MAY 19, 2008
President Letellier—Good evening and welcome to the Regular City Council Meeting
for Monday, May 19, 2008.
Item I. Citizen's Speak Time
President Letellier—We have one speaker and that's Billy Chester. A reminder that
please state your name and address in the microphone and you have five minutes. Thank
Billy Chester—Thank you. Billy Chester, 320 Barry Street, Feeding Hills. My topic
tonight is on the Homestead Exemption which you all have a copy of now. As a
concerned homeowner and taxpayer in the Town of Agawam, I called the Department of
Revenue last Friday and 1 understand there's legislation that has been passed that would
♦ give the taxpayers of Massachusetts some tax relief. It's called the 20% Homestead
Exemption Law. Under the General Laws of Massachusetts under Taxation Chapter 59
"Assessment of Local Taxes—Persons and Property Exempt from Taxation" —Section
SC in Chapter 59 "Exemptions for residential real property in cities or towns assessing at
full or fair cash value. With respect to each parcel of real property classified as Class
One, which the homeowner is classified as, Residential, in each city or town certified by
the commissioner to be assessing all property at its full and fair cash valuation, and at the
option of the board of selectmen or mayor,with the approval of the city council,as the
case may be, there shall be an exemption equal to not more than twenty per cent of the
average assessed value of all Class One, residential, parcels, within the city or town;
provided, however, that such an exemption shall be applied only to the principal
residence of a taxpayer as used by the taxpayer for income purposes." As of last Friday,
the average assessed value in Agawam is $229,000.00 according to the records on file in
Boston. In my discussion with the DOR, they indicated that a city council member could
bring this policy before the city council as a whole for their approval and does not need to
• be submitted by the Mayor. This is a very important piece of legislation for the
homeowners here in Agawam. I doubt that very many people, very many'homeowners
know about this law and what it can do to reduce their tax bill. Every homeowner is
feeling the pinch in this economy. We have and are making adjustments every day to
own budgets. Our purchase power is less,just like the Town's. Increases in prices and
the value of the dollar has decreased significantly over the passed months. So I ask each
• and every one of you if you want to give some tax relief to the homeowners in the town
one of you after your review of this policy, step up to the plate and put this law into the
form of an ordinance if that is the procedure and present it to the rest of the council
members so it can be voted on and passed by all the council. I checked with the
Assessor's today and asked them about this policy and as far as they knew this policy
does not exist on the Code of Agawam, in the Code Book of Agawam and I also checked
the Code Book and in the Code Book, there's no such procedure that has been passed.
So, I would really like your consideration on this policy to try to give some relief to the
tax payers. They indicate here that it's -
Clerk—One minute, Mr. Chester.
Billy Chester—Thank you. They indicate it's 20% of the average assessed value but
there is a form in there in the policy that I think it would probably go by rather than this,
so it is in the policy so. Thank you for your consideration on this and thank you for your
President Letellier—Thank you Mr. Chester.
! Item 2. Roll Call
President Letellier—Barbara, could you please call the roll?
ROLL CALL— 10 Present, 1 Absent(Councilor Young)
• President Letellier—Ten present and one absent. Councilor Young emailed me and will
be here as soon as he can, he had a commitment.
Item 3. Moment of Silence and the Pledge ofAllegiance
• President Letellier—Could you please rise?
Item 4. Minutes
Regular Council Meeting—May 5,2008
President Letellier—And Councilor Young just got here, so we have a full eleven
council. Next we have the minutes from the Council Meeting of May 5, 2008, do we
have a motion? Moved by Councilors Simpson and Rheault, seconded by Councilor
Cavallo. Any discussion or corrections on the May 5`h minutes? No? Seeing none, a
voice vote is sufficient. All those in favor of the May 51h minutes, please signify by
saying Ay? Opposed? Abstentions?
VOICE VOTE— 9 Ay, 2 Abstentions (President Letellier and Councilor Rossi)
President Letellier—And with that you've passed the minutes.
Item 5. Declaration from Council President
President Letellier—I do have a few. I want to remind everyone that Monday is
Memorial Day and the Town is having its Memorial Day parade and this year we'll be
• stepping off from City Hall and parking at City Hall and the Middle School. So please
remember that if you go to Strathmore and no one is there, it's because they're down the
street at the Middle School and I hope to that we get a good representation from the
Council. Next, we got a letter from Dottie Drewnowski resigning her position as tenant
representative to the Agawam Housing Authority and we thank Dottie for all her years of
• service...but if there are any tenants that are interested in becoming the Tenants Reps of
the Housing Authority they should contact the Mayor. And lastly, I just returned from
vacation late last night and was not able to respond to the letters and calls regarding
zoning but I did read them all late last night when I returned. And that's it.
