CC MTG MINUTES JUNE 18 2018 ' REGULAR MEETING OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL ' Minutes dated June 18, 2018 Meeting was called to order by Council President Johnson at 7:00pm in the Auditorium at the Roberta G. Doering School, 68 Main Street, Agawam. Item A.Roll Call ROLL CALL—8 PRESENT,3 ABSENT Roll Call was taken with the following councilors present: Council Vice President Cecilia Calabrese, Paul Cavallo, Council President, Robert Magovern, Dino Mercadante, Robert Rossi, Rosemary Sandlin and Anthony Suffriti. Councilors Bitzas and Letellier were absent and Council President Johnson arrived late. With eight present,there was a ' quorum. Item B. Moment of Silence and the Pledge ofAllepance. Council President Calabrese asked for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Item C. Citizen's Speak Time • Mayor Sapelli — Wanted to thank his Department Heads and especially Laurel Placzek, Cheryl St. John, ' Coleen, Becky and Nadine in office and a thank you to the School Committee and Superintendent of Schools Lemanski. This was his first budget and appreciates the City Council's input with their respectful questions. It is important to work together. Mayor Sapelli stated it was not his budget but our budget as we work as a ' team. He looked forward to a positive vote. • Corinne Wingard — appreciated the Mayor's open process used for this budget and hoped the City Council would honor it with a positive vote. Item D. Minutes 1. Regular Council Meeting—June 4,2018 ' Motion to approve was moved by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilors Magovern and Rossi. Voice vote approved. ' Item E. Declaration front Council President None. Item F. Presentation oLResoludons ' 1. TR-2018-35 - A Resolution adopting the Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Operating Budget for the Town of Agawam (Mayor Sapelli) (Tabled 6/4/18) ' Motion to remove the item from the table made by Councilor Magovern and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. Voice vote approved. Motion to approve made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Mineo. There was no discussion. ' The vote was 8 YES, 0 NO, 3 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas, Johnson and Letellier) approving the FY19 Operating Budget. 1 ' 1 f 2. TR-2018-38 - A Resolution appropriating from the Community Preservation Fund and authorizing the expenditure of Community Preservation Funds for an update to the historic inventory (CPA) (Referred to Community Relations Committee) ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Mineo. As Chair of the Community Relations Committee, Councilor Suffriti provided the report stating that the committee had a conversation about the process of updating the historical inventory was answered by Jennifer Bonfiglio and PVPC. A Motion to send a positive recommendation to the Full Council made by Councilor Mercadante and seconded by Councilor Magovern. The vote was 3 yes, 0 no,2 absent(Councilors Letellier and Bitzas. The vote was 8 YES,0 NO,3 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas, Johnson and Letellier)approving the item. 3. TR-2018-39 - A Resolution authorizing the reservation and appropriation of funds from the Community Preservation Fund(CPA) Motion to table the item made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilor Mineo. The item was voice vote tabled. However, later in the meeting Council Vice President realized that this item did not need to be referred to a committee and was simply the annual reservation and appropriation of CPA funds therefore a Motion to remove the item from the table was made by Councilor Suffriti and seconded by Councilor Sandlin. The vote was 6 yes ' (Councilors Calabrese, Cavallo, Magovern, Mercadante, Roiss and Suffriti), 2 no (Councilors Mineo and Sandlin) and 3 absent(Councilors Bitzas,Johnson and Letellier)removing the item from the table. ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. The vote was 8 YES,0 NO,3 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas, Johnson and Letellier)approving the item. 4. TR-2018-40 - A Resolution authorizing the appropriation to fund deficits in Snow and Ice Overtime and Equipment Rentals Snow Accounts ($177,544.09) (Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Finance Committee) t Motion to approve made by Councilor Magovern and seconded by Councilor Sandlin. Councilor Cavallo provided the report of the Finance Committee stating that the committee sent a positive recommendation by a vote of 4 yes, 0 no, 1 absent(Councilor Calabrese). ' The vote was 8 YES, 0 NO,3 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas,Johnson and Letellier) approving the item. ' 5. TR-2018-41 -A Resolution transferring funds to the CATV PEG Access and Cable Related Fund and appropriating funds to support cable related expenditures (Mayor Sapelli) Motion to approve made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilor Mercadante. Councilor Cavallo provided the report of the Finance Committee stating that the committee sent a positive recommendation by a vote of 4 yes, 0 no, 1 absent(Councilor Calabrese). ' The vote was 8 YES, 0 NO,3 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas,Johnson and Letellier) approving the item. 6. TR-2018-42 - A Resolution appropriating Twenty Two Thousand, Six Hundred and Forty Seven Dollars ($22,647.00) from Free Cash for the Funding of Temporary Salaries and Contractual Services for the Agawam Municipal Golf Course (Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Finance Committee) ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Mineo. Councilor Cavallo provided the report of the Finance Committee stating that there was discussion about whether or not this would be paid back to the town. According to the Auditor, there is no way to force a mandatory repayment. All councilors wanted to see the golf course succeed and give the new management the opportunity to succeed as well. The committee sent a positive recommendation by a vote of 4 yes, 0 no, 1 absent (Councilor Calabrese). Councilor Mineo noted that we must support this—we have no other option. Councilor Magovern congratulated Mr. DiRico and looked forward to a good ' year at the course. Councilor Rossi echoed the congratulations and heard the course was looking great. The vote was 8 YES, 0 NO,3 