CC MTG MINUTES FEBRUARY 16 2010 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL February 16,2010 President Rheault—Welcome to the February 16, 2010 Agawam City Council meeting. S Item 1. Citizen's Speak Time President Rheault—We have a few citizens wishing to address the Council and I don't see anybody who hasn't spoken before so you have up to five minutes to state your name and address. If you would please come to the microphone and the first speakers are Alan and Suzanne Griffin. Alan and Suzanne Griffin—Well I'm here to talk about the goats again. President Rheault—Name and address for the record. Alan Griffin—I'm at 104 North Street in Agawam and my name is Alan Griffin and I'm here to talk about my goats again, you know? What the town's done to my wife is very, very destructive. I just feel it's very rude with what they done. I feel that you guys are on the Council. What are we paying the Council for when we got the Mayor of Agawam and we're paying to handle things and make decisions? Where's our money going? I'd i like to know. I would Iike to know where our money is going, you know, paying it all into the Council when we hire a Mayor to do our job. What do we need a mayor or councilman for? We need one or the other. We don't need both to sit there and argue, fighting back and forth. Understand what I'm saying? That's wrong. But now to get back to my goats,my wife is ill. She has doctors' notes. Sue would you like to read the doctors' notes to them? Come on up here Sue. Read the doctors' notes to them. Go ahead. Suzanne Griffin—To Town Council,this is from Dr. George Reynolds at Westfield, MA, "to whom it may concern: Suzanne Griffin is a patient of mine at Family Medicine Associates. She has been diagnosed as having colitis. She has been able to control her colitis symptoms by drinking fresh goat's milk. I feel it's medically necessary to her health that she be able to keep her goats." And I have from Community Chiropractic Care, Dr. Mike O'Connor in Westfield. I was in an auto accident with my back..."to whom it may concern: I am writing this letter in regard to patient Suzanne Griffin who I am treating in my office for chronic back pain but her past mental history includes acute long standing colitis will significantly impact her health and well-being. Mrs. Griffin utilizes the raw goat milk which has been established as a well documented substitute for pasteurized milk as a treatment to control the symptoms of colitis. She tolerates raw goat milk well and significantly by doing so. I have reviewed the risk and benefits with her and I have instructed her that she could continue using this accordingly. I believe...to important means to assist in controlling her condition. Sincerely,Dr.Mike O'Connor" I had a goat milk journal that I purchased at the tractor's supply, she had medicine didn't help her, drank raw goat's milk and helps her improvement. I can't live without that. 1 I'm not gonna purchase it at Stop & Shop. It's too expensive. I can't afford it and these goats are great and they help me and my health. So I hope we can work it out. If not, • there's a lot of hurt and destroying life. Thank you. Alan Griffin—Now I think it's time that the Council get together. Clerk—One minute please. • Alan Griffin—and talk to each other and get us this decision, you know because she needs the goat's milk. I don't want to come down here. I don't want to bust you guys on the Council. I'm not out to hurt you but I'm out to help my wife. Not take the goat's milk from her because a Mr. Gary Croteau don't like goats. That's not my wife's fault. My wife has a legitimate doctor's notes! Don't you guys pay attention to that? Think about it, you know? I mean you oughts feel ashamed of yourself on something like that. This is wrong. Absolutely wrong. You think about it. You got a mind of your own up there. I can keep on talking. I can keep on going on about this. I don't want to keep going on about this. I just want to settle this matter for once and for all. So why don't we sit down, we get together. You want any information? I'll be happy to work with ya. Goats do not stink. I have a letter from my veterinarian that was over seeing my house and seeing my goats, okay? So if you don't give, you think about it. I'm serious, you know? Look at it this way if your wife had the same problem. You'd be out there fighting too like heck, you know? So I mean it's up to you people to do a lot of thinking. Microphone shut off after too much time... President Rheault—John Cappuccilli? John Cappuccilli—Hi my name is John Cappuccilli, 50 Red Fox Drive in Feeding Hills • and good evening members of the Town Council. I'm just here tonight to urge you to vote on Resolution TR-2010-5 for Phases II and III of the construction of sewers in the southwest section