Minutes dated December S, 2011
President Rheault—Welcome to the December 5, 2011 City Council meeting.
Item 1. Citizen's Speak Time
President Rheault — We have a few citizens wishing to address the Council and they
have, I believe everybody has already spoken in front of the Council, so I don't need to
remind you of the rules. The first speaker is Cecilia Calabrese.
Cecilia Calabrese — Thank you. Cecilia Calabrese, 75 Wagon Wheel Drive in Feeding
Hills. I'm standing before you again this evening in my role as a member of the Board of
Directors of the Agawam Robotics Education Association to invite all of the City
Council, the Mayor, School Committee members, Barbara and folks at home and in the
audience tonight to come down to the Jr. High School this Saturday between 9 in the
0 morning and 4 in the afternoon to come check out all the action that's happening at the Jr.
High with the First Lego League Regional Tournament. This is the fourth year that
Agawam is hosting this tournament and it has become one of the premier events in New
England for the First Lego League Robotics program. It's something that I'm very proud
to have been involved with for the last four years and I think you'd all be very delighted
i to come and see the turn out, see the kids. There's some really innovative ideas and
programs that are put forth and it's something that I'm very proud of and I would love to
have everyone come and just check it out. Thank you.
President Rheault—Thank you. James Marmo?
James Marino — James Marino, 65 Kellogg Avenue, Feeding Hills. I'm here tonight to
talk to you about Doreen Prouty and Rich Maggi. Both of them are doing a fantastic job
on the Board of Appeals and Doreen she investigates every thing that we have come
across the Board and she looks up everything so she should be reelected and Rich Maggi,
he is a lawyer and he helps us out a tremendous amount and l hope you all consider both
of them. Thank you.
President Rheault —Thank you. Doreen Prouty?
Doreen Prouty — Good evening, Councilor Rheault and members of the Council. My
name is Doreen Prouty, 891 South Westfield Street in Feeding Hills. I am here to
humbly ask for your vote for the position of the regular member on the Zoning Board of
Appeals and with that, I hope you all have a good holiday. Thank you very much.
President Rheault—Thank you. Richard Maggi?
Richard Maggi — Good evening. Richard Maggi, 16 Old Mill Road, Agawam. Mr.
Council President, members of the Council, good evening, I'm here to tell you of my
� 1
interest and my desire to remain on the Zoning Board of Appeals. I just concluded a third
- three year term. There is a learning curve, it's interesting. I enjoy the people I work
with and I hope you will consider reappointing me. Thank you.
President Rheault—Thank you. Douglas Reed?
Douglas Reed — Douglas Reed, 10 Shelley Lane in Feeding Hills. I'm here to ask that
the Council supports the increase in the sewer rate tonight and also the setting the tax
rate. The 1.65 that was originally recommended, that you guys are looking at 1.64, 1
think is great however I wouldn't be opposed to seeing you guys even look at 1.63. I
think it would be conducive to supporting business more in town. I think we need to
retain business and I think we need to make an environment where we can get some new
business in here so I thank you for your support.
President Rheault—Thank you Doug. Gary Suffriti?
Gary Suffriti — Hi. I'm Gary Suffriti, 228 Adam Street, Agawam. I'm here also to ask
for your support for Doreen Prouty on the Board of Appeals. I've been on the Board of
Appeals for six years now and I'll tell you what, it's been a great blessing to work with
her. She is truly a person that looks into every facet of every case that we have. She
doesn't take anybody's word for it, not even mine, and she really knows how to run a
meeting. I know some of you councilors have been there at many meetings and you
know what I'm talking about but 1 really hope that you will continue to let her serve for
• this town. As far as Richard Maggi, that's a different story. No, Rich is, he's been also a
great added feature to the Board. Being a lawyer, it gives us a lot of time where we need
to have some information that he does have being a lawyer and not have to wait for the
City Solicitor so we can just move this business on but I really hope that you would vote
for both of these (people) back on and also I would like to say I wasn't here when you
voted me on. I was working out of town and I appreciate all your support and your votes.
Thank you.
President Rheault—Thank you Gary. That concludes Speak Time.
Item 2. Roll Call
President Rheault—Barbara, please call the roll.
ROLL CALL - 14 PRESENT, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
President Rheault—Ten present, one absent, you have a quorum.
