February 22, 2011
President Rheault—Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the February 22"d
Council meeting.
Item 1. Citizen's Sneak Time
President Rheault—We have a few citizens wishing to address the Council and the first
being Aldo Mancini. Would you please state your name and address. You have up to
. five minutes to speak.
Aldo Mancini — Good evening. My name's Aldo Mancini, 482 South West Street. I'm
the Chairman of the Agawam Veterans' Council and I just want to say that we're all
proud to be on the Agawam Veterans' Council and we fee that it's a privilege and an
honor. On another subject, the past two years the Agawam Public Works Department has
in conjunction with the Girls Scouts, sent cookies over to Iraq and Afghanistan to the
troops. Well last year we probably shipped over thirty cases of cookies and it was
affordable for us to do it. Well I got a call the other day and this is just one girl scout
troop and I'm waiting to hear from another one — two hundred cases of Girl Scout
cookies! I'm going to be talking to the other unions in town to try and help out with the
• cost of shipping these cookies but I'm going to ask you tonight if maybe you can dig
down for a few bucks and give us a hand. It's not cheap. It's gonna cost probably about
twelve bucks for every three cases of Girl Scout cookies. We can fit three cases in one
box and it's about twelve bucks a box. So if you do the math the expense is getting up
there and it's more than the Public Works Department can handle so — The Veterans'
Council we chipped in, we're gonna chip in probably about $150, DPW will come up
with a couple of hundred bucks, hopefully the Police Department and if you guys could
help us out so we're looking to collect around $1000.00 to ship these cookies over.
Thank you.
• President Rheault—Thank you. Stacy Wieners?
Stacy Wieners — Okay, hello. My name is Stacy Wieners. I live at 67 Debra Lane here
in Agawam. Given the tough decisions that everyone's facing during this budget season,
I was wondering if any of the budget sub-committees for the town are exploring ways to
• generate revenue as opposed to discussions revolving around just cuts. In July of 2006,
the Town of Longmeadow began a waste reduction program. This program required each
family was allowed a 36 gallon barrel or forty pounds of trash per household per week.
Additional waste had to be disposed of in a town-approved bag and those bags were
available in local retailers for $1.75. This program is still going on now. The program
began in July of 2006 and in August, the Recycling Commission came and presented a
• report and announced that in that time period—from July to August—a total cash flow of
$55,000.00 was reported as a result in the reduction in trash tipping fees and an increase
in recycling revenue and the sale of bags. It's not a million dollars for the bags but every
0 1
penny helps. At the October 1, 2010 meeting, at the Select Board meeting, they reported
that the actual total positive cash flow as a result of the program was $251,425.00 and
• that's because we all know when you recycle the town makes money on what we recycle
for paper, aluminum, etc. I hope this number has peaked your interest. I do love the
trash program here in Agawam. I like to brag about my free bulk pickup and everything
but times are tight and I think instead of just looking at cutting, we need to try and be
creative and look at ways to generate revenue and recycling is definitely one. I know this
i question has been asked but I don't know if it's been answered. I've looked on the
website for reports and copies of the budget, what the cost per household would be if
taxes were raised to cover the deficit for the budget and then I do know that the Open
Meeting Laws have changed and now documents that are used in open or executive
session have to be made available to the public. So any other financial reports or
anything to do with the budget, I was just wondering if you could let the residents know
where they will be posted. I know the minutes are on the website after they're approved
but there's nothing appended and I just was wondering where those documents would be
available. I do have two children in the school system so I'm concerned about the
teachers and everything that's going on right now and thank you for your time.
President Rheault—Thank you.
Item 2. Roll Call
President Rheault—Barbara, please call the roll?
ROLL CALL —10 PRESENT, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
President Rheault — Ten present, one absent, you have a quorum. Councilor Messick
called and she will not be in attendance this evening. She's not feeling well.