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas, Johnson and Letellier)approving the item. ' 2 Item L Public Hearin s ' 1. TOR-2018-6(PH-2018&-4) -An Ordinance amending the Code of the Town of Agawam Chapter 149 entitled "Smoking and Tobacco Products" (Mayor Sapelli) (Two Readings Required) —Public Hearing Set for June 18,2018(Referred to Legislative Committee) Motion to approve made by Councilor Suffriti and seconded by Councilor Mineo. Council Vice President Calabrese ' declared the Public Hearing open at 7:25pm. Solicitor Buoniconti spoke in favor stating it was procedurally a drastic overhaul to the current smoking ordinance. Gladys Fernandez spoke as Chair of the Board of Health thanking the Mayor Sapelli, Solicitor Buoniconti and Health Agent Kathy Auer for their help in getting this done. After speaking she concluded stating that we need to learn from the past to protect our future. Brianna McLaughlin as owner of Uplift and Vaping Smoke Supplies noted her husband's father passed away from smoking complications and is in support of preventing youth smoking and keeping it out of schools. Donald Wilson, the MMA Tobacco Control Administrator also spoke in favor noting it has been a long time since this ordinance was updated. There are more issues now with juuling and candy flavored tobacco products. The changes in the ordinance are raising the legal smoking age from 18 to 21 with the state providing the proper signage free of charge and restricting flavored products to vape shops or adult-only retailers. These flavored products are considered `starter kits' to smoking. Health Agent Kathy Auer spoke in favor and was shocked to see little to no oversight in the Town of Agawam. Out of towners know Agawam does not have laws to enforce minor smoking and many come here to purchase their smoking products. We want to be business friendly however tobacco-related diseases increase the health insurance as well. Agawam scored last in this area and ' we are 16% higher than the state average and also 28% higher than the state average for pregnant women who smoke and have smoking-related pregnancy issues. There was also a 900% increase in smoking with students. She thanked the City Council for their consideration. Sarah Moriarty also spoke in favor noting that when regulations are put into place, the number of smokers definitely decreases. It's all about keeping this out of the hands of our youth. Corinne ' Wingard also spoke stating that she was never a smoker nor was her mother however her mom got lung cancer from secondhand smoke from her mom's father and grandfather. Secondhand smoke is a real thing but she understands the town wanting to be business friendly but it is very important to restrict for the health of our children. No one spoke in favor in name only. Northeast Regional Manager for RStrect Institute Nicholas John spoke in opposition who travels across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts stating he is in favor of increasing fines and penalties for violators who sell to minors as well as increasing the minimum age to 21 however increasing that age limits citizens to make their 1 own choices. He encourages using electronic cigarette products believing they are a safer alternative. Dennis Lane as Executive Director for the Coalition for Responsible Retailing also spoke in opposition stating that most retailers currently do NOT sell to minors and work hard to keep smoking products out of the hands of minors. He wants to ' keep adults' rights in place and having these restrictions would inhibit retailers from their ability to thrive. Vaping is huge with young people but these restrictions have not shown reductions in youth smoking/vaping. Retailers should be fined or lose their license if selling to minors. Most minors purchase products online because there is no ID required. There needs to be consequences for selling to minors similar to alcohol. He stressed not punishing retailers who are i currently a firewall to selling to minors. No one else spoke in opposition or in opposition name only. Council Vice President Calabrese declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:58pm. As Chair of the Legislative Committee, Councilor Magovern reminded everyone that his committee sent a positive recommendation to the Full Council. Councilor Mineo hoped everyone would support this ordinance. He had many family members pass away due to smoking cancers destroying an entire family of smokers. Councilor Sandlin proposed an amendment to the ordinance. Amendment 41 Councilor Sandlin stated her background is with the kids and prior to this she had never heard of juuling and how big of an issue it is within our schools. We need to set a precedence by saying no new permits should be issued. Motion to amend made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilors Mercadante and Magovern. The amendment should insert the following language into Section 149-10: A Tobacco Product Sales Permit shall not be issued to any new applicant for a retail location within five hundred (500)feet of a public or private elementary or secondary school as measured by a straight line from the nearest point ' 3 a ' of the property line of the school to the nearest point of the property line of the site of the applicant's business premises. The vote on Amendment #1 was 8 YES, 0 NO, 3 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas, Johnson and Letellier) approving Amendment#1. Amendment#2 Councilor Mercadante proposed a few amendments stating he is not pro-smoking however he IS pro-business and noted the need for health enforcement. He noted that there are businesses in town—new vape shops and cigar shops— which are following the rules and doing a healthy business and we should not punish businesses for wanting to conduct a proper business. Motion to amend made by Councilor Mercadantc and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. The amendment should deleting sub-paragraph 1 which reads "smoking bars whose operators have newly applied after the date these regulations take effect" and renumbering the remaining paragraphs as paragraphs 1 through 6. There was some confusion on what exactly Councilor Mercadante wanted with this amendment with Councilor Mercadante reiterating that he thinks new businesses should be allowed and not restricted. Councilor Mineo said one cigar room is ' enough. Councilor