CC MTG MINUTES MARCH 19 2018 ! REGULAR MEETING OF THE AGA WAM CITY COUNCIL Minutes dated March 19, 2018 Meeting was called to order by Council President Johnson at 7:00pm in the Auditorium at the Roberta G. Doering School, 68 Main Street, Agawam. IItem A. Roll Call ROLL CALL-- 11 PRESENT,0 ABSENT Roll Call was taken with the following councilors present: George Bitzas, Council Vice President Cecilia Calabrese, Paul Cavallo, Council President Christopher Johnson, Gina Letellier, Robert Magovem, Dino Mercadante, Joseph Mineo, Robert Rossi, Rosemary Sandlin and Anthony Suffriti. With eleven present,there was a quorum. IItem B. Moment of Silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Council President Johnson asked for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Item C: Citizen's Speak Time The following citizens spoke: William Clark —thanked Councilor Rossi for having a sewer meeting and also thanked Mayor SapeIli for all the extra time and effort he has been putting in attending meetings etc. • Henry Kozloski —As Chair of the CPA, he wanted to remind everyone of the annual report that was sent out and how successful CPA has been • Leslie Joseph —Mentioned how honored and excited she is to serve on the Energy Commission and asks for the Council's support Item D. Minutes 1. Regular Council Meeting—March 5,2018 Motion to approve made by Councilor Letellier and seconded by Councilor Sandlin. Voice vote approved. Item E. Declaration from Council President None. Item F. Presentation of Resolutions ! 1. TR-2018-16 - A Resolution to amend the Rules and Regulations of the Agawam City Council (Councilor Johnson) (Referred to Legislative Committee) Since the first vote of the Solar Ordinance has not yet been taken and this item pertains to that item, a Motion to table was made by Councilor Suffriti and seconded by Councilor Letellier. ! Voice vote was unanimous. 1 2. TR-2018-17 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Ronald Wieners, 122 Leonard Street, Agawam,MA to the Agawam Energy Commission to a term expiring on April 1,2019(Mayor Sapeui) Motion to approve made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilors Magovern and Sandlin. Councilor Letellier thanked Ron and Les and whoever ran for Council and are now actually doing something to stay involved. Councilor Cavallo has known Ron and noted he is a great person who is aggressive and will do a great job. Councilors ' Bitzas and Magovern echoed these sentiments. The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the appointment. ' 3. TR-2018-18 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Lesion R. Tingley, 18 Portland Street, Feeding Hills, MA to the Agawam Energy Commission to a term expiring on April 1, 2021 (Mayor Sapelli) ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilors Suffriti and Cavallo. Councilor Bitzas thanked Les for applying and is impressed with him. ' The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the appointment. 4. TR-2018-19 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Mark Morris, 34 James Street, Agawam, MA to the Agawam Energy Commission to a term expiring on April 1,2021 (Mayor Sapelli) Motion to approve made by Councilor Suffriti and seconded by Councilors Cavallo and Magovern. The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the appointment. 