Item 3. Moment of Silence and the Pled a ofAlleziance
President Rheault—Please rise for a moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance.
i Item 4. Minutes
(a) Regular Council Meeting—February 7,2011
President Rheault — Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Rossi. Any
i corrections or additions? If not, Clerk please call the roll? Excuse me, voice vote is
sufficient. All those in favor? Councilor Perry abstained.
Item S. Declaration rom Council President
Item 6. Presentation of Petitions.Memorials& Remonstrances
• (a) Resolutions
1. TR-2011-8 -A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of Aldo
Mancini, 482 South West Street,Feeding Hills,MA to the Agawam Veterans
Council to a Term Expiring April 1,2013 (Mayor)
President Rheault -- Moved by Councilor Perry, seconded by Councilor Rossi and
Councilor Mineo. Any discussion? If not, Barbara, please call the roll.
ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
• President Rheault — Ten yes, one absent, you've confirmed the appointment.
Congratulations again, Aldo.
2. TR-2011-9 -A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of Frank
Pignatare, 685 Suffield Street,Agawam,MA to the Agawam Veterans
• Council to a Term Expiring April 1,2013 (Mayor)
President Rheault — Moved by Councilor Magovern, seconded by Councilor Mineo.
Any discussion on that? If not, Barbara, please call the roll.
ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
President Rheault — Ten yes, one absent, you've approved the confirmation of the
3. IR 2011-10 -A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of Richard
f Karam, 132 Robin Ridge Drive,Feeding Hills,MA to the Agawam Veterans
Council to a Term Expiring April 1,2013 (Mayor)
President Rheault — Moved by Councilor Walsh, seconded by Councilor Magovem.
Any discussion on that? If not, Barbara,please call the roll.
• ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you've confirmed the confirmation.
4. TR-2011-11 A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of Beverly
• Sanford-Follis, 92 Anvil Street,Feeding Hills,MA to the Agawam Veterans
Council to a Term Expiring April 1,2013 (Mayor)
President Rheault — Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilors Walsh,
Rossi and Magovern. Any discussion? If not, Barbara,please call the roll.
ROLL CALL — 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
• 3
President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you've confirmed the confirmation.
• 5. TR-2011-12 -A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of Francis
Curnow, 115 Forest Hill Road,Feeding Hills,MA to the Agawam Veterans
Council to a Term Expiring April 1,2013 (Mayor)
President Rheault — Moved by Councilor Perry, seconded by Councilors Simpson and
Magovern. Any discussion? If not, did you want to speak Councilor Magovern? No?
Barbara, please call the roll.
ROLL CALL—10 YES,0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you've confirmed the confirmation.
6. TR-2011-13 -A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of Frank
Mazzei, 476 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA to the Agawam Veterans
Council to a Term Expiring April 1,2013 (Mayor)
# President Rheault — Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilors Walsh and
Mineo. No discussion? Barbara, please call the roll.
ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
• President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you've confirmed the confirmation.
7. TR-2011-14 -A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of
Christopher Sanchez,36 Hemlock Ridge,Feeding Hills,MA to the Agawam
Veterans Council to a Term Expiring April 1,2013(Mayor)
• President Rheault — Moved by Councilor Walsh, seconded by Councilor Magovern.
Just for the record, Mr. Sanchez called my home just before I left and was called up into
the Berkshire area on emergency police business. Any further discussion? If not,
Barbara, please call the roll.
ROLL CALL—10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you've confirmed the confirmation.
S. TR-2011-15 -A Resolution to Support Senate Docket#82 and House
Docket#474 an "Act to Sustain Community Preservation"(City Council)
President Rheault—Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas —Yes—
• Councilor Letellier— Shouldn't we have a motion and a second?
President Rheault—I'm sorry.
Councilor Bitzas--I move it.
