• October 20 , 2008
Vice President Calabrese—Welcome to the October 20c'meeting of the Agawam City
• Item 1. Citizen's Speak Time
Vice President Calabrese—Our first speaker this evening is Nicholas Baldyga. I will
remind each speaker to please come to the microphone, state your name and address and
you will have a total of five minutes to speak. Mr. Baldyga?
Nicholas Baldyga—Hello. My name is Nicholas Baldyga. I live at 135 Berkshire
Avenue in Southwick. I just wanted to say that I am speaking in favor of the
Morgan/Sullivan Bridge. I attended the informational hearing a while ago—and the state
was there and there was some issue to widen the bridge and the reconstruction of it. And
• I'd just like to say that I am very happy to see the Council's support and resolution in
favor of the reconstruction and widening of the Morgan/Sullivan Bridge. So thank you
so much and hopefully we'll see that done sooner than later. Thank you.
Vice President Calabrese—Thank you Mr. Baldyga. Mike DiLullo?
Mike DiLullo--Good evening. My name is Mike DiLullo, 948 Shoemaker Lane,
Feeding Hills. I've lived at 948 Shoemaker Lane for ten years now and my neighbors,
Tom Cass and his wife Julie are with me and they've lived next door to me for seven
years now. The reason we are here tonight is that there was a tragic accident that actually
0 occurred almost in my driveway and a woman died tragically so we've had, since the ten
years that I've lived there, we have had ten car accident either right in front of my house
or right in front of my neighbor's house. My mailbox has gotten taken out four times,
Tom's mailbox has been taken out three times and I just would like to talk to you guys. I
want to get something done. I have three little kids—7, 4 and 2 years old. Julie and Tom
• have three little kids—6, 4 and a newborn. So, it's a dangerous intersection. I really
shouldn't say intersection, it's a dangerous curve in the road and accidents have happened
at morning,noon and night. I've had to go out and pick my trash up from a 7:00 accident
and I've gotten waken up in the middle of the night cuz my power was out from a 2:00 in
the morning accident. My point is I don't think it really matters what time of the day it
is. I think it is just a road that is dangerous. I think the speed is too fast and my object
here is to, my goal is to try and slow the traffic down. How we do that, that's up for
debate and Mr. Perry just mentioned to me before I came up here that there's a few ways
to do and I just want to get the ball rolling more than anything else. Like I said I guess
that's my main object here is just to come up but I just want to stress that I do have three
little kids and no one wants to read in the paper of how a father walking his son to the bus
• stop that got run over by a speeding truck and everyday I walk to the bus stop and I hold
his hand and I see those cars zipping by me and everyday I get the mail, I'm one sneeze
away from someone taking me out. I don't know what I can do next but I would just like
to address it and someone, whoever, and I guess it's Mr. Perry, please let me know, I will
do whatever I can to, I don't know what the proper channel to go is, if you could I was
• just thinking about it, if we could put a stop sign at the end of Poplar, I think that cars
would have to slow down and then they would not be able to get up to the speed to cause
an accident like what just happened in front of my house. Thank you for your time and if
there are any questions or anything like that, I would love to answer them or if anyone
would please get a hold of me when the next committee meeting is or how to proceed, I
would appreciate it. Thank you for your time.
Vice President Calabrese—Thank you Mr. DiLullo.
Item 2. Roll Call
Vice President Calabrese—Will the Clerk please call the roll?
ROLL CALL—9 Present, 2 Absent(Councilors Letellier and Simpson)
Vice President Calabrese—Nine present and two absent, we have a quorum. Council
President Gina Letellier is still on maternity leave. Hi Gina. Take care of that baby!
And Jill Simpson is away with her family this evening.
Item 3. Moment of Silence and the Pled a ofAlleiance
• Vice President Calabrese—Please rise.
Item 4. Minutes
Vice President Calabrese—Thank you.
(a) Regular Council Meeting—October 6, 2008
Vice President Calabrese—Do I have a motion to approve those minutes? Moved by
Councilor Cavallo, seconded by Councilor Rossi. Any comments? Corrections?
Amendments? All those in favor of approving the minutes, please signify by saying Ay?
Any opposed? The minutes are approved.
