CC MTG MINUTES MARCH 5 2018 REGULAR MEETING OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Minutes dated March 5, 2018 Meeting was called to order by Council President Johnson at 7:00pm inthe Auditorium at the Roberta G. Doering School, 68 Main Street,Agawam. Item A. Roll Call ROLL CALL— 11 PRESENT,0 ABSENT Roll Call was taken with the following councilors present: George Bitzas, Council Vice President Cecilia Calabrese, Paul Cavallo, Council President Christopher Johnson, Gina Letellier, Robert Magovern, Dino Mercadantc, Joseph Mineo,Robert Rossi,Rosemary Sandlin and Anthony Suffriti. With eleven present, there was a quorum. Item B._Moment of Silence and the Pledge of Alle�eiance. Council President Johnson asked for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Item C. Citizen's Speak Time The following citizens spoke: � o Corrinne Wingard — spoke about potential level funding of the PVTA reducing service in the Agawam and Feeding Hills areas • William Clark—questioned the classes necessary to use the TV Studio. Item A Minutes 1. Regular Council Meeting—February 20,2018 ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. Voice vote approved noting the abstention of Councilor Letellier. Item B. Declaration from Council President None. Item F. Presentation ofPetitions and Remonstrances 1. TR-2018-12 - A Resolution confirming the reappointment of Mary Jo Safford, MS, APRN-BC, CTH, 92 Juniper Ridge, Feeding Hills, MA to the Board of Health for a term expiring the first Monday in February,2021 (Mayor Sapelli) Motion to approve made by Councilor Suffriti and seconded by Councilors Sandlin, Cavallo and Letellier. Council President made mention that Ms. Safford called and had a prior commitment for this evening however she expressed her gratitude for being considered. iThe vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the reappointment. Council President thanked her for her service. 1 r1 2. TR-2018-13 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Charlotte M. Fields, 63 Central Street, i Agawam,MA to the Historical Commission to a term expiring January 1,2021 (Mayor Sapelli) Motion to approve made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilor Letellier. The vote was I YES,0 NO approving the appointment. Council President thanked her for her service. 3. TR-2018-14 - A Resolution appropriating funds ($23,157.00) from the General, Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance (Free Cash) to the Parks and Recreational Vehicle Account(#16204-58500) (Referred to Finance Committee) Motion to approve made by Councilor Magovern and seconded by Councilor Mercadante. As Chair of the Finance Committee, Councilor Letellier provided the report stating that this item pertains to purchase of a new car for Chris Sparks, Parks & Rec Director. Mayor Cohen ordered this to be paid out of Gift Account and was not previously cleared with the Auditor. Prior mayor did not utilize normal and proper purchase order process. Mayor Sapelli said that Chris does use his car on some nights and weekends for town functions although he will propose that the car stay at the office except on nights and weekends when he will be using it. Mayor said he is looking into all cars staying in the parking lot at night unless they deal with emergencies. Motion to send a positive recommendation to the Full Council by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Mercadante. The vote was 5 Yes, 0 No. The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item. 4. TR-2018-15 - A Resolution to appropriate and authorize borrowing in the amount of $1,100,000.00 for the O'Brien's Corner Complete Streets Improvement Project(Mayor Sapelli) (To be withdrawn per email dated 2/20/18 from Solicitor on behalf of Mayor Sapelli) ' Motion to remove the item