Minutes dated.January 17, 2012
' President Johnson—I call the meeting to order.
Item 1. Roll Call
President Johnson—I ask Barbara to call the roll, please?
' ROLL CALL—9 PRESENT, 2 ABSENT (Councilors Letellier and Rossi)
President Johnson —With nine present, we have a quorum.
' Item 2. Moment of Silence and the Pled e o Alle iance.
President Johnson — I ask everyone to rise for a moment of silence and the Pledge of
Allegiance and in our moment of silence, if we could remember in our thoughts and
prayers our two fellow councilors who aren't here—Bob Rossi in his time of grieving and
' Gina in her time of healing.
Item 3. Citizen's Sneak Time
' None.
Item 4. Minutes
President Johnson —We have before us three sets of minutes for approval.
' 1. Regular Council Meeting—December 5,2011 (Tabled 12/19/11)
' President Johnson — Is there a motion to remove them from the table? Moved by
Councilor Rheault, seconded by Councilor Mineo. All those in favor of removing them
from the table say Ay? Opposed?
' Councilor Cavallo — Abstain. I don't know if I can vote because I wasn't here in
December, even though it's under this time period now?
' President Johnson —Yes, but we're, at this point, we're just moving to take them off the
Councilor Cavallo—Okay, right.
' President Johnson — So is that a yes to take it off? So it's unanimous to take the
minutes off the table. Is there a motion to approve the minutes of the December 5, 2011
meeting? Moved by Councilor Magovern and seconded by Councilor Cichetti.
Questions or discussions on the minutes? All those in favor say Ay? Any opposed?
Abstentions? Please note the abstentions of Councilors Cavallo, Calabrese and myself as
' we weren't on the Council in December. With six yes, we've approved the minutes of
December 5''.
' 2. Regular Council Meeting—December 19,2011
President Johnson — Is there a motion to approve the meeting minutes of December 19,
' 2011? Moved by Councilor Rheault, seconded by Councilor Magovern. Any discussion
on those minutes? All those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? Please note the same
abstentions Councilor Cavallo, Councilor Calabrese and myself. With six votes in favor,
' we've approved the meeting minutes of December 19t'.
3. Regular Council Meeting—January 3, 2012
' President Johnson — Is there a motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Rheault,
seconded by Councilor Magovern. Questions or discussion on the January 3rd minutes?
Hearing none, all those in favor say Ay? Opposed? It's unanimous with no abstentions.
Item 5. Declaration from Council President
' None.
' Item 6. Presentation of Petitions Memorials & Remonstrances
1. TR-2011-65 -A Resolution Appropriating the Use of Insurance Proceeds
Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44,Section 53 for the
Repair of an Agawam Fire Department Ambulance(Referred to Finance
Committee) (Mayor)
' President Johnson — Is there a motion? Moved by Councilor Rheault, seconded by
Councilor Bitzas. Discussion on the matter? I believe it was referred to the Finance
' Committee but the Finance Committee didn't meet because it was chaired by an outgoing
member of the Council, Councilor Walsh, even though for the record he offered to hold
the meeting even after he was off the Council. I think it's a fairly straight forward item.
' I don't know if there's any questions? Hearing none, I would ask the Clerk to call the
roll on TR-2011-65?
' ROLL CALL—9 YES, 0 NO,2 ABSENT (Councilors Letellier and Rossi)
President Johnson—With nine yes, two absent, we've approved TR-2011-65.
' 2. TR-2011-66 -A Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Land in the Form
of an Easement to WMECO (Western Massachusetts Electric Company)
' (Referred to Zoning Review Committee) (Mayor)
President Johnson — Again, I think it was referred to the Zoning Review Committee but
I'm not sure that they met. Is there a motion on TR-2011-66? Moved by Councilor
' 2
Rheault, seconded by Councilor Cichetti. Questions or discussion? Again, it's a straight
forward item of Agenda. It deals with an easement over a parcel on Tennis Road relative
' to Western Mass' ongoing operation to upgrade their transmission easements. Hearing
none, I'd ask the Clerk to call the roll please?
' ROLL CALL —9 YES,0 NO, 2 ABSENT (Councilors Letellier and Rossi)
President Johnson —With nine yes, two absent, we've approved TR-2011-66.
Item 7. Report of Council Committees
Item 8. Elections
Item 9. Public Hearings
' Item 10. Old Business
' 1. TO-2011-56 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS
1 or II Dealer(s)—Elias Auto, 1123 Suffield Street,Agawam, MA. 01001
(Referred to License Committee) (Clerk)
' President Johnson -- Is there a motion on TO-2011-56? Moved by Councilor Cavallo,
seconded by Councilor Rheault. It was referred to the License Committee. I think
Councilor Magovern is pinch-hitting for Councilor Rossi with a report.
