41 October 18, 2010
President Rheault — Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the City Council
meeting of October 1 gtn
0 Item 1. Citizen's Sneak Time
President Rheault — We have a few citizens wishing to address the Council, the first
being Alan Griffin. You're being called up.
• Alan Griffin — Hello folks. How you doing? My name is Alan Griffin. I'm at 104
North Street in Agawam and so forth. Well I'm here to talk about our farm lands. What
are we going to be doing about our farm lands? Let them all go away? Waste our
properties? Get a big city in here? Build high scrapers and all that stuff? Why don't we
eliminate some of this stuff? We don't need no high scrapers. We don't need no big
A buildings in here. We need more farm land. We need more food for our towns. We
don't need to starve our people. We don't need to hurt our people in any ways. You
know hey if a person wants to keep their animal well they should be able to keep their
animal. You know listen to what Mr. Magovern said you know animals are good animals
and they should be able to keep animals. Understand what I'm saying? Am I right Mr.
Magovern? Hmmm? Think about it. People want animals. They work hard for their
animals. Somebody shouldn't have to come over and tell you you shouldn't have
animals. That is wrong. As far as my goats goes, they did not smell, they did not stink,
if there was a problem don't you think the cops would have done something? Or the
Board of Health would have done something? No. They didn't. They come over and try
to take my animals away because of Mr. Gary Croteau didn't like my animals which is
very, very wrong. So you know I am plus I am part farmland, I'm part residential. Well,
you know as far as crossing land that is residential over the farmland, the Lord walked
upon this earth with animals. Did he have to get a special permit to cross over to His
property? Hell, no! He didn't. So this is definitely all wrong. So you think about it,you
know? You really think about it. They didn't hurt nobody. They did not smell. If there
was a smell, don't you think the cops would have been over there saying there was a
smell? The cops showed up on my property to take my animals away but I took them out
the night before. If there was a smell, they would have bitched about the smell. There
was no smell. So what's the big complaint about having goats or anything like that, you
know my wife needed it for her colitis. She has an illness and I told you people a
thousand, thousand, thousand times, I have all kinds of doctors' notes that my wife needs
it. You're dementing her from her illness, this is definitely wrong and she does fall under
the MCAD Massachusetts state laws and if you look under the MCAD Massachusetts
state laws, there's certain rules and all that stuff about us keeping the animals and so
forth. So that's all I'm gonna say. So I'll let you go cuz I know you want to cut me short
so I'll let you all go so hey, it's up to you to think about it but you think about it Mr.
Magovern, hey, you cared about animals, so do something on mines, you know, you're
running for State Representative so let's do something. All right. Thank you. Bye.
President Rheault—Thank you. David DeMatteo?
David DeMatteo — Good evening. I'm David DeMatteo, 51 Merrell Drive in Agawam.
I'm the current President of Agawam Little League and the Agawam Youth Football
Association. We are here in support of the Resolution to use CPA Funds for the
irrigation system down at the Memorial Field behind Phelp's School. Currently we have
irrigation on the two baseball diamonds, the football field, the other two baseball
diamonds nearest the school and by the playscape do not have irrigation. That's also
where the youth football team practices. You have a beautiful football field, actually
Kirk Park Field named after Kirk Parker who is here tonight and we have a beautiful
playscape — in between that is an area where like I said two baseball fields and the
football team practice which has limited grass now because there is no irrigation there.
Little League and Youth Football pick up the price for watering the baseball fields and
the football fields and we would continue to do the same if this Resolution passes. We
will split the cost between the two organizations. Gym classes at Phelp's School use our
football field because there is no grass close to the school now because of lack of
• irrigation. So we are hoping, our two organizations, that the Resolution passes. Thank
President Rheault—Thank you. Kirk Parker?
Kirk Parker — Hi. I'm Kirk Parker, 21 Belmont Avenue out in Feeding Hills. I'm also
• here to speak in favor of the Resolution concerning the irrigation system at Phelp's
School Memorial Field. I tried to make it a guide post in my life to always do the things
that are best for the children. I have a feeling that this small thing is something that
would really improve the quality of life in the Town of Agawam for the children, the
school children, the children that participate in athletic programs and especially children
that suffer from asthma which seems to be gradually increasing over the years. Thank
President Rheault —Thank you. Lyn Bussiere?
Lyn Bussiere—Hi. My name is Lyn Bussiere. I live at 30 Elbert Road. I'm here tonight
in support of the irrigation system on Memorial Field. I've lived in Agawam my whole
life. I support the irrigation system to keep the field, like my predecessors were saying,
in good shape cuz it is kind of a dark patch in between nice grass. It would be nice if we
could do that not only for the elementary school for gym classes and so on but for Little
League and football which I've been involved in for many years and still continue to at
this point. The playscape is beautiful. I love it, I take my grandchildren over there
actually, I have two grandchildren and we go to the playscape. We love going over there.
The baseball and football facilities are outstanding. They do a very good job over there
and we would like to keep the rest of the field also looking up to par with those. The cost
of this system is, to me, very minor in comparison to what the overall good will be for the
town and for the kids especially which I, like Coach Parker, do a lot of things for the kids
and I think that's what we need to do. Thank you very much.
• 2
President Rheault—Thank you. Rick Sheehan?
Rick Sheehan— Hi. My name is Rick Sheehan from 65 Corey Street here in Agawam. I
coach down at the Youth Football Organization and I've been part of the Agawam Little
League for eight to ten years in both organizations. We have beautiful fields as everyone
before me has spoken except when we get to our practice facilities it's tough to be able to
line it, the town does the best it can but the dirt just rubs away and to be able to practice
and see what's going on this would just be great. Not only for the kids that play sports
down there but also for the PTO over at Phelp's who has a nice Field Day there every
year and if we don't have any grass there they've got to move it out over to the football
field and it moves it further and further away from the school so there's not as easy
access for them. So I'm just here to support the irrigation at Phelp's and Memorial Field.
President Rheault—Thank you. The final speaker is Doug Reed.
Doug Reed — Good evening. Doug Reed, 10 Shelley Lane in Feeding Hills. I too am
* here to urge you to support this resolution and continue to maintain the fields and
improve the fields. As the gentlemen here and lady have spoken about we have a field
that really in traveling through the six years that my son has been involved in traveling to
other towns, we have a field that every town that we go to is absolutely envious of so to
complete the rest of that project down there and have the hold field as a 100% complete
irrigated field would just be fantastic. I would urge any of you to come this Saturday
morning and view a couple of the football games and get a feel for what goes on down
there. I think you'd be really impressed. It's something to be very proud of. That's
about it although if you're available come to Springfield College Sunday at 2:45 —we've
got a team that going 6-0 right now and ....(off microphone).
rs President Rheault--Thank you.
