CC MTG MINUTES MAY 21 2018 REGULAR MEETING OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL ' Minutes dated May 21, 2018 ' Meeting was called to order by Council President Johnson at TOOpm in the Auditorium at the Roberta G. Doering School, 68 Main Street,Agawam. Item A. Roll Call ROLL CALL—10 PRESENT, 1 ABSENT Roll Call was taken with the following councilors present: George Bitzas, Council Vice President Cecilia Calabrese, Paul Cavallo, Council President Christopher Johnson, Robert Magovem, Dino Mercadante, Joseph Mineo, Robert Rossi, Rosemary Sandlin and Anthony Suffriti. Councilor Letellier arrived a little late. With ten present, there was a ' quorum. Item B. Moment of Silence and the Pledge of All Council President Calabrese asked for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. ' Item C. Citizen's Speak Time The following citizens spoke: ' • Will Clark---Spoke about Chapter 90 road funds, the use of hemp and hoped that the Mayor and Council don not take things personally. ' Item D. Minutes 1. Regular Council Meeting--May 7,2018 Motion to approve made by Councilor Mercadante and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. Voice vote approved. ' Item E. Declaration from Council President None. ' Item F. Presentation of Resolutions ' None. Item I.Public Hearinzs 1. TR-2018-31 (PH-2018-3) - A Resolution adopting the Fiscal Year 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Program(Mayor Sapelli)(Tabled 5/7/18) ' Motion to remove the item from the table made by Council Vice President Calabrese and seconded by Councilors Magovern and Cavallo. Motion to approve made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. Council President Johnson declared the Public Hearing open at 7:1lpm. Mayor Sapelli provided the presentation of the Capital Improvement Plan and thanked Laurel Placzek and her staff along with Cheryl, Department Heads and Becky in his office. He noted that the majority of the items are public safety items or something to do with education as well as the old wooden bleachers in the High School gymnasium. He also spoke about sidewalks and the tree work involved. Mayor said there is a list of about twenty streets to be approved. There is $850,000 in the budget for streets and sidewalk improvements. Michelle Chase is on top of things utilizing grants, etc. He spoke in more detail about the streets. Treasurer Laurel Placzck spoke about bonding items. Councilor Letellier asked why the information this ' 1 ' evening was different from what the Council had previously received. They had removed information reducing the CIP by $284,925.00. Council President Johnson stated that in looking at the CIP, it is just that — a plan which goes from 2 %million to 7 million and didn't want the public to think that these items are happening as it is unrealistic. He 1 agrees there is a need for all of these things but we need to prioritize. The Treasurer noted that higher interest rates are factored in as well. It may be more or less. Mayor Sapelli agreed this was a wish list and wants the Council's input to prioritize. We are a team and we need to agree on what we can and can't do and the City Council technically has the ' final say. Councilor Letellier asked a question about bond payments. She noted that on page 26 it says it is for this next fiscal year—why wouldn't we be farther along in the planning process if you are planning it for next year? She realized it was a wish list but it is important to talk about the details. Councilor Sandlin was disappointed to see that sewers were nowhere in this plan. Councilor Bitzas agreed it is a wish list and isn't very realistic. He spoke about the ' land next to the town hall. Council Vice President Calabrese asked what the new project was at the high school and Mayor Sapelli said they are contemplating new science labs. Councilor Magovern also said we definitely need a new town hall and police complex. He suggested keeping the present town hall and building an annex out back. He too ' questioned the sewer project. Councilor Mercadante said it is our job to make the hard choices and make investments in our town. It is time to go to work. Of course we don't want taxes to go up so we need to pair this plan down a bit and get to work. Councilor Sandlin asked about the purchase of land in 1993. Councilor Mineo said it was a good ' plan. Mayor Sapelli thanked everyone because he believed the purpose of this plan is to get a discussion going on everyone's priorities. Council President asked if anyone else wanted to speak in favor of the item which Corinne Wingard spoke in support stating we need to be prepared to pay more taxes to meet the needs of our town and to ' choose wisely. No one else spoke in favor or in favor name only. Will Clark spoke in opposition stating that Christopher Johnson was the last mayor to invest the most in the town. He noted we cannot keep putting things off. He thought some sort of a DIF for infrastructure would be smart. No one else spoke in opposition or in apposition name only. Council President Johnson declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:50pm. The vote was 11 YES, 0 NO approving the item. ' 2. TOR-2018-6(PH-2018-4) - An Ordinance amending the Code of the Town of Agawam Chapter 149 entitled "Smoking and Tobacco Products"(Mayor Sapelli) (Two Readings Required)—Public Hearing Set for June 18,2018(Referred to Legislative Committee) 1 Public Hearing is set for June 18'h. 1 hem J. Old Business 1. TOR-2018-7 - An Ordinance to amend Section 103-8 of Chapter 103 of the Code of the Town of ' Agawam (Mayor Sapelli) (1 of 2 Readings)(Referred to Legislative Committee) Motion to approve the first reading made by Council Vice President Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Letellier. ' As Chair of the Legislative Committee, Councilor Magovern provided a report stating that this item was to establish fees for the Health Department and the committee gave a positive recommendation of 5 Yes,0 No. The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the first reading. 