Councilor Magovern — Councilor Rossi and myself discussed this item and we saw no
' problems with it so we voted unanimously to go forward with it.
President Johnson — Any questions regarding TO-2011-56? Hearing none, I'd ask the
' Clerk to call the roll please?
ROLL CALL—9 YES, 0 NO, 2 ABSENT (Councilors Letellier and Rossi)
' President Johnson —With nine yes, two absent, we've approved TO-2011-56.
' 2. TO-2011-57 -An Order Granting or Renewing a AUTOMATIC
AMUSEMENT Device(s)—Sinavarg,LLC d/b/a Bruburger's,241 South
Westfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA. 01030 (Referred to License Committee)
' (Clerk)
President Johnson — Is there a motion? Moved by Councilor Rheault, seconded
' numerous places but Councilor Magovern, I heard. Referring to Councilor Magovern
who is again pinch-hitting for the License Committee Chair?
' Councilor Magovern —Again,we discussed it, Councilor Rossi and myself, and we saw
no problems with this license so we suggested and we approved the passage of this
' license. Thank you.
President Johnson—Any questions? Hearing I'd ask the Clerk to call the roll please?
ROLL CALL—9 YES, 0 NO,2 ABSENT (Councilors Letellier and Rossi)
President Johnson— With nine yes, two absent, we've approved TO-2011-57.
Item 11. New Business
I. TR-2012-1 - A Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Christina
Thompson,70 Corey Colonial,Agawam,MA to the Agawam Housing
Authority for an Unexpired Term Expiring the Second Monday in January
2014 (Mayor)
' President Johnson—It will go on to our next Agenda.
2. TR-2012-2 -A Resolution Placing Restrictions on a Portion of the
' School Street Park Property(Councilor Magovern)
President Johnson—It will also go onto our next Agenda.
' 3. TO-2012-1 -An Order Granting or Renewing a AUTOMATIC
AMUSEMENT Device(s)—Community Laundromat,305 Springfield Street,
Agawam,MA. 01001 (Clerk)
President Johnson — With no objection, they'll be referred to the License Sub-
Committee, next Agenda.
' 4. TO-2012-2 - An Order Granting or Renewinga AUTOMATIC
AMUSEMENT Device(s)—Ray-Mar,Inc.,d/b/a The Elbow,386 Walnut
Street,Agawam,MA. 01001 (Clerk)
President Johnson — With no objection, they'll be referred to the License Sub-
Committee, next Agenda.
5. TO-2012-3 -An Order Granting or Renewing a AUTOMATIC
' AMUSEMENT Device(s)—Friendly's, 19 Springfield Street,Agawam,MA.
01001 (Clerk)
President Johnson — With no objection, they'll be referred to the License Sub-
Committee, next Agenda.
' 6. TO-2012-4 -An Order Granting or Renewing a AUTOMATIC
AMUSEMENT Device(s)—Springfield Turnverein,Inc., 176 Garden Street,
Feeding Hills,MA. 01030(Clerk)
President Johnson — With no objection, they'll be referred to the License Sub-
Committee, next Agenda.
7. TO-2012-5 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS
I or II Dealer(s)—ACE Auto Body,263 Main Street,Agawam,MA. 01001
President Johnson — With no objection, they'll be referred to the License Sub-
Committee,next Agenda.
' 8. TO-2012-6 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a CLASS
I or I1 Dealer(s)—Sarat Ford,221 Springfield Street,Agawam,MA. 01001
' President Johnson — With no objection, they'll be referred to the License Sub-
Committee, next Agenda.
9. TO-2012-7 -An Order Granting or Renewing a AUTOMATIC
AMUSEMENT Device(s)—American Legion Post 185,478 Springfield
Street,Feeding Hills,MA. 01030 (Clerk)
President Johnson — With no objection, they'll be referred to the License Sub-
Committee, next Agenda.
10. TO-2012-8 -An Order Granting or Renewing a WEEKLY
AMUSEMENT Device(s)—Take Five,Frank DiBenedetto,944 Springfield
iStreet,Feeding Hills,MA. 01030 (Clerk)
President Johnson — With no objection, they'll be referred to the License Sub-
Committee, next Agenda.