.Item 3. Moment of Silence and the Pledge of Allegiance
President Rheault—Please rise for a moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance.
Item 4. Minutes
1. Special Council Meeting—November 16,2011
President Rheault — Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Perry, any
corrections or additions? If not, voice vote is sufficient. All those in favor? Opposed?
2. Regular Council Meeting—November 21,2011
President Rheault — The November 215` minutes are not quite complete yet so I'll
entertain a motion to table until the next meeting. Moved by Councilor Walsh, seconded
by Councilor Rossi. All those in favor? The item is tabled until the next meeting.
• Item 5. Declaration from Council President
Item 6. Presentation of Petitions, Memorials & Remonstrances
1. TR-2011-55 -A Resolution Amending the Rules and Regulations of the
Agawam City Council(Tabled 11/21/11) (Referred to Rules Committee)
President Rheault — The item is on the table and either I'll entertain a motion to take it
off the table or leave it there. Oh, I'm sorry, Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier — Yes, I move to leave it on the table. I have no been able to
schedule a meeting.
President Rheault—You want to move to table it until the next Council meeting?
Councilor Letellier — I would say the next Council because I won't be here the next —
unless somebody from the committee wants to run the meeting and schedule it, I'm
totally okay with that.
! President Rheault — All right. I'll take the motion to table and who seconded it?
Councilors Bitzas and Walsh, all those in favor? Opposed? The item is on the table.
2. TR-2011-60 - A Resolution Appropriating from the Community
Preservation Fund and Authorizing the Expenditure of Community
Preservation funds for Cooper Commons, 161 Main Street,Agawam,MA.
(Referred to Ad Hoc CPA Committee) (Mayor)
President Rheault — At, motion, moved by Councilor Magovern to withdraw, seconded
by Councilor Mineo. For the Council's information, I received a letter from the
Chairperson of the CPA and asking that it be or not be put on the Agenda so the Council
• will take a vote to take it off so please call the roll Barbara?
ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
President Rheault -- Ten yes, one absent, we have taken the, removed the item from the
3. TR-2011-61 -A Resolution Appropriating$492,993.00 from the Agawam
Wastewater Department Fund Available Funds to the Agawam Wastewater
Department Operations (Referred to Finance Committee)(Mayor)
President Rheault -- As attached, moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor
Cichetti. A report from the Finance Committee?
Councilor Walsh — Yes, the Committee met on November V11, present were myself,
Councilors Perry, Rossi and Mineo. Councilor Letellier was absent and TR-2011-61 - A
resolution appropriating $492,993.00 from the Agawam Wastewater Department Fund
Available Funds to the Agawam Wastewater Department Operations. There was a
discussion as to the need to transfer funds and Councilor Rossi thought that this was an
indication that the sewer rates were too low. Superintendent Golba agreed that the rates
needed to be increased and that a rate increase was going to be in effect on January 1,
2012. Treasurer/Collector Laurel Placzek indicated that in order to set the tax rate the
Wastewater accounts had not raised the anticipated revenue and that the transfer was
necessary to balance the accounts. There was also a discussion of how the resolution
adopting the order of assessment for the Phase I Southwest Area Sewer Project would
! impact the sewer use rates. There was a motion by Councilor Perry and seconded by
Councilor Rossi to send a recommendation to the Full Council to approve the
appropriation of$492,993 to the Wastewater Department Operations. The vote was 4 to
President Rheault—Thank you. Any further discussion? If not, Barbara, please call the
ROLL CALL-- 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you have approved the transfer.
4. TR-2011-62 -A Resolution Approving Sewer Use Rates Fixed by the
Department of Public Works (Referred to Finance Committee) (Mayor)
President Rheault —As attached, moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor
! Perry. Any discussion on that? A report from the Finance Committee?
Councilor Walsh —Yes, a resolution approving sewer use rates fixed by the Department
of Public Works. The discussion had been previously included in the discussion of TR-
2011-61 and there was no further discussion that took place. There was a motion by
Councilor Mineo and seconded by Councilor Perry to send a recommendation to the Full
Council to approve the sewer use rates fixed by the Department of Public Works. The
vote was 4 to 0 in favor.
