecture and three hours of practical training. Item D. Minutes ' 1. Regular Council Meeting—March 19,2018 ' Motion to approve made by Councilors Magovern and Mercadante and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. Voice vote approved. Item E. Declaration from_Council President None. 1 r 1 ' Item F. Presentation of Resolutions 1. TR-2018-16 - A Resolution to amend the Rules and Regulations of the Agawam City Council ' (Councilor Johnson) (Referred to Legislative Committee)(Tabled 3119118) Motion to take the item off the table made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilors Cavallo and Mercadante. Voice vote approved. Motion to approve made by Councilor Magovern and seconded. At a previous meeting, as Chair of the Legislative Committee, Councilor Magovern provided his report stating that the discussion was about having the ZBA be the licensing authority versus the City Council. Councilor Mercadante asked why it was it the City ' Council instead of the ZBA and the response was that the City Council is accountable for decisions on applications for transparency. The Committee made a Motion to send a positive recommendation to the Full Council which was made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilor Bitzas. The vote was 5 YES, 0 NO. The vote was 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier) approving the item. 2. TR-2018-21 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Sandra Hottin, 12 Rowley Street, Agawam, MA to the Agawam Housing Authority to a term expiring the second Monday in January, 2021 (Mayor Sapelli) Motion to approve made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilors Sandlin and Mercadante. Councilor Sandlin stated that Sandra was a nurse, lifetime resident of Agawam and a great person. She will do a great job on the Housing Authority. The vote was 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier) approving the item. p g 3. TR-2018-22 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Sarah A. Prince, 775 Springfield Street, Apt. 10A, Feeding Hills, MA to the Agawam Housing Authority for an unexpired term expiring the second Monday in January, 2020(Mayor Sapelli) 1 Motion to approve made by Councilor Magovem and seconded by Councilors Sandlin and Cavallo. Councilor Sandlin noted it was great to have someone from Brady Village on the Board. ' The vote was 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier) approving the item. 4. TR-2018-23 - A Resolution accepting a grant in the amount of Eight Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Dollars and no cents (S8,640,00) from the David M. and Marjorie J. Sherman Fund for use by the Town of Agawam Public Library(Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Finance Committee) ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Sandlin. As Vice Chair of the Finance Committee, Councilor Mineo provided the report stating that Judy Clini from the library spoke in favor of accepting this yearly grant in which this would be the first year. David Sherman worked at Loomis Chaffee and Marjorie was an art teacher. The committee send a positive recommendation by a vote of 4 Yes, 0 No, 1 Absent. The vote was 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier) approving the item. ' 5. TR-2018-24 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Shelley S. Pass, 108 Bridge Street, Agawam, MA to the Historical Commission to a term expiring January 1,2021 (Mayor Sapelli) The vote was 10 YES,0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier)approving the item. Council President Johnson thanked all of the appointees for their service. 