11. TR-2012-3 -A Resolution Appropriating from the Community
Preservation Fund and Authorizing the Expenditure of Community
Preservation Funds for the Creation, Construction and Preservation of
Land as a Park for Recreational Use on Property Owned by the City of
Agawam and Located on School Street(Councilor Bitzas)
President Johnson —Those items (TR-2011-3 and TR-2011-4) without objection will be
referred to the CPA Committee. I would ask the CPA Committee not to meet on that
until they hear from myself or the Mayor's Office. During the Agenda Review this
morning, the Mayor indicated they received word from the State that they were not
' successful in getting the grant so he felt that he wanted to talk to Mr. Sparks but
unfortunately Mr. Sparks is out of town attending to a family matter of funerals. So he
wants to talk to Mr. Sparks when he gets back which should be towards the end of the
' week but they might withdraw these items to allow for a more definitive plan to be done
since the grant is now not in play. Next Agenda.
' 12. TR-2012-4 -A Resolution Re-authorizing the Application and
Acceptance of a Grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive
' Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs for the Construction of School
Street Park, School Street/River Road,Agawam,MA. (Councilor Bitzas)
President Johnson —Please see New Business, item#11.
Item 12. Any other matter that maypalI come before the Citv Council.
President Johnson — Since this is the first time, this is the shorter side, we'll start with
Councilor Mineo.
' Councilor Mineo — Thank you, basically. Tonight I really have nothing to say but this
was a short meeting.
President Johnson —Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern — I just wanted again to pass my condolences along to Councilor
Rossi and his family for the loss of his daughter and very tragic and I hope that our
prayers can go out to Councilor Rossi to give him the strength and the endurance to get
' through these problems and that's all I've got to say tonight.
President Johnson—Thank you. Councilor Rheault?
' Councilor Rheault — Without being redundant, I just want to echo the sentiments of
Councilor Magovern and nothing further.
President Johnson — Thank you. We'll start at that end and come this way. Councilor
' Councilor Cavallo — Yes, I echo the same sentiments for the Rossi family and also
hopefully Gina will get along pretty well. Hopefully she's healing and she'll be back
' soon. The only other thing I wanted to mention is that in December I went to the going
away party or retirement party for Tony Albro and I don't know if it was mentioned at
the meeting at all but Tony is a man I really respected, the number of years I worked in
the school system and he was a jack of all trades. Of course you know he's a licensed
electrician but we're gonna miss this man because he was a phenomenal, phenomenal
man who would give time above and beyond what is tailed of from everyone and I just
' wanted to say it because maybe some kind of recognition on the part of the City Council,
something sent to him, I don't know if anything's been done like that where we could
honor his work that he did and he was so dedicated to the Maintenance Department and
by the way, that building is absolutely unbelievable. I thought I was walking into a law
office because there are conference rooms, offices, and the workers there have the best
working conditions, the conditions, they have a locker room, they have a little kitchen
1 6
' where they can cook their food. It's incredible and a lot of it that was done by our
technicians that we have working in that Maintenance Department so again, I really like
' to —our congratulations to Tony and hopefully happy retirement. Thank you.
President Johnson—Councilor Bitzas?
' Councilor Bitzas — Yes, two things. First of all, I would like to express my deepest
sympathy to Councilor Rossi and his family and also I wish Gina to get well soon. And
the other thing is I was very disappointed that we didn't get the half a million dollars
grant from the state. I don't know what happened there but it was a big, big loss for the
park but I don't want to see this amount of money be a deterrent or to work against spend
the CPA money that we have already over almost 2 %2 million dollars there for the park.
The park should going on with the $500,000 of the state or without the $500,000 of the
state and the CPA we hold a committee and I'm a member of the CPA committee and
also I'm a Chair from the Ad Hoc Park and Recs Committee and I will hold a meeting
later on with my committee members also to discuss what do the park — do we have the
$2000 (?) wisely without going over? Over the amount so we should continue pursue it
and finish the park. The park is beautiful now. We should not wait any longer because
the longer we wait the more expensive it will be for the town. Thank you.
President Johnson —Councilor Calabrese?
Councilor Calabrese — Thank you. Councilor Letellier and Councilor Rossi — I am also
' keeping you in our prayers. On another note, the Agawam High School Robotics team
which you know I'm very active in is very actively pursuing their build season at this
point in time. I really invite all of the members of the City Council, the School
LCommittee, the Mayor, citizens at home to stop in at the High School to see what these
kids are doing. It's really phenomenal work that these young men and women are doing
up there and they really represent the Town of Agawam really on a global level. Rosie
Robotics Team 4839 is recognized as one of the leading robotics teams in first robotics
and if you don't stop in to take a look and see what they're doing, you're really missing
out on something extraordinary. You don't need an invitation. Just stop in. They're
there just about every day except on Friday nights. It's the only day they take off.