President Rheault —Thank you. Any further discussion? If not, Barbara, please call the
ROLL CALL—10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you have approved the rates as attached.
S. TR-2011-63 -A Resolution Adopting the Order of Assessment for the
Phase I Southwest Area Sewer Project(Referred to Finance Committee)
President Rheault -- Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Perry. A
* report from the Finance Committee?
Councilor Walsh — Yes, this also took place at our meeting of November 30th. TR-
2011-63 - A resolution adopting the Order of Assessment for the Phase 1 Southwest Area
Sewer project. The discussion also was included in the discussion of TR-2011-61 and no
i further discussion took place at this time. There was a motion by Councilor Perry and
seconded by Councilor Rossi to send a recommendation to the Full Council to approve
the resolution adopting the Order of Assessment for Phase I Southwest Area Sewer
project. The vote was 4 to 0 in favor.
President Rheault—Thank you. Any further discussion? Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi—Yes, thank you. I am happy to say that I am glad to see this finally on
the Agenda out that these assessments are going out to those people out in Phase I of the
South West Sewer Project. It's a clear indication that the project is well on its way and
those people that are in that phase will be having an opportunity with this assessment to
hook up and that the town will start to collect some revenue as a result of that and those
people will now participate in our entire water and sewer system program which would
ease the pain a little bit, pave the way if you will, for our further phases down the line so
we can continue on and this was just an example of how when we first set out with this
sewer project to take these small bite size pieces and pay as you go if you will and this is
an example of how it's gonna work. So these people here will now become part of our
overall system, town-wide system, paying their way which paves the way for Phase 11, 111
and IV and hopefully as we continue on we'll gather more revenue, add to our tax base so
I'm happy to see this go on not only for our benefit for the sewer projects but for those
people up there that desperately need the program. Thank you.
President Rheault — Thank you. Any other discussion? If not, Barbara, please call the
ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you have approved the item.
Item 7: Report of Council Committees
• None.
Item 8. Elections
1. TE-2011-6 -Election of a Member of the Zoning Board of Appeals to a
Term Expiring January 1,2012 (Council)
Councilor Rossi—Mr. President it would be honor to nominate Doreen Prouty.
President Rheault—Doreen Prouty is nominated.
Councilor Letellier—Second.
President Rheault — Second is accepted but not necessary. Moved by Councilor Bitzas
to close the nominations. The name of Doreen Prouty is in front so for the record we will
have a roll call.
ROLL CALL— 10 DOREEN PROUTY, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
President Rheault —Ten for Doreen Prouty, one absent. Congratulations Doreen.
2. TE-2011-7 - Election of an Alternate Member of the Zoning Board of
Appeals to a Term Expiring January 1,2012 (Council)
President Rheault—I think I had Councilor Magovern first.
Councilor Magovern — It's my pleasure to nominate Richard Maggi for the alternate
position and thank you for serving the Town of Agawam.
President Rheault—We have Richard Maggi. Are there any other nominations? Moved
by Councilor Bitzas to close. All those in favor? Opposed? Again, would you please
call the roll,Barbara, for the position?
ROLL CALL— 10 RICHARD MAGGI, l ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
President Rheault—Ten for Richard Maggi and a hearty congratulations to you.
• Item 4. Public Hearin
1. PH-2011-7 (TR-2011-58)-A Resolution Adopting a Residential Factor
of.827011 pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 56
(Referred to Finance Committee) (Mayor)
President Rheault — Council's pleasure? Moved by Councilor Rossi, seconded by
Councilor Magovern. A report from the Finance Committee?
Councilor Walsh — Yes, this also was on our Agenda for November 301h. TR-2011-58
! - A resolution adopting a tax factor of.827011, a shift of 1.65. Assessor Kevin Baldini
provided a handout and spent some time explaining it. There was a discussion among the
committee members and it was generally agreed that a shift of 1.64, 1.65 and 1.66
provided the most desirable results. The committee decided that a tax factor of.829673,
which is a shift of 1.64 kept the average tax increases amongst the different categories
between, I have a figure of$81 but I think the figure changed to $77 upon a subsequent
revision of the sheet, between $77 for Commercial and $107 for Industrial which was the
narrowest spread and thusly seemed the most equitable. There was a motion by
Councilor Perry and seconded by Councilor Rossi to send a recommendation to the Full
Council to adopt a tax factor of.829673. The vote was 4 to 0 in favor.
