• February 1, 2010
President Rheault—Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the February 1"
meeting of the Agawam City Council.
Item 1. Citizen's Speak Time
President Rheault—We have a few citizens wishing to address the Council this evening
and to remind them you have up to five minutes. State your name and address for the
record if you would please and the first speaker we have is Allen Griffin who is speaking
• on the subject of the town.
Alan Griffin—Hi. My name is Alan Griffin. I'm at 104 North Street in Agawam,right.
I just want to ask you some questions and so forth and I'm gonna ask the Council right
and right out some questions that I heard and so forth. I had goats over in Agawam. I am
• on farm land. You can check my land out and so forth. That is considered as farm land.
Well,you know, I understand that you know you guys wanted my goats out of there.
Somebody who has a lot of pull on the Council went and talked to some certain judges.
I'm not gonna mention the guy's name or nothing but I am very,very upset about that.
You know that's something wrong. If you have a problem with my goats and so forth,
come and talk to me. I'm not a hard person to get along with. Don't do stuff behind my
back because I don't like being stabbed, you know? I think that's pretty darn wrong, you
know and so forth and I know which Councilman it is but I ain't gonna say anything
because I was told by the other councilors, you know and I am very upset about that,you
know? So if you have a problem,come and talk to me and I hope you guys understand
• that because my goats ain't hurting nobody and I do have my goats back there again and I
don't want to hear no more bull crap about it because I do have a medical letter from a
doctor that's stating my wife needs that goat's milk and all that stuff. You can't go out
and buy it. You can go out and buy these little quart cans for$4.99. My wife drinks a
gallon of milk and I don't want to hear the problems. I don't want to hear the baloney
• that I went through already last time. You know all about it. That is definitely wrong to
pick on somebody with goats. You know my wife is legitimate handicapped and I want
you to know that. You know something's gotta stop right here,you know and so forth
cuz I have a neighbor that's bitchin about my goats saying they stunk, Gary Croteau,he's
got a dog right up on his deck shitting all over the deck and he's throwing dog crap right
over on my side. You don't think that stinks? You come on over. One of you councilors
9 come on over. I'd love to have you come over and look at it. My goats don't stink
because I clean my pens. I kept them clean. I even have a letter from the veterinarian. I
have letters from doctors stating that my wife has to have this goat's milk. Now if you're
gonna keep pushing the issue and taking goats away, I'm gonna push the issue right back
to the town. I will own this town. I don't want to go through all this aggravation and
• there's no need for that. Do you understand that? Now, I'm telling you—lay off! Leave
me alone! Don't bother me and my goats! All right? My goats ain't hurting nobody.
It's not bringing the value down on the land and it is farm land. I'm right back on the
0 1
farm land and I do have farm land and I got a letter from the town—I went around to
different towns, seeing what towns allows goats. Well, Ludlow allows goats. Westfield
• allows goats, even West Springfield allows goats and I have letters from the towns,the
building departments and all that stuff. Well, my wife is a handicap and she is terminally
ill, she has colitis and goat's milk helps settle the colitis. You know, by you coming over
and taking the goat's milk away, you're creating a nuisance problem and that is wrong
and I don't appreciate that. Do you understand me? I want this bull crap knocked off
and stopped! Okay? Do you understand me? I hope it quits right here cuz I don't want
to here no more baloney about this. You know cuz my goats ain't hurtin nobody. People
are allowed to have dogs that go over and piss and shit and and piss in my bushes,you
know that's wrong.
President Rheault—Excuse me. Excuse me. Mr. Griffin please stop with the language
Councilor Simpson—Please stop with the language please.
• Clerk—One minute please.
Alan Griffin—I'm sorry. Well, I'm just telling you the way it is. You know,if you
want to have my goats checked you can have my goats checked. They've had all the
tetanus shots,they have everything, they're right up the pond,they do not smell. All
• right? That's all I'm saying. Thank you very much. Have a nice day.
President Rheault—James Marmo?
