r April4, 2011
Vice President Rossi--Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the Agawam
City Council meeting of April 4, 2011.
Item 1. Citizen's Speak Time
Vice President Rossi — We have Citizen's Speak Time; will be our first item of Agenda
this morning or this afternoon but before I do that I would just like to make just a small
announcement. For those who were expecting some sort of presentation on the School
Budget, somehow or other the word got around town that there was supposed to be,
people were supposed to come here and talk at Citizen's Speak Time. I don't see very
many people here and no one certainly has signed up but we have been getting some
emails in our office, in the Council Office, but just to let you know that the City Council
has not received any budget nor has it made any recommendations concerning the School
i Budget and until such time as an announcement is made by the School Committee, we
don't have any information. So if there's any inquiry that you'd like to make about the
School Budget, any thoughts that you might have, you should probably direct them more
towards the School Department, the Superintendent of Schools and the School
Committee. Thank you. With that our first speaker would be Scott Letendre.
Scott Letendre — Good evening. My name is Scott Letendre and I live at 338 North
Street in Feeding Hills. I'm speaking to you tonight as an appointee of Mayor Cohen to
fill the Democratic Party vacancy on the Agawam Board of Registrars. I have been
involved in politics since my college years in the late 1970's and became a member of the
i Agawam Democratic Committee in 1980. For more than thirty years, I have served as a
volunteer for many Democratic Party campaigns on the national, state and local level
including those for Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Deval Patrick, Richard Neal, Ted
Kennedy, John Kerry, Martha Coakley, Jim Welsh and the list goes on. I was about to
help Marissa DeFranco, one of the Democrats running for the U. S. Senate in 2012 and
on Barack Obama's re-election campaign. However, with this appointment I will unable
to do that and I have notified them of that. For each campaign on which I served, I
performed duties common to all dedicated political activists such as collecting signatures
to get my candidates name on the ballot, making city-wide literature drops in support of
my candidate, visiting Agawam residents door-to-door to identify Democratic voters and
introduce them to my candidates campaign for election and telephoning Democratic
voters to encourage them to vote for my candidate on Election Day. If you confirm me, I
would proudly represent the Democratic Party on the Agawam Board of Registrars. I
will also take my responsibility for the position very seriously and perform all my duties
to the very best of my ability. As some of you know, the previous Democratic Party
Registrar, Menette Vermes, was a good friend of mine and it would be an honor for me to
• succeed her on the Board. I hope you will consider confirming me as a member of the
Agawam Board of Registrars. Thank you very much.
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Vice President Rossi—Thank you Scott. Our next speaker will be Alan Griffin.
Alan Griffin—Hi. My name is Alan Griffin. I'm at 104 North Street in Agawam and so
forth. Here's something I want to bring forward to your attention and so forth. We're
wasting a lot of money in this town. We're using that cold patch. That cold patch is all
covered with oil. People get it on their lawns. It rains. It washes the rocks off. It gets
into the lawns of peoples. It's destroying lawns. It's destroying the environment and all
that stuff. What are we using that for? That is ridiculous when we've got other stuff
that's a liquid stuff that we can mix with water, dump it in the holes and it will harden up
and they won't bounce all over the place and you have a big mess, you know? Why not
change it? It's costing us too much money for that cold patch. We gotta go back every
year to clean it up, we gotta put it in the holes, we have the men to put it in the dump
41 truck, go along spreading it, well we got that liquid stuff. We just dump it in the holes
and we level it right out. It hardens there. It don't spread all over the place. You don't
get it all over lawns. You don't contaminate lawns and all that stuff. We're wasting a lot
of money. I mean that's absolutely money that's going out the window, you know? I
mean hot patch, I can see hot patch using that but you know cold patch is ridiculous. All
it is is rock and oil mixed together. You bounce that on your lawn, it rains, it comes off
the rock, it goes all over, it seeps down in your grass. It ruins your grass, ruins peoples
lawns and all that stuff, makes a bigger mess. We gotta go back, we gotta clean it up.