5. TR-2018-20 -A Resolution confirming the appointment of Leslie Joseph,71 Ridge Avenue, Agawam, MA to the Agawam Energy Commission to a term expiring on April 1,2020(Mayor Sapelli) Motion to approve made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilors Magovern and Suffriti. Councilor Sandlin noted she has known Leslie for years and knows she will do a great job and thanked her for volunteering. Councilor Magovern also thanked her for putting her name in the hat. Councilor Mereadante enjoyed the conversation he had with Leslie at a recent meeting and acknowledged that she would do a great job. Councilors Cavallo and Rossi reiterated the previous comments. ' The vote was 11 YES, 0 NO approving the appointment. Council President thanked Mrs. Joseph, Ron, Les and Mark for their willingness to serve the town. Item G. Report of Council Committees None. Item H. Elections None. ' Item L Public Hearings 1. TOR-2017-13(PH-2018-2) - An Ordinance to amend the Code of the Town of Agawam Zoning Ordinances to add solar energy systems (Sponsored by Councilors Johnson and Rossi) (Referred to Legislative Committee)(1 of 2 Readings) (Tabled 3/5118) Motion to take the item off the table made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Magovern. The voice vote was unanimous taking the item off the table. Motion to approve the first reading made by Council Vice President ' Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Magovern. Council President Johnson declared the Public Hearing open. The following speakers spoke in favor of the ordinance: • Doreen Prouty, 891 South Westfield Street,Feeding Hills • Leslie Joseph, 71 Ridge Street,Agawam • Vincenzo Ronghi, 55 Avalon Place,Feeding Hills • Rich Joseph, 71 Ridge Street,Agawam • Henry Kozloski, 102 Meadow Street,Agawam Council President Johnson asked for speakers in favor in name only, in opposition and in opposition name only and no one else spoke. Council President Johnson declared the Public Hearing closed. As Chair of the Legislative Committee, Councilor Magovem provided his report stating that after several discussions, comments and revisions, his committee gave a positive recommendation by a vote of 4 Yes,0 No, 1 Present(Councilor Bitzas) Discussion began with Councilor Letellier stating that the current draft was excellent but again stressed the importance of hiring a good consultant to ensure the legalities of the solar industry. She is unsure of what the right thing to do is. Council President Johnson stepped from the Chair to note that the language in this ordinance was straight from the state's model zoning ordinance and that Mr. Joseph's comments pertained to solar incentives not solar ordinances. The storage amounts are governed by current and existing zoning. The revision has taken in account most of the concerns that were raised including the Planning Board and ZBA suggestions. While he appreciates Mr. Joseph's efforts and suggestions, Council President Johnson mentioned that solar is ever evolving and we should evolve with it and add to the ordinance. Section 40A prohibits the Councilor from unreasonably regulating and believes this should be voted on and then make amendments later as the solar industry evolves. Councilor Letellier did mention that the Special Permit criteria is easier to learn than the science behind the solar industry and believes the City Council should be the permitting body as we have the pressure of answering directly to the people. Councilor Bitzas was against the ordinance before but knows we have to do something in town. He was concerned with the height and asked for a height restriction/limit. He wanted ten feet and it was originally twenty feet so the fifteen is a compromise although after everyone speaks, he would like to make an amendment to reduce the height. Councilor Magovern thanked Mr. Joseph for all of his information. He feels the Council needs to start somewhere and we should pass this to get the show on the road. The City Council answers to the people in town and