CC MTG MINUTES OCTOBER 15 2018 t y t t } t f h5t s
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Minutes dated October 15, 2018
Meeting was called to order by Council President Johnson at "1: pm in the Auditorium at the Roberta G. Doering
School,68 Main Street,Agawam.
Item A. Roll Call
Roll Call was taken with the following councilors present: George Bitzas, Council Vice President Cecilia Calabrese,
Paul Cavallo, Council President Christopher Johnson, Gina Letellier, Robert Magovern, Dino Mereadante, Robert
Rossi, Rosemary Sandlin and Anthony Suffriti. Joseph Minco arrived at 7:1 Opm. With eleven present, there was a
Item L.-garment-oLs-ilence and the Bkd ge otAll ance.
Council President Johnson asked for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Item C. QdZen-'s Speak Time
Forest Bradford spoke about global warming. He stated we are on the rail road tracks with an ominous train coming
down and must act quickly to make sure future generations live. He said we need to change the court of public opinion
by education,
Item D. 4WInutes
1, Regular Council Meeting-October 1,2018
Motion to approve the minutes made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Rossi. Voice vote approved.
Item E. &eclaradon&QM Council President
Item F. Enafnta 'on !2f Resolutions
1. TW2018-53 - A Resolution adopting the order that Abbey Lane be laid out and accepted as a Public
Way(Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
2. TR-2018-54 - A Resolution adopting the order that Alice Lane be laid out and accepted as a Public
Way(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
3. TR-2018-55 - A Resolution adopting the order that Avalon Place be laid out and accepted as a Public
Way(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Cormnittec holds the Public Hearring and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
4. TR-2018-56, - A Resolution adopting the order that Barden Street be laid out and accepted as a
Public Way(Mayor Sapeffi)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
5. TR-2018-57 - A Resolution adopting the order that Blair's Hill Road be laid out and accepted as a
Public Way(Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
6. TR-2018-58 - A Resolution adopting the order that Burlington Drive be laid out and accepted as a
Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
7. TR-2018-59 - A Resolution adopting the order that Connor's Cove be laid out and accepted as a
Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
8 TR-2018-60 - A Resolution adopting the order that Coventry Lane be laid out and accepted as a
Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
Moti The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its
findings and recommendation to the Full Council.
9. TR-2018-61 -A Resolution adopting the order that Coyote Circle be laid out and accepted as a Public
Way(Mayor Sapetfi)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
10. TAT-2018-62 - A Resolution adopting the order that Elizabeth Street be laid out and accepted as a
Public Way(Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to.Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
11 TR-2018-63 - A Resolution adopting the order that Farmington Circle be laid out and accepted as a
Public Way(Mayor Sapefli)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
12. TR-2018-64 -A Resolution adopting the order that Forest Ridge Lane be laid out and accepted as a
Public Way(Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
13- TR-2018-65 - A Resolution adopting the order that Hemlock Ridge be laid out and accepted as a
Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
14. TR-2018-66 -A Resolution adopting the order that Jasmine Lane be laid out and accepted as a Public
Way (Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
15. TR-2018-67 - A Resolution adopting the order that Lakeview Circle be laid out and accepted as a
Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
16. TR-2018-68 -A Resolution adopting the order that Lango Lane be laid out and accepted as a Public
Way(Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
17. TR-2018-69 - A Resolution adopting the order that Logan Place be laid out and accepted as a Public
Way(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
18. TR-2018-70 -A Resolution adopting the order that Maple Meadows Lane be laid out and accepted as
a Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
19. TR-2018-71 - A Resolution adopting the order that Mark Drive be laid out and accepted as a Public
Way(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
20, TR-2018-72 -A Resolution adopting the order that Michele Lane be laid out and accepted as a Public
Way(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
21. TR-2018-73 - A Resolution adopting the order that Plumtree Way be laid out and accepted as a
Public Way(Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will,remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
22. TR-2018-74 -A Resolution adopting the order that Spruce Circle be laid out and accepted as a Public
Way(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
23. TR-2018-75 - A Resolution adopting the order that Stevenson Lane be laid out and accepted as a
Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
24. TR-2018-76 -A Resolution adopting the order that Washington Avenue be laid out and accepted as a
Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
25. TR-2018-77 - A Resolution adopting the order that West View Lane be laid out and accepted as a
Public Way(Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Adrumistrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council,
26. TR-2018-78 - A Resolution adopting the order that Windermere Drive be laid out and accepted as a
Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The>item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
27. TR-2018-79 - A Resolution adopting the order that Wisteria Lane be laid out and accepted as a
Public Way(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
28. TR-2018-80 - A Resolution adopting the order that Woodside Drive be laid out and accepted as a
Public Way(Mayor Sapelli) (Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
29. TR-2018-81 -A Resolution adopting the order that Zack's Way be laid out and accepted as a Public
Way(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
The item will remain on the table until the Administrative Committee holds the Public Hearing and reports its findings
and recommendation to the Full Council.