We gotta pay for a sweeper. We gotta pay for a man sweeping it off the sidewalks and all
that stuff. You know that's a lot of money that's spent for free, you know, when we got
that liquid stuff. We buy that liquid stuff. We dump it in. They mix it with water and
they dump it with a bucket into the hole. It seals that hole up and it stays there. It's like a
rubber. It does not move out of the hole. That other stuff will move out of the hole and
create a heck of a mess, you know? Where is our money going? Think about it, you
know? That's money spent out the window every year and then we gotta pay to get rid of
these contaminators stuff after we clean it off the lawns. Well we're wasting a lot of
money here, you know? That's something that you oughta look into, you know? I mean
it's up to you people. You know I got it all over my lawn and I'll tell you what, I want
the town to come back and replant my lawn in the front. You come over by my house at
104 North Street. I'll show you. It's all over the place there and it's way up on my lawn
— ten, fifteen feet in my lawn. I'm not gonna have that stuff ruin my grass. I'm not
paying to dump oil on my grass. Do you want to pay to dump oil on your grass? Put it in
front of your house. Don't put it in front of my house. That's all I got to say, you know,
but we gotta wake up in this town because we're losing so much money so it's up to you
people to use your head and what God gives you, you know? Look into things more
often. See what's going on in this town. You know like our trucks need all GPSs and all
that stuff. We got guys joy-riding all around town and playing the raving music and
driving around town from one end of the town to the other end of the town because I've
been following them, you know. I mean hey, I'm retired so I got time to do that so this is
stuff that we gotta wake up on. You wonder why our taxes going up, well, hey, it's
because of you guys letting every thing go by, you know? And we oughta feel ashamed
of ourselves, you know, so it's time to wake up. I don't wanna keep going on and on and
on about this but hey it's up to you if you want to use your head and what God gives ya.
You know it's like taking the farms away, that's ridiculous too. You know I mean we
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shouldn't be taking our farms away. We should be keeping our farms. We don't need
more housing in this town, you know? We're not a city. We're not New York. We're
not Pennsylvania or something like that. So think about that too. You know we gotta
fight to keep our farms not give up our farms. Well too many farms are going downhill.
People are losing their farms wherever they're building houses. The only ones that's
getting rich is union contractors out there, you know? So I mean hey, it's up to you if
you want to see a city and high-rises going up, if you want put high-rises, buy my land.
I'll move the hell outta here, you can put a high-rise right up there for all I care, you
know? If I can't use my land as farm land and also there is a right to farm. What
happened to that right to farm? There is a law on that and if you look it up under Chapter
1891 think it was—
• Clerk—One minute left please.
Allen Griffin — You know? There is a chapter right to farm. We broke the chapter the
right to farm. So think about that. So I mean it's up to you guys if you want to look it
up, but look it up. All right. That's all I got to say. Thank you very much. Have a nice
• day folks and take care.
Vice President Rossi—Thank you Mr. Griffin.
Item 2. Roll Call
• Vice President Rossi—Barb, will you please call the roll?
ROLL CALL— t0 PRESENT, 1 ABSENT (President Rheault)
Vice President Rossi—Thank you.
Item 3. Moment of Silence and the Pledge o[Allegiance
Vice President Rossi — Now we'll pause for a moment of silence and Pledge of
Item 4. Minutes
(a) Regular Council Meeting—March 21,2011
Vice President Rossi — I'll entertain a motion to accept the minutes of the Regular
Council Meeting on March 21, 2011. So moved by Councilor Letellier seconded by
Councilor Walsh. All in favor? Any abstentions? One abstention by Councilor Cichetti.
Council minutes have been accepted.
Item S. Declaration from Council President
Vice President Rossi — There isn't any except that I would just like to wish Don who's
still under the weather. I'd like to wish him well. I spoke to him earlier today and he's
• doing a little bit better and hopes to be with us for the next meeting.
Item 6. Presentation of Petitions. Memorials & Remonstranees
(a) Resolutions
1. TR-2011-20 -A Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Scott
Letendre,338 North Street,Feeding Hills,MA.01030 to the Agawam Board
of Registrars to a term expiring on April 1,2014(Mayor)
Vice President Rossi — Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Letellier.
