• Minutes dated November 9, 2011
President Rheault—Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the November 9P
City Council meeting.
Item 1. Citizen's Speak Time
President Rheault—There are no citizens wishing to address the Council.
Item Z Roll Call
President Rheault—So Barbara,please call the roll.
ROLL CALL— 10 PRESENT, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Rossi)
• President Rheault — Ten present, one absent, we have a quorum. Councilor Rossi will
not be in attendance this evening. He has personal business down with his daughter.
Item 3. Moment of Silence and the Pledge otAllegiance
• President Rheault—Please rise for a moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance.
Item 4. Minutes
(a) Regular Council Meeting—October 17,2011
• President Rheault—Moved by
Councilor Perry, seconded by Councilor Magovern. Any
corrections or additions? If not, voice vote is sufficient. All those in favor? Opposed?
Item S. Declaration from Council President
• President Rheault — At this time I'd like to invite, if he wishes, Councilor-elect Chris
Johnson, if you want to come up and join us,you are welcomed.
Christopher Johnson — I'll stay in the audience, thank you. Thank you for the
President Rheault—Okay, thank you.
• 1
Item 6 Presentation o Petitions Memorials& Remonstrances
(a) Resolutions
1. TR 2011-52 -A Resolution to Authorize Expenditures of Funds for an
Agreement between the Town of Agawam and the Agawam Building
Maintenance Association(Referred to Finance Committee) (Mayor)
President Rheault —Moved by Councilor Perry, seconded by Councilor Messick, sorry,
Councilor Letellier, sorry, it was referred over to the Finance Committee, do we have a
report Jack?
Councilor Walsh — Yes, the Finance Committee met this evening at 6:30. In attendance
• were myself, Councilor Perry, Councilor Mineo, Councilor Letellier and we also had
some additional guests and I didn't get everybody's names so I'm not going to read them
off at this point. We had a motion by Dennis Perry and seconded by Joseph Mineo to
recommend 4 to 0 approval to the Council and this was for the Resolution to Authorize
Expenditures of Funds for an Agreement between the Town of Agawam and the Agawam
i Building Maintenance Association.
President Rheault—Thank you. Any discussion on the motion? Councilor Walsh?
Councilor Walsh—No I never shut mine off, I'm sorry.
President Rheault — Oh, sorry. If you would that water cooler (pitcher) is blocking
your's off George, thank you. Okay, Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry—Yes, thank you Mr. President, basically in our committee's discussion
we as a Full Council approved the budget which this was all part of, this contract, this
money was already allocated, the budget itself I mean the contract itself had not been
signed but we as a Full Council had approved this funding when we approved the Fiscal
2012 Budget. I know that this Council before the budget had some contracts come before
us that we sent back and we rejected but they never really did come back to us in this
type of format where we have the full contract for review but again at that point in time
we did approve the budget which took care of those contracts. So as a committee we felt
at this point in time that you know those other contracts were approved which were very
similar as far as the monetary value or investment of the community so we decided at that
point in time that we would just make a full recommendation and to go forward with
approving this. Thank you.
President Rheault —Thank you. The funding for this has already been approved in the
budget anyway. Barbara, please call the roll? If you're in favor of it, vote yes, if not,
vote against.
ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Rossi)
President Rheault—Ten yes and one absent, you have approved the resolution.
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2. TR-2011-53 - A Resolution to Borrow and Appropriate for a Green
Repair Program for the Agawam Junior High(Referred to Finance
Committee) (Mayor)
President Rheault—Moved by Councilor Perry, seconded by Councilor Cichetti. And a
report from the Finance Committee.
Councilor Walsh — This was also part of our meeting tonight and TR-2011-53 the
resolution to borrow $2,954,386.00. We had a lengthy discussion and as it turns out this
had been before us previously for the approval of the expenditures as opposed to the
borrowing and it looks like at this point in time we are now getting for slightly less
money, we'll be getting a grant of 57.74% I believe was the figure so we decided that we
would recommend to the Council 4 to 0 in favor of approving this resolution.