President Rheault—Moved and seconded by Councilor Walsh. Now Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas —Okay. Just to let you know first of all I would like to thank you very
much the Full Council for signing the resolution and to let you know that after when we
r introduced the resolution a couple of weeks ago, both Senator Welch and Boldyga they
both signed the Bill and we would like to thank them also and hopefully we will get the
SS%, that's worth it. Now with almost 30%, it's not that great for us all so I hope they
pass the bill. With that, we can use this money, we can untie our hands, there'll be no
strings attached we can help a little bit the budget so hopefully the state legislation and
the Governor will sign it. Thank you.
President Rheault — Councilor Minco did you want to speak? No? Anyone else?
Barbara,please call the roll.
ROLL CALL— 10 YES,0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you've approved the resolution.
9. TR 2011-16 - A Resolution Pursuant to Chapter 44,Section 31D of
Massachusetts General Law which Authorizes the City of Agawam to Incur
• Charges in Excess of Appropriation for Snow and Ice Removal(Mayor
President Rheault — I should make the Council aware that this is the Mayor and the
Council has to agree before we can pay any further, over and above what's been
appropriated. Moved by Councilor Letellier, seconded by Councilor Walsh. Any further
discussion? If not, Barbara please call the roll.
Councilor Letellier—Councilor Perry wanted to talk.
« Councilor Perry—Yeah, I didn't get my light on quick enough.
President Rheault—Oh, I'm sorry. Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry— In passing this, this basically allows the Mayor to pay whatever extra
is up and above and beyond the budget. Is there a Iimit to what we're approving or is
basically, I mean there's no dollar figure is what I am saying.
President Rheault—No. There is no—at this time because the final figures of the winter
are not in.
Councilor Perry — Okay, cuz I think in the past we've put a dollar figure to it and
basically if we've exceeded that they would come back with a new resolution. I'm just
curious that's all; you know when I see—
• 5
President Rheault — WeIl when we had discussed it today at the meeting and he figured
there was $105,000.00 left at the time and not expecting to go over that but then the last
storm exceeded his expectations and the winter's not over yet. So we still don't have a
Councilor Perry -- Well we unfortunately have a long ways to go and I'm just saying
that obviously it's necessary. I understand that the funds were spent with the January we
had but I was just curious why there was not a dollar figure on there.
President Rheault — I can't give you a direct answer. Councilor Rossi was with me
today so I don't know if he can shed any further light?
Councilor Rossi— Well,this bill before us here just allows us to go into deficit spending.
The law does say that the City Council and the Mayor has to agree to go into deficit
spending and the reason that there is no dollar attachment there is that no one would
know, I mean we have no way of forecasting what our bills are but when we agree to go
40 into deficit spending whatever that deficit may be, the city agrees to appropriate that
amount to pay the bills. If we don't do that which is a prerogative also, that means that
no bills can be paid because there is no money appropriated and that would be illegal. So
this merely is a tool that allows the city to deficit spend an undetermined amount of
money for any future snow removal.
9 President Rheault—Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo — So, at this point in time, the way I'm Iooking at this, we're in a
deficit of$103,798.00? Is that - ? This is what's here from February 7ffi which is in the
back, if I'm reading this right, as of February 7`h it looks like we're in the negative
0 $103,798.00. So we're—
President Rheault—Well there were no figures provided to us but—
Councilor Mineo — What I'm looking at came from Anthony Sylvia, the former
Superintendent. So I guess we're $103 thousand—
President Rheault — Which is just about I think the numbers he said we had in the, but
we've got to anticipate future storms so this gives him the prerogative to then take care of
the vendors that take care of us.
i Councilor Mineo — Although I have to agree with Councilor Perry, I thought that they,
usually they come to us, I mean at least if I remember correctly in the past, they come to
us with what they are in the negative for and we pay that and then they come back after
there's any more storms. I don't have a problem with this, I'm just trying to figure this
out,where we stand today.
President Rheault—Well, I would assume from our discussion that that $105,000 figure
is what he's got and the bills right now are $103,000 so he's got enough to pay all the
outstanding — but we can't — it would be purely a guess the remainder of the season but
he's got the authority from us to appropriate it.