James Marmo—James Marmo,65 Kellogg Avenue,Feeding Hills. I'm here tonight to
talk about the Board of Appeals,the alternate member and I'm here to recommend
• Richard Maggi. I think he'd do an excellent job on the Board. First of all,he's an
attorney and I think that any time we had any problems or any appeals, instead of going
to court, I think we can handle it outside and I think that he's very knowledgeable about
the Board of Appeals and I think he would do an excellent job. I really recommend that
you people vote for Richard. Thank you.
President Rheault—Thank you. The final speaker is Paul Wakem.
Paul Wakem—Good evening Council President, Councilors and citizens of Agawam.
This is my third time applying for the Board of Appeals and I have the background. I
wish to give back to the Town of Agawam that I've now claimed as home and you have
my resume on file and I'd just like your consideration. I'm not going away. I'll be back
here for any opening where I can help with the town in any capacity that I have,that I
think I have the expertise in. So with that,thank you very much and thank you for your
consideration. Have a nice evening.
President Rheault--Thank you.
i 2
Item Z Roll Call
• President Rheault—Clerk,please call the roll?
ROLL CALL—10 PRESENT, i ABSENT (Councilor Letellier)
President Rheault—With ten present, one absent, we have a quorum. Councilor
• Letellier phoned. She is still being bothered by strep throat and bronchitis and will not be
in attendance this evening.
Item 3. Moment of Silence and the Pledge ofAllegiance
President Rheault—Please rise for a moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance.
Item 4. Minutes
(a) Regular Council Meeting—January 20,2010
President Rheault—Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Perry, any
questions or additions? Voice vote is sufficient. All those in favor? Opposed?
Item 5. Declaration from Council President
President Rheault—I have just a brief announcement. Last week, we attended or the
majority of us attended the program on drug abuse which was outstanding, standing room
only in the auditorium,viewed on the television and several people have asked as to
when the rebroadcast will be. The dates are as follows—Wednesday, February 10''
• through Sunday, February 14"' at 7:00pm and again the following week on Wednesday,
February 17d'through Sunday, February 21"at 7:00pm. It was an outstanding program.
I'm sure any of us that viewed it or were here present, a great deal of work went into it
and I compliment Councilor Bitzas on his efforts and it was an extremely, extremely
interesting and informative program and a wonderful success and we want to continue
that so further announcements will be coming forth as to being shown in the schools and
so forth.
Item b. Presentation of Petitions,Memorials& Remonstrances
• Resolutions
1. TR-2010-1 -A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of Gary
Shannon,One Monarch Place,Suite 1900,Springfield,MA 01104 to the
Agawam Municipal Golf Commission for a Term Expiring December 31,
2012 (Mayor)
President Rheault—Moved by Councilor Bitzas, seconded by Councilor Magovern or
Councilor Perry. Any discussion? If not, Clerk, please call the roll on the confirmation.
• 3
ROLL CALL—10 YES,0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letelfier)
President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you've approved the reappointment.
2. TR-2010-2 -A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of Anthony
Pioggia,III,20 Sharon Lane,Feeding Hills,MA.01030 to the Agawam
Municipal Golf Commission for a Term Expiring December 31,2012
President Rheault—Moved by Councilor Perry, seconded by Councilor Rossi. Any
discussion? If not, Clerk,please call the roll.
• ROLL CALL—10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier)
President Rheault--Ten yes, one absent, you've approved the reappointment.
3. TR-2010-3 -A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of Dean
Godek,24 Cedar Knoll Drive,Feeding Hills,MA. 01030 to the Agawam
Municipal Golf Commission for a Term Expiring December 31,2012
President Rheault—Moved by Councilor Magovern, seconded by Councilor Rossi.
Any discussion? If not, Clerk please call the roll.
ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier)
President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you've approved the reappointment.
4. TR-2010-4 -A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of Gerald
Landry,71 Country Road,Agawam, MA 01001 to the Whiting Street and
Thomas Pyne Fund for a Term Expiring December 31,2012 (Mayor)
President Rheault—Moved by Councilor Perry, seconded by Councilor Magovern. Any
• discussion? If not, Clerk please call the roll on that.