Any discussion? Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier — If I may, thank you. I think Mr. Letendre was kind to himself in
terms of underestimating the real work that he's done on campaigns. People seek out
Scott for his help and as a Democrat it's unfortunate that he won't be able to be as
• vigorous and active but as a citizen I think Scott will be an excellent addition to the
Board of Registrars. So I'd ask that you support him.
Vice President Rossi — Thank you. Any further discussion? Barbara, please call the
ROLL CALL— 10 SCOTT LETENDRE, 1 ABSENT (President Rheault)
Vice President Rossi—With ten, one, the appointment is confirmed. Thank you Scott.
Scott Letendre—Thank you folks. I appreciate it.
2. TR-2011-21 -A Resolution to Support the"Local Aid Resolution"
currently under consideration by the Massachusetts Legislature(Councilor
• Vice President Rossi — Moved by Councilor Bitzas, seconded by Councilor Perry. Any
Councilor Bitzas —Very brief, Mr. President, as you can see, exchanged a lot of papers
and the MMA which is the Massachusetts Municipal Association strongly urges all towns
and cities to do by resolution or by letters to send a message to the legislature and to the
Governor to adopt this resolution. What this bill is is for the private people that are
watching us and very briefly intended to establish minimum levels of Chapter 70 and
unrestricted aid equal to proposal amount by Governor Fiscal Year 2012 and of course
for the cities and towns that struggle now in this difficult economic times to balance the
budgets and I think it will be a good message, good idea for everybody to tell the
legislators to do something to help us because as you remember in the past, we criticized
the Mayor's office why the budget didn't come to us sooner and it's not fair for us to wait
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to have the final figures from the state to balance our budget. It is a lot of work and we
cannot have a budget by the end of May or beginning of May or end of April. I hope we
i have that without having any figures so I hope you support it. Thank you.
Vice President Rossi—Any other discussion? Seeing none, Barbara, please call the roll?
ROLL CALL — 10 YES, 0 NO, i ABSENT (President Rheault)
Vice President Rossi—Ten yes, one absent,the resolution is carried.
Item 7. Report of Council Committees
• Vice President Rossi — I am gonna take if I will I'm beg the indulgence of the Council
and allow our Auditor to go first with her report. I know she's been busy all day in
budget hearings and would like to go early so—
-Report from City Auditor
Cheryl St. John - Good evening Councilors. During the past six months from October
2010 through March 2011, the Auditing Department has been busy working on accounts
payable, payroll, financials and other miscellaneous things. In the Accounts Payable
area, the accounting principal clerk processed 8447 payments during the past two
quarters. In the Payroll area, everything has been routine during the past six months. In
the Financial area, I worked with the Assessor to complete the Tax Rate Recapitulation
forms which were submitted to the Department of Revenue in December 2010 to finalize
the tax rate for fiscal year 2011. In February while I was on a vacation, our accounting
principal clerk was hospitalized and was out for several weeks. During a period of this
time, the Accounting Administrative Assistant, Dolores Cichetti handled all three jobs
• extremely well and would like to give her special recognition for all the work that she
did. In February, our independent Auditors, Powers and Sullivan issued the town's
financial statements which the Treasurer/Collector, Laurel Placzek, and I thoroughly
reviewed. In March, our Auditor Jim Powers trained us how to use Asset Aid software to
track our assets. In March, I attended the Massachusetts Municipal Auditors and
• Accountants Association Annual Education Program in order to keep my certification as
a Certified Municipal Accountant. Highlights of the program included legislative
updates, classes on GASB 54, health reform, regionalization, workers compensation and
an update from the Department of Revenue. The DOR stated that the Community
Preservation State Trust Fund distribution will decrease to approximately 25% for Fiscal
• Year 2012. During March, I have been working with the budget team to prepare the
Fiscal Year 2012 budget. Other miscellaneous things that our department has been busy
working on during the past two quarters are journal and budget entries, monthly reports,
recording fixed assets, balancing Accounts Receivables, attend staff, budget & council
meetings, handling basic life insurance claims and answering the switchboard. I would
• like to thank you for your time and thank my staff for their hard work and look forward to
preparing for the town's next fiscal year end this upcoming quarter. Have a good
Vice President Rossi—Thank you Cheryl.