of Feeding Hills. So I urge you for your unanimous support tonight and I thank you very much. President Rheault--Thank you. Henry Kozloski? Henry Kozloski—Henry Kozloski, 102 Meadow Street. I am chair of the Agawam Community Preservation Committee. I am here to support tonight's resolution supporting the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Senate Bill 90 that allows more flexibility to do more things in open space, affordable housing, historical preservation and recreation with the Agawam Community Preservation funds. Senate Bill 90 was sponsored by Senator Cynthia Stone Creem and Representative Steve Kulik in January 2009. The Agawam Preservation Committee has been working with the Massachusetts Community Preservation Coalition for over a year on the bill. Both Representative Rosemary Sandlin and Senator Steve Buoniconti are co-sponsors of the bill. They have been very supportive of this bill since the beginning. On September 29, 2009 I attended the Senate hearing on Senate Bill 90 and spoke in support of this bill. If this bill is passed i 2 in the legislature, the Town of Agawam will be able to upgrade present athletic fields, upgrade the playgrounds at Clark, Granger and Robinson Elementary Schools making • them fully handicapped accessible, preserving Agawam's historical assets,helping preserve open space in town and make sure affordable housing for the senior members of our community is available. I am also a member of the Agawam Conservation Committee and we are in the process of updating the town's open.space and recreation plan. We will be having a public hearing of February 25, 2010 at 7:00pm at the Agawam Public Library. We need your input and that of the public on the needs of the town in the areas of open space and recreation-two areas that are directly linked to Senate Bill 90. If we do this together then the Town of Agawam will have a plan to follow and we can get those things done that are wanted and needed. Thank you. • President Rheault--Thank you. The final speaker is Corinne Wingard. Corinne Wingard—Good evening. My name is Corinne Wingard. I live at 194 Elm Street in Agawam and first I'd like to thank you so much for putting this bill on your Agenda, the Senate Bill 90, and urge you all to vote unanimously to pass it. It would be . such a huge help. I'm also a member of the Community Preservation Act Committee and this legislation will help the committee to have as Henry said, so much more flexibility to be able to do things as I understand like repair the tennis courts at the High School which Rudy Altobelli has been wanting us to do forever which under present rules we are not able to do so again I thank you for putting it on the Agenda. I urge you to support it and I want to know if I can give some of my remaining minutes to Cheryl Becker? Because • she didn't realize she needed to sign up. You can just say yes or no. It's okay. President Rheault—I'd like to but no. Corinne Wingard—Okay,thank you. • Item 2. Roll Call President Rheault—Clerk, please call the roll? • ROLL CALL—11 PRESENT,0 ABSENT President Rheault—With eleven present. We have a full quorum. I'd like to welcome back Councilor Letellier. I'm glad to see she's feeling better. • Item 3. Moment of Silence and the Pledge of Allegiance President Rheault—Please rise for a moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance. • • 3 Item 4. Minutes I ! (a) Regular Council Meeting—February 1,2010 President Rheault—Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Perry. Any corrections, additions or discussion? If not, voice vote is sufficient. All those in favor? Opposed? One abstention by Councilor Letellier. Item S. Declaration from Council President President Rheault—Under Item 5, Declaration from the Council President, in fairness to the audience that may be watching the program at home and also, if you didn't catch my explanation to Mr. Griffin last week, the Council's job is to sit here on Speak Time and to listen to the citizens. We do not exchange dialogue. We do not enter into dialogue. It's that simple. I'd just like to caution that the Council has no responsibility on those goats as of now. The courts, I believe, it's in their hands. They've made a decision and it's my advice to you would be for your attorney to see our legal counsel because this Council ! does not play a role any further. Item 6. Presentation ofPetitions,Memorials& Remonstrances 1. TR-2010-5 -A Resolution Amending TR-2008-48 Authorizing the Appropriation and Loan Order in the Amount of$3,730,000 for Phases Two • and Three for the Construction of Sanitary Sewers in the Town of Agawam (Mayor) (Referred to Finance and Ad Hoc Sewer Committees)(2/2)(213 majority of Full Council or 8 votes required) President Rheault—It was referred to the Finance Committee and I believe you gave a 9 report last time. This is the second reading as attached, moved by Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilor Magovem and Councilor Mineo. Any discussion on the second reading? If not, Clerk, please call the roll. ROLL CALL— I I YES,0 NO President Rheault—With eleven yes, you've approved the resolution. 