CC MTG MINUTES FEBRUARY 5 2018 ' REGULAR MEETING OF THE AGA WAM CITY COUNCIL Minutes dated February S, 2018 ' Meeting was called to order by Council President Johnson at 7:00pm in the Auditorium at the Roberta G. Doering School,68 Main Street,Agawam. ' Item A.Roll Call ROLL CALL—10 PRESENT, 1 ABSENT 1 Roll Call was taken with the following councilors present: George Bitzas, Council Vice President Cecilia Calabrese, Paul Cavallo, Council President Christopher Johnson, Robert Magovern, Dino Mercadante, Joseph Mineo, Robert ' Rossi,Rosemary Sandlin and Anthony Suffriti. Councilor Letellier was absent.With ten present,there was a quorum. Item B. Moment of Silence and the Eledae ofAlle0ance. Council President Johnson asked for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. ' Item C. Citizen's Sneak Time The following citizens spoke: • Jason Herrick - new President of Sacred Heart Softball Association joining with Agawam Little League and needing help to get main ballfield in shape. Largest girls' softball association in Massachusetts. Opening day TBA. Looking for help to have the girls receive the same as the boys. • Brian Halla—honored Jay Berger + Corinne Wingard—Also spoke about Jay Berger and spoke in support of the CBDG • Mario Tedeschi—asked for support with his reappointments and appreciated the opportunity to serve + William Clark—spoke about Agawam Axe House as well as the Storm Water Task Force Item D. Minutes 1. Regular Council Meeting—January 16,2018 Motion to approve made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. Voice vote approved. Item E. Declaration From Council President ' None. Item F. Presentation otfetitions and Remonstrances 1. TR-2018-1 - A Resolution confirming the reappointment of Mario Tedeschi, 150 Juniper Ridge Drive, Feeding Hills,MA, to the Agawam Municipal Golf Commission for a term expiring on December 31,2020(Mayor Sapelli) Motion to approve made by Councilor Suffriti and seconded by Councilor Sandlin. ' The vote was 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier) approving the reappointment. Council President Johnson thanked Mario for his continued service. 1 2. TR-2018-2 - A Resolution confirming the reappointment of Mario Tedeschi, 150 Juniper Ridge Drive,Feeding Hills,MA to the Planning Board to a term expiring January 1,2023 (Mayor Sapelli) ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Suffriti and seconded by Councilor Bitzas. The vote was 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier) approving the reappointment. Council President ' Johnson again thanked Mario for his continued service. 3. TR-2018-3 - A Resolution confirming the reappointment of David Cecchi, 29 Albert Street, ' Agawam,MA to the Historical Commission to a term expiring January 1,2021 (Mayor Sapelli) Motion to approve made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Bitzas. The vote was 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier) approving the reappointment. Council President Johnson thanked David for his continued service. 4. TR-20184 - A Resolution confirming the reappointment of Shelby Hall-Gibbons, 49 Anvil Street, Feeding Hills, MA to the Agawam Housing Authority for a term expiring the second Monday in January 2023 (Mayor Sapelli) ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Bitzas and seconded by Councilor Sandlin. ' The vote was 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier) approving the reappointment. Council President Johnson thanked Shelby for her continued service. 5. TR-2018-5 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Patrick Asta-Ferrero, 71 Birch Hill Road, Agawam, MA to the Agawam Veteran's Council to an unexpired term expiring April 1, 2018 (Mayor Sapelli) ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilor Magovern. The vote was 10 YES,0 NO, 1 ABSENT(Councilor Letellier) approving the appointment. Council President Johnson thanked Patrick for his willingness to serve. 