30. TR-2018-86 -A Resolution accepting a grant(SII,700.00) from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Protection Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 44,§ 53A
(Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Finance Committee)
Motion to approve made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Letellier. As Chair of the Finance
Committee, Councilor Letellier provided the report stating that this was for recycling education and costs the town
nothing. Motion to send a positive recommendation to the Full Council was moved by Councilor Mercadante and
seconded by Councilor Cavallo. The vote was 4 Yes, 0 No, I Absent (Councilor Mineo). There was no further
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item.
31. TR-2018-87 - A Resolution to appropriate and authorize borrowing in the amount of Seventy-Four
Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars ($74,500.00) to pay costs of the Feeding Hills Center (Rt. 187)
water service improvements (Mayor Sapelli)(Referred to Finance Committee)
Motion to approve made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilors Letellier and Cavallo. As Chair of the
Finance Committee,Councilor Letellier provided the report stating that this was because of redundancy while the work
was being done. Motion to send a positive recommendation to the Full Council was moved by Councilor Mercadante
and seconded by Councilor Calabrese. The vote was 4 Yes, 0 No, I Absent(Councilor Mineo). There was no further
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item.
32. TR-2018-88 - A Resolution appropriating from the Community Preservation Fund and authorizing
the expenditure of Community Preservation Funds for the rehabilitation and restoration of the Minerva
Davis Library(CPA) (Referred to Community Relations Committee)
Motion to approve made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Mercadante. As Chair of the Community
Relations Committee, Councilor Suffriti provided a report stating that Henry Kozloski spoke about the state of
disrepair of the library-`the steps of the Library are in disarray; the roof is ready to leak and is in great need of repair.
There was a question of where Head Start money (from rent) goes which was not answered but will be looked into.
This project meets the CPA requirements for funding. Motion to send a positive recommendation to the Full Council
was moved by Councilor Ma govern and seconded by Councilor Mercadante. The vote was 4 YES,0 NO, I ABSENT
(Councilor Bitzas)
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item.
33. TR-2018-89 - A Resolution appropriating from the Community Preservation Fund and authorizing
the expenditure of Community Preservation Funds for the update and completion of the Open Space
and Recreation Plan(CPA)(Referred to Community Relations Committee)
Motion to approve made by Councilor Magovern and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. As Chair of the Community
Relations Committee, Councilor Suffriti provided a report stating that a five year plan is required to get grants. CPA
has received $400,000 - $500,000 in the past. The current plan is set to expire in October of 2019. Motion to send a
negative recommendation to the Full Council was moved by Councilor Mereadante and seconded by Councilor
Magovern. The vote was 4 YES,0 NO, 1 ABSENT(Councilor Bitzas)
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item,
34. TR-2018-90 - A Resolution appropriating from the Community Preservation Fund and authorizing
the expenditure of Community Preservation Funds for the rehabilitation and preservation of town
owned land for the purpose of passive recreation(CPA)(Referred to Community Relations Committee)
Motion to approve made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. As Chair of the Community
Relations Committee,Councilor Suffnti provided a report stating that the beautification funds for around the town.