Mercadante stated that we shouldn't legislate our businesses and it is not our position as City Councilor to make a social call. Councilor Rossi said more is not better and this ordinance is trying to be more restrictive. Councilor Magovern stated he too is pro-business but this needs to be controlled just like liquor licenses. He is not in favor of the amendment. Councilor Mercadante said as a businessman,where does this end? We draw the line on new businesses—this is a strong ordinance and is all for it but not for limiting our businesses. The vote on Amendment #2 was 3 YES (Councilors Johnson, Mercadante and Suffrtiti), 6 NO (Councilors Calabrese, Cavallo, Magovern, Mineo, Rossi and Sandlin), 2 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas and Letellier) defeating Amendment #2. Amendment#3 Councilor Mercadante proposed Amendment #3 which would amend Section 149-10 by deleting sub-paragraph 9 entitled "Maximum Number of Tobacco Product Sales Permits". Councilor Mercadante asked why we need to limit these permits. There is money coming into the revolving fund for education. Motion to amend made by Councilor Mercadante and seconded by Councilor Sandlin. Councilor Mineo said he had no problem with this. ' The vote on Amendment #3 was 7 YES (Councilors Calabrese, Cavallo, Johnson, Mercadante, Mineo, Sandlin and Suffriti), 3 NO (Councilors Magovern and Rossi), 2 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas and Letellier)defeating Amendment ' #3. 1 Councilor Mercadante withdrew his other amendment however Council President Johnson did propose that fourth amendment stating the effective date was incorrect in the ordinance. ' Amendment#4 Motion to amend Section 149-27 by changing the effective date from July 1,2018 to October 1,2019 made by Council President Johnson and seconded by Councilors Sandlin and Magovern. ' The vote was 9 YES,0 NO, 2 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas and Letellier)approving Amendment 94. The vote on the main Motion as amended was 9 YES, 0 NO, 2 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas and Letellier) approving ' the first reading of TOR-2018-6 as amended. 2. ZC-2018-2(PH-2018-6) -Petition for Zane Change by Owners, Thomas F. Reidy H and Sherry M. Reidy for property located at 466 South Westfield Street from Agricultural to an Age Restricted Housing District (Residence A-5) Referred to Planning Board for their Public Hearing on June 21, 2018 - City Council Public Hearing set for July 9,2018 ' Council Vice President Calabrese noted our Public Hearing is set for July 91h on this item and also referred it to the Legislative Committee. 4 ' Item J. Old Business 1. TOR-2018-8 - An Ordinance to amended Section 49-7(c) of the Code of the Town of Agawam (Mayor Sapelli) (2 of 2 Readings)(Referred to Legislative Committee) (Tabled 5121/18) ' Motion to approve the second and final reading made by Councilor Johnson and seconded by Councilor Rossi. The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas and Letellier) approving the second and final reading. 2. TO-2018-13 - Budgetary Transfer of$20,000.00 from the Firearms Qualification (#12101-51130) and $50,000.00 from the Uniform Allowance (#12101-51070)to Longevity (#12101-51400)for a total transfer of$70,000.00(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Finance Committee)(Tabled 5/21/18) Motion to remove the item from the table made by Councilor Johnson and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. Voice vote removes the item from the table. Motion to approve made by Councilor Johnson and seconded by Councilor Mercadante. Councilor Cavallo stated we have to vote for this—there's not much we can do about it. He would like a letter drafter to Attorney Maura Healey asking if it is legal to do this. Council President Johnson made a Point of Information saying that the Attorney General's Office would not offer an opinion and would say to defer to your City Solicitor. He noted it would be more productive to send a letter to PERAC. Councilor Cavallo disagreed and said he has received satisfaction for personal issues he has sent to the AG's Office. He said let Attorney General send the letter to PERAC and still requested the letter from the Attorney General Healey. Councilor Rossi noted that Mayor Sapelli is stuck with this and I have faith that he will fix it in the future. He also suggested that the Mayor and Solicitor could put together questions too. Councilor Magovern agreed with Council President Johnson about sending j a letter to PERAC however we could cc the AG's Office and agrees that it is extremely outlandish to include this money in longevity. Councilor Sandlin said well be could send one to each office instead of cc'ing. Council President ' Johnson said the letter would have to come from us as the City Council — not the Solicitor. Councilor Cavallo proceeded to talk about an issue with General Motors and the Attorney General's Office and continued to ask to have the letter come from the AG's Office, Councilor Sandlin asked to have everyone stay on topic and moved the question. Several councilors voted "reluctantly", "with an asterisk" and "with a question mark" hoping this sends a message to the Mayor for the next negotiations. The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas and Letellier)approving the transfer. ' 3. TOR-2018-9 - An Ordinance amending Chapter 33 of the Code of the Town of Agawam (Mayor Sapelli) (1 of 2 Readings) (Referred to Legislative Committee) ' Motion to approve the first reading made by Councilor Johnson and seconded by Councilors Suffriti and Rossi. As Chair of the Legislative Committee, Councilor Magovern stated that there after some discussion, the committee send a positive recommendation to the Full Council by a vote of 4 yes, 0 no, 1 absent(Councilor Bitzas). The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas and Letellier)approving the first reading. ' 4. TOR-2018-10 - An Ordinance authorizing the acceptance of General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53F 3/4 which establishes a Special Revenue Fund known as "The PEG Access and Cable Related Fund) (Mayor Sapelli) (1 of 2 Readings)(Referred to Legislative Committee) ' **Motion to take this item out of order (so it would be voted on prior to voting on TR-2018-41 which is related) was moved and seconded.