6. TR-2018-6 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Marie Kellogg-Izzo, 124 Brookfield Lane, ' Agawam,MA to the Whiting Street and Thomas Pyne Fund Commission for a term expiring December 31,2020(Mayor Sapelli) ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Magovern. The vote was 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier)approving the appointment. Council President Johnson thanked Marie for her willingness to serve. Item G. Report of Council Committees None. Item H. Elections ' None. 1 2 Item L Public Hearings 1. TR 2018-7(PH-2018-1) - A Resolution authorizing the application and acceptance of a ' Massachusetts Community Development Block Program (Sapelli Mayor) (Referred to Community Relations Committee) ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. Council President Johnson declared the Public Hearing open at 7:25pm. Christopher Dunphy of PVPC gave a detailed presentation of the CDBG. Mr. Dunphy spoke in favor of this item. As principal planner for PVPC, he has been working with Marc Strange with Agawam's Planning and Community Development Department to assemble a grant application through the Massachusetts's Department of Housing and Community Development's Block Grant Program. Unlike larger cities that receive this type of assistance directly I through the Federal government, this proposed FY 2018 CDBG application is a competitive application to be prepared and submitted to the state. He stated that Agawam last received this grant through the FY2013 state CDBG program and PVPC was able to provide housing assistance to qualified Agawam residents. In addition, the grant provided for engineering design plans for Springfield Street sidewalk improvements and a town-wide accessibility Transition Plan. Last year's CDBG application was not funded. He proposed submitting the same application with a few revisions to include Housing Rehabilitation, Aging in Place and ' an accessibility study for the Town Hall. If funded, the grant would be able to assist approximately nineteen or so households with housing rehab assistance and thirty or so senior occupied homes through the proposed Aging in Place program. In addition, this grant could provide for an accessibility study of the Town Hall. ' The proposed grant application is approximately $799,000 and is due on March 2nd. Meeting minutes and authorization through a signed cover sheet from the Mayor are also required for the March 2, 2018 deadline. Agawam should know if the grant is funded by July 2018 and work could start by early fall. Cathy Shepard, ' Corinne Wingard, Henry Kozloski all spoke in favor of the item. Brian Halla spoke in favor in name only. No one spoke in opposition or in opposition name only. Mr. Dunphy noted there was a sign in sheet as well as requesting the minutes of the Public Hearing that were required to be submitted along with this application for the grant. Council President Johnson declared the Public hearing closed at 7:38pm. Councilor Bitzas asked about the housing rehab liens which Mr. Dunphy and Marc Strange will look into ' and if necessary make an adjustment to the recapture rate so the lien would be reduced at a faster rate for seniors. The vote was 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier)approving the item. Item J. Old Business 1 1. TOR 2017-13 - An Ordinance to amend the Code of the Town of Agawam Zoning Ordinances to add solar energy systems (Sponsored by Councilors Johnson and Rossi) Refer to Legislative Committee and work with Assessors and Engineering to gather list of potential overlay district areas—no vote taken yet (Tabled 1/16/18)(Re-referred to Legislative Committee) ' Council President Johnson officially referred the revised language to the Planning Board so they can set their Public Hearing. He also set the City Council Public Hearing for March 19, 2018. Council President Johnson thanked Mayor Sapelli and Solicitor Buoniconti for their outreach and assistance in this revision. The item remains on the table until ' March 19,2018. 