ROLL CALL—10 YES,0 NO, 1 ABSENT(Councilor Letellier)
President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you've approved the reappointment of Gerald
Landry. Barbara, if you'd kindly send the proper letters out on confirmation?
5. TR-2010-5 -A Resolution Amending TR-2008-48 Authorizing the
Appropriation and Loan Order in the Amount of$3,730,000 for Phases Two
and Three for the Construction of Sanitary Sewers in the Town of Agawam
(Mayor)(Referred to Finance and Ad Hoc Sewer Committees) ( 1/2)(213
• majority of Full Council or 8 votes required)
• 4
President Rheault—I'll entertain a motion to put it on the floor. Moved by Councilor
Rossi, seconded by Councilor Messick? I'd like a report first from the Finance or Ad
• Hoc Sewer Committee, whichever.
Councilor Walsh—Okay. We had the joint meeting of the Finance Committee and Ad
Hoc Sewers Committee at the Agawam Public Library on January 28, 2010 at 7:00pm.
Present for the Finance Committee were Dennis Perry, Robert Rossi and myself, John
• Walsh,which constituted a quorum. Councilor Donald Rheault and James Cichetti were
also present. There was a discussion of TR-2010-5 the Resolution.Amending TR-2008-
48 Authorizing the Appropriation and Loan Order in the Amount of$3,730,000. The
cost for Phase I are expected to be completed for about 50% of the cost of the original
appropriation. The Town of Agawam desires to apply the unexpended portion of the
• $3,730,000 to Phases II and III which can be applied to permitting, engineering and some
construction costs. It should be noted that those funds used in Phases II and III will not
be enough to cover all costs and that a separate appropriation and loan order will need to
come before the Council at a later date to cover the cost to complete those phases. A vote
was taken and voting in favor were Dennis Perry, Robert Rossi and myself. There were
• none opposed. We adjourned the meeting at 7:25pm. Thank you.
President Rheault—Thank you. Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi—Thank you. As you all are aware, when we started the first phase of
the project it was understood by the Committee that we would continue to push forward
r as fast as we could and keep the transition as smooth from one phase to another as we
could and we had met with the Finance Committee that Thursday at the library and
present was my members Dennis Perry and James Cichetti and we discussed moving the
phases and the project from I, II and III. As you know the original appropriation from
this Council was $3.7 million and with it came in 50%under so what we needed to do
there to keep the transition smooth and to use the unexpended appropriation was to
amend the original resolution and that's exactly what we have done here. So as
Councilor Walsh so eloquently portrayed the financial aspects of our meeting, let me just
say that the Phase I project is currently underway although halted by the weather and it
will continue and possibly be completed sometime Fall and most likely before the end of
• the year and what we would like to do is hit the ground running on Phase 11. I notice as I
came in this morning we have an outline here from the Superintendent of the DPW,
Anthony Sylvia, and let me just, I'll read in what basically we're going to do on the
second phase and it says here"we have decided to proceed with the design phase of the
project which continues the previous efforts to extend the sewers in the southwest area
• and the Phase II project will include a large, built-in-place pumping station on Pine
Street; new gravity sewers on the southern end of South Westfield Street from the former
police academy to Barry Street, on Pine Street, on Spruce Circle, on Oakmont Place and
on Barry Street between Pine Street and South Westfield Street; a new gravity and low
pressure sewers on Bradford Drive development which would include Bradford Drive,
Meyers Drive and Tannery Road;two brook crossings —one on Pine Street and the other
• on Barry Street and the Still Brook spanned by a bridge at these locations. The
preliminary design concept is that the proposed sewers at these locations would be
• 5
installed off the road,below the brook bed and away from the bridges to avoid
undermining bridge foundations during the construction. Easements may be needed
• throughout the project and the department will make every effort to minimize the impact
on private property. The final engineering design will need approval from the
Department of Environmental Protection." So with that, I just wanted to bring everybody
current as to what we intend to do with this leftover money. As I said previously,we
appropriated up to expenditures of$3.7million. The first phase came in at $1.8million I
believe it is so we have approximately$1.9 million which is going to go over on to cover
these areas and as Councilor Walsh said, we will be coming for more appropriations as
we go into the construction phases of II. The Committee voted unanimously to send a
positive recommendation to the Full City Council to approve this measure and it is hoped
that the City Councilors will see it in their wisdom to follow this through. Thank you.