Motion to send a positive recommendation to the Full Council was moved by Councilor Mercadante and seconded by
Councilor Letellier. The vote was 4 YES,0 NO,I ABSENT(Councilor Bitzas).
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item.
Item C. ,l1W rt OL CCou:ncit Committees
Item H. Etecdons
1 iem I: Public Hearin s
1 TOR-2018-13 (PH-2018-7) - An Ordinance to amend the Code of the Town of Agawam Zoning-
Ordinance to include a table of uses and dimensions (Mayor Sapelli) (Two Readings ,Required)
(Referred to Legislative Committee)—Suggest a Public Hearing Date of Nov 7,2018
This and the next several public hearings will remain tabled til our November 7'h meeting which will be hell at the
Agawam Junior High School.
2. TOR 2018-1A(PH-2018-8) - An Ordinance to amend the Code of the Town of Agawam Zoning
Ordinance to delete building material terns Mayor Sapelli) (Two Readings Required) (Referred to
Legislative Committee)- Suggest a Public Hearing Date of Nov 7,218
See above.
3. TOR-2018-15(PH-2018-9) - An Ordinance to amend the Code of the Town of :Agawam Zoning
Ordinance to delete special use permit exceptions (Mayor Sapelli) (Two Readings Required) (Referred
to Legislative Committee)-Suggest a Public Hearing.Date of Nov 7,2018
See above,
4., T IR-2018-16(PH-20 8-10) - An Ordinance to amend the Code of the Town of Agawam Zoning
Ordinance regarding mobile homes (Mayor Sapelli) o Readings Required) (Referred to Legislative
Committee)-Snuggest a Public Hearing Date of Nov 7,2018
See above,
5. ZC-201 - (PH-2018-11) - Petition for ,Zone Change by owners Blue Sky Builders, LLC dlb/a
Burns Builders and Gustin Caruso, Sarah Whitman and Cynthia Rirnek for property located at 0 Silver
Street and 0 Doane Avenue from Industrial B and Residence A-1 to Residence A-1 (Referred to
Legislative Committee)—Public Hearing set for Nov.7, 2018
See above:
Item . C ld llus ness
1. TO-2018-35 -An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE to KLC-Auto'Sales,Inc,
1514 Main Street,Agawam,MA.(Clerk)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
Motion to approve made. by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Cav llo. As Chair of the Administrative
Committee, Councilor Rossi provided a report stating that all was in order and the committee provided a positive
recommendation to the Full Council by a vote of 4 YES, 0 NO, 1'ABSENT(Councilor Mineo).. There was no further
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item..
2. TO-2018-36 - An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE to Earo Imports, 325
Main Street,Agawam,MA. (Clerk)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
Motion to approve made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Magovern. As Chair of the Administrative
Committee, Councilor Rossi provided a report stating that all was in order and the committee provided apositive
recommendation to the Full Council by a vote of 4 YES,0 NO, I ABSENT (Councilor Mmeo).. There was no fuTther
The vote was I I YES, 0 NO approving the item.
3. TO-2018-37 - An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE to ACE Auto Body, 1363
Main Street,Agawam,MA. (Clerk)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
Motion to approve made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Suffriti. As Chair of the Aditiinistrative
Committee, Councilor Rossi provided a report stating that all was in order and the committee provided a positive
recommendation to the Full Council by a vote of 4 YES, 0 NO, I ABSENT(Councilor Mined).. There was no further
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item.
4. TO-2018-38 -An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE to Malkoon Motor Sales,
Inc.,825 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA.(Clerk) (Referred to Administrative Committee)
Motion to approve made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilor SuMiti. As Chair of the Administrative
Committee, Councilor Rossi provided a report stating that all was in order and the committee provided a positive
recommendation to the Full Council by a vote of 4 YES, 0 NO, I ABSENT(Councilor Mineo).. There was no further'
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item.