Councilor Mineo —Right, no, no I don't have a problem with it, I'm just trying to figure
out. It looks as of today February 7th, we're in the negative, we're already in the negative
• almost$104,000.00, okay that was my question.
President Rheault—All right. Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier — Yes, the $103,000 is through February 7`h and we know that
i there's been a couple of plowing events since then. Not huge ones but I know yesterday
they plowed and so I don't see any reason why we couldn't put a cap at $150,000 if we
know that they're at $104,000 now plus there's been a couple plowing events since then
and if it's more than $150,000 they can come back another time but the $150,000 allows
us to pay — or whatever figure the Council — you know I think in the past we have
always...a particular amount so I don't see why we can't amend the motion or table it
and say that we want to put a figure on it.
President Rheault — Well, I think he's got vendors outstanding that are waiting to be
paid now.
• Councilor Letellier — And I don't think anyone is saying not to pay them. I think the
question is instead of making it open-ended. We know that there's $104,000 owed
through February 7 h, we know there's been a couple more plowing events since then,
maybe not huge storms but like I said they plowed yesterday when there was like an inch
or so so maybe we can agree on let's say we okay to $120,000 or $125,000 and if we
need to go back more you can come back or like Dennis said it's like a blank check. I
mean I can't imagine that any of us think that the town's gonna overpay these vendors.
Hopefully someone's keeping an eye on it.
President Rheault—No, there's a contractual agreement as to what they can charge.
Councilor Letellier-- Right. So I think we're safe either setting a figure saying okay as
of tonight we approve $120,000 or $125,000 or what have you.
President Rheault—Put the amendment on the floor.
Councilor Letellier— WelI, I'm putting it out there for discussion. I'll do whatever the
Council chooses.
President Rheault—Okay, Councilor Walsh had his light on.
• 7
Councilor Walsh — Basically I was gonna make the same point that Gina made about
putting an amendment with a cap if people were uncomfortable with an open-ended
President Rheault — All right. Any others? Before Joe? Councilor Magovern for the
first time.
Councilor Magovern — As much as I dislike voting for any open-ended amount of
money, I really feel that the DPW should be commended for the wonderful job that
they've done in taking care of the streets this year and I don't think anybody is going to
be wasting the town's money coming with any future storms but to put an amendment on
there for a specific amount, I think is just gonna make more work in coming back to the
!, Council again to get that approved and then something else approved. I don't think
anybody is going to go overboard on spending money. If it goes over the figure that
President Rheault and the Mayor were talking about, they've got to come back and get it
approved anyway so I think to put an amendment on would just be a waste of time.
President Rheault — Well, as I read it again, I think it would change the total intent of
the motion—putting that dollar figure in there. All you are doing is authorizing it and he
certainly can't expend anymore than what we're gonna appropriate anyways.
Councilor Bitzas--Mr. President?
President Rheault—Councilor Bitzas? Do you have a Point of Order?
Councilor Bitzas—No I'd like to speak.
President Rheault—All right.
Councilor Bitzas — Well, it's very clear, the language here that as you said, Mr.
President, we cannot spend any more money if we do not use the money and if you put a
cap of $200,000.00, if we spend $150,000.00, we're not spending any extra, you don't
have to spend up to $200,000 so actually it would be confusing more if you put the x
amount of monies to that because this is very clear. We spend, we pay the bills exactly
for snow removal and ice and I hope we have no more snow and no more ice, so we'd
spend that much. Thank you.