Item 2. Roll Call
President Rheault—Barbara, please call the roll?
President Rheault--Eleven present, we have a full quorum.
Item 3. Moment of Silence and the Pledge ofAllegiance
President Rheault—Please rise for a moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance.
Iten) 4. Minutes
Regular Council Meeting—October 4,2010
0 3
President Rheault = Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Perry. Any
corrections, additions? If not, voice vote is sufficient. All those in favor? Opposed?
Councilor Mineo abstained.
Item S. Declaration from Council President
President Rheault -- Councilor Perry has requested to set up an Ad Hoc Committee for
! possible review of reorganization by the Council and I will be appointing that after I hear
from who has an interest to serve on the Council. So you may want to think about that
during the meeting and let me know at the end of the meeting. The letter that he has
requested of the counsel, the legal counsel, the attorney called me this evening and said
that it would be ready for this evening and if not, he would put it in the box of the City
Council and Barbara checked late, as late as around 5:00 and it was not there at that time
so I do not have that Dennis but I did bring that up to him in the meeting this morning.
Item 6. Presentation of Petitions.Memorials & Remonstrances
(a) Resolutions
1. TR-2010-40 -A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of Paul
Schafer, 134 Corey Colonial,Agawam,MA to the Historical Commission to
a Term Expiring January 1,2013 (Mayor)
President Rheault — Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilors Bitzas and
Perry. Any discussion on the Resolution of the confirmation? If not, Barbara, please call
the roll.
President Rheault — Eleven yes, we have confirmed the appointment of Paul Schafer
and Barbara if you can kindly let him know.
2. TR-2010-41 -A Resolution Authorizing the Community Preservation
Committee to Spend S7,000.00 for the Purchase of an Irrigation System to
Preserve Memorial Field as provided for under the Preservation of Open
Space Section of the Community Preservation Act(Referred to the Ad Hoc
CPA Committee)(Councilor Bitzas)
President Rheault --- Moved by Councilor Simpson and Councilor Walsh. Councilor
Councilor Bitzas -- Mr. President can you read the Resolution for the record so that
people caii know what it is about. Thank you.
President Rheault — TR-201041 A Resolution Authorizing the Community Preservation
i ComEnittee to Spend $7,000.00 for the Purchase of an Irrigation System to Preserve Memorial
Fields as Provided for under the Preservation of Open Space Section of the Community
Preservatirni Act(Sponsored by Councilor George Bitzas)
WHEREAS, the voters of Agawam chose to form a Community Preservation Committee;and
WHEREAS, of the Committee's Functions, as provided by.the Community Preservation Act, is related to
the acquisition,preservation of open spaces;and
WHEREAS, the Committee has recommended that $7,000.00 should be expended fo.r the preservation
of open space at Memorial Fields;and
� WHEREAS,the expenditure will preserve,and protect these valuable Town assets;:and: '� �
WHER.E'AS, the Agawam Department of Public Works will install will cover the cast of instailapan.
S NOW T4EREFORE, the AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL hereby resolves,, appropriates and at o.rI he
expenditure of Community Preservation Funds in the amount of Seven Thousand and 00800 dMrs
I$7,000.001 rrom the Fiscal 2011 undesignated fund balance for the purchase of an irrigatioff4systeffffor
preservation of Memorial Fields in accordance with Massachusetts General law"B,Sectlon2.
Councilor Ritzas — Thank you Mr. President.
President Rheault— Councilor Simpson?
Councilor Simpson -- Do you want the report of the committee? Thank you. I had
called a committee meeting of the Ad Hoc CPA for Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 5:30pm
at the Ag,liwam Public Library. The meeting was called to order. In attendance was
myself as Chair and that was it. Councilor Rossi did come but he is not a member of the
coil mitlt'e but came for some questions, answers and dialogue. So since there was no
one else from the committee and no one else there for the TR in front of us, we were not
able to hoid a meeting or to make a recommendation to the Council. However tonight I
do see that Henry is here and I do apologize to the Council that I did not have time to
mal:c calls because I had a couple of questions where I highlighted a few items where I
feel personally, I'm for this, I am very familiar with the fields -- two boys who played
baseball flown there and used the facilities —but I felt that there were two areas that I felt
were in i,t the description of each other that one was saying it was okay and one wasn't.
Sometilm ; it's al! interpretation of how you're reading it. So I would ask the Council's
pleasure since we weren't able to really have a meeting that night on the night of the 12d`,
if we cmil:l go into a brief Committee as a Whole and ask Henry Kozloski to come up
and s;-e i ,,e can get a couple questions answered. If Henry's not able to answer them if
they're ni( re legality questions I would hope to proposed to table this, for me to go back
to the lau- department to get those questions answered because I think this is a viable
think ':) ,t l just want to make sure we're going down the right path. So with the
Counc i i`s ,Measure I would like to go into Committee as a Whole and invite up Henry.
Thar,'.; you.
Presit!( :!f Zheault — Moved by Councilor Simpson to go into Committee as a Whole,
secomlk , I�v Councilor—
Councilor Bitzas—Before, Mr. President before we do that can we discuss it?
President Rheault—No.
Councilor Perry—There is a motion on the floor.
Presicicrit Rheault — Well there is a motion on the floor but she's requesting that.she's
* got questions so—
Councilor Bitzas — But the first time on the floor, the Council did not have an
opportU11ity to discuss it and then call Henry to come up. I have no problem with it.
0 Cou ri c i I(;r Pe rry—Second the motion.
Councilor LetelGer — Second the motion. The motion does not prevent further
di scu s s i o i z. It just allows for an initial Committee as a Whole so we can have an educated
President Rheault -- That's right. We don't have a motion to discuss the $7,000.00.
Second by Councilor Perry. All those in favor of going into Committee as a Whole?
Any opposed? We're now as a Committee. Okay, Councilor Simpson?
Counciior Simpson — Thank you. Henry? Thank you Henry for coming up. My
• discrepancy comes and please correct me at any point here in reading a couple of memos
that sent to us one from Vince and then one from Stuart Sabnor (?) from
Preservation Information. I think what I'm feeling right here is what I'm interpreting as a
discrepaiicy is the fact that this field initially was not CPA funded and then I look and see
that tlicre are caviats where you can do something if it wasn't CPA funded if the field
was bL1111 prior to CPA and that irrigation did fall into that but only could pay for the
irrigatoot) system not for labor cost or maintenance thereafter of the irrigation system. So
I'm rc�idin� and there's a site here quoted about a case in Newton where they tried to use
CPA iu0 iic;- and it looks like it was denied because they considered an irrigation system a
main Ic-r.zi , but then if i read another memo it seems like you can do it as long asp you
don't li:ive the labor and maintenance thereafter. So I was wondering if you could,if you
had aiii - i n fonuation or you could clarify for me that part of it. I'm sure other councilors
have questions too. Thank you.