5. TO-2018-39 -An Order granting or renewing a PERMIT for Weekly Amusement for 342,Inc. d1bla
Murphy's Pub,664 Suffield Street,Agawam,MA.(Clerk)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
Motion to approve made by Council-or Mercy dante and seconded by Councilor Sandlin. As Chair of the
Administrative Committee, Councilor Rossi provided a report stating that all was in order and the committee provided
a positive recommendation to the Full Council by a vote of 4 YES,0 NO, I ABSENT(Councilor Minco).. There was
no further discussion,
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item.
6. TO-2018-40 - An Order granting or renewing LICENSE for Automatic Amusement Device(s) for
342, Inc. d/b/a Murphy's Pub, 664 Suffleld Street, Agnwam, MA. (Clerk) (Referred to Administrative
Motion to approve made by Councilor Sandlin and seconded by Councilor Rossi and Suffriti. As Chair of the
Administrative Committee,Councilor Rossi provided a report stating that all was in order and the committee provided
a positive recommendation to the Full Council by a vote of 4 YES, 0 NO, I ABSENT(Councilor Mineq).. There was
no her discussion.
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item.
7. TO-2018-41 - An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE to Langonet, Inc., 61
Ramah Circle South,Agawam,MA.(Clerk)(Referred to Administrative Committee)
Motion to approve made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Ca alto. As Chair of the Administrative
Committee, Councilor Rossi provided a report stating that all was in order and the committee provided a positive
recommendation to the Full Council by a vote of 4 YES, 0 NO, I ABSENT(Councilor Mineo).. There was no finther
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item.
8. TO-2018-42 - An Order granting or renewing a PERMIT for Weekly Amusement for Ferrentino's
Pizzeria& Pub, 1676 Main Street,Agawam,MA. (Clerk) (Referred to Administrative Committee)
Motion to approve made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. As Chair of the Administrative
Committee, Councilor Rossi provided a report stating that all was in order and the committee provided a positive
recommendation to the Full Council by a vote o14 YES,0 NO, I ABSENT(Councilor Mineo).. There was no further
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item.
9. TO-2018-43 - An Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for Automatic Amusement Device(s) for
Ferrentino's Pizzeria & Pub, 1676 Main Street, Agawam, MA. (Clerk) (Referred to Administrative
Motion to approve made by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Sufti, As Chair of the Administrative
Committee, Councilor Rossi provided a report stating that all was in order and the committee provided a positive
recommendation to the Full Council by a vote,of 4 YES,0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Mineo).. There was no further
The vote was 11 YES,0 NO approving the item.
Item K. New figsiness
1. TO-2018-44 - An Order granting or renewing a PERMIT for Weekly Amusement for West
Springfield Fish&Game,Inc.,329 Garden Street,Feeding Hills,MA(Clerk)
Refer to Administrative Committee,next Agenda,
2. TO-2018-45 - An Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for Automatic Amusement Device(s) for
'' West Springfield Fish&Game,Inc.,329 Garden Street,Feeding Hills,MA (Clerk)
Refer to Administrative Committee,next Agenda.
3. TO-201846 -An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE to Chris Auto South,207
Main Street,Agawam,MA.(Clerk)
Refer to Administrative Committee,next Agenda,
4. TO-2018-47 - An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE to LaFleur Auto
Exchange,374 Main Street,Agawam,MA.(Clerk)
Refer to Administrative Committee,next Agenda.
5. TO-2018-48 - An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE to Auto Point Motors,
Inc., 1039 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA.(Clerk)
Refer to Administrative Committee, next Agenda,
6. TO-201849 -An Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE to Frederick S.Fruwirth
d/b/a Auto.Kraft, 119 Walnut Street,Agawam,_MA. (Clerk)
Refer to Administrative Committee,next Agenda.
7. TO-2018-50 - Budgetary Transfer of $4,793.00 from Assessor Carry-Over Professional Services
Fiscal Year 2019(#11379-52190)to Assessor Professional Services(#11372-52190)(.Mayor Sapelli)
Next Agenda.
8. TR-2018-91 -Resolution adopting a Residential Factor of 0.00000 pursuant to MassachuseVs General
Laws,Chapter 40§56(Mayor Sapelli)—Suggest a Public Hearing date of November 19,2018
Public Hearing on this will be on November 19'h at the Agawam Junior High School auditorium.