President Rheault—Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi — Yea, I don't really want to beat a dead horse here but under the
Chapter and Section 44, 31 d, that statute allows us as a City Council and a Mayor to
allow to deficit spend for unforeseen snow removal costs I mean that is built into the law
that allows us to do that. We budget a certain amount of money. If we have an
4 exorbitant amount of snow as we did this year, it makes sense that we're gonna go over
what we had budgeted and the law does make provisions for that. Now, the law also says
that you cannot make any payments without having it budgeted so if we go ahead and
make a cap on this thing and we run over the cap, that means any snow removal over that
cap, those vendors will not be able to get paid until we come back and re-appropriate
M more money. So it's a question as to whether or not this Council has the faith and trust of
our Mayor to negotiate some sane and sound contracts for the snow removal and to pay
appropriate prices, then I guess we can allow him to do this but if we don't do that then I
guess we're saying we're gonna give you so much money, when you run out of money
then you don't pay anybody and you come back to us and we'll appropriate more money.
i But if you look at the intent of the statute, the statute is merely to allow the city to pay
vendors without continually coming back to the legislative branch for additional monies.
But again if the City Council wants to do that I guess that's the prerogative of the Council
but I think you're defeating the purpose of the statute or the intent of the statute.
President Rheault—Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry — Thank you Mr. President. I, kind of, respectfully disagree with you
in regards to that Bob. I mean we are the checks and balances. We appropriate all the
funding. We approve it. I know in the past that this has come before us before and
there's always been a dollar figure to it that we can monitor. I mean we just got the first
report on how much has been spent in what the last two or three years I think? We used
to get them all the time as far as what was spent per storm. We haven't been getting that.
I'm just saying again we are the checks and balance. What fund is this money coming
out of? It doesn't even state in this resolution. Is it coming from Free Cash? Again, as a
Council who has to be the checks and balance, it doesn't even state what account this is
gonna be coming out of in the resolution. I really feel, and again, the DPW's done a
great job, there's no question. It's been a tough storm, it's not against them, it's just that
we need to be able to keep an eye on how much we're putting out there and where it's
coming from.
President Rheault— I would think that if it's a financial transfer it's gonna have to come
in front of us anyways.
Councilor Perry—No, because we're approving it right here.
President Rheault —No all you're doing is giving him the authority to by General Law
that in a crisis or an emergency that he's authorized to pay.
Councilor Perry—From what fund?
President Rheault—Well it doesn't stipulate it.
Councilor Perry- Exactly.
President Rheault -- Must be General Reserve. They've got to be out of money in the
. Snow Account otherwise they wouldn't be utilizing this.
Councilor Perry - I understand that but again it's not stipulated to me and I'm a check
and balance for the public. I understand we have the money in certain accounts. I would
N just like to understand what account it's coming from and really to have a dollar figure in
there like we have in the past.
President Rheault—All right. Motion's accepted if you want- ?
Councilor Letellier—What motion's accepted? I never heard one.
President Rheault—I said the motion would be accepted from here if you—
Councilor Letellier — Oh, I mean Councilor Perry's right. I think we do need to know
what account this money's coming from, whether we cap it or not, or whether we say you
can spend this much and then come back, I think we do need to know because we need to
make sure in face that it is a transfer from somewhere and not just money that we "oh we
have this money here" and we're just gonna move it over there. I agree that we want to
know what account it's coming from. I wholeheartedly agree.
0 Councilor Magovern — I think that this is kind of a crisis. I mean there's people out
there waiting to get paid and the Mayor cannot pay unless we approve this measure, I
presume. I don't think there's anybody who's trying to do anything underhanded. If we
go back and ask them to explain to us what budget it's gonna come out of, then it's gonna
delay it by another two weeks because we've gotta have a council meeting and then
another two weeks to pass it. We're here this evening. I think we oughta do the town's
business and see that these sub-contractors are paid and everybody gets compensated for
the work that they've done. Nobody's gonna go overboard on snow removal and I wish
that we could forecast the weather and say there's gonna be no more major storms but we
can't do that. We've gotta have some faith in our town administrators that this is gonna
be handled properly. So I would not be in favor of a motion to cap a particular figure
because it would just have to come back to us again for another legislative action. We
can handle it tonight and anything over and above that figure has to come back to our
approval anyway.