• - Council Sub-Committees
Vice President Rossi—Rules and Regulations Committee, Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier—Yes,thank you. Our Administrative Assistant had gone through the Rules
• and the Charter and had made a list of areas that she thought were in conflict. I shared it with the
Council in the hope of getting some feedback and I have not. So I will give you one more month
and then I'm scheduling a meeting. So it's April 4"` so if you could let me know by May I"your
thoughts on Barbara's notes and then we'll get a meeting set in May. Thank you.
Vice President Rossi — Thank you Councilor Letellier. Utilities and Street Acceptance.
• Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo—Yea, our committee met one time for a pole relocation and that was we voted
in favor of that and I want to thank my committee for coming to the meeting and supporting it
and supporting Western Mass Electric. Thank you.
• Vice President Rossi — Licenses that is my Chair. The Licensing Committee has been
meeting continuously and ongoing throughout the first of the year and even prior into last
December, 2010, issuing all of our licenses, amusement licenses, new, renewals, Class I1,
Class I Dealer licenses and up to date everything has been issued and to my knowledge
there are no outstanding licenses that need to be renewed or are having difficulties at this
i time. I'd like to thank my Licensing Committee for being available on short notices on
many occasions. This is a committee as I said is one that we don't have any regular
schedules and things seems to crop up from time to time and my committee has always
been available and I wanted to thank them for that. Thank you.
• Vice President Rossi—Now we go to Public Safety, Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti —Yes, thank you Mr. Vice President, we did meet once in the first quarter.
We met in regards to the side street parking near and around Six Flags. Police Chief Campbell
and Lt. Gillis were there along with Councilor Rossi and Councilor Perry. Currently there is
i nothing in place that the police can do to stop that from happening being the off-street parking
issues around Six Flags. We are in the process of developing a survey or a letter to send out to
the surrounding residents that this is affecting and to see if they would like residential parking
permits or an Ordinance to create a Parking Overlay District. Thank you .
Vice President Rossi — Thank you Councilor Cichetti. Ordinance Committee —
• Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern — Thank you Council President Rossi. We had a meeting scheduled in
February for a cell tower ordinance which was withdrawn so February was light. The major
discussion that we had was dealing with our Inter-Municipal Shelter Lease Agreement and we
held a meeting on March 14t' of this past month and Councilor Cichetti was there, myself was
there and Lt. Gillis and Lt. Gillis spent quite sometime going over the Municipal Agreement.
We had quite a bit of discussion and then we came together at the next Council Meeting,
discussed it. I was very pleased to see in the audience that we had Mayor Knapik that came in as
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well as the Chief from Westfield that both came in and spoke to us about the Westfield
participation in this. Again, Lt. Gillis spoke to us and we passed the Shelter Agreement and we
discussed the new Dog Ordinance which we will be having the second vote on this evening and I
will be talking more about that this evening.
Vice President Rossi — Thank you Councilor Magovern. Zoning Review Committee,
Councilor Messick?
! Councilor Messick—The Zoning Review Committee did not meet at this time. The Ordinance
and Zoning Review Committees were going to meet jointly about the cell phone tower but they
withdrew the petition so no other meetings.
Vice President Rossi—Thank you Councilor Messick. Finance with Councilor Walsh?