2. TOR-2018-8 - An Ordinance to amended Section 49-7(c) of the Code of the Town of Agawam (Mayor Sapelli) (1 of 2 Readings) (Referred to Legislative Committee) ' Motion to approve the first reading made by Council Vice President Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Letellier. As Chair of the Legislative Committee, Councilor Magovern provided a report stating that Mayor ' Sapelli wanted to revamp the Law Department and to fairly compensate for the hours being put in by the staff. He noted that this would in essence reduce the billable hours. After much discussion, the committee sent a positive recommendation by a vote of 4 Yes, 1 No (Councilor Bitzas). Councilor Letellier asked in past requests, the backup shows how many hours and breaks it down. Councilor Bitzas said he was the only no vote. How many hours does the Solicitor work in this part time position? He cannot justify the increase. Councilor Sandlin noted that the Mayor provided a lot of insight to this item. The present Solicitor works 30 ' hours. She suggested there might be a need for additional information however she does support it. Councilor Magovern said the present Solicitor is putting way more hours than he is getting paid for. This 2 method is far more transparent than before and is more reasonable to put limits on billable hours. Councilor Cavallo said he is well worth the money. Councilor Mercadante said we need to trust the Mayor's judgement on this one. Attorney Buoniconti is very accessible and extremely thorough. He saves the town a ' great deal of money in certain aspects and there is a peace of mind in knowing we have a good attorney in our corner and that is irreplaceable. Councilor Mineo wanted to know what the billable hours were for FY17 and FY18? Council President Johnson said he would prefer to get all the requests and then table the item rather than go into Committee as a Whole. Councilor Rossi noted that the past solicitors haven't worked out so well and we need a solicitor that works well with the Mayor and the City Council and pay him more for that and he believes the billable hours will be reduced. He stated that Attorney Buoniconti is very honest and trustworthy. Councilor Magovem agreed and added why table this —we should vote on the first reading, get the answers to our questions and then be prepared to vote the second reading. Councilor Letellier reminded everyone that this is NOT about Attorney Buoniconti's skills. This is about changing the actual ordinance. 1 This changes the salary for future solicitors. Please don't think this is an issue of disrespect. We need a job description that sets the job duties, hours and billable details, expectations of the position. Councilor Bitzas agreed and said he cannot vote yes on this item. Council President Johnson stepped from the Chair to suggest getting all the answers first noting a clear policy is needed, along with billable hours for the last couple of years, the last salaries of recent solicitors, a description of the job and billable hours as well as the 1 number of hours to be worked. Councilor Mineo said billable hours have been about $100,000 in the past! Council President Johnson said they have had the same salary since he was mayor. Motion to table this item was moved by Council Vice President Calabrese and seconded by Councilors Suffriti, Letellier and Cavallo. The vote of 10 YES, 1 NO (Councilor Mineo)tabling the item. 3. TO-2018-11 - Budgetary Transfer of$1756.44 from the Reserve Fund(#16605-57300)to the Persons and Property(#16602-52001)(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Finance Committee) Motion to approve made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. As Vice Chair of the Finance Committee, Councilor Mineo provided a report stating that this item was to settle issues that residents had with the town and a positive recommendation was sent to the Full Council by a vote of 4 Yes, 0 No, 1 Absent (Councilor Letellier). The vote was 11 YES, 0 NO approving the item. 4. TO-2018-12 - An Order granting or renewing a Junk Dealer's PERMIT for Block Jewelers, Inc.,299 Walnut Street,Agawam(Clerk) (Referred to Administrative Committee) Motion to approve made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Sandlin. As Chair of the Administrative Committee, Councilor Rossi provided a report stating that all was in order and the committee gave a positive recommendation by a vote of 5 Yes,0 No. ' The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item. 5. TO-2018-13 -Budgetary Transfer of$20,000.00 from the Firearms Qualification (#12101-51130) and ' $50,000.00 from the Uniform Allowance (#12101-51070)to Longevity(#12101-51400)for a total transfer of$70,000.00 (Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Finance Committee) Motion to table made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. The vote was 10 YES, 1 NO (Councilor Rossi)tabling the item. ' 6. TO-2018-14 - Budgetary Transfer of $4,000.00 from Reserve Fund (#16605-57300) to Professional Services (#16602-52190) (Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Finance Committee) Motion to approve made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Mineo. As Vice Chair of the Finance Committee, Councilor Mineo provided a report stating that this item was provide an appraisal for the Tennis Road 3 property and a positive recommendation was sent to the Full Council by a vote of 4 Yes, 0 No, 1 Absent (Councilor Letellier). ' The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item. Item K. New Business 1. TR-2018-35 - A Resolution adopting the Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Operating Budget for the Town of Agawam(Mayor Sapelli)—Suggest a Public Hearing Date of June 4,2018 ' Public Hearing set for June 4`h, next Agenda. 2. TR-2018-36 - A Resolution appropriating $220,000.00 from Free Cash to Building Maintenance Electricity/Heat Account(#11922-52110) (Mayor Sapelli) Referred to Finance Committee,next Agenda. ' 3. TR-2018-37 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Susan Cameron, LMT, 19 Witheridge Street,Feeding Hills,MA to the Whiting Street and Thomas Pyne Fund Commission for a term expiring ' December 31,2021 (Mayor Sapelli) Next Agenda. ' 4. TO-2018-15 - Budgetary Transfer of $2,800.00 from Carry Over Professional Services (#11379- 52190)to Professional Services (#11372-52190) (Mayor Sapelli) ' Referred to Finance Committee,next Agenda. Item L. Any other matter that may le-galls come before the City Council. Councilor Magovern said the Memorial Day celebration is something families should do together. Councilor Cavallo will be at the parade—this sets a good example and supports our veterans. Councilor Letellicr said she plans on being in Gettysburg for Memorial Day. Councilor Sandlin pleaded that something needs to be done with our audio system. This was such an important meeting and no one could hear it. Councilor Mineo congratulated his daughter on graduating from WSU. ' Item M. Adiournment. ' The Motion to adjourn was moved by Councilor Magovern and seconded by Councilor Mercadante. Meeting was adjourned at 8:24pm. r 4 Lt.pprt�rd M2013-31 I0-70IL11 Bun[rF.fARY TRANSFEk POEM r;,, v, A RYSDI.L'1'IOx MOtIdN[;THE �•���/ ' FISCAL YEAR SE �_-- i}p nn,eni Ix.1]epsuomt .. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT N7 PRO PRO C.pARf Amity¢.: s 175644 nm. 114001l TiftF�.n ResmEFlmd IM05-57.i0d A..__wi va IF WHEREAS, TSeC.pkl lapmv wP Wp fe FUt l Wmr]p19.3p1].m..bmR.ad mlk(%YC-0—Ap.R13.341Fh,um.d.nm./ltr Arlkk S.5.arka bl Tv. lEr.vrm midP __ 166oQ 530.1 i•)Nikcla.pr;.d �.b.rAw.ml._.�_ Aom.n ,..w R0AOr__t1 p WHEREAS, ik CapYd l>rprwe.em hw am.m. la..prlmdtm.d el••NR � P.Uu 1lepe roP• wr�ddlmlitrie afi5pp fbrxcpaR of.ehir1. mpkal7ePro sm[.rs..sut.eae fl.e Posallmn h.eeertlr.s wkbAr&k Tore CleimU*w 1ld crown of St3%6 mdr fxA" SnS by dw lww Dcp.. :N.M.6.3Mef the CbMen, d W...sadPmPeO—Imm53M1—my WPa bir.f WRBlEA1x TMCapRN rrpeovm.mllmyam6dr+adw.mlmw..foaL.vnpld7 xm Imps—ft m the kda of memoury prkrRlm I.mordl"d"wRh dk ' 'dhdaty.fw. ..dr eew—w Ikwrbyu fy1>nwrrfivds m avuWk�meketlw ahovnn.trd a fm. WRCREA$ r de.El.plq dk C.Pw11m P.m.mmt I.%—..rA yw,[n.'Wale, P..a..r.N.a..m.waerael.,.rm.ar..w.[u.I.+a 1k [d Cheryl Sl. ud ..fr Mlkl.nl lh.a ter 11wffkam.e.,eaaW..aaeed .ew sad sabfwg la.Mki sad o.dd...LL.F Meahtlq mmltu.alIG 110 I MxhY aPP'•v'.Pk.eme r. ' m/ .b ea —.f..nda c D � WWHEREAS, Lmh —W C.Pw1mPm tPmvmbravbW md.pd.Y�.f e..O R F.m.,ragd.m.e.l,aW fa.d'aa anikhdlry; d App— W11RR6A-S. PoaaPId.M:.with Artkk`iBettl..13[r1..01�rFe C6..dlrkRo♦d.et. d to 6ovma.rt klal>!y. p.hbe bbw&S w A m or b1r m ae lwealMA d.y wr ae W1 mma d as Ilwm f .rml a"Y_..k.1 by r4mYldm.bpl th Cwpyal fmp.rra..Fe �h�dic�no�r� 2013 C.pkdnnp PFA(IRnF.R AF 741E AGAWAM CIIY CYlI1NCIC-APPROVED 07N!!' 2d11 ' I.OW T71EREroA.arty=.w.mc ['.....pkRy'eshvw.daptu.Hoare Mq- nre,_ J� m j _ 5j2.i I9 ►a.pam m mbmRW by tkMwSvrm Ap.p 1;36U1. nATEu7Hta_ cl DAY OF m J gpy$QYyi QZL5GI8id1IQN;Puwav w Se on 3.kvf U e AI•w•m 11m a RJe Cave a,l PER GIM&t OW TIM AGAWAM CT7T COUNCIL hvehy nppro dpf:m.lal p.agc.f0—bove-1 d,—rerDWL J .cfl.ktvk.C. a tr W_l William 99rlli.R6Ynr G" CL10.tY7� CP Tr&Isvmr F733APy_unvwl_oFl.nclsLwiraN:r.m„mto season 3fi.tuw nwwua tiomeRwe uP3ipverD AS TO FORM AND 4tGALL1Y (P (1A 4.L+4Y Chum,l imby A.gpmvc tive C...a p...ap.fdn d...c W-d..nrfm. S".b- a-imd,city smkk.M rl,u �Cf�"� Iwe_�� __ _ _.._.._......... w�ukm u1.M.yor -hlftprl- ; 0 Tn a F:CC-Ctdr��,7raiSxta,(! .IM �au J 7l}I018.r� BUDGETARY 7'RA7dSF6R FORM � �1 Dry-- Maya Am—I: $4,OM nnt. A.nl Stl_7RE1 F[ml K—Flmd 16M573W a T.. Pmfml.ew S-Am 146M21" 1a1 1 AU S.S. f-T m.f wuu u� Atrared 13(pmIm411t Hmd 1 hrcby m 1y thmf®da.le wtildde W mek.the Pbeve-Wed tr fa. S�.3f le ryl S1.. ILerthy•PAwe pLmonma.fae ab.vrlshrted tr.mks m di.Cumin aRmda. Ala lam_ (E x'ris�P.Sap.A4 Mays Approved I R. a.d IMIiry. omc�5 31 rT ', bmpkm B..11i.md,5ntidfer PbR ORObR OF 171E AGAWAM 77!➢!ti COUHCiL-APPROVEDON - ,.. ' Cvldnpha C.1 heddtrA APPROVAL OF[.EGISLATk]N:P.onat k Se ti. Orthrgyw_Home Ry1e chm ,I hmehY4P•w�•�•�R p—p.rd—b—Adtdian"b. Hole: _ WWI-P.S.p.ls,Mayor :1'9mu.f 1.Sd:1un 3.6Prllw AS—H.mr R.k QRta.l haebydimppmve the C4.dI posmp.rttreab—.Ural tans!. u-P. 9` r.l L.3 1(('-fOILPC/ 17"rSlulJ r,'Yq rlf tg,,, faf17,r1A- TO-2018-12 permit was also issued 5 1 WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL The following are the minutes from the: ' Agawam City Council Workshop Meeting FY19 Budget Presentation ' Monday, May 21,2018 Doering School Auditorium 68 Main Street 1 Agawam, MA 01001 The meeting was attended by all eleven of the City Councilors. Mayor Sapelli, Laurel ' Placzek and Cheryl St. John were also in attendance along with the respective Department Heads. ' The meeting was called to order at 8:30pm immediately following the close of the regularly scheduled City Council meeting. Each department was presented by Mayor Sapelli with questions asked accordingly. IT De artment Mayor Sapelli explained any changes. Councilor Sandlin asked what the three water items I were deducted and Council President explained that these are three self-sustaining departments that have administrative support. ' Inspection Services Mayor Sapelli explained any changes. Councilor Mercadante mentioned the removal of ' the Seal Enforcement Officer and adding an Assistant Inspector. He asked how Mayor came up with the $63,874 salary. Treasurer Placzek noted the Assistant Inspector will be certified and paid at the same rate as other assistant inspectors (same tier and step). ' Councilor Mercadante wanted to know if this was a new hire or same person (it will be a new hire). ' Planning Department Mayor Sapelli explained that the Director of Planning will now be the Economic Developer and there will now be an Assistant Planner which will be Pam Kerr who does an excellent job and is performing most of the tasks already. Councilor Mercadante asked haw he arrived at the $56,000 starting salary and was there any additional special training needed — the Mayor responded that she has all the requirements necessary to do the job. The Treasurer responded that this position is the same level as the Assistant Collector and Assistant Clerk. tFire Department Mayor stated that four new firefighters were added so Overtime will decrease because of these new hires. The town is changing to LED lighting so we are starting to see savings in the electricity line items. Councilor Mercadante asked if the Fire Chief and Deputy Fire ' Chief overlapped in duties. Yes, the Mayor stated, they do overlap duties for certain ' issues. Councilor Cavallo questioned the ambulance fees covering some of the new firefighter salaries. Mayor responded that we will now be able to run a third ambulance. Councilor Sandlin asked why both the firetruck and ambulance frequently go out at the same time. Mayor stated not every time however some equipment (i.e. Jaws of Life) are not on ambulances so the fire truck would have to go on call as well, Councilor Suffriti asked if the new firefighters were medically trained as well (yes, they are said the Mayor) Council President Johnson asked if the new firefighters' salaries would be graduated since their anticipated start date wouldn't be on July 15t (yes, they would be graduated). DPW Mayor stated nothing was out of the ordinary with this line item. Councilor Letellier asked about the Tree Warden and wished the person was more proactive with taking down trees. Mayor said we have taken down a lot of trees and doesn't agree with many of the ' complaints. Councilor Letellier stated she had a specific complaint and Mayor asked for the information so he could look into it. Councilor