Item S. Declaration from Council President
Item 6. Presentation of Petitions.Memorials&Remonstrances
(a) Resolutions
• 1. TR-2008-20 -A Resolution Requesting the Mayor to Appropriate Funds
for the Board of Appeals to Employ Outside Counsel for the Appeal of the Special
Permit Granted to Six Flags New England.(Council)(Tabled 1016I08) (Majority of
those present and voting)
Vice President Calabrese—What is the Council's pleasure? (Iaughter)
Councilor Rheault—Any change or progress?
Vice President Calabrese—I have gotten no update as far as change in progress, no
change in status. As far as I know that item is still pending within the courts. Yes,
Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi— Is there any way that we can take this off and if it should become a
problem in the future then we could simply put it back on again?
Vice President Calabrese—Yes.
Councilor Rossi—Then probably we'd need to vote to send this away or take it off the
Vice President Calabrese—Do I have a motion to take this item off the table?
Councilor Rossi—I'll make that move.
Councilor Bitzas—Second.
Vice President Calabrese—I have a motion from Councilors Rossi and Rheault to take
the item off the table and seconded by Councilor Bitzas. Will the Clerk please call the
roll? This is a motion to take the item off the table.
! ROLL CALL--7 Yes, 2 No Councilors Mineo and Per
ry),rry), 2 Absent(Councilors Letellier and
Vice President Calabrese—Seven yes, two no, two absent, we've taken the item off the
table. Any discussion? Yes, Councilor Rheault?
Councilor Rheault—I am prepared to make a different motion.
Vice President Calabrese—Do I have any discussion? Go ahead and make your motion
Councilor Rheault. Oh, yes, Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry—Thank you Madam President. This was put on our agenda number
one to, it was asked to be put on there by our Zoning Board of Appeals, a body that
represents and is appointed by this council and it was put on there one to protect them
because of this court case. This court case is still pending. We know how the court
i system moves sometimes. It's been on here for a long time, I'll agree with that, but with
no harm to anyone. To take this off and if this court case does come to fruition, it's going
to take putting it back on under New Business then two more weeks before we can vote
on it and have it on here for us so I do not see the harm in leaving in leaving this item
here as a protection to our board. They represent us and our community. So I really
• don't see how removing this, what good that's going to do other than putting us under the
gun in case this does come up in the court systems. Thank you.
Vice President Calabrese—Yes, Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo— I agree with everything that Dennis says. This has been on for a long
time and I agree too but it's not harming anything or anyone. We're looking to protect
the board. I just don't see any reason why we'd want to vote against this. I'll be
supporting to keep it tabled. Thank you.
Vice President Calabrese—Thank you. Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi—Yes, I agree and I believe that everybody here wants to support our
Board of Appeals. I don't think that that's a question here. This has been on here since
last May without any action being taken by this Council. Now either we're gonna take
• some action or we're not gonna take some action. But the ordinance that we have in front
of us is a blank check. We have no idea in fact of how much it's gonna cost, if it's gonna
cost us anything at all. Now we all know and I don't think any of you or any member of
this council that that they are indemnified up to a certain amount of money and lawyers
would be provided for them through our insurance policies with the town but if at some
point down the road where it's required for them to have legal services, we can actually
come back with an exact dollar amount and we could appropriate that money so by
rejecting this and corning back with a new one later one, we're not sacrificing or
compromising anything on this matter. So, in fact, I think we probably would be putting
it in a much better position by not sending this it's written out here and we
could put it more specifically as to what their needs might be. I don't think there's
• anybody here that's gonna be voting against that but I think probably it might be in the
best interest to just give way to something a little later on. At least that's my view.
Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas—Yes, Madam Vice Chair. I did write here two words and I showed
Councilor Young and I agree with Councilor Rossi—blank check. That's exactly what
this is and as Councilor Rossi said and I agree 100% in this economic climate we can't
afford to give this town's blank check to Board of Appeals. We lost a lot of money,
outside money, to law suits. If needed, they will come forward to us to ask us with any
amount so we know the amount. We do have a City Solicitor. The Board of Appeals
works for the town. The town pays the City Solicitor. This is this point. We don't
protect the Board of Appeals; they are already protected by law because this town has a
judicial branch which is the City Solicitor, why pay more money? They can do the the Board of Appeals, we have a new solicitor, two of them now and they're
both qualified, both of them, Chris Johnson and Scalfani, and they can protect the Board
of Appeals. Why you spend taxpayers' money? At this time now, we have a lot of
layoffs maybe, we have to sacrifice everybody, we have to cut some of this and in my
view we should cut something to give example to the others and I believe and I agree
with Councilor Rossi, that whole Council, the majority of the Council will support it.
