' Minutes dated April 17, 2012
President Johnson -I'd call the meeting to order.
Item I. Roll Call
President Johnson--I would ask our Administrative Assistant to call the roll please.
ROLL CALL—9 PRESENT, 2 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas and Calabrese)
President Johnson — With nine present, two absent, we have a quorum. Councilors
Bitzas and Calabrese informed me before the meeting that they would be out of town this
evening and that's why they're not here.
Item 2. Moment of Silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Johnson — I'd ask everyone to rise for the moment of silence and Pledge of
Allegiance, please.
Item 3. Citizen's.Speak Time
President Johnson —There are no citizens wishing to address the Council this evening.
' Item 4. Minutes
1. Regular Council Meeting—April 2,2012
President Johnson — Our Administrative Assistant is still working on the April 2nd
minutes. It seems we were rather verbose in discussing the barn so it will be on our next
Item 5. Declaration from Council President
Item 6. Presentation of Petitions, Memorials& Remonstrances
1. TR-2012-19 -A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of Howard
' Safford,92 Juniper Ridge Drive,Feeding Hills,MA to the Agawam Liquor
License Commission to a Term Expiring the First Monday in June 2016
President Johnson — Is there a motion? Moved by Councilors Rheault, Rossi and many
others, seconded by Councilor Letellier. Questions or discussion? Mr. Safford indicated
' he would be unable to attend this evening but did write a letter strongly expressing his
desire to continue serving on the Liquor License Commission. Hearing none, all those in
' favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous.
2. TR-2012-20 -A Resolution Accepting an Easement for Storm Drains
' from Ralph E. Street (Mayor)
President Johnson — Is there a motion? Moved by. Councilors Rheault and Rossi,
seconded by Councilor Letellier. Questions or discussion? Hearing none, just stepping
' from the Chair, I'd ask that we make the typographical correction to the resolution to
spell Mr. Strecte's name consistently throughout. The first two times it's S-T-R-E-E-T
and the last two times it's S-T-R-E-E-T-E. I think the latter is the correct spelling so I
guess I would make that motion to correct the spelling of his name, the first two times in
the resolution. Is there a second? Moved by the Chair, seconded by Councilor Perry.
All those in favor of the amendment say Ay? Any opposed? Now the main motion as
amended, all those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous.
Item 7. Report of Council Committees
Item 8. Elections
' 1. TE-2012-1 -Election of a member of the Community Preservation Act
Committee to a Term Expiring April 30,2015(Council)
President Johnson—The floor is open for nominations. Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier—I nominate Ray Moreau.
1 President Johnson -- We have a nomination of Ray Moreau, seconded by Councilor
Magovern? The Chair would entertain a Motion to close nominations? Moved by
' Councilor Rheault, seconded by Councilor Cavallo. All those in favor of closing
nominations, say Ay? Opposed? I'd ask the Administrative Assistant to call the roll for
the election of Raymond Moreau to the Community Preservation Act Committee.
ROLL CALL — 9 RAYMOND MOREAU, 2 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas and
' President Johnson — With nine votes, Mr. Moreau is re-appointed to the Community
Preservation Act Committee.
2. TE-2012-2 - Election of a member of the Community Preservation Act
Committee to a Term Expiring April 30,2015(Council)
President Johnson —The floor is open to nominations.
' 2
iCouncilor Rheault—I move to nominate Rich Maggi.
' President Johnson — We have a nomination on the floor for Rich Maggi made by
Councilor Rheault, seconded by Councilor Magovern. The Chair would entertain a
Motion to close nominations? Moved by Councilor Cavallo, seconded by Councilors
Mineo and Magovern. I'd ask the Administrative Assistant to call the roll?
ROLL CALL—9 RICH MAGGI,2 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas and Calabrese)
' President Johnson — With nine votes, Rich Maggi's been re-appointed to the
Community Preservation Act Committee. On behalf of the Council, we'd like to extend
' our thanks to both Mr. Moreau and Mr. Maggi for their willingness to continue to serve
the town.