of course we wouldn't allow a solar farm to be constructed where there was strong residential opposition. He hopes the ordinance passes this evening. Council Vice President Calabrese wanted to also make a minor amendment later in the discussion. She originally wanted it restricted to industrial zones only however understands that we cannot unreasonably regulate. She also agreed that the City Council should be the Special Permitting grantor. Councilor Cavallo spoke about an article in the paper stating that Massachusetts is the number one state for solar in the country. He is in favor of the ordinance noting how hard everyone worked to get it to this point. He also thinks we should pass it and then if necessary make additions as we go along. Councilor Mineo thanked the sponsors for their hard work in creating this ordinance and notes we need to act tonight. He also thought twenty feet was too high and is agreeable to the fifteen feet and also agreed that the City Council should be the permitting body as we are accountable to the voters. Councilor Rossi stated that it was a long hard process and he was not fond of the Special Permit but with time, he now sees the benefit and thinks it's a good idea especially with the City Council as the permitting authority. He also stated that the ZBA is an administrative body with limited power as compared to the City Council whose job it is to oversee and enforce ordinances in town. It is more transparent with the Council or we wouldn't get reelected. Councilor Mercadante discussed the height requirements of 180-52 noting the four criteria with words like harmony, detrimental, offensive—we must follow the four caveats in this section and obviously too high of a solar farm would violate these criteria. Councilor Sandiin supports this ordinance as well. Councilor Suffriti said this was a long time coming and the more he learns, the more he doesn't know—the industry moves and changes so fast. He will support it this evening however he is unsure about having the City Council be the permitting authority as he believes the ZBA is there for a reason and is afraid we will ' see political voting. Council President Johnson suggested doing one of two things this evening—(1) offer amendments tonight or(2)pass the first reading and then work on the amendments and present them at the second reading. He would prefer to offer amendments tonight. Councilor Bitzas offered Amendment 41 to limit the solar panels to ten feet. Motion made by Councilor Bitzas and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. Councilor Bitzas said the Council is the voice of the people. Council President Johnson reiterated at the Planning Board meeting where there was discussion of the height and that the Council cannot unreasonably regulate. He mentioned that he met with the Mayor and Solicitor and all felt that the fifteen feet was fair and would not unreasonably regulate and also noted that in the Special Permit, excess heights 3 would not be allowed in neighborhoods anyways as it wouldn't follow the four criteria. The Council has the authority to make exceptions in the entire process and could say a lower height if necessary. That's the point of having the City Council as the permitting authority. Councilor Bitzas withdrew his amendment as did Councilor Cavallo his second. Council Vice President Calabrese proposed Amendment #2 to insert the following language into 180-156(d) "Reasonable efforts shall be taken to minimize the establishment of invasive species." Motion made by Council Vice President Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Magovern. The vote was 11 Yes, 0 No approving the amendment. The vote on the first reading of TOR-2017-13 as amended was 11 YES,0 NO approving the first reading as amended. Item J. Old Business 1. TOR-2018-1 - An Ordinance to amend Section 49-7(C) of the Code of the Town of Agawam (2 d and Final Reading) (Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Finance Committee) Motion to approve the second and final reading made by Councilor Letellier and seconded by Councilor Sandlin. The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the second and final reading. 