2 TO-2018-1 - Order granting or renewing a PERMIT for Weekly Amusement for N. Liquori, Inc. d1bla The Back Room, 827 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 (Clerk) (Referred to Administrative Committee) Motion to approve made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. As Chair of the Administrative Committee, Councilor Rossi provided his report stating that everything was in order with this application. The committee sent a positive recommendation to the Full Council with a vote of 5 Yes,0 No. ' 3 The vote was 10 YES,0 NO,1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier) approving the item. 3. TO-2018-2 - An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE to Richard Conlon Jr. d/b/a Motor City Car Co., 91 Ramah Circle, Agawam, MA (Clerk) (Referred to Administrative Committee) Motion to approve made by Councilor Suffriti and seconded by Councilor Rossi. As Chair of the Administrative Committee, Councilor Rossi provided his report stating that everything was in order with this application. The committee sent a positive recommendation to the Full Council with a vote of 5 Yes,0 No. rThe vote was 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier) approving the item. Item K. New Business 1. TR-2018-8 - A Resolution accepting a grant in the amount of $70,999.00 from Commonwealth of Massachusetts State 911 Department pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A ' for Agawam Police Department(Mayor Sapelli) Referred to Finance Committee,next Agenda, ' 2. TR-2018-9 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Corinne M. Wingard, 194 Elm Street, Agawam,MA to the Agawam Housing Committee to a term expiring October 1,2021 (Mayor Sapelli) ' Next Agenda. ' 3. TR-2018-10 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Marilyn Curry, 123 Beekman Drive, Agawam,MA to the Historical Commission to a term expiring January 1,2021 (Mayor Sapelli) Next Agenda. 4. TR 2018-11 - A Resolution authorizing the dedication of Energy Revenues to the Energy Management Project Stabilization Fund(Mayor Sapelli) ' Referred to Finance Committee,next Agenda. 1 5. TO-2018-3 - A Budgetary Transfer of 5,800.00 from Fire Department Regular Temporary (#12201- 51020)to Fire Contractual Services(#12202-52360)(Mayor Sapelli) ' Referred to Finance Committee,next Agenda. Item L. Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council. Councilor Magovem asked the members of his Legislative Committee to let him know of their availability for a meeting on Thursday. He also spoke about the sad loss of Jay Berger. Councilor Bitzas said the Super Bowl was the best game he's ever seen even though it wasn't the best outcome for New England fans. Councilor Calabrese thanked ' Aldo Mancini for his work in collecting candy after Halloween to send to our troops. This year it went to the United Emerates. Councilor Suffriti congratulated all the reappointments and thanked them for their service. They need to be recognized for caring for our town. He also congratulated Steve Buoniconti as being appointed the full-tinge City ' Solicitor. Councilor Suffriti also reminded the residents with sewer issues in Feeding Hills that we have not forgotten them. Councilor Sandlin informed everyone that Agawam St. Patrick's Day Committee will be crowing the new Colleen on February 11t'at loam at Chez Josef and it is important to support these young ladies. She also noted that it was a privilege to know Jay Berger and she's never met a nicer family than the Berger family. Councilor Minco also expressed sentiments of Jay Berger