• Take it off the agenda. It is embarrassing to have this item since May, tabled since May,
May, June, July, August, September, October, going into November. If they need,they
should come again on the agenda and we look into it. Not a blank check to the Board of
Appeals. Thank you.
Vice President Calabrese—Thank you. Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo—The only thing I would add, I would say is if you kept it on the table,
when an amount did come forward, you could always amend this. So that's my thought.
Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Cavallo?
Councilor Cavallo—Yea. I understand where Dennis is coming from and Joe is coming
from and I agree, I think that the Zoning Board of Appeals works for us but we're not
gonna leave them out on an island...okay? We're certainly gonna come to bat for them
because if they have to go to court we gonna make sure that we appropriate the amount of
funding that they need to fight whatever it may be that they have to fight. So I don't .
think it, they should not take this as any kind of a personal not vendetta, that's not a good
word, but take it personally that we're like abandoning them. We're not abandoning
okay? We're going to come to their support if it ever comes to fruition where they have
to go to court. We'll be there for them. I just want to get that message to them. Thank
Vice President Calabrese--Thank you. Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry—Yes, thank you Madam President. This has been on there for a while
• and I just want to make a couple comments in regards to what Councilor Bitzas'
statements were in regards to law suits and having to pay for those and things of that
nature. I'm curious as to what he meant by that in regards to the Zoning Board of
Appeals because that's, they requested of us to have this on our agenda and to vote on it.
We've tabled it because the court case has not moved. It's not an embarrassment to our
town. It's no embarrassment to this Council. If anything, we're showing that we're
standing behind them through this whole thing. In regards to taxpayers' money, we have
a City Solicitor to represent them. That's not free,that cost the taxpayers money. He
doesn't work for the town,okay? Everything he checks out for us costs us money and
costs the taxpayers money. So don't make it sound like it's not gonna cost us anything if
our City Solicitor represents our Zoning Board of Appeals in this court case if it comes to
a case. There is no harm in leaving this here and I just can't understand after all these
months that everybody is willing,to just toss it out there now. I just don't understand it.
Thank you.
0 Vice President Calabrese—Thank you. Yes, Councilor Rheault?
Councilor Rheault—Yes. I've listened to both sides of the discussion and I believe it
should remain on the table. So I entertain a motion to leave it there.
Vice President Calabrese—I have a motion to table.
Councilor Perry— Second.
Vice President Calabrese— Second by Councilor Perry. Clerk, please call the roll. This
will on a motion to leave the item,put it back on the table.
ROLL CALL—5 Yes (Councilors Messick, Minco, Perry, Rheault and Rossi), 4 No
(Councilors Bitzas, Calabrese, Cavallo and Young) and 2 Absent(Councilors Letellier
and Simpson)
Vice President Calabrese—With five yes, four no, two absent, you've tabled the item.
2. TR-2008-51 -A Resolution in Support of the Proposed Reconstruction
and Widening of the Morgan/Sullivan Bridge,Agawam,MA. (City Council)
• (Majority of those present and voting)
Vice President Calabrese—Yes, Councilor Rheault?
Councilor Rheault— I move the Resolution.
Vice President Calabrese— I have a motion made by Councilor Rheault, seconded by
Councilors Cavallo and Councilor Bitzas. Any discussion?
Councilor Rheault—Just one comment. I'm glad to see that the full Council has been
• added to the importance of the Resolution. I think that will carry some more weight.
Vice President Calabrese—I'm going to take this opportunity to read the full Resolution
into record.