President Rheault—Thank you. Any further discussion? Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas — Yes, I was at the meeting and I think it's a great resolution and I
hope the Council will support it and I believe so. What we getting actually we have this
in the Capital Improvement budget now we're getting a lot more for the same money we
approve and plus we're getting back for the 57.74% reimbursement so we have new
windows because not only we save energy but also safety and we have doors plus the
roofing so I'm hopefully the procedure and the bidding will go out very quick and our
kids will enjoy the new building or most new building. Thank you.
President Rheault—Thank you. Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier—Yes,just to add to the Finance Committee report, the Jr. High roof
is in the Capital Improvement budget for $1.75 million. After this grant, the town will
pay approximately $1.3 million AND get the additional things like the doors and the
windows. So we think it's a win/win but I think the public should know that if this goes
through, if we get this, if this grant goes through which we're told it will, we'll save
money and get more so how often do you get that lucky?
President Rheault—Thank you. Correct. Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo — Just very, very, I'm gonna be very brief. We're very fortunate to
receive something like this so hopefully everyone will be voting in favor of it.
i President Rheault—Thank you. Barbara,please call the roll.
ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Rossi)
President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you have approved the resolution as attached.
Item 7. Report of Council Committees
Item 8. Elections
Item 9. Public Hearings
L PH-2011-6 (TR-2011-54)A Resolution Authorizing the Application and
Acceptance of a Massachusetts Community Development Block Grant(Public
• Hearing Date of November 21, 2011) (Referred to Finance Committee)
President Rheault — The item is on for a scheduled public hearing for the 21 s` of
November and Barbara, got it? Thank you.
Item 10. Old Business
1. TO-2011-27 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS
II Dealer(s)—Elmwood D&J Auto Sales,521 River Road,Agawam,MA.
. 01001 (Referred to License Committee)(Clerk)
President Rheault — We have a list of licenses and I believe that Councilor Magovern
will be filling in the report for Councilor Rossi.
Councilor Magovern — Council President Rheault I'd like to thank you for the
opportunity to make the presentation—
President Rheault — I'll entertain a motion to put it on the floor first. Moved by
Councilor Perry, seconded by Councilor Walsh. Okay, thank you, now the report please.
• Councilor Magovern -- Okay, uh, I had a conversation with Councilor Rossi,
unfortunately he's in Boston as President mentioned and is unable to make the meeting.
We had a meeting, Councilor Simpson and myself, earlier this evening and went over all
the licenses, all the taxes have been paid, this has been checked out via our office so I
would like to move on these and I would like to combine all of them. I'll read them
through so that you know who it is and if we could have a motion to combine them and
have one vote.
President Rheault—Wrong button, sorry.
Councilor Magovern — Shut me off, I got re-elected! TO-2011-27 which was D&J Auto
Sales, Elmwood D&J Auto Sales; TO-2011-28 which is an Order Granting or Renewing a
LICENSE for a CLASS II Dealer(s)—Malkoon Motors; TO-2011-29 which is an Order Granting
or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS II Dealer (s) for Parrotta's Auto Service, Inc., 357 Main
Street; TO-2011-30 which is an Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS II Dealer
(s)—Town Motors, II, 393 Main Street; TO-2011-31 which is an Order Granting or Renewing a
LICENSE for a CLASS II Dealer(s) —V&F Auto, Inc., 7 Harding Street; TO-2011-32 which is
an Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS I1 Dealer(s)—Luigi's Auto Sales, Inc.,
371 South Westfield Street, Feeding Hills and if we could find all of our auto and then we have
another license afterwards.
President Rheault -- The motion's on the floor, seconded by Councilor Simpson. Any
further discussion on combining them all as listed? If not, Barbara, please call the roll.
ROLL CALL —10 YES,0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Rossi)
President Rheault—Ten yes, one absent, you have approved TO—
Councilor Letellier — Point of Order. I think we just approved the motion to
consolidate,we didn't approve the items.
President Rheault — I'm sorry, yes, thank you. Motion on the floor is to consolidate,
that one has passed.
Councilor Letellier — Councilor Magovern made a motion, it was seconded to
consolidate the items, that was approved. Now we need a motion to approve the licenses
as consolidated.
Councilor Magovern—I'll make a motion to approve the licenses as consolidated.
President Rheault — Moved by Councilor Magovern, seconded by Councilors Mineo
and Walsh to approve the licenses. All right. Now TO-2011-27; -28; -29; -30; -31 and -
32. Any further discussion? You still have your light on Councilor Magovern. No? All
right. Barbara, please call the roll
ROLL CALL—10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT(Councilor Rossi)
President Rheault—Ten yes and one absent.