Item 6. Presentation of Petitions, Memorials &Remonstrances
(a) Resolutions
1. TR-2008-20 -A Resolution Reauestine the Mayor to Appropriate Funds
for the Board of Appeals to Employ Outside Counsel for the Appeal of the Special
Permit Granted to Six Flags New EnEland. (Council) (Maiority of those Present and
votin abled 5/5/08)
President Letellier—What's the Council's pleasure?
• Councilor Rheault—I have a point of information. Have we received any information
that this has been resolved?
President Letellier—No. In the packet our Council Clerk did in fact send a memo to the
Solicitor and we have no gotten a response from the Solicitor yet.
Councilor Rheault—I'll entertain a motion to leave it on the table.
President Letellier—We have a motion to leave on the table moved by Councilor
Rheault, seconded by Councilors Rossi and Mineo. Barbara, could you please call the
ROLL CALL—8 Yes, 3 No (Councilors Bitzas, Calabrese and Young)
President Letellier—With a vote of eight yes and three no, the item remains on the
2. TR-2008-22 -A Resolution Establishing a No Parking Zone on Westview
Lane and Burlineton Drive. (Mayor) (Maiority of those present and voting) (Tabled
5/5/08)(Referred to the Public Safety Commission)
President Letellier—That matter was tabled, I notice in the minutes there were some
questions. What is the Council's wish? Councilor Perry do you have an updated report
from the Public Safety Committee?
Councilor Perry—We didn't have an official meeting on this. I know there...
Councilor Simpson—Move it off the table before discussion?
President Letellier—Okay a motion to move it off the table by Councilor Simpson,
seconded by Councilor Perry. All those in favor of taking the item off the table, please
• signify by saying Ay. Opposed? Abstentions? It's unanimous. Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry—Yes, thank you Madam President. Yes at our last meeting when I
made a motion to table this there was some questions brought up by Councilor Simpson
in regards to the private or the residents of the street having parties and things of that
nature, how would this affect them? And really looking back into the Resolution, talking
with my committee members,we really didn't hold an official meeting on this. The
language in here does state if you look at the second line"Whereas the parking of these
vehicles restricts the residents' access to and maintenance of their property" and if you go
down to the fourth line, "Whereas parking the vehicles whose destination is not local
• detracts from the residents' right of privacy." We feel the language in here warrants the
discretion of the officers when they come out if there is a complaint to issue parking
tickets once we establish this, would give them the judgment call to issue a ticket or not.
The main thing is if you look at the locations as right opposite of Sacred Heart fields.
Again, I went by tonight and there was cars parked there and there was activities taking
place, ball games going on at the field and that's really the main reason for this no
parking. It is only 250 feet from the curb down. It's not the whole street itself where this
ban would be established. It's mainly to deter people from parking there and then
crossing the street over to the ball fields, Thank you.
President Letellier—Thank you Councilor Perry. Any other discussion or questions?
• No? Seeing none, Barbara, could you please call the roll? A yes vote would be to
establish the no parking zone on Westview Lane and Burlington Drive. A no vote would
be to not establish a no parking zone.
ROLL CALL— I I Yes, 0 No.
President Letellier—With eleven yes, you've established the no parking zone.
3. TR-2008-23 -A Resolution Conlirmine the Reappointment of Ronald J.
Hamel,52 Federal_Avenue,Agawam,MA 01001 to the Agawam Veterans Council to
a Term Expiring April 1,2010. (Mayor) f aiority of those present and voting}
President Letellier—Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Perry. Is
Mr. Hamel here? Did he come late? No he's not here. Okay, Do we have any
discussion on the reappointment? No? Seeing none, Barbara, could you please call the
ROLL CALL— I l Hamel
President Letellier—With a vote of eleven Hamel, we have reappointed Ron Hamel to
the Veterans' Council. Could you notify him Barbara? Thank you.
4. TR-2008-24 -A Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Alice D.
Smith 523 North Westfield Street Feeding Hills MA. 01030 to the Historical
Commission for a Term Expiring January 1,2011.(Mayor) (Majority of those
present and votingl
President Letellier—Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Rheault. Is
Ms. Smith here? No. Okay, any discussion on the nomination? No? Seeing none,
Barbara, could you call the roll?
