CC MTG AGENDA NOVEMBER 15 2017 AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL FA 36 MAID STREET AGAWAM,MASSACHUSETTS 01001 413-726-9716 413-726-9717 fax bbard(a�agawani.ma.as ww.._ w.crgawain_wa.us ki COUNCIL PRESIDENT.'James P. Cichetti COUNCIL VICE PRESIDDENT Joseph:Vineo COUNCILORS S ATE George Bit_azs—Cecilia P.Calabrese--Paul C. Cavallo--Chrisropher C. Johnson—Gina 1W. Letellier- Dcnaid Al Rheault—Robert E. Rossi--Anthony R.Sii&iti—Richard ow. Theroux ACDMINISTRATiVE ASSISTANT--Barba;-z2 A. Barn NOTICE OF MEETING PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THERE WILL BE A FINANCE SUB-COMMITT MEETING AND COUNCIL WORKSHOP ON NOVE111BER 15, 2017 at 6.'*N,AN. THE CONFERENCE ROOM AT THE AGAWAM SENIOR CENTER, 95NMA .1' \' STREET,AGAWAM, MA. i AGENDA ' 1. Approval of minutes dated October 25, 2017. 2. TR-2017-60 - A Resolution to appropriate $70,665.00 from the Agawam Golf Course's OP Retained Earnings Account to fund repairs to goof at the Agawam Golf Course (Sponsored by Mayor Cohen) ' 3. TR-2017-61 - A Resolution adopting a Residential Factor of 0.0000 pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 56 (Sponsored by Mayor Cohen) —Public Hearing Date of December 4, 2017 4. TR-2017-62 - A Resolution adopting and endorsing a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Agreement between the Town of Agawam and Able Machine Tool Sales, Inc. (Sponsored by ' Mayor Cohen) 5. TO-2017-64 - A Budgetary Transfer of$27,300.00 from Reserve Fund (#16605-57300) to ' Professional Services (#16602-52190)(Sponsored by Mayor Cohen) 6. Any other business that may legally come before the Committee. ' 7. Adjournment. Christopher C. Johnson, Chair cc: Committee Members Calabrese, Letellier, Cavallo, Theroux Full Council, Mayor, Solicitor, Auditor, Laurel Placzek, Sam Konieczny, Tony �' Roberto, Golf Commission