Henry 'o-/.loski —The problem with the field down on Memorial Field is it's becoming
non-�isG;L lc rind it's not — we're trying to preserve the field - that's the key word is
preserv,, lo;i because if we were just'doing a field to irrigate it and grass was growing—
no bu! iu:rt the field is becoming basically non-usable because there is no grass basically
grow i� �.i id that's what it's under—it's under preservation of the field so you don't-it's
under the tiling where it just means protect from injury, harm or destruction, not
The irrigation system would not be maintenance. We're trying to.preserve
the Ilc!, sc is will be still usable both by the school and by whoever wants to use it. So
it's ui- I word preservation.
Cou n c i I o r S i mpson—Okay, so the fact though that this was not a field that was acquired
0 by CPA funds like say School Street that used part of that?
Henry Kozloski — Well, I think there's a confusion, we did not buy School Street with
CPA Hinds.
Cou iw i:o r Simpson—We used CPA to help—
Henn, :K.orlosld—To develop it,right.
C o u n J;ci r Simpson — Correct. I'm sorry but the Memorial Field, the field that we're
talkim, Libotit now has been in existence for ages so I'm just, cuz at one point it says on
our I'l-om Vince let me see here, not including maintenance,preservation but would
rather be designed to improve substantially the park's overall quality, attractiveness and
usage is not permitted under the CPA unless the park had been originally acquired
or cret L!,,J with CPA funds. If Memorial Park was acquired, created with CPA funds the
finals r,.ia , be used for the, purchase and installation of the irrigation system as
maintc11<111ce is prohibited under the statute.
Hen ry 1�u/Joski— There are two different — they were just doing a field that grass was
growin , ....the problem with Memorial Field, it's becoming non-usable and you're
trying t(y d;) is preserve the field because it will not be usable. I mean if you have people
who c•;.i:;'t practice because of whatever thing I mean that's - you can say health or
anyt; i:)„ . but the field becomes non-usable. So the question we're doing it's under
Section ;',c-servation it means protect from injury, harm or destruction—the field is being-
destro,vc:.i in reality. That's the way I think the Solicitor interpreted and that's the way
coaiiti }r i;:;c'rprets it and that's the way this piece of paper interprets it. I mean that's up
to YoL!.
Coun_—i.:,r Simpson — Right, so if that field in other words was lush and beautiful and
fire, ; 1e:t ,ou':e saying that would be maintenance to keep it up that way as opposed to
no,v a .; i,,is been run down and no grass, then we're trying to preserve.
H e n i , E o f 1 os ki—You wouldn't need an irrigation system if the grass was growing.
Co;:i,c.i1:)r Simpson — Well, even still if you wanted to put an irrigation system in
an% )t� .v lor fu t r ire use, then it would not be able to be used if it was
HenT-Y E"s 41oski - I.would think not. The problem right now is the field is becoming, I
Mean it',. c.'ct:itnental to — you can cut the ice — the answer is if you have a number of
people who cannot practice on a field even because of their health or anything then I
thi,.i; ,o i s ,(4u d protect the field and that's what we're going on,it's on preservation.
Cotir.cihr Simpson—Thankyou.
President 10cauh—Councilor Bitzas next?
Councilor Bitzas —Mr. Kozloski, if you're up here voting.for this thing that came from
your committee to us, are you going to support this as written by the Solicitor and can see
evcrybocly here have and I sponsored the Resolution sir and I sponsored the Resolution
after [ spoke with the Solicitor and the Solicitor said it's legal. He's the lawyer. He's
res jr,nsibk-. You can dance around and put a monkey wrench into it here everybody to
create tr011ble but we cover our backs. The Solicitor, I put my sign here my name and I
ask (i,iesnc)zis and we have here the Resolution, signed by—
C OUT36101• Simpson —Do you have a question Councilor Bitzas for Mr. Kozloski?
Cc u n cilri c Bitzas—Signed by the Solicitor—
CCU f: 101' Simpson—Point of Order?
Pres i.lcW Mi vault—Point of Order.
• C o:,� ;:i 1 n r Simpson —There should be a question to Mr.Kozloski.
Co q:;c�il r 13itzas—if you have here, Councilor Simpson,vote no if you don't want to—
Hen ); ,doski—Let me answer your question.
C i 13 i! —The question is we have here the.Resolution signed by legality by the
law, the Lnvycr, I spoke to the lawyer today this morning before I came to vote down
here ,,zl ' ',,: say it's legal. Are you telling me this is illegal, not to vote for it? Are you a
lawyer? Please answer the question.
Henry Kozloski — You're putting me in a position where it's your responsibility — you
have :I ion before you, okay? We've put this forward thinking it meets the Act,
th::t I; vvc've done. We did talk with the Solicitor several times on thus cuz it's one
IS which is a gray area I will agree to that. It's your responsibility to make
the vote.
Co u r,ei l o r Bitzas —Thank you sir. Thank you very much and the other thing is I have a
lelIer For the records and I want you to comment on this, this is my last question
s common sense for all of us here to vote this because it's legal, it's plain and
cl(, ;ni;l t'II,c letter says Mr. Kozloski and-I want you to comment about it cuz that letter's
true .ml is corns from Stuart Savignor which is Executive Director of Community
Preserv,ition Coalition from Boston, I hope the Council has read this letter to and it's to
yoo ;k .t �mLl it says Hi Henry, thank you for your call for more information for CPA
rc""rc a H o'l projects. Although communities cannot rehabilitate recreation unless it was
car created by CPA funds, they can preserve the recreation at any time. The
al', c':1_: l o to from DOR helps explain this issue. You notice that this letter pre-dates the
S.'C; rc rer:tioc� from the Newton DOR has said that the findings on the case did not
ch"iin L anything about the letter. It's still 100% valid. There are very few examples of
What rvc can do to preserve a field other than rehabilitation however, the three common
! exai-nr.Ies that are being used in other CPA projects are those--
Coif 11 c i l o r Letellier—Point of Order?
Pvesi„e;zt Rhcault—Councilor—
Co u,, i I or Letellier—Point of Order. He's reading an email. What is the question?
President Rheault—What is the question to Mr. Kozloski?
Co'.111"•i'{„- Bitzas — Because the question say the cost to operate an irrigation
sys1,en7...water or labor cost could be maintained,we don't do that.
Presid c,it Rheault—That's not a question.