ROLL CALL— 11 Smith
President Letellier—We have voted eleven yes for Alice Smith. Again, Barbara, if you
could please notify her?
5. TR-2008-25 -A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of Frankie
• Mazzei,476 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA.01030 to the Veterans Council to
a term Expiring April 1,2010. (Mayor) (Majority of those present and voting)
President Letellier—I do not see Mr. Mazei here. Do we have a motion? Moved by
Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilors Rheault and Cavallo. Any discussion on
Mr. Mazzei's reappointment? No? Seeing none, Barbara, could you please call the roll?
ROLL CALL— 11 Mazzei
President Letellier—With eleven for Mazzei, we have reappointed Mr. Mazzei to the
Veterans' Council.
6. TR-2008-26 -A Resolution Authorizinz the Dedication of the New DPW
Outdoor Break Area Located at the Agawam Municipal Annex Building
(Councilors Calabrese,Letellier,Mineo and Perry) (Ma
iority of those present and
President Letellier—And that's to dedicate in the memory of Edward A. Caba, a former
Councilor. Do we have a motion? Moved by Councilor Cavallo, seconded by Councilor
Perry. I believe Councilor Perry, you authored this motion, do you want to discuss it?
Councilor Perry—Yes. Thank you Madam President. I think all of us up here on this
Council floor understand who Eddie Caba was and his dedication to our community.
Almost forty years of his life in service to our community as Town Clerk, a Town
Manager and as a City Councilor. I had the honor of serving with Eddie up here for two
terms and he was a great man. His wife, Marge, approached Councilor Mineo and I in
regards to they had a trust fund set up and it had some money in there and talked to us
about possible dedication for his service to our community. And in working Marge, his
daughter and his grand-daughter this is what we put together and came up with. We've
talked with the Mayor in regards to this break area. One of the main things Eddie was
really fighting for the last two terms that he was on the Council or even longer was to get
those guys out of that whole down off of Main Street, as he would say and that's putting
i it mildly, if anyone knew Eddie. He really meant that. He wanted to get them out of
there. He wanted to get a new DPW facility. He worked on committees, the search
committees for that and we just really in talking thought that dedicating this area to him
would be a great honor for him and I would hope that all of you would support this this
evening. Thank you.
President Letellier—Thank you. Any more discussion? Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo— Yea. I just wanted to thank Councilor Perry cuz we had, we were
gonna put this together and he ended up doing it. I ended up meeting with the Mayor and
the Mayor was very receptive about doing this. We had set up a meeting and I couldn't
attend the meeting and Councilor Perry attended that meeting along with a few other
folks from the DPW and Ed's grand-daughter Kristin. I'd also like to thank a few other
people that were involved—Aldo Mancini, Nickie Lascala and John Cooley. They have
been, God, Dennis, we started working on this I think over, about a year ago, maybe,
when we went over to Marge's house and met with her? But I'm glad to see that it's
finally all worked out and hopefully everybody will support this. Ed was really, he was
Mr. Agawam. There'll never be anybody like him. He was a good guy. Thank you.
President Letellier—Thank you. Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry—Yea. And just to add to that and I echo everything that Councilor
Mineo stated, with the Resolution there is a drawing of what the break area is going to
look at. I just wanted to let you know this isn't going to cost the Town or taxpayers any
money whatsoever. The benches and the tables and the plaque are going to be paid for
out of the trust fund. The DPW workers have agreed off time to donate their time to put
• this together. So again I think it's just a good tribute to Eddie. Thank you.
President Letellier—Thank you. Any other discussion? I know it's out of line for the
Council President to speak on an item so I will just echo my support for this and what I
think what I will do is read it into the record so the public really knows Ed's service to
the Town.
WHEREAS, Edward A. Caba served the Town of Agawam with dedication and loyalty for some thirty-
three(33)plus years;and
WHEREAS,Edward A. Caba served as Town Clerk from November of 1966 through September of 1981;
WHEREAS,Edward A. Caba served as Town Manager from October of 1981
through July of 1984;and
WHEREAS,Edward A. Caba served as a City Councilor from November of 1985
• through December of 1999;and
WHEREAS,Edward A. Caba was part of a number of committees looking into completing this and was
totally committed to see this come to fruition;and
WHEREAS, Edward A. Caba served the Town of Agawam in all of the above mentioned capacities and
i one of his main goals as a City Councilor was to have a new DPW Garage built.
