CC MTG MINUTES MAY 5 2008 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL • MAYS, 2008 Vice President Calabrese—Good evening. Welcome to the May 51' meeting of the Agawam City Council. My name is Cecilia Calabrese. I am the Council Vice President and I will be chairing the meeting this evening. Our President Gina Letellier wasn't feeling 100% today. Item]. Citizen's Sneak Time Vice President Calabrese—We do not have any citizens signed up for Citizen's Speak Time, so may I have the Clerk please call the roll? Item Z Roll Call ROLL CALL—4 Present, 2 Absent(President Letellier and Councilor Rossi) • Vice President Calabrese—Nine present and two absent. We have a quorum. Councilor Rossi is out of town this evening. Item 3. Moment otSilenee and the Pledge ofAllegiance • Vice President Calabrese—We'll stand for a Moment of Silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Please remember in your silence the Frogameni Family and the Muzzi Family. Item 4. Minutes (a) Regular Council Meeting—April 22,2008 Vice President Calabrese—Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor S Perry. Do we have any discussion or comments? Councilor Young- I'll abstain from voting. Vice President Calabrese—Thank you. All those in favor of approving the minutes? Ay. With one abstention (Councilor Young), you've approved the minutes. f (b) Special Joint Meeting—April 28,2008 Vice President Calabrese—Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Young. Any comments, questions, amendments? All those in favor of approving the minutes signify by saying ay? Councilor Mineo—Abstain. • Vice President Calabrese—And one abstention, you've approved the minutes of April 28tn Item S. Declaration from Council President None. • Item 6. Presentation of Petitions, Memorials& Remonstrances (a) Resolutions 1. TR-2008-5 -A Resolution to Accept a Chapter 43D Technical Assistance Grant for$69 150.00.(Mayor) (Maiority of those resent and rotln Vice President Calabrese—Moved by Councilor Bitzas, seconded by Councilor Simpson. Any discussion? Yes, Councilor Bitzas? Councilor Bitzas—Yes. This is very good news and I'd like to congratulate the Planner • for the quick action to receive the $69,150.00 and that's because probably you all don't even remember a few weeks ago,this majority of this Council voted to approve the Priority Development Site in a parcel in the Industrial Park. So I'm very happy and it was very nice decisions, good choice of the Council and quick action from the Planning Board...and we got the $69,000.00 that we really needed. So to Debbie, thank you and the Councilors who supported the Resolution, thank you. Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Cavallo? Councilor Cavallo—Yes. Debbie, I just have a couple questions. In the payment schedule... Vice President Calabrese—Excuse me Councilor, I'm sorry... Councilor Cavallo—Could we go into Committee as a Whole? • Vice President Calabrese—I'll entertain a motion, yes. I have a motion to go into Committee as a Whole. Do I have a second? Seconded by Councilor Perry. We'll have a roll call to go into Committee as a Whole? ROLL CALL—8 Yes, I No (Councilor Simpson), 2 Absent(Pres. Letellier and Counc. • Rossi) Vice President Calabrese—You have approved to go into Committee as a Whole. We are now in Committee as a Whole. • Councilor Cavallo—Yea, Debbie,the first, on the page that says Attachment B,where the financial reports have to be reported and also the conditions stated in the grant. And the one I have a question about is the first bullet where it says `the status of the program • work performed by in-house staff and contractors including the approximate total hours' and so forth, that the in-house staff would not be anybody not you or anybody in your • staff right now, correct? You're talking about possibly hiring someone, correct,to do this work? Debbie Dachos—No. This is probably very boiler plate attachment B and yes, it would be me that will be working. • Councilor Cavallo - In addition to your regular job? Debbie Dachas—This is my regular job. I do this all the time. # Councilor Cavallo -No, well, you're saving $65,000.00 so how does that? Debbie Dachas—Right. I will be seeking a consultant to conduct the study and to update the Development Handbook and I have to oversee the project. I have to submit the reporting documentation to the State Councilor Cavallo - I understand that but I mean the consultant... Debbie Dachos— ...will do the work. Councilor Cavallo - ...the fee would come out of the grant, the $65,000.00? • Debbie Dachos—Yes. Councilor Cavallo - Okay. And the second question that I have is on the last page, the Board Meeting page, Interagency Permitting Board, and just clarify this for me, okay? The second bullet, after twelve months from the date of the contract, to apply one or more priority development sites or if determined not to be feasible, to report to the Board why additional 43D priority development sites are not feasible in Agawam. We're hoping to find other sites that are feasible in addition to the one that's in question, correct? Debbie Dachos—Yes. That's the intention of the study. Councilor Cavallo - Hopefully and there's, so... Debbie Dachos---But they're giving us an out if there are no sites and I'm sure, I'm hoping there will be, but if there aren't,they're not gonna say well you have to repay us, we'll just have to report why we couldn't find additional sites. Councilor Cavallo - Supposedly we have one now though which is on Shoemaker Lane, the site that we talked about, that abuts the Indus... • Debbie Dachos—Oh yes. This is... • • Councilor Cavallo - I know that. I know that. But I mean we have one, right. Debbie Dachos—This is relating to the Economic Development Study. Councilor Cavallo - Yup. Okay. So will we be kept apprised of this as you go along? Would it be possible to submit to the Council President how this is progressing, you know, some kind of a periodic report? • Debbie Dachos —Sure. I can submit to you the reports I'll be submitting to the State if you'd like. Councilor Cavallo - Well, that would be good just to know how it's going along and so forth. Debbie, thank you very much. Debbie Dachos—You're welcome. Vice President Calabrese—Does anyone else have any questions? Councilor Bitzas? Councilor Bitzas--Yes. Thank you. Debbie, first of all I want to congratulate you for the extra money and I know it's hard times now, $60,000 non-tax payer's money means a lot to you and to our town and your staff. And I'm glad this majority of the council supported that. Can you clear up for us and also for the people that are watching us besides the consultant, what else do you plan to spend this money on? What are you, • what are you going to do with that money besides the consultant? Debbie Dachos—There was a specific study that was going to be conducted and we will be putting it out to bid. And it's an Economic Development Study, the purpose it to look at the existing developable, vacant land in town. We have a scarcity of industrially zoned • land remaining and that supports the tax base in town obviously. So,the scope of work is quite detailed and it was included in the application package that I provided you with but very quick summary. Looking at the remaining land in town which parcels are served by utilities, which could be served by utilities meaning water, sewer, gas, on good roadways, any barriers to development, and then large open meeting for the town to discuss those parcels and determine whether we want to move forward with perhaps zone changes on those parcels for future growth. And the second phase is to update our development handbook. Councilor Bitzas—Thank you Debbie. Vice President Calabrese—Does anyone else have any questions? I'll entertain a motion to come out of Committee as a Whole? Moved by Councilor Perry, seconded by Councilor Cavallo. Voice Vote to come out of Committee as a Whole please? Clerk—Voice Vote or Roll Call? • Vice President Calabrese—I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Roll Call vote to come out of • • Committee as a Whole. Thank you. • ROLL CALL—9 Yes, 2 Absent(Pres. Letellier and Counc. Rossi) Vice President Calabrese—Nine yes, two absent, we are now out of Committee as a Whole. Does anyone have any other questions, any discussion on the matter on the table, uh, pending? No? Clerk, please call the roll? • ROLL CALL—S Yes, 1 No, 2 Absent(Pres. Letellier and Counc. Rossi) Vice President Calabrese—Eight yes, one no,two absent, you've approved the matter. • 2. TR-2008-16 -A Resolution for Refunding Bonds in the Event Interest Rates Chance to a Level that Would Reduce the City's Interest Cost on Existin Debt. (Mayor)(2/2) (Two-thirds maiority vote of full council or 8 votes) (Referred to the Finance Committee) Vice President Calabrese—This is the second of two readings. Eight votes are required • to pass. Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Perry. Any discussion? Hearing none, will the Clerk please call the roll? ROLL CALL--9 Yes, 2 Absent(Pres. Letellier and Counc. Rossi) Vice President Calabrese—Nine yes,two absent, you've approved the item. 3. TR-2008-20 -A Resolution Regnestin the Mayor to Appropriate Funds for the Board of Appeals to Employ Outside Counsel for the Appeal of the Special Permit Granted to Six Flaes New Eneland.(Council) (Majority of those present and votinz) (Tabled 4/22/08) • Vice President Calabrese—Yes, Councilor Bitzas? Councilor Bitzas—Take it off the table and vote it down. SVice President Calabrese—I have a motion to remove the item from the table?... Councilor Bitzas—So moved. Vice President Calabrese— ...by Councilor Bitzas. Do I have a second? Seconded by • Councilor Young. We'll have a roll call vote to take the item off the table. ROLL CALL—7 Yes, 2 No (Counc. Perry and Rheault), 2 Absent(Pres. Letellier and Counc. Rossi) Vice President Calabrese—Seven yes, two no and two absent, the item is off the table. • What if the Council's pleasure? Councilor Bitzas— So moved. • • Vice President Calabrese—I have a motion by Councilor Bitzas to approve the matter? • Councilor Bitzas—Not to approve, to kill it. Vice President Calabrese—To, okay, so you want to move, okay. Councilor Rheault—It's got to be a positive motion. Vice President Calabrese—Thank you very much. I have a second by Councilor Young. A yes vote will be to approve the matter; a no vote will be to defeat the matter. Do we have any discussion on this item? Yes, Councilor Perry? Councilor Perry—Yes, as far as my knowledge goes,that this case has not been removed from the docket and our Board which we appoint and works specifically for our Council, has asked us to, for funding in case this case came up, I think we all know at this point in time that Six Flags is not moving forward with the project which this whole case has been based upon, but I would really recommend to the Council to leave this on the table until that case is dropped and then we can remove it and vote it off. That's just my recommendation at this point in time. I just don't feel it's appropriate until that's gone from the court's docket, I think we need to keep this here in case it is for whatever reason, needed. Thank you. • Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Bitzas? Councilor Bitzas—I respectfully disagree with Councilor Perry. I don't think we should leave on the table, I think we should vote it down. We don't need to have, spend, taxpayer's money for outside attorneys. We have a City Solicitor, a qualified lawyer, we have the Assistant Solicitor, a qualified lawyer, they can advise that Board of Appeals if they need it, if there is inevitably any action. And I think it's a waste of our time to be on the Agenda and a waste of taxpayer's money to ask for outside lawyers and you know how much we pay per hour and I don't think the Board of Appeals needs that. So I ask the Council to vote it down. • Vice President Calabrese—Any other discussion regarding the item? Councilor Rheault? Councilor Rheault—Yea. First of all, we if we take a history of what we spend on • outside legal counsel, this would be pennies. They're not spending anything; they're just asking for help from the Council IN CASE something developed. And I would think it would be incumbent upon the Council to leave it there to protect the Board of Appeals. At best, they would be looking for$2500.00 just to have in a kitty in case they did need another opinion. But I would not vote to defeat it, I would vote to move to keep it back on the table. • Vice President Calabrese—Do I have a motion? Oh yes, Councilor Mineo? • Councilor Mineo—I, 1 agree with Councilors Rheault and Perry, I think it just makes • sense. If it's still on the docket, it doesn't hurt to keep it on the table. We're not losing anything, we're not wasting tax payers' money, we're not doing anything here,we're just keeping it on the table until it comes off the docket. I think it just makes good common sense to just do something like that. Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Messick, you had your light on for the first time? Councilor Messick—Yea. As far as I'm seeing this is a very specific resolution for a very specific case and you know if that case is indeed going to be withdrawn from the docket, then I do think we should remove it from the item, but what we probably should • do is have a new resolution to create a fund as Councilor Rheault said, to put in the kitty, for the Board of Appeals in the case that our attorneys' interest somehow diverge from the town's interest. I don't see that happening. I don't think it will become necessary in the near future but I can see how that might be helping them have some piece of mind if you will. So I would actually put forward that we should vote this one down but bring forward a new resolution to create a fund for, you know, for that issue. • Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Young? Councilor Young—Well, again, I think in a professional setting I don't think, I think the advice of Councilors Perry and Rheault makes sense however; we are not in a • professional environment. In fact, I find the communication from the Chair of that Board we're speaking of pretty inept, unprofessional and unsuitable. So, my question before I could vote along with you would be how would this group understand what or if that case was off the books if it ever was or what goes on there? My recent experience with that Board, they seemed incapable of making decisions and moving forward. So I'm gonna vote against giving them any money until they prove to me that they know what to do with it. Thank you. Vice President Calabrese—Yes, Councilor Cavallo? Councilor Cavallo —Yes, I, I remember at the last meeting Dennis, you brought that out when I made the motion to vote for it and I think its, and I agree with Jill, but I think we should keep this on the table and then once this is resolved then we can come up with a new motion as you pointed out and we discussed that I think two weeks ago, to now create a fund for them. I've been to a couple of their meetings and I can understand how they're under the gun sometimes and there's some undue pressure you know put upon them. I think it's an important board and after all, we support them and we should be their ally here in whatever fight they're involved in, so I agree I think we should keep this on the table until it's finally resolved because maybe our City Solicitor through the Chair maybe you can possibly write them a letter, write him a letter, and ask what exactly has happened here, has it been resolved? And if it has fine and if not, then keep it on the table. • • Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Bitzas? • Councilor Bitzas— Yes. I don't understand why you want to keep it on the table. It's very clear here. It is a resolution requesting the Mayor to appropriate funds for the Board of Appeals to employ outside counsel for the appeal of the Special Permit granted, now if you keep this with the authority to the Mayor to appropriate funds, funds is taxpayer's money, extra money for something that we don't even need because we have a solicitor and we pay him. And an assistant solicitor that we pay, they're up there in the Mayor's office. Why don't they advise the Board of Appeals? Why are we wasting taxpayer's money for some—because the Board of Appeals wants it? Come on gentlemen. This is doesn't make any sense. And this is not to go no where. So I personally I respect your opinions to vote and keep on the table, but I vote against it cuz it doesn't make no sense. Even if they needed to be in the courts, the Board of Appeals, to ask advice from a lawyer, we do have two qualified lawyers, they work for the Mayor, we pay them with taxpayer's money, they should give advice to the Board of Appeals. No outside very expensive lawyers to pay for it. And we pay for it—I, you, and the people here—they pay for it. Thank you. Vice President Calabrese—Any one else wish to speak on the item? Councilor Rheault—Move to keep the item on the table. Vice President Calabrese—I have a motion to keep the item on the table. Moved by • Councilor Rheault, seconded by Councilor Mineo. Councilor Bitzas --Can I make a motion to kill it? Vice President Calabrese—Well, we have a motion to table. Motion is to table. We will do a roll call vote on the Motion to Table. ROLL CALL—5 Yes (Councilors Cavallo, Messick, Mineo, Perry, Rheault), 4 No (Councilors Bitzas, Calabrese, Simpson, Young), 2 Absent (Pres. Letellier and Counc. Rossi) • Vice President Calabrese—Five yes, four no and two absent,the matter is tabled. 