2. TO-2011-28 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS
II Dealer (s)—Malkoon Motors, 1039 Springfield Street, Feeding Bills,MA
01030(Referred to License Committee) (Clerk)
President Rheault—See item 1 above.
• 3. TO-2011-29 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS
11 Dealer(s)—Parrotta's Auto Service,Inc.,357 Main Street,Agawam,MA.
01001 (Referred to License Committee)(Clerk)
President Rheault—See item 1 above.
4. TO-2011-30 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS
11 Dealer(s)—Town Motors,II,393 Main Street,Agawam,MA. 01001
(Referred to License Committee)(Clerk)
• President Rheault--See item I above.
5. TO-2011-31 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS
H Dealer(s)—Y&F Auto,Inc.,7 Harding Street,Feeding Hills,MA. 01001
(Referred to License Committee)(Clerk)
• President Rheault—See item 1 above.
6. TO-2011-32 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS
H Dealer(s)—Luigi's Auto Sales,Inc., 371 South Westfield Street,Feeding
Hills, MA. 01030(Referred to License Committee)(Clerk)
• President Rheault—See item 1 above.
7. TO-2011-33 -An Order Granting or Renewing a WEEKLY
AMUSEMENT Device(s)—American Legion Post 185—Wilson Thompson,
478 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA. 01030(Referred to License
• Committee) (Clerk)
President Rheault—Moved by Councilor Magovern, seconded by Councilor Walsh and
a report again from the License Committee.
Councilor Magovern — Licensing Committee met earlier this evening, we discussed it
and again as I said I discussed it separately with Councilor Rossi and we find no
problems with this and I'd like to read it, it's TO-2011-33 which is an Order Granting or
Renewing a WEEKLY AMUSEMENT Device(s) — American Legion Post 185 — Wilson
Thompson, 478 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills.
• President Rheault— All right. Any further discussion? If not, Barbara, please call the
ROLL CALL—10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Rossi)
• President Rheault —Ten yes, one absent, you've approved the granting of the license to
the Legion.
Item 11. New Business
1. TR-2011-55 -A Resolution Amending the Rules and Regulations of the
Agawam City Council (Council)
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President Rheault— You all had it in your packet to review and hopefully we'll have a
meeting called shortly. That's next Agenda and send over to the Rules Committee for a
• review if they choose to have that.
2. TR-2011-56 -A Resolution Entering into a Tax Agreement with
Rivermoor-Citizens,LLC for a Solar Development Project Located at 912
Shoemaker Lane,Agawam,MA.(Mayor)
President Rheault—Shifted over to the Finance Committee,next Agenda.
3. TR-2011-57 -A Resolution Entering into a Tax Agreement with
Rivermoor-Citizens,LLC for a Solar Development located at 365 Main
Street,Agawam,MA. (Mayor)
President Rheault—That'll go over to the Finance Committee,next Agenda.
4. TO-2011-34 -An Order Granting or Renewing a AUTOMATIC
AMUSEMENT Device(s)—Sabre Entertainment d/b/a Bourbon Park,360
• North Westfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA. 01030(Clerk)
President Rheault—That'll go to the License Committee,next Agenda.
5. TO-2011-35 -An Order Granting or Renewing an AUTOMATIC
AMUSEMENT Device(s)—Polish American Club, 139 Southwick Street,
• Feeding Hills,MA. 01030(Clerk)
President Rheault—That'll also go to the License Committee,next Agenda.
6. TO-2011-36 -An Order Granting or Renewing a AUTOMATIC
AMUSEMENT Device(s)—F.S.F.,Inc.d/b/a The Riverboat, 11 South End
Bridge Circle,Agawam,MA. 01001 (Clerk)
President Rheault—That'll also go to the License Committee, next Agenda.
7. TO-2011-37 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS
I Dealer(s)—G&T Beaver,Inc. d/b/a Beaver Camper Service,721
Springfield Street, Feeding Hills,MA 01030 (Clerk)
President Rheault--That'll also go to the License Committee, next Agenda.