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Agawam that the new DPW
Outdoor Break Area, located at the Agawam Municipal Annex Building, be dedicated in the memory of
Mr. Edward A. Caba.
President Letellier—Thank you. Could you please call the roll?
ROLL CALL— I t Yes, 0 No
+ President Letellier— With eleven yes, we've dedicated the area. Congratulations Kristin
and Marge.
Item 7. Report of Council Committees
• None.
Item 8. Elections
Item 9. Public Hearings
1. PH-2008-3 -Petition Requesting to Chance to Zoning Code of all Future
Residential Building Lots to be no less than one 1 acre consisting of 43,560 s uare
feet,with a 150 foot Frontage per Residential Building Lot. (Public Petition)
• (Planning Board held their public hearing date on May 1,2008 and was tabled to
May 15,2009.)
President Letellier—And I will tali the public hearing to open and I will explain the
procedure. I call the public hearing to open. First all those wishing to speak in favor of
the item will have ten minutes. The Council may ask questions of him or her,then all
those in opposition will have ten minutes and again the Council can ask questions of him
or her. Then we will return to those who want to register their name only in favor saying
I so and so am is favor and then those wishing to register their name only in opposition.
Do we have someone on behalf of the Petitioner to speak? Mr. Chester?
Billy Chester—Billy Chester, 320 Barry Street, Feeding Hills. First before we get to the
little speech. I have an amendment to the petition that I had submitted previously which
you all have a copy of—
• President Letellier—Mr. Chester, if I may—that's out of order. The petition was signed
by people in favor with the language that you proposed. If you wish to have a new
proposal you would need to then get new signatures and file a new application.
Billy Chester—Okay. I was told that I didn't have to do that. I checked with the Town
Clerk and Debbie Dachos and they said that all I had to do was make an amendment and
• present it to the Council.
President Letellier—It's the opinion that we have,that one person cannot amend on
behalf of the entire group of Petitioners.
Billy Chester—Okay.
President Letellier—Thank you.
! Billy Chester—Okay. The housing development is putting a burden not only our school
system,police and fire departments but a heavy burden on the tax payers here in
Agawam. I know right now it's a little slow because of the economy but after this
economy gets going it's gonna start picking up in the future. Housing does not pay or
fully support the cost of education, to cost of educating a student as you all know. Some
of the housing being built in this town do not have esthetic and they have a potential
negative impact on surrounding property values. Examples—the two family house built
on William Street in feeding Hills has to have a negative impact on the surrounding
ranch homes, one across the street and one on the south side of the two family. It has to
have an impact of lowering their evaluations and resale value. If you look at that piece of
property, the house on that property, I understand there's additional two families there,
• but if you look at that house it just is out of place and the fact that it does not conform to
the existing houses that are on that street. The houses on Western Lane and Burlington
development off Poplar Street in Feeding Hills, these houses are thirty-one thousand
square feet and larger homes are being built on half acre sized lots or less. Some of these
homes, you walk out the back door and you're walking right into your neighbor's back
• yard_ The one on the corner there in the development, that's a good example right there.
You just walkout and you're right in your neighbor's backyard. This can also be seen on
Cooper Street and Suffield Street, houses built by Suffriti. I understand this was quite
some time ago but it still is a good example of what's being built. I know the Town's
definition of cluster housing, I know the Town's definition of cluster housing but my
• opinion this is cluster housing—the houses that Suffriti built. Here you are rubbing
elbows with your neighbors and again you walk out your back door and you're in the
next person's lot, his lot. I mean if you go down there and look at that,that should not
have been approved the way it was built cuz it's so clustered together that it's, it doesn't
conform to, I mean it doesn't even look like they're half acre lots. It seems that one acre
• lot sizes are not practical at this time which everybody seems to think but as much as I
would like to see the one acre lots as many other people's as law, I have amended my
original petition as follows and of course you have that petition, or you got a copy of it
anyway. But another reason why I presented the one acre lot in Feeding Hills is there's
no sewers up there and with the problem that the people are having with their septic
systems, the one acre lot or even the half acre lot would even get them a little more room
to expand if they have a problem with their septic tanks. And that should be really
considered,taken into consideration in the petition I presented. So thank you for your
President Letellier—Thank you. Does any Councilor have any questions for Mr.