President Rheault — Thank you. I'm gonna read the resolution into the record as the
motion in front of the Council.
WHEREAS, beginning in Fiscal Year 1989, the Agawam City Council began adopting
residential factors of less than one (1) pursuant to Massachusetts General laws, Chapter
40, Section 56; and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the residential taxpayers of Agawam to adopt a
residential factor of less than one(1);and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam to adopt a residential
. factor of 1.65;
NOW THEREFORE, the Agawam City Council hereby resoles after conducting a
public hearing to adopt a resident factor of 0.827011 pursuant to Massachusetts General
Laws, Chapter 40, Section 56.
President Rheault—I now declare the public hearing open. Who is presenting?
Kevin Baldini — Kevin Baldini, 32 Park Avenue, South Hadley, City Assessor. Good
evening Councilors. Thank you for inviting me to speak tonight. Each year the City
Council of Agawam must decide at the public hearing on classification how to allocate
! the tax levy between the residential and business classes of property. The proposed tax
levy for the town for fiscal 2012 is approximately $47,120,000, After reviewing the
information prepared by the Assessor's Office, Mayor Cohen is recommending a shift of
1.65 for Fiscal 2012 which results in a residential factor of .827011. At this shift the
proposed residential tax rate would be $14.3 5 per thousand and the proposed business
rate would be $28.63 per thousand. The proposed tax levy to the residential class would
be about $30.8 million and the proposed tax levy to the business class would be about
$16.3 million. In comparison to other cities and towns in the area, the average residential
tax bill in Agawam is very competitive with similar surrounding communities.
According to information provided by the State Department of Revenue, Agawam's
average single family tax bill of$3, 047,00 for Fiscal 2011 ranked number 258 out of 337
! communities reporting. Westfield's average bill of $3,565 and West Springfield's
average bill of $3,627 placed them much higher on the rating scale at 194 and 188
respectively. Longmeadow which is almost exclusively residential in character had an
• 7
average residential tax bill of $6584 which places it at number 44 in the state out of
reporting communities. I guess Westfield's Council just approved a rate of $16.13 a
couple of nights ago from $15.41 and their average increase is $165 per single family
residence so the average bill went up to $3,730, The comparative tax affects spreadsheet
contained in the booklet is the best indicator that the shift will have on residential,
commercial and industrial property. I have used the actual properties; I've used actual
properties on the spreadsheet that represent the approximate average value in each class.
For the typical commercial property which is valued at $556,200, the estimated tax
increase for Fiscal 2012 would be about $172. For the industrial property valued at
$826,600, the estimated tax increase would be about $256. For the single family home
valued at $219,000 and these are all actual properties, the estimate tax increase would be
about $77. Based on the criteria property value, the tax increase reach type of property is
relatively proportionate at the proposed 1.65 shift. In other words, the commercial
• property value of $556,200 is approximately 2.5 times greater than the value of the
single-family home at $219,000, and the tax increase of$172 has roughly the same ratio
in relation to the tax increase of $77 on the house. The same relative proportionality
applies to the industrial property, as the value of $826,600 is about 3.75 times greater
than the value of $219,000 on the house, and the tax increase of $256 constitutes a
roughly similar ratio to the tax increase of $77 on the residence. Based on the above
reasoning, it is the Mayor's opinion that the proposed shift strikes a fair balance between
the residential and business properties in the town of Agawam. I thank you for your time
and would be glad to answer any questions.
President Rheault—Thank you Kevin. Any questions for him? Councilor Walsh?
Councilor Walsh—No, I'm sorry.
President Rheault — At this time, I guess not. Anyone else who would like to speak in
favor of the shift that's presented? Anyone who would like to speak in opposition?