2. TOR-2018-2 - An Ordinance to amend the Code of the Town of Agawam by Adding Section 103-1A (Councilor Johnson) (1 of 2 Readings)(Referred to Legislative Committee) Motion to approve the first reading made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the first reading. ' 3. TO-2018-5 - Budgetary Transfer of $22,950.00 (as shown below) (Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Finance Committee) From: Mun Golf Eq Rep, Maint&Repl $3,000.00 65262 52030 Mun Golf Telephone $2,400.00 65262 52150 Mun Golf Prof Services $500.00 65262 52190 Mun Golf Miscellaneous $225.00 65262 52990 1 Mun Golf Prop Liab Ins $11,605.00 65262 57500 Mun Golf Office Supplies $220.00 65263 52230 Mun Golf Pro Shop Supplies $6,000.00 65263 54200 ' To: Mun Goff Regular temp $8,500.00 65261 51020 Mun Golf Overtime $3,000.00 65261 51030 Mun Golf Water Purchase $6,450.00 65262 56670 Mun Golf Chemicals&Lab $5,000.00 65263 52310 Motion to approve made by Councilor Letellier and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. As Chair of the Finance Committee, Councilor Letellier provided her report stating that this is due to hourly increases and overtime because Dan Shay was out for ten weeks. Alan Brown took over and got the hourly difference. Needed chemicals due to an infestation. Motion to send a positive recommendation made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Mereadante and the vote was 5 Yes,0 No. ' The vote was 11 YES, 0 NO approving the transfer. i 4. TO-2018-6 - Budgetary Transfer of $9,500.00 from Blighted Property Expense (#16602-57710) to Professional Services (#16602-52190)(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Finance Committee) Motion to approve made by Councilor Letellier and seconded by Councilors Mercadante and Sandlin. As Chair of the Finance Committee, Councilor Letellier provided her report stating that this is a fifty-hour contract to inspect the trailer park and trailers for code enforcement violations, enforcement and go to housing court if necessary. ' He is very experienced and proactive. There are numerous calls made to Police and Fire to the trailer park. Something needs to be done. Motion to send a positive recommendation made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Mercadante and the vote was 5 Yes, 0 No. Councilor Letellier thanked the Mayor for being so proactive with code enforcement. Councilor Rossi also applauded the Mayor for staying on top of this as the trailer park is in bad shape. ' The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the transfer. 5. TO-2018-7 - Budgetary Transfer of $299.25 from Reserve Fund (#16605-57300) to Community ' Development/Regular Permanent(#11801-51010)(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Finance Committee) Motion to approve made by Councilor Magovern and seconded by Councilor Letellier. As Chair of the Finance Committee, Councilor Letellier provided her report stating that this is because Pam Kerr was out for surgery and Amanda Boissonneault filled in for her and was paid $2.25 more an hour for the work she did at Pam's rate. Motion to send a positive recommendation made by Councilor Mercadante and seconded by Councilor Calabrese and the vote was 5 Yes, 0 No. The vote was 11 YES,0 N0 approving the transfer. Item K. New Business L TR-2018-21 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Sandra Hottin, 12 Rowley Street, Agawam, MA to the Agawam Housing Authority to a term expiring the second Monday in January, 2021 (Mayor Sapelli) Next Agenda. 