2. TR-2010-6 -A Resolution Accepting a Grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A to be Utilized by the ! Agawam Fire Department for the Payment of Overtime(Mayor)(Referred to the Finance Committee) President Rheault—Do we have a report Councilor Walsh? Councilor Walsh—Yes, the Finance Committee met on February 9, 2010 at the Agawam Senior Center at 7:00pm. Members present were Gina Letellier, Dennis Perry, Robert Rossi and John Walsh. Also in attendance were Auditor Cheryl St. John, DPW ! 4 r Superintendent Anthony Sylvia and Fire Chief Stephen Martin. For the first item of ` business TR-2010-6, a Resolution accepting a grant from the Commonwealth of Mass. in • the amount of$75,430.00 to be utilized by the Fire Department for the payment of overtime. There was a discussion of overtime being paid and some understaffing in the department by Fire Chief Martin. Auditor Cheryl St. John assured the committee that the funds would be segregated in a separate account to ensure payment is made in accordance with the provisions of the grant. A motion made by Councilor Letellier, seconded by Councilor Rossi to recommend to the Council to approve the Resolution to accept the grant. The vote was unanimous. President Rheault—Thank you. What's the Council's pleasure? Councilor Letellier—We need a motion Council President? We need a motion and a second. President Rheault—Motion to accept by Councilor Letellier, seconded by Councilor Rossi. Any discussion? Councilor Letellier? Councilor Letellier—Yes, thank you. In meeting with the Fire Chief, he did indicate that this grant money was part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act which is also more commonly known as the Stimulus Package and I know that we currently have a Senator from Massachusetts who believes that the Stimulus Package has not created any jobs or saved any jobs but the Fire Chief that although in Agawam we're using this money for overtime, other parts of the state are using it to save or add firefighters. So I think Agawam is very lucky to get this money and I don't think there's gonna be any question that we're gonna pass it but I just want to make it clear that the Fire Chief was very clear that this stimulus money is being used for overtime in Agawam but it's saving jobs in other parts of the state. i President Rheault—Thank you. Councilor Walsh?No? Councilor Bitzas? Councilor Bitzas—Yes, I agree with Councilor Letellier,this stimulus money was one for the two choices—to hire a fire fighter or to give it to overtime, no other choices. If we had a choice here to hire a fire fighter,then next year we would not have the money to support this fire fighter. So it makes sense to spend this money on overtime because a lot of people I think a few of those fire fighters they serve in the military now, one is oversees and the other has gone to Haiti I believe and that's free money well spent. Thank you. President Rheault—Thank you. Any other discussion? If not, Clerk, please call the roll? Clerk—11 YES, 0 NO President Rheault—With eleven yes, you've approved the accepting of the grant. 5 3. TR-2010-7 -A Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Coleen ` Gruska as a Liaison to the State Ethics Commission (Mayor) • President Rheault—Moved by Councilor Letellier, seconded by Councilor Magovem. Any discussion? If not, six votes are required, Clerk please call the roll. ROLL CALL—11 YES,0 NO / President Rheault—With eleven yes, you have approved the resolution confirming the appointment. 4. TR-2010-8 -A Resolution to Support Senate Bill 90—an Act to Sustain Community Preservation(Councilor Bitzas)(Referred to the Ad Hoc CPA 0 Committee) President Rheault—Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Rossi and the report is by Councilor Simpson. / Councilor Simpson—Thank you. The Ad Hoc Community Preservation Committee met this evening with members present and also Henry Kozloski was in attendance. Just had a very brief discussion, a personal note that I think this is, I hope this is something that will pass because we always continually talk about we have parks,we have this,we have that, but we just aren't able to always maintain what we have so this will give us the opportunity to do some maintenance on some areas, especially if anyone here has ever played tennis or have a child who has been on the high school tennis team, it's lucky no one's been killed because when those fly balls come over from the baseball field,we're