having worked with him for years on the Democratic Town Committee noting he was a true gentleman. Council President Johnson stated that since the Mayor has resurrected the Energy Commission ' there are three opening for councilors. He also thanked Mayor Sapelli for inviting him to his meeting with Wayfinders (formerly HAP) who updated him on their proposed timeline for the Mill Street project. Within 1 '/z months they plan on coming before the Planning Board for ANR plan and then another month or so later they will be submitting their 4 40B application to the Board of Appeals. If everything goes according to their plan, they are looking at construction beginning at the earliest in 2020. He again thanked the Mayor for including him and mentioned the pamphlet of information will be in the Council Office for review. ' Item M. Adjournment. ' The Motion to adjourn was moved and seconded all around. Meeting was adjourned at 8:01pm. i5 TR 201B-I TR-2018.2 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE REAPPOINTMENT OF MARIO TEOESCK 150 JUNIPER RIDGE DAME,FEEDING HILLS,MA DION A Rf8OLUT10N CONFFM NG THE REAPPOINTMENT OF TO THE AGAWAM MUNICIPAL MP COMMISSION FOR ATERM EXWRINO MARIO TEDESCHI,150 JUNIPER MDGE ORNE,FEEDING HILLS,MA01M ON DECEN IER 31,2020 TO THE PLANNING BOARD TO A TERN EXPIRING WHEREAS;the appointment of Mario Tedasehl ma the Agawam Municipal GOP JANUARY 1,2623 Commies on expired;and g S,ghrtsem for Norio Tedeschl on 0he Agrwm Film NgBardAn WHEREAS,the Mayor hp reappoirtmd LIallo Toclaschl,150 Juniper Rld"Feedhnj oxpkad;and Hills.MA,01030 M the Agwmn Municipal Golf Commission fora mrm explrfng flownber wR1ERFAfk ,s4Ho TedwchL 150 Juniper Ridge Driro, 8i,2020;and, Fending ON,MA DION to the Phwnh g Board to a Iowan expiring on Dorm ry 1.2M and NOW THEREFORE,THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL horsily resolves to confirm!Le raegpoh9mantofMaimTedmadd,tWJuniper Ridge NY%FeeftwAk.MA Sim tothe kOWTHEREFORE.THEAGAWAMCRYCgeDril herebynwWeato 11030on* rim ' Agawam Municipal Goo Comawieaimw fora term expiring 0acmnbar 31,ZV. Planning Barnol t Mario Tedwchj,on Jamuiper Ridge Odra.Feeding Hills,NA 0l136 m the Planning Bond to s Mani expiring a Jtmucry 1,2023. DATED THIS DAYOF .2G1S. OATEOTHIS_,,,_DAY OF 261& PER ORDER Of THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOM COUNCIL Christopher C.Johnson,Praaidsrrt,Agmwwn Town Council CkrMspher G Johnson,President Agawam CHy fAr+nccl APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY ?;�x1 APPROVED ASTD FORK AND LEGALITY PattickTrNmy,Tavm Sollclter ;.y Ribick Tony,3o0dtw TR-2016-3 7R•20181 ARUMUTIOMCgaFWMN1GTWeRLM4KMTMEM W A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE REAPPOINTMENT OF DAVID CECCH.29 ALBERTSTREET,AGl1WAM.MA SHELSY HA"IBHON%4ANVIL STREET,FEEDING HILLS,MA61030 STCRrCAL COMMISSION TO THE AGAWAM wwom AUTHORITY FOR A TERM EXPIRING TO THE XI TO TERM E%COMM THE SECOND NOWAY INJANUARY 2123 MG JANt1ARV 1,2621 WHEREAS,the appointatad of fte ft fil"Ibbam,B Aril Sheokfaft Ift MA YIMEREAS,the appoinknod of David Csochi,29 Albert Streit Aprilwm MA to Me Njgorial on the Agw am Hmrs"Authority bas expired;and Commmulon his expired;and WHEREAS,the Mayor lose.reappointed Shelby Hallabbom,NMW Strmot,Feeding WHEREAS.the Mayor how raappolmde l Darold Coot*29 Albert ShrpU Agffm m,MA b the loft,NA to this AG..N uft AuthaT4 for a Man sawma m Sex pooh mm"in Nutorkal Gomniaalort t0 a bran expiring on Jmamry 1, car.mid 4mrrrrry2023;and NOW THEREFORE,THE AGAINAM CITY COUNCIL hereby ravohem to oorillm the NOW THEREFORE,THE AGAWAM TOM COUNCIL homy mw*—to nnrwRml the rcapporfirhrnt of Oevid CeccK 20 Albert Soviet,Agswmm,MA to the Historical Cummis*n to a nsppointmem of Shelby Hall.O ens.M PAR Strexl,Fading Hills,MA to tan Agawam tarn expiring on January 1,2K1, Housing Atolhorky for a tram exphbg m am wmrd Monday In Jnumry 