President Rheault—We'll stand in about a two minute recess.
**** RECESS****
Councilor Bitzas—Mr. President?
President Rheault—Council's back in session. Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas — Yes, Mr. President, I know we do much ado about nothing here
tonight. It's very clear. We have to pay the bills. People they have to go out, they have
families, they have to shop, they have to pay the bills, it's a good business. It's very clear
the resolution tells us that we're not gonna spend any money — it's General Laws. We
have here front to us very clear picture and say on the bottom of the letter that please find
attached resolution that at this time it would be prudent to estimate the Stabilization Fund
transfer. That's where the money comes from—that's my opinion— Stabilization Fund—
so even if comes from another fund—General Fund—it's taxpayers' money. We have to
pay the bills. It's bad business if you have people waiting to get paid. We're not going
to accomplish anything by delaying that. The only thing we delay the payment we should
pay them no matter what. Thank you.
President Rheault — You've got — they've waited two weeks at least — to get paid now
and then it would be another two weeks and then what if they were tied up the day of the
snow storm. Go ahead Councilor Magovern.
Councilor Magovern —I feel very strongly about this issue. We've had snow like we've
not had in my remembrance and these people are up at 2.00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 in the
morning. These are sub-contractors, they're not the paid for DPW workers. They've
worked, their families have suffered, they've been out of the home. I'm a small
businessman, a lot of these people are small businessmen, they have to get paid for their
services. To wait another—they're going to get paid —we all know they're going to get
• paid —we know these measures are going to get passed in two weeks. Why should they
suffer and wait another two weeks to get their pay check for the work that they've done
over and above services called for and I really feel that it's been spelled out here. There's
no way that these monies can be taken from another area. They're from the budget, it's
outlined here, and I'm totally against tabling this measure. We should move it this
evening, get the town's business done and thank these people for their sacrifices in
0 getting our streets taken care of Thank you.
President Rheault—Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier — I don't think anyone thinks that the issue is that there was more
• snow than usual. Everyone agrees on that. Everyone agrees that Agawam I think has
probably the best street cleaning in the area and everyone knows that yes, these sub-
contractors are going to get paid but we have a duty and an obligation to the people that
live in this town, that pay taxes in this town, to make sure that their money is used in the
right way. We're not saying that these folks don't deserve to get paid. What we're
saying is that we need to know where this money is coming from and to make sure it's
coming from the appropriate place. Yes, we have a memo which was put on our desk
this evening, again, once again something coming to our desk five minutes before the
council meeting in which the former DPW Director suggests that there be a Stabilization
Fund transfer. That's not part of this memo. This Resolution is the most generic thing
• possible. "The Agawam City Council hereby resolves to authorize the Mayor of the
Town of Agawam to expend hands in excess of available appropriations for snow and ice
removal for Fiscal Year 201 L" Where's the money going to come from? Is it a
Stabilization Fund transfer? Is it a General Fund transfer? Is it a transfer within general
DPW department budgets? Every year when we come to pass our budget I say to the
DPW, once again you've asked for money you haven't spent, what are you doing with
• your money? I think we have every right and obligation to find out where this money's
going to come from and hopefully we'll have that information well in advance of the next
46 11
meeting, not sitting at our desk at 7:20 before our meeting and we can vote on it and have
it done and have the checks done right away. So I'll be making the motion to table this. I
don't see any further lights. Is your light on? I don't see any further lights so I'm gonna
make a motion to table.
President Rheault — Moved by Councilor Letellier to table, seconded by Councilor
Perry. Barbara, please call the roll.
ROLL CALL — 3 YES (Councilors Letellier, Perry, and Walsh), 7 NO, 1 ABSENT
(Councilor Messick)
President Rheault — Three yes, seven no, one absent, you've defeated the tabling
motion. Motion's back on the floor. Question's been moved and seconded. All those in
favor? Opposed? Barbara, please call the roll.