** As Chair of the Legislative Committee, Councilor Magovern stated this item should be in the ' form of a resolution not an ordinance and his committee provided a positive recommendation to the Full Council by a vote of 4 yes, 0 no, 1 absent (Councilor Bitzas). ' Motion to amend to a resolution made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilors Mercadante and Magovern. The vote was 8 yes, 0 no, 3 absent (Councilors Bitzas, Johnson and Letellier) approving the amendment. Motion to approve the item as amended was moved and seconded. 5 The vote was 8 YES,0 NO,3 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas, Johnson and Letellier)approving the item as amended. ' S. TO-2018-16 - Budgetary Transfer of $7,675.00 from Fire - Science College (#12201-51120) and $10,000.00 from Regular Temporary(#12201-51020) and $5,000.00 from Regular Salary(#12201-51010) to Employee Benefits Buy Back(#16602-51040) (Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Finance Committee) Motion to approve made by Councilor Johnson and seconded by Councilor Suffhti. Councilor Cavallo provided the report of the Finance Committee stating that the committee sent a positive recommendation by a vote of 4 yes,0 no, i absent(Councilor Calabrese). The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas and Letellier)approving the transfer. ' 6. TO-2018-17 -Voucher List in the amount of$1,188.00 for BoardPaq annual invoice(City Council) Motion to approve made by Councilor Suffriti and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas and Letellier)approving the item. 7. TO-2018-18 - Budgetary Transfer of $15,000.00 from Law Regular Temporary (#11511-51020) to Law Department Professional Services (#11512-52190) (Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Finance Committee) ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Johnson. Councilor Cavallo provided the report of the Finance Committee stating that the committee sent a positive recommendation by a vote of 4 yes, 0 no, 1 absent(Councilor Calabrese). ' The vote was 9 YES, 0 NO, 2 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas and Letellier)approving the transfer. 8. TO-2018-19 - Budgetary Transfer of $9,850.00 from Line Item Reserve Fund (#16605-57300) to Professional Services (#16602-52190) (Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Finance Committee) ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Suffriti and seconded by Councilor Rossi. Councilor Cavallo provided the report of the Finance Committee stating that there was a discussion about hiring a consultant about a possible DIF for the Feeding Hills sewer area and the committee appreciated the forward thinking of the Mayor and hoped the ' consultant had good information to share after the study. The committee sent a positive recommendation by a vote of 4 yes, 0 no, I absent(Councilor Calabrese). ' The vote was 9 YES,0 NO, 2 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas and Letellier)approving the transfer. 9. TO-2018-20 - Budgetary Transfer of S20,000.00 from Highway Grounds Building Maintenance (#14202-52020) to Highway Electricity & Heat (#14202-52110) for $5,000.00 and MV Maintenance ' Electricity & Heat (#14902-52110 for $5,000.00 and Wastewater Electricity & Heat (#22542-52110) for $5,000.00 and Water Electricity & Heat (#60142-52110) for $5,000.00 (Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Finance Committee) ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilor Johnson. Councilor Cavallo provided the report of the Finance Committee stating that the committee sent a positive recommendation by a vote of 4 yes, 0 no, 1 ' absent(Councilor Calabrese). The vote was 9 YES,0 NO, 2 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas and Letellier)approving the transfer. ' 6 a 10. TO-2018-21 - Budgetary Transfer of$6,000.00 from Reserve Fund(416605-57300)to Sewer &Water (#16602-52490) (Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Finance Committee) ' Motion to approve made b Councilor Cavallo and seconded b Councilor Johnson. Councilor Cavallo provided the pp Y Y report of the Finance Committee stating that the committee sent a positive recommendation by a vote of 4 yes, 0 no, 1 absent (Councilor Calabrese). The vote was 9 YES,0 NO, 2 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas and Letellier) approving the transfer. 11. TO-2018-22 - Budgetary Transfer of S12,000.00 from Reserve Fund (#16605-57300) to Medicare Insurance (#16603-57040) (Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Finance Committee) Motion to approve made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Johnson. Councilor Cavallo provided the report of the Finance Committee stating that the committee sent a positive recommendation by a vote of 4 yes, 0 no, 1 absent(Councilor Calabrese). The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas and Lctellier)approving the transfer. 12. TO-2018-23 - Budgetary Transfer of $2,000.00 from Fringe Benefits (#16603-52350) and $70,000.00 ' from Unemployment Claims and $106,000.00 from Property& Liability Insurance (#16603-57500) for a total transfer of$178,000.00 to Medical Claims (#16603-57060) and Medicare Insurance (#16603-57040) (Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Finance Committee) ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Johnson. Councilor Cavallo provided the report of the Finance Committee stating that the committee sent a positive recommendation by a vote of 4 yes, 0 no, I absent (Councilor Calabrese). The vote was 9 YES, 0 NO, 2 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas and Letellier) approving the transfer. ' 13. TO-2018-24 - Budgetary Transfer of$9,604.87 from various Golf Accounts to various Golf Accounts (Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Finance Committee) ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Magovern and seconded by Councilor Johnson. Councilor Cavallo provided the report of the Finance Committee stating that the committee sent a positive recommendation by a vote of 4 yes, 0 no, I absent(Councilor Calabrese). ' The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas and Letellier) approving the transfer. ' 14. ZC-2018-1 - Petition for Zone Change by Owner, Salmar Realty, Inc., for property located at 779 and 0 Suffield Street from Residence A-2 and Agricultural to Business A — Applicant wishes to withdraw—vote to remove from Agenda Motion to remove the item from the Agenda made by Councilor Suffriti and seconded by Councilor Johnson. Councilor Mineo noted that this would be a classic case of spot zoning and when does this end? ' The vote was 9 YES,0 NO,2 ABSENT(Councilors Bitzas and Letellier) removing the item from the Agenda. Item K. New Business 1. TR-2018-43 - A Resolution accepting a gift from the Pioneer Valley Transportation Authority pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A to the Agawam Senior Center (Mayor Sapelli) Referred to Finance Committee,next Agenda. 