2. TR-2018-22 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Sarah A. Prince, 775 Springfield Street, I Apt. 10A, Feeding Hills, MA to the Agawam Housing Authority for an unexpired term expiring the second Monday in January,2020(Mayor Sapelli) Next Agenda. 3. TR 2018-23 - A Resolution accepting a grant in the amount of Eight Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Dollars and no cents ($8,640.00)from the David M. and Marjorie J. Sherman Fund for use by the Town of Agawam Public Library(Mayor Sapelli) Referred to Finance,next Agenda. 4. TR-2018-24 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Shelley S. Pass, 108 Bridge Street, Agawam,MA to the Historical Commission to a term expiring January 1,2021 (Mayor Sapelli) Next Agenda. 5. TR-2018-25 - A Resolution accepting a grant ($16,115.25)from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts State 911 Department pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A for the Agawam Police Department(Mayor Sapelli) Referred to Finance, next Agenda. 5 i Item L. Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council. Councilor Bitzas said he was happy to see the award for the Athletic Facility. Councilor Rossi agreed and said that it is a national award so it is a big deal. Councilor Cavallo said we had many meetings coming up with Wayfinders and the Park and Recreational Needs Assessment. Council President Calabrese congratulated Rosie Robotics on winning ' the Entrepreneurial Award at WPI and also congratulated the St. Patrick's Day Committee for First Place in Irish Theme. Councilor Suffriti said it is getting tougher and tougher to complain about things with our very proactive Mayor although he would appreciate an update on Twin Silos_ He also mentioned the DIFF meeting would be rescheduled. Councilor Letellier wished everyone a Happy Easter and Passover. She also noted that in Section C(4) it ' notes that a proposed use cannot be detrimental to neighborhoods (visually) so height would be addressed in this section as well. Councilor Sandlin asked if the microphones could be fixed because it is ridiculous. She also congratulated the AAN on writing such an informative article on Wayfinders. Council President Johnson reminded everyone of the Park and Recreation Needs Assessment Plan on Monday, March 26`h at 7:00prn at the Senior Center. He also wished a very happy birthday to Councilor Letellier. Item M. Adiournment. The Motion to adjourn was moved and seconded all around. Meeting was adjourned at 8:49pm. 6 i TR-20Yf-Y8 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF LESTON R. TM'GL£Y, 18 PORTLM0 STREET,FEEDING HALLS,AN TO PE ENERGY COMMMSSION TR-2018-17 TO A TERM EXPIRING ON A RESO6LLMON CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF APRIL 1,=71 RONALD WIENER$ 122 LECAMRO STREET,AGiWAAq ALA TO THE ENERGY COMA WXvv WHEREAS,a vacamy cwmn#y exists on the Enaw Comm*slon,&W r0 A TERM E 1NC ON-- -. .... APAA f,R0 2pTa WHEREAS the Mayor has appb87ted LesMn R. TinLsby 18 PalBand$t1aH{ Feeding hW,MA to the Agawam Ena/gy Commission 10 a f0iM ezywM on ApHI 1,ZO1I; WWW-AS,a vacancy a/n dy exists on the fn&W CommwAm and and WRER&Y4 Me MayW Ras eppoftW RwreM 0*� 122 Lacnald S71aet, Agawam,MA to Ma Agawam EWW Carvn,Rsm 1v a rem eNknng m Axd 1,2070,and NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL hereby msohes to conlam the appnmmtenr of twM/1 R. Tdapley, 18 PWAW 5&"4 FaO&V Hft.MA to tW Energy NOW THEREFORE, THE AGA WAN CYTY COUNCIL hammy resa'vea m aolrknn Me Commissian elfech"Aprg 7,7016 M a 1em1 arpitV on AF8 f,2021. appxriMb t or RmNd Wiarels.122 Laona,e Street Agawam,ALA to he Enapy ' Ca+r—fan effm*a Aprd 1,2018 M a terin vApw tp wr Apra'1,201-9 -.. DATED THIS _DAY OF ......