• 8. TO-2011-38 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS
11 Dealer(s)—Auto Kraft,119 Walnut Street, Agawam,MA. 01001 (Clerk)
President Rheault—That'll also go to the License Committee,next Agenda.
9. TO-2011-39 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS
H Dealer(s)—Balfour Motors, 1801 Main Street, Agawam,MA. 01001
• 7
President Rheault—That'll also go to the License Committee, next Agenda.
10. TO-2011-40 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS
II Dealer(s)—Dino Carando d/b/a Euro Imports,325 Main Street,
Agawam,MA. 01001 (Clerk)
President Rheault—That'll also go to the License Committee, next Agenda.
Item 1Z Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council
President Rheault — I believe we started at Councilor Perry last time so we'll start at
Councilor Bitzas this time.
Councilor Bitzas — Yes, Mr. President, I have two items. First of all I would like to
thank all the voters of Agawam that came out the yesterday to vote especially to thank
those people who voted for me and put the signs on their lawns and I, it's a pleasure,
privilege and honor to serve you and the Town of Agawam and I will continue to do the
best of my ability to do my job as good as I can. The other thing is of course we have the
Veteran's Day and we should take the time to remember our veterans and the sacrifices
and the Veterans' Council, I think you got all the papers they have some kind of event at
Phelp's, I mean at Veteran's Green, at 10.00. Just for the people that are watching us and
of course all the councilors know about it, I think we should honor them. That's it and
congratulations to all of you that you are back. Thank you.
President Rheault—Thank you. Councilor Simpson?
Councilor Simpson — Thank you. I just wanted to say congratulations to everyone who
. was reelected or the newly elected and have fun!
Councilor Magovern — Again, I'd like to thank everybody in town for coming out and
voting. It's democracy at it's best and again thank you to my supporters who reelected
me to the Council and I'd also like to say that I'll do my best on the Council, my name is
in the book, my telephone number is in the book if anybody wants a question or
• comment, don't hesitate to call and adding a little bit to what George Bitzas, Councilor
Bitzas, said about the veterans, we are very proud to have a Veteran's Cemetery in town
and we're also very proud to have a very active Veterans' Council in town. As you drive
up and down Main Street, look at the flags that are on the poles and remember the
veterans —that's what it's there for. I think we're very privileged to have those flags on
display but I wanted to mention that community is what makes Agawam great and there's
going to be a community breakfast on Friday morning, Veteran's Day, which is going to
be at the Agawam Congregational Church and it's going to be pancakes, sausage, coffee,
tea,juice, milk, the standard fare. It's being sponsored by Quail Run which is one of our
senior citizen retirement communities in town on Cardinal Drive and hopefully if you get
there at 8:00, 9, 10, whenever we'll be able to go from the Congregational Church over to
the Memorial Green and celebrate the Veteran's Day with a ceremony on the green. So
hopefully please if you can, go out for the breakfast, it's $5.00 for an adult, $3.00 for
children and any veteran that may want to come, it's free for veterans. So again I hope
you can all participate and thank you again for the re-election.
President Rheault—Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo—I'd like to also thank everybody that came out to vote yesterday and I
really do appreciate everybody that voted for me. Certainly I will try to do the best job I
can. I enjoy being on the Council and do enjoy being in community service. I will not be
attending any of the veterans' ceremonies this Friday. I just wanted to let you all know I
am having surgery for the second time on my leg and I will be home Barbara, so if you
need to get in touch with me, call my house number or anybody can call my house
number but I will be out of commission for probably about ten days. So I will be home.
President Rheault—Thank you. Councilor Walsh?
Councilor Walsh —Yes, I think to add to Councilor Magovern's, his presentation on the
. Quail Run breakfast, the hours are going to be 7 to 10, I don't think he had mentioned
that and so I just wanted to get that in there that they will be open at 7:00 serving the
breakfast. Second item, I would like to congratulate all my fellow councilors and the
newly-elected councilors and I'm going to wish you luck during the next two years.