WHEREAS, the Morgan/Sullivan Bridge is one of the most heavily traveled gateways into
• the Town of Agawam;and
WHEREAS, the bridge built in 1945 is currently classed as structurally and
functionally deficient by the Massachusetts Highway Department; and
WHEREAS, recent inspections of the bridge have found that the deck is in poor condition
and the superstructure and the substructure are in fair condition;and
WHEREAS, a 2008 justification study funded by the Town of Agawam and the Town of
West Springfield found that current traffic conditions result in a poor existing level of
service on the adjacent roadways, the traffic signals are old and not coordinated and
future growth will result in worsening congestion;and
WHEREAS, in order to rectify the current conditions the following improvements are
necessary. (1) replace all signals and include in a coordinated system; (2) reconstruct
the bridge; (3) widen the bridge by 12' to 14' to provide 5 travel lanes; (4) widen
Springfield Street from west of Walnut Street to Main Street; (5)widen Main and Suffield
Streets; and(6)widen Memorial Avenue southbound approach to River Street; and
WHEREAS, the Morgan/Sullivan Bridge Project will be presented to the Massachusetts
Highway Department's Project Review Committee on November 6, 2008;
supports all efforts to repair and widen the Margan/Sullivan Bridge and Springfield
. Street, Walnut Street, Suffield Street and Main Street as outlined in the Memorial Avenue
Bridge and Intersection Improvements study prepared by Purcell Associated and dated
April, 2008
Vice President Calabrese—Will the clerk please call the roll?
ROLL CALL—9 Yes, 0 No, 2 Absent(Councilors Letellier and Simpson)
Vice President Calabrese — With nine yes, two absent, you have approved the
Item 7. Report of Council Committees
Item 8. Elections
Item. 9. Public Hearin-gs
Item 10. Old Business
1. TOR-2008-2 -An Ordinance Amending Section 180-49 and Addling
Section 180-49A to the Code of the Town of Agawam Governing Height of Buildings
and Structures in Amusement Parks in the Business B Zone(Mayor) (2/3)(Referred
Jointly to the Zoning& Ordinance Committees) (213 Majority of the Full Council or
8 votes)
Vice President Calabrese—We have approved the first reading, what is the council's
pleasure with regard to the second reading?
Councilor Bitzas—Move to table.
Vice President Calabrese—I have a motion to table the second reading. Do I have a
second on the motion to table?
Councilor Rossi—I'll second it.
Vice President Calabrese—Motion to table seconded by Councilor Rossi. Will the
clerk please call the roll to table the item?
ROLL CALL—5 Yes (Councilors Bitzas, Calabrese, Cavallo, Messick and Rossi), 4 No
(Councilors Mineo, Perry, Rheault, Young), 2 Absent(Councilors Letellier and Simpson)
Vice President Calabrese—With a vote of five yes, four no and two absent, you've
tabled the second reading.
2. TOR-2008-3 -An Ordinance Amending Sections 180-15 and 180-16 and
Adding Section 180-15A to the Code of the Town of Agawam Governing
Enforcement and Penalties For Violating the Zoning Ordinances of the Town of
Agawam (Mayor)(Referred Jointly to the Zoning& Ordinance Committees) (2/3)
(213 Majority of the Full Council or 8 votes)
Vice President Calabrese—I believe we have approved the first reading; this would be
the second reading. Will the clerk please call the roll on the second reading?
ROLL CALL—6 Yes, 3 No (Councilors Cavallo, Rheault and Rossi) and 2 Absent
(Councilors Letellier and Simpson)
Vice President Calabrese—With six yes, three no and two absent, this required eight
votes. The second reading fails to pass,
3. TOR-2008-4 -An Ordinance Amending Article X II of the Code of
the Town of Agawam Governing Signs(Mayor) (Tabled 10/6/08)(1/3) (Referred
jointly to the Zoning& Ordinance Committees) (213 Majority of the Full Council or
8 votes)
• Vice President Calabrese—I have a motion to move the item from the table by
Councilor Rheault, seconded by Councilor Rossi. We need a vote to remove the item
from the table.
ROLL CALL—9 Yes, 0 No, 2 Absent(Councilors Letellier and Simpson)
Vice President Calabrese—With nine yes, two absent, you've moved the item from the
table. What is the council's pleasure? Yes, Councilor Rheault?
Councilor Rheault—Move the first reading.
Vice President Calabrese—Move the first reading, second by Councilor Perry. Do I
have a report from the Ordinance Committee?
Councilor Rheault—Yes. The Ordinance Committee met prior to this evening's Council
meeting and present were myself as chair, Councilor Calabrese and Councilor Cavallo. I didn't
• forget you Paul. Councilor Mineo was also in attendance and Councilor Bitzas,well actually he
didn't stay,but he showed up later...went to the Committee, sub paragraph D a definition in the
area and 180-75 to clarify how to compute the area of back to back signs and the change about
the temporary sign 180-84A from 32 square feet to 12 square feet. After discussion,it was
agreed upon by the committee that there's one section that we would like to amend out of there,
bear with me for one second, and that's Section 180-84 temporary signs, the second sentence `the
fee for said permit shall be $25.00'. We believe that should be removed and there should be no
fee charged. Application for a sign is certainly...but we're gonna remove the,we're gonna ask
the Council to support the removal of the fee for said permit of$25.00. Everything else is in
compliance as far as sign ordinance and any other comment from the Council?
