• September 2I 2009
President Letellier—Good evening and welcome to the Regular City Council meeting
for Monday, September 21, 2009.
• Item Y. Citizen's Sneak Time
President Letellier—We have two speakers this evening. Our first is Alan Griffin. A
reminder that you have to come to the microphone, state your name and the topic.
Neither of you have signed up so you have to say what you're speaking on. Thank you.
• Mr. Griffin?
Alan Griffin—Ah, how ya doing folks. My name is Alan Griffin. I live at 104 North
Street in Agawam, you know and there's been a lot of things that people's called me on
councilors and different things and so forth. You know there's certain councilors that's
0 really bad in here and there's gonna be heck to pay down here. You know it's gonna be
right after the things there, you'll see what's goes on and so forth but there's gonna be a
lot of problems here and I'm just telling you people that so you know it. Nothing against
the good councilors in here. I have nothing at all against the good councilors but there's
certain councilors in here that's been pretty bad, screwing up really big time and certain
• councilors getting certain things and they've already been into the feds so that's all I just
wanted to say so thank you very much. Have a nice day.
President Letellier—Thank you six. Our next speaker is Peter Boadry.
• Peter Boadry—Hi my name is Peter Boadry and I live at 188 Line Street and I have a
few issues. First off that drawing for the mayor thing was rigged and four out of seven
mayors agreed to it and we want to redraw those numbers, okay? And then there's that
CPA issue that I thought was tonight and I guess it's not but I'll mention that I helped the
man get his signatures and he's got over 2000 votes now so I'm hoping that goes on the
ballot for the voters to vote for this and I didn't do that as a political poll or anything like
• that. I did it as a citizen of this town and I also feel that there's too many committees and
they have too much power because they're gonna fine you for this and that and the other
thing and that's not right either and I also believe that you people are against the elderly
and the disabled because his land is both agricultural and residential and he should be
able to keep his goats for his wife because she is disabled and she needs that milk to
• survive and say if she dies or something because she doesn't have that milk then you're
all guilty of murder in the first degree as far as I'm concerned. Thank you.
President Letellier—Thank you.
• Item 2. Roll Call
President Letellier—Thank you. With eleven present, we have a full quorum.
Item 3. Moment 9LSilence and the Pledge of Allegiance
President Letellier—Could you please rise for a moment of silence and the pledge of
Item 4. Minutes
President Letellier—T
(a) Regular Council Meeting—September 8, 2009
President Letellier—Moved by Councilor Cavallo, seconded by Councilor Perry. Any
discussion, amendments or corrections? No? Barbara, could you call the roll?
President Letellier—Thank you.
Item S. Declaration from Council President
President Letellier—Thank you. I do have one item. As you've all noticed we have no
New Business on the Agenda for the next meeting. I have spoken to the Mayor to see if
we would be having the tax factor for the next meeting and I don't believe that we will. I
did ask her specifically to make sure that we don't get it on a Thursday with no figure and
then have Monday, get the information and she promises that she'd give it to us as soon
as she could with the back up. Because I indicated that we would not be able to vote for
it if the information came on the same night and I'm not saying she will. I'm just saying
that we've had that conversation. So in terms of next meeting if items come in that need
to be referred to committees or what have you, we will have a meeting and do whatever
we need to do to refer things, if nothing comes in of any needs to be reviewed by a sub-
committee but does need to go from New to Old, I may in fact just schedule a meeting
ahead of time so that can perfunctually move things from New to Old so that we can have
discussions and do what we need to do. I will let people know obviously well in advance
how we're gonna handle it but as of now, absent anything new coming in that needs a
meeting or a sub-committee, we won't be having a meeting. Reminder that if we do, it's
on the Wednesday because the Mayoral Primary is the Tuesday, so instead of it being
Monday, it would be Wednesday and that's what I have under Declarations from Council
Councilor Perry--Point of privilege, Madam President?
• President Letellier—Certainly, yes?