2 ' 6. TR-2018-25 - A Resolution accepting a grant ($16,115.25) from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts State 911 Department pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A for the Agawam Police Department(Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Finance Committee) As Vice Chair of the Finance Committee, Councilor Mineo stated that the committee send a positive recommendation by a vote of 4 Yes, 0 No, 1 Absent. The vote was 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier) approving the item. ' Item G. Report of Council Committees None. ' Item H. Elections ' None. Item I. Public Hearings None. Item I Old Business 1. TOR-2017-13 - An Ordinance to amend the Code of the Town of Agawam Zoning Ordinances to add solar energy systems (Sponsored by Councilors Johnson and Rossi) (Referred to Legislative Committee) (2 of 2 Readings as amended) Motion for the second and final reading made by Councilor Magovcrn and seconded by Councilors Mercadante, Rossi and Cavallo. Councilor Magovern thanked everyone for their work on this ordinance. Councilor Bitzas also stated the final draft is ' excellent and fine-tuned and he is happy with the height adjustment. He also believes having the City Council by the permitting authority provides more accountability. The vote was 10 YES,0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier) approving the second and final reading. 2. TOR-2018-2 - An Ordinance to amend the Code of the Town of Agawam by Adding Section 103-1A (Councilor Johnson) (2 of 2 Readings)(Referred to Legislative Committee) ' Motion to approve the second and final reading made by Councilor Mineo and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. ' Council President Johnson thanked the Legislative Committee for their work and to Councilor Bitzas for using his ruler as a prop and a very special thank you to Mayor Sapelli who showed tremendous leadership. ' The vote was 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier) approving the second and final reading. Item K. New Business ' 1. TR-2018-26 - A Resolution confirming the reappointment of Vincenzo Ronghi, 55 Avalon Place, Feeding Hills, MA to the Community Preservation Act Committee to a term expiring April 30, 2020 ' (City Council) Next Agenda. 3 2. TR 2018-27 - A Resolution confirming the reappointment of Doreen A. Prouty, 891 South Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA to the Community Preservation Act Committee to a term expiring April 30, 2021 (City Council) ' Next Agenda. ' 3. TO-2018-8 - Order granting or renewing a Junk Dealer's PERMIT for John's Trucking of Agawam,Inc.,415 Silver Street,Agawam, MA(Clerk) Referred to Administrative Committee,next Agenda. 4. TO-2018-9 - Order granting or renewing a Junk Dealer's PERMIT for T's Art Studio, 38 Rising Street,Feeding Hills, MA.(Clerk) Referred to Administrative Committee, next Agenda. ' 5. TOR-2018-3 - An Ordinance to amend Section 49-7(9)(D) of the Code of the Town of Agawam by adding Council on Aging van driver(Mayor Sapelli) (Two Readings Required) Referred to Legislative Committee, next Agenda. 6. TOR-2018-4 - An Ordinance amending Chapter 33 of the Code of the Town of Agawam (Mayor Sapelli)(Two Readings Required) Referred to Legislative Committee, next Agenda. 7. TOR 2018-5 - An Ordinance amending Chapter 33 of the Code of the Town of Agawam (Mayor Sapelli) (Two Readings Required) ' Referred to Legislative Committee,next Agenda. Item L. Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council. Councilor Mercadante thanked John Nettis for coming to the meeting and talking about the ALICE program. He also thanked Mayor Sapelli for his support as it is important for kids to know they are safe in our schools. Councilor Bitzas ' mentioned that the School Committee voted to have their meetings at the Junior High School and he supported this idea for the Council to also have their meetings there. Councilor Rossi also thanked John Nettis for the information but would have preferred to go into Committee as a Whole to ask him some questions about this desperately needed ' program. Councilor Cavallo thanked Councilors