2D23. DATED THIS DAY OF-2018 DATEOTHTS DAY OF 201& PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOM COUNCIL PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL Chrisbpher G Johman,President Agthwm Term Council Christophor C.Johnson,President Agawam CHy CourwY APPROYFA AS TO FORM AND LElilnLm /WA/ - APPROVED AS TO PON AND LEGALITY Patifick Toney,SoileNdr P�rf -g- PMtck Toney,Sokilor TR-2D1g3 A AESOLUTIOkCONFpBANG THE APPOINTMENT OF TR-Wai PATRICK IL ASTrbdr .TT BIRCH HILL ROAD,AGAWAM,MA TO THE AGAWAM VETERWS COUNCIL A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF TO AM UNEXPIRED MARE KF LOGG R20.124 BROONRELD LANE.AGAWAM,NA TERM EXPIRING TO THE WWrING STREET AND TIOW FM FUND CONM11181O11 FORA TERM E mR1r1G - APRIL I.2h8 DECE BER 31,2020 WHEREAS,a vacancy UNU on like Agawm Vatsmn's Ceuedl;and WHEREAS,a vawwy mdo e me the Wit"Stnrtand Therms fYns Pond Cdnmhslm;arm WHEREAS,the Mayor has appointed,Patrick R Aeq-Ferrara,71 Birch Hill Road,MA to the WHEREAS.the Mayor hoer appoiwrmd MtrM Kellogg Ina,124 BnokReld Lam,Apmhwn,NA Agawam Vdame's Council to an unexpired Ism aspiring April 1,20!$and to the WrAbng Sirwand Thomas Pyne fund Commission for a was expiring Deambar31,20; 1 and NOW TTEREFORE.THE AGAWANCRYCOUNCLhnsby msowoste w dkm ft sppmwament d Patrick R.Aeb#snare,7t Blreh Nfig Road,11A to rim Agmpm Vahrm's COuncll b NOW!TNBREfORE,THE AGAWAM CRY COUNCIL heresy resdrex b a+mm 0m an unaplred bum expiring Along 1,2018. appoino wnt of Marie Ambit Lao,124 Braeldisid Lam,Agawam,Ma,to the Whurg SheN and Thomas Pyna lard Commission for a trrrrh apWg normen ow 31.2D2D. DATED THIS DAY OF 261E PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COIRDCIL DATED THIS DAY OF .2013 PER ORDER OF THEAGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL Chrirdm*w C.Joll.,Prn dw%Agawam Chy Couac6 ChdstoptwC.Johnson,Prralder*Agmxmwo CNy Council APPI17"AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Patrick Tway.Swkmf Pabidr Tony,BOIIcNcr 6 s 1 ' rA-1D1a-� RESOLUTIOfi",T.RIVING THEAPPLICATIDMAND ACCEPTANCE OF A MASSACHIISEfifS OUMMUNM DEVELOPMENT BLOCK PRO04,1h (Sash—d bV Mayor WiDiun P.Sapehi) ' �oEAEAS,thl Pbjearve ottheCommer:lyl]euelopment Pbck Brant(mgGl pragmm Krosapphrt sir mmpnmes LT[Mv elfiort to pmv:de decent houdngaM audahle Irving enWmnmentcand expand Harm!opportunhim;and YVHEREA5,the Theen Cf Agawam/mmieed a CWG IVanl In Nt3 that handed Hdewagc and roadway ImprpPlTlmS agngih!Spdngpeld Street Emridar,an AnA 1—,11m"14"aluall11 S T-111Pn Plan.and a hausingrehabditation Program designed to astitt Inwand moderate income MYseholds: antl WHERFAS,the FY2M CDBG landa recefaed c hid tar used to creiteergi—log and design Plans to bringrhe Agawam Town Hail in compllanm with the Amerlum with Dhabehles Act(ADA),which was tecommended bylhe ADA{OsnpTant SCS-Eral VaHon S 1-anion Plan;and YYNEREAS,the 1Y1111 C116 fulls rerehred muld be used to esrerel the housing rehamlilatlon program design.d m assist howand rnodlraus intyme households funded by the 1013 CDbG gran!;and WHLRM the FY201g DDgG harms mulved Hold be usedto helpamomeeggible Im,ains magad slaty-five and older or those with a disabled member of the hwaehdd W make sarety Imprmemen—o their eaae(saii—idences;-no ' 1eHE11A5,h1,,n the best tmered ofihe Town efAgawam to apay inrand accept knell hdmthe Community Dexlopnohm Stock GW Progen. NOW THfKfWAE,Iha Agawam Town Coup61 heteby resolves that the Mayor apply fn,said grant and fiat he eaem,Le al documents neceeaeryio secure the award of the grant, SE fT FURTHER RESOLVED,that,If awarded said grant.the Towd of Agawam aaept the grant Prasuam 1 M.G.L,c."sec,53A antl Isle.the"I"Its'at al no I.T.—dt Agawam FY2G1tSQn manhY Deve14-1 Strategy and the Mayor execute any nmetsary documents m that e.d. Dated rna_day ui .2018 Also approved were license and/or permit applications: TO-2018-1 and TO-2018-2 t 1 7