President Rheault—Thank you Councilor. The item is in front of the Council. This is
the first reading as attached, eight votes are gonna be required. Any discussion?
Councilor Bitzas?
• Councilor Bitzas —Yes, I'm glad to see the Phase II and I can see here, I agree with the
committee, both committees, and I'm going to support it. This is a very important phase
because this one here particular deals with more streets and especially Bradford Drive
which has very severe problems there and the surrounding streets and this is good
because we have so many streets and so many residents that have gotten affected and I
think we've helped them and I hope the full Council supports it. Thank you.
President Rheault—Anything else? If not, will the Clerk please call the roll?
ROLL CALL—10 YES,0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier)
• President Rheault--With ten yes, one absent, you've approved the first reading as
attached and amended.
Item_7. Report of Council Committees
Item 8. Elections
1. TE-2010-3 -Election of an alternate member of the Zoning Board of
Appeals with a Term Expiring January 1,2013 (Council)
President Rheault—Nominations are open to the floor. Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo—Yea, I'd like to nominate Rick Maggi.
• President Rheault—Rick Maggi has been nominated. Councilor Walsh?
Councilor Walsh--I'd like to nominate Paul Wakem.
0 6
President Rheault—Paul Wakem has been nominated. Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti—I'd like to nominate Gary Geiger.
President Rheault--Gary Geiger has been nominated.
t► Councilor Rossi—Close nominations.
President Rheault—Moved by Councilor Rossi to close nominations. All those in
favor? Opposed? Nominations are closed. We have three candidates, state the last name
of the candidate if you would of your choice as the roll is called. Barbara?
• ROLL CALL--4 MAGGI (Councilors Bitzas, Messick, Mineo and Rossi),3
WAKEM (Councilors Magovern, Perry and Walsh),3 GEIGER(Councilors
Cichetti,Rheault and Simpson), I ABSENT (Councilor Letellier)
• President Rheault—Four for Maggi, four for Wakem and...
Clerk—No, four for Maggi, three for Wakem, and three for Geiger.
President Rheault—Oh, three for Wakem, all right. We do not have the six votes as
required so I'll ask Barbara to please call the roll again.
ROLL CALL - 5 MAGGI (Councilors Bitzas,Magovern,Messick,Mineo and
Rossi), 2 WAKEM (Councilors Perry and Walsh),3 GEIGER(Councilors Cichetti,
Rheault and Simpson), 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier)
lr President Rheault—We still do not have the sufficient six votes. Barbara,please call
the roll again.
ROLL CALL- 6 MAGGI (Councilors Bitzas, Magovern, Messick, Mineo,Rheault
and Rossi),2 WAKEM (Councilors Perry and Walsh),2 GEIGER(Councilors
Cichetti and Simpson), 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier)
President Rheault—You have elected Mr. Maggi who is sitting in the audience.
Congratulations. Would you like to say a few words to the Council?
• Richard Maggi—You can tell it's my first time before this podium. Mr. President and
Council,thank you very much. I appreciate the vote of confidence and I will endeavor to
do my very, very best and I'm sure I have mentors who will guide me during the next
three years and certainly if there's any questions, please feel free. The door is always
open,the phone is always on and I look forward to being a service to the community.
Anybody have any questions at this time?
President Rheault—Councilor Bitzas?
• 7
Councilor Bitzas—I have a question. Can you have three very good candidate and I
applaud Paul and Mr. Geiger and I'm glad to have you here and that's the majority vote
and the reason it's very difficult to make the decision is because they are all great
candidates but my weight on you is because I've known you for many years. You've
been a lawyer and you're also on the CPA. Can you tell a little bit about yourself for the
other councilors and the public so we know who you are?
