CC MTG MINUTES MAY 2 2011 0 REGULAR MEETING OF THE AGA WAM CITY COUNCIL 0 May 2, 2011 President Rheault — Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the Council meeting of Monday,May 2, 2011. ~ Item 1. Citizen's Speak Time President Rheault--We do not have any citizens wishing to address the Council. Item 2. Roll Call President Rheault—So Barbara please call the roll. ROLL CALL—9 YES,2 ABSENT (Councilors Mineo and Rossi) President Rheault — Nine present, two absent. We have a quorum. (Councilor Mineo arrived shortly thereafter) Item 3. Moment o Silence and the Pled e o Alle lance President Rheault—Please rise for a moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance. Item 4. Minutes (a) Regular Council Meeting—April 19,2011 0 President Rheault — Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Messick. Any corrections or additions? If not, all those in favor? Opposed? Unanimous. Item S. Declaration from Council President • None. Item 6. Presentation of Petitions.Memorials& Remonstrances (a) Resolutions 1. TR-2011-23 -A Resolution Adopting Massachusetts General Law Chapter 32B,Section 18 (Tabled 4/19/11) (Referred to Ordinance Committee) (Mayor) President Rheault — Moved to take it off the table by Councilor Simpson. For the benefit of the audience, those councilors who have removed themselves from the podium are in conflict on the next item so they cannot vote. Item was moved by Councilor 0 1 M Simpson to take it off the table, seconded by Councilor Mineo. All those in favor of taking it off the table? Opposed? The item's on the floor. What is the Council's • pleasure? Councilor Perry—Well basically it's going to take six votes to pass this? President Rheault—To pass this, yes. • Councilor Perry- Or the majority of voting? President Rheault—To table, do you move to put it back on the table? Councilor Perry — I'll make a motion to put it back on the table until we have the Full Council. President Rheault—Moved by Councilor Perry to put it back on the table. Councilor Mineo —Could I just ask one thing. I just wanted to make sure and I'm sorry I didn't call you today, I did get the email, I just had a few things happen today and I had meetings,this just pertains to Agawam, am I correct? President Rheault—As far as I know. • Councilor Mineo—I was gonna call you and ask you if this was going to— President Rheault—No this is our vote, it's strictly our item. Councilor Mineo—I mean I wouldn't be in any conflict— • President Rheault—You're not in any, we checked. Councilor Mineo—You did. Okay, I just wanted to make sure. • President Rheault—You're safe. Councilor Simpson? Councilor Simpson — Just a question. Are we ever gonna have —because we have one, two, three, four, five of us, oh is Bob in conflict or not? President Rheault—No. Councilor Simpson —Oh, okay. Councilor Perry — If I may through the Chair, I know that in our last meeting when we did table this that Councilor Rossi I believe did indicate at that point in time that he wasn't in conflict so I think it's in the best interest of the town to table this this evening until Councilor Rossi can be here so we'll at least have six councilors that can vote. • 2 President Rheault — Moved by Councilor Perry, seconded by Councilor Simpson to 0 table. Barbara, please call the roll? ROLL CALL — 5 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Rossi). (Five councilors in conflict and off the podium — Councilors Bitzas, Cichetti, Letellier, Magovern and Walsh) • President Rheault — Five yes, you have moved to table the item until next meeting. Council may return back to their seats. Thank you. 2. TR 2011-25 - A Resolution to Promote Economic and Environmental Health in Agawam through the Design, Construction,Operations and Deconstruction of Town Facilities by Designating Agawam as an"Energy Smart Community"and Supporting and Endorsing an Application to be Designated a Green Community(Councilor Rossi) President Rheault—Councilor Messick? i Councilor Messick—Yes, I want to make a motion to table this as well since Councilor Rossi isn't here. It's a fairly complex reason that this is on the Agenda and I think it would be in the Council's hest interest to have him here to explain what this is all about. 0 President Rheault—Okay. Moved by Councilor Messick to table, seconded by Councilors Mineo and Magovem. All those in favor of tabling? Opposed? Item is on the table. 3. TR-2011-27 -A Resolution Accepting a Grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the United States Department of Homeland Security Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A to be Utilized by the Agawam Fire Department for the Purchase of Emergency Rescue Equipment(Referred to Finance Committee)(Mayor) President Rheault—I'll entertain a motion? Moved by Councilor Perry, seconded by Councilor Mineo, is it, nope Councilor Cichetti. I believe the committee should have a report or does have a report, Councilor Walsh? Councilor Walsh — The committee does have a report. We had a meeting on April 25`h and the meeting was at the Agawam Public Library in the Peirce Room. Present were myself, Councilors Dennis Perry, Robert Rossi, Joseph Mineo and Gina Letellier. The Resolution Accepting the Grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the United States Department of Homeland Security Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53A to be Utilized by the Agawam Fire Department for the Purchase of Emergency Rescue Equipment. There was a brief discussion amongst the committee members that the grant was for a total of $89,280.00. The town's portion would be $8,928.00 and the federal share would be $80,352.00. The memo from the Deputy Fire Chief, Alan Sirois, indicated that this was much needed equipment. It consists of 2 defibrillators at a cost of$64,000; 1 cutter at a cost of$5,000; 1 power unit at a cost of$6,500; 1 spreader at a cost of$7,000; 0 3 i 3 hydraulic hoses at a cost of$1,650; and 1 vehicle stabilization/air bags, RAMS at a cost of$5,130. A vote was taken and it was 5 to 0 in favor of recommending to the Council to accept the grant to purchase the emergency equipment and it was signed by myself as Chairman of Finance Committee and the meeting was adjourned at 7:07pm. President Rheault — Thank you. Council's pleasure? Any discussion on it? If not, Barbara,please call the roll. • ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Rossi) President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent. You've approved the grant. + Item 7. Report_of Council Committees None. Item $. Elections None. Item 9. Public Hearings • 1. PH-2011-2 -(TR-2011-26)A Resolution Adopting the Fiscal Year 2012- 2016 Capital Improvement Program(Public Hearing Date Set for June 6, 2011) (Referred to Capital Improvement and Finance Committees) (Mayor) President Rheault—The public hearing for TR-2011-26 has been called for June 6 h Item 10. Old Business 1. TO-2011-11 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device(s)—Six Flags New England, 1623 Main Street,Agawam,MA.