Councilor Walsh—Yes,we were scheduled for two meetings and on March V we cancelled our
meeting. This was in regard to the five collective bargaining agreements and there seemed at that
time there was a question as to what we could talk about and what we couldn't. It came down to
we could talk strictly about financing and at the time that we had our meeting, financial
information was not available so we cancelled that meeting rather than to convene it and end up
! talking about the wrong thing. On March 17'h, we had a meeting at the Agawam Senior Center
and the discussion involved TO-2011-8 which was a transfer of$3,500.00 from the Reserve Fund
to the City Council Professional Services. The vote was 4-0 in favor of a positive
recommendation to the Full Council. The same evening we had TO-2011-9 which was a transfer
of$9,708.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Animal Transfer Capital Outlay Account. The vote
was 4-0 to recommend to the Full Council to table the matter but after a presentation to the
Council on March 21'the City Council meeting with Mayor Cohen, Lt. Gillis and Mayor Knapik
from Westfield,the transfer was approved.
Vice President Rossi — Thank you Councilor Walsh. Industrial Relations Committee,
. Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry—Yes, thank you Mr. Vice President. No issues were brought to this committee
in this past quarter. Thank you.
Vice President Rossi—Thank you Councilor Perry and the Ad Hoc Sewers, again, that's
! my chair and just to bring you up to date. The Southwest Area Sewer Extension Project
that all proposed sewer piping and structures have been installed. There's only a few
punch list items that remain including a leakage test which is a norm when repairing
some manholes on Springfield Street. The overall status of the Phase I is as you know,
the City Council appropriated $3,730,000.00 for the overall project. The projected cost
! for construction was $1,657,000.00. The projected engineering cost was $356,000.00
and acquiring the land for Phase II pumping station was $150,000.00 and remaining in
the project at this point was $1,566,200.00. As you can see that the first phase came in
about 50% under budget so we're very, very happy and excited about that. The City
Council voted to allocate the remaining funds appropriated for the Phase I portion to the
Phase II design costs which is about $643,600.00. This will leave a balance of
$922,600.00 to be applied to Phase II construction costs which Phase I is expected to be
fully operational by mid-summer. Phase II, there will be approximately 21,000 feet of
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new sewer piping, two wastewater pumping stations -- one on Pine Street and the other
located on Barry Street — the cost of this phase because we have combined those, the
• most cost-effective way to do that would be to appropriate — the projection right now is
about $7.3million and as I said the reason for the increase is the phases were supposed to
be divided about $3.7million a piece but we decided the most cost-effective way to do
that would be to combine those two. It didn't make sense to just put in a pumping station
and tax the taxpayers that money for the overall project and not get any benefits from it.
So we decided to go in and lay 21,000 feet of pipe which would make it more cost-
effective and that would bring us to about 50% completion which is a big, big plus for
that entire area up there in terms of future growth and tax base for the community. Right
now, our design phase for II is about 80% complete and the pumping station design is
about 25%complete and bids for Phase II are expected to go out within the next month to
* six weeks and we're hoping to get that thing off the ground by somewhere around late
summer. If anybody has any questions and they want to see me, they can feel free to
contact me or any other committee member if there's anything they're just quite not sure
of or maybe I hurried through it a little bit but pretty much it's going as expected and
we're very happy with the results. Thank you.
• Vice President Rossi — Moving along here we have Ad Hoc Recreation. Councilor
Councilor Bitzas — Thank you Mr. Vice President. Our committee did not meet in the last
quarter but we are going to plan our committee have a meeting with the Director of Park &
40 Recreations, Chris Sparks, the Town Planner, Deborah Dachos, CPA Chair and Vice Chair and
members available and some people from DPW to go over the plans for the Phase II of the School
Street Park so I will post the meeting in the next few weeks and Ml let you know. Thank you.
Vice President Rossi--Thank you Councilor Bitzas. Ad Hoc Condominium Committee,
i Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo — Our committee has not met this quarter and the reason it has not met is
Attorney Gioscia is working on two versions of a resolution for trash pickup to condos. Barbara,
if you could get a memo to Attorney Gioscia. I'm still waiting for the two versions and I know
he's been busy but I think I spoke with him, it's probably been three or four weeks ago and I have
i been keeping Brian Haifa up to date of what's going on. I've been sending him emails and Jeff at
Atrium Properties, I've also been sharing emails with him also so if you could get that memo out
to see where we stand with the two versions so I can set up a meeting with the condo committees,
I'd appreciate it.
i Vice President Rossi —Thank you Councilor Mineo. The Ad Hoc Personnel, Councilor
Councilor Magovern — We're fortunate in Agawam to have some great personnel working for
our town consequently we've had absolutely no personnel issues so we have not had a meeting.