Sandlin asked if we contracted out for tree removal and Mayor responded affirmatively as the town does not own a bucket truck. Councilor Magovern praised the DPW as every time he has had a complaint from a resident, Chris Golba has load it quickly remedied. He does think, however, that the tree warden should be an arborist_ Councilor Mineo agreed with the swift action of the DPW. Council President Johnson reminded everyone that the law prohibits the town from cutting or removing a healthy tree. Highway and Grounds Mayor stated that tree removal increased as well as signs and posts as many signs need to be replaced this year. Motor Vehicle Maintenan e Most of the changes are contractual and a veteran staff member was replaced with a new g p lower step. Water Department Changes included a purchase of equipment that cuts through asphalt making it much easier. There were also increases due to contractual services for the pumping stations. ' Road materials also increased mainly due to paving the streets after the water main reconstruction. Councilor Mercadante asked for the definition of water system materials which he was told included pipes, hydrants, valves, meters and the like. Council President ' Johnson noted that since this was not level funded, he assumes it is not predicated on a rate increase? Councilor Cavallo appreciated the backup information. Wastewater Most variances were due to contractual obligations. Equipment Repair decreased from ' $17,900 to $3,900 because the equipment is no longer needed. Engineering ' Mayor stated it was fairly level funded and mentioned he frequently receives compliments Y Y q of the Engineering and DPW Departments for their work as well as the lack of potholes in ' our town. He noted that PVPC considers Michelle Chase one of the most respected engineers. Go lf Course Mayor believes we now have a great team with Torn D1Rico and Dan Shay. Council President Johnson realizes how constrained the course is because of prior year's ' mismanagement. Treasurer Placzek said Tom DiRico has many great ideas and also wants to advertise soon. Councilor Magovern has heard only positive comments so far. Councilor Letellier asked about the audit results. Mayor Sapelli noted it was not an audit but more of a review and a draft of personnel issues. Council President Johnson welcomes Tom DiRico and has also been hearing great things and told Dan Shay that he also heard the course was in great shape. Treasurer Increases were due to contractual increases and there was a typo regarding the number of employees. (She really didn't hire 45 additional employees—typo) ' Auditor Contractual increases. Cif Council Councilor Letellier asked in Cheryl had anything to add. Mayor ' Contractual increases. Law Department Restructuring. ' Administrative Building Contractual increases due to a Memorandum of Understanding signed six months ago. The workshop was adjourned at 9:l4pm Respectfully submitted, Christopher C. Johnson, President Agawam City Council cc: Full Council, Mayor, Solicitor AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36MAIN STREET - '�' A(iAWANI, MAS.S,�kCfft.'SE-1"J.' 01001 413-726-9716 Office 413-?20-9717'F.'1x u�ui11 kau-qLve-�Lf?•M-ri U ko 'OUNCII,PRESIDEN I'Christoplic)-C.Jrdw.Nofi COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT Cecilia P. Calabrese COUNCILORS Gcoroe Bii�as-Paid C. Cavallo--Owa Af. Rokxl A. Alagovcrn , Dino R.Afereadante- loveph Ahneo-Robe)-I E. Rossi--Re) Anthon.v R. Syffi•ill ADN-11NISTRATIVEASSISTANT-Bai-haru,A. Bewd i�wqn i.m a�.us NOTICE OF MEETING PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THERE WILL BE A CITY COUNCIL BUDGET PRESENTATION WORKSHOP ON MONDA Y, MA Y 21, 2018 AT 7.-30PM OR IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE CLOSE OF THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COUNCIL MEETING LOCATED IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE ROBERTA G. DOERING SCHOOL, 68 MAIN STREET, AGAWAM, MA. TO REVIEW THE FOLLOWING BUDGETS: DATA PROCESSINGAT INSPECTION SERVICES PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT DPW /ENGINEERING/RECYCLE MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE TREASURER/COLLECTOR AUDITOR CITY COUNCIL MAYOR/LAW/BUILDING ADMIN/PERSONNEL A L6 k�(w ThristopherC. fohnson, Cotpesident cc: Full Council,Mayor, Solicitor, IT, Building Inspections, Planning, Fire Chief, DPW, Engineering, Recycling, Golf Course, Treasurer, Auditor,Personnel Director r w� � ww r �■�■ r r i w r w ■w iw �■ ■r �r �r r to PEN Annual Departmental Operating Budgets Fiscal 2019 Presented By William P. Sapelli, Mayor May 21, 2oi8 � r �■■� r� r r r rr ■r r r r r r ■rr r r■ r r r�r INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPART�IE1�"T 154: 1T DEPARTA1Eh"T ft C%ect Fiscal2018 Fiscal2019 vrcrease Account Drescriipion Code Code Lppreprriated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks PERSOAWEL REGULAR PERMANENT 11541 51010 S 177.976 S 183,392 rS 5,416 Contractual Increases LONGEVITY 11541 51400 S 900 S 900 .S - PERSONNEL TOTAL S 178,876 S 184,292 S 5,416 PLRCHASED SERWCES IT CONTRACTUAL SERVIC 11542 52041 S 85,166 S 101,679 S 16,513 Increase is Cost of Sofltvare Licenses and Support PURCHASED SERVICES TOTAL S 85,166 S 101,679 S 16,513 CAPITAL OUTLAY IT EQUIPMENT 11544 52040 S 28,500 S 21,250 S (7,250)Replacement server iucladed in fiscal year 2018 budget CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL S 28,500 S 21,250 S (7,250) DEPARTMENT 154-- IT TOTAL S 292,542 S 307,221 S 14,679 INSPECTIONS SERVICES DEPART?IIE1\'T 250: INSPECTION SERYICES Org Object Fisc� 12018 Facal2019 Increase Account Description Code Code Appropriated Recommended ecrease) Remarks PERSOAT%WL CoswacuW Increases REGULAR PERMANENT 12501 51010 S 299.941 S 304,429 'S 14,488 Addition of Assistantlocal Inspector REGULAR TEMPORARY 1250I 51020 S 6,000 S 2,000 rS (4,000)Redwfiou in Tempnrary Hours UNIFOILM ALLOWANCE 12501 51070 S Z334 S 2,334 "S LONGE'% TY 12501 51400 S 650 S 350 rS (300) PERSONNEL TOTAL S 299925 $ 309,113 S 10,199 PURCHASED SERYTCES DUES AND SUBSCRIPTION 12502 52170 S 330 S 947 S 617 TRAINING&EDUCATION 12502 52180 S - S 649 'S 649 Reallocation of Traeaing and Ed CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 12502 52360 S - S 12,697 `S 12,687 Sc&wxe Maintenance for Tkketing System for Code Violations PURCHASED SERVICES TOTAL _S 330 5 ,2R3 S' 13,953 SUPPLIES INSPECTIONS SUPPLIES 12503 52230 S - S 335 "S 335 WeigK Measo m Sams,R rc6pts SUPPLIES TOTAL S - S 335 S 335 DEPARTMENT 250. INSPECTION SERVICE S 299X5 S 323.731 S 24,141 i r� rr rr r ■� � rr ar r r rl� r �l■� �Ir � r i■■� � r COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARI'�IET ' Iwo DEVEL4PLENT Org Object fiscal2018 Niscal2019 Increase Accmmt DeserkWou Code Code Appropriated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks PERSOMVEL REGULAR PERMANENT 11801 51010 S 173,472 S 187,631 -S 14.159 Contractual Inueases and LONGEVITY 11801 51400 S 900 S 1.050 "S 150 Add*n of Assistant PIauner PERSONNEL TOTAL S 174,372 S 1,98.681 S 14,309 P17RCE 4SED SERVICES Increase dne to memberd*in DUES AND SUBSCRIPTION 11802 52170 S 905 S 1,045 �S 140 MA Assoc_of Ptmdng Directors and subscription increases PURCHASED SERVICES TOTAL $ 905 S 1,045 S 140 DEPARTMENT ISO: COTu1 AMrY DEVELO S 175,277 S 199,726 S 14,449 rr �r rr �■ rr r r■ rr rr rr r� �w rr r� � r r■■� sr ■r ■ j - DEPART'IWNT 220: FIRE DEPARTi11EAT Org Object Fiaca12018 Fiscal 2019 Increase Account DnSc ptlwu Code Code A reeria ed Recommended (Decrease) Remarks MRSO'1+'"L REGULAR PER,b1ANENT 12201 51010 $3,180,860 S 3,346,458 'S 165598 Cos&achW I=ewes and REGULAR TEMPORARY 12201 51020 S 52.000 S 52,000 S - Add6m of 4 new Fir6ghters OVERTIME 12201 51030 S 405.000 S 325.000 -S (80,000) Redwed clue to avm1*9 tyr of HOLIDAY 12201 51050 S 179.265 S 177,744 S (1,521) 4 neap Firs UNIFORMALLOWANCE 12201 51070 5 4.100 S 4.100 S SCIENCE COLLEGE 12201 51120 S 114,650 S 126,226 "S 11,576 LOiVGEVITY 12201 51400 S 57,600 S 55,950 -S (1,650) PERSONNEL TOTAL $3,993,475 S4,087,478 S 94,003 PEW CHASE.D SERVICES ADVERTISING&PROMOTI 12202 52010 S 700 S 700 'S - GROUNDS&BUILDING ME 12202 52020 S 8,500 S 8,500 'S EQUIP-REPAIR,MAINT.& 12202 52030 S 38,000 S 33,000 -S (5,000) ELECTRICITY.4E AT 12202 52110 S 45,000 S 37,500 rS (7,500) TELEPHONE 12202 52150 S 9,000 S 9,000 .S DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 12202 52170 S 5.500 S 5,610 r S 110 TRAINING&EDUCATION 12202 52190 S 8,500 S 8,500 'S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 12202 52190 S 6,000 S 6,000 'S CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 12202 52360 S 2,120 S 2,890 r$ 770 PURCHASED SERVICES TOTAL S 123,320 S 111,700 S (I 1,620) ' Continued ) .,A x DEPARTi1IEN7 220: FIRE DEPARTN ENT Org Object Fiscal2018 Fiscal2019 Increase Account Description Code Cade Appropriated Reconnnended (Decrease) Remarks SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES 12203 52240 S 1,000 S 1,000 rS CHEWI CALS &LAB 12203 52310 S 750 S 750 p S - MATERIALS&EQUIPMENT 12203 52370 S 4,000 S 4,000 -S PROTECTIVE& SAFETY GI 12203 52410 S 47,000 S 47,000 FS SUPPLIES TOTAL S 52,750 S 52,750 S DEPARTMENT 220: FIRE TOTAL $4,169,545 S4,251,928 S 82,383 DPW ADMINISTRATION DEPART�11Eh"T 400: PUBLIC�ORICS Org Object Fiscal2018 Fiscal2019 Licrease Account Desc i pn Code Code Appropriated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks PERSON AWL REGULAR PERMANENT 14001 51010 S 114,803 S 124,309 -S 9,506 CodnchW E=eases UNIFORM ALLOR'ANCE 14001 51070 S 700 S 700 r S - LONGE4"ITY 14001 51400 S 1,200 S 1,500 .S 300 PERSONNEL TOTAL S 116,703 S 126,509 S 9,806 PURCIL4SED SERVICES EQUIPMENT RENTALS 14002 52070 S 3,400 S 3,400 rS - DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 14002 52170 S 400 S 400 .S - PURCHASED SERVICES TOTAL S 3:800 S 3,800 S SL'PPL,IES PROTECTIVE&SAFETY GI 14003 52410 S 50 S 50 vs SUPPLIES TOTAL S 50 S 50 S DEPARTMENT 400. PUBLIC WORI TOTAL S 120,553 S 130,359 S 9,806 DEP_�IRT�iFNT a20: HIOH��lYS�ORasDS HIGHWAY i Org Object Fiscal2018 Fiscal2019 Increase Account Descr'�ti n Code Code _Appropriated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks PERSONNEL REGULAR PMZMANENT 14201 51010 S 1,259,40a S 1,314,048 -S 54,648 Contractual Increases REGULAR TEMPORARY 14201 51020 S 62,098 S 63,340 S 1.242 OVERTME 14201 51030 S 79,995 S 81.595 .S 1.600 SNOW&ICE OVERTI)a 14201 51031 S 95,000 S 95,000 -S UNIFORIM ALLOWANCE 14201 51070 S 19,600 S 19,600 'S LONGEVITY 14201 51400 S 7,650 S 7,650 -S - PERSONNEL TOTAL S 1,523,743 S 1,581,233 S 57,490 PURRCHASED SERVICES GROUNDS&BUILDING MA 14202 32020 S 39.900 S 39.900 'S - EQUIP -REPAIR,MAINT.& 14202 52030 S 680 S 680 �S - EQUIPMENT RENTALS 14202 52070 S 36,600 S 36.600 S - EQU1P RENTALS-SNOW 14202 52071 S II1,000 3 111,000 .$ - EELECTRiCITYM AT 14202 52110 S 25.000 S 25,000 r S DUES&SUBSCR EMONS 14202 52170 S 100 S 100 �S - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 14202 52190 S 123,000 S 150.000 r S 25,000 Adddkioiw finds£or tree removal MIS[_`ELLANFOUS 14202 52990 S 4,425 S 4,425 rS - PURCHASED SERVICES TOTAL S 342.705 S 367,705 S 25,000 HIGHWAY ('Continued) DEP.A.RTARNT 420: HIGEMAYS& GROUNDS Org Object Fiscal2018 Fiscal2019 Increase Account Description Code Code. Appropriated Recommended [Decrease remarks S'L'PPLIES ICE CONTROL MATERIALS 14203 .52210 S 250.000 $ 250.000 .$ - OTHER SUPPLIES 14203 52240 S 260 $ 260 'S MEDICAL&.SURGICAL 14203 52260 $ 400 S 400 r$ - CHEWCALS &LAB 14203 52310 S 7,365 S 7,365 r$ MATERIALS &EQUIPMENT 14203 52370 $ 51,600 S 51,600 �$ - SIGNS &POSTS 14203 52450 5 10,050 $ 20,000 "S 9,950 Undcrfimd in FYI 8, additional fiends ROAD MATERIALS 14203 52460 S 84,000 S 84,000 'r S - are required for M9 STORM DRAIN MATERIALS 14203 52470 S 20,000 S 20,000 �$ SUPPLIES TOTAL $ 423 675 $ 433.625 S 9,950 DEPT 420_ HGVV YS&GRNDS TOTAL S2,290,123 S2,382,563 S 92,440 Ir � � � � � r � � � � r■■ � r, r r, � � � >• G EN ERAL FU N D CAPITAL. P . DEPART21HN r 665: CAp'rrAL LW ROII TAT ffN "S Org Object Fiscal 2019 _Account Description Code Cede Recommended FIRE DEPARTMENT INTERSECTION PREEMPTR 16610 58515 S 22,000 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPMENT 16610 52450 S 459,755 STREET=TNFRASTRUCTURE IM[PRONTEMENT PR. 16610 52460 S 3002000 SIDEWALK REHABILITATION & EXTENSION 16610 58914 S 550,000 TRAFFIC LIGHT DOROISN ENTS 16610 58415 S 30,000 HAMPDEN COUNTY LAND ACQUISITION 16610 58913 S 91S500 AGAWAM HIGH SCHOOL BLEACHERS 16610 58951 S 125.000 DEPARTMENT 665-, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 'TOTAL 'S 1,496,255 � r r r rr r r� r r err rr r r r■■ r■� r ■■r rir r r MOTOR VEHICLE MAI NTENANCE UEFARTI�IE1�'T 499: LOTOR VEffiCLE II� A1A-TE1�s1ACE Org Object Flsca12018 Fiscal Z019 Increase Account DescrlPtaa Code Code Appropria#ed Recommended {Decrease) Remarks PERSONNEL REGULAR PERMANENT 14901 51010 S 135,226 S 121,172 -S (14054)Comb-actual Increases,new employee OVERTIME 14901 51030 S 6,968 S 7,126 S 158 hired at a lower step UN FORM ALLOWANCE 14901 51070 S 2,200 S 2,200 "S - LONGEN,M-Y 14901 51400 S 1,050 S 450 r S (600) PERSONNEL TOTAL S 145,444 S I30,948 S (14,496) FURCHASED SERVICES EQUIP-REPAIR,MAIM.& 14902 52030 S 4,900 S 4,900 "S .I1TR VEH.MAINT.