(Referred to License Committee)(Clerk) President Rheault — Councilor Magovern? Move the question first please. Moved by Councilor Magovern, seconded by Councilor Perry. Okay,now. Councilor Magovern — In the absence of Councilor Rossi, I did discuss this with Councilor Simpson and this is a standard renewal of Six Flags licenses and there seems to be absolutely no problem with them whatsoever. President Rheault—AlI right. Thank you. • Councilor Magovern—We're positive with the recommendation. 4 • President Rheault—Thank you. Any other discussion on it? If not, Barbara, please call the roll. • ROLL CALL—10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Rossi) President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, we've approved the granting of the license. Item 11. New Business None. Item 12. Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council. • President Rheault — I'll start with Councilor Walsh and go left and then to the right. Councilor? Councilor Walsh—I'll pass thank you. • President Rheault—Councilor Cichetti? Councilor Cichetti—Nothing this evening. Thank you. President Rheault—Councilor Messick? • Councilor Messick—I would just like to thank everybody who participated in Earth Day and everybody who came to the park on what turned out to be an absolutely gorgeous weather day. We estimate that we had well over three hundred people come to the park that day and a lot of them were kids who seemed to be having a very, very good time. So • again, thank you to everybody who participated. Particularly thank you to Tracy DeMaio. She is our star in the DPW and she shouldered quite a bit of the burden for this event. She did a lot of work and I really, really appreciate her help. Thank you. President Rheault—Thank you. Councilor Letellier? • Councilor Letellier — Thank you. Yes, we enjoyed Earth Day and our free seeds, and our free bulbs and our free green bag and our free faucet and our free hose. So if you didn't go you missed out on a lot of good freebies and of course the big giant yellow duck but Pm indicating that we need to do a Capital Improvement Budget Committee meeting and I was thinking 4:00 because we want to have the Mayor and Laurel present and I know Joe I think you are the only one that might be a problem with it. Can you do a 4:00 meeting? No? Could you do a 4:30 meeting? No. Councilor Mineo —Either 4:45 or 5:00. Councilor Letellier—Okay. All right. So Barbara maybe could we do a 4:45 meeting? i 5 Councilor Mineo —When are you gonna have it? As long as it's not on a Wednesday. Councilor Letellier — Well what I was going to suggest is it's Councilor Messick, Councilor Mineo, Councilor Bitzas, Councilor Simpson and myself, so if you have bad dates, let Barbara know the bad dates because I guess the rooms are not very available and I know we have to do a certain day of the week for George's day off. Monday's are best for George so if maybe we can shoot for - we have til June 6 h so it's not a rush so we can all — Councilor Mineo —The only bad night for me is Wednesday night because I would have to work until 6:00. • Councilor Letellier — Okay so even if we do it on a Monday before the next meeting because the next meeting seems pretty dry. Well, see when the Mayor and Laurel can do it but nothing earlier than 4:45. Fair enough? Okay. Thank you. President Rheault—Thank you. Councilor Perry? # Councilor Perry—Nothing this everting, Mr. President. Thank you. President Rheault—Down to my furthest right. Councilor Bitzas? Councilor Bitzas — I can't resist this. The whole country is very happy today. I just • want to go for the records that we've been waiting for this day. Osama Bin Laden of course everybody knows is at the bottom of the sea with a bullet in his head and he got what he deserved. Our country and our nation and the war is better off without him. He was absolutely the reason that over three thousand people they lost their lives and so many families they got, they lost actually their lives too with all their dead and this year, • we do it every year, we have a ceremony, ceremonial September 11 h and four months from now we're to have a best ceremony down there and I hope the whole town is better. It will be bittersweet. We be sad because of the people but we're very happy because the person, the reason they lost their lives is not alive anymore and I'm glad we got him, a little bit late but better late than never. Thank you. • President Rheault—Councilor Simpson? Councilor Simpson—Nothing tonight,thank you. President Rheault—Councilor Magovem? Councilor Magovern—Very briefly again I want to thank everybody who organized the Earth Day celebration which was on Saturday but there is one side note about what happened on Saturday down at the park and that is something that is very symbolic, very meaningful and that is the Garden of Angels and this is a park that was created by some • of the mothers in town that had lost their children which is something which should never happen but it's an absolutely beautiful setting and those of you that go down to the park, • 6 • please take a walk. Go down and see the Garden of Angels. There's memorial stones that parents have dedicated to their lost children and it's very, very symbolic, very quiet • and very beautiful and again I was very proud to have been a part of the dedication of that spot on Saturday. Thank you. President Rheault—Thank you. Councilor Mineo? Councilor Mineo—Nothing tonight. President Rheault —And nothing from myself. Thank you. I will entertain a motion to adjourn. Moved by the Council to adjourn, seconded by the Council. All those in favor? Thank you very much. We're adjourned. • Adjournment. • • • • • 7