_.._-.__�2078 DATED THIS a4y Of.,_....... __ _-.-.20fe PER ORDER OF THE AGAWA MCI TY COUNCIL PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CIty COUNIXL ................ ......... -..........--............... ChNsropY r G✓vhwa%Pmsao7snL Agawam CIN Coona Ch•1s1oprlar C..kvbrawr,Pre�eM Ayax Gry Cowen APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY APPRO�AVED AS YO FOAM AND LEGALITY Stephen J&Olva*co 5044W SmP604 J.&Wwon&.C&5070W TR-2018.20 ' TR-200844 A RESOLGTIAM CONFARAbNG THE APPOINTMENT OF LESLIE JOSEPH,71 RIDGE AVENUE.AGAWAR.94 A RESOLUTION CONMUNNG rNE APPOhY MENF OF TO THE ENERGY COMMISSION MAAX MZWRIS,34 JAMES 57REET,AGAWA44 MA TO A TERM E7YPARAFG ON TO 771E ENERGY COMOSSAON APR&1,AW TO A YM M EXPMW ON APIM 1,2D21 WHEREAS.a vacmxy a,&e *=&fs on Me EwW Cpmmisri-,grad WHEREAS,a Akafty Mn nny edam W Me Energy Canmtca'or eW WHEREAS,me Mayor has appolnred Laebe Jcs"*11 RA*Q Avenue Agawam, MA to the Agawam Energy Colwnissav m a drm a.PMrg o/r Ape 1.202a,aW NiERE43 n>e Mayo'has AVP"tW Mark M01M 34 Jft a S»ree1,Agawam,MA m 0e Agaram Er V CaTaT1ls aw 10 a term"puM on April 1,2021;aW NOW THEREFORE,THE AGAWAN CITY COUNCIL MVeby reaches M con&m ft apypta.~z of Leske Jbmph,71 RAV&Avenge,Agawam,mA 10 Me Energy CoasymesAw ' NOW ThVReTORE 7"HE AGAWAM CITY COUNCM A—by msmes m-"A—Ma aopNrrwrem O1Mak Made,3i Jemas SYeat Ap—n.MA 0 Me EntW C—ffAs A. e9u1»re Apn7 r.z01a fo a Mrm cxpwYng m Apil r,z0zv. eheMos Awn 1,7018 to a Wm&ky*g m Apra F.21010_ DATED THIS DAY OF 1018 DATED THIS._ ........._. LAY OF .2C18 PEF OFFER OF THE AOAWAM Ct7Y COUNCIL PER ORDER OF T1iF AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Chwtpphw C.✓*mon.Prasd.%Aga�Crry Cau=Y _......._......—._._..._., ._--- CM3Mpher C.Johnson,Aevdan{Agawam City Carmvi APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEt14LrTY �7 Sfeph&1—TJ.�JBuwwmv,,CAY soffa r S1epw J Btmi0,Lay Sa✓i-1w 'I'O-2U1)i-5 k1UllGET'ARY TRANS}'F.iIFORhd Department: GolfCotase Amuunl: $22.950.00 Irom 11O1t-10hR-1 MLlfv COLT LQ RLP,13rAIN&.RLPL s (3,voo.ao) 65262 52034 kil IN GOLF TF.T.EPHONF, S (1,400.00) 65262 52150 Av ORDINANcF.TO AMEND SECTION g9-7(C)OF TFIR CODE OF THE MUK GOLF PROF SERVICES E (500.00) 65262 52190 TOWN OFAGAN.1:N7 MCDI GOLF 3fISCCLLAINEOLS $ (225.00) 65262 52990 ' (Spanwnd by Mayor WiOiam P.Sape111t-- MUN GOLF PROP&LLAH INS $(11,605.00) 65262 57500 MI.N GOLF OFFICE SUPPLIES S (220.06) 65263 52230 WHEREAS,every City and To an en the Coamonwcallh!ws m fvnageixy 3lanage- W LIN GOLF PRO SHOP Si:PP1.IL' s (6.U[YU.UU) 65263 54200 m 1 DJretux:uld many Cilics aad Team depeadiug oo their sae also have a Emerg m- oy Nlana_ l Depnmy Direct«Natiumd Iwi&-w Munagemeul SyRtm(MVS)Cnnr- JI c u Alx'Uunl Aeaount tun. emm dinar=,,and n MUN GOLF RHGULAR TEMP I 8„5000) 65261 M1120 Wl1FIef,A$•Jhr ngaccam F.Te%g y Managc—,T)—,ur(I)i—w)nr,d the Aga— b1UN GOLF OVER UML s 3.0011.00 65261 51WO l:.aergency MJr.pcWM Depury Duector.Naamral lrodenl Md gem Sylaelu V1L05 GOLF WATER PURCHASC $ 5,450.00 65262 56670 (NTMR)Cnnrdinwar arc pan iimc It xkiom inthc Tewn Fiscal Madge,:aid NEW GOLF CNF.MIC.ALS&I.AB $ 5,M11.110 65263 32310 WHb:RFLIS.11c Dirmar and Dcpmy Diry t-,:NLMS Coordinuar ore mr m rnhers of o Tithe ni.lccuunt Aemunt:umber ualon or sub)ea rn acollee,ive hsrgairine alpwncnl;and WHEREAS,11,Agauvm Fm,xg[ruy Mamagcatcat Direewr h scheduled to reeve a Reason for Trwi4er:See atl,acbed lelless. yearly sataty ofs:0,533 far FY 2019;and d . WRERL:AS.the Agawam Etnetgency h9wrgemcnt DLpwy Din:;tar:NINIS C—dinah t iss Wuled no rsarisz u sslery nfSlt),fl23 f FV 2019:and I hereby unit That funds arc auailable to make the above-slated transfer, ' WHf:kCAS,it is in the but Lxemt of the Town-establish a llr..-iWe salon strueare Date: '"I'I __..___...� 1'm such ptaiti—tlwt caul he 4.L d from nme,a time. Cheryl SL f t,Auditor AOW THEREFIIRE,the Aga..•am City Council haery amends 5 aicn 49-7(C)of the I h�eh rave lacement of the abwe-ata[rd Insurer on the Council agenda Code nYthe Town afAtiw efh'ective July t.201A by irattugl(:t[c follomng: Y'aFP P / (12)E—cgascy Llen,g[LM[tlTl Dine=,.f 10.001)to 5)2.5)n per year. Date: �fC William P.Sapd1i,MaytIr ' (13)Emergency Management Deputy Da l r!N1MS Caardi..u:$I U,900 L.Sl LSOD peryear. Appruyed as to form and legal ity. Oa[ed[lue_day of ,0019. 1)0e �I r_ 5tepheh J. u,Solwilor ARRORDERUF'YlllL,ICAWAVI 1,11Y OUNCfL PER ORDER OF TIiF,AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL-APPROVLC)ON --„ ,2018 _.-- .._......__.__.._. Date: Christophe Johnson.Prasidenl Chrimoplia C.lolrrnUn,Pmsi&w Arr.,,'F:D ASTOFORMANDLEIML1TY APPROV.LLLL LLGIRI,ATLO15':Pnrsrraalt to Scdon3-6 nfthe ALrawtan flame Rule Charter,I / ar„r _ hereby approve the Coimcil passage of tha>ve at mated transfer. Slcph M Duanimn0,City Snta%ar ....—_. . Dae:f William P.Sapoli,Mayor T0.2018• T(1 201 g6 BUE}(iETARY TRANSFER FOR.41 HCiDr:_r�Y"fShcr�l:f319h�1 Dcpamrrar Planning lC L'tmvnumryllt;vrlo rot oepa[tnm+t:_LINt IIIEMS Arucunt 59.500.0u •: FLBlU)AKY28.20I8 Amount: S299.25 pate._2mdA _ From HLIUffIEDPROPLRI'YEXPENSE 1 6602-5 771 0 From Line fund I660N57300 cwuat tcowu um II a Arapant ccpsml.nor r To PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 166C2-.,2140 To Community Develo ntentlRe@ular Pornraaem I ROU51010 u e of Aa.1 pcn�vn[Number —I'Itle o Aemum Accown�iab Rea�M1t�r 7fpnsf'sr. Rruxun fur Trarsfer. P!w •ml:whed Summary letter arvi agrcxmrnt Working nut of gradt�Amarala Duissunneuvit ( �,� DcPe mcnt head lhpar[ment 1 I h—by on ifvthat funds arc available to make theabo,t stated[rwtsfa. 1 hereby ecnify that£rude arc available to make the sbove•su tad nansfer. Ome Duce }fit� 11 Chcry:S[ n A lox -ChffYI S4 uhn,A 'tor I hcuby apprrnc Namat,tiu of the abovn-s'sta3«aaskr opn the C1umci1 scod.. I hetby approve placement of the above-staued trtraAr on[be Council Agenda, Dxlc: ai_/,1 u- Dare: atJ,�`i l C / �.t.�• -•..,rs.'. III tumor P,s;Jw)li,N.aay William P.sapeml Ma Appa—d as to farm and legality. p� Apprnvtx)m;to form/and kgaliry. Date: _ flit'°-fry Date_ii_,... ' Stephen!. unnicnnti,solicitor Stephen�uaiiwrd,SolicAor PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNC11.-APPROVED ON ,2018 PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL-APPROVED CN _-018 Ue[x_ Chrigx&,r C.Johrtson.Prr,&V Date: Christopher C.lolmwn,Praitkm gPPROVAL OI'LEGISL4TION:I'unuaul to seaia:3.6 n(ncc at;rvam}1.,m:;Rulc(:har(tr,3 hereby uM'm [hn L'rxmciI passage pf[he ahme-m.IW Irxrufw. APPROVAL OF LECISLATIO Pur,.ttmht to Section S4i of the Agawam Home Rulc Chartee,L hereby Wpmve dw Council passage of dhe abn"e tatel tmnsf- I}soc: William P.SaTxlh,Mayor Date: William P.Sapelli,Mayor ' D ,',PPR VAI.OP f.P(HSlA I ION:Pumiato to Scmlan 3-5 stfthe A wan Helm Rule Ba Charum,I h,.�rab,disapprove the C'auucil passage of the Abpvc rn6 )trwr.+lcr. DISAPPROVAL OF LWISLATION:Puauenl to Section 3-6 of the Aga,.amt Horne Rule Chaser,I herebv disapprove the Council passage of tho above-atoned transfer. hate: Wild—P.sape!f.Vlaynr Dmc: Willtam P.Sapelli,Mayor 1 s