7 2. TR-201844 - A Resolution to become a member of the Pioneer Valley Mosquito Control District (Mayor Sapelli) ' Referred to Community Relations Committee,next Agenda. 3. TR-2018-45 - A Resolution accepting a grant ($18,500.00)from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office for Administration and Finance pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A(Mayor Sapelli) Referred to Finance Committee,next Agenda. ' 4. TR-2018-46 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Gerald O'Keefe, 27D Castle Hill Road, Agawam, MA 01001 to the Agawam Municipal Golf Commission for an unexpired term expiring on ' December 31,2019(Mayor Sapelli) Next Agenda. ' 5. TOR-2018-11 -An Ordinance to amend the Code of the Town of Agawam Zoning Ordinances to allow site plan review waivers (Planning Board) (Two Readings Required) I Referred to Planning Board for their Public Hearing, also set our Public Hearing and refer this to Legislative Committee,next Agenda. i 6. TO-2018-25 - An Order granting or renewing a Class 3 Dealer's LICENSE to BBB Auto, Inc., 266 Walnut Street,Agawam,MA. (Clerk) i Referred to Administrative Committee,next Agenda. 7. TO-2018-26 - Order granting or renewing a PERMIT for Weekly Amusement for Sias Flags New England, 1623 Main Street,Agawam(Clerk) Referred to Administrative Committee,next Agenda. 8. TO-2018-27 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device(s) for Six Flags New England, 1623 Main Street,Agawam(Clerk) Referred to Administrative Committee,next Agenda. 9. TO-2018-28 -An Order granting or renewing a PERMIT for Weekly Amusement for Matthew Gibbs —Quest,Inc. d/b/a Catch 1251, 1251 River Road,Agawam,MA. (Clerk) Referred to Administrative Committee,next Agenda. 1 Item L. Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council. Councilor Sandlin mentioned that on the Zoning Review Committee they are looking into spot zoning. Councilor Suffriti apologized for being on the phone frequently and stepping out — due to the multiple tornado warnings this evening and told everyone to be careful on way home. Council President Johnson thanked Council Vice President Calabrese for pinch hitting (pun intended) this evening. Councilor Cavallo wanted clarification as to who is writing the letter he requested. Councilor Rossi asked Barbara for clarification with the Agenda items referred to the Administrative Committee and for her to schedule a separate evening. Councilor Mcrcadante thanked everyone for listening to his pro-business standpoint. Councilor Magovern said he was pro-business as well. He also mentioned seeing a lot of negative comments online regarding School Street Park and wanted a report from the Mayor to control the problems down there. ' Item M. Ad,Lournment. The Motion to adjourn was moved and seconded all around. Meeting was adjourned at 8:49pm. 1 g t C�p�'r�lirtnL TR-2019-39 I TR-2019-36 A HE.SULU'IfVN AYYRQYIdkt'1'1Nli PllllM IIICUMMUNFi'Y r1hESERYA i'EUM1 Fl714D AND ALTRORIZING'171F EXPENDITURE OF COMMUNITY dLLT'IT1N A lUU ArYROPJt1A1'ING hROM lHl:4_0MM111YIi'Y rRlrSERVArl PRF,SER'VATFONT-VNI FOR AN UPDATETOTH19 HLSTORTC;INVENTORV FUND AND ALTHORIZING'IHE FXPFNDITURF,OF COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUNDS FORAN UPDATE TO THE HISTORIC INVENTORY ' Whereas,yntars of Agawam chose to forma Comrnumfy E'tCscrvadun Cammiarr Wheseaw»tenor Agawam chasem furor a Camrnaaity Peen sarba Commmw (CPA);and (CPA);and Whenns,ptlrswrtt 10 Afasaachusects General Law Chaptcr41lll llows.Section 5(2)a the Whe ltlsaan eas,prso Maseachustxffi General Law C'MWer 4433.Section 5[2}ailowa the CPA Louhmitlu w make nxxxnmendulilme w the Icgietaribc bird),:rota CPA CassiI w nuke--"Li—w the hgu,Linve i bI cola ' W&erras,purt+am fo?r[asslR�huactls Crcneral Law Chapter 4aB,Section<.(3)<d)rile Whereas,pursuutl W Messchusc[?s C;emnl Law CWerr flail,Section 513Hd}lire lil laGve hod),shall then take such aelian sod approve such sprwiriciuiuna far the CPA legistati,.a body sheik than take suchaclien and approve such approprtuions for tin CPA Crxmnitxe.attd Cvrrmitce end Whereas,otyl Committee's functions is w toad Hisbric Preerwativa and the Whereas.onserihe Committee's fanc(whnsi_w fuud 1h.unti.:Psysv.Vaa_aid the Rehabi!ilntiorvficstomlitm afhiswric sites:sold RebabilltadosVRoncranon ofhfs[une sac.aid ' W bcreas.the E fiswJul L;ummissiun is—king f unJ>to update Ilw!9F5 pimion of aw rite H nmission Wit'lous isv"iehl Co :s+w Ikinh furAw uplale the 1995 putKm aftra- La 's ven Inlaryofr5storic Smucllaas aced perform Natosml Register nominations:and Ioxn's inven!Sry uFkliswric Stsuctllrcs atsd perform tielioosl RePis!ec nomiearuhes�and w'benas.rite iiiatnri+xl Ccunmisualt relics on tkis imrnmn w dncrminc i!a hiSEwic W heress,the Hisso_l comr son rcliu wt this iro—irr to docrminc if.hiswnc nsavr+c is sigttipCaat in the history to the Tnwn and such a dctenrdnation helps deermine resolau is aiyuifirant fit the bisrory ro the Town and such.delenainatinn helps determine whether a ptoperty is eligible far CPA funding.:and - whdhor a prapeny is eiigihle for CPA funcil al Whence,the Causuounity P'n—r tuion Cmrvritk has r 114 ruded that the A w Cmhmtueotp Pdthe ar iou Corn t%t ty has toctanmerded 16 to the Agawam gawsihs Cin Co+a+cil agpmq[ieec and etspasd the amcoea of eig3+t}tt+nxsaad dci!ans and co ems cny Coutcil aygrzptiate acsdercpesithc un tuTesia4ay t}u,.w:4 dslFars ud ten ecnrs ;sBo,OW.W)Lialr:the HisWne ru;td halenee;xrd tsgd,ott not r m Thn Hiatm;e rand hale::and Now Thenrn-the AC.AW AM Cr.Y C.OIJucla.hereby reselves, u�as:d Narv'rhe,eforr,the AGAWAM G'ITY IX1T1tiCIL hereby rr9olse&appropriarrs.and °PP's'Pna aulhorres the ecpundinne ofC.ommuntt7 PrexT+-arwn Funds in the mrarunt nfeibhtY thmtu and aalhotires the expsrtelirura ofCommw43 I'rpacnaatvn Funds in the amwan nftt ty d+htarartd dnllan and m sxalts(SSU,ty0;l.0p)rrvm tx hfiawric load balance to updtrte the 1985 portion of ' dollars and mcross(580,040.00}tium the Hinocic fsa,d belmse to s+pdatc the 19$5 portion e¢ tltrtm+n's imct:mry nf'HistancW Sebu—and wry perLirm N'e7ienal Rcgiste:noavaelialn;rcld The mwn-st-Imcr al'Hislorie Srnru:us and pr.fvsn t�alioaut]teb's�mmirulihros;and 'fbc A(iAA'AM CLI'Y CUIJN{;IL htrc6y furdterrc;dves Ira[dw M45nr is aWhuriw+st w expetsl "IM AGAWAM U CY COUNCIL bnehy fialher resolved tsaJ ere MaSnr is authsRi:md w expepd said furd as pcndittnl by laww..rind io do all thinps neac,eaey for rho pupuscs w,tared, said funds as petrril by law,al to do Lll fungF ne—sacy or the purposes sec SUIW, Jbleddl ledaye AkrLe .zo:e 64 rl1C(G Woodh4,s j aayar 16(A.