&RE+PR 14902 52060 S 42,450 S 42,450 rS - EI.ECTRICn Y.41FAT 14902 52110 1S 25,000 S 25,000 .S TRAINING&EDUCATION 14902 52190 $ 1,000 S 1,000 �S 19SCELLANEOUS 14902 52990 $ 250 S 250 S BUILDING Ilb ROVEMEM 14902 59250 $ 345 S 345 'S - PURCHASED SERVICES TOTAL S 73.945 $ 73,945 S SUPPLIES FUEL&OIL 14903 52130 S 175,000 S 175,000 �S OTM SUPPLIES 14903 52240 S 3,500 S 3,500 �S MEDICAL&SURGICAL 14903 52260 S 120 S 120 r S CHE)ACALS&LAB 14903 52310 S 1.000 S 1.000 �S - IMATE EALS&.EQUUMM 14903 52370 S 16,000 $ 16.000 'S - MIR.VER PARTS&ACCE. 14903 52430 S 130.000 S 130,000 v S SUPPL S TOTAL $ 325,620 S 325,620 3 DEPARTINGNT 490: M.V.MAINT- TOTAL S 543,009 S 530,513 S � rr Nr ■r r� r� rr �r rr rr r r rr rr rr r rr rr rr rr Eo N G I K EE:R 1 N G EPAR'I�IEhr'1'd10: E1�GIlw"EER1riG - Org Object Fiscal2019 Fiscal2019 Increase Actoud Descripliod Cole Code Appropriated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks PERS'OKAWL REGULAR PER14AiNENT 14101 51010 S 199,265 S 187,169 -S (1,096) Comracmd Increases OVERTIME 14101 51030 S 2,090 S 3,000 S 920 C)NIFORM ALLOWANCE 14101 51070 S 3,500 S 3,500 .S - LONGEVITY 14101 51400 S 900 S 1,200 '$ 300 PERSONNEL TOTAL S 194,745 S 194,869 S 124 PLrRCHASED SERYICES EQUIP-REPAIR,MAINT.& 14102 52030 S 11,200 S 11,200 r S TELEPHONE 14102 52150 S 360 S 360 "S DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 14102 52170 S 300 S 300 'S - TRADUNG&EDUCATION 14102 52190 S 1,500 S 1,500 "S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 14102 52190 S 9,932 S 9.932 'S - PURCHASW SERVICES TOTAL S 23,292 S 23,292 S SL7PUES OTHER SUPPLIES 14103 52240 S 1.150 S 1.150 "S CHEMICALS&LAB 14103 32310 S 50 S 50 'S - SUPPLIES TOTAL S 1.200 S 1.200 S - DEPARTMENT 410. ENGINEERIN(TOTAL S 219.237 S 219.361 S 124 � r r r r■ r r■ r rr r r r r r r r rr r r WATER �2 DEP_ARTAIENT 450: WATER Org Object Fiscal2018 Fiscal2019 Increase Account Description Code Code A ropriated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks I FERS0AWEL REGULAR PERMANENT 60141 51010 S $86,851 3 913,110 -S 26,259 Contractual Increases REGULAR TEMPORARY 60141 51020 S 22,120 S 22,562 S 442 OVERTBAE 60141 51030 S 63,149 S 64,412 rS 1,263 UNIFORMAILLOWANCE 60141 51070 S 9,334 $ 9,333 .S (1) LONGEVITY 60141 51400 3 4,550 S 3,875 rS (675) PERSONNEL TOTAL S 986,004 51,013,292 S 27,288 i � r � �■ r r i■r rr �r r rr r� �r r ss rN r rr r� rw -n nueAM WATER (Co . ti DEPARTMENT Q54: 'LVATER QZ Object Fiscal2018 Fiscal2019 Increase ' Account Descrrptian Code Code Appro friated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks PURCHASED SERVICES EQUIP-REPAIK,MAW.&REF 60142 52030 S 94,621 S 81,959 'S (2.662) Meter Equipment Purchase in FYI MTR.VE11.MAINT.&REPAIR 60142 52060 S 29.579 S 28,992 "S 403 Increase in Wader shame of MV Maidt_ EQUIPMENT RENTALS 60142 52070 S 5,350 S 10.350 'S 5,000 Wad treanch piing TRAVEL IN-STATE 60142 52090 S 600 S 600 �S TRAVEL OUT-OF•STATE 60142 52100 S 200 S 200 'S - ELECTRICITY41EAT 60142 52110 S 28,750 S 28.750 'S TELEPHONE 60142 52150 S 2,500 S 2,500 'S - DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 60142 52170 S 2,000 S 2,500 'S 500 Additional fees for Water Licenses TRAINING&EDUCATION 60142 52190 S 6,000 S 6,000 'S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 60142 52190 S 192,322 S 207,083 S 14,761 Suez pomp station contractual increases POSTAGE&COURIER 60142 52250 S 17.500 S 17.500 'S - PRiNT NG&COPYING 60142 52290 S 8X0 S 17,600 S 9,400 Increase in brig costs&printing MISCELLANEOUS 60142 52990 S 2,000 S 3,360 'S 1,360 Misc.wake testing costs %XIATER PURCHASE 60142 56670 $2.541.109 S 2,445,055 r S (96,054) MEDICARE INSURANCE 60142 57040 S 14.294 S 14,693 'S 399 MEDICAL CLAIMS.MNSURANCI 60142 57060 S 128,838 S 130.086 -S 1,249 CONTRIBUTORY RETIREMENT 60142 57070 S 139,091 S 143,067 PS 3.976 PROPERTY&LIABILITY INS. 60142 57500 S 60,720 S 60,720 'S LONG TE M DEBT PRINCIPAL 60142 576DO S 355,580 S 359.100 'S 3.520 LONGTERM DEBT INTEREST 60142 57610 S 177,642 S 172.062 'S (5,580) OTHER DEBT SERVICE 60142 57690 S 20,000 S 20,000 'S 5 PURCHASED SERVICES TOTAL S3,815.896 3,752.167 S (63.729) ■r ■r rr rr rr �r rr rr ■r� rr rr rr rr �r rr rr r r r WATER (Continued) DEPART-MENT 450: WATER Org Object FiSc212018 Fiscal2019 Increase Account Description Code Code A ro riated RecommendedDecrease) Remarks V U-P LLE FUEL&OIL 60143 52130 S 30.883 S 30,883 'S - OFFICE SUPPLIES 60143 52230 S 2,200 S 2,700 "S 500 Uodmfimd nn FY18, additional fimds OTHER SUPPLIES 60143 52240 S 1,400 S 1,400 v S - are regninred for FY19 MEDICAL &SURGICAL 60143 52260 S 125 S 125 'S CHEMICALS&LAB 60143 52310 S 775 S 775 rS - MAIERIALS&EQUIPMENT 60143 52370 S 10,000 S 12,000 'S 2.000 Undaftmd in FY18,addiaonalfimds V1TR, NTH.PARTS &ACCESS_ 60143 52430 S 12,900 S 12,900 'S - are req+ared for FY19 WATER SYSTEM MATERIALS 60143 52440 S 332.000 S 332.000 S - ROAD MATERIALS 60143 52460 S 73,800 S 95,800 S 22,000 Pig street after water nyaia conshwAi m SUPPLIES TOTAL S 464,093 S 488.583 S 24,500 DEPARTAr1,EM 4%. WATER TOTAL S 5,265,983 S 5.254,042 (11.941) i r � � r r r �r r r r w� r r r r r r ■r w� WATER FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS DEI'AR'I ,ff,N'T 450. WATER FUND CAPITAL B1 PROVENJ EN"TS Org Object Fiscal2019 Account Descrip - a Code Code Recommended N ATER DEPT. MOTOR'V'EFUCLE 60144 58500 S 100,000 DEPART UNT 450-- CAPITAL ADROVENENTS TOTAL S 100,000 i rr r r �r a� rr wr r r rr r■� rr r� r rr r r r r � VASTEWATER "'J DEPART?N "'T 440: WASTEWATER Org Obiect Fisc211018 Fiscal2019 berease Account Description Code Code Appippoated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks RERSUXNEL REGULAR PERMANENT 22541 51010 S 575,376 S 590,937 ' S 15,461 Contractual Increases REGULAR TEMPORARY 22541 51020 S 6,500 S 6,630 S 130 OZ'ERTLM E 22541 51030 S 36,400 S 37,128 'S 728 LUORM ALLOWANCE 22541 51070 S 5,084 S 5,083 'S (1) LONGEVITY 22541 51400 S 2,000 S 2,225 'S 225 PERSONNEL TOTAL S 625.360 S 641,903 S 16,543 I r r r wl� r rr ww w� �r err r �w r r r r r Ir w WASTEWATER (Continued.) DEP.