Anyone who would like to be recorded in favor by name only? Anyone who would like
to be in opposition in name only? Any further questions from the Council before I close
the Public Hearing, to Kevin? I now declare the Public Hearing closed. Council's
pleasure? Motion in front of us is what I had read into the record. Councilor Rossi, I'm
Councilor Rossi— Thank you. I was at that Finance Committee meeting and Councilor
Walsh was very accurate in his accounting and I did agree at the time and we did look
very closely at the 1.64 factor. At the time it looked pretty appealing to me but after
careful review, I think I really have to change my mind. I think in all honesty the 1.65 as
• recommended is the most fairest and the other end of it is I think the taxpayer, the
residents here, are gonna need a little bit of a break here and I don't think adding an extra
ten dollars to their bill is the right thing to do here but in all honesty, I truly believe that
the 1.65 is the way to go so I am going to change my opinion from what you've just
heard from the Finance Committee and for my vote and my recommendation would be as
is the recommended 1.65 factor.
President Rheault—Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas —Yes, Mr. President, I was at the meeting but I couldn't speak because `
it was more than six councilors there but either one, 1.64 and 1.65 as I understand the
members would be okay with either one. I believe my opinion that 1.65 the one we have
in front of us today I think it's very fair and balanced and but if the Council wants to
amend it, I have no much problem but I do believe that the 1.65 it is favor a little bit the
homeowners a little bit but not much and still the businesses it's a lot less than any other
business in surrounding communities so it's a win/win here the split between the
residents and the business. It's very fair and very balanced for both so I will stick with
1.65 for now.
President Rheault—Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo — I was at the meeting the other night and did vote in favor of the 1.64
but 1 could actually live with both. The 1.65 I think would be better off for the people
that we serve.
r President Rheault—Councilor Walsh?
Councilor Walsh — Yes, I like the 1.64 because of the range. We were looking at an
industrial property under 1.64 where they're average increase to the residential would be
at $88 and the average increase to an industrial property would be $107. Under the 1.65
r we're going to see the average increase for an industrial property to be $256 so that's
gonna be $149 higher than under 1.64. We're going to see the typical commercial
property under 1.65, it would be $172 increase which is a $100 increase so my feeling is
that I would like to be business-friendly and try to keep the increases for everybody
within that narrow field because while the average residential person, average residential
taxpayer has had a difficult year, the businesses also have had a difficult year so I would
like to basically if you will give the lower tax rate to all three categories as opposed to
singling out strictly one category so with that I would basically make a motion to amend
the resolution so that we now use the factor of.829673 which is a factor of 1.64, I'd like
to make that amendment.
i President Rheault — Second by Councilor Letellier? Okay, any other discussion on the
amendment? Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier — Yes, thank you. Actually Councilor Walsh did what I was going
to do which is explain to the public the difference in the shifts. I agree that I can live
• with either one if the amendment is defeated, I certainly won't be upset but for the typical
residential property, we're looking at an $11 difference if we move down to 1.64. The
difference for the business owners makes a difference of over $100 per shift. So if you're
looking at a typical and Kevin wasn't clear if it was a mean or an average — it's an
average okay — so there are going to be businesses above and below and considering that
1/100'' of a shift affects the businesses by $100 per each shift change, that's why I'm
supporting the 1.64 but as I said I could go either way but I just wanted the public to
know what the increments mean to them and to the businesses.
President Rheault — Thank you. Anyone else? Councilor Walsh do you want to speak
Councilor Walsh—No, I'm sorry but Councilor Perry does.
President Rheault—Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry—Yes, thank you Mr. President.
• President Rheault—The water pitcher is blocking the—
Councilor Perry -- You know we did discuss it at our meeting, our Finance Sub-
Committee meeting,just to let you know I mean we got that figure that evening and I can
understanding looking, reevaluating the numbers that are before us, I understand what the
Mayor did in regards to selecting the 1.65. From a percentage point when you look at the
ratio of the value of the property versus the tax factor, all three categories calculate about
to the same increase but I still am Iooking at the 1.64 that our committee recommended
for the simple facts of what Gina and Jack had mentioned previously to me. The other
thing we need to keep in mind also is that I've been on the Council for sixteen years and
you know this comes before us every year. We pass the budget and as I always say we
have to pay the piper and this is how we do it and what we're doing right now is deciding
how we're going to pay this, how we're going to split that pie up for that budget that we
voted for and really for probably the first thirteen years that I was on the Council it just
kept getting spread further and further to the commercial and the industrial side of things.
They were paying a bigger portion. I think the last couple of years we started to bring
that in a little bit to try and keep it a little equal and I think by moving it one percentage
point over from 1.65 to 1.64 would help them and narrow that gap a little bit without
putting a huge burden on any one of the categories that are going to be paying these
taxes. Thank you.