[lC..._.__2uis. L3V rn 2 • �`�r4" � ` CAA- PERORDER OF TI LE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL � dCJLr PER OiiLll;iT OF iIIE AGAWAM CITY W11A1CIL (r- 7_0-ce-41n A_ 7rPixeta A_ TR-2911E-41 TR•E018-4(t A RESOLUTION TlaANSItERRING FlINDS i0 TILL CATV PEG ACCESS ANtl CABLE RELATED V0M AND APPROPIVATFNG FUNDS TO SUPPORT CABLE A RESOLUTION AIITH0RI'l,1NG'rilE APPROPIl HON TO FUND Il ITS IN RELATED ESPENDPTURES SNOW AND ICE OVERTIME AND CQUfYMEN T RENTALS SNOW ACCOUICII (SpomI by Mayan William 1'.SapoBk) (F"Ismred By:Wilbiam P.SapcllU .— WHEREAS,the Agawam Csry Ci l has accepted the pruOsicns Cf Gnncrdl I.a u„Chaps 44, WH%RFAS,"Tbe Town of Agawam experienced as move average 2017-2018 Winter sad Sccu,xt 531`314.and Spring to treat the road contil :mid W HER I-A$there are fuada available iIs,M CA'IV PUG AM.F+,nd sold the Cable Tekvieiun ' WHERE rAS,M.G.L c.44§3lD aclho m The Mayor a!Agauoth:to&-Heir spend Eia autw Fund;end and ir<EA aval-eases which II—[Z.l'„ r+aAd­hv—,tnr.ryndinpa0n ;i, WHEltEA3,faJs—required losuppen FCG Acecas ml c le real caPclutues: in reel time:a.d WHEREAS,the defied in Equipment Rental Sumo Au unt(i 420_-52071)iv W,6SF.65 (sixty four thousand and six hundred and eighty eight deflan and sixty gve;ems)for Fiscal NOW,THE RI:F(1.t e 1I'V Pf.G ccIa that the Agawam City Fete,it herehy rlo the liG Yw 2lrl g;anJ rcn �ninb baluh.es is the CA'iV PF.G Access Fatt3 and the Cable Tclerisirn Fund lu the FIiG Arc—and Cahlc Related Fund as or June 30.2011 ad.furl lhet the resuhil Selaree is W HFREAS,rbe dehe!t in Snow aM Ico Overtime Accurm1114201 51 n i''I,,L4Y,9f2.22 hcrr br apprnnriatec for ezbic related axpend�ylrs persua l ie Cltaptcr 44.Scetiun S1F3'4. (11I mo thousand and nine Wrested snd sixty my dwims and.w'cntr xo center fur Fu.ul j Year 201t and !_)!�Z'�-.L— -301a r)A"I'E .U THI .day of W NEREAS.the dclicit in Ice Corhml'hlme ials(1�20 3-52 2 101 is f69,s93,22(tl nine ' thaasand and ei(Ih hunrkod and runty three dollmu.and twenty two C..ns)ror Fiscal Year l'Lit OIkL)LK()I-jIfEAGAWAM C'I7'Y('GU'JC-11 r� fiI�f 2019:brad �'!4 - 7fI Ic f-- WHEREAS,the Mom cf Certified free cashia sT1..ebb rues rnefrhnsfer. � r/nl E11F L'outr�q NOW'rI1IUWVORETII&AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL op^,raprimrs W.699.65(s"sly ChfiWpplte C.Jahn Prceidem y11. fern thousand and six hundred sock: n cr d discs ar.J sim,rive ccma (`� C�UC1�.-tt•Y gh 'ght };tom I62.2uslo APPRUVLO AS TO FORM AND LUGALI7'Y ryryhh ' taP.qugsmem Rental Snow Aoeoun[(14202S2t17 E)und loather eppomxiates b42.962.'_l /,' (fomr 1.0 thousand and nine hundred sad sixty Iwndollm and twu-cy_wv cents)butt I— /.C-- �7 ��� ('e T7 II cash an Snmvand lx Overtime Aec .t(,420i-51031)atal tiullserappropriates Sh9,99322 A"',L / (xtctynilm IholistaW arod eight hutrclrcd algid vinery tkanee dollar arw"wc:11Y Iwe urnla)1:tm1 S:ephw f Hc6rifeomi,City Soiieitor fitaeashtoinsC ntMi Materials(14203-622:0). VA1 BII,ITYOFFUNI$ -�f•�GQe$t lr�'Lf'GY _D F�I,LI 1 i T�-zap-�1 A REE5NffiOIv-.MnUORIZINGACCf:PTANCEOF(;&'ERALI,AWSCTIAPrER44, SEWN%F3+4 WHICH ESTABLISHES A SPECIAL REVENGE.FUND KNOWN AS ' THE PRC ACCRSS AND CABLE.RELATED FUND TR-20[B-42 ISX m by M�u iwI P.SrpuNl A RFSOLVnON APPROPRIATINC TWENTY TWO THOUSAND.5fX 11UNDRb:0 WHYRFAS Ilse ncparunert ufRenaoue has mp an Infunnatioo Guideline Acll.r AND FORTY SEA'FN DOLLARS(Si2,44T.OR)FROM FREE CASH FOR TRE:FIi\D(NG ('IGR")h'L,.In-IO2-'Cai+k Tekvhivc Pur1k.f'ducamnaiand[inveanrnrntal Ac r.161 OF TEMPORARY SALARIES AND[:ONTRACFUAL SERVICE'S FOR TITS Revewre Funds;one i AGAWAM MUNICIPAL COIF COURSE WHf:AKh3,1711_ifr 107Iewmmc.¢h[hatcitl sadta adoptarse Pftwo (SPeawlxd by M"-William P.Tiapelli) nc:ions nmv availahk m seps t6y acanm f« bI,,frpr Nw f and vrhereebk rdnA m, ux:mtd WHERF,AS,&-Aga—Municipal Gr,i'Cuurac,apcned:ar ti.aeasw.em A;tril 13,211I9 WHEREAS. the Town of AS—presivvslyc+wbl,.IIM tiI,(6 IV PI_C Aa [order new rmnwmutnt�errd l>,nd xnJ the C"hle Tclevi-n Fund:and ' WHEREAS.P-At xacdepleWd in O.fnll of 2O 17 tnr[cr•.IF-,.rytaaleri.,and ram;ra�ud cn setwioea;attd WHEREAS,Chy¢er4A 3uri 51F]�a slmas mac�-t(rnss:n dw:unJ shoo only i,e ap?ropria Gc for cabk•relettd pur%WN mmuratr,w h the iradchiu,09N, w.iwt ding btd WIIERF.AS,addrvdnal ftaui¢en:roquimd to fund 1pllpdruy At. o(522.50D 00)In pro- uol 3im.(1 sn[i:a,Lppn afpi:Mk_;dcca[ivicel of¢o.crnmim f_tchi c sculcvinim �nlr,:a,{Il)�nc;ujof M,rM,,,K ufthec¢bk nl,rnlw wilhtitef tdtia agrecmcmr«;IOy uaxmai labor tbmvgh 0te atd of GaeaJ 3�mr 2e16;¢red ptrpan:wr nYrc,sel ar Iht OaneMx Ikrnx." W f1.ERl'A�,dddl[unel lµnd�q';L p,'{(Uyl�Cd ltd'CUA:iul-�t0i X'-rvr:XUalg5l14N}S(f lyl.d9)<11•h as WHE1Zl.Ati S1K i_',ly Cuurk�'.muW,'.ilE}We„n rc h,::utr iVlr �p In.-rm Wnl lhr. i:aok'Eckvisiun mtd mhbish.amnvai at thv ctuhhause. ma)N spew Gam each fund do.i IN If,apwuninyl Caul yeu::and NOW 1'RE.REFORF:,J1F.I'I'REStA,VEI)RY'1•F1f;AG%VA.vL JTYCOUNCIL,tbat NOW THEREFORE.Iiw Al--- it}[:owtcil Ir hr twrnly m.>th sususd,six hmsdrod v,lA finny.-Ti dol'�u wed caao c f$22.(47_UO)shall be O.¢tlhc Town vl'.ASauam Gx06 rzoe I,-C l.PW,54.S orlon 53F3r+.w:,ieh cu!aWisl.,sa apprnpnmed RaIm Free(all to t'tmd'I'empo y Salaries.6i261,51d2O fS_12.5001Xll a,td a mcial resxmue I.nd krawn an tP.e MA;AaLc.x nn.l Cahn Related Frute•.o rcx ublc Contractual Services 65262-52360($14?.001¢t the Agi am MILIII00r0 fiui£C'ou.se_ fr.nchi,e fees alul o:ner cabaarelaM.s.xn.c frapl^rpriaeien w suppers PEG.0 services ' vnd rneraigh,-1 te n 1 nflhe wbk 6anehi.