Councilor Bitzas —The question is to Mr. Kozloski is that, do you agree with this letter
or with the letter?
fl =n-�� ",(izloski--Well,obviously I called him up to get an opinion.
Cmim-ilor Bitzas —Do you agree with it?
IIr n r• Kozloski —Well, I mean,you, I'm trying to be fair to everybody.
Prt s ie,X:o Rheault—If I may—
* II e a f y 'o r.l o s ki—You asked me a question, I will answer it. I mean you do have to read
the Li .;Cntence.
Ci}Lfnril.)r Bitzas—I read it.
Hen r y K c F f i o ski—In fairness to the other members, you have to read the last sentence.
Cn a n v i i o r I;itras —They don't let me finish it. So it's okay, no more questions. I hope
the Co u m i l votes tonight. Thank you.
# Pit sidW:i f Rlicault—Councilor Rossi?
Co u i1 c I r I Rossi—Thank you. Henry you're aware of the case of Newton?
Ilc ►>> �. ,siti—Yes.
Councilor Rossi --And you quoted in your presentation here tonight `preservation" and
you cited ,-casons of being unhealthy, that the field is deteriorating. That was.addressed
# very speci l tcally in that case as you know. You're familiar with that,correct?
Henry Ko loski—Not the Newton case,that was not the Newton case,I'm sorry.
Councl!t)r Rossi--Udell it did.
IIenn, Kor z€os€:i—Now I can tell you what the Newton case was.
C oun c i:o r !t o`;s i—Well,preservation was very specifically addressed.
! Ilene (:zhski —Not in the Newton case.
Councilor Rossi—Yes, it was Henry.
Henn- Kozlos€<i —The Newton case was -
Counrir;- Rossi—Well, you're more than welcome to read it.
Henry os€:i-All right, go-ahead.
Counc i o r It o y si — And what it said was preservation under your definition does not
apply i:,(l �vinat they said was that an irrigation system which was specifically addressed
in Ne.,'.i;',1 s,,6 d that it would substantially improve the park's overall quality,
attractiveness and usage which is exactly what we're talking about here. Now .I'm not
against °,reject in fact I'm for the project. I just think that we need to find other
fundinv for it and I don't think it's appropriate under this statute. I think that if this City
Counc ' ` )cti ,I:,d votes for it, then we're voting for it in violation of case law. Now case
law ha tlx:idy determined what the law is. Now we can sit here and dispute facts or
issues is 'ay loiig but the fact of the matter is the case has already been decided by law.
I lenry l; =•r.l o 4 k i -- Well, my understanding of Newton's law is different than your
�. undersia!,ding. So I mean let's face it, it's up to you to do what you want to do. I'm not
here; i!', :ornw+,lzing you have to decide on your own, that's what you're elected for to
make t!:c :,;, decisions. Bil .as—I move to go out of question—
i Presicl,1n t I h e,t ult — I'm not gonna accept that yet until we have an opportunity ftom
other coiii ;:1 o! to ask questions. Councilor Letellier?
Counc:I, 1;etellien—Yes, thank you. Henry, it's your understanding as the Chairperson
of the (.- ,,,:nunity Preservation Act Committee and as someone who has attended a
! numbe< <'I' these seminars that we are allowed to make these improvements under the
preserval,ioii portion of the CPA not the maintenance portion. We cannot maintain but
we can rz.�licr preserve the field, that's your understanding?
Henry Kozioski—That's our understanding.
Council o r- Letellier--And that's backed up by the Department of Revenue—
Henry K. -.,loski—To some degree.
Councils,- Letellier — letter that was sent as well as the Community Preservation
Coalition, cinail that Mr. Bitzas tried to read into the record,correct?
Henry K r rzloski—Yes.
Councilor Letellier—Thank you.
Presideii; R iteault—Councilor Magovern?
Council;,r- i1 I agovern— The only question and comment that I have is that when I was in
college srr:d 1 think Councilor Letellier who is a lawyer can answer this better, but when I
was in c '.':e-c I took some law courses. The one thing I learned in my law courses is that
for ever; general rule, there's as exception to the general rule and I think that this case
and I'm ;king Henry do you think this falls under the exception to the general rule
! because i "s very clear that you can't do it in one rule but then under what you've said,
we can rr it, 5o I'm asking you that after looking at the law, is this in your mind one of
those exc,�ptions to the gcneral rule?
Henry]•czliski--I would thinik so.
Council, r Bitzas —My best question,Mr. President?
Presides R iu.-ault—I'm sorry, Councilor Messick?
Council . i-T essick—Thank you. Henry, are there any other projects in town that might
be some'.. ,l,!L similar to this. I'm reading this email from Mr. Sagninor and it says these
types ol' ,rc-::_,rvation projects such as drainings structures and erosion control. Have we
used CP.,`, f'k anything else like that?
Henry h ozl ,ski—Not at this tame.
Council `, cssick—No, so %ve don't have a test case on our own. No? Okay. Thanks.
Presider WIC,Lult—Councilor Bitzas?
Council ],itzas — Mr. Kozloski, in your committee you discussed this one here, did
you vote :n i ihport for the project or not?
1 11
Henry Kozloski—Yes, we did.
Council o r 13 i tzas--Thank you very much sir.
Presiden t 1�heault--Any other questions while we've got Mr.. Kozloski up here?
Council. r I ossi—I just have one.
Presiden[ 1Z h eault—Oh, I'm sorry, Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi —Henry, were you not the point of this spear that got this thing off the
ground? Were you not the one that initiated this irrigation system?
Henry h ozIoski—In a round about, yes because the point of, part of the,part of the thing
of CPA ; t;, tiad what the town needs and that's some of our job. There are a couple
projects we have been involved in through CPA, one was the funding for the records in
the Tor- l l:rll which came otit of the meeting we had with Stuart Sagimr at the library
and f na i'y .1( took maybe six or eight months later they applied for funds to repair the
records s=i it was through one of the meetings we had and we try to be as proactive as we
can but ,�a some projects it's almost impossible because they're -- you would have to
have a I',:::n. before you. What 1 did is 1 said it's possible for irrigation systems to do this
in fields ,di Ich are no longer usable, then the person, Mike Pickins took it upon his own
to come 17 ,vith a plan, subriiitted it, it did not meet all of the qualifications because we
require t`; rec bids which he finally obtained for us and at that time we passed it. We
talked V, tl;c Solicitor and Zve talked to the Coalition so we try and be proactive on
projects ,-e cm n be but if the project is very large, we'd have to have some sort of idea of
what it 1. 'ls .ii.der, cost, you'(1 have to have some sort of aplan.
Council♦: r P nssi--Well, did you contact the Park&Recreation Department onthis?