• Vice President Calabrese—Yes, Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas—Yes, to clarify for the record that Councilor Rheault made a mistake.
I was not in your committee today. I was at the other committee with the budget so I'm
very sorry that you weren't right.
Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi— So we have a motion to amend?
Councilor Rheault—We have to have any other discussion first.
Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo—I just wanted to say I'm gonna support it. I listened in for a little bit
of the meeting and I had thought dropping the fee was a good idea.
Vice President Calabrese— Councilor Cavallo?
Councilor Cavallo—Yea, as a member of the Committee, I strongly support that fee
waiver because I think we have to support business and to nickel and dime with a$25 fee
• to me it's not right and they're here, they pay more taxes than a homeowner pays and I
think this is the way to go.
Vice President Calabrese—Thank you. Councilor Bitzas?
• Councilor Bitzas—Yes. I'm not a member of the ordinance committee but a member of
the zoning committee and I do support and I believe we pay enough taxes; we pay
enough fees, so it should be taken off, Mr. Rheault.
Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Rheault?
Councilor Rheault—Okay. The committee recommended 3-0 to eliminate that so I'll
make a motion that we amend 180-84 the second line the fee for said permit should be
$25.00 strike that from the ordinance.
/ Vice President Calabrese—Thank you. I have a motion to amend, seconded by
Councilor Rossi. This vote is just on the amendment, will the clerk please call the roll?
Just so you understand Section 180-84 second line, we are striking the $25 fee.
ROLL CALL—9 Yes, 0 No, 2 Absent (Councilors Letellier and Simpson)
Vice President Calabrese—Nine yes, two absent, you've approved the amendment. We
will now, any further discussion before we take the final vote? We are now voting on the
ordinance as amended; will the clerk please call the roll?
40 Councilor Rheault—This will be the first reading.
Vice President Calabrese—Yes.
ROLL CALL—9 Yes, 0 No, 2 Absent(Councilors Letellier and Simpson)
Vice President Calabrese—With nine yes, two absent, you've approved the first
Councilor Rheault—As amended.
Vice President Calabrese—As amended, yes.
4. TO-2008-40 - Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for
Automatic Amusement Device(s)—Fun Farms, LLC d/bla The Sand Trap, 1399
Suffield Street, Agawam,MA. (Clerk)(Referred to the License Committee)
(Majority of those present and voting)
Vice President Calabrese—Do we have a report?
Councilor Rossi—Yes. I met with my other member Councilor Cavallo and I did
i receive a fax from Councilor Simpson who was gonna be away. All the paperwork
seems to be in order and we're both in agreement,both Cavallo and myself, that the
paperwork is in order and the positive recommendation is in order.
Vice President Calabrese--Thank you. Any further discussion on this item? Seeing no
i one, will the clerk please call the roll?
ROLL CALL—9 Yes, 0 No, 2 Absent(Councilor Letellier and Simpson)
Vice President Calabrese—With nine yes, two absent, you've approved the Order.
5. TO-2008-43 - (ZC-2008-4)Public Hearing Date of November 5,2008 for
Zone Change for the Property known as 475 Pine Street,Feeding Hills,Ma., and the
Grace Baptist Church Petitioning the Town of Agawam to Change the Current
Zone from Agricultural to Residential B to Allow for the Occupation and Utilization
of the Property by a Masonic Lodge for the Purposes consistent with their
Organizational Activities and By-laws.(Council)(Referred to the Zoning Review
Committee) (213 Majority vote of Full Council—8 votes for a Zone Change)
Vice President Calabrese—We've established a public hearing date of November 5"'for
that item so that matter will come up at our next meeting.
• Councilor Cavallo—Point of information through the chair. I was wondering if you
could possibly check for me through the City Solicitor if there's been clear title on this
Vice President Calabrese—Thank you.
Councilor Cavallo—Okay? Could I have an answer for the entire Council before the
public hearing which will be in two weeks?
Vice President Calabrese—Thank you. I'll make sure that's done. Councilor Messick?
Councilor Messick—I can actually give some information at this point.