ROLL CALL —7 YES, 2 NO (Councilors Perry and Walsh), 1 ABSENT (Councilor
Messick), 1 ABSTENTION (Councilor Letellier)
President Rheault — Seven yes, two no, one absent, one abstention, you have approved
the resolution.
Item 7. Be art of Council Committees
Item 8. Elections
Item 9. Public Hearin s
• Item 10. Old Business
1. TO-2011-6 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for an
Automatic Amusement Device(s)—Friendly's, 19 Springfield Street,
Agawam,MA(Referred to License Committee) (Clerk)
President Rheault — I'll entertain a motion to put it on the floor? Moved by Councilor
Rossi, seconded by Councilor Magovern. A report from the License Committee?
Councilor Rossi — Yes, thank you Mr. President. The License Committee sends a
r positive recommendation for approval of the license ordering a granting or renewal for
Friendly's, 19 Springfield Street.
r 12
President Rheault — Thank you. Any other discussion? If not, Barbara, please call the
ROLL CALL—10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you have approved the renewing of the license.
2. TO-2011-7 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a
Weekly Amusement Device(s)—Siana,Inc. d/b/a Take Five, 944
Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA(Referred to License Committee)
President Rheault -- Moved by Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilor Walsh. A
• report from the Licensing Committee.
Councilor Rossi — Yes, again, Mr. President, the Licensing Committee voted
unanimously to send a positive recommendation to the Full Council for the renewal of the
license at d/b/a Take Five, 944 Springfield Street.
President Rheault—Any other discussion? ...the report, Barbara, please call the roll.
ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Messick)
President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you've approved the granting of the license.
Item 11. New Business
1. TR-2011-17 -A Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Alice Smith,
# 523 North Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA. to the Historical Commission
to a Term Expiring January 1,2014(Mayor)
President Rheault—Next Agenda.
2. TR-2011-18 -A Resolution to Appropriate Funds for the Agawam
• Clerical Employees Association,Agawam Administrative Union,Agawam
Patrolmen's Association,Agawam Police Supervisor's Association and AFL-
CIO Local 1973 Firefighters (Mayor)
President Rheault—Next Agenda and refer that to the Finance Committee for review.
• Item 12. Any other matter that may legally come peke the CitV Council.
President Rheault — I believe we started last time on the right side. This time I think
we'll start with Councilor Perry.
• Councilor Perry—Nothing this evening Mr. President. Thank you.
President Rheault--Thank you. Councilor Letellier?
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Councilor Letellier—Nothing.
President Rheault—Nothing? Thank you. Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti—I'd just like to ask Barbara to make an appointment for us to have a
Safety Sub-Committee meeting for parking — off street parking — ordinance that we're
• looking at on or around Six Flags, please? Thank you.
President Rheault—Did you get that Barbara? Councilor Walsh?
Councilor Walsh—Nothing tonight,thank you.
President Rheault—Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi—Nothing, thank you.
President Rheault—Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo —Nothing this evening.
President Rheault—Councilor Magovern?
0 Councilor Magovern — Just very quickly, I'd like to make a note that in this morning's
paper there's a very nice article about the barn down at the School Street Park that's
going into the National Historic Register and I think that it's a wonderful idea and I hope
everybody can remember the farming roots and the agricultural roots of Agawam. We go
back to the Agawam plantation and I think this is one of the few remaining barns we have
♦ left in town due to a firebug that we had back here in the 1960's that got a great thrill out
of burning down barns in Agawam. So there aren't too many barns left so again I hope
that this passes and we can have our barn on the Historic Registry. Thank you.
President Rheault—Councilor Simpson?
Councilor Simpson —Nothing tonight. Thank you.
President Rheault—Councilor Bitzas?
• Councilor Bitzas--Nothing tonight.
President Rheault —Nothing? Okay. I'll entertain a motion to adjourn. Moved by the
Council, seconded by the Council. All those in favor? Opposed? Thank you and good