' Item 9. Public Hearinjs
Item 10. Old Business
1. TO-2012-12 -An Order Granting an Application for Abatement,
Redetermination,Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment
Requested by Ralph DePalma for the Property Located at Rear 683
1 Westfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA. (Tabled 4/2/12) (Referred to the
Administrative Sub-Committee)
President Johnson — There are five orders on relative to the Sewer Betterment
Assessments. After conversation with Councilor Rossi who is the Chair of the Admin
Committee, he's requesting that these items remain on the table. That's TO-2012-12,
' TO-2012-13, TO-2012-16, TO-2012-17 and TO-2012-18. Is there a Motion to leave
these items on the table until our next meeting? Moved by Councilor Rheault, seconded
by Councilor Rossi. All those in favor of leaving the items on the table say Ay?
' Opposed? Those items will remain on the table until our next meeting.
2. TO-2012-13 -An Order Granting an Application for Abatement,
' Redetermination,Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment
Requested by Giuseppe Tirone and Ralph DePalma for the Property
Located at 497 South Westfield Street, Feeding Hills,MA. (Tabled 4/2/12)
' (Referred to the Administrative Sub-Committee)
President Johnson — See Item 41 above.
' 3. TO-2012-16 -An Order Granting an Application for Abatement,
Redetermination, Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment
' Requested by Thomas S. and Paul J.Napolitan for the Property Located at
South Westfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA. (Tabled 4/2/12) (Referred to the
new Administrative Sub-Committee)
' President Johnson—See Item#1 above.
' 4. TO-2012-17 -An Order Granting an Application for Abatement,
Redetermination,Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment
Requested by Thomas S.and Paul J.Napolitan for the Property Located at
' South Westfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA. (Tabled 412/12) (Referred to the
new Administrative Sub-Committee)
LPresident Johnson —See Item #1 above.
5. TO-2012-18 -An Order Granting an Application for Abatement,
Redetermination,Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment
Requested by St.Anne's for the Property Located at South Westfield Street,
Feeding Hills,MA. (Tabled 4/2/12) (Referred to the new Administrative
President Johnson— See Item#1 above.
' Item 11. New Business
1. TO-2012-20 -An Order Granting an Application for Abatement,Redetermination,Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment
Requested by Michael C. and Donna M. Davis for the Property Located at
582 South Westfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA.
President Johnson — Next Agenda and that item will be referred to the Administrative
2. TR-2012-21 -A Resolution Confirming the Re-appointment of Marilyn
Curry, 123 Beekman Drive,Agawam,MA to the Whiting Street and
' Thomas Pyne Fund for a Term Expiring December 31,2015 (Mayor)
President Johnson —That will go on to our next Agenda.
3. TR-2012-22 -A Resolution regarding Civil Service Status of Building
Maintenance Association Members(Mayor)
President Johnson — The Chair is inquiring whether the Legislative Committee wants to
take a peek at this or whether we just want to place it on to the next Agenda. It is a fairly
' straight forward item. Next Agenda.
4. TR-2012-23 -A Resolution Adopting the Fiscal Year 2013-2017 Capital
' Improvement Program(Set Public Hearing Date—Suggest June 4,2012)
' President Johnson — First, I'd like to set the Public Hearing Date for June 4, 2012 and
then I'd like to refer the item to the Finance Committee for its review.
' 4
5. TR-2012-24 -A Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Doreen
Prouty,891 South Westfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA to the Community
Preservation Act Committee to a Term Expiring the April 30,2015 (Mayor)
President Johnson—That'll go on to our next Agenda.
r6. TR-2012-25 -A Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Timothy P.
McGrew,99 Red Fox Drive,Feeding Hills, the Agawam Board of
1 Registrars to a Term Expiring April 1, 2015(Mayor)
President Johnson—That'll go on to our next Agenda.
7. TR-2012-26 -A Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Mario
Tedeschi Jr.,150 Juniper Ridge Drive,Feeding Hills,MA. to the Agawam
Board of Registrars to a Term Expiring April 1,2015 (Mayor)
President Johnson—That'll go on to our next Agenda.