Richard Maggi—Sure. I've been a resident in town for 21 years now. My wife and I
actually got married the very day that we closed on the house over on Old Mill Road. It
was a second marriage for the two of us and Justice of the Peace came and married with
our children gathered around in the living room and a lot of unpacked boxes. Some of
i the children went to school here. Some of the children were already older or in my case
lived with their mom. I've practiced law for thirty years,believe it or not, I know I don't
look that old, but believe it or not almost thirty years. A lot of experience in trial work,
negotiating some contracts works and estate planning. The last twenty five years I was
most heavily involved in trial work of various kinds—civil, criminals, and probate. I'm
used to standing on my feet. I'm used to a little adversity. I don't mind it. I am getting a
little older. It doesn't mean I'm getting softer. I'm small but I'm wiry! I'm looking
forward to the challenge. I like the community. All my life I lived on the other side of
the river and the move across that great divide was a challenge. My wife who's not my
wife,the lady I married at the time always lived on this side of that great divide and
invited me here. We've found a wonderful home. We've met some great, great people.
0 I know many of you on the Council. I'm proud to be associated with you all and to be of
service and I'm really looking forward to this. I find as I am aging, I am a little bit more
interested in doing something for my community and I like Agawam. I'm proud to be a
citizen of this town and I've had some work with the CPA as Mr. Bitzas mentioned—
great people. That has brought me somewhat more in contact with the Council. Not
41 really tuned into the politics of the town but I've gotten my feet a little bit wetter to see
what's happening. I try to listen. I try not to say too much. I try to listen. It's a learning
experience. I don't want to ramble and I'm looking forward to the opportunity. Any
other questions?
M Councilor Bitzas—Thank you Mr. Maggi and thank you to the other three candidates
Richard Maggi—From what I understand the other two candidates were quite qualified
so it makes the nomination and the appointment all the sweeter and I appreciate it. Thank
! you.
President Rheault--Thank you.
Item 9. Public Hearin s
Item 10. Old Business
1. TO-2010-1 -Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a Weekly
Amusement Device(s)—Ray-Mor,Inc.d/b/a The Elbow,386 Walnut Street
President Rheault—Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Rossi.
S Report of the License Committee, Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi—Yes, thank you. I met with Councilors Simpson and Magovern. We
find that all these renewals are in order and if it pleases the Council, I would like to
consolidate Items 1, 2, 3 and 4 which are all Amusement Licenses and Devices and if the
Council so agrees I will do that.
President Rheault—All right and I will read them. TO-2010-1 is for Ray-Mor, Inc.;
TO-2010-2 is for JEH Inc. d/b/a The Headquarters Bar & Grill on 485 Springfield Street;
TO-2010-3, the third one is for Homeplate Sports Bar on 827 Springfield Street; and the
fourth is for TO-2010-4 the Quest at 1251 River Road. Voice vote to add all four of
M' these together is sufficient. All those in favor? Opposed? And we will now need a roll
call to accept them. Barbara?
ROLL CALL—10 YES,0 NO, I ABSENT (Councilor Letellier)
President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you've approved the four licenses.
2. TO-2010-2 -Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a Weekly
Amusement Device(s)—J E H,Inc.d/bla The Headquarters Bar& Grill,485
Springfield Street,Agawam,MA. (Clerk)
See Item 1 above.
3. TO-2010-3 -Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a Weekly
Amusement Device(s)—Home Plate Sports Bar,827 Springfield Street,
Feeding Hills,MA. (Clerk)
See Item 1 above.
4. TO-20104 - Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a Weekly
Amusement Device(s)—The Quest,Inc., 1251 River Road,Agawam,MA.
! (Clerk)
See Item 1 above.
5. TO-2010-5 -Order Granting or Renewing a Class H Dealer's LICENSE
ACE Auto Sales, 11363 Main Street,Agawam,MA. (Clerk)
President Rheault--Moved by Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilor Walsh. Any
report on those as well?