�iRT11E'h`T 4�: �VASTER'ATER _ _ Org Object Fiscal 2019 Fiscal2019 Increase Axcount Description Code Code Appro riated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks w r; s PLWICHASED SERVICES GROUNDS&BUILDING MAW 22542 52020 S 49.223 S 49,368 w S 145 Meter for RiIr pump station EQUIP-REPAIR,MAIN'1". &REP 22542 52030 S 17,900 S 3,900 w S (14,000) Camera purchased in FYI MTR. VEH.MAINT-&REPAIR 22542 52060 S 16.249 S 16,524 rS 276 Increase in share of MV Maint_ EQUIPMENT RENTALS 22542 52070 S 10,000 S 10,000 'S - ELECTRICITY/11FAT 22542 52110 S 29,750 S 29.750 ' S TELEPHONE 22542 52150 S 1.000 S 1,000 wS - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 22542 52190 S 664.871 S 690,825 'S 15.954 Suez pump station contractual increases POSTAGE&COURIER 22542 52250 3 7,905 S 7,905 YS - PREVIVIG&,COPYING 22542 52290 S 1.905 S 4,905 PIS S 3,000 Increase in biyGng costs&printing MISCELLANEOUS 22542 52990 S 750 S 750 'S - WASTEWATER TREATMENT 22542 56600 S 1.480,960 S 1,419,977 'S (60,983) Pursuant to Spri gfwld W&S contract MEDICARE INSURANCE 22542 57040 S 9.073 S 9.308 rS 235 MEDICAL CLAIMS-4NSURANCE 22542 57060 S 61.946 S 81.490 wS 19,534 CONTRIBUTORYRETMEMENT 22542 57070 S 92,077 $ 94,479 'S 2.401 PROPERTY&LIABILTIY INS. 22542 57500 S 49.549 S 4$,548 "S - LONG TERM DEBT PRINCIPAL 22542 57600 S 474,955 S 512,804 wS 37,949 LONG TERM DEBT INTEREST 22542 57610 S 113,044 S 115.376 'S 2,332 OTHER DEBT SERVICE 22542 57690 S 20,000 S 20.000 IS - PURCHASED SERVICES TOTAL �S 3,099,055 $3.105,898 S 6.843 I � �Ir r rr r r� r r r� r■r r rr rr w� rr r� �Ir rr rr » WASTEWATER (Continued ) DEPARTAIENT 440; 'L1 ASTE�'VATER Org abject Fiscal2018 Fiscal2019 Increase Account Description Code Code Appropriated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks SUPPLIES FUEL&OIL 22543 52130 S 22,535 S 22,535 �S OFFICE SUPPLIES 22543 52230 S 600 S 1,100 r S 500 Undcfhnd in FY18.addWoad fiords OTHER SUPPLIES 22543 52240 S 1.150 S 1,150 S - are required for FY19 1NDYCAL& SURGICAL 22543 52260 S 120 S 120 S CHEMICALS&LAB 22543 52310 S 1.200 S 1,200 .S - MATERIALS &EQUIPMENT 22543 52370 S 6,900 S 6900 `S SUPPLIES(CONTI11 MD) r S - MTR. VEH.PARTS &ACCESS. 22543 52430 S 14,500 S 14,500 '-S - ROAD MATERIALS 22543 52460 S 3.000 S 10,000 -S 7,000 Undafimd in FYI8,additional funds SEWER SYSTEM MATERIALS 22543 52490 S 7.700 S 10,000 `S 2,300 are rcgtired for FY19 SUPPLIES TOTAL S 57,705 S 67,505^ S 9.800 DEPARTN ENT 440: WASTEWATER TOTAL $3,782,120 $3,815.306 S 33,186 � s � a■� r r rr ■r r� rr r rr r �■ r rr r r r � , . WASTEWATER FUND CAPITAL I �M,P ROVE M..EIN TS 6r x DEP.ART1%�-ff?v7 "0: WASTEWATER F n CAMAL IWROVEN ENTS Org Object Fiscal2019 Account Description Code Cade Recommended WASTEWATER MOTOR WHICLE 2254- 58500 47,174 DEPARTMENT 0: CAPITAL WROXTNMS TOTAL S 47,174 1 � �r w� r� w w r � w r w� ■r �w ■r w r r r r s LINE. ITEMS D1rP.�TI1IENi'ti60: LA��E 1TE11IS OrR Object Fiscal2018 Fiscal2019 Imcrease Account Description Code Code Appropriated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks aaarsrRA27ON OVERTIME 16602 51030 S 6,000 S 6,000 -S DAMAGE TO PERSONS dot PR 16602 52001 S 3.500 $ 5,500 '5 ADVERTISING&PRO340TI016602 52010 S 9,000 S 9,000 'S STREET LIGHTING 16602 52120 S 414,000 S 390.000 -S (24,000) Energy Efficient Lighting TRAMING&EDUCATION 16602 52180 S 4.000 S 4,000 'S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 16602 52190 S 90.000 S 90.000 F S - OFFICE SUPPLIES 16602 52230 S 15,000 S 15,000 .S PRINTING&COPYING 16602 52290 S 50,000 S 50,000 r S - PARKING TICKET EXPENSE 16602 52360 S 2.500 S 2,500 "S TRAVF.T..g7JUNING 16602 52390 S 5,000 S 5.000 S SOLID WASTE EXPENSE 16602 52420 S 1,915,278 S 1.921,741 S (93.537) Chaw to Sigft Stream Recycling STORMWATER.MANAGEME:16602 52425 S 326,500 S 446.100 �S 119,600 AdMoxW Stwwwatar Casts SEWER&WATER 16602 52490 S 70,000 S 70,000 �S - PREVIOUS YEARS'BII,LS 16602 57501 S 4,000 S 4,000 �S - TAX TFIL E COSTS 16602 57700 S 31.000 S 31,000 �S BLIGHTED PROPERTY EXPEL 16602 57710 S 23,000 S 15.000 'S (10.000) OFFICE EQUIPMENT 16602 58800 S 20,000 S 20,000 -S E-RATE INTERSCHOOL FIBE;16602 52367 S 46,200 S 34,650 rS (11,550) E-RATE CONTRACTUAL SVC 16602 52369 S 29.617 S 14.400 ~S (15.217) E-RATE COMPUTER HARDW 16602 52255 S 95,762 S - S (95,762) Hardware portion expired ADMINISTRATION TOTAL S 3,164.357 S 3,033,991 $ 130,46 DEPA.RTNIEN"T 660. LINE ITEMS � r rr rr rr r r r rr rr rr rr �r r■ rr rr r� rr rr � AGAWAM COUNTRY CLUB, a V O Oi►�ect Ftsesl 2018 iacal Z019 Increase Account nescriplion Cade Code Ap pFoptiated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks PERSONNEL REGULAR PERMANENT 65261 31010 S 223,879 S 221,691 '3 (2,197) CommcaW Increases and REGULAR MWORARY 65261 51020 S 65,000 S 65,000 -S - New Empbyea at lower step OVERTI a 65261 51030 S 11,000 S 11,000 -S LINWORMALLO1d:ANCE 65261 51070 S 1,400 S 1,400 �S LONGEVITY 65261 31400 S 750 S 600 �3 (150) PERSONNEL TOTAL S 302.028 S 299,691 -S (2,337) PURCHASED SER"CBS ADVERTISING&PIKOMOTI 65262 52010 S GROUNDS&BUR DING W 65262 52020 S 2,500 S 2.000 -S (500) EQUIP-REPAIR,MAW-&65262 52030 S 14.000 S 14.000 "S - EQUIPMEW RENTALS 65262 52070 S 1.500 S 1.500 -S E1.ECTRICITY.iHEAT 65262 52110 S 20,000 S 20,000 -S - TELEPHONE 65262 52150 S 2,500 S 2.500 v S - DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 65262 52170 S 2,300 S 2.300 -S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 65262 52190 S 500 s 500 `S - PRINTING&COPYING 65262 52280 S 230 S 250 8 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 65262 52360 S 13.500 S 13.500 S MISCELLANEOUS 65262 52990 3 500 S Soo 'S WATER PURCHASE 65262 56670 S 40.000 S 35,000 'S (5,000) Lower wAff4c wage PROPERTY&LIAHII=IN 65262 57500 S 18.000 S 18,000 'S - PURCHASED SFAVICES TOTAL $ - ) 115,550 $ 110,050 . 3 (S,SOD 1 � r r l,r r rr �lr rr r r r rr a■� rr irr rr rr rr rr wr AGAWAM COUNTRY CLUB (CQ.ntfn,:u,e,d.) . DEF4RTI11ENT 652:1"WHYAL GOLF COURSE Org Object Fiscal2018 Fiscal2019 Increase Account Description Code Cede A propriated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks SUPPLIES FUEL & OIL 65263 52130 S 1£,000 S 15,000 �S (1,000) Anticipated smogs over winter FOOD SERVICE SUPPLIES 65263 52220 S 35,000 S 35,000 S - OFFICE SUPPLIES 65263 52230 S 250 S 250 .S - CIIEMICALS &LAB 65263 52310 S 27,000 S 34,500 �S 7,500 Additional need for groper MATERIALS &EQUIPMENT 65263 52370 S 7,500 S 7,500 S - turfmahttnance SIGNS &POSTS 65263 52.450 S 400 S 400 'S - PRO SHOP SUPPLIES 65263 54200 S 20,000 S 20,000 S - SUPPLIES TOTAL S 106,150 S 112,650 S 6,500 DEPARTMENT 652: MUNICIPAL GOLF C01 S 523,728 S 522.391 S 1,337) TREASURER - COLLECTOR DEPART_'1:iEhT 138s TREASURER COY.LECTOR O+rg Object Fiscal2019 Fiscal2019 Increase Account Desc ' tion Code Code ' ted Recommended (Decrease) Remarks PERSONNEL REGULAR PERMANENT 11381 51010 S 332,184 S 341,493 'S 9,299 ContactuA Increases LONGEVITY 11391 51400 S 1,950 S 2,400 'S 450 Lend of Service i PERSONNEL TOTAL S 334,134 S 343,983 S 9,749 PURCHASED SERVICES DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 11382 52170 S 1,500 S 1,500 '$ - TR.AENING&EDUCATION 11382 52180 S S 2,000 -S 2,000 Reallocation ofTraW%&Ed CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 