from the Agenda as requested by the Mayor made by Councilor Letellier and seconded by Councilor Sandlin. ' The vote was 11 YES, 0 NO removing the item from the Agenda. Item G. Report of Council Committees None, Item H. Elections None. Item L Public Hearings 1. TOR-2017-13 (PH-2018-2) - An Ordinance to amend the Code of the Town of Agawam Zoning Ordinances to add solar energy systems (Sponsored by Councilors Johnson and Rossi) Refer to Legislative Committee and work with Assessors and Engineering to gather list of potential overlay district areas —no ' vote taken yet (Tabled 2120118) (Referred to Planning Board - PB Public Hearing set for 317118) (City Council Public Hearing set for 3/19/18) The item remained on the table until the Public Hearing on March 19, 2018. ' Item J. Old Business 1. TO-2018-4 -Voucher List of$1,730.03 for Councilors' reimbursements for MMA Trade Show 2018 (Referred to Finance Committee) ' Motion to approve made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. As Chair of the Finance Committee, Councilor Letellier provided a report stating that committee made a motion to send a positive 2 recommendation to the Full Council which made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Mercadante. The vote was 4 Yes, 0 No, 1 Abstention (Councilor Calabrese). There was no further discussion. The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item. 2. TOR-2018-1 - An Ordinance to amend Section 49-7(C) of the Code of the Town of Agawam (1 of 2 Readings)(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Finance Committee) Motion to approve the first reading made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilors Letellier and Suffriti. As Chair of the Finance Committee, Councilor Letellier provided a report stating that these Emergency Management positions fell through the cracks over the years and were not under any ordinance or any collective bargaining and they need to be placed within an ordinance and agreed upon a salary range. The Committee ' made a Motion to send a positive recommendation to the Full Council which was made by Councilor Mercadante and seconded by Councilor Mineo. The vote was 5 Yes, 0 No. There was no further discussion The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the first reading. Item K. New Business 1. TR-2018-16 - A Resolution to amend the Rules and Regulations of the Agawam City Council (Councilor Johnson) Referred to the Legislative Committee,next Agenda. 2. TR-2018-17 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Ronald Wieners, 122 Leonard Street, Agawam, MA to the Agawam Energy Commission to a term expiring on April 1,2019(Mayor Sapelli) Next Agenda. ' 3. TR-2018-18 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Leston R. Tingley, 18 Portland Street, Feeding Hills, MA to the Agawam Energy Commission to a term expiring on April 1, 2021 (Mayor Sapelli) Next Agenda. ' 4. TR-2018-19 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Mark Morris, 34 James Street, Agawam, MA to the Agawam Energy Commission to a term expiring on April 1,2021 (Mayor Sapelli) Next Agenda. 5. TR 2018-20 -A Resolution confirming the appointment of Leslie Joseph, 71 Ridge Avenue,Agawam, MA to the Agawam Energy Commission to a term expiring on April 1, 2020(Mayor Sapelli) Next Agenda. 6. TOR-2018-2 - An Ordinance to amend the Code of the Town of Agawam by Adding Section 103-1A (Councilor Johnson) (Two Readings Required) ' Referred to the Legislative Committee,next Agenda. 