CC MTG MINUTES JUNE 13 2011• SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF THE AGA WAM CITY COUNCIL • June 13, 2011 President Rheault—It's now 6:00. I'm calling the Special Meeting of June 130'. Item 1. Roll Call President Rheault—Barbara would you please call the roll? ROLL CALL — 11 PRESENT,0 ABSENT President Rheault—Eleven present, we have a full quorum. Item 2. Moment of Silence and the Pledge ofAllegiance President Rheault — Could you please rise for a Moment of Silence and the Pledge of Allegiance? Item 3. TR-2011-34 - A Resolution Approving a Redistricting Plan for the Town of A_zawam • President Rheault — Moved by Councilor Perry, seconded by Councilor Cichetti. I'll entertain a motion to go into Committee as a Whole for a brief moment for the City Clerk to explain this item. Moved by Councilor Walsh and seconded by Councilor Minec. All those in favor? Opposed? You have the floor for a few minutes. • Richard Theroux — Thank you very much Mr. Rheault and thank you again for calling this Special Meeting. I apologize this was on your reading for the 20t'. The state informed me at a conference I had gone to last week that they wanted it by the 151h. They didn't want to wait until the 201h so Council President and certainly your Council Clerk • helped me put this together and I'll be as brief as possible simply because as you see the map here as we have it and so forth the census track numbers came in at from the state census, or I should say the federal census, that was conducted was 28,438. Under the statute, it allows us to have a minimum and a maximum per precinct and the target is 4,000 inhabitants per precinct. As you can see the minimum is here--- 5% of 4000 = 3377 and the maximum is 3733. Some go over some go under, however none reach that mean which is 4000 and the variance is right here. So that as some of you recall we did grade a precinct some time ago and that precinct is Precinct 8, we split that, we're very fortunate that we didn't go over that number otherwise we would have had a Precinct 9. So as far as expenditures, machines, workers, etc. that's out for ten more years so I think we're fortunate on that. If you look at the new map here, in front of you is the older map, the basic change here that you will see is only in ironically is Precinct 2 here, Henry and William Streets are merged from Precinct 3 to Precinct 2. The other line that I did before myself without the state help has held. So with the Secretary of State's office and my • office and the back and forth and so forth, this map has held as to the boundary lines that we have. They've just made that small change. What they're looking for is obviously a • clean map not something with jerry mandarin where they would take a precinct and it would have a big jog into someone else to work with someone. My colleagues that have to work with Councilors and School Committee people that run in districts had plenty of headaches. I was very fortunate that you all run at-large and this particular change in just those small changes will not become effective until December 2012. So for this particular election, you will be using the old precinct line. Then again it's just those two streets. So we're very, very fortunate. There are very few changes and if you have any questions on how the people will be notified on those changes, we will just send them notices after December 2012 and anyone who comes in to register to vote will be notified. So we're very, very fortunate because I think the cadence of people voting you • know how people move around and they forget where they voted but we're very, very fortunate. When they come out in the presidential and they registered a while back and don't remember what streets they are, we're very fortunate that this is a very, very, obviously, very, very slight change so that we're really not gonna have a Iot of movement and I'm really pleased about that. It just goes to show we did a good map ten years ago so it held for us and that's where we are. I'm looking for the Council to approve it so that I can send it to the State under the deadline. Thank you so much and if you have questions? Certainly. President Rheault--Questions? I'll entertain a motion to come out of Committee as a Whole. Moved by Councilors Simpson—everybody. All those in favor? Opposed? The motion is on the floor to approve the resolution for the redistricting. Moved by Councilor Bitzas, seconded by Councilor Rossi. Any further discussion? If not, all those in favor? Opposed? Unanimous. (I I Yes—0 No) You don't need a roll call, do you? Richard Theroux--No,just the minutes that state that it was a unanimous vote if you could and that way I could send it off. President Rheault—Okay. I'll entertain a motion to adjourn? Moved by Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilor Magovern. All those in favor of adjourning? Opposed? We're now adjourned. i Item 4. Adjournment • •