11382 52360 S 28,000 S 22,000 S (6,000) R.e&wtion in Contractual Svcs. PURCHASED SERVICES TOTAL S 29,500 �S 25,500 S (4,000) CAPITAL OUTLAY CAPITAL OUTLAY 11394 52040 S 4,800 S 4,000 S - CAPITAL OUTLAY'TOTAL S 4,800 S 4,900 S - DEPARTMENT 139- TREASURER-COLLECT S 368,434 S 374,193 S 5,749 LINE ITEMS DEPARTMENT 660: LEVE HEMS Org Object Fiscal 2018 1; SC212019 Increase Account Desc " tion Code Code A p riated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks DEBT SERVICE LONG TERM DEBT PRINCIPA 16601 57600 S 2,540.641 S 1,960,155 �S (580,486) Retirement of Debt DEBT INTEREST 16601 57610 S 486,079 S 511,637 `S 25,558 Increasing Rates OTHER DEBT SERVICE 16601 57690 S 5100 S 50.000 -S (1.000) DEBT SERVICE TOTAL S 3,077,720 S 2,521792 S (555,929 AUDITOR IDEPART�1iE3�'T I34: AUDITUR Org Object Fiscal2018 Fiscal2019 Increase Account Description Code Code stlppropreated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks PERSONNEL REGULAR PERMANENT 11341 51010 S 160.383 S 165,213 S 4,930 CoWactual h=eases LONGEVITY 11341 51400 S 450 S 450 r S PERSONNEL TOTAL S 160,833 S 165,663 S 4,830 PILWCHASED SERMWE'S DUES AND SUBSCRI MOM 11342 52170 S 125 S 135 'S 10 TRAM-MJ'TRA N1NG 11342 52390 S 675 S 700 r S 25 PURCHASED SERVICES TOTAL S 800 S 835 S 35 DEPARTMENT 134: AUDITOR TOTAL S 161,633 S 166,498 S 4,865 wr ■■■ w w w w w w w w w w w w w■ w �■■� ■■� w CITY COUK1141 C I L EP_�RT111�ER�`111: COITII�CTI. Org Object Fiscal2018 Fiscal2019 Increase -' Account Description Code Code_ ppA rnpriated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks PERSO 'EL REGULAR PFRMANENT 11111 51010 S 158,929 S 159,766 rS 937 Cost of Living Inaeaise REGULAR TEMPORARY 11111 51020 S 500 S 500 rS - LONGEN'ITY 11111 51400 S 6,600 S 5,700 PS (900) Changes in Length of Service PERSONNEL TOTAL S 165,929 S 165,966 S 37 PURCIL4SED SERVICES EQUEP -REPAIR,.MAINT.&REI 1'1112 52030 S 600 S 600 'S - DUES &SUBSCRIPTIONS 11112 52170 S 5,500 S 5,500 rS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11112 $2190 S 3,500 S 3,500 rS - PRINTING&COPYING 11112 52280 S 500 S 500 r S - TRAN%LrTRAINING 11112 52390 S 4,000 S 4,000 rS - PURCHASED SERVICES TOTAL S 14,100 S 14,100 S SUPPLms OFFICE SUPPLIES 11113 52230 S 500 $ 500 'S - SUPPLIES TOTAL S�500 S 500 S DEPARTNIEM 111: COUNCIL TOTAL S 180,529 S 190,566 S 37 MAYOR' S OFFICE DEP_�lRl' LENT 121: AL4YOR Org Object Fiscal2018 Fiscal2019 Increase Account Description Code Code Appropriated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks PERSONNEL REGULAR PERMANENT 11211 51010 S 332,128 S 341,536 S 9,408 Contractual Increases LONGEVITY 11211 51400 S 2,250 S 2,800 fS 550 Length of Senice PERSONNEL TOTAL S 334.378 S 344,336 9,958 PL'RCIIASEP SERVICES DUES &SUBSCRIPTIONS 11212 52170 S 2,000 S 2,000 S PURCHASED SERVICES TOTAL S 2,000 S 2,000 DEPARTMENT 121: MAYOR TOTAL S 336,378 S 346,336 S 9,958 LAW DI: D A RTM E N T DEPAR'T'�iENT 151: LAB+' Org Object Fiscal2018 Fiscal2019 Increase Account Description Code Cods Aepro riated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks M"ONAWL REGULAR PERMANIEW 11511 51010 S 41.500 S 91,500 S 50,000 The d{ept has been restructured REGULAR TEMPORARY 11511 51020 S 27,000 S 18,000 r S (9,000) and add6onal duties assigned LONGEVITY 11511 51400 S 150 S �S (150) PERSONNEL TOTAL S 68,650 S 109,500 S 40,850 MRCHASED SERTWES DUES AND SUBSCRIPTION 11512 52170 S 2,500 S 1,000 .S (1,500) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11512 52190 S 66,000 S 54,000 r S (12,000) Reduced bMable hogs clue to restructuring PURCHASED SERVICES TOTAL $ 6000 S 55,000 S (13,500) DEPARTV� 151: LAW TOTAL S 137,150 S 164,500 S 27,350 � r rtlr rr r rl� rr r r r r r rr r■ �■ s■1 >• �r ■r r ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING DEPART�IIEI�'T 122: AD�II�t�,5TR�ITIVE BUILDII�`G Org Object Fiscal2018 Fiscal2019 Increase Account Description Code Code Appropriated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks PERSO?*WEL REGULAR PERMANENT 11221 51010 S 16,416 S 32,791 'S 16,375 Purchasing Officer Upgraded to LONGEVITY 11221 31400 S 381 S 450 "S 69 Tier 3,CPA share of Longe* _ Reduced PERSONNEL TOTAL S 16,797 S 33,241 S 16,444 PLRCIMSED SERVICES' EQUIP -REPAIR,MAINT.& 11222 52030 3 20,000 S 20,000 S EQUIPMENT RENTALS 112n 52070 S 10,573 S 10,575 S EL ECTRICITY.4IEAT 11222 52110 S 25,000 S 25,000 rS - TELEPHONE 11222 52150 S 44,000 S 55,000 _S 11,000 New technology that wM preserve POSTAGE&COURIER 11222 52250 S 73,000 S 73,000 r S -• t fthow service during an outage PURCHASED SERVICES TOTAL S 172,575 S 183,575 S 11,000 DEPARTMENT 122- ADMIN.BLDCTOTAL S 199,372 S 216,816 S 27,444 � rr �r r r rr r rr r r r tr rr rr rr rr r r �r it LINE ITEMS (Continued ) OM Object F'jsca12018 Fisc212019 Increase Account Description Code Code A T riated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks EMPLOYEE BENEFITS&MtX4NCE EMPLOYEE BENEFIT BU YSA 16603 51040 S 75,000 S 150,000 'S 75,000 Anticipated retirements FRINGE BENEFIT'S 16603 52350 S 2,000 S 2,000 rS - LWBOLOYMENT CLAR+I&I 16603 57020 S 85,000 S 85,000 r S - MEDICARE INSURANCE 16603 57040 S 700.000 S 804,113 r S 104,113 Based upon salary increases 3VI1rDICAL CLAIMS?7NSURAN 16603 57060 3 9,751,595 S 10,457,023 r S 705,429 1%Premiums 1=easeAEaronment CONTRIBUTORY RETRZEMM 16603 57070 S 5,404,921 S 6,001,663 rS 596.742 HCRRB Assessmem PROPERTY&LIA. INSU ANt 16603 57500 S 665,000 $ 665,000 r S EMPLOYEE BEN.&INSURANCE TOTAL S 16.683.516 S 18,164,799 S 1,491,283 BOARDS d COSSIONS BEAUTIFICATION COI1+A M 16604 52004 S 1,000 S 1,000 rS - BOARD OF APPEALS 16604 51100 S 3,900 S 4,050 r S 150 Logpay Increase CEMETERY COADUSSION 16604 52005 S 920 S 820 $ - CULTURAL COUNCIL 16604 52010 S 3,000 S 3,000 'S VETERANS'COLTNCIL 16604 56540 S 4,000 S 4,000 'S VETERANS'BENWITS 16604 57100 S 189.672 S 188.672 KS W-HAWDEN DST.VETS_ OF 16604 57150 S 123.076 S 128,001 'S 4,925 Agawam portiOm ofimxease LPVPC 16604 57200 S 4.266 S 4,590 r S 324 LPVPC Assessment BOARDS&COMIVIISSIONS TOTAL S 329,734 S 334,133 S 5,399 i r ■r rr r r � rr �r � � � r r r r a�■ rlr� ■r r LINE ITEMS (Continued ) DEPART:IIGENT 660: LIRE ITEMS Org Object Fisca12018 Fiscal2019 Increase Account Description Code Code Appropriated Recommended (Decrease) Remarks RESERVE FUNDS RESERVE FUND 16605 57300 S 200,000 S 250.000 r S 50,000 $200,000 a*as not sufdent to SALARY RESERVE 16605 57350 FY 2018 RESERVE FUND TOTAL S 200,000 S 250,000 $ 50,000 TRLFSTFLWDS OPEB TRUST FUND 16820 59000 S 100,000 S 100,000 -S - Ongoing Trust Fund Coaft bution TRUST FUND TOTAL, S 100.000 S 100,000 $ - DEPARTMENT 660: LINE ITEMS TOTAL $23,554,327 $24,404.615 S 850.288 i