Councilor Rossi—Yes,the Committee also sends a positive recommendation for the
• order granting or renewing a Class II Dealer's License for TO-2010-5, 1363 Main Street,
Agawam and TO-2010-6 an Order granting or renewing a Dealer's License for EIias
Auto on 1123 Suffield Street and if the Council so approves, we will consolidate these
two items for approval.
• President Rheault—Move to consolidate the two, all those in favor? Opposed? Take a
roll call for the granting of the license.
ROLL CALL—10 YES, O NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier)
• President Rheault—With ten yes, one absent,you've approved both the licenses.
6. TO-2010-6 - Order Granting or Renewing a Class H Dealer's LICENSE
—Elias Auto,1123 Suffield Street,Agawam,MA. (Clerk)
See Item 5 above.
Item]]. New Business
1. TR 2010-6 -A Resolution Accepting a Grant from the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security Pursuant to
• Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44,Section 53A to be Utilized by the
Agawam Fire Department for the Payment of Overtime(Mayor)
President Rheault—Refer that to the Finance Committee, next agenda.
. 2. TR-2010-7 -A Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Coleen
Gruska as a Liaison to the State Ethics Commission (Mayor)
President Rheault—Next agenda.
3. TR 2010-5 -A Resolution to Support Senate Bifl 90—an Act to Sustain
�1 Community Preservation(Councilor Bitzas)
President Rheault—Next agenda, and refer that to the CPA Ad Hoc Committee.
4. TR-2010-9 -A Resolution Authorizing the Appropriation of$151,000.00
• for Construction of the Emergency Stream Bank Protection along the
Westfield River from the Wastewater Retained Earnings Account(Mayor)
President Rheault—Next agenda and refer that to the Finance Committee.
5. TO-2010-7 - Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
• Amusement Device(s)—Agawam Bowl 359-361 Walnut Street,Ext.,
President Rheault—Next agenda.
• 6. TO-2010-8 -Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
Amusement Device(s)—Friendly's Ice Cream Corp#1, 19 Springfield Street,
Agawam,MA. (Clerk)
President Rheault—Next agenda.
• 7. TO-2010-9 -Order Granting or Renewing a Class H Dealer's LICENSE
—Paul J.Lapointe d/b/a The Car Connection,820 Springfield Street,
Feeding Hills,MA. (Clerk)
President Rheault—Next agenda and refer all those three to the License Committee for
i the next agenda.
Item 1 Z Any other mutter that maE kga ft come before the City Council.
President Rheault—Start at my furthest right, Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas—Yes, Mr. President, I'd just to say again I was very happy that last
Wednesday was a great success and I hope we help many people and also I would like to
suggest the families to record the drug forum and use segments that they like to open
conversations with the children. It's an easy way to getting your children and discuss the
other people's problems. I think it's very helpful. I did record mine and I went forward
and backwards and it's very moving. Those families and those young men that spoke
about it, it was fantastic. So if you record this and then at a later time you can escape
some of the forum because it's very long and you can find the ones that you like and
opening discuss with your children, it would be very helpful. Thank you.
• President Rheault—Thank you. Councilor Simpson?
Councilor Simpson—Nothing tonight,thank you.
President Rheault—Thank you. Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern—I just want to make mention again about the forum that was held
the other night. I was indeed I think one of the best forums I've ever been to in all the
years I've been here in Agawam. The tragedy that was explained by the families,the
adults now that had been drug users, you hear it on TV but to be able to sit and see
somebody up here on the podium talking about it. I just pray that it doesn't stop with the
forum. We have to keep this momentum going. As Councilor Bitzas said we have to get
this out into the community so people can see it and feel the pain that is caused by the
drugs and we have a drug problem in this town. Just because we had a forum the other
night doesn't mean that it's gonna go away. It's here. It's gonna stay here and we have
• to do something about it and as far as this evening is concerned, I want to thank the
candidates that put their names forward. What makes Agawam great is the community
and the community is made up of people and the people have to volunteer and come
� 11
forward and try to help. We saw Wednesday night at the forum but also I think we have
to see it in the future. So again, that's all I've got to say, thank you very much.