You're gonna need it and I'm gonna watch you on TV so watch out what you're doing
there and the final item I think I would like to thank all town employees — police, fire,
• DPW for their actions during the black-out that we had. They stepped up and in many
cases did a great job. I'd also like to thank Western Mass Electric Company even though
I know there was some dissention within our community that we may not have been fast
at the feeding trough where we thought we should be. I think in recognition of Western
Mass Electric they have many communities that they have to take care of and I think that
• they did a great job because it's like putting a puzzle together that you've never seen
before and there's a methodical way to do it. They did it and I think part of the problem
too was this was up and down the east coast from Maryland to Maine where normally if
we had a local catastrophe, we could call on some of these other electric companies. We
couldn't because they had their own problems so I think all in all and I'm sure there was
some exceptions, I think they did a fantastic job. Thank you.
President Rheault—Thank you Jack. Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti — Thank you Mr. President. Just again to reiterate what everyone's
. been saying I'd like to thank everyone who came out and voted yesterday. All my
supporters, all my poll workers, all my friends and family for the continued support. I
will do my best the next couple years on this board, I enjoy it a lot. It is a good time even
though Jill wishes us all to "have fun", I think it as a lot of fun. Also, I would like to
congratulate everyone that was re-elected, all the new councilor-elects that are coming
aboard, also like to congratulate Mayor Cohen for his re-election and also just reiterate
what John was speaking about with Western Mass Electric, I think they did a wonderful
job. A lot of people were pulled away from their families and their homes and came out
• 9
here and worked around the clock to give us all some of the things we do take advantage
of at times and one of them being electricity. Again, I'd like to thank everybody and I
look forward to two years. Thanks!
President Rheault—Thank you. Councilor Messick?
Councilor Messick — I'd like to congratulate everybody who got re-elected on the
Council and also I would like to make a statement about Agawam as a community. I saw
some amazing acts of kindness between neighbors and people taking in other people,
people taking care of animals when people had to leave their houses and I was just so
proud of how everybody came together including the town, DPW and it was really in that
aspect a good experience in some ways. So again congratulations and I'm sure
0 everybody will do a fine job for the next two years and I don't even know if I'll be
watching on the television. I might some times if it's gonna look interesting.
President Rheault—Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier--Not to be redundant but thank you to everyone who voted for me
0 and for getting out for voting. Congratulations to not just the people that got elected but
everyone who put your name out there and ran. It takes a lot of effort. You really have
to love your community and be willing to put yourself out there so congratulations to
everybody. Joe —good luck! I also have medical stuff on Veterans' Day so I will not be
participating. I do have something very important that I think we need to talk about and
• these are the payment in lieu of tax agreements that are coming up. I got my start at
Citizen's Speak Time talking about payment in lieu of tax agreements and why I think
they're a bad thing and I haven't changed my mind. I think that this is something that
needs much more discussion than just a Finance Committee meeting. I think this is time
for us to use our professional funds. I think we need to hire an expert to determine what
we could be getting in taxes and if a payment in lieu of tax agreement is appropriate,
what the figure should be. I don't think that in-house we have the expertise to negotiate a
payment in lieu of tax agreement. i think the town should be looking outside for
professional legal advise in terms of negotiating a payment in lieu of tax agreement. I
think this is something that you put to a public hearing before the whole town. I don't
think we're ready to even begin to discuss this at the next meeting. So when we do have
a Finance Committee meeting, I'm gonna be recommending that we seriously look into
using our professional funds, to get more information, to determine how much we should
be getting in taxes should these projects go forward so that we can determine if we want
to enter into a payment in lieu of tax agreement what figures, if any,would be appropriate
and whether this is a properly written contract—we don't have that expertise in-house to
negotiate these types of contracts and so this is something Pm really gonna be pouncing
on and I hope that people really look into this. Thank you.
President Rheault—Thank you. Councilor Perry?
9 Councilor Perry — Yes, thank you Mr. President. I too, not to sound redundant but
really want to thank the police and fire for all that they did during the power outage in the
town. I think that everyone of us were affected by that in regards to losing power. I
know there was very isolated parts of town that didn't lose power at all but for the
majority of the community, we went through it. I didn't regain power until Thursday
night until about 8:30 so I felt the effects of what had happened and they did a great job.