President Rheault—Yup. Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern — I just want to second what Councilor Perry said that I think that
the businesses deserve a little bit of a break I mean I'm a homeowner, my taxes are
affected the same as everybody else up here but the more that we can do to send the
message out that we're friendly to business, the more businesses we can bring in and in
the long run the more taxes we will raise by being able to increase the business base so
I'm very much in favor of trying to keep it at the 1.64 or the amendment for 1.64.
President Rheault—Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi — Yes, those are all the original arguments that I had at the Finance
Committee meeting and that's one of the things when I mentioned earlier about the
� 1�
attractiveness of the 1.64 but then I had a chance to think about it and when you think
about residential tax burdens as opposed to commercial and industrial tax burden, you
have to say that commercial/industrial side have the potential to earn more to pay that
whereas the residents do not. I mean a lot of these people are on fixed incomes or they're
just barely making ends meet in this difficult economy and they really can't go out there
and add that extra money that's gonna be needed to take care of the extra taxes whereas
the commercial properties and the industrial properties they add it into their goods and
• services and it's incorporated into their bottom line so I guess that's the main reason that
I switched. I know we're facing some very difficult times and we've just made some
very difficult decisions right here with the water and sewer rates and appropriations of
this reserve, retained earnings, all of that and now we're facing this other problem with
the debris pick up and who knows where that's gonna lead us to if we can't come up with
a solution to pay for it and FEMA happens to fall through the cracks, we're looking at
some very serious money that has to be appropriated to the tax levy in 2013. So I think I
had to change my mind and I think that's one of the reasons that drew me back to the
original proposal of 1.65, that I do think that the citizens, that the taxpayer, the residents
actually should get the benefit of the doubt at least this time around.
• President Rheault—All right, The amendment is in front of the Council for 1.64 on the
factor, sorry I got scribble on here and I can't read my own writing. If you're in favor of
the amendment, vote yes, if not, vote no. Please call the roll Barbara?
ROLL CALL — 7 YES (Councilors Cichetti, Letellier, Magovern, Mineo, Perry,
Simpson and Walsh), 3 NO (Councilors Bitzas, Rheault and Rossi), 1 ABSENT
(Councilor Messick)
President Rheault -- Seven yes, three no, you've approved the amendment. Main
motion as amended, we'll change those numbers to .082963 on the resolution. Any
further discussion? Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas — Yes, as I said before it's very minimal from changes so either way
and I'm supporting 1.64 and again it is very business-friendly, either way it was business-
friendly the shift because either way the business rate is the lowest we have in the
• surrounding communities so I want to vote in favor. Thank you.
President Rheault—All right.
Councilor Letellier — I'm sorry, Council President, the Administrative Assistant has
called to our attention that it's not .08 it's 0.829673.
President Rheault —Thank you. 0.829673 all right, thank you. Any further discussion?
If not, Barbara, please call the roll on the main motion as amended.
ROLL CALL --9 YES, 1 NO (Councilor Rossi), 1 NO (Councilor Messick)
President Rheault —Nine yes, one no, one absent, you have approved the resolution and
new tax factor.
Item 10. Old Business
1. TO-2011-42 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS
It Dealer(s)—Bear Auto Sales,517 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA.
• 01030 (Clerk)
President Rheault — Moved by Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilors Simpson and
Cichetti. License Committee report?
Councilor Rossi — Thank you Mr, President. The License Committee met prior to this
• evening's meeting and we voted to send a unanimous approval to the full board to
approve those licenses and if I may if I could group them in order to save a little time at
the Council's pleasure to take them as one motion.
President Rheault—You want to make the motion?
Councilor Rossi — I make the motion to take them, to group them together as one
President Rheault—Which ones?
Councilor Rossi — We'll start with the Dealer Licenses first and that would be TO-201 I-
42 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS II Dealer (s) — Bear Auto Sales,
517 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills;TO-2011-43 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE
for a CLASS 11 Dealer(s) — Lafleur Auto Exchange, 374 Main Street, Agawam, MA.; TO-2011-
48 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS II Dealer (s) — Garden Auto
• Sales,204 Garden Street, Feeding Hills, MA.