Mercadante and Mineo for attending the School Budget Finance meeting with the school budget presentation which showed a 3% increase from last year. He provided some highlights from that meeting. Councilor Cavallo also asked to move our sub-committee meetings into one of the back classrooms ' instead of the back of the room which is not very big. Councilor Suffriti also thanked Mr. Nettis for his presentation but would like a two-way conversation with him as well. Councilor Sandlin noted that the Doering School is not handicapped accessible and we need to have our meetings somewhere that has better handicap accessibility. Council President Johnson said the dialogue is open for a new location. The consensus is that we do need to move. He also ' reminded everyone that the Captain Charles Leonard House was having their Tavern Luncheon on Saturday, April 7`h. Item M. Adiournment. The Motion to adjourn was moved and seconded all around. Meeting was adjourned at 7:41pm. i M ' 4 ' "7Q�lec��1'r41+S tire-rnieai AWAMONOmAAEMOAm A DllC 7HF APPQKrldW OF eutlsJwDeASU)A71MSPTIRADAWW t7IypDUNC'L SAIDSHOTTIN,12ROWLEVSTREIT.ASAWAN,VA (dpanervdbP tdtewHr tadwoAlwC JOledon) TO THE AGAWAII HWSDO AUrWNP TO A TERN VMNG THE SECOND MONDAY N AAIWARY 712E VMTIRAS.the Apia,-City Counal Is ennta. in#sn ordln.w Wn idment MIEREA%fthMeforil ISNolNn an tlM Ayewm HpwHBAIMIaESy NMAItpbF�, Aft mbv the ApAem My Cnoripl wVuld M w the speael pemn"rift wUmrny for Sole � enwW Wst"In the That of Apwen; WHSRUAtheMW&hrm4ppoRthedSN08RoNK112RvwIgShed,Ap w8II4MA --AFAS,the Ag-w MY Cdunrd dw not have any odes and rewuladew pverrfy to dmAgawAm Hmmkrq AWieftte a Arm AKo"m DMeeOorld Mwedap IAJwwy702t: tee epplludon for Of the INOtasA d r-OM OR sp"MI aemt/Wpuotwrd by The Adw—City And counclt; MIN TMPR WS-T41E AGAY1131 CRY MIRM Wft twnefee b mAh *0 WNINUMA d A in the fled odeest d the Tom d Agw to amend the mks and p Ytwn of Ede.,HDA,pollt Elude., 17 lu^y SSa6 ASAras SW i,MA to ApA 1leoah ruMU.of the Cwnal to 0Milde file 000kNion lam for a spade pemtit and to add a Atowl"last tMA eNADSye im"Nu n oil"en Nw M" MmlMtf FI AmAnY7N1. ' rule the Imam MAD;—Cdty COdndil Prates fa Acdieg.Social Perron appbsalbro:and NO'W 7HFREFONE INN R MADIVFD OW the Api eRt CAy Q-il hereby moods In noes rho a follows: DATED T'1RS�_DAY.1Lt/y��� �an& AM d,reH1�Adied Mole 3S OMIN"ApWal Perpilo DAM TMLS pp_ iAf/P 41I _ .203B PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM COUKIL PEA ORDEAOF THE AGAW�AM'CIR`t_'COUNCIL n r f�Yq TAT CAL wo i�K iRf.�k- Cwwr. ll,PtaetdaMrALRRramGlryCoendl J r I" , ✓ate ------------ �P_ Al TO FORM AND LE &UIV r�-`- Yfig"f1s$r- Chnae0plleG moo,Preftdwtt ,��--,,/I {j APPROVED Al TO PDRM AND LCGAUT't t,L Ind s s•.-- �C tC Qu h.Y EMpheril BwdDixid,CWI&4 tw ezg-�-- CC �rca�uaJn. Stephen It �r,n,SpMdtd. L� veil TTt-30Ase-23 y� C f('r{',✓R"tq 0" A RE601-MON ACCEMRG A GRANT EN THE AMnUN''T of 1il"l "r r THOU$ANO SIX HUNDRED AND FORTY DOLLARS AND NO CENTS (!Kfi*AO)FW M THE OAYIO M.AND h1ARMUR A RHERheAN PUND FOR di9F BY THR TOWN OF AGAWAM PUBLIC LIBRARY (Spe-red el'N"w WORM P.AepeOiI 1'167QIS.7t - A RESOLUTION COMFRMAG THEAPMOMENT OF W HEAEAN.im IAitid M,t,d Nej.7 A Shr++e.n Fund is en a l-W flail d SAW A.PRRCE,M MON01ELD MEET,APT.%A,FEWING EI US,NSA ,Iw Ctunmwi-y rom,dHkin of Wedsm Mwachueens;end TO THE ADAWAMHOUSSDAUIH0114YFORAYU1140 RWTRlMDIYRNO THE SECOND MONDAY N JAHDAIIY 2021 WHEREAS,the Torn Of Agawam he woolved nodce Of a gtfut awetded Dam thx ULid M.ud Mavpty 4.Sbmm Ford,weado-ed kM rite Co .*y fowda WNEIIFAS,Sot whoo ed Ylm cdes on tW Apww NowwoiS Aa11te1S)I;Sod tom of Wwteni.hAwShwwmis die Communhy FowdfGOn of Wostorn Mamaollmwta, anti WHEREAS,9te M4ahs;eppeWW WO A.fthim 775 APdApMtl MwhK AIL TSA Fefdbq Hft NIA to 00 ApeAm HetUhq Au&@*ler m twwtphW Yrm etSfftilp em SH WIFF.RFA.L th&01 is In lbn anwuoi of E:iOl I'hoaseed Side Hundred aad For- eeeM Mwidar in 40ory 7A2N;Will a mUmre,od,io-IS(Slh4l.Wk slid MOW THWE'POIE,THE AGAWAM CM 001JIm7L hereby ieeetyes Ri cdwwm Nie WHF.RKAY,the Tour of Apwwm P.M.f.ibra)will ue Ins Uraet w!