lucky someone hasn't gotten hit in the head there. So they're cracked, they're just a mess so that would be one of the areas that hopefully that we could improve on. By a vote of / four yes and one absent, we voted to send a positive recommendation for passage of this resolution. President Rheault—Thank you. Councilor Rossi? No? Sorry, Councilor Bitzas, I didn't see your light on? 40 Councilor Bitzas—Thank you Mr. President, okay, before I discuss the resolution I will ask all the councilors if the Councilor wishes to add their names as co-sponsors of the Resolution, I would be most happy to do so. You can tell Barbara to put your names,we can sign your names after or you can let Barbara know so she can do that so we can support the resolution. I think, I don't want to say the same thing as Mr. Kozloski said • and Councilor Simpson, I hope this Council will vote in favor. I believe you will do so. All politics are local and I think if every city and town sends strong messages to Boston, I think the voices are stronger. This is the idea. We did, actually this Council deserves credit because three years ago, we did something similar to the resolution that's in Boston now. This Council the first one that we passed a resolution to have us use CPA money • more flexible for repairs. So I have the resolution here which if you go to your record you can see it,the new councilors, TR-2007-18 so we actually foresee this and I think it's great for us, I don't mean that the Senate did that because we did that no, no, maybe little / 6 bit one iota we did our job because I spoke to MMA three years ago in the meeting in ...at the municipal association and also the legislators I sent a copy of that and asked them all the elected officials who spoke to the representatives and asked them to sponsor something like that. So finally it's here I don't want to take a credit but again the whole Council should take at least a Iittle bit for that because we started doing something like this, I am very happy to see it and I hope the legislation will pass it. So far I think it passes the Ways and Means Committee and it looks pretty good but you never know until the end so thank you so much and as I said before if you like to put your names there, I would be more than happy to do so. President Rheault—Councilor Letellier? Councilor Letellier--I just wanted to thank Councilor Bitzas for being ahead of the curve on this because you're right,Agawam was again the fast sign off on this and you were the sponsor that time as well. So I just wanted to say thank you. Councilor Bitzas-Thank you Councilor. President Rheault—Councilor Magovern? Councilor Magovern —I just wanted to say yes I'd like to have my name on that resolution as well and if anybody questions the value of CPA,just drive around Agawam. We've got the School Street Park which was initiated by CPA.and a project very near and • dear to my heart which was the Smith House up on North Westfield Street which the Historical Society has been redoing for several years now, that would not be done if it were not for the CPA funding and whatever we can do to encourage the state to keep the CPA funding corning forward to help our town, I'm very much in favor of so George, thank you and yes, you can put my name on the bill and I hope all the other councilors r will as well. President Rheault—Councilor Rossi? Councilor Rossi—Yes, thank you. I firmly believe that this resolution should be • sponsored by the entire City Council. I'm confident that everyone will vote in favor of it but I just wanted to say that I have been in contact with the Executive Director of the Community Preservation Act for quite a while now and he's been keeping me abreast of what's been going on and if you remember several years ago when the Athletic Director came and wanted the track at the High School and the bleachers revamped and it was in the Capital Improvement Program, it was suggested by members of this Council that we use CPA funding for that. At the time, we weren't allowed to use CPA funding for it because the restrictions were that it had to be purchased with a property and we couldn't use it for maintaining any property that this Town previously owned. And now we've come to another crossroads here when we're interested in or several persons interested in acquiring some property, namely the Corey Street property with CPA funds. Now it seems like it's gonna be very difficult for us to do that using CPA funds under the current situations that exist down there. So if we acquire that property it's gonna have to be • 7 outside CPA funding which means if this bill passes we'll be able to use this funding for that purpose of cleaning it and maintaining it and adding it to our roles along with the • School Street Park because it does bridge the School