7. TO-2018-5 - Budgetary Transfer of$22,950.00(as shown below)(Mayor Sapelli) From: Mun Golf Eq Rep, Maint& Repl $3,000.00 65262 S2030 ' Mun Golf Telephone $1,400.00 65262 52150 Mun Golf Prof Services $500.00 65262 52190 ' 3 ' Mun Golf Miscellaneous $225.00 65262 52990 Mun Golf Prop Liab Ins $11,605.00 65262 57500 Mun Golf Office Supplies $220.00 65263 52230 ' Mun Golf Pro Shop Supplies $6,000.00 65263 54200 To: Mun Golf Regular Temp $8,500.00 65261 51020 Mun Golf Overtime $3,000.00 65261 51030 ' Mun Golf Water Purchase $6,450.00 65262 56670 Mun Golf Chemicals Uab $5,000.00 65263 52310 Referred to Finance Committee,next Agenda. 8. TO-2018-6 - Budgetary Transfer of $9,500.00 from Blighted Property Expense (#16602-57710) to Professional Services (#16602-52190)(Mayor Sapelli) ' Referred to Finance Committee,next Agenda. 9. TO-2018-7 - Budgetary Transfer of $299.25 from Reserve Fund (#16605-57300) to Community Development/Regular Permanent(#11801-51010) (Mayor Sapelli) Referred to Finance Committee,next Agenda. Item L. Any other matter that map legally come before the Ck Caunca� Councilor Rossi reminded his Administrative Committee of the meeting the following night at the library at 6:30 regarding sewers. He also mentioned that he and former Councilor Rheault had done research on the use of town vehicles however the previous Mayor was not interested. Councilor Rossi offered to give the research to the new Mayor. Councilor Suffriti noted the demolition of Caesar's and'thanked Councilor Rossi for opening up the dialogue ' on the sewer situation. Councilor Letellier commented on Ms. Wingard's comments on cuts to PVTA—she noted that HAP/Wayfair Housing will be conning within two years and this will place an added burden on the bus schedule creating an even stronger reason to push for this to be fully funded. She hoped the Housing Committee could write to our legislators. She thanked Mayor Sapelli for initiating an audit of the golf course which is most important. She also expressed gratitude at his willingness to attend our meetings and answer any questions. Councilor Sandlin commended Ms. Wingard for her excellent presentation and agreed there need to be greater equity with the Boston area noting that Metro-West won't receive the amount of cuts that PVTA will receive which is unfair. Council President Johnson commented that Barbara is working on cleaning up the Council website. He is also making modifications to the solar ordinance and get it out to everyone prior to the Public Hearing next meeting. He reminded ' the Full Council of the March 261h Needs Assessment meeting. Council President also invited Mr. Nettis to attend our April 5`h meeting at 6:30 to answer questions on the ALICE program. ' Item M. Adiournment. The Motion to adjourn was moved and seconded all around. Meeting was adjourned at 7:25pm. 1 ' 4 i 1 rR-za1B1z A RES4L11T(ON CONFIRMING THE REAPPOINTMENT OF MARPJO S4FF0gO,mS,APRN-BC,CTk 92Alop£R RwE DRovE, FEEDING HILLS,MA TO THE BDARD OF HEALTH FOR A 7fRM EXPIRING TR-WS-13 1 THE FIRST MO)YDAY IN FEBRUARY,2021 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMUIG THE APPOINTMENT OF CHARLOTTE M.FIELDS,a3 CENTRAL STREET,AGAWAM,MA WHEREAS,the AP➢Ointment of Mary 10 Safford on the Agawam Board ofHealthhas TO THE HISTORICALEXPIRIPOMMING SWN TO A TERM E%PIRIHG expired;and UANUARY 1,2621 WHEREAS the Mayor has reappointed Morylo Saffaru�92luniperRidge Drive,Feeding MfEREM,a rarancy"Itts on the H4bRcel Camsinion;wtd Hdls,MA to the Baardaf Health for a term E*rimg the fiat Adarrdayia.Febn'mry,2WI; "*F&M the MW hu apypinDW CMrtu b M.PWRIa,63 Genital ShrM,AGaww%MA to the Hiltnrlul Camlttkaianf&a tarn exyldhp on demory t,2021;and HOW THEREFORE,7HEAGAWAM CITY COUNCIL hereby resolves to confrnn the reappointment of Mary 10 Safford,92 Juniper Ridge Drhe.MA to the Board ofHeahh for a term NOW THEREFORE,THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL he"reeahraato confirm Its 1 ejfeake Februory20111 exWn9 the first Moodoy in Februay,2D21, appoYmrsrd ofChwbtle M.Fld t,63 CoWal80aet,Agatnm,MA to the ftmkol CON hNubefor a Ion eReWn February 201E expiring on