Henry Y iz 1;i—No.
Council r l ;si-Why not?
11mr), i; ;..; 1;i —Froiii whist I was told the fields are taken care of by DPW.
Counci;, ,. P ssi—The Parks & Recreation Department washed their hands of this whole
Henry 1; rz!:o,ki—I don't know if they washed their hands—
Counci l I: issi--They wouldn't get involved, is that what you're saying?
Henry 1" rz ic).ski—I can't answer that because it's made available to everybody.
Councior I.ossi—Well,they didn't get involved, correct?
i Henry h:)zl oski—Well, my answer is who takes care of the fields? He doesn't take care
of the fields, DPW does.
Presideni ltheault — I'll entertain a Motion to come out of Committee? Moved by
Councilor a. lagovern, seconded by Councilor Cichetti. All those in favor? Opposed?
Motion i:. now on the floor. Councilor Bitzas?
Councilc r 11,1 tzas — Thank you very much. Thank you Mr, Kozloski I think you cleared
up the atino�phere and I hope that the Council they vote tonight. We have front to us a
Resoluti(. i, ;; is signed by the Solicitor. It is very clear per order and approved as to form
* and legal ty Vincent Gioscia - and this is his signature. I spoke to him and it's nothing
illegal. 1Vc to do that. Councilor Magovern said sometimes we do—with what is is—it
depends on vhat is is so let's not go into the details. This is much needed project. It's
not muc i, )ncy. We have about two million dollars almost in the fund. That's one
percent c:�ri s. f tom our homes -taxpayers — it's not better project than this project here
for $7,0C' ?.( i for the youth ofAgawam. it's for the school children. It's for the football
i players. It'-. for the baseball, my kids pl.tycd there cuz then I wish we had the money to
do it that ;:;:ic but better late: ill:in never. ft must be done. We must act tonight and I
hope we dc; 't table because it delays. '[ here's nothing to table. It's all plain and clear.
We are c :%cd. So and we hay c from C<<scio Company which is Tom Cascio and he did
so much o; 'hi town. His bid is about 1 13 less for anybody else for the equipments and
! willing t:� 1 ;, us too. $7,00C-00 — it's nothing compared to other bids and he do that
because (!' ?.cart and he said he wants to give something to the town. He did a lot
more pro.jc,:. 1)cre thi;; person. It is nothiigg to do with the maintenance, nothing to do
with the— „ :s jest on,',,, for the Darts and 1t11)or and equipments. The DPW will maintain
and pay `6;, :tt. We all cov,•cA — 100'Y, Icgal. It'd be unfortunately if some of you
delay it ( r ii can vote no it- Fine, it's cl(�inocracy, I'm not saying how to vote but at
least hay.. 1: COUrage to vole )cs or vote iio and I hope you vote yes. The children need
11,.is and t'u )wli and %ve caii d,_, it. It's 1..-P-11t.y. It's 100% legal. It's right here. Thank
P resider,t 1 ;:tilt— Counc i 10.- 1.etellier'.
Co uncil r r '. '.[ier-- Thai,!: yi °.i. Well, 11 not as confident as George is that it's 1000/6
legal t!,crc is no precis, case on ! E: irtt, if you've ever been to the field it's clear
t1lat this prc. ct is really, truly tO out pres;:. -�,ing this field. My son plays there. We go on
the.playsca ��,c go cart the f icl '. In years past before I had my son I brought my nieces
acid nepl•ev w there.. this .rr nd is so dry it doesn't even absorb rain water. It's hard-
c;rked so ir!d,.iition to worryi„g about kids getting injured from sliding on those two
snialler l as fields, it's so (1.y that %\`lie.:;, there's wind, the dust really comes up and
k;ds that h. c ::_;tlumi or respir story prof)'. � is, it's really dangerous for them out there.
S I agn v i'; tlenrV and wit" the D01: Ictier and with the email that we can use this
money a:, .i ;it:•:;c:rvatlon pr Yjc The t,),..�n is going to maintain it once the irrigation
s:-stem is pi i The lawn Con.. )t under i 1'r1 )naintain it once it's put in and if anyone or
any citizen challenged this expenditure of die $7,000.00, I think that when you look at the
condition of the field now, it's c Icar that it really is preservation. It's weedy, it's dry,the
grass doesn't grow, it's hard, it's hard, it's dangerous for kids if they're falling or they're
truing to slide into the bases on those fields so Pm not as confident as George that it's
100% okay. but I am very confident that it is truly a preservation of the field and I'm
gonna vote yes for it and I hope everyone else does too.
Presideu t Rheault-I don't kr ow who was first, I'll go down the line. Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi - Yes, thank you. I aprec that there is a need for sprinkler systems on
that fielc and.I'm not opposed to the project as I said earlier. I'm just opposed to this
a;lpropri,ition because I think 11i s appropriatiorl is not legal. Under the definition of the
CI'A, preservation is for the I,rr,,d itself nand not for persons, it's to, for erosion and for
flooding. it's.for the dcstructio:r of the property itself under preservation that is what the
definition is. The court has rc:lcd under Specinman that preservation in this instance over
hE-,rc is r-:iaintenance - the irri�::+lion sy�!cni is maintenance because it's to enhance the
field, it',: to produce vegetatir} i. it's to c:c:ato a usage for the field. Under preservation
&f-initio;m that does not qualit'v aad in tl�., state statute that does not qualify, the original
riling b., our City Solicitor Ir;.s even ,:yid tlmat that it does not qualify. If we had
p,.=.r•rhascd or acquired it UDdL r CPA, it Ivor Id qualify as maintenance but clearly the
courts h,:vc said, they 'Nave spoi,en on ilik twitter and it's right in the case, if you've read
the case law, you would see tl ; it adc'rc: cs ii very specifically on what preservation is
wlm:r the detcrnminf�tion o' --.,,v is in ':ut cage. Now we can sit here and banter issues
a ro-o nd 1 day long bol. the f : f the � , cr is that the legality of this thing has already
1~,cn deeded in the ec_irts. Ni-.v our `,( i.citor said on June 29's that that was the case,
tl :mt tlmis ,vas not arm ah-,ropri,,iJL. �� pencj . :rc, sornohow or another along the line, he was,,
s i meosmc convinced liini to his or something, I don't know what happened
L: d it's '.)efore us on the Ar.�ea;da. I ruhderstand that this is not an elaborate
�i,,rrorr:,ltion, $7.0(' )OX ), and I-nr sure i f w c dig deeply somewhere else we can come
with :7,000.00 for !Isis al-.-: ,-�riatior ::1,' 17111 not opposed to doing that. I'd be more Nil) ,y to spear hc::d a co::i n Atee t., I into that budget and find a little fluff to get it.
