CC MTG MINUTES FEBRUARY 16 2017 MINUTES OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING February 16, 2017 Members Present: Christopher Johnson—Chair Cecilia Calabrese Richard Theroux Paul Cavallo Members Absent: Gina Letellier Also Present: Robert Rossi, Councilor Chris Golba, Supt of Public Works Doug White, Building Maintenance Director Cheryl St. John,Auditor Called to Order: Meeting was called to order by Chairman Johnson at 7:00 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Agawam Senior Center, 954 Main Street, ' Agawam, MA. AGENDA 1. Approval of minutes dated January 17,2017. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Councilor Theroux and seconded by Councilor Calabrese—the motion was approved by a 4 yes 0 no and 1 absent vote. 2. TO-2017-5 - Budgetary Transfer of$10,000.00 from Building Maintenance Regular Permanent Salary (Account #11921-51010 to Building Maintenance Overtime (Account #11921-51030)(Mayor) After a brief discussion with Director White regarding the need for the transfer which is based on unexpected losses of personnel due to work related injuries and the death of an employee, there was a motion made to send a positive recommendation to the Council made by Councilor Cavallo and seconded by Councilor Theroux—the motion was approved by a 4 yes 0 no and 1 absent vote. 3. TO-2017-6 - Budgetary Transfer of $2,000.00 from Building Maintenance Regular Permanent Salary (Account #11921-51010) to Building Maintenance Regular Temporary L (Account#11921-51020)(Mayor) After a brief discussion with Director White regarding the need for the transfer which is based ' on unexpected losses of personnel due to work related injuries and the death of an employee, there was a motion made to send a positive recommendation to the Council made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilor Cavallo—the motion was approved by a 4 yes 0 no and 1 absent vote. 3. TR 2017-4 - A Resolution approving sewer use rates fixed by the Department of Public Works(Mayor) • After a lengthy discussion with Superintendent Golba regarding the need for an increase in sewer rates based on the following: the department is currently relying on retained earnings to ' balance its budget and the department anticipates several capital projects in the next three years, the largest of which will be the mandated elimination of potential sewer infiltration. Through the utilization of Tighe & Bond, the department studied 2 rate increase alternatives and recommends the alternative which calls for an immediate 20 percent increase in rates followed by an additional 10 percent increase in 2 years. The current rate increase will raise the average residential sewer bill by $47 per year and the second rate increase will raise it an additional $28 per year. The rate increases are proposed and recommended by the Mayor. There was a motion made to send a positive recommendation to the Council made by • Councilor Theroux and seconded by Councilor Cavallo—the motion was approved by a 4 yes 0 no and 1 absent vote. 4. TR 2017-7 -A Resolution adopting and endorsing a Tax Increment Financing Agreement between the Town of Agawam and Sound Seal, Inc. (Mayor) After a brief discussion regarding the fact that Sound Seal, Inc. proposes to make an addition onto its present facility in the Agawam Regional Industrial Park and is seeking tax incentives from the town which will result in the gradual taxation of the increase in assessed valuation resulting from the addition. The agreement will require Sound Seal to hire 15 new full time employees in exchange for the tax incentive. Councilor Johnson shared information from his tour of the facility with Council President and indicated that the company has facilities in Agawam and in the Chicago area and would prefer to expand here, but needs the tax incentive to move forward. According to the information provided, the tax incentive will total around $33,000 and result in the creation of 15 new jobs. There was a motion made to send a positive recommendation to the Council made by Councilor Theroux and seconded by Councilor Cavallo—the motion was approved by a 4 yes 0 no and 1 absent vote. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn was made and seconded and approved unanimously at 7:40 P.M. ' Respectfully submitted, • Christopher Johnson, Chair Finance Committee •