Councilor Perry—We skipped over Line Item 4—Minutes.
President Letellier— You're right. We did. Thank you Councilor Perry.
Item 6. Presentation oj'Petitions, Memorials & Remonstrances
1. TR-2009-37 -A Resolution Discontinuing the Public Way over a Certain
Strip of Land on Main Street(Mayor) (Referred to Public Safety
S Committee) (Majority of those present and voting)
President Letellier--May I have a motion please? Moved by Councilor Simpson,
seconded by Councilors Cavallo, Rossi and Rheault and Bitzas. Any discussion? No?
All right, seeing none, Barbara, could you call the roll?
President Letellier— With eleven yes, :lou've unanimously passed the resolution.
• 2. TR-2009-38 -A Resolution Regarding the Extension of KENO To Go
(Southbridge Conveniencc,Store, 1 South Bridge Road,Agawam,MA
01001) (Council) (Referred to License Committee) (Majority of those present
and voting)
President Letellier—Do we have a motion? Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by
• Councilor Rossi. I know there is a License Committee report. Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi—Yes, thank you. The License Committee did meet on this issue and
it's come to our attention that this license that they're asking for there' some, it's up in
the air right now as to actually who does own this store and it's in the process of being
• sold. This is all understanding I mean I'm not speaking as someone who knows,just
from information that we've been able to pick up. I did receive a letter from the
Licensing Authority saying that the license was pledged to BankNorth apparently there's
lien on the property to the tune of$150,000.00 and the bank has got a lien on it including
the license and that the owner is in the p:i-ocess of selling. Now it's my understanding the
r KENO committee, the Lottery Commission just sends these applications out I guess at
random and people respond who have KENO To Go if in fact they want to have a
monitor. So the suggestion was from the committee that we at least table this for now,
send a letter to the Lottery Commission that we object to the issuance of a monitor at that
location until such time as the ownership can be straightened out and we can intelligently
make a decision as to where and when and what are the conditions this Council feels fit
on making. So the recommendation would be to table, send a letter objecting and hold
that monitoring from the State.
President Letellier—Thank you. Do w,have any discussion before we have a second
or do we have a second? Seconded by Councilor Simpson. All right so we have no
discussion on a motion to table. So it's a two part motion, the first is to table and then to
send a letter to the Lottery Commission {objecting to the extension until the ownership is
straightened out. Okay. That's the motion. A yes vote would be to do those two steps.
Barbara, could you call the roll?
President Letellier—Thank you.
Item 7. Report of Council Committees
Item 8. Elections
Item 9. Public Hearings
Item 10. Old Business
1. TO-2009-30 - Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
Amusement Device(s)—Main Street Still,Inc., 1813 Main Street,Agawam,
MA. (Clerk)(Referred to License Committee) (Majority of those present and
President LeteIlier—Do we have a motion? Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by
Councilor Rossi. Do we have a License Committee report?
Councilor Rossi—Yes we do. The Committee met and unanimously agreed to send a
positive recommendation to the Full Council that the License be renewed.
President Letellier—Thank you. Any discussion? No? Barbara, could you call the
President Letellier--With eleven yes, you've unanimously passed the license for Main
Street Still,
2. TO-2009-31 - Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a Junk
Dealer—Baki's Fine Jewelry,360 North Westfield Street,#7,Feeding Hills,
MA. 01030 (Clerk) (Referred to License Committee) (Majority of those
present and voting)
President Letellier—Do we have a motion? Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by
Councilor Rossi. May we have the License report?
Councilor Rossi —Yes. Again,the Committee did meet on this license and unanimously
agreed to send a positive recommendation to the Full Council for renewal.
President Letellier—Thank you. Any discussion or questions? No? Barbara, could you
call the roll?
President Letellier— With eleven yes, you've given Baki's Jeweler his Junk Dealer
Item II. New Business
President Letellier—We have no New Business. We've discussed what will happen and
we will make sure that we keep the press apprised of what's going on. We'll have it
posted in the Council Office and in the City Clerk's Office but you can certainly call the
Council Office. Our ext. is 233. So it's 786-0400 x 233.