4. TR-2008-21 -A Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Joseph F. Fitzpatrick, 142 Glendale Road,Agawam,MA.to the Agawam Housing Author Complete an Unexpired Term Expiring the Second Monday in January.2011. to C o o o � • (Mayor)(Majority of those present and voting) Vice President Calabrese—Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Messick. Any discussion? Councilor Rheault—Just a question. Do you know whose term Mr. Fitzpatrick is replacing? • Vice President Calabrese—I believe this is for Peggy Magovern's term. It is what I understand. • Councilor Rheault—Is it? Alright. Thank you. Vice President Calabrese—Clerk,please call the roll? • ROLL CALL—8 Yes, I No (Councilor Young), 2 Absent(Pres. Letellier and Counc. Rossi) Vice President Calabrese—Eight yes, one no, two absent, you've approved the appointment. • 5. TR-2008-22 -A Resolution Establishing a No Parking Zone on Westview Lane and Burlington Drive. (Mayor) fMaioritp ofthose Present and voting) (Referred to the Public Safety Commission) Vice President Calabrese—Do we have a report? • Councilor Perry—Yes we do Madam President. We met this evening at 7:00 here in these chambers. Present were myself and Committee member Donald Rheault. Obviously Councilor Rossi is not here this evening. We discussed this item. It's a Resolution to establish a no parking zone on Westview Lane and Burlington Drive. • These are two streets that are right opposite the baseball fields from Sacred Heart Church right off of Poplar Street. They're two streets and I actually went by tonight, there's activity at the fields and there is a lot of cars parked on those streets. So I can understand that the people that, the residents of these streets, would be a little upset with the parking there all summer long. It was voted 2-0 to send a positive recommendation to the full council to establish the no parking zones on these streets. Thank you. • Vice President Calabrese—Thank you Councilor Perry. Do we have any further discussion regarding the item? Seeing none, oh, I'm sorry Councilor Simpson, I couldn't see your light. • Councilor Simpson—Through the Chair to Councilor Perry, I just have a question with this one. Where we're saying that if I'm reading it correctly,that they'll be no parking at all, so does that mean though if you're a resident and you have a party and you need people parking in the street, you're not going to be able to? Is that also or is there something different where if you reside on the street, you can park in the street? • Councilor Perry—You know, that's a good question. It didn't come up when I read it to be honest with you. I know that we've created no parking zones on Hunt Street. Typically there's businesses there. What this really does establish is that if there is a complaint that the police now have the mechanisms to go in and enforce it. Could that pit • neighbor against neighbor? I guess it could so if you would like it reworded, then we could table it and I could come back in the next meeting with better verbage to it,that's not a problem Councilor Simpson. • Thank you, through the chair again to Councilor Perry,thank you. I just I know some • other times when we've done this sometimes it has been one side,not the other side and you know different things like that and I'm just thinking that chances are it wouldn't be a problem but especially this time of year people have a lot of parties, graduation parties, and you need to park in the street, and technically if there's no parking and someone did get upset,they could call. So I'm not sure if we just want to, I don't know if we want to open the can of worms or not but it's just something to think about. I don't know what we could do to actually reword it so that, unless we something like `resident parking only' or something like that. I'm not quite sure. Vice President Calabrese—Yes, I'm sorry, did you want to respond Councilor Perry? t Councilor Perry— Yes. I mean that's fine. We can do that. I mean we could always put certain day limits on it, time limits on it type thing. But that's fine, we can table it and come back with you know, I could talk to Jack Stone on that, and see like I say, these things are starting to come up more and more, so you know it's a good point that you • bring out and we can look at it. That's not a problem. Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Messick? Councilor Messick- I was just going to suggest, it does say only for the first 250 feet of both streets. Possibly we could must make that shorter because those lots have a good amount of frontage so if we shortened it to maybe 100 feet, I don't know how far done the cars are parking, I can really take a look at that cuz I drive by there all the time, but maybe just shortening that up would only affect the first house or the first couple houses and that might kind of take care of your concerns. Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Perry? Councilor Perry--Yea. Like I say, I mean if the Council would like to table this and I can look into it and take it up in the next meeting, that's not a problem. I have no problem with that. • Vice President Calabrese—I'll entertain a motion to table? Moved by Councilor Simpson, I have a second by Councilors Messick and Perry. We'll have a roll call vote on the Motion to Table. Clerk, please call the roll? ROLL CALL— 9 Yes, 2 Absent (Pres. Letellier and Counc. Rossi) Vice President Calabrese—Nine yes, two absent, the item is on the table. Item. 7, Report of Council Committees None. • Item 8. Elections • 1. TE-2008-3 -Election of two(2) members of the Community Preservation Act Committee,one being a Representative from the Conservation Commission and the other a Representative from the Planning Board,for a three- year term with an Expiration Date of April 30,2011._(Council)(Muior' o those entitled to vote) * Vice President Calabrese—Nominations are now open. Councilor Rheault? Councilor Rheault—Yes. For, can I nominate individually or how are we doing it? Vice President Calabrese—You can go ahead an give me the name of... i Councilor Rheault - ...representative from the Conservation Commission? Vice President Calabrese—Yes. Councilor Rheault—And the other is from Planning Board. I think we got a letter from Vi Baldwin? Vice President Calabrese—I believe we did. Councilor Rheault- Pardon? Vice President Calabrese—Yes. Councilor Rbeault—I'll nominate Vi Baldwin. • Vice President Calabrese—Okay. We have the name of Vi Baldwin placed in nomination. Councilor Cavallo? Councilor Cavallo—Yea. I believe I'll nominate Henry Kozloski from the Conservation Commission. i Vice President Calabrese—Okay. Councilor Simpson—Motion to Close. Vice President Calabrese—I have a motion to close nominations, seconded, okay. So we have the names of Vi Baldwin as the representative from Planning and the name of Henry Kozloski as the representative from Conservation Commission. When the Clerk calls your name,please state the names of the two individuals which you wish to vote for. Thank you. i Councilor Bitzas—Point of Information please? • Vice President Calabrese—Yes? Councilor Bitzas—I think those two names they came from, Mr. Kozloski and Ms. Baldwin, they are appointees, we have to approve them. They're appointed one from the Planning Board and the other for the CPA. So we have no other nominations to put forth to us because only these two names were approved so we're here to approve them, so there's no nominations open for us. Thank you. • Vice President Calabrese—My reading is that it's an election and I think all we need to do is just state the names of who we wish to have fill those two slots. Thank you. Please call the roll. • Clerk— So you're doing it both names together, you're not doing it individually? Vice President Calabrese—We can do both names together. Clerk—Whatever you want. Vice President Calabrese—Both names together. Thank you. ROLL CALL—9 Baldwin, 2 Absent(Pres. Letellier and Councilor Rossi) 9 Kozloski, 2 Absent (Pres. Letellier and Councilor Rossi) Vice President Calabrese--With a vote of nine each, you've both been elected to those terms. Thank you very much and congratulations. Item 9. Public Hearings • None. Item 10. Old Business 1. PH-2008-3 -Petition Requesting to Change to Zoning Code of all Future Residential Building Lots to be no less than one(1)acre,consisting of 43,560 square feet,with a 150 foot Frontage per Residential Building Lot. (Public Petition) (Referred to the Planning Board with their public hearing date of May 1,2008 and Council suggested public hearing date of May 19,2008.) Vice President Calabrese—Yes, Councilor Cavallo? Councilor Cavallo—Yes. Jill Messick and I attended that meeting and that was tabled by the Planning Board so that means that this date would be incorrect so I would think that two weeks hence from the date there would be, would you agree Jill,probably two weeks after that? For any further information? • Councilor Messick—The next Planning Board meeting is the 15th so that's still before our meeting so our date can stay the same. • ! Councilor Cavallo—It can stay the same? • Councilor Messick--I would think so yea. Councilor Cavallo - Okay I'm just you know, okay... Vice President Calabrese— Okay so we'll keep that as May 19"'. Councilor Cavallo— We will get the recommendation prior to the 190'in a packet or whatever? Okay. S 2. TO-2008-16 -Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Junk Dealer —Baki's Fine Jewelry,360 North Westfield Street#7,Feeding Hills,MA. (Clerk) (Majority of those present and voting) (Referred to the License Committee) Vice President Calabrese—Do we have a report? Oh,that's right Councilor Rossi is not here. Okay. We have a motion to approve that? Okay. Do I have a second? Okay. Clerk, please call the roll? ROLL CALL—9 Yes, 2 Absent(Pros. Letellier and Counc. Rossi) Vice President Calabrese—Nine yes, two absent, you've approved the item. ! 