' 8. TR-2012-27 -A Resolution Authorizing the Adoption of Orders of Taking
for the Phase II Southwest Area Sewer Extension Project under the
Authority of Section 14 of Chapter 40, Chapter 79 and Chapter 84 of
Massachusetts General Laws(Mayor)
President Johnson—That'll be referred to the Admin Committee,next Agenda.
1 9. TO-2012-21 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for
Automatic Amusement Device(s)—Six Flags New England, 1623 Main
1 Street,Agawam,MA. (Clerk)
President Johnson --That'll also be referred to the Admin Committee.
Item 12. Any other matter that may lemally come be ore the City Council.
' President Johnson — We'll start with Councilor Letellier since they've got you out
' Councilor Letellier — That's fine. I'm gonna ask Barbara that when we set up the
meeting for the Capital Improvement Budget if you could have Cheryl give us up-to-date,
year-to-date print-outs as of as close to that date as possible. I think this year we have to
' be really careful about the Capital Improvement Budget. Every year at budget time, I go
to the departments and I say what haven't you spent in your budget and certain of those
departments keep getting more money every year in the Capital Improvement Plan and
I'm not convinced that that is something we want to keep doing if they're not spending
the money. So I'm gonna ask that we have that available to us for our Finance Meeting.
Thank you. That's it. Enjoy your week if you have vacation.
' President Johnson —Thank you. Councilor Rossi?
' Councilor Rossi—Nothing this evening. Thank you.
President Johnson —Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo — Yea, Barbara, could you please set up a meeting with the Finance
' Committee for the Capital Improvement? Also, I had mentioned about Relay for Life a
few weeks ago. They've asked me about getting a team from the City Council to see if
we could do that. I know Jimmy has said he could get a few people to walk I mean it's
an all night thing but if we could all split it up I think it would be a nice thing to do. We
are looking to hopefully raise some money for this if we could do that, if all of us could
put something toward that or maybe, I'll try to get some more information. I'll get the
' signup sheets from my wife and I'll have them for you for the next meeting or I'll have
them mail them to you and one thing I do want to mention, I will match anything that
James Cichetti does—just like I did the last time Jim.
President Johnson — Looks like we'll be lending you some money, Jimmy! Councilor
1 Councilor Magovern — I think we should all donate to Jimmy and let Jimmy make the
donation. I think it's great. I just wanted to thank the Agawam Historical Association
and Ann Liptak in particular for all the hard work that they put into our Native American
exhibit that was down at the Agawam Firehouse Museum. The Agawam Firehouse
Museum I think is a well kept secret in town. It's open once a month and I think if you
' look in the paper you'll find the opening dates and please if you haven't been to it, we've
got a wonderful firehouse exhibit downstairs with your early Agawam fire apparatus and
upstairs is a wonderful Native American exhibit portraying what Agawam was like four
hundred years ago when the Agawam Indians were here and they were Agawam Indians,
a quite extensive tribe and come, learn, it's very interesting. So thank you again to
everybody who worked to make that exhibit possible.
' President Johnson— Councilor Rheault?
Councilor Rheault—Nothing this evening.
President Johnson—Councilor Perry?
Councilor Per —Nothing this evening, thank you.
Perry g g�
President Johnson —Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti--Yea, I'd like to congratulate all the officers —back on April P they
tgot their Medal of Valor and different citations from the Police Chief. I thought it was a
wonderful evening up at the library and it's something that we usually don't hear—all the
positive things out of the department up there and I thought it was a wonderful evening.
Thanks for having us all. Bye bye.
President Johnson —Councilor Cavallo?