President Rheault—Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo—I'd like to just say the same thing. George,thank you. You did an
outstanding job and I'd like to thank Dr. Czajkowski too. It was well worth it. Thank
President Rheault—Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry—Yes, thank you Mr. President. I too would like to applaud George in
his efforts in putting together the forum. It was a great job by all. It takes a lot for the
families to get up and discuss these very personal and hurtful things that they went
through but it did, I hope, open the eyes of a lot of people in our community that there is
problems out there but the only way to solve them is through community efforts and I
applaud George and Dr. Mary and all the people who put that program together. It's a
beginning and let's remember that and let's keep it moving forward. Thank you.
President Rheault—Thank you. Councilor Messick?
Councilor Messick—Yes,thank you. Congratulations on the forum George, again just a
fantastic job. I could not believe the turn out and how engaged everyone was in the
f process. I want to second Councilors Perry and Magovern and I hope that it is the
beginning of a process and not a one time effort. Also, I'd like to thank Richard Maggi
for stepping forward and volunteering for the Board of Appeals. It's not an easy position
to be in and I think he will do a fine job and I think that's all I have. Thank you.
• President Rheault—Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti—Yes, again, I'd just like to reiterate what everyone's been saying,
thanking Councilor Bitzas for the great job that he did and everyone that attended and
everyone that was involved. It was a fabulous, fabulous night and again I'd just like to
congratulate Mr. Maggi and thank everyone who did apply for that position and that's it.
Thank youj.
President Rheault—Councilor Walsh?
! Councilor Walsh—Yes, I too would like to thank Councilor Bitzas. I carve not
expecting to see as dynamic a program as I saw. I thought it would be fairly routine and
I'd just be doing my civic duty to come and lend support. It to me was inspiring and I
think the one thing that I really took away from it were the two former users where
basically the conclusion is the first time you're hooked. That you don't get—and the first
time can kill you—and you don't necessarily get a second chance. I thought it was a very
moving program. Thank you.
0 12
President Rheault—Councilor Rossi?
• Councilor Rossi—Thank you again George again my applause to you and your
committee. I thought it was an outstanding job. I walked in here and I saw the room—it
was just full—and it was gratifying to see such a turnout here and as I understand it, I
talked to George earlier about this before—that they're gonna rework and edit the disc
and I would urge everyone out there to get a hold of this disk, ask for a copy of this disk,
and review it again and it's gonna just pertain mostly to the things that apply most to
addiction and drug use and how it affects the families and I think it's a worthwhile CD to
have and to review with your children and other family members. It's incredible and
anybody who knows anything about drug addiction—it has to start with the person
themselves and some of the stories were very riveting and I think once you see it and
• have a chance to digest it in the privacy of your own home, I think you'll come to grips
with just what the reality of it all is. So again thank you George and I appreciate you and
your committee for all the hard work you did.
President Rheault—Let me just, without being redundant to what everyone said, I think
• it even surprised the police officers,the Sheriff and the representative from the District
Attorney's office. Usually they speak to about thirty or forty people. We had,this place
was packed—standing room only in the back and I think it's a tribute to Agawam
recognizing the problem and understanding the seriousness of it and I'm sure that the
challenges ahead of us to ultimately eradicate this and get it out of the town completely.
The other thing I'd like to just highlight on is an explanation of Speak Time. We sit up
• here as a governing body and it's the opportunity for the citizen to address the Council.
Many times a speaker will come and would like a response back from the Council—
that's not our role. Our role is to listen to you at that point in time. There is no
interaction between the citizens and the City Council. So just to explain that and I'd also
caution any speaker if he's gonna make some remarks that appear challenging or that
• there's some impropriety I think it incumbent on that speaker to come forward and to
privately name some names or what have you. But for us to just sit up here and take that
verbal abuse without any justification behind it, I think is unfair. So a word to the wise
and you are always welcome to come and speak but our role is to listen, not to
interchange and interface with you. And in that light, I'll entertain a motion to adjourn.
• So moved, all those in favor? Opposed? We are now adjourned. Thank you and good
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