Thank you.
Vice President Rossi — Thank you Councilor Magovern. The Ad Hoc CPA, Councilor
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Councilor Simpson—Thank you. Nothing was referred to this committee this past quarter.
Vice President Rossi — Thank you Councilor Simpson. The Ad Hoc Master Plan,
Councilor Messick?
Councilor Messick—The Master Plan committee did not meet this quarter.
Vice President Rossi -- Thank you Councilor Messick. Ad Hoc Reorganization,
Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry — Yes, thank you Mr. Vice President. The Ad Hoc Reorganization sub-
committee met four times in this last quarter. Our first meeting was on the 24`h of January at the
library, Present were myself as Chairman, committee members Rossi and Mineo. Also present
were Councilors Walsh and Cichetti. This first initial meeting was a discussion involving the
topics of reorganization of the town and government. 'We put together our objectives and goals
for this newly-found committee and we basically adjourned about 8pm that evening. We met
again on February 23`d. The meeting again was held at the library. All members were present.
We did discuss department heads, their salaries, each department and the labor costs involved in
those departments and also about increasing Council Line Item Professional Services, looking to
increase that line item. That meeting was adjourned about 8:10 that evening. We met again on
March 15a' at the library. All members were present and we discussed how many different town
labor groups there are in unions. We had a discussion on the police and fire unions. We voted
unanimously to recommend to the Full Council an increase in our budget line item of
Professional Services by an increase of $3,500.00 which the Full Council did pass in our last
meeting and we did discuss potential candidates to advise this committee on legal issues. That
meeting adjourned about 8:15 and then on March 30"' again at the library we had another
meeting. Present were myself as the Chair, committee members Rossi and Mineo,we had a guest
attorney, Stephen McGoldrick who came and gave us a presentation on his expertise in town
reorganizations and town charters and basically we had a lengthy discussion in regards to what
our committee has been looking at and pursuing and the information that we're gathering and he
basically will be sending the proposal to Councilor Letellier within the next seven to ten days in
regards to what he feels he can guide us in and the committee will take a look at that and then go
from there. We also did receive; I think we all received it in our packet last week, a memo from
the Mayor,basically saying that the Department of Revenue is another avenue that this committee
• can look at in types of reorganization on the financial side of things. I as Chairman appreciate
that from the Mayor. There are a number of different options that we'll be looking at in the
future. I feel this committee's gonna continue to be busy. I want to thank my committee
members for their commitment to this committee and their participation and the information that
they've gathered for me and we're gonna be busy. Thank you.
• Vice President Rossi—Thank you Councilor Perry.
Item 8. Elections
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Item 9. Public Hearings
• None.
Item 10. Old Business
1. TOR-2011-2 -An Ordinance Regarding a New Chapter 96
Concerning Dogs (Referred to Ordinance Committee)(god Reading)
Vice President Rossi — This will be the second reading. It was once referred to the
Ordinance Committee. I don't know if the Ordinance Committee wishes to do a
presentation but I'll entertain a motion? Moved by Councilor Letellier, seconded by
Councilor Walsh. It was once referred to, as I said, to the Ordinance Committee, if the
Ordinance Committee has anything further to add — if not, I'll entertain discussion.
Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern — Basically discussion, we reviewed the Ordinance, Councilor
• Cichetti and myself and it's eleven pages of legalese on controlling dogs and cats in the
Town of Agawam and as much as — we have to raise our fees. The fees for the dog
licenses are going from $4.00 to $10.00 so it's going to be into, you're supposed to pay
your registration fees by the first of April. So if you haven't been done.there to pay your
registration fees, you may still be able to get in under the wire for $4.00 but after we pass
the Ordinance and everything gets processed, it will be going up to $10.00 and that's a
necessary fact that has to be done. We've got a wonderful Animal Control Officer in
town and the increased fees will go for defraying the expenses of supervising all of the
dogs that we have in this town but again as I said it's eleven pages of legalese and Lt.