' Councilor Cavallo — Yea, I'd like to give a report that the School Budget sub-committee
met with the School Committee. It won't take long about a minute and I think the rest of
you should be aware of what's going on since it's over half of our town budget. The
' committee met in the Doering Middle School on Thursday, April 5`h, at 6:00 and present
were all members — Councilor Mineo, Councilor Rossi, Councilor Rheault, Councilor
Calabrese and myself— and the School Committee is proposing a level service budget of
$36,488,490,00 for Fiscal 2013, an increase of $1,983,340.00 from the Fiscal 2012
budget of $34,505,150.00. Now Superintendent SapelIi did an excellent job of
highlighting and we had received a copy of the budget prior to the meeting and he
highlighted all the large expenditures and of course the increase, the salary accounts for a
75% increase in that $1.9million. Just to highlight a couple things for you most notably
2% increase for teachers, that amounted to $431,000; negotiated step raises $576,500;
negotiated step and percent raises for all other staffing $208,000 and if you recall last
year when all of you, when I believe Councilor Letellier provided or advocated some
increase — was it $250,000 budget addition — to the town budget well there was a grants
program three years before and we were told, I asked a question about it, why is the grant
still in force? And we were told by Superintendent Sapelli that that grant that they
received from the Obama Stimulus package retained about twelve or thirteen teachers and
' so in order to keep these teachers now, that accounted for $383,000 increase in the budget
that we're approving if it goes through and so that was the explanation of the jobs grant.
I also asked Superintendent Sapelli if he had conferred with the Mayor at all about the
$1.9million increase and he indicated to us that well not just to me but to everybody, he
indicated that no, he really has not received any word at all regarding the $1.9million and
as all of you know that's a sizeable increase in the School Budget. The other thing of
course, we still don't know what they'll be getting back from the state in funding, that's
still up in the air but I thought I'd bring that to light tonight for all of you to digest
because I'm sure it's gonna come back to hit us a couple of months from now when we
' sit down and we've got the total budget and all of you know, Bob and Donny and even
Joe you were very surprised, we were all surprised at that increase. We had heard about
it but we didn't think it was gonna be that severe so that's all unless one of my members
of my committee would like to say something. That's my report. Thank you.
' Councilor Mineo — If I could say anything and I said this at the meeting, I wasn't
surprised because when we passed everything last year and this is what I said at the
meeting that I knew there was gonna be a shortfall of$1.8million. I never realized that
' was gonna, not that that isn't a large amount of money but now it's upwards of$2 million
actually another $183,000 more and I did say that at the meeting. I mean we knew this
last year when we passed the budget. We knew. We absolutely knew that there was
' gonna be a deficit of$1.8 million when we passed everything last year I mean it was no
surprise to me but I mean we've gotta work with the School Committee to figure out
what we're going to do about this.
' Councilor Cavallo —It's bad, we asked Superintendent Sapelli, we talked about the lack
of transparency, I wasn't on the Council then last budget time and he seemed very willing
' to meet with us and to talk with us. I said if there's changes that come up will you please
contact me so we can get the committee together and sit down with the School
Committee but I understand, I think their Public Hearing is next week on the budget. So
once the Public Hearing's done, the next step is it goes to the Mayor and that's it, they're
all done. I mean now it's in his lap, is it not, to determine what he is gonna do with the
Councilor Mineo — If I may through the Chair, they did have a meeting last week, they
presented the budget to the public, I was here for that and I believe in another week, next
Tuesday night is the Public Hearing.
' Councilor Cavallo—Thank you.
President Johnson—Thank you Councilor Cavallo. Just a couple of quick items- I want
to remind everyone that we have another workshop scheduled for the 30t' which is a
week from this coming Monday back at the library at 6:30. 1, too, was at the Fire House
Museum and I just wanted to point out that I dragged my seven and twelve year olds
kicking and screaming thinking they'd be bored and at least my seven year old was
delighted to see everything that was there and spent the rest of the day talking about it.
So I'd encourage everyone to go out and see it because what Councilor Magovern said is
' true, it is the best kept secret that we have. I also wanted to let the Council know that I
represented us at the Ziegert ceremony on Sunday behind the library on the old band
slope area. With that, the Chair would entertain a Motion to Adjourn. Moved by
Councilor Letellier, seconded by Councilor Magovern. All those in favor of adjournment
say Ay? Any opposed? We are adjourned. Thank you.