I mean .`at's how n.u„Im I a wily s..sf m but what I'm saying is we as a City
G)unc i l pan take I i v tion 11 -,ve NN 1.r at n i i 1'i is determined to be illegal, then I think
v, have ,r problenh on our h.:1 --d.; lbeca:rsc i f I,. is illegal, it's not gonna go away because
o!'rcr i ,s: ;cs are 9 fr re us. ',' ,%v 'I-you
1_you want to talk about irrigation, I mean,
1^'cser% ion, the tr,rck at tl, ' f'iglm 5. i c?I ..,. }trld qualify under CPA as preservation
k.cause :here is erosion over e, the,:,., 1',wding over there, that would qualify under
i' del ;:pion of res r? :rtion , ., or CP,'.. -,rt nor one seems to want to address that which
i:t a vcry needy pro�jcc so I . . t in rill r;.ui :conscience vote for it under CPA. I will
g.:rally `i .c my v,,A c fo r a rly o ° ._. apprc ;hri,,.ic? for this. I don't think it's something tbat
v, _ ncc do riZ7!rt r,o , -wi s sett;m n - we've got plenty of time but before I give
a vote ''r the CPA-1 I „.rat ou C ty So ... . r ;o stand right down here at that podium and
ve hi:: legal intcrpre-,, tion the S;) .',,vl;, (:are, that's what I want. We have two
c nflic: thing ',, r; d I wall ', n to . I c c and give us a legal interpretation, an
o;)inior:, . don't v ant t� take < ;ing r r . .1 here. Thank you.
Presidunt Rheault—Council, Magovem?
Councilor Magovern — Bef, I say ,mvthing, I want to thank the volunteers that are
here anti thank you for the CV.v Council mid for the Town for all the hours that you put in
as Holm, eers to the athletic ,,, )grams here in Agawam because it's the volunteers that
and Pvc said it for years, it's tic voluntcers that make this town the great town that it is.
P Alt to , s issue. l think that is a s i;:.ation where we've got a problem where I think
! that Mr. Cascio has put a bid ,i which is substantially less than all the other contractors
a:id par- of the wason might i because it's a slow time of the year for him and I think
t''.at he c )tald get started with .:i is right ::way if we pass this. I feel exactly the same as
Counci : r Rossi does tl ctt I'c. :' :e to feel ,i little bit more comfortable that this is legal but
back to I said before, thc rlie thin,-, did learn in law school or in my law courses is
fisr eve pen�,ral rule, thcrC% r;i exec:, . on to the general rule. Our attorney which is
Paid b.• ,he toiti•n -- the City :`Aicitor -- is the one who signed off. He signs off as a
i.'s his lc,v.��t1 opinion it he has 1'�. and the exception where this will float. I think
It is his i „lii)" tl :lt we lr;rve 11, ) by. I' f, s wrong,then the City Solicitor is the one that
h:!s nd ]"Or i',<1t. The �0.00 is , ,t that much money. I feel that we could have
f Tittid "I;. : o iewherc else but :1 his poii,, 'le time is the problem so again, I'm gonna vote
r f r it c rc._�ir..,c I thi, k tl:. ,.crc's ne crunch, the City Solicitor has signed off on
i!.. I'm :Ic t tot,!Ily com,l�.)rtablc ith it bc4,iuse there is General Rule that says that it's not
'1111 flee- ,!ii?;;!v to Mr. Ko .l >ki and t'.l: r field is in terrible shape and I'd like to see
schoc;l th�r: rradualcc :'rom, an elementary school, I'd like to see those
I-.,tds n :i, :;o agaia th.i, You fol' ur volunteering and I'll be voting for it.
Presicl, l•',I::r•.iWt —C�)uncj! -Iimhsc
Than', J u. I'd 1it to i flank Henry for pointing out the difference
b i!N a, : .::c: sc c:f'inai nten:::: and U:sc r ,'preserving and I think that there is a statement
!'r� Corninunity 'rescrva;i i Coalition that says preserve that is to protect
V"e fie:.`. ''roan jr,}.iry, harm or cstructi;,r but not including maintenance. Atthis point it
t',c field We he tot: ' harmed or destructed or there would be injury
to the :--Al i f i t Nvas net prop . l y mai nta::led Lit this point and we could get to the point
�,. % e l,1 c' '• c t sh 1,� i fiel c' dr, ,n, e've been through that before in the town
;,rc1 u; sl,::t fic' down chic to tl,c fact that they just became unplayable. I
con,,inc(,c'i r:a it`s l i )'/u '; gal. I think a lot of, as we all know, is
c.`ttion. I'm s•:• ("Oull"'ilr Letclier can say that as being a lawyer, one
1, •1.. . in,;,:- rct sc meth Inc irid another can interpret it another way but I
tl:int: rca` (!,)Cs E,11 un: :lie face t :at w c are really trying to preserve a field from
r in i i.: .,' lc. I we .lilnk tha, if it was a field that for some reason didn't get
;('r s )me cc):c1 kec-p growing and be fine — it seems like
5. ;>I tir, ;c "he I ,Ire li' .:t - th i, hcrl i would say that it wouldn't fall under this
C i i E:i i i . nc'. ,.!.o t h c Cact t 1-lot cT:', ;li L,r. to the land but injury to the people who
( 11at.. hLive to tir:Et i T! cori ideration with children and adults that.are
_: d >rE in7 practic ;:lie, r° :ir.. tin-:e or play time so I'm a little bit more
c � ; .'iw io,: . !' c a'way: ;: i rr 1'.i,, of [i but a little shaky"on just the terminology
C. it I,u . el , r 1i,1�r : and �s 1 to for this. Thank you.
Presider,: Rhea ult-Council.- Messick''
Council r Messick I'm gc n1P on a CCI.jple things here. First that our attorney didn't
actually ue us an opinion c: 'iat his t' }ught was whether this was allowable or not. I
noticed i�.% the mcnio about V . office rc, }rds preservation he says"it is my opinion that
the use funds is proper". the Mem rial Field irrigation memo, he doesn't say that;
i He essc Aly j;ist tells us it the k, says, that's an interpretation, that's not an
opinion. 'i'he other thing is it T)o email orn Stuart Saginor,it says capital improvements
such as :iinin,,z structures, ir1 : llation ; in irrigation system for erosion control are not
normal i .n(cn.,Mce items. ' ,se are c .,itaI improvements and as the other councilors.
have said <�,scrve a field '-,h is b� destroyed. I think he very clearly tells us the
i diffcren: maintem! and 1. :ervation. Maintenance would be the cost to "
open+!c in-!2,1 t i0]1 system ch is n., -lie issue here. So I'm pretty confident that this
is and I'm going to ' voting "C'wor of it. Thank you.
Pr c�sic►c r ltl�C.:irr11 - Any sin ter disc: on? If not, Barbara, will- you please ca11 the
ROLL 1,L1, - 10 YES, I , Counr ;r Rossi)�
Preside : Ithc tmIt -Ten yes. !ie no, y Iz,,rve approved the transfer or the authorization
Rein 7. '-°par•l-1?fCom7cif C,_. iinittees
Item 9. ;hl,. lreurtngs
Ilew I ' "N 1.;rrsiness
114--2070-7 / G201()- `7'0-2010-34)]Public Hearing Date of November
3, 2010 orr the ,,/fer of a rlion by Thomas Russo.,204 Suffield Street,
9,,,ra!wam, MA f; , ,r propose `Zone Change on property located on Gardens
Street(Rrrerrc,(, ir) Zonin;: :'eview Committee)
PreSi(I I c.i A — '] I I i s is contintr;!i n for publication purposes. Next meeting.will
• be the , 'i c l we wiri g on the ; ;n e cha n, _k i n d that's been referred over to Zoning and at
that tin:. ..Z I zi:;k fora rcpo; A, Ji)i ')k-.ay?
2. '1'0w2010-26 - An Ortk r Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a Class II
Dealer-Agave r m Auto Iaf 1,Inc., 825 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,
! CIA.(Referred (o Licensc Committee) (Clerk)
President 1thc cult - I'll accept a motion to put the discussion on the floor. Moved by
Councils,, Rossi, seconded by, Councilor Perry. A report from Councilor Rossi on the
License Uc}mmittee.
Councilor- ltcr tii - Y': s, t:ic Conwliltt'e is in full agreement to send a positive
recornnic elation for all of the Class It Dealer Licenses that are on the Agenda this
evenin!, . r, 1 011'A would be 2010-26 tb!-ough 2010-33 and I would entertain a motion to
consul::!. :(- I',:: nine or Ills sev en items !n take one vote if the Council so pleases.
! Pres id e r t i t i e:i ult - N-1 owed by Cot:rr c i l,)r Rossi, seconded by Councilor Magovern. I
would c".;i i2c €',le motion to read 'l-G--_110 26 Agawam Auto Mall; -27 Falror Auto
Sala;; --. I,, -�,F,onet, Inc.; -29 Parroi.:i Auto. Service; -30 V&F Auto; -31 Zielinski
Brot'.rs:! !iris Awes Sol,!); -13 .1r nh Polys d/b/a Joe's Truck Repair,all inclusive
in o: c v the t�,:tntin of the rose. Any discussion further? Seconded by
! Cotwcl` . T3: of Ilier. ,t;-bara, please ctt':'theroll.
ult - :levc yeti; }; ,•e approved the granting of the licenses just
"I.O-2010-1 7 - An O rci c , G ranting or Renewing a LICENSE for a Class It
1)caler- !,;flan• ,Auto S;i1, ,. 1 ne.,373 Springfieid Street,Agawam,MA.
(IReferred to U.•ensc Cofwiiittee)(Clerk)
Pre�ltl; r! I,'1 r,:uilt- Sci, lien; 2 above.
"s,0-201 2 X - An Orc ranting or Renewing a LICENSE for a Class H
Et amah Circle South.,Agawam,MA.(Referftd
!.r L.iccn _ Cc�n:rT�ittce) (c ; r4r)
1 :!tilt-i,(_- here 2 abov .
TO-2W 0-29 - An Or([ .ranting or Renewing a LICENSE for a Class H
Aido -ice,ice,Inc.,d/bia Parrotta Auto Sales,357 Main
! k—, set, 1� .;sr„., MA. (k<, -red to License Committee)(Clerk)
1'res7€J ;, . iiIt S; , itci , 2 0)ov,
T t-701 rt_,;O _ An 0:-: hang or Renewing a LICENSE fora Class H
try t Larding Street,Agawam,MA.(Referred to
ensc ! :..r lm;;!oc) ( !
T0-2010-31 - An Orrl Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a Clan II
i Dealer-Zielinski BroW >, II,218 Shoemaker Lane,Agawam,MA.
(Referred to License Co • 1:ittee)(Clerk)
Presidci t Rhc,i tilt—See iten, 2 above.
i TO-2010-32 - An On's granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a Class U.
P caler- Claris A uto Sots Inc.,207 Main Street,Agawam,MA(Referred
t + f.iicll�c Cnrt�rrrittee) (+ r�)
Presidci t Rl!r;suh - Sce iten 2 above'
��. `O-2010-33 - A n Or(,!. Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a Class ll
1`t,n l er -:'oseplt .f. l'olys Ala 3oe's Track Repair,97 Ramah Circle South,
Is.t, ;tni. .tiln. ticl'crrc ! License Committee)(Clerk)
Presicltr.tR}rc�: r It -S� c iter i 2 above
Dens I!. Nerr'Pushies.v
!%C_20 ? (TO-2010-35)] Suggest a Public Hearing Date of
,-crrr t,r r 15, 1r 10 on t i Flatter of a Petition by Tirose Development
(;;•r ;�. l,rcl�: rr. 1 by A, . erson Associates,375 Walnut Street Ext.,
5. iw:urr, 1Y1�� t>i•a prop. (A Zone Change on the vacant lot located at the
corner o1'Spenc er Streei nd Maple Street in Agawam,MA.
Presi(lc•iit Rlrc:irIf - Any q„c:tiori o:! 'iat? If not, Barbara would you take care of the
public:�,.�orn plc, :. .
'k Resod. ra Confirming the Appointment of Tim A.
D r T� . Feeding Hills,MA to the Historical Commission
1'crr l:xlrir;rrti Jan ,. y 1,2014(M.ayor)
PresW t hl;c:,s
T P-1-!+:0 14 - A 1 x esw: '�o n regarding the Extension of KENO Monitoring
(f.' rt�ncil`
Presick,!4 Rheault- Nr:, i /1nda, re'' that over to the License Committee.
L TO-2.0!0-3G -An Ord Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a Clam I
1), T 1leaver, l , . cilb/a Beaver Camper Service,721 Springfield
Si -ect, V t::din; RUN,tVl ,,- Clerk)
Pr'CSicl •l.t l?l]c,l+:'t _-N �"rt A,,,,,rlcl:r, re !hat over to the License Committee.
A n Ort', (,ranting or Renewing a LICENSE for a Class 11
l cr- A-(,- : Au to Br -Sales,1363 Maia Street Agawam,MA(Clerk*)
� 18
Presi(Ic,ct RhcoiiIt—Next A,?.encla, rcF that over to the License Committee.