Gillis did a great job on pulling it together but most of it is I think state mandated that's
• gonna be coming down in a few years and honestly I wish the state had better things to do
than to come up with eleven pages worth of Ordinances for dogs and cats. So my basic
conservative nature tells me that it's way over-powered but by the same token if we have
to tweak it at a later time, we can tweak it but at this point I think that the ordinance
should probably be passed the way that it is unless there's any other discussion. Thank
• you very much.
Vice President Rossi — Thank you Councilor Magovern. Is there any other discussion?
If not, this will be the second and final reading and if no further discussion, Barbara,
please call the roll? Oh, I'm sorry, go ahead.
Councilor Messick— I'm sorry, there are some typos in here and we thought we would
be getting a revised Ordinance so if I could just make a motion to amend a few things?
Vice President Rossi—Sure.
• Councilor Messick—All right. The first is on, in the Definitions under Kennel, the fifth
line, it says, it should say "including companion animals and pets" instead of an. It
should be an a-n-d. I mean these are, they're small but—The next one is on, is under 96-
• 10
8 Kennel Inspection and Regulation, it's in the third paragraph, second line and it says
"setting fort", it should be "setting forth". Next one, 96-14 Removal of Dog or Cat waste
• from Public Property. It should be "public property or property of others" and it says
"of' right now, changed that to an "or". There's one more under Enforcement 96-18
there should be a backslash in the third sentence between "or and his" after Chief of
Police or a space that would work too. That's it.
Vice President Rossi — Thank you very much. I'll entertain a motion to vote on the
amendment. Moved by Councilor Letellier, seconded by Councilor Perry. All in favor?
So moved, carried. Barb, you got all of those? Okay, now we'll take a vote on the main
motion. I'm sorry?
Councilor Bitzas—As amended.
Vice President Rossi — As amended, correct, thank you, my tongue apparently doesn't
work as fast as your's, Councilor Bitzas. So moved, we'll take a vote on the article as
amended. This will be the second and final reading. Barbara, please call the roll.
ROLL CALL — 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (President Rheault)
Vice President Rossi —Ten yes, one absent,the motion's been carried.
Item 11. New Business
1. TR-2011-22 - A Resolution Authorizing Conservation Restriction
WMECO to Massachusetts Audubon Society,Inc. (Councilor Messick)
Vice President Rossi—Next Agenda.
2. TR-2011-23 -A Resolution Adopting Massachusetts General Law
Chapter 32B, Section 18 (Mayor)
Vice President Rossi—Next Agenda. I'm gonna refer that to the Ordinance Committee.
3. TR-2011-24 -A Resolution to Borrow and Appropriate funds for
Construction of a Storage Building at the Building Maintenance Facility at
1347 Main Street(Mayor)
Vice President Rossi — Next Agenda. I'm gonna refer that to the Finance Committee,
Councilor Walsh.
Item 12. Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council.
Vice President Rossi —I will start with Councilor Perry. Councilor Perry? Anything to
Councilor Perry—Nothing this evening,thank you.
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Vice President Rossi—Thank you. Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier—Nothing. I just wish Council President Rheault well.
Vice President Rossi—Thanks. Councilor Messick?
Councilor Messick -- I have two things. The Resolution is coming up authorizing
conservation restrictions. If anybody has any questions about that I've been working
extensively with Western Mass Electric Company and Henry Kozloski also has been
working pretty extensively so if you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch
and we'll try and clarify anything that you might need to be clarified. The plans are a
• little bit complicated if you don't know what you're looking for. Also, Earth Day 2011
will be Saturday April 30th from 11 to 3 at the School Street Park. We have some
interesting things that we will be featuring. The Forest Park Zoo on the Go will be there
from 11 until noon. You can take a ride on the sun-powered roaming railroad. They
come and set up a railroad track and it's solar powered. It's very cute. Have your face
painted by a local artist from Thousand Cranes Studio, bring a garden soil sample to be
tested by a master gardener and they'll actually give you the chemical composition so
you can tell exactly how much stuff to put in your lawn to make it better--all organic of
course and the DPW will be taking orders for rain barrels that day that will be picked up
at a later date. If you need any further information or we still have spots for booths so if
you want to bring a booth, call Tracy DeMaio at the Agawam DPW 821-0624 or you can
call me at 789-8125. Thank you.
