CC MTG MINUTES JANUARY 2 2018 REGULAR MEETING OF THE AGA WAM CITY COUNCIL Minutes dated January 2, 2018 ' Meeting was called to order by Councilor Cavallo as he is the most senior member of the City Council at 7:00pm in the Auditorium at the Roberta G. Doering School,68 Main Street,Agawam. Item A. Roll Call ROLL CALL— 11 PRESENT, 0 ABSENT Roll Call was taken with the following councilors present: George Bitzas, Cecilia Calabrese, Paul Cavallo, Christopher ' Johnson, Gina Letellier, Robert Magovern, Dino Mercadante, Joseph Mineo, Robert Rossi, Rosemary Sandlin and Anthony Suffriti. With eleven present,there was a quorum. Item B. Moment of Silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. I Councilor Cavallo asked for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Item C Elections 1. TE-2018-1 - Election of City Council President Councilor Cavallo opened the floor for nominations. Councilor Suffriti nominated Christopher Johnson for Council President which was seconded by Councilors Mercadante and Magovern. No other names were placed into nomination and a Motion to closed nominations was moved and seconded. The vote was 11 for CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON making Councilor Johnson the new Council President. 2. TE-2018-2 -Election of City Council Vice President Councilor Cavallo opened the floor for nominations. Councilor Mineo nominated Anthony Suffriti for Council Vice President which was seconded by Councilor Sandlin. Councilor Bitzas nominated Cecilia Calabrese for Council Vice President which was seconded by Councilor Magovern. A Motion to closed nominations was moved and seconded. The vote was 5 for ANTHONY SUFFRITI and 6 for CECILIA CALABRESE making Councilor Calabrese the new Council Vice President. Item D. Selection o new seat assi nments Numbers were randomly selected for new seat assignments and the Council moved to their new seat locations. They are left to right as follows: Mineo—Sandlin—Letellier—Suffriti—Calabrese—Johnson—Cavallo—Rossi—Bitzas—Mercadante -Magovern ' Item E. Any other matter that may lemally come before the City Councif ' Councilor Cavallo did not ask for any comments in this section. Item F. Adiournment The Motion to adjourn was moved and seconded all around. Meeting was adjourned at 7:1 1pm. 1