Minutes dated March 19, 2012
President Johnson -I call the meeting to order.
Item 1. Roll Call
jPresident Johnson-I'd ask our Administrative Assistant to call the roll please?
President Johnson -With eleven present, we have a quorum.
Item 2. Moment of Silence and the Pledge ofAlle,-iarrce.
President Johnson - I'd ask everyone to rise for a moment of silence and Pledge of
Allegiance please.
Item_3. Citizen's Speak Time
Item 4. Minutes
1. Regular Council Meeting—March 7,2012
President Johnson -- Is there a Motion to Approve? Moved by Councilor Cavallo,
L seconded by Councilors Magovern and Rheault. Questions or discussion on the minutes?
Hearing none, all those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? Please note one abstention from
Councilor Cichetti. Otherwise unanimous and they're approved.
Item S. Declaration from Council President
' None.
Item S. Presentation of Petitions, Memorials& Remonstrances
1. TR-2012-9 - A Resolution accepting Massachusetts General Laws,
Chapter 40, Section 8G (Mayor)
President Johnson -- For those members of the public, that's the section of the statute
that allows a community to enter into a mutual aid agreement with a community outside
' of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Is there a Motion to Approve? Moved by
Councilor Letellier, seconded by Councilors Magovern and Mineo. Questions or
discussion? Councilor Cavallo?
Councilor Cavallo—You clarified that for me this evening before we started. Could you
1 clarify it for the public as well--the concerns I had?
President Johnson — Certainly. Attached to the resolution is a copy of a proposed
mutual aid inter-local agreement between Agawam and the Town of Suffield, CT. By
our vote on this, we're not approving that particular agreement, that's just there by way
of example. That's within the purview of the Mayor to negotiate, the Mayor and the
1 Police Chief, to negotiate that agreement. All we're doing is accepting that section of the
statute which allows them the ability to enter into the agreement. We're not actually
approving the agreement that's attached. Any other questions or discussion? Seeing
none, I'd ask our Administrative Assistant to call the roll please.
1 President Johnson —With eleven yes and zero no, we've approved the resolution.
' 2. TR-2012-10 -A Resolution to waive the right of first refusal for land
classified under M.G.L. Chapter 61B located at 365 Main Street,Agawam,
MA. (Mayor)
President Johnson — We received the Planning Board's recommendation today but my
understanding is the matter is on the Conservation Commission's Agenda later this week.
' By statute, we have to wait until we receive their recommendation relative to this. So at
this point, the Chair will entertain a Motion to place this item on the table to our next
meeting. Moved by Councilor Letellier, seconded by Councilors Rossi, Rheault and
' Perry. Questions or discussion on the tabling motion? Seeing none, all those in favor say
Ay? Any opposed? Please note my abstention for the record. By a vote of ten yes, zero
no and one abstention; we've tabled that to our next meeting.
Item 7. Report of Council Committees
' None.
Item 8. Elections
' Item 9. Public Hearings
' Item 10. Old Business
1 1. TO-2012-11 - An Order Granting an Application for Abatement,
Redetermination, Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment
Requested by Joseph A. & Mary Ann Czerpak, 636 South Westfield Street,
Feeding Hills,MA. (Tabled 3/7/12)
President Johnson —That was placed on the table at our last meeting. In speaking with
the Chair of the new Administrative Sub-Committee, he indicates that they're still
working on these items. So the Chair will entertain a Motion to have that item remain on
that table. Moved by Councilor Rheault, seconded by Councilor Rossi. All those in
favor say Ay? Opposed? We've unanimously voted to leave that item on the table.
2. TO-2012-12 - An Order Granting an Application for Abatement,
Redetermination, Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment
Requested by Ralph DePalma for the Property Located at Rear 683
Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA. (Referred to the Administrative Sub-
President Johnson — TO-2012-12 through TO-2012-19 which are the remaining eight
items that were referred to the Administrative Sub-Committee. Again in conversation
with Councilor Rossi, the Chair of that committee, the Chair will entertain a Motion to
Table those eight items to our next meeting. Moved by Councilor Cavallo, seconded by
Councilors Rossi and Rheault. All those in favor of tabling say Ay? Any opposed?
We've tabled those items to our next meeting.