Vice President Rossi—Thank you Councilor Messick. Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti—Nothing this evening thank you.
Vice President Rossi—Councilor Walsh?
Councilor Walsh — Yes, the Easter Egg Hunt is going to be held at the School Street
Park under the Parks & Rec. Department and along with the Agawam Lions Club and the
* Agawam Rotary Club and there is a registration charge per car load of children so call the
Parks & Rec Department to find out if they still have space available cuz I think last year
it went fairly quickly and the actual egg hunt I think took 90 seconds once everything was
put down so it's really great for the community and contact the Parks & Rec Department
if you have children and are interested. Thank you.
• Vice President Rossi—Thank you Councilor Walsh. Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas—Nothing this evening.
9 Vice President Rossi—Councilor Simpson?
Councilor Simpson—Nothing tonight. Thank you.
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Vice President Rossi—Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern A couple of things. Councilor Walsh, how many eggs are
Councilor Walsh --My understanding is about 8,000.
Councilor Magovern — Eight thousand eggs are stuffed and it takes 90 seconds to pick
them up. I always thought that was a rather interesting statistic. A couple of other things
number one is Council President Rheault, again, he tried to make it here today but ended
up after he got dressed to come, he decided he better go to the doctor's and that's where
he went and again hopefully he'll have a speedy recovery. And another quick
announcement, for those of you who are interested, one of my main interests in life is 17th
Century Colonial history and Wednesday night I'm going to be giving a lecture on the
171h Century Indian conflicts here in the Connecticut River Valley from the Pequot Wars
up until the end of King Philip's War and up until the 1700's so if anybody is interested
. in attending a lecture on the Connecticut Valley Indians I'll be at the Senior Center. The
genealogy group is hosting it and their meeting starts at 6 and I'll probably be on at 6:30
if anybody would like to come and find out what happened in the 17th Century. Thank
Vice President Rossi -- Thank you Councilor Magovern. I thought your parents were
Councilor Magovern — My father was an Irish pilgrim from Ireland, my mother was a
Mayflower pilgrim.
• Vice President Rossi—Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo — Yea, just one thing tonight as I was going over my packet over the
weekend and I realized this. There's a budget workshop meeting tomorrow night at the
Jr. High School Auditorium. It's a memo that we received from Dr. Czajkowski on
• March 315t. Does anybody know the time of the meeting? It's not in the memo.
Vice President Rossi—I don't. Barbara could probably find out. They have been doing
them there at 5:30. 1 don't know if that's accurate.
Councilor Mineo — On April 5`h, the memo that she sent, on FY12 budget workshop it
just says in the Jr. High School Auditorium, no time, then there's on Tuesday April 12`h
Superintendent's presentation of the FY12 Budget to School Committee for tentative
approval under reports and it's on the regular meeting agenda so I'd have to assume
that's at 7:00. There's no time but I'd assume their meetings start for 7 and I know the
one on the 26th the time is indicated, it's 6:30. So maybe you could send us an email
tomorrow? Just to confirm the time cuz that's definitely something I'd like to go to.
That's it. Thank you.
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Vice President Rossi—Thank you Councilor Mineo. I would just like to send my best to
• Council President Rheault and also to his wife Joan. I know she's been under the
weather and I wish you both a speedy recovery. Especially for Joan, cuz I know Don
when he's under the weather can be a little bit of a handful. So I wish you both well and
hurry back and I will entertain a motion to adjourn. Moved by the Council, seconded by
the Council. We are adjourned. Thank you.
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