Item L..fte—senhakon_vLresults_oL Tur—kahome Astu—d-E cam MILa—ee.
Council President asked for a Motion to go into Commission as a Whole for this presentation which was moved and
seconded. Went into Committee as a Whole at 7:30pm
Mayor Sapelli introduced his Tuckahoe Study Committee which consisted of Marc Strange as Chair, Pam Kerr, Henry
Kozloski, Mario Tedeschi and Scott Skolnick. Marc Strange gave a presentation of the possible uses for the location
which consists of two parcels—266 acres and another 26 acres on Pine Street. Suggestions included passive recreation
(including mountain biking and walking trails)focused around the beautiful pond;utilization of the pond and naming it
as well-, solar array and community gardens. Mayor stated the need for additional ball fields in the Feeding Hills area
and the solar piece could help provide income to provide funds to build these fields. Solicitor Buoniconti stated this
location has a long history and what could the to do to increase the usage of this property. The solar aspect would
satisfy so many needs. The solar array would be, a 5 MW array on approximately 25 acres of the parcel with the
expected revenue of between$150,000 and$175,000 per year. This would most likely be for a 20 year lease which is
common in the industry($3.5million total for 20 years). There needs to be a Master Plan for Tuckahoe and we need to
strike while the timing is right with the state,to gain revenue. They are coming before the Council tonight to include
them in the planning process and get the Council's idea for their preference on what would best fit with respect to the
solar array. The northwest section of Tuckahoe was picked as the best spot for solar because it was the best spot to
answer the following: (1) what fit best (2) what was consistent with the current state and future state (3) would fit if
Phase 2 of Route 57 ever was completed(4) Solar would be north of that area and(5)keep access to this for future use.
Solicitor Buoniconti noted that the central pond (old irrigation pond for Tuckahoe)really was the"hidden gem"of this
entire parcel and they would like to keep it highlighted and utilized for passive recreation. There would be no
development near the pond maintaining its pristine qualities. The process with the current solar ordinance is site plan
approval by the Planning Board,Building Permit and the Special Permit from the City Council however the ordinance
exempts town-owned land. The Mayor wants to maintain open communication throughout all processes and would
like to follow the statute and exempt this parcel as the ordinance reads. He also mentioned there is a timing issue with
a possible end of year window however that may be,extended by the state. Mayor Sapelli thanked Marc Strange, Steve
Buoniconti and the Committee for their diligence and their creative efforts. Council President Johnson noted that the
Tuckahoe property is six times larger than School Street Park and more than twice the size of the Agawam Municipal
Golf Course. Prior mayor used this area as a brush dump. Council President Johnson has been a bug in Mayor
Sapelli's ear to do something with that area and utilizing solar gives us the greatest potential revenue source and will
get a great,park in Feeding Hills area which is desperately needed. He added that the pond is breathtaking and the solar
is a positive means to an end. Councilor Mereadante asked how thickly settled that area is and would like the solar
array to be well buffered so residents on the other side cannot see it noting we should set our own requirements to
protect the residents. Council President Johnson noted that there is a buffer requirement built in to the ordinance.
Councilor Bitzas agreed that the property was a great place for these ideas although he is not completely in favor of the
solar aspect. He asked if at the end of the 20 year lease could the panels be torn down and removed, Mayor Sapelli
said that at the end of the term there is a tear down process which Council President Johnson again mentioned that is
also was in the ordinance that the City Council approved. Councilor Bitzas agreed that passive and active recreation
would be great in that area. Solicitor Buoniconti would be remiss if he didn't mention that it was Henry Kozloski's
idea to place the solar array in that particular area and then there could be ball fields near the Pine Street parcel and
that the to could come to CPA for funds for the Master Plan. Councilor Magovern thanked everyone for their hard
work and presentation believing it will be a great asset to the town. What is the time frame for all of this he also
asked? Mayor Sapelli stated that everything was contingent on the solar array while Solicitor Buoniconti stated it
would take two months for the RFP process and interviews and once awarded there is up to a six month waiting period
while Eversource inspects the area for compatibility, There could be upgrades required which of course would be
home by the solar developer. Councilor Mineo said it was a great idea all around and that spot is not intrusive to
anyone and also expressed a need for a rec center for kids. Councilor Rossi was glad to see the positive response of
the Council to all of this information. It is advantageous to putting solar on the parcel by providing a revenue source.
