CC MTG MINUTES DECEMBER 4 2017 i4A MINUTES OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING December 4, 2017 Members Present: Christopher Johnson—Chair Cecilia Calabrese Paul Cavallo Gina Letellier Members Absent: Richard Theroux Also Present: Cheryl St. John, Laurel Placzek, Tony Roberto, Samuel Konieczny, Henry Kozloski, George Bitzas, Robert Rossi, and Donald Rheault Called to Order: Meeting was called to order by Chairman Johnson at 6:15 P.M. in the rear of the Auditorium at the Roberta Doering School, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA. AGENDA 1. Approval of minutes dated November 15, 2017. Motion to approve minutes made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. Vote:4 Yes 4 No and 1 Absent. 2. TR-2017-61 - A Resolution adopting a Residential Factor of .080829 pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 56 (Sponsored by Mayor Cohen) ' Assessor Konieczny made a brief presentation regarding the Mayor's recommended residential factor and its impact on residential and commercial/industrial taxpayers. The committee briefly discussed whether it wanted to send a recommendation to the Council given the fact that the public hearing had not occurred, and the consensus was to make no recommendation. 3. TR-2017-63- A Resolution appropriating from the Community Preservation Fund and authorizing the expenditure of Community Preservation Funds for partial funding for the preservation and rehabilitation of the property known ' as Soldier On, Inc. located at 702 South Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA (CPA) Motion to send positive recommendation to the Council made by Councilor Letellier and seconded by Councilor Cavallo. There was brief discussion regarding the proposed use of the funds for the Soldier On building and the fact that the project resulted in the preservation of a historic structure and the creation of affordable housing. Vote: 4 Yes 0 No and 1 Absent. i � 16 4. TR 2017-64- A Resolution to appropriate $3,000.10 from the Agawam Golf 4 Course's Retained Earnings Account to fund Agawam Golf Course employee's off step earnings from 8/7/17 to 10/15/17(Sponsored by Mayor Cohen) Motion to send positive recommendation to the Council made by Councilor Cavallo and ' seconded by Councilor Letellier. Tony Roberto indicated that the appropriation was necessary to pay a subordinate who filled in for the course superintendent while he was out for an extended period earlier this year. The funds represent the difference in pay due that employee per the collective bargaining agreement. Vote: 4 Yes 0 No and 1 Absent. I 5. Any other business that may legally come before the Committee. None i Adjournment: Motion to adjourn was made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Calabrese and approved unanimously at 6:33 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Christopher Johnson, Chair Finance Committee i� i i sir r� err ri rr ■i �r rr it r r■ s rr L Section VIII: Specifications ' Brief Description of Work ***Due to the Fmeraency waiver obtained by DCAMM.- l references to,filed gub bids shall be deleted. The Gen&pal Contractor shall be the sole coptractor for all portions of work. The Town of Agawam, MA will receive bids for the Agawam.Department of Public Works Garage Masonry Stabilization Project-2017, in accord with the Project Manual and Drawings prepared by the office of Casella Design Associates, LLC, 200 Shoemaker Lane,Agawam MA. Work is to repair damaged steel lintels, damaged masonry, removal of damaged masonry and installation of new aluminum panels in place of said damaged masonry. Said work is required due to an impact to the building's structure.The conditions that require repair also include work on areas that, due to their original design and construction, have allowed damage to structural steel and masonry to occur within the wall in concealed spaces unnoticeable to past inspection or observation. The work involves removal of areas of existing masonry, removal of loose mortar, wall flashing et al within the work areas, modifications to and furnish and installation of new structural steel angles and tees, seismic masonry anchors, wall flashing, weeps, pumped insertion of non- shrink grout, tooled finish of joints, and assorted masonry work, including but not limited to Unit Prices for removal and furnish and install of new steel lintels. See Sec 05 00-00 Steel. The work also includes removing rust from new and existing steel and applying finish coatings as per the Plans and Specifications. The work also includes but is not limited to furnish and installation of plywood backing, insulated aluminum panels and frames, fleshings, backer and caulking installation, and associated work to complete the wall restoration in accord with the plans and specifications created by the office of Casella Design Associates, LLC. I l 0� = = � ! � LO Tax Mm pacts DPW Facade FY 2017 FY 2017 FY 2017 Single Rate Res Rate Comm Rate TOTAL FY 2017 FY 2017 Levy Plus FY 2017 With New FY 2017 With New FISCAL PRINCIPAL DEBT Total FY 2017 Single Pius Debt Res Debt Comm Debt Per YEAR OUTSTANM SERVICE Valuation Tax Levy Rate Debt Service Service Rate Service Difference Rate Service Difference $100,000 2017 s0 $0 2018 $200,400 S25,500 $2,863,383,523 $57,480,552 $20.07 $57,506,052 $20.08 $16.31 $16.32 $0.01 $31.12 $31.14 $0.02 $1.08 2019 $180,000 $24,950 $2,863,383,523 $57,480,552 $20.07 $57,505,502 $20.08 $16.31 $16.32 $0.01 $3L12 $31.14 $0.02 $1.06 2020 S1601000 S24,400 $2,863,383,523 $57,480,552 $20.07 $57,504,952 $20.08 $16.31 $16.32 $0,01 $31.12 $31,14 $0.02 $1.05 2021 $140,000 $23,850 $2,863,383,523 $57,480,552 $20.07 S57,504,402 $2008 $16.31 $1632 $0.01 $31.12 $31.14 $0.02 $1,03 2022 S120,000 $23.300 $2,863.383,523 $57,480,552 $20.07 $57,503,852 $20.08 $16.31 $16.32 $0.01 $31.12 $31.14 $0.02 $1.01 2023 $100,000 $22,750 $2,863,383,523 $57,480,552 $20.07 $57,503,302 $20.08 $16,31 $16,32 $0,01 $31.12 S31.14 $0.02 $I.00 2024 S80,000 $22,200 $2,863,383,523 $57,480,552 $20.07 $57,502,752 $20.08 $16,31 $16.32 $0.01 $31A2 131.14 $0.02 $0.98 2025 $60,000 $21,650 $2,863,383,523 $57,480,552 $20,07 $57,502,202 $20.08 $16.31 $16.32 $0.01 $31.12 $31.14 $0.02 $0,97 2026 S40,000 $21,100 $2,863,383,523 $57,490,552 $20.07 S57,501,652 $20.08 $16.31 $16.32 $0.01 $31.12 $31.14 $0,02 %95 2027 S20,000 $20}550 $2,863,383,523 S57,480,552 $20.07 $57,501,102 $20.08 $16.31 $16.32 $0.01 $3LI2 $31.14 $0.02 $0.94 2026 SO $0 2027 $0 $0 2029 $0 $0 2029 $o $o 2030 $0 $0 2031 $0 so 2032 50 So 2033 $0 $0 2034 $0 $0 2035 $o so $230,2550 (1)Based on Fiscal Year 2017 assessed valuations and levy. $ 500,000 40% $200,000 General I $ 500,000 30% $150,000 Water $ 500,000 30%, $150,000 Wastwater