Street Park so I don't want to be redundant and go on through a lot of stuff that other Councilors have but I just want to say the importance of this bill and I think that everybody not only on this Council but everyone out there in the community should get on board and contact their representatives and if you would I have a list from the Director of the CPA, Stuart Signor, who suggests that when we send this resolution if passed we send a copy of it to the Speaker, Robert DeLeo, Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee, Charles Murphy, the CPA Executive Director, Stuart Zanger, and also Senator Buoniconti and Representative Sandlin and I already gave Barbara the addresses in the event that this should happen to pass so this gives us a more direct route for those people in Boston so • hopefully things will work out for us. President Rheault—Is it fair to assume that the entire Council wants their names as sponsors? Barbara would you change that and for the record the Director of Athletics has asked me read into the record— • Councilor Bitzas—Point of information Mr. President? After you read or before you read the letter from the Director can you read for the record the resolution so the people can know what the language is? Thank you. President Rheault—I just put it down. Bear with me for a second I just put it in my pile. • Here it is. TR-2010-8 A Resolution to Support Senate Bill 90 An Act to Sustain Community Preservation sponsored by the entire City Council. Whereas the Town of Agawam has accepted Mass General Laws Chapter 44B Community Preservation Act hereinafter is called the Act and whereas the Act is intended to encourage and enable communities to develop new parks, playgrounds and recreation fields, protect open space, • preserve historic buildings and resources and support affordable housing; and whereas Senate Bill an Act to Sustain Community Preservation hereinafter called the Bill would increase the annual minimum Community Preservation Act Trust Fund match by the state to 75%; and whereas the Bill would clarify allowable uses for the Community Preservation Act funds so that communities may rehabilitate existing outdoor parks and other recreational resources; and whereas passage of the Bill would allow for the repair and maintenance of the Agawam High School tennis courts and construction of a new track; and whereas the Bill has passed through the Joint Committee and Community Development of Small Business; and whereas the Bill is now in the house Ways & Means Committee; and whereas it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam that the Bill be approved and made law. Now therefore be it resolved by the Agawam Town Council that the Agawam City Council show support for the Bill urges Senator Stephen Buoniconti, Representative Rosemary Sandlin and Governor Deval Patrick to work in support of the bill and the other names that Councilor Rossi mentioned. And I'd like to read from the Director of Athletics of Agawam: Agawam Town Council members dated February 12`k, 1 am writing this letter in support of Senate Bill 90 an Act to Sustain Community Preservation. Agawam has benefited in many ways from the town support of the CPA funds. The direction leadership has taken in utilizing these funds has always been favorable. After reviewing the Resolution that is in front of the Council, 1 would like to say as a resident and as the Director of Athletics for the Town of Agawam, I would be in support of passing this Resolution. It seems that there has been a gray area in terms of how and where the CPA funds could be directed In particular, in the past these funds could not be used for maintenance of the town's athletic track field. As most people 8 are aware, the Agawam High School track team still practices on the original cinder track that has been in existence since 1955. Many of the surrounding municipalities have rubberized tracks for their high schools . and they are used for their track competitions. All of Agawam High School track meets are held at surrounding area schools which poses a disadvantage to our student athletes as they never have the opportunity to compete in front of the home crowd. Thank you for your time and efforts for the Town of Agawam. Sincerely,Louis Conte—Director of Athletics, Physical Ed and Student Activities President Rheault—What is the Council's pleasure? Moved. Clerk please call the roll. ROLL CALL—11 YES, 0 NO President Rheault—With eleven yes, you have approved the Resolution unanimously. . 