They're there all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday through Thursday from b to 9pm at
the Agawam High School over in the shop room. Come on by?
President Johnson —Councilor Cichetti?
' Councilor Cichetti — I'd just like to echo everyone's thoughts and prayers up here to
Councilor Rossi and a get well soon to Councilor Letellier. Thank you.
' President Johnson—Vice President Perry?
' Vice President Perry— Yes, thank you, Mr. President. I, too, would like to pass on my
condolences to Bobby and his family. My heart goes out to you and you are in my
prayers and Gina, get well soon and lastly I'd just like to thank the Council for electing
me to be the Vice President of this Council. It's something that I take very seriously. I
appreciate your support. I look forward to working with Council President Johnson, to
' lead this Council individually with each councilor and with the different committees to
move us forward, not only on the Agenda items that come before us but to look at each
Council and how we can be more proactive in building a better community for the
residents of Agawam. So I want to thank all of you for your support and I look forward
to working for you for the next two years. Thank you.
President Johnson — I, too, would like to echo the sentiments of all the Council relative
to our sympathy going out to Councilor Rossi and his family and our get well wishes
going out to Councilor Letellier. We hope we see them back very soon. I've got a few
' housekeeping matters to go through quickly with you. At your table tonight are the sub-
committee assignments. Council Vice President and myself met last week. We tried our
best to honor as many requests as we could. Unfortunately, there are a lot of popular sub-
committees that everybody wanted to be on and there's some less popular that frankly
nobody wanted to be on. So if you got on one that you didn't want, that's because your
name was that one that came out of the hat so to speak. In addition, at your table,
Council Clerk and I met to put together the Council's budget request. As you know, we
have to submit a request to the Mayor's Office for inclusion in the town Operating
Budget. I put it together with Barbara's assistance, the only changes are here over what
' the request was for this current fiscal year involved a step increase for Barbara and a
change in longevity based on a change in the make up in some councilors hitting certain
dates under the longevity provisions. It has not been submitted to the Mayor yet so if any
of you have any questions or comments, I would just ask that you get them to myself or
to Barbara in the next week or ten days cuz probably maybe like a week from this Friday,
we want to try to submit it to the Mayor so we're not delayed in being included in his
' budget formation. In addition to the sub-committees, we have three seats on the Energy
Commission so if you're interested in serving on the Energy Commission, just let
Barbara know. I know they're anxious to find out who our appointees are and I believe
ttwo (one) out of the three previous appointees are councilors that have left so if you are at
all interested again, let Barbara know. On the sub-committee questionnaire that I handed
out at the last meeting, I asked interest in a workshop and everyone who answered
indicated that they supported the concept so I'm floating the date of January 301h which is
two weeks from yesterday. The concept would be to hold it either at the library or the
' Senior Center. It would be a shirt sleeve type of event so anybody that shows up wearing
one of these will get tossed! My concept would be hopefully to start it at 6:00pm. I'll
bring some food so we can break bread together and Just try to as Councilor Perry just
apply pointed out, try to get us off on a good foot together and with an eye towards being
more proactive and less reactive moving forward so 1, unless I hear otherwise from a vast
majority of you and if you have a conflict with the date, again, let Barbara know. We'll
check on the accommodation and try to get it posted and notice out to you hopefully by
the end of the week or so or beginning of the following week. Not to let, I just wanted to
say one real quick word, I had the honor of working with Tony Albro for better than a
' decade and I sincerely mean that it was my honor to work with Tony. If you go around
any of our municipal buildings especially the public schools and you see what beautiful
condition they are in, it is in large testament to Tony's work, dedication and the simple
' fact that he understands a real basic concept and that is that an ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure so he fought continuously during his tenure to make sure he had
funding to keep the buildings in great shape and he did. Agawam will sorely miss him
because whether it was 4:00 in the morning or midnight, he was there no matter what the
town needed. So Tony, I hope you're watching, best wishes, I miss you already. And the
last thing, I'm sorry, Barbara, but the secret's out. Barbara's got a big birthday this week.
She's turning the "Big 3-0" she can't say she's 29 anymore, nobody's gonna believe
her, but on behalf of all of us up here, I'd lead us in the birthday song, but that would
' definitely mean we'd be cancelled off the air for good but happy birthday and best wishes
for many, many more! With that, is there a motion to adjourn? Moved and seconded
around the house, all those in favor say Ay? Opposed? We're adjourned. Thank you.
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