+e egox r ,t'ru hilts In begin operation for rxal D gw shIt inune s of J ,2011 car 2019.which�wIfgtins vn Jul 1,2013 PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCU, DATi'U"11115{'rkWof �_ 2v16 .L ,�y�• yQ rl.I C�(k— Ci,ri, hGrC-JabPUtORDERUI-IflFAOAM'AVj(AIYC'ULI CII. & C[�LU-1 f: nY 4'A Clui � Wes'�drni- LC- crd"Rar AYl'R(I�F.l7."I.S T F[YRRf ANH I•I:CAE.13 Y ' P.ca:dcm �Jf/ suxe�r rc — APPROVI:TIAS 103 0)tM ANTI I.I':[iA f,f!Y tirtph aoni.e.Oily solicitor r,nn [�v`; /f L.c TF. �r - AT -MD AS TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNAsYX•'��`R' �•-!/- = - �� p Stephen J Bum rIi.C¢y Solicitor �lyl St.l AladiWr TON-201&E 19I1'f t7eputmeld: POLICE DEPARTMENT AN ORDINANCE.TO AMEND NRCnON 49.7(C1 OF I ITECOOV.OF 71IE yt r���r� Amount: 70,000.00 ILte:gyp I1�2.201k TOWN OF AGAWAM fIP+ Pena ficerma Qu¢hRvvdon $50,000.00 12101-51170 (Sp¢amred by M¢yor WEliklm P.5¢pNli) :inifg owance f30,m All— 32141-31078 WHFAUTAS,the 1e Depmturent wi,,II tx of the Solicitor,ix Aas,r w Solkiwi arw a To Irngcviry S70,ODOID I2101-3:400 pwumeclerk:and ntTl eP�•. mu um WHERT.AS.the I Wed alone of the Soliciror a¢d nsmv—Solicit«puxawua W Sec- I fat Tc3mb4 . Ilea 49 7(C)of the Cede df 131e"fuwa of ARaw3 hm V r2rn C MC'1 god for tl It, yeas;¢od 'P%—¢s docuereees am bed hmmo. WHEREAS,the lislvd saline of the Solicimr¢rd Associate SoIEcitor aM the 1. u in 2-4A ltK regkn N campmiimn t0 o0rrr t uaitih almdpr It,the Tnwri of Agawam Ip-in acd_p.vd f hereby ceni£y the Rntda me nud4Re to hake the above-atamd bander. WIH'LREAS,the posilims of Solicitor and Aasocive Solicitor love nrctr di[ion ad ad eampmsatwn through biliublc haws;and Cheryl St. hq Audi WIIFLREAE.chr j,a ,t iu m;ailaa to the poeilioos Sobeilur and Asaoeide Soliminr Mil:trs[h in¢daauac m hi0ahk ksm paymmtn:and I berehy ap�ore plararaera IdtLe alnve-a[rm¢d errrscar m tlaCorvreil aDga,rda WHERE IS,it is iu the beat inlets[of the lawn W amend die sauna elr mm of the Si, IIc,IM atd nasnciala solicit«. --_._. William P.Sq,alli, a NOW THEREFORE•,the Alt—City Ca it krvb?wriads Satinn 49-NO I, III, Approxed m to ftum sad ImoOity ('ode of dr'loun oY Agawam eflectnY July I.2Old by dr3eting subsm:unna 2 and h: ye r [hie m[usxy mtd inse+uaL inidca platx the fnllnss-alg: .0 "^- SM06da,9olicIDor (2)As—'.Mmwr S33,('00 per I,u. p PER(H(DPR OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COIIFICR.-A]PROVFD ON�/1141.E I q,20E6- ' (T;Soliriwr:SSB,500 per year- DDe: Ul ���- Chr�nphrrC.7o �Pueidmt Doled lhislday af_.-� ?.U16 APPROVAL OFJFIJSLA7ION:,lltauertWSMim 3-6afihe AWwLn flemaAulcChWr.I /C�- (:ounCi.£ 11 b�er,�,�edk ceuocuarma son-aWa,ran.fa. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY C OUNCD. `�- Fc esr.•xxt""�} W -i"t Date: u � W iBimn P,Sapelli,MaOa pher C.1 art Per"d nt r�" -rr- D16APPROVAI.Q):fd•0[SLAT[ON:Puraladl to Beetioa 3-61Hffie Agawaa Horn Rule APPROVED ASTO FORM AND LE(.ALITY fhwta,I hereby IB¢¢pprm<tMx Cmiticil prays offbe¢bore-awned umf" .ffi1-d�z Dim- ' 9pbw L nd,CitySnlicimr Wslhaet P Sapolt Mrytu Cf4'7"f.[;jC C�� cx.'MCI 0"✓kr +; 11trJF[fu, u BUOUCrI'ARY TRANSFER FORM Depstmanr. -�'t� _ "'It-t�emr� �eeerm�i smi m� To' M1Sx}20.2818 'fY}2011417 —TRTB T wou�5 Accomtrvwabu R—mr 7:amf A[aelNmfmrnmtion rpr regmeml eP+rturan;Had « ..,. n•..a,, �V'L 5 1 hxmhY amory tmm fmlda att tv�laLk n ma5e Ige ahove.meld amrsE. ' t St Asdirm Ycpd.r#12I509 B.%r'dftq LE.0 I hsrsbyapprorm phnamml ofdx ph.vo-mined tmrtsRr om tLe Comtdl agemdx 112 S.MRin Street,Suke 2P Daa - _ W.t('h.rk%bIO 63301 Wilg.sn$yplli,Ma Ur4#I1112 Approved m III ib m eme Icq&rI_ .v n Obj.#52190 51.18t00 9 -3mtiator PER OKW-R OF THE A(iAWAM If)":'OLTICIL-APPROVED Q4 TOTAL: Sl.l&t94 _ C Preaidem ' APPROV(t1.,��, 'mcl""a__ariCul:pursum m8.epprl3-Ii afNe Ageums Home Rite Chrm,1 hmshY epPro're she Cormcil pesap mllhe aho)x-cased Isaak(v. D.a. _ WrBiam SQdli.11.yyir - -PwauammSmiom Sb dlM AVwm Hoare Rslk Chmsa,l haehy di�pmve tha Camril pmage mrthe nhmve-mu.d u�tr. Iles tYlBam SnyelLL Mayor 1 110.2018.16 BIILR7E7'ARY TAANSFF_R FORM rlpiY fA Tazale-15 Ikpatlmenr' lA.k1<PNvnem y...,� I f'I%(ls'!I{, Amparrr._ $ IS,OOR00 Ila+c: fI5Jl4JSA?N _ ��� =f�' _ Ammo t s&,850 De1s 5f13118 Fran Regtriar 7'empaeey :1511-51o2u F—, Si.e flavRdrnra Purrd 1*ws7300 opava Tn tJ.v:1)eparmsra Profrseromal S[Mttc 115fLS2190 T. Profewluael Swim 1660=190 r Asmrmr A— pmfmi Transfer. �p�es.� Pmfptsiryyl Serviaa Ain SN.471 fi)riamMly nr!h:w�rnunl nnri u'i I Nr r, r�irh in,nr.`!e $— -TIlad@: by eazly dune.Reguly Tempawy i.s prc�ticd In have n St Y, vo talarKt al the arl usfam _ 201R. _ flnew.o¢PI.V a Apx.mT=dra.Halm. ad l�J � I t.e6Y rmti(y lhlat fyrds an avaiaLk ro omke the aMvt-armed—rslrr ',- I , Ikurby the Wrwus Cheal SI.�hn,Audiwr Da, I hs:IdrY approve plarauC.R ni 7Te aholxaascd tlaxsl(e nr.the Canrel agemla Chnyl$1. Avius - 1 I irsmby�p1u.vs pinxraat of We ahawar.Rrlcrmlruo thaCaaad�mda . Appm-d mr/o fo Mk Willi®A.S�s11i.L4ya App-.1 es 0 taem and kpiiry, Sz hat.Rnmrica(ni,SMkilm Dme:— d-f-Ay) PERfRDFRDI'IHP.AVAWAMCITYMUNCll.-APPROVE DON4.al'oL2OItl Bravo nn ' unr. t4 i I Dj l PSR OROhI Op Tl56 AGAW.LV TOWN COUNCLL-APPROYLD DV UAL 16 201N utriplretc.r a,lstsndmt De:w 1 I"s I eM"C.=7smtidmt 1U?PRUYAI Of-'LkU151 I:l4H:Pwxuem W Scnrnu 1-6 of the Age,, Home R.k i'hnnsF6j hereby app—the Council p..ge nrrsealxw��ssuCdir,.nkS AYPA m.uara 4YAL OF LEGISEATIdV'Pm Sconce 3-6 a dw Apwm. ae H®R Cb. ,I i 1 d haoy 4pruw du C n pawge orbs shovoi w artla0s. ' Wtr Due. Wi[iiam P.Svpclli,kayar Wipio P.Sapd}i,kl.ymr ti'.Puursn w3atiu;i7h of llm nra..w..Fsunrc Rrr:c ;'� mwaamSeedo.36ofa3e Apavam Hmme Ada Chorlrr,lhmetydiapwmvm lLe C�uncilpazsagr oflhemMve-e+aroa hsrskr. ?D, ITarlc,]hmbe&mppr—*aCamal puapefdw rb—,awd omf. Dalc L] D— ' Wjlham P.$Wrll'v.Msrrrr 'L-91 Jib-l�Gk1LP, �4uftu,CEuf 7�icserl�r,Ja�,' ',,z-'�.1J'e.c •^+ipP ,�u Trfc�uteg r;� 1 11 -11D-2018-2i L>rpsnmmi.A .dN Aawrml: $6.000 Daf, OS170l201 R rawnl Rrwp Fund 16605-57300 T-Ydo To: Starer&W.I. 16602-52E90 ta 1lLlmE7ARY2861L5FEg �� rwlt(A �_ a Aaron: uai ' Tiepwe�a: DEPAILTW TOPR3BLICmOW_ _ n,awmr. s x40oam �suc:.-ON33:1�� No,caall Ro,muvTimms: gh Spada to Dove[emaioiag warn Yld sewer fills foe the Frog, HIGHWAY GRGylgU6 RLDG MAINf 19MY5]pap T. HGVYELECTRLLTTVAHFAT i420,11Id $1."q ' MYMAII41'P3PCiASCf1Yh11 T- N90:-Salto as.Wlo,uo WASI ATMF,QLCRIMW&MAT 325a'$-52110 s59d0.W lhaaChy'q>Tlifyr lhBaAm�arE aa�IhRblaW aaalelhG abovaHhaaed><Aai�W. WATFR P3F.CfAICTI'Yh 521I0 HEAT M14. isae0ue A—gin - Ibm- p�fO TLadCG 3b5L'FFICIF,IATEL'NDs l lyf fiL loti As11Ct0 � [woeii agende // I avm6y'Atifr dui(adds aeavaiLde wmake ac.ao.an.led®nvlc�L l._.. IhelchYa enlaeartsdll ffhv x4nvn•ahfed mma&s-i t fa ^. ��_ .Pnlnv � lies)sudiE.A1". ,L I LA ApPmved as ea//foml and lep✓tliry. I�raPr�awn.n..