• Chester? No? Thank you Mr. Chester.
Billy Chester—Okay, you're welcome.
• President Letellier—Anyone else wishing to speak in support of the zoning change?
No? Thank you. Anyone wishing to speak in opposition to the zoning change? Seeing
none, anyone wishing to register their support in name only for the zoning change?
Anyone wishing to register their name only in opposition to the proposed zoning change?
Come on up to the microphone. Just state your name and that you're in opposition.
Scott Massoia— Scott Massoia, 23 Carmen Avenue, not, against it. I am against it.
Joe Barbero—Joe Barbero, 668 Cooper Street, Pm in opposition.
• President Letellier— Thank you. Any one else? Seeing none, I call the public bearing
closed. Do we have a motion from the Council floor? Moved by Councilor Simpson,
seconded by Councilor Cavallo. Any discussion? Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas—Yes, I think as presented to us, I think it's very strong to have one
• acre lot all across and I'm not in favor of it. We need to have more study for this issue.
It shouldn't be in every area, every residential area A1, A, B, Business, Agriculture, it
should a lot more study into it by the Planning Board and they should recommend to us
and then the Council should take an action. It's too late now because the Town is already
built but it's not too late for the agriculture—we have to look into it. And if you make
some compromise but one acre is still a lot. If you go to 3/4 and a little bit less to try to
• save some open space and agricultural land,then it can be, have some merits. But we
have to study it, I'm not ready to vote and I hope this will be defeated tonight because
even the people on the petition they don't agree with that so they had some amendments.
We should look into and that's my opinion and I ask the Council at this time as presented
to us it's not in the best interest of the Town of Agawam. It's not in the best interest for
r the people that own acre and a half and they have some plans for the daughter or grand-
daughter or someone to build next to it, how can we say no? That would punish them.
They save money and they save land for future building and we should help the residents.
So it's a little bit too tough. In the past I supported something that was completely
different, it was more talk about sixteen years ago but that was still with agricultural land.
So I think we have a pretty fair system. It could be a bit better but I think we should
study a lot more before we decide so I ask the Council at this time to vote against it,the
amendment as presented to us, I mean the zone change. Thank you.
President Letellier—Thank you. Councilor Mineo and then Councilor Rossi.
Councilor Mineo—Yea. I just want to go on record, I cannot support this. I looked at
the amendment. I guess one thing that comes to my mind and I, it's the Boglisch
property over on South West Street. He's been trying to something, some type of
development over there and Dennis and I have met with him a bunch of times. He's
pretty much been held hostage with this property for years because the highway was
! gonna go through. I mean that highway, that highway's never gonna go through! It'll
never go through. I can't believe it but that even the way it's been raised at a medium or
low, I think a medium level, I mean you're talking twenty, thirty years away from a
highway going through. So are we gonna hold Dale Boglisch and his brothers hostage?
• He's been trying between the highway, between sewers I mean it's just been one thing
after another. That's one thing that comes to my mind right away, is he's been trying to
do something with that property and here we go again—one acre lots. I mean it just
doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense to me and I'm, I'm just not in favor of it.
Thank you.
President Letellier—Thank you. Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi--Thank you. I would not be in favor of this amendment as it's
proposed. I think imposing a one acre restriction in Agawam on all zones would be a
mistake. I think it would be an extreme hardship on those people that are building, and I
think it would be a hardship on those people that wanted to buy. It would make it cost
prohibitive in some areas for people to even want to even approach to buy a home, if you
had to place it on a one acre lot. I am in favor however of looking at our zoning laws and
maybe making some kind of amendments to some of the policies in town to make it lot
size appropriate. I don't think that some of these larger homes on smaller parcels just for
the sake of the builder trying to squeeze more houses in is such a good idea either but, so
maybe we might be looking in a direction of more lot size appropriate for the house could
probably satisfy us in some areas. But the way it's presented here I don't think it would
be in the best interest of Agawam to promote some kind of a proposal such as this.
• President Letellier—Thank you. We have Councilor Simpson and then Councilor
Councilor Simpson—Thank you. I will not be supporting this this evening. A couple
things come to mind when Mr. Chester was speaking about certain areas of how close
homes were or a large home on a small lot. Number one we can't predict what people
want. Maybe some people don't want a big yard. They don't to take care of it,they
don't want to deal with it, maybe some people like to be very close to their neighbors.