3. TO-2012-13 - An Order Granting an Application for Abatement,
Redetermination, Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment
Requested by Giuseppe Tirone and Ralph DePalma for the Property
Located at 497 South Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA. (Referred to the
Administrative Sub-Committee)
President Johnson— See Item #2,
4. TO-2012-14 - An Order Granting an Application for Abatement,
' Redetermination, Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment
Requested by Joseph A. & Mary Ann Czerpah, for the Property Located at
South Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA. (Referred to the Administrative
President Johnson—See Item 42.
' 5. TO-2012-15 - An Order Granting an Application for Abatement,
Redetermination, Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment
Requested by Luigi Chiaretla for the Property Located at 371 South
Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA. (Referred to the new Administrative
' President Johnson— See Item #2.
6. TO-2012-16 - An Order Granting an Application for Abatement,
Redetermination, Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment
Requested by Thomas S. and Paul J. Napolitan for the Property Located at
South Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA. (Referred to the new
' 3
Administrative Sub-Committee)
President Johnson —See Item 42.
7. TO-2012-17 - An Order Granting an Application for Abatement,
Redetermination, Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment
Requested by Thomas S. and Paul J. Napolitan for the Property Located at
South Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA. (Referred to the new
Administrative Sub-Committee)
President Johnson — See Item 42.
8. TO-2012-18 - An Order Granting an Application for Abatement,
Redetermination, Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment
Requested by St. Anne's for the Property Located at South Westfield Street,
Feeding Hills,MA. (Referred to the new Administrative Sub-Committee)
President Johnson —See Item #2.
' 9. TO-2012-19 - An Order Granting an Application for Abatement,
Redetermination, Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment
Requested by Paul G., Karl J. and Linda Schmaelzle for the Property
Located at 336 South Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA. (Referred to the
new Administrative Sub-Committee)
' President Johnson—See Item#2.
' Item 11. New Business
1. TR-2012-11 -A Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Mary Jo
Safford, 92 Juniper Ridge Drive,Feeding Hills,MA to the Board of Health
to a Term Expiring the First Monday in February,2015 (Mayor)
' President Johnson —That will go on to our next Agenda.
2. TR-2012-12- A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of Ronald J.
Hamel, 52 Federal Avenue, Agawam, MA to the Agawam Veterans' Council
to a Term Expiring April 1,2015 (Mayor)
President Johnson --That will go on to our next Agenda.
3. TR-2012-13 - A Resolution Regarding the Extension of Deno To Go
President Johnson -- We received another notification from the Commonwealth, that
will go on to our next Agenda.
4. TR-2012-14 - A Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Jill Messick,
1S Princeton Avenue, Feeding Hills, MA. to the Energy Commission to an
Unexpired Term Expiring November 30,2014(Mayor)
President Johnson—That will go on to our next Agenda.
' S. TR-2012-15 - A Resolution Appropriating from the Community
Preservation Fund and Authorizing the Expenditure of Community
Preservation Funds for the Preservation, Rehabilitation and Restoration of
Historic Resources, the School Street Barn (CPA)
President Johnson —That will be referred to our Finance Sub-Committee.
6. TR-2012-16 - A Resolution Accepting a Gift in the Amount of Two
Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) from Organic Change,Inc.
pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44,Section 53A (Mayor)
President Johnson —That will go on to our next Agenda.
7. TR-2012-17 -A Resolution to Appropriate funds for the Agawam
Department of Public Works Employees Association(Mayor)
President Johnson —That will be referred to our Finance Sub-Committee.
8. TR-2012-18 - A Resolution Appropriating from the Community
Preservation Fund and Authorizing the Expenditure of Community
Preservation Funds for the Design Services for the Creation of Phase H of
the School Street Park on Property Owned by the City of Agawam and
Located on School Street(CPA)
President Johnson —That will also be referred to our Finance Sub-Committee.
Item 1Z Any other matter that may tMal/E come be ore the City Council.
' President Johnson —Being at the age I'm at, I forget at which side I started last time so I
think I'll start with Councilor Cavallo this time.
' Councilor Cavallo—I have nothing tonight.
' President Johnson —CounciIor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas —Nothing this evening.
President Johnson—Councilor Calabrