Minutes dated August 6, 2012
President Johnson— I call the meeting to order.
Item 1. Roll Call
President Johnson —I'd ask Barbara to call the roll please?
ROLL CALL — 8 PRESENT, 3 ABSENT (Councilors Calabrese, Letellier and
President Johnson — With eight present, we have a quorum. Councilor Letellier, Mineo
and Calabrese are all out of town and advised me in advance that they wouldn't be able to
make it this evening.
Item 2. Moment of Silence and the Pledge olegiance.
President Johnson — I'd ask everyone to rise for a moment of silence and the Pledge of
Allegiance please.
Item 3. Citizen's Sneak Time
President Johnson —We have no citizens wishing to address the Council this evening.
Item 4. Minutes
1 1. Regular Council Meeting—July 9,2012
President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Cavallo,
' seconded by Councilor Magovern. Questions or discussion on the minutes? Seeing
none, all those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous.
Item 5. Declaration from Council President
Item 6. Presentation of Petitions Memorials&Remonstrances
' 1. TR-2012-38 -(TOR-2012-2)A Resolution Adopting Massachusetts
General Laws,Chapter 32B, Section 20(Tabled 719/12)(Referred to
Legislative Committee)(Mayor)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion to take it off the table? Moved by Councilor
Magovern, seconded by Councilor Cichetti. All those in favor of taking it off the table
say Ay? Any opposed? It's off the table. Is there a Motion to approve TR-2012-38?
Moved by Councilor Bitzas, seconded by Councilor Cichetti and Councilor Cavallo.
There was a meeting earlier this evening of the Legislative Sub-Committee. Do you have
a report Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti — Yes, thank you Mr. President. In attendance at our meeting was
myself, Councilor Cavallo, Councilor Bitzas and Councilor Rossi. We also had Attorney
Vince Gioscia here and Laurel Placzek. They explained it to us and went over any
questions we had and at this time the Committee would like to send a positive
recommendation to the Full Council. Thank you.
President Johnson — Any other questions or discussion on the item? Seeing none, I'd
ask Barbara to call the roll please?
ROLL CALL — 8 YES, 0 NO, 3 ABSENT (Councilors Calabrese, Letellier and
' President Johnson —With a vote of eight yes, zero no, we've approved TR-2012-38.
2. TR-2012-39 - A Resolution Accepting a Gift from Massachusetts
Emergency Management Agency pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 44,Section
53A for Agawam Emergency Management(Mayor)
' President Johnson — Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Bitzas, seconded by
Councilors Rossi and Cichetti. Questions or discussion? It's really accepting a Grant in
the amount of$6,000 that they plan to utilize to purchase computers, radio, software and
other electronic equipment--for the public's edification. Seeing none, I'd ask Barbara to
call the roll on TR-2012-39?
ROLL CALL — 8 YES, 0 NO, 3 ABSENT (Councilors Calabrese, Letellier and
President Johnson—With a vote of eight yes, we've approved TR-2012-39.
3. TR-2012-40 -A Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Corinne M.
Wingard, 194 Elm Street,Agawam,MA to the Community Preservation Act
Committee to an Unexpired Term Expiring April 30,2015(Council)
1 President Johnson — Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Bitzas, seconded by
Councilors Rheault and Cichetti. Ms. Wingard is, I think she is already on the CPA but
now is filling the slot that's the designee of the Agawam Housing Authority. Questions
or discussion on the item? I'd ask Barbara to call the roll please?
ROLL CALL — 8 YES, 0 NO, 3 ABSENT (Councilors Calabrese, Letellier and
' President Johnson — With a vote of eight yes, you've confirmed the appointment of-
Corinne Wingard to the CPA Committee.
Item Report of Comneil Committees
Item 8. Elections
! 1. TE-2012-3 -Election of a member of the Community Preservation Act
Committee to an Unexpired Term Expiring April 30,2013 (Council)
' President Johnson —We had two gentlemen that sent us information. I realize this is the
first time it's appearing but technically Elections don't need to sit. We can either have
1 the Election this evening or we can put it on to the next Agenda. Whatever is the
Council's pleasure. It's been advertised for a while and we had like I said two gentlemen
that have expressed interest.
! Councilor Cavallo—They submitted bios. I don't know why we can't vote on it tonight.
We read the bios in our packet.
Councilor Perry — Yes, thank you Mr. President and I understand that gentlemen but we
received those in Thursday's packet, correct? I've read them. I don't know either one of
! these gentlemen and it would be very difficult based on the information that I received to
make an informative decision on which one I feel should serve on the CPA Committee
and I would like to if possible talk with them, give them a phone call, get to know them a
' little bit, possibly have our Community Relations Committee maybe talk with them and
make a recommendation to the Council. I'm just throwing that out there. I mean that's
the way I feel on it. I've got two people that are willing to serve our community and I
appreciate them volunteering for this but again, I have their bios. I don't know them and
I would like to possibly put this off until our next meeting so we can maybe all give them
a call, talk with them, that type of thing so thank you.
President Johnson—Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern --I'd like to again thank the two volunteers for wanting to serve on
the CPA. I think that's what makes Agawam great is the people that we have
volunteering to do community service. They're here this evening and I'd like to have
them stand and maybe say a few words if we could recognize them, maybe say why they
want to serve on the CPA Committee and then move forward with it. I mean I don't
know what more we would, I agree with Councilor Perry in that if he'd like to have
called maybe he should have called before tonight, if he could have but they're here
tonight and I'd like to have them at least stand and introduce themselves and say a few
words. Thank you.
President Johnson — I'll take that as a Motion to go into Committee as a Whole for
purposed of allowing the two individuals come up and address the Council. Is there a
second? Motion made by Councilor Magovern, seconded by Councilor Rossi. All those
in favor of going into Committee as a Whole say Ay? Any opposed? The vote is 7-1
' (Councilor Perry). We're in Committee as a Whole. The Chair would invite both
gentlemen to come up and just briefly introduce yourself.
' Joel Cummings — Good evening and thank you seeing me tonight. My name is Joel
Cummings, 118 Meadowbrook Road in Agawam, Massachusetts. I submitted my
application and my desire to join the CPA because as a long town resident of Agawam, I
do want to keep the hometown feel of Agawam and I want to keep involved with some
projects like the School Street park and the School Street barn as well which I do attend
regular meetings at the library when they do have them. So I just want to get involved a
little bit more, a little deeper, a little more, keep more involved with the town and its
activities as far as preserving open space and preserving its hometown feel. Thank you.
President Johnson—Anybody have any questions they want to ask? No?
Joel Cummings —No? Thank you very much.
President Johnson — Is George here as well? No. So at this point, the Chair will
entertain a Motion to come out of Committee as a Whole. Moved by Councilor Rossi,
seconded by Councilor Magovern. All those in favor of coming out of Committee as a
Whole say Ay? Any opposed? We're back to the TE-2012-3. What's the Councilos
pleasure? Councilor Bitzas?
1 Councilor Bitzas — Yes I kind of agree with Councilor Pe 's remarks that I just came
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1 home from vacation, I have no much time to read and call and find out how those people
stand for it and I appreciate very much to hear from both. The other gentlemen is not
here I believe, it's not fair for him not to be here and speak to us so one more week, it's
not going to make any difference, I mean not week, next month, not to make any
difference so I think to make an intelligent decision, I'm not prepared or ready to vote
tonight and I would like to see it to be tabled for one month and I think it would be a
disservice if we just vote, flip the coin, vote for one person. I don't know. I didn't ask
him any questions so. First of all I want to appreciate, sir, of course, George if you're
watching us, that you came to serve the town without payments or anything so we thank
' you very much and I hope we have more seats for both of you but we'll see what we can
do. In short, I make a Motion to table.
President Johnson — The Chair will entertain that as a Motion to Table, any seconds on
that? Prior to Dennis' second, Councilor Cavallo had his light on.
Councilor Cavallo —Yes, was the other gentlemen invited for this evening?
President Johnson —We invite all people that express interest to come to the meeting so
—so he was invited.
Councilor Cavallo—Okay, so he was invited, okay.
President Johnson — So we had a Motion by Councilor Bitzas to table then seconded by
' Councilor Perry. No discussion on a tabling Motion. All those in favor of tabling say
Ay? Opposed? The Chair is in dispute, I'd ask Barbara to call the roll. If you're in favor
of tabling this until our next meeting, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no.
iROLL CALL — 6 YES (Councilors Bitzas, Johnson, Cichetti, Perry, Rheault and
Rossi), 2 NO (Councilors Cavallo and Magovern), 3 ABSENT (Councilors
Calabrese, Letellier and Mineo)
President Johnson —With a vote of six yes, two no, we've tabled TE-2012-3 to our next
1 Agenda.
Item 9. Public hearings
1 None.
' Item.10. Old Business
1. TO-2012-24 -Voucher for$4,899.00 for Massachusetts Municipal
Association Dues(Council)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve the voucher? Moved by Councilor
Rheault, seconded by Councilor Cavallo. Questions or discussion on the voucher?
Hearing none, all those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous. I think we have
to get it signed as well. I'll pass that around at the end of the meeting for signature.
Item 11. New Business
1. TR-2012-41 - A Resolution confirming the appointment of Muriel
Birchenough, 886 Main Street#6,Agawam,MA to the Agawam Housing
Authority for an unexpired term expiring the second Monday in January,
President Johnson — She's here in the audience this evening if anyone wants"to talk to
her when we're done. That'll go on to our next Agenda.
2. TR-2012-42 -A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to submit a Grant
Application to MassDevelopment to conduct a Brownfield Assessment for
346-350 Walnut Street Extension (Mayor)
President Johnson — The old Games and Lanes building, that'll also go on to our next
Agenda. I don't know that it's appropriate if any of the sub-committees want a stab at it?
It's pretty straight-forward.
3. TO-2012-25 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for
Automatic Amusement and Weekly Amusement Device(s)—Ferrentino,Inc.
d1b/a Ferrentino's Pizzeria and Pub, 1676 Main Street,Agawam, MA.
President Johnson — We'll refer that to the Admin Committee just cuz they don't have
enough meetings.
Item 12. Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council.
President Johnson—We'll start with Councilor Cavallo.
Councilor Cavallo — Yes, I just have one point. We received a copy of a letter that the
Mayor sent to all of the members of the Exploratory Committee for the Future of the
Track at the High School and my concern after reading an article in the Agawam
Advertiser, there's a list of thirteen names and I'm hoping that, I don't know four of
them, and I'm wondering and hoping that at least one or two of them may be a student,
both a male and a female, cuz there's a male track team and a female track team and is
one of them a parent? I think that it would certainly round out this committee. I think a
parent's input is important and I also think the student at the High School who
participates in track, a girl and a boy, should be part of this committee. Also, my other
question is the Superintendent of Schools is not included on this committee. In fact, the
only school official is basically Dave Stratton who's the Athletic Director and I would
think that we'd be concerned with the fact, and the reason that people are talking about
the need for a track is the kids have to go practice at other venues and the whole crux of
this thing involves the kids, a big part of this project not only the community but the kids
because it's all part of the school environment and the school activity so that's my only
question, unless someone here knows any of these answers. I don't know who these
' other four people are—5 through 8 —but I know the rest of them. That's all I have to say.
President Johnson —Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas — Just to answer the questions, Councilor Cavallo, we do have a parent
and the Mayor I think appointed a student also but I'm not sure exactly the names.
' Barbara, can send it to the Mayor to get more, but I don't know which one it is so I'm
glad to see the parent and student and of course we have Dan Pryce which is the track
coach and Stratton — there's two administrators. We have School Committee and
Councilor and then the others of course we all know, but I cannot, I do not know those
names, but I do know that we do have students and parent also.
Councilor Cavallo — All I'm saying is that it would have been nice if they had been
identified, that's all. I'm not saying there shouldn't be a committee and I know who the
other eight are, Councilor Bitzas, it's just the 5 through 8, I don't know who the parent is,
iI don't know, right now as I look you know Lindsay and Will could be one of the boys,
and Jen or Lyn one of the girls? I'm just saying there should be a boy AND a girl
representing the student body that's all I'm saying and I would like, if there was a
possibility we could, could you find that out?
Councilor Bitzas—Barbara can do it.
Councilor Cavallo —It's a small matter but—
' Council Clerk—I can talk to you after the meeting.
' Councilor Cavallo—Okay, thank you.
President Johnson —Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas — Yes, we like to ask, nothing else, but I want to see Barbara to make
sure that it be exactly, the Mayor should be exactly specific who the persons are for all of
us, because I don't know who the students are, because supposedly they have the student,
parents, and some community leaders and other regular people, okay, thank you.
President Johnson —Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti — Just one quick item. Barb, if you could cancel our meeting for
Itomorrow for Legislative and move that to the 14`h if possible? Thank you.
President Johnson—Councilor Perry?
' Councilor Perry — Well, I too, in regards to the Track Exploratory Committee, I know
George you're a driving force in getting this going. I would have liked to have seen
possibly going through maybe one of the Council committees and we could have
developed our own Exploratory Committee because we do have the final say on it and as
we talked in our prior workshops to be more proactive through the four committees that
' we've developed, and I'm you're the Vice Chair of the Community Relations -
Councilor Bitzas—I don't know, yes.
Councilor Per — That we maybe have a meeting on it ourselves to gather and look at
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some of the information that's coming from this other committee that you're working on
fbecause again, we want to be proactive not reactive.
' Councilor Bitzas —Exactly.
Councilor Perry — So as this information you're gathering, we could maybe have a
meeting and put it on the Agenda with the sub-committee to keep us informed as we're
going forward with this project.
' Councilor Bitzas— Sure.
Councilor Perry — Because I think it's very important and that's what Council President
Johnson and I really want to do is start being proactive with the sub-committees.
Councilor Bitzas ---Through the Chair to Councilor Perry—yes, it's exactly in the works.
This is a preliminary, so we'll find more information and we go to our committee which
I'm a member too. We do all the work because the buck stops here on us so this is the
first step to the right directions and then when we have the information, I present the
committee whoever is the Chair we present to the Council, the committee we take it, the
Council committee, all the informations, discuss it have many meetings, of course we'll
be more involved, absolutely, yes, yes!
President Johnson —Councilor Rheault?
Councilor Rheault—Nothing different this evening.
' President Johnson —Councilor Magovem?
Councilor Magovern — Again, I want to thank George for the spearheading of the track.
I think that it's an embarrassment that we can't have a track in our town where we can
have our own home track meets and we have to go out of town for our track meets so I
' hope that this progresses and moves along and I agree with Councilor Perry that I think
that we have the mechanism within the City Council to move this forward and have an
active participation and also along with this same idea of what's going on in town, we
' have another organization wishing to come into Agawam and I think a very positive
addition to the town which is the YMCA and they're planning a Y Express that hopefully
will go into the old Food Mart plaza building down in our shopping center— ex shopping
center — and I think that as time moves along I hope you read in the paper what's
happening with the YMCA/Y Express program and I think that for those of you that have
lived in Agawam for a number of years, you can remember that we did have a very active
' YMCA here in Agawam back in the 50's and 60's and it was the YMCA that purchased
the Perry Lane Park and that's why we have the Perry Lane Park and all the town
activities that are there. So the YMCA has been a part of Agawam for many, many years
and I for one look forward to the Y coming back and again I want to thank the people
who are volunteering to serve on our Agawam committees. You know it's the volunteer
' participation that makes this town what it is today so again thank you for putting your
name forward and anybody else who's interested, watch for any committees that might be
opening up. We'd love to have your applications. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your
President Johnson —Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi—Thank you. Just a couple of things. First, I think I have to agree with
Councilor Perry on this. I think the sub-committee should have been more actively
involved in this thing at least in the formative stages of this track thing. This track has
been on our burner, our back burner, for several, several years. I know that probably ten
years ago I spearheaded this thing with the previous Superintendent of Schools, Mary
Czajkowski, along with Lou Conte and we were unable to get that either through capital
expenditures or the CPA. Of course the CPA was never allowed before but probably
more importantly than that is that we have to start looking at, we've had, we don't have
all that much money in our CPA account and we're talking about expanding our School
Street Park so if we're gonna talk about expanding School Street Park, talking about
doing our track, I think we're gonna have to get together with our committees to find out
just what exactly our priorities are and where we want to spend them so I think that that's
probably the first thing we do before we start getting exploratory committees going. But
that aside, Barbara, I'd like to if you would set aside a few minutes before the next
Council meeting and lastly and probably most importantly, is why is that fan facing
Cavallo and Bitzas and not the entire Council?
! President Johnson - We put George in charge of the track, Bob, because that's
something that just goes around and around. I only have one note for the Council —
! (Off microphone) that's where all the hot air comes from down there—
President Johnson -- Yes, we've got to blow it in our direction. I prepared a
proclamation on behalf of the Council that we're gonna get out to Coach Demers, the
volleyball coach at the Agawam High School. She is being recognized by the Volleyball
Hall of Fame for her lifetime contributions to the sport of volleyball. It's a very
prestigious honor so we were made aware of it so I took the liberty of preparing a
Proclamation. We're gonna get it sent out to her home on behalf of the Council so that
! we can congratulate her for not only what she's done for the High School and bringing
volleyball to the forefront there but also she's been involved in volleyball as a player,
coach and advocate for better than sixty years.
Councilor Rossi - Well done.
President Johnson —With that, the Chair will entertain a Motion to adjourn. Moved and
seconded all around. All those in favor say Ay? Opposed? We are adjourned. Thank
' Adjournment at 7:24pm.