President Rheault—I don't have that.
Councilor Rossi—It's on the bottom.
Councilor Perry—It's the very last one. Second.
President Rheault —The last one, okay. Move to group those three. All those in favor
of grouping? Barbara please call the roll on the granting of the license.
Clerk—This is to grant the license, right?
President Rheault—Granting of the licenses, correct.
ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 1 NO (Councilor Messick)
President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you've approved the three licenses.
2. TO-2011-43 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS
II Dealer(s)--Lafleur Auto Exchange,374 Main Street,Agawam,MA.
01001 (Clerk)
President Rheault—Please see Item 1 above.
3. TO-2011-44 -An Order Granting or Renewing a AUTOMATIC
• AMUSEMENT Device(s)—Buc, Inc., dfbfa Buccaneer Lounge, 86 Maple
Street,Agawam,MA. 01001(Clerk)
President Rheault — Moved by Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilor Walsh. The
License Report?
Councilor Rossi — Thank you Council President. If I may make the same motion in
grouping Items #3 through #6 and taking motion, grouping them in one motion.
President Rheault --Moved by Councilor Rossi to group Items #3 through 46, seconded
+ by Councilor Magovern. All those in favor? Opposed? And read the—
Councilor Rossi - TO-2011-44 - An Order Granting or Renewing a AUTOMATIC
AMUSEMENT Device(s)—Buc, Inc., d/b/a Buccaneer Lounge, 86 Maple Street, Agawam, MA.;
TO-2011-45- An Order Granting or Renewing a AUTOMATIC AMUSEMENT Device(s)—The
Main Street Still, Inc., 858 Suffield Street, Agawam, MA.; TO-2011-46 - An Order Granting or
• Renewing a AUTOMATIC AMUSEMENT Device(s) — T.J.'s Sport House, 1664 Main Street,
Agawam, MA.; TO-2011-47 - An Order Granting or Renewing a AUTOMATIC AMUSEMENT
Device(s) — West Springfield Fish and Game Club, 329 Garden Street, Feeding Hills, MA.
Barbara,did you get all that? Okay,thank you.
President Rheault — Motion's on the floor. Any further discussion? If not, Barbara,
please call the roll?
ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, I ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you have approved those licenses.
4. TO-2011-45 -An Order Granting or Renewing a AUTOMATIC
AMUSEMENT Device(s)--The Main Street Still,Inc.,858 Suffield Street,
Agawam,MA. 01001(Clerk)
President Rheault—Please see Item 3 above.
5. TO-2011-46 -An Order Granting or Renewing a AUTOMATIC
AMUSEMENT Device(s)—T..I.'s Sport House, 1664 Main Street,Agawam,
MA. 01001(Clerk)
• President Rheault--Please see Item 3 above.
• 13
6. TO-2011-47 - An Order Granting or Renewing a AUTOMATIC
AMUSEMENT Device(s)---West Springfield Fish and Game Club,329
Garden Street,Feeding Hills,MA, 01030(Clerk)
President Rheault—Please see Item 3 above.
7. TO-2011-48 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS
• 11 Dealer(s)—Garden Auto Sales, 204 Garden Street,Feeding Hills,MA.
President Rheault—Please see Item I above.
Item ]]. New Business
1. TO-2011-50 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS
I or II Dealer(s)—RNK Auto Sales,28 Moylan Lane,Agawam,MA. 01001
President Rheault—Next Agenda, over to the License Committee.
2. TO-2011-51 -An Order Granting or Renewing a AUTOMATIC
AMUSEMENT Device(s)—Alano Club of Springfield,Inc.,36 King Street,
Agawam,MA. 01001(Clerk)
President Rheault—Next Agenda, over to the License Committee.
3. TO-2011-52 -An Order Granting or Renewing a AUTOMATIC
AMUSEMENT Device(s)—Home Plate Sports Bar,LLC,827 Springfield
Street,Feeding Hills,MA. 01030(Clerk)
President Rheault--Next Agenda, over to the License Committee.
4. TO-2011-53 -An Order Granting or Renewing a AUTOMATIC
AMUSEMENT Device(s)—Scoreboard Bar& Restaurant,Inc., 15 King
Street,Agawam,MA. 01001(Clerk)
President Rheault—Next Agenda, over to the License Committee.