5. TR-2010-9 -A Resolution Authorizing the Appropriation of$151,000.00 for Construction of the Emergency Stream Bank Protection along the Westfield River from the Wastewater Retained Earnings Account(Mayor) (Referred to the Finance Committee) President Rheault—Councilor Walsh? • Councilor Walsh—Yes, a continuation of the meeting held at the Senior Center on February 9a', the second item of business was TR-2010-9,a Resolution Authorizing the Appropriation of$151,000.00 as the City's share for Construction of the Emergency Stream Bank Erosion Protection for Sewer Interceptor along the Westfield River to be paid from the Wastewater Retained Earnings Account. DPW Superintendent,Anthony Sylvia, led the discussion of the erosion behind the Main Street Deli which has exposed a sewer pipe. The Army Corp of Engineers will provide for placement of approximately SO linear feet of steel sheeting as erosion control and river bank stabilization. The total cost of the project is$460,000.00 and the federal government will pay for$309,000.00 which is approximately 67.2%. Auditor Cheryl St. John noted that the certified Free Cash of the Sewer Enterprise Fund was $1,602,539.00. Councilor Perry was concerned that we were getting this at the last minute for approval but it was pointed out that the agreement was not received from the Department of the Army until January the 8d. A motion by Councilor Rossi and seconded by Councilor Letellier to recommend to the Council to approve the expenditure of$151,000.00 to be paid by the due date of March 1'. The vote was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25pm. ♦ President Rheault—Thank you Councilor. What's the Council's pleasure? Moved by Councilor Letellier, seconded by Councilor Rossi. Any further discussion? Councilor Messick? Councilor Messick—I'd like to make a slight correction in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5. The word "contact",we probably entered into a"contract" and so in paragraphs 3,4 and 5 the word contact should be contract. Thank you. President Rheault—Thank you. When you redraft this please take note, Barbara. Any other corrections or discussion. If not, Clerk,please call the roll. ROLL CALL— 11 YES, 0 NO • 9 President Rheault—Eleven yes. You've unanimously passed the Resolution. • Item 7. Report of Council Committees None. Item 9 Elections • None. Item 9. Public Hearings None. Item 1 D. Old Business 1. TO-2010-7 - Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device(s)—Agawam Bowl,359-361 Walnut Street,Ext., ! Agawam,MA.(Clerk)(Referred to the License Committee) President Rheault—Councilor Rossi do you have a report? Councilor Rossi—Yes. I conferred with Councilors Simpson and Magovern on the Agawam Bowl and the Friendly Ice Cream Corporation for the renewal of the Amusement Licenses and it was agreed that we'd send a unanimous approval to the Board for their approval. President Rheault—Thank you. Council's pleasure? Move the license by Councilor • Simpson, seconded by Councilor Perry. Any further discussion? If not, Clerk,please call the roll. ROLL CALL—I I YES,0 NO ! President Rheault—With eleven yes, you have approved the license. 2. TO-2010-8 - Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device(s)—Friendly's Ice Cream Corp#1, 19 Springfield Street, Agawam,MA.(Clerk)(Referred to the License Committee) • President Rheault—Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Magovem. Same report. Councilor Rossi—Same report. The committee voted unanimously to send a positive recommendation for approval. • President Rheault—Thank you. Clerk,please call the roll. 10 • ROLL CALL—11 YES,0 NO President Rheault—Eleven yes. You've approved the license. 3. TO-2010-9 -Order Granting or Renewing a Class H Dealer's LICENSE —Paul J.Lapointe d/b/a The Car Connection,820 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills,MA. (Clerk)(Referred to the License Committee) President Rheault—Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Rossi. Do you have a report Councilor? Councilor Rossi—Yes, the same recommendation would be to renew the Iicense for Mr. LaPointe for the Car Connection at 820 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA. The committee votes to send a positive recommendation to the full body. President Rheault—Thank you. Any further discussion? If not, Clerk,please call the roll? • ROLL CALL—11 YES, 0 NO President Rheault—Eleven yes, you've approved the license. Item]]. New Business • 1. TR-2010-10 -A Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Rene Trudel, 66 Brien Street,Agawam,MA to the Whiting Street and Thomas Pyne Fund for a Term Expiring December 31,2012(Mayor) • President Rheault—Next Agenda. 2. TR-2010-11 -A Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Richard Bennett,29 WiIlow Brook Drive,Agawam,MA. to the Historical Commission for a Term Expiring January 1,2012(Mayor) President Rheault—Next Agenda. 