We desperately need something in that area of town and a little historical note—he learned to fly fish in that pond as a
young boy- Councilor Cavallo agreed and asked if the public would have the opportunity to provide input in the way
of a Public Hearing. Mayor Sapelli would certainly welcome public input and have already received many comments
and concerns however it is in the infancy stages at this point. Right now we need to decide do we like this idea and do
we like solar on the parcel. Councilor Cavallo also asked if the Council could get a tour of the location. Mayor
strongly recommended that and would have Marc Strange coordinate with Barbara. Councilor Letellier stated she was
super pleased and agreed with Councilor Mineo about the need for a youth recreational building as well as softball
fields (since or has it Sacred Heart may be doing away with softball fields), She also inquired if any solar
developers had already contacted the town. Mayor stated affirmatively and has also picked their brains to get
information as to the timing and process of having solar. Mayor Sapelli thanked the City Council for working
together. Councilor Sandlin was in favor and very interested in the community garden aspect of the project, Council
President Johnson asked if anyone would have any objection to the town moving forward in this direction with an RFP
process for solar and going through the site plan approval process as well as the Building Permit process along with
Conservation but not coming before the City Council for a Special Permit use the statute notes that town-owned
land is exempt — Councilor Letellier was reluctant having the City Council to take a voice or straw vote. Council
President Johnson was not asking fora vote-just a feeling. Mayor has heard from at least nine of the councilors and
their favorable opinions and be should have enough information and let the record speak for itself. I would also be
hesitant to take a yay or nay vote. Councilor Rossi agreed with Councilor Letellier in that a straw vote would not be
appropriate in this situation. Councilor Bitzas believed that there was enough positive words that would give a green
light without taking a vote. Councilor Magovern expressed his pleasure, with the whole idea but questioned if the
ordinance as written means they would not have to come back before the City Council-the Solicitor said yes. Mayor
Sapelli reiterated that he wanted to be perfectly transparent and was reading the Council loud and clear. Councilor
Minco questioned it not coming back before the Council however Council President Johnson reminded everyone that
this is what they voted in when they passed the solar ordinance and it says it did not have to come to the City Council
for town-owned land,
Motion to come out of Committee as a Whole moved and seconded.
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Item Al. err ^other matter that mav Je rr ,conte before the 7 i "rrrrrrc
Councilor Minco requested that the Mayor leave the maps so the Councilors could look at them once the meeting ends,
Councilor Sandlin sent out a big thank you to all involvcd in the Harvest e tiva . Councilor' etel i r also said it was
a great festival. She also rerninded folks to get out and vote and that as Council President Johnson stated—our next
meeting will he at the Jr. High:- Council Vice President Calabrese would love to go on a tour of` uckahoc. Councilor
Cavallo attended is reunion at the Golf Course Community Room and said it was wonderful and people in town should
take advantage of that room. Councilor Rossi agreed that Torn l i .ic o was, doing a great job. Councilor l it as wanted
everyone to sits°e the date for next year"s fattest Festival which will be the Saturday after Columbus Day. Asked
what was s happening ctti with Valley Brook, cuncilor Magovcorn also said the Hamest Festival was great, He was a little
sad to he leaving such a beautiful school where he has such fiond mentorlcs, Councilor Sandlin reminded everyone€f
early voting. Council President Johnson again reminded all about the move — our next meeting will be held in the
Auditorium at the Agawam Jumor high School on TENDSDA`, November 7"'noting that he was Mayor when the
current auditorium at the Doering School was redone and will miss the historical beaut-y of this auditorium.