3. TO-2008-17 -Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Automatic Amusement Device(s)—Headquarters,485A Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA (Clerk) (Majority of those present and voting,) (Referred to the License Committee) Vice President Calabrese—Do I have a motion to approve that? Moved by Councilor ! Simpson, seconded by Councilor Cavallo. Any discussion? Clerk,please call the roll? ROLL CALL—9 Yes, 2 Absent(Pros. Letellier and Counc. Rossi) Vice President Calabrese—Nine yes, two absent, you've approved the item. 4. TO-2008-18 -Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Automatic Amusement Device(s)—Friendly's#1, 19 Springfield Street,Agawam,MA(Clerk) (Majority of those present and voting) (Referred to the License Committee) Vice President Calabrese—Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor • Cavallo. Any discussion? Clerk,please call the roll? ROLL CALL—9 Yes, 2 Absent(Pres. Letellier and Counc. Rossi) Vice President Calabrese—Nine yes, two absent, you've approved the item. • • Item ]]. New Business • 1. TO-2008-19 -Voucher List($347.50) (Majority of those present and voting) Vice President Calabrese—We need to see who placed it on the agenda please (Council office always places this on the agenda). Next agenda. 2. TR-2008-23 -A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of Ronald J. Hamel,52 Federal Avenue,Agawam,MA 01001 to the Agawam Veterans Council to a Term Expiring April 1,2010. (Mayor) (Majority of those present and voting) Vice President Calabrese—Next agenda. 3. TR-2008-24 -A Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Alice D. Smith 523 North Westfield Street Feedinff Hills MA. 01030 to the Historical Commission for a Term Expiring January 1,2011. (Mayor) (Majority of those present and voting) Vice President Calabrese—Next agenda. • 4. TR-2008-25 -A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of Frankie Mazzei,476 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA.01030 to the Veterans Council to a term Expiring April 1, 2010.(Mayor)Lffdoritp o those present and votira ) Vice President Calabrese—Next agenda. 5. TR-2008-26 -A Resolution Authorizing the Dedication of the New DPW Outdoor Break Area Located at the Agawam Municipal Annex Building (Councilors Calabrese,Letellier,Mineo and Perry)(Majority of those present and votin Vice President Calabrese—Next agenda. Item 12. AgX other matter that maV leaaffV come before the Citv Council • Vice President Calabrese—I will start to my right with Councilor Perry. Councilor Perry—Nothing this evening, Vice President Calabrese—Thank you. Councilor Messick? Councilor Messick—Yes I do have something tonight. 'I'd like to remind everyone that May I01h, this Saturday, is the Annual Mail Carriers Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. This is a wonderful thing that the letter carriers do. They're taking donations from fourteen towns. Last year they collected 235,000 pounds of food and the food pantries and the parish cupboard really, really need it this year. Bethany Food Pantry has seen an increase of more than double the number of families that they're assisting on a monthly basis. So if you can leave a bag of non-perishable items out by your mailbox, it's as simple as that. • r Your letter carrier will pick it up and people will get fed. Thank you. Vice President Calabrese—Thank you. Councilor Bitzas? Councilor Bitzas—Nothing this evening. Vice President Calabrese--Thank you. Councilor Young? • Councilor Young—Nothing, thanks. Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Simpson? • Councilor Simpson—Nothing tonight thank you. Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Mineo? Councilor Mineo—Nothing this evening. * Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Cavallo? Councilor Cavallo—Nothing this evening. Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Rheault? Councilor Rheault—Nothing this evening. Vice President Calabrese—Thank you. I have nothing either. P11 entertain a motion to adjourn? Moved by Councilor Bitzas, seconded by Councilor Mineo. All those in favor? Ay. We stand in adjournment. Thank you. Adjournment.