Vice President Calabrese—We're not actually having a discussion at this point. Thank
• 6. TO-2008-44 - CLASS II LICENSE for renewal— Agawam Auto Mall,
Inc.,825 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA(Clerk) (Referred to the License
Committee) (Majority of those present and voting)
Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi—Yes, again, both Councilor Cavallo and myself met and all the
paperwork is in order on all of these items TO-2008-44 through -50 and it was again
recommended for positive action from the Council be taken. I checked all the
delinquency records, there is none; all of the other permitting and requirements have been
submitted. And if the Council so pleases, we can take them in one vote if you'd like and
I would just read them respectively as TO-2008-44 would be Agawam Auto Mall, -45
would be Falcor Auto Sales, -46 would be Joe's Truck Repair, -47 would be Langonet, -
48 would be Parrotta's Auto Service, -49 would be E. Wayne Smith Used Car Sales, and
-50 would be Frank V. Palange, d/b/a V &F Auto. So that would be a recommendation
from the committee to approve all of those.
Vice President Calabrese—Thank you. Do I have any objection from the City Council
to approve all of those with one vote? Okay. We are gonna go ahead and take a vote on
Items#TO-200844, -45, -46, -47, -49, -49 and-50. Will the clerk please call the roll?
• ROLL CALL—9 Yes, 0 No, 2 Absent(Councilor Letellier and Simpson)
Vice President Calabrese—With nine yes, two absent, you have approved all of those
Class II licenses for renewal.
7. TO-2008-45 -CLASS H LICENSE for renewal— Falcor Auto Sales,
Inc.,373 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills, MA(Clerk) (Referred to the License
Committee) (Majority of those present and voting)
(See Item 6)
8. TO-2008-46 -CLASS H LICENSE for renewal— Joseph J. Polys d/b/a
Joe's Truck Repair,97 Ramah Circle South,Agawam,MA(Clerk)(Referred to the
S License Committee) (Majority of those present and voting)
(See Item 6)
9. TO-2008-47 - CLASS II LICENSE for renewal— Langonet,Inc,61
Ramah Circle South,Agawam,MA(Clerk) (Referred to the License Committee)
(Majority of those present and voting)
(See Item 6)
10. TO-2008-48 -CLASS II LICENSE for renewal— Parrotta's Auto
Service,Inc.,357 Main Street,Agawam,MA (Clerk) (Referred to the License
Committee) (Majority of those present and voting)
(See Item 6)
11. TO-2008-49 -CLASS 11 LICENSE for renewal—E. Wayne Smith
Used Car Sales, 1016 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA(Clerk) (Referred to the
License Committee) (Majority of those present and voting)
(See Item 6)
12. TO-2008-50 -CLASS II LICENSE for renewal—Frank V. Palange d/b/a
V&F Auto,7 Harding Street,Agawam,MA(Clerk) (Referred to the License
Committee) (Majority of those present and voting)
(See Item 6)
Item 11. New Business
Item 12. An other matter that may leally come before the City Council
Vice President Calabrese—I will begin my councilors to my left. Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo—Nothing this evening.
Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Cavallo?
Councilor Cavallo—Yes, I know I think we meet after the election day so I urge
everybody out in the audience don't forget to vote on November 4 h.
Vice President Calabrese—Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi—Yes, I just want to remind those members of the Personnel Sub-
committee that there will be a meeting next Tuesday evening at the library at 6:30 and
Barbara will be sending out notices for that.
Vice President Calabrese—Thank you. Councilor Rheault?
Councilor Rheault—Nothing this evening.
Vice President Calabrese—Thank you. Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry—Yes, thank you Madam President. Just real quick. I know we had a
speaker this evening, Mr. DiLullo, in regards to the safety issue on Shoemaker Lane. I do
want to let the Council know I will be calling a Traffic Safety Committee meeting and a
couple other issues that come up. I also had another issue and I'll be talking with the
Industrial Relationship Committee which is Jill and Bob Young in regards to an issue
with Easthampton Savings Bank. Debbie Dachos brought it to my attention so I'll be
calling a meeting within a week or so. I'll talk to them and get a date for you on that. So,
that's all I have. Thank you.
Vice President Calabrese—Thank you. Councilor Messick?