Those houses seem to sell so obviously it's not a drawback to certain people. There are
certain people who love to be out alone, big lot, woods,whatever, but we don't know.
That's why we have some diversity in the towns of Agawam and Feeding Hills of
different places where people can live. So how can we predict what people have in mind,
what they want for their particular home and yard? Also, right not this is just really bad
timing with lot sizes. I think it's been said already so I don't want to reiterate it but the
cost of housing. I would think that this would make it prohibitive for a large amount of
. people to even be able to buy a home that was already on an acre lot and then probably
the size of home that would be built on it. So I think it's kind of hard for us to sit up here
and judge what we think the people in Agawam or the people coming into Agawam want.
I like the diversification of maybe some lots are an acre, some lots are a half, people like
different things, so who are we to judge what should be built? Thank you.
President Letellier—Thank you. Councilor Messick?
Councilor Messick--I spent quite a long time talking with Mr. Chester on several
different occasions and but the way this is written,the one thing that he brought forward
• with the petition was that he was concerned about the school being a tax burden and
bringing more children into the town, that we would have to pay for their education and
that type of thing. And then after we spoke more, we got into the esthetics, the big
houses on the small lots and we were talking about a whole range of things that zoning
can handle. If we pass this as it's written, what Councilor Simpson said, we would take
away the diversity that we currently have. We have eight residential zones all with
different lot sizes and frontage requirements and set backs and that type of thing and yes,
there are a lot of things that we can do as far as esthetics go to tweak those things to make
things look nice and appropriate for the neighborhood. Increasing lot size consumes
more land and would make new houses less affordable for people. There are people who
can't live in the town now because they just can't afford anything and this would just
make that problem worse. There is a problem. We have a problem going forward.
We're becoming very close to being built out. We need to make some serious decisions
and we need to start looking at that now about where we want industrial growth to be,
where we want retail and shopping to be, where we want residential housing to be and
what we want that to look like. We need community involvement like Mr. Chester and
thank you very much for becoming involved, for looking into the problem, for presenting
us with something and being willing to make adjustments according to how the whole
procedure works. And I encourage you to continue to do that and I would hope that when
the time comes and this is something that I'm gonna take the zoning review sub-
committee and we're gonna start looking at this. I've been having conversations with
• Ms. Dachos since we're gonna be having the economic development study done,we'll
have a lot more information than we had before and we'll be able to start looking at the
future and the parcels that we have and just breaking it down and then that kind of goes in
with revising the zoning. There's some very simple that can be done to zoning; there are
some very complex things that can be done. It's not an easy thing to make changes to
r and certainly not by just saying one acre lots for everybody because as Councilor
Simpson said, not everybody wants the same thing. So again,thank you Mr. Chester for
becoming involved and I hope you do stay involved. I can't, I won't be supporting this
tonight but eventually I hope that we do have something before that we can support, that
we can feel good about,that we've done something for the future of our town. Thank
0 you.
President Letellier— Thank you. Councilor Cavallo?
Councilor Cavallo—I unfortunately I will not be supporting this this evening either and
I'm thinking of what Mr. Mineo had mentioned and Dennis Perry had mentioned
regarding there are a lot of developed and undeveloped lots in this town and if all of a
sudden this were adopted then they would all become nonconforming, then they would
have to go before the Board of Appeals and looking for some kind of changes and you
know they would never get permission to build. And I think this would be a burden on
those builders who come into town and who are in town and want to develop some
0 property. I think it would not be fair. It would become catastrophic at that point. But as
Councilor Messick pointed out, I think, and Councilor Rossi,these particular zoning
changes have to be, zoning laws, have to be looked at. But I think in the future, it's down
the road, but not at this particular time. Thank you.
President Letellier—Thank you. Any other Councilor wishing to discuss the matter?
No? Seeing none, Barbara, could you call the roll? A yes vote would be to approve the
zone change request; a no vote would be to deny the zone change request.
ROLL CALL—0 Yes, 11 No.
President Letellier—With a vote of eleven no, we have unanimously rejected the zone
change petition.
• Item 10. Old Business
1. TO-2008-19 -Voucher List($347.50) (Mai rity of those present and voting)
President Letellier—And I'm passing that around now and that is for outstanding legal
fees on the Optasite Cell Tower case. Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by
Councilor Messick. Any discussion? Barbara, could you please call the roll?
ROLL CALL— I I Yes, 0 No.