5. TO-2011-54 -An Order Granting or Renewing a AUTOMATIC
AMUSEMENT Device(s)—The Quest, Inc. d/b/a Michael Anthony's, 1251
• River Road,Agawam,MA. 01001 (Clerk)
President Rheault--Next Agenda, over to the License Committee.
6. TO-2011-55 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS
• I or II Dealer(s) —Chris Auto South,207 Main Street,Agawam,MA. 01001
President Rheault—Next Agenda, over to the License Committee.
Item 12. Any other matter that may lemally come before the City Council.
President Rheault — I believe we started with Councilor Walsh last meeting so we'll go
all the way down to Councilor Bitzas this meeting.
Councilor Bitzas —Nothing this evening.
President Rheault—Councilor Simpson?
Councilor Simpson —Nothing tonight, thank you.
• President Rheault—Thank you. Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern —I can't believe that I'm saying this but it's Christmastime and on
the 181h of December which is Sunday, we will be having an old fashioned carol sing on
the Veterans' Green, Phelp's School, 5:00. This is being sponsored by the area churches
and I hope that anybody that wants to come down for an old-fashioned Norman Rockwell
• singing time with Christmas carols please put it on your calendar, the At". We'll have a
reception afterwards at St. John's Parish Hall so again I hope to see you there on the 18th
and we can all enjoy and there'll be guaranteed a little bit of snow corning down for the
carols candlelight service, Thank you.
• President Rheault—Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo—Nothing tonight.
President Rheault—Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi—Nothing this evening.
President Rheault—Councilor Perry?
• Councilor Perry — Yea, I'll be real quick, thank you Council President. Just to let the
public know and 1 believe you probably got this in your packet, Laurel handed this out at
our Finance Committee meeting, just to let the public know that I think it was maybe
three meetings ago we passed a resolution for her to go ahead and refund our bonds that
are out there to try and get a better rate and she was successful at doing that and I believe
• it was around $320,000 that she saved the town by doing that so I just want to
congratulate Laurel on that and pass that news on. We're always looking at spending
money on the taxpayers and this is a little coming back in that was unexpected so I
thought I'd pass that on and I know we talked at our Finance Committee meeting in
regards to possibly having another emergency resolution. Everybody got the memo in
regards to the storm clean-up that's DOR, because of our first resolution that we passed
• with no total on the final "Whereas" to the Mayor being able to appropriate that funding,
we're able to go ahead and continue the pick-up through our original resolution up to I
0 15
think the letter said $5 million so I just wanted to clear that out and let the public know.
Thank you.
President Rheault—Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier — Yes, thank you. This will be my last meeting of the New Year so
therefore my last meeting with Councilor Simpson and Councilor Walsh and I know
everybody always does these big tributes at the end of the year so forgive me for doing it
now. Councilor Walsh, I knew from my years with you at Rotary that you would bring
your very keen and astute, analytic and accounting mind to the Council and you did a
great job on the Finance Committee and you'll be missed. Councilor Simpson — your
years of dedication especially to the kids and the school is amazing. Your ability to
• bounce back from what happened to you and remain in the public eye is more than
amazing and we will miss you as well. Thank you.
President Rheault — Thank you and I'm sure the Council echoes those sentiments.
Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti —Nothing tonight, thank you.
President Rheault—Councilor Walsh?
Councilor Walsh — Just an announcement for the Rotary Club, they're having their
• annual Christmas show at the High School. It's gonna be on December 13th and I believe
the concert will start at 7:00 and I think the door are gonna be open at 6:00. Admission
price will be $5.00 and we also at this we collect canned goods for the Parish Cupboard
so if you want to come out, bring some canned goods and enjoy a good show, we'd be
certainly glad to have you. Thank you.
President Rheault — First, to Gina, our very best to you in your upcoming surgery and
secondly, reminded by our charming assistant, the West of the River Chamber on
December Sth at Crestview Country Club, the Council has been invited and she needs to
know to confirm by Wednesday whether you can attend or not so it should be a good
• evening and I would like now to entertain a motion to adjourn. Moved by the Council,
seconded by the Council, all those in favor? Opposed? We are now adjourned. Thank
you and good evening,
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