Councilor Messick—Yes, in regards to the zone change request for the Grace Baptist
Church, I will be calling a zoning Review Committee meeting to deal with the issue the
• Mr. Cavallo has raised. And also thank you very much to all the citizens, everyone who
turned out and all the kids who were at School Street Park and at the Harvest Festival. It
was a gorgeous day. The barn was open. The kids were playing. People were playing
bocci. It was just, after having been out there in the middle of winter in freezing cold
rain, looking at those swales all winter long, it was really hard to imagine how it would
look. Last Saturday, this past Saturday. And it was just so great. It was wonderful. So
thank you everyone who came out.
Vice President Calabrese—Thank you. Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas—Yes, I did go to seethe park. It's a jewel. Jewel for the town and
thanks to all citizens for the 1% surcharge for the CPA and the Council and their support
for it, we voted for the money and CPA recommended it to us. We had a beautiful,
beautiful park. As I said I went today and there was so many people there. We are very,
very happy. By the way, all the swings were full so about fifteen, sixteen bikes there
• parking, parents, grandparents with children. It was a nice,nice thing to see and we
should all be proud of it. All of Agawam should be proud of it because that their money
at work. The other thing is this morning, Morning Club, Coffee Club, I'm not there every
morning but I go a lot of times there and one of the people they asked a question to me
because they say a questionnaire about the barn and they tried to put me on the spot on
• how I'm standing for the barn. So, I'd like to tell them I'd like to see the barn to stay as it
is and try to have some money to preserve as it is because I don't see half a million
dollars to go down there for things...and I asked him I said why didn't you tell me, or
listen to me,how you stand—the ten of you—I said we agree with you and we'd like the
barn to stay that way and they raised their hands so I urge the people to fill out the
• questionnaire and tell the mayor how they feel...but this councilor here I believe it is a
beautiful barn and I believe the barn should stay historic like it is because if we change it,
we put air conditipning there, we put bathrooms, you put a fence, it's not to be a barn
anymore. There's historic significance and we should leave it historic, the young kids
should go and see the way it was two hundred years ago or 150 or however old the barn
is. So I would like it to say and preserve the way it is today so it would really be a
historic structure. If we would change it...inside it would be so different, it's not worth it
and wouldn't be worth anything. So I hope the Mayor listens to me and I hope in these
economic times should put the brakes to it. Thank you.
Vice President Calabrese—Thank you. Councilor Young?
Councilor Young—Yes, quickly, there was a memo on the table this evening from Gina
I think on the submission on the step increase. Do we have any other information on
! Vice President Calabrese—I believe that issue has been resolved but—
Councilor Rossi—Through the chair?
Vice President Calabrese--Go ahead.
Councilor Rossi—If I may, that will be in part of what we'll be discussing at the
Personnel meeting so if you'd like to attend, we can fill you in with all the information
that we have concerning that.
! Councilor Young— So this is, this I believe this is the item that was approved at the
Finance meeting last, a couple few weeks ago, and it went to the council to approve
supposing that they had the amount right.
Councilor Rossi—It had nothing to do with the amount actually. What is was is and yes,
• you're right, we did appropriate the money and we did approve to appropriate the money.
There was a question however as to whether it was supposed or how it was set out. And
it is our Auditor's job as you know to make a determination based on the laws and
information that she has available as to whether or not that expenditure is proper. Well,
in her determination as she interpreted what was in front of her, the information that was
in front of her, the one step in her view was appropriate but apparently the law
department said because it wasn't specifically set up that they couldn't do it, apparently
the law department's position that they were going to do it and that became a
grievancable item under the contract's with the clerical union so I guess that that was the
way that decision was made, that they're gonna go ahead and if there's any kind of a
• battle, it would have to be through the union—a grievance procedure—I guess that's their
route that the administration chose to take on this. But we'll discuss it in greater detail at
the personnel meeting.
Vice President Calabrese—Yes, Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo—Yes, could I just mention one thing? Dennis, I believe the next
Traffic&Safety Committee meeting, could you ask to put on the agenda, speed signs for
Silver Street, cuz there's no speed signs and I've had some complaints. There are no
speed limit signs and I have hid some complaints from neighbors that live on Silver
! Street.
Vice President Calabrese—Thank you. And with what Councilor Cavallo just said
please remember that November 4th is Election Day. Please go and be a part of the
process and exercise that right to vote. And the next City Council meeting will be the
• following day, November 5`". I will now entertain a motion to adjourn. All in favor?
Okay. We are adjourned. Thank you.