Item 12. Any other matter that may leeally come before the City Council.
President Letellier—We'll start with Councilor Simpson.
Councilor Simpson-- I have nothing tonight. Thank you.
President Letellier—Thank you. Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo—Nothing tonight.
President Letellier—Thank you. Councilor Cavallo?
Councilor Cavallo—Nothing tonight.
i President Letellier—Thank you. Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi-- Yes. I do have one small, Iittle item that I would like the
Administrative Assistant to send a letter to the Dairy Mart Store at the corner of North
and North Westfield Streets. I do not know the name of the store. I don't have it in front
of me here. It was an item that was taken up several weeks ago where this Council issued
i a License under the condition that that person would remove tables and install counters
with chairs and to this date, he has not done that. It was the agreement, unanimous
agreement, of the sub-committee to send a letter to that person to bring him in to show
cause why he hasn't maintained the conditions as set forth and if he refuses to do so then
we'll take further action if this Council deems fit to send a letter to the State asking them
to revoke based on the conditions that were agreed upon. So that's what the Committee
would like to have happen and I don't know if you want to just order a directive as the
Council President to have the letter sent or whatever—
President Letellier—Yes, have the letter sent. I'm sure you must have some committee
meeting notes that you can either give her or help her with the context but go ahead
Barbara, you can get that sent out right away.
Councilor Rossi—Okay, thank you.
President Letellier—Thank you. Councilor Rheault?
Councilor Rheault—Yes, I was just wondering, does anybody know, there was some
discussion that the debate would be re-televised at some point and I've had some
! inquiries regarding it?
President Letellier—Wait. We have cable volunteers right here. You don't know or it's
not going to be? Barbara knowT Oh, Barbara knows.
! Clerk—It's, Mr. Albro said it was either Wednesday or Thursday. As of yesterday he
hadn't said which day so I can call tomorrow to see which day he finally decided on and
let everyone know.
President Letellier—And the time as well.
Clerk- Yea. I believe it's the same time but I'll find out.
President Letellier—Thank you.
! Councilor Rheault—Thanks.
President Letellier—All set. Okay, thank you. Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry—Nothing this evening.
President Letellier—Thank you. Councilor Messick?
Councilor Messick--Nothing this evening.
President Letellier--Thank you. Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas—Yes, I don't know if you know but we just found out that Barbara our
Administrative Assistant, today is her anniversary and we wish you a happy anniversary
and we adjourn early so you can go watch your son's hockey game, Barbara.
President Letellier—Thank you. Councilor Young?
Councilor Young—Nothing.
President Letellier—Councilor Calabrese?
Councilor Calabrese --It's our wedding anniversary as well. Happy Anniversary
honey! Twenty-four years of wedded bliss.
President Letellier—Thank you. I guess that's it. Have a safe few weeks. Oh,
Councilor Mineo has his light on.
Councilor Mineo —I'm sorry. Could I just mention one thing?
President Letellier— You absolutely can.
Councilor Mineo —Dennis, could you check on the speed posting signs on Silver Street?
They still have not posted them signs and we looked at the I mean months and months
ago. I believe it was back in the spring and still nothing. I did speak with the Town
Engineer a few months ago and we haven't received anything back from the state but
* maybe if there's something you can do so we can get the—I'm still getting complaints
from the folks that live over on Silver Street so I'd appreciate anything you could do.
Councilor Perry— Yup, not a problem Joe. It did come in our sub-committee meeting
last week. Councilor Bitzas brought it up and I am looking into it and they should be
posted shortly. Thank you.
Councilor Mineo —Okay, thank you.
President Letellier—Just a reminder that the Mayoral Primary is Tuesday, October the
6 h. Please vote. I won't say early and often,just please vote and thank you everybody.
Have a good few weeks. Do we have a motion to adjourn? All in favor? Opposed?
Thank you very much.