3. TR 2010-12 -A Resolution Accepting a Gift in the Amount of Four Thousand ($4,000.00)Dollars from Esther Straszko Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A for the Agawam Public Library(Mayor) President Rheault—Next Agenda. Item 12. Any other matter that ma le all come-before the QE Council. President Rheault—Furthest left Councilor Perry—do you want to start on Item 12 Any other business? * 11 i Councilor Perry—Nothing tonight, thank you. i President Rheault—Councilor Letellier? Councilor Letellier—Yes,thank you, if my other members of the Capital Improvement Budget Sub-Committee, if we could meet for like two minutes and discuss what are the best times and dates for folks if they wanted to do like a 4:00 meeting or an evening meeting. It would just take a minute or two. Thanks. President Rheault—Councilor Messick? Councilor Messick—Yes, I'd just like to remind people to shovel their driveways and their sidewalks as well. When you are shoveling the driveway you may as well get that sidewalk cleared so that people aren't walking in the street in bad weather. And also too it would be a huge help to the DPW if you happen to have a storm drain in front of your house and it gets covered with snow and blocked up if you could clear that then when it thaws in the next few days we're not gonna have huge puddles in the streets like we otherwise might. Mr. Kozloski had mentioned the open space plan public hearing. ! That's on February 25`"at 7:00 at the Agawam Library. That'll be during the Conservation Commission meeting. The open space plan is something that we work on every five years and it prioritizes what is going to be worked on next in terms of open space and recreation,pieces of property in town that we might be looking to acquire and if you have any concerns about small neighborhood parks that maybe need to be ! maintained or if you have some ideas about other recreation that you might want to see in town,this would be a very good forum to come and just to even hand us a list so that we have an idea from the public what it is people are looking for as we work on this plan because what we'll be doing is voting on that and that kind of becomes the working,the working template for the next five years. So I would like to see some people there and that's all. Thanks. President Rheault—Thank you. Councilor Cichetti? Councilor Cichetti—Nothing, thanks. President Rheault—Nothing? Councilor Walsh? Councilor Walsh—I'll pass thank you. President Rheault—Thank you. All the way down to Councilor Bitzas. Councilor Bitzas—Yes, I spoke to a couple of councilor before the meeting about the drug situation and what we did and it didn't stop here. I didn't inform you because the last time we had a meeting we cancelled and last Wednesday there was no snow at all but we are going to continue and we'll continue to be united to fight the problems. We have some people they are calling from Springfield. They want to be united together the Springfield community and other communities. We are at war and we continue to be at 12 • war against drugs and this is the beginning not the end so we continue to fight and I need all your help and everybody's help and we are going to have more announcements in the near future. Thank you. President Rheault—Thank you. That's good to hear. Councilor Simpson—Thank you. Nothing. • President Rheault—All right. Councilor Magovern? Councilor Magovern—Yes, if you remember back a few weeks ago there was a situation on Route 57 where there was drag racing in the early morning hours that scared • several of the commuters on their way home and in an interview done by the state police, the commented that the drag racing which is an extremely dangerous sport and progressing because of the cell phone usage to get as many cars together as possible has moved over to Route 57 because of the extreme measures taken in Springfield with an Ordinance they passed several years ago where if you're caught drag racing you cars can be confiscated. So they've left Springfield and moved to Agawam and I for one thought • at the time that if Springfield can pass an Ordinance banning drag racing I think that the Agawam City Council should look into it. So I requested a copy of the Ordinance from Springfield. I've read it over and I'm passing it over to the legal department to take a look at it and I hope by the next meeting we can have it in our packets and the Council can take a look at it and it might be something worthwhile for the Agawam City Council. • to review and possibly pass and I'd like as many City Councilors to sponsor it as possible. It is an accident waiting to happen. Thank you. President Rheault—Thank you. Councilor Mineo? Councilor Mineo—Nothing tonight. President Rheault—Councilor Rossi? Councilor Rossi—Nothing. 0 President Rheault—Nothing? I have nothing other than I'll entertain a motion to adjourn. Moved by the Council, seconded by the Council. All those in favor? Opposed? Thank you and good evening. • Adiournment. • • 13