6. TO-2010-38 -An Orrf: Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a Class 11
1)enter—Auto Krat't, I '',llnut Street,Agawam,M.(Clerk)
Presir1vn,t Rhea tilt —Next A,lenda, ret fiat over to the License Committee.
7. TO-2010-39 - An Ord, Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for an
lIntomi,ris :fin,r1se,T1lni ice(s)—Buc,Inc.d/b/a Buccaneer Lounge,84-86
i,l,iple�rl"l'L't, :��rii�1':11,1� ',. (Clerk)
Presi,!c ! t Rh iidt—Nr_xt AVcilda, re' hat over to the License Committee.
S. TO-2 Of 0-=10 - A,r Orr' (,ranting or Renewing a LICENSE for an
Ifrl tslt:,t •: :�s,lllsc5„f'+,t fce(s)—The OUEST,Inc.,I251 River Road,
A-:tw-, ,wr. VA. i.Cler,O
* Presiders t Phe i kilt =N ,x! Agcnr1,,l, rc; hat over to the License Committee.
rr. TO-2 01 --11 - n Ti O r(`. ranting or Renewing a LICENSE for an
mu�i' r,c,sfv ;*s)--F.S.F., Inc.dl/b/a Riverboat Bar&Grill,
Sm rtr4 llridgt kgawam,M11.(Clerk)
• Pres i r „t RII c.,! 1 Agc,,.,!a, re !Iat over to the License Committee.
111). TO-2101(l--I 2 - A n Orr': ".ranting or Renewing a LICENSE for an .
T.J. Sporthonse, 1664 Maln Street,
'iat over to the License Committee.
I 't P-2010- _ - : tt �c; n Autborizing the Application and Acceptance
: ,I rd Ex;, ?kaki ;, M c 11 iisetts Community Development Block Grant
AP-r:c':r, sc 1at over to the Finance Committee.
Item ? Any ofPi r n,rfr£.<<r thv ,?i 1 '1y conye before the City CVuncX
Pres]d(cnt Rh(::?r, t— 'tit, fl st,:: �r i,�cst right, Councilor Bitzas?
Con„f'i11tr11itrus -3.'•� w,-ir 1c. tha• cCouncil for the support of the$7',000.00. It's
the . S7,0j•:", ;J) ' sper. :klr- .:,r '. cu ' it for the fields. It's the right time we did it.
We ,.. . _'t po nc�'rc ?: ; . it very soon so they are going to have good
i field,; play .,!ici hat';
Prc4i,tc�rttRllcru t — ': .:ncil '. ���,,,
• 19
CountiIor Simpson —`,Iothi;it, wnigl� i' ink you.
Presi:k-nt R}rr ault—'FJhank vwi. Cow c::or Magovern?
Co r,a i l u r 11 l;i govern — I j I I l wa lit to iv, ,i nd everybody that Election Day is November
2°6 1 hopc That YOU Grll go out ir, exercise your rights and vote in the upcoming
i elect I' ., < youvet lw ;+..
Con!: °i•is even+ I .
� Prc� , tit l.:` . ,rulf-- C",•rrj�c�' .- 14ossi`'
IZI,,. ;cult— nnci r Walsb'.'
Col,- ''•is cvcni :
Pr{,,. t 1'! •,ru1t — C'..�r3nci� Cichet .
• Cot
Prc 1" +tilt— C' rind: r ,ASSi:'
Coll r c s s i c h — `:'o u; .,o t r l i k c Tirone Zone Change referred to the Zoning
10 ConiEr,: 0
Pre,; . art R �,jult- 0:i. C'n, :-nrry, dY: Liss that one? Again. Thank you.
Cou: . .Ior ;�ssick—Th Ink
Pry :t, i E; �cault- Ti crnk�r u. Counc :.,r Letellier?
Cou �r l._ i t ilir r— l :rr gc , :,:i buck tradition. I have a whole list of stuff.
Para, :t l< :nii[ — Y�s;i de
Coy r [ .. tcllic r -; : rry '. .:t it's Stil' lc-ly.
Prc' ,r :r[i — Is . <<ll to VIc. 'oUncil?
+ Cot: r . Er,llf,r -- ,.'s . crtine:,[ o the Council. Now that Councilor Walsh is
bac :-cd :;nci it'd up . v Ch�:1: o do this but maybe we could refer the issue of
• 20
Free for the Firmice Cm,,iil,ItteC iko Iook at? There's a lot of money out there. I
doxi': i1' %vCre over buc.EE c!'ilg in cc,rtain areas, or what we're doing because if we
can ::nivatc �omc of tlils Free ('ssh we ,an eliminate how much taxes we have to raise.
Soo ;c,>.,sly T,oWre the Chair :t I wo.: .i respectfully ask that you refer the issue to be
reviL— by tl c Filiance Comc�i,Ice.
Prey, , IZ>',c;mlr — Sc, donc.
C0111 : ';r L Mlier — Th"';1I ,rm. i would love to serve on the Reorganization
Fre5i. Lr i Wicatilt — All right. :ianEt �„.i.
0 Coil I,, dr.r Lv(� 1licr LCCs s� The D. .,ocratic Town Committee is having its Annual
D c,: Tr,; I :,,r 1 rc,,1: i s c ,i ng Sunday at Chez Josef Tickets are still
:, c akl NI�dccs. l` -rc I'm Mg Registry of Probate Tom Moriarty as our
Der; o1' :he Yt,,ar : ui .f 2sa K -.loski well known former School Committee
m e l ; ; I.i i :i 11,c ; c',i ,,'n 1 . . . and winner. If you're interested in tickets, you
CLI 11 c}t i r' l cr. I es ; c 1: o,. ; l i' ,, .; I do want to remind everyone to vote and I
, ,:r . :c questions really, really clearly. As City
Cm .is;' c; , s' hr; ,ly of most interest to us is Question#3. I'm
not ;';4 0, '1 o, o _ t s ;l job. I'm gonna to read the question
vc['� V , c,.u::;:_ rr I., ,, 1.00k].: s roll back the taxes back to 5 or 5 %{ percent,
• tl ': t r, that in mind'as you think about how we deal
r[' balance our town budget and that's it. Thank
,,csident. Just one thing — I want to be part of
pros, Id'l aul: f v. 'ctt':,. .
l.'rc: „r' ; „ '; }: :,. 1 h;,... . nothing. I will take into consideration the two
n,,,I�_ n�� ;h�°,I .,11.e uncit) I,ientioned it earlier and I'll see if he's still
ilitcr I ' i fotio Adjourn. So moved. All those in favor?
G jp art, T. W . G., .,N!cning and good night.