Jo treaty 1.2M1. DATED THIS DAY OF .2018 BATED TM DAY OF .2016 PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Christopher C.Johnson,President,Agawam City Cuundli CMslaphr C.dahrsoo,Pra 16M Agaavm City CoWN;1I 1 APPROVED?AS TO FORMAND LEGALITY / :`•'� APPROVED AS TO FORM AND MCALHY Stephen Avaniti5at,Solicitor Stepls Bar uSOIDCNar 1 TR-2018-14 A RESOLVIT0.1;APPROPRIATING FUNDS FRO141 FREE CASH TO THE PARKS AND RF.CREA'FIO VAL VKUICLE AC(X)U.'T L6M.SSSW {Spassored by Mayor WlUiam P..SepeBi) WFWRF.AS-the Park.and Recreational Department requires the use of a vehicle nn a regular basi.4 to transport persmarcl and cquipnrcntta and£mm Tacilitlxe;and WHEREAS,the parks and Rcereational De?.artrnem evrreattY has no mmricipa]yehicic 1 escigned to inx Department for staff;and WHEREAS,tlz Parks and Recreational Depniatmit Di—tor Iris been utilizing his personal vehicle so tr avI to-d 14on facilities in ihe'Powa.and WHEREAS,Il,e Tnwn or Agawam roimIIUMes the Parks mid Rrceational Department Director fire mikngo when wiliving his perwrnal vehicle in Ibe car,,.«of his empluymern;—d ' WHINKFAS,the previous Maya*amhorv,W[he purchase of a racur vehicle W he utilized be the Pr,rka nd Recr irC..I Department nir-lac and February 6,2018 Or 201&4 WHERFAS,111c utotor vehicle wasdclhrrod in Dceemwt of 2017 to theTowrn of Agawam and is in use by the Direclw:and WHEREAS,thex isms irwoim due to CalonW Municipal Croilp in the amount twenty three thousand and ore hundred and fifty seven dollars($23.157 I(yr for a 26'3 Ford F%wpe;and VOUCHER—CITY COIINCIT. WHEREAS,it is in the bcsi irtcresr ofthc'I'—of Agawam to porchaae a er hicle fur the Parks and Tt-r tional Department ' NOW TNERE+FORF,RE IT RESOLVED that the Agawaru City Cauneil app rcpnare twenty three thousmrd and one hundred and fifty aevcn dnlhrs(S23,:57.N))form iron cash to the Arks Reirnbursemmm for LIMA Trade Show Jan 2019 and Recm.tiotr it Vchidc Ac—ril 162"599e0. For Councilors 13itzu,Calabrese and Sandlin DATED THfS DAY of Pebruary,201$. (11112-5='39f1} 51,730.03 1 YHR OR111;R.11 'HE AGAWAM CITY COUACIL Christuphub',rr.n1 Ptcsidrat 471)AS TO FORbd AN.LEGALITY TOTAL RETMBURSEhIENT: SL7 g i ' Step 13 'anti.City BOiicitor i 1 5 TOR-261&1 AN ORDINANCE.TO AMEND SECTION 49-7(Q OF THE CODE OF THE 'TOWN OF AGAWALI {S'Eronwred by Mayer William P.Sapeml WITRRRAk,every Cily and Town on O:e Comnwnwealth has an Emergency Maaaga meat Ikreclor and many Vibes and To—depending on their si-also haven Emergen- cy K-1—gement Deptrµ"DacctoNNmi,mul lmid� Management System(`UMS)Coon dinator,and WHEREAS,Ilm Agawam Emergency Managtancnt Dir ku T{pircth,r;and the Agawatn Emergency Management Deputy ryirectorrNa[iuual Incident Ma,tagetnent Sysnxn (NIMS)Coordinator=pan timepositions in the'l own Fiscal BWO:and WHkltx:tS,the Uitenor and Dcp,ny I]i,.,c.l17MR Cmrclirenw are nm rn—hrrs ota anion or subje.:t W a-Ilective bargaining agre—[:and W'l1ERk:AS,nc.Agawam F-magau:y}lanagcrncal Director is schedWed to rcecive a yeafLv Wary of$10.533 t FY 2019;and WIIEREAS,the Agawam Eutergencv tylanagcmcnt Ihpnly tyi,vrton NIMS Coordinator is scheduled tp recaw n-i ry orsi 6,od3 lar FY 2iA 9;and WHEREAS,it a in the best intercat of the I'axn to cstahlish a flexible Wary stntcrarc for such positions that can be adjusted Itom umn le timr. NOW THEREFORE,the Agawam City Council hereby amend,S-1iun 49-1(C)o`the Code of the Town of Agwam cflrctive July I,2018 by inserting the fnllnwhtg: (12)Fmcrgcn.._Mranngrment Director:S 10,000 to 512.500 per year. ' (I?)Emergency Management Dcpcsty Dimetm.NIMS C—rdirul-$10,000 to S'2.y00 per year. paled thi_d.y ut J2018. ' PER ORDER OF I HE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Christopher Johnson,Picsidc v AI'PROOk ED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY j Swp�tnni-nd city SoIiciux 1 I6 i