It was, I guess the only thing that we had was our portable radio to listen to and with the
candle lights and our scanner so I heard a lot of what the police and fire did but I also
really, really want to commend the DPW and the workers. These guys put in about a
hundred hours. I talked to Ralph Meyers in Geissler's on Sunday afternoon, I seen him in
there, he had finally stopped Sunday afternoon, they worked a half a day on Sunday, they
just had to rest, I mean they had had hundreds of hours in, these guys, and in the election
and going around to the different polls, seeing some of the guys that worked for the
DPW,they've been plowing snow for thirty years for this town and they told me they had
never been more scared in their life than they were that night, with the trees coming down
around them and transformers blowing up, I mean we have to appreciate what these guys
did for us, we really do, it's amazing, it really is and I agree on the electric companies.
This was an historic storm that has never happened and we lived through it and they did a
great job getting us back online. I also want to thank the voters who went out and voted
for the candidates of their choice yesterday. It is democracy and you know it's a
privilege, people have given their lives up and we will celebrate that on Veterans' Day
for us to be able to go out and vote. I want to thank everyone who did and I want to
thank the ones who supported me in my re-election. I want to congratulate all the
candidates, as Gina had stated, all the candidates who put their names out there. It takes a
lot to do that and I want to congratulate everyone who was elected, my colleagues up
here and candidates, Chris, CeCe and who's the other one, Paul (laughter), I know I was
only teasing, and lastly I just want to thank my family for supporting me during this. I
was a tough week for everyone last week throughout the community, supporting me
around the precincts, I had my wife and my three daughters and my two granddaughters
and that was it and I just want to say thank you to them for doing that for me. Thank you.
Councilor Magovern—President Rheault, could I add one more thing, very quick?
President Rheault--Am I gonna be able to stop you?
Councilor Magovern —Of course you can, you can shut my light off again.
President Rheault—Go ahead.
Councilor Magovern — Just very quickly, I second everything that was said here but
there was one group that was not thanked that I was thinking of as you were going around
and that's the Senior Center. I don't know if everybody in town knows that the Senior
Center was operating as a warming center and they had as many as fifty people down
there one night on cots and again it took great volunteer help, again our community that
went down there and set up the cots and try to make the senior citizens as comfortable as
possible and some of them came with their little suitcases. It was really very trying on
some of these people but one quick story about one woman that got visited, was 93 and
they knocked on her door and she said "I'm all right. Leave me alone. I'm fine." and
� 11
again she was so sweet but the community was there to go in and take care of her and
make sure that she was okay and as was said by some, the community was fantastic but I
did want to say thank you to the Senior Center and all the efforts that went in down there.
Thank you.
President Rheault—Okay, so one of the disadvantages of being the Council President is
that you allow everybody to speak before you so there's very little left for me to say other
than that 93 year old woman had experienced a lot of what we experienced this time I'm
sure in the olden days when there were no lights and there were no power and there were
no heat some times so they learned how to live in those days without the graciousness of
the utilities that we enjoy and we take so much for granted. First I'd like to wish Gina
and Joe and Bobby good luck with your surgery and your recovery, I'm sure you'll do
• well and look forward to having you back on the Council floor. Second, to all the new
candidates who got elected, we welcome them with open arms. We've had experience
actually with all of them so it's rather nice in that respect, there'll be a lot less training
and work to do but there'll be more work from the town aspect and for everybody who
came out to vote, we thank you. It does show the democratic process was in order for
those that voted, I wanted to elude to what Dennis said, he had his wife and children —
you actually had it all —that's, how much more do you need? But I had grandsons out as
well so I enjoyed a lot of, and my sons, but to all of us we've got major work ahead of us.
Things are not any rosier, actually they're probably getting worse, so we've got some
work to do up here and I'm sure that we'll handle it but there maybe some sacrifices but
we'll do our best to provide the services at no expense or no trouble to the town. The
• town had an opportunity to come together in this last incident. It took everybody by
surprise and we'll probably, hopefully, never see it again, but what I felt was that it was
one big family trying to do the job in putting everything back into place and restore our
lives to normal which is what we're probably experiencing now so to all who voted and
voted for me, thank you very much, it brings several years to the podium for me and I'm
• very proud that I'm able to be back again. So in that light we wish you all well, it's count
down time for three of us, three of you up here, and I'm sure that your smiles are getting
bigger at least it looks it from here and I probably don't blame you but we've got another
month and we'll deal with your going away at that time so in light of that I wish, I'll
entertain a motion for us to adjourn. Moved by the Council to adjourn, seconded by the
• Council and we are now adjourned. Thank you very much and good evening.
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