Item N._Adioqrng!CnL
The, Motion to ado gas moved and seconded all around. Meeting was adjourned ed at 8.24pni.
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CPA Committer w m.k—r—iKIM w ELF leW duffs bady:ad
wb► wawa siAB.vamc6urm P,- CemmuiiyPm .Cammmm:
(CPA);� W hwa.a.p omw b MawKa wt 1 Gaawal Law chprr44B.Siam 50XII)Ram
Wlar4 y4awnl r Mwrebaem G.WdI—LUPWaa,lawmirl)wtmn ele eta aW 19031111M boo dm amwx,aI IBRo ma AM"ach WRUP10,BB for
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Wbwar;:pmewa w Ab—J..IIoIa U-4 Law 4Y"Nlw 440,S ee7(3y(dd yytr WkftwX pmdnrrt b Mbnehimem Oaaea✓LAW Ch"m 44;ft C,em mmmy,
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C�d ddyr V—ftpae Aypta-0e;—w
VYb.a.,ode srtM Coaaiw,.lbewme hm Rod Rimea Pw. .sd d,. Wbwwr,Tale&( Open Spew wd Rm4aadoa:P-wa At UpdUd 5n
Ndwbdiemaa7lwmmnahwtww wrw;and 7014 wrd rappm,.dAmuglO t.4W 2019:06
VVI- Srho Mgtr DBAIUbwry,Adawwa Ma.en#r Isl.sddw Aaaeam Wbwawy er--Vwglwl bw orappvwdP6-wa6tlre Cm--x pft of
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Vim Tbwdk-e At',AWAMV WalwaL bad,rew1e glePr�.m. NOW TFQRFFORE.THE AGAWAM CITY COIMCIL 11aWY fmlw orWvo& Ce js-
aWam deaapatlmaaof Cmeaweq Pwwrwurm'Paad.mehepame of Imrty twn appmpttam doe-dwilm the btpwdtr K of CrwtmerIy Pm-vfiea}lords IRtbe
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Thy AGAWAM CITY C"CR.W.VT hnrbx—aM BR le hbr*a Mlerbed w nyeM ecoprdmtce-11,M.O.I.Ch.44K bct !t• " �
I4d rw'd..w Pw+rmled 6.Tiro'.and b�all 0�ay<rwtww)'We aw pV fpw NRBId
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(CPAs and
Wbweµ pa t0MMeU;"C=WW Low:agW 44E,SW—5(2)dbwl 1be
CPA Copmillw W RObe recmemteWaaom m beiepahh-br dy;'am
Mfbw P—w Nft—bu+ae.(k w Lw'Clwprw"A'Seuba R3xd)srra.
MA dokgnewt body smllARiRbbatrbbudwrd Ann"tuzbapPmpnWoeeTdr,
tM CPA'Cda.inae.aad
.. Wbara.The Om—iIV Preavywina Cam, reeommenhm appwpwia4 Wo
eRDNWI a Ob smoml ofSRetlwb—d Jdb..(313Af0.00):9®dM Ludgeftd
.9a Aw blimee:and
WU-WA U&"wwdd:44d will rdha6dim rod pmomwe Ire paned by the Totes Dr
Apawe,adWaff Iry th.SeamiRtatlan Caa Vft ad wed fins pwti waiw tI;sad;:
Whwan,lima ead'nme will:AMpod the mymaddTms by do
Da wfistdw Ctmmime:
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awuua ffli"n tbwwwld do6ee(SI3.90Da0)ft—6.bud®ReARwrwfmdbd.—
toe AreahsNlirddm aed pewnddr abwro Wafted lad fmpnarw reaamoapwpoaa
'm awwedRlw rotor MGZ Cb446,8s:2.
THE AGAWAM C(TY tM NCIL W&•hadawwnlym Mtl the:Mga w*A aimd
nayewdaad Dmd4 apomtW by Nw,arW to doaD AhW Qnawy for the p p}
s wed
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TO-2018-35 through and including TO-2018-43 approved licenses/permits