President Letellier—With eleven yes, you've approved the voucher.
Item 11. New Business
1. TR-2008-27 -A Resolution Adopting the Fiscal Year 2009—2013 Capital
Improvement Program(Set Public Hearing Date- suggest June 16,2008)(Mayor)
• (Maiority of those present and voting)
President Letellier—We are setting a public hearing date of June 16th and I want to refer
that to the Finance Committee. Again, it's June 16th for the public hearing. Next agenda.
Yes, it is a Monday.
• 2. TR-2008-28 -A Resolution Adoptine the Fiscal Year 2009 Annual
Operating Budget for the Town of Agawam (Set Public Hearing Date-suggest June
16,2008)(Mayor) (Maiority otthose present and voting)
President Letellier—Again, public hearing date of June 16, 2008 and hopefully I believe
all the sub-committees but one have set their meetings. Oh, they all have...we have a
school budget sub-committee meeting?
Clerk—They already had one, but they may have another one.
President Letellier—They may have another one. Okay. So we have all those meetings
and those meetings will be posted if the public wants to attend. Next agenda.
3. TR-2008-29 -A Resolution Approvine Sewer Use Rates Fixed by the
Department of Public Works)(Mayor) fMaoty of those present and voting)
President Letellier—And I'm gonna ask that that be a joint meeting between the Public
Safety Committee and the Finance Committee. Next agenda.
4. TO-2008-20 -Voucher List $3 350.00 (Majority of those present and
President Letellier—Next agenda.
5. TO-2008-21 _- Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Junk Dealers
—T's Jewelers,Zinow Tokman,559 SprinEfield Street,FeedingIlills,MA.(Clerk)
Waiod&of those present and voting)
President Letellier-- Pm gonna refer that to the Licensing Committee. Next agenda.
Item IZ, AnE other matter that may lerally come before the C&P Council
President Letellier—I'm not sure which side we start on this time. Councilor Simpson?
Councilor Simpson—Nothing tonight thank you.
President Letellier—Thank you. Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo —Nothing this evening.
President Letellier—Thank you. Councilor Cavallo?
Councilor Cavallo—Nothing this evening.
President Letellier—Thank you. Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi—Yes,just one item. Some weeks ago I cache before this Council on
this matter of this property at, on Suffield Street, 835 Suffield Street and I've asked the
Board of Health to do a formal complaint through this Council for that they take action
and have this property owner clean up that health hazard that exists. And I noticed that
on April 281h a letter was sent out from the Health Agent that this man was in violation of
health hazard ordinances in this community and that he was to bring this matter into
compliance and the re-inspection date would be May 14, 2008 and I don't see anything
that came before us and I haven't heard anything from it. And what I would like to have
done is I would like to have a follow up to Mr. White, our Health Agent, and find out
why that he has not responded to this Council in an affirmative manner as to what he has
done here and what action he has taken. I was hoping I would be taken much more
seriously than I have on this matter. That is a terrible, terrible condition that should not
• be allowed to exist anywhere. And especially we're building that area up, that's a nice
development in that community, people walk by that area all the time and this is a
condition that just should not exist. And I'm, I can't mention how deeply I'm
disappointed that I wasn't taken much more seriously on this matter and I can't urge
strongly enough that Mr. Randall White send this Council a status in how that property
• exists now. Thank you.
President Letellier—Barbara, why don't we ask Mr. White for an update for this
Thursday's packet? Thank you. Councilor Rheault?
Councilor Rheault—Nothing this evening.
President Letellier—Thank you. Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry—Nothing this evening.
i President Letellier—Thank you. Councilor Messick?
Councilor Messick—Just everybody have a very nice long Memorial Weekend.
President Letellier—Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas—Nothing this evening.
President Letellier-- Councilor Magovern? Geez, Magovern, Young! Oh wow! I'm
sorry. Apparently part of my brain is still on vacation. Councilor Young?
Councilor Young—Thank you President Rheault. No, I have nothing.
President Letellier—Touche, touche. Nothing? Thank you. Vice President Calabrese?
Councilor Calabrese—I'm staying out of this!
President Letellier—I just want to remind everyone that Monday is Memorial Day and
it is to remember our veterans and I hope we have a nice turn out for the parade. Thank
you. Do we have a motion to adjourn? Moved by the Council, seconded by the Council.
• All in favor signify by saying Ay? Opposed? Thank you. We are adjourned.