+�m.ba...«.ae�„w oudRc.�+'lglcuL natc Jlitr /f ' ly1e, C�hr.iG--� - �,� r„�„ sae I�len_Bumtiwnu.5ouceur_ wnlaaisw+w. Appord r o rasa w xRaay. PER ORllF1t OF IfAG AGAWAM Cf1Y CWPlC[L-ApPRGV hD OIJ��,�l 701 A PEA ORDER OF'Ln AGAWAMCrry fk INCEL-APPRgVh➢M ALIN1l 2DIR Ap=VAL OfLZGISIJsUQbt.P..=J.Se1d.1.6 ofpm Apaahl.Ade®mwe t-hy approve dao Cnunah P-*mF of the abD-smed wades, c9,ei,saPau ear AortVw�GF[Tf.19r �;PecagnlpasUae 36arlAeApoam lferya Ruk Chttiv,l fTa1e deeey.pp,oRd<rar.a0 Pores of ae-`--—'amee. W 111iaeo 9apalE,M.J- LEGISLATM:PurRmaslo Steen 3b of&c Agawpn Florae Rule nrsa.PonV- r•-Is_A-. vugam 5.ps.©7. - chuter l h,.by(J,.W_dr C"lp-.W of7heabwra-dAAdrnr&, sl nasG ++-.Tl:Pumra[n EevW.3-a of 6e AyAr.m xoma Rule Dom: meat m«sv�+s ae c,va p„�,rroe ryawl-mmaa>awa w171iw 9Rpelli F(qw ac ^ -art(1 K.(,, L0[d(lG I,G�Ui{1 W T�ewtkLAL NRliam spel4 M•ter.�.— (,'t9 - Gd--n r Friti' T02DI8-a 22 1 TG-aAlb2; apce rA RY rR A N sl�R-[pRM ' a� IUM1CiEMdkY 'ANCF�YY Y�R� ❑eparema[: ID1H ITEMS 17e LurE[TENS parurlenr _ Arnamn. S )2,000 AO __17erc Mnv 31.201A A wA; 5 i7A,000.W Thle- !Nav 31.]nle F-, RESERVEFUND 166f15-573DD Fnm rilkofA—L Amoanl A—ot Nmnbm n o Armant A.w um�"-"'" FaUwEBENEF1'I'S S (40M.Ow, i5b03-52350 UVEMPIAYMf-;4TClA['IS s(70A00.00i 1660357120 1. MvlACARFJN5URA.w-e 16603-57M PROPERTY&L1ABIU rY rhN sL106,VWD0) 16603-57500 n [ Au t Yb. MEDICAL.CIALMYINS s now OD 166Ul-57%0 p ypajRp}�p[ MLUI(:ARI:iNSURANCE $t3pm)D 166TmS7040 New Hoes.Swan SaR+IN:rcasn and Cow nF Livalglaenaaes iacrcard dt cnsl o!i a R®on furl ajj f employex'a aLare afAfvJk+se 1neucalutt{Is15%of Mediraee- As). 1 ae Tmxn's shaecof pxmiums 6x aan'enrullasvga dust 5A57,W0,wltichazneded she CC ema n eaamAlN N u e 3 sc+l Year 203s hudAet The Tnam's sham of Med u e 3na urAa Ix Head olc-d d ouimAres due w neW firma nap increases ud clsd of wing meseasa f hereby L>:rtYfl'that 6mds —ileble to mat lba AhT'a-at�-11-dnmr- S-Au-a d l ifd6 hlRu: s0-!5 (Jrer57.51. odiWr VIhgcby caliF 14yy1[furde+�aveilahEtbmake rAc about-aun>,vmy(er. �. I»aeby vpprovc piascsncm oflheaWvtralawd uansfa'Im sfre Cauncl:aycud. �� �-.)"-I� 1.n Che7151.1 Ald6u ❑a e:�_ R'ilium P.Seq:IIL. ynr� I heeby apprmr Pladtanera of she pbp,e-awtvd Irwfv on ILs�C)ol�aa:il ageda- APpmwal Aa m fnmm 9.,,1:easliu. Ilaic:�u� _.._ •✓^�"^ Willidn P.S i.May Dow: r 3. �! ,lppanwd d 10 toms and lepotilr. SI .15ucnicootL Saixilor PER CRI;L:R OP THG A2;0.WAM TUWP<CpUNCSI. APPADVMON'' Ltki_{� paQ; S-IJd I+f ".Soficitm pate: f 4� C3rislophcr l.. plesldent PER ORJ;EA[1F T11E ADh4M AM TOwN COUNCIL-APPR6vF,p nV�lu+lf i(- APPROVAL O}LEGISI.ATLOyy:Porsualt la Secasm3 6N'Ort AS—� O Ihla Qaialnphrr C.J fhesderl hereby eppmv:dr Council pas�ofusc aboueslased lransfre. _ May _ .. MPI141VlyL,GF[.EI;15L4TION:1LrasauA m Secdau]�of a>a Aip—El.-Rufc Ch ,I ele: hereby asrordw Ort Couch dmuue of 1Le above-aDted master. WrlTianlP.§aprllL ne pwa: PISAPPROVAL.Qt I,EUjSLA SUN:i'onuaot W Scmon 3-6 of lb,APpxnm Homr Rolr Wiiiiam P.Sapcfli.Mryo1 (:barley,[hereby disapprove dle C it pa gr of ft at n-9a10d teansfcr. pISAYYR9VAL OF LE6ISLA'11DN:Porsuanl to Seedoa 3-6o1'ft Agawom Ho=Rule Willlmn P, ,Mayer— Chary,1 hWehy dnaplaave rileCMmC11 pasaaAe Mille nhose-51a.4n11(ipifct'. Gk�-TrIC�L, CC _oXnPr, rnasfurr , {enAe 1;ale w.�l._..o a..V.r,,a.__. 1 12 It zala•24 ��y fTrdU�d.. BUDGETARY rRANSME FOR Ilupm[mcnl:_Galf Cnorsc _ _ _ � J Arrwuns. $9,604.87 -- Dntr. OSi31118 d Emra —r 7CG sav rcounl >:-ibm zC-min-I n L115���g MLW Wl. RP.GUI.AR PERMAt��FNI' S (3,038.53) 6y;41 S1010 PETITION FOR ZONE CHANGE BY OWNER,SALMAR REALTY,LLA—FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 779 AND a NUFFIELD STRFCf FROMRESWF NCE A4 MLW GOLF GROL:NRS&HLISG MN't S [1.12) 15162 52.1 ANDAGRICULTURAI,TO BU'SIAMA MIIN QOLF CLE,CTIHEAT CIO S (603.A6) 65269 52 En MUN GOi.F'lE1EPHON-E CIn S (3. ) 65259 5217D 0 WHEREAS,Selmer Reahy.LLC,is lhe(h�merNe!ilioner of pmcelsafJaod(JF,?.2 iI SIINGOI.F IIIIES&SUOSCRIPY 5 l923.65651 G52G2 S21 lA-2-L]]condgnawly situetndau 779 arnI D Sy�'icld Street.Agawm,Jlsmpden Cain,y, MUN GULF FOGD&SERV SUPPLIES S (3,owoo) 65263 52220 M•d•••.�,+�•y{Sec 13ampdee Cntu6Y Itcgir of Lerida Book P21956,Page M156"L;ahi6it A'I: MUN GOLF YRIN'€LNG&COPYLNG S (250.00) 65262 $2280 -d MUN GOLF PRO SHOP SUPPLIES S 'i.2011-00)_ W263 542M1 To _- WHFJAEAS,partly Jg•2 mid J8.2-]1 are tech raatd Rssidmree A-2 Fre a majoriay of MUN GOLF OVERTIME S 1.125AU 65261 51030 dre pr«I-d—d Agric Lu-J in a smdl putiat�aad MUN GULF EQ REPAIR&MAIN d' 45U-0 65262 52030 WHPa w,sg, Rwhy,LLC.desires io change lk caning ofthe subjm parcels MUN GOLI E;LFjCI&ifGAT 1 4,026(X) 65262 52110 from lltr cumat chtifiration of Residence A-2 and Agkuliuml w the Business A hIUN GULF CHEMY-ALS&LAB S 1700.00 55263 i2310 classifi star;and M. M4 GOLF CONTRAC DUAL SE:RVIC S 1,.101.97 65262 52360 W H}:REAg,Sdsur Rmhy,t.l.(:.fretitines tlk'l'out,of Apawurs m allow the amircy of Rcamo far Tttrmfer:Sm aoxhed laws / L .; C .ub m panwh to 6e reeoned as aasiucas A;ad Dcpanuera If load? WHEREAS,Ort—figdwagn is haina r wAM so aA—for uuhurion of the prop ary C.,m highest and h w are:and L hucby eetily tbm hinds are ss Ubx.make the ahoy c-voted transfer WHEREAS,h is in ihtliLtirii—tnfthc City ofApanatn taclmnyc t e riugWUah- Date; C�^ pn—]s T-L d an na and 0 SwT Id Simi,Ay:ra�an:,Ma nnp,dee room[daWfi n„i Rtaida A-;era AWjMft.W ta:hc auvncss A dnnsifrr 61- "^^ *IOW THEREFORE,ehe.4gateam City Coaufi hereby resolm mchmtge the ii.irrg I hereby appmw p3ec m of the aboim aged ttmiskY an the Council agenda, of ft snbiw p opedy tmaW a 779 and 0 Suffield Sia ,Agaw®,MA fiam the amen Dan. via,(1 ECe- �y/�- e�f�aofFt d&—A-Z and Agdoali"to the Bvsm ssA dmissif—daa. u'illiam l'Sapclli. nr Crereat Onaea:S.L.—F.edly,1.J.0 Property ress:Proty Add 779 and 0 SaTtckl Sartm:.Agawam.MA DIM: Apprsr.ed a.to f,—n,d J Wdiiy. Y Assc is ParsA WIS:1&2-2 and 35-2.11 wh'wl.is aaacted trretq pcauribcd in "I:ahilrit A"es Parcels J nm 2 and iacwpor acd lxrein by ecfetcax. Date: Su ,en J, armri—d,Snlititor IA[ed this day of ,2018. PER ORAHR OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL-APPROVED ON L4,)E� J 20I8 PER ORD}R OE''a&AGA WAM CITY COUNCIL Aalc: Christopher C.Mon,Prevrdent Chn'S1.0cr C-Jahnsan,hesid— .-. Df�.Tn CLJC; C�;'C'lYc�rC�!CLur�r+Ur irtpStrr,!r, rz r ' i3