�il sa- +PDobteaAet o1 Sfaell A PrIAM T73 SpdrgfMd WOK ApL 15A Pse�q HNY,MA le to pensn m,d prngens eid err.—em fir-1 hoot.,tapes,OVD's ad large priru AyewrnllmnbyAttl,mlg'taran aeoftdrad rem awn myrt--1 ihrik:va,and �. WHEREAS,the Town of AAawam dwlree to eocW said D-id M add M ijory (� F,Sherman Fold Grano:etd DATEDTHM DAY OF (j/H,,� 701E. W11 F.RP•,AS,it i,t in the ned,nmaestr'ul'diu'I'awn VARa+.wm w—pL lhr Clred Solaro the Oayid M.Sod Major)J.Sbrsme,N'und- PERg10EROF 1HE AOAWAM{GTY COUKL Now THERRPORE,Lb.Agt,wsm Clry Cowtcil f*Wv pemanL w MOL. ` C.M.153A,io= •t the Ores from die David M.and Mwjaq J.Shsrr®n Fund in the r amoam a upgt'ib-hod Si.Hundred and F."DDIL W no mus(SO.W.DD)rm Men.PnAbNnt ApAwAtA pb Courtdl DY 7h (�(� use by the r,rwi,i.l'.igrwam Public Iatuey Lm fanl-p—M mrig—and hii i— ChMkpNKG am fin bands. financial bas.tam.Dvn'c Red fidnt IN" mysLedd and 1hrill // m 7A z . W k s[ Taaae Lhi. �mynr V I zotA. UIj- TtUCAK, ' Sdapfi11117 8 PLilperd,Olb'SDEegar, PER ORARR OF THE GAW M CITY COUNCIL CC- Co l ch-wphor c:j M,PMSIdee Q" T r aSU„K�C F APPR VIM AN TO POEM ANO LEGALITY Rieplrn J imnicmRL Ciq Iwlet MEE (.{f TH-2eta2A it Ul�. 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PER ORDER OF rW,4DAMN qff COLN= ➢ANDTHIS�r14AYOF �I ,201R. _ C) - - �_._. .......�.. PF.RORDIAOF rHLAGAWAMCLIYCOUNCIL ✓•G- rI lJi c nw c A.*%M 4P_h ea c..w ce- DD!I a I- �a ruE fm;o Pne,aed - CC- (ZrueG+or APPRQVV AS PO FOM AW LdfO41Jrr �(! 1$5}!M[�' Alhauvhp As mrDREA Arlo 15uA1fTv 10 CC �ifae1� ..rn- fiCfrf" swalrT 1ie.datEntf Cb' s�IRn wma.SPliellQ /Sf r{Q9�{r fts x�r I'jar�rd,,,R�rsala�i.ly p��rsf�pa�r �)1�l1 TOR.ZEi7-17 r dt� rUP�I y/a'7i ANOADINANCE TOAME"M CODE OFTEMTO"OF AG.AWAM ZONLNG ORDINANCES TO APW$OLAR tNYRGY SYSTLRas DDING A plpearvidryL madbwCMWNPW"baleoa ireAahstRem0 AilGREIHANO!TOAA [OntR1TILLTO1N11CfA411WAMm DwHs xrnaH ED><-IA 1Epeamred a,Oeukdlde 0.4wplw G w soM WHEREAS,Paaoedf w M.O.L.OApta 40A}S,the k0warn City Cldweal asy p.9poae anle14-mN mvdAltionlmtbmAµ Z dnALbdr.ne W'HBeILAR,w1W ene.gy fyttooA imJndieg di d noomd w,lv me®'alwnmkpa WHEREAL the Agawam Gty Cduntll H odrdamPleung an LwdMnld dwhimm mam ud aamntly Lwt aeRnea,t¢lhued a ndaranad H ilw Agaw.rt 7mlmg(bdr,tad whewW qre Apwam OtY fswtRll rout atz ai the tPadlal Pa•net Eraadty+lfdldrM fmr L'aHr wHLREAB,dw,rawo of Apw.e wmtslly df1em m La_,.pl.oe Ln awr m9 m tmeV Lyne,ne n the Towndga- pmutdo nwwdtrda for Aw Pla—A.dmga nmmnmm,opombm,m niwra&mod, acm end mmard of d Lr a wgy eywwlte Jnh adAaeaea public Utallh,uefiq add rlMW&.evd W1H.tt>JS,t§r[edadMw T9Am dl Apwas dmet ltawff&Wv ,Nunn a LpKLO Pdrcnh mliteLirn,map"w wimn amlaal 0.4 6 w-tswvm Led d.o P,-dm Wiqure dnaodal fiRtrg F.fw1he tntwame for ek swerved dmm,uL:roeW e,r trrm ia.wladeM ear to it eddaaed edyw'hma Agawam CfLY WnnN; within thi Apm-&m H;Cudx add NOW THEREf01E.THE A6AW1M CITY 170Ulgpi MaLA6T raolVb,ardieli mld enure IN WFIERSAS,if r in the NO tutmnt dthe Taam of Apwwn b amtad Lhe Coda of ibe falkwlna aMamlmetd to the Cade al the brrl OFAIPI-i Towm of Apwm to add Sala kbwp Syrema mE NOW THLERFORL.the Apa-City C-nW hw9hy romhwA adaim,ad amok Add the*A-ImgStxtbn 1O3-1A led the wtadwd Article JIXimiWd S.I.ThergySyatmu tok iu mclweo the Codeof ;17f-1(A) dr 7owaafApwam. 1-yI Apearo OtrC-dl W 0.116e: OAILD THIB 'PAY OF .fOER TV"-NMgrea,. /o; f— !/�!i{� EprIa ponalt $Ium PER ORDER OF THY.AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL LL.-J C.eu. 6l ��ff �c - tutu d1�{�5,1/�t�' LztTEo nas of �L! mVL Ty� ffii pp+� ����,j, ^'• -f._ �.................. C�1' ��� -"i' PER DRO CIFTHEAUVIAt C1T LA f COUNCIL lA- .tu dqxt Chdatopdkr C.f Pnladeet �-- ` Ce- & I. AppROIrLDASTOIFORMAMLIEGALMY Chrympear0.bh PmxkM �[ TYC$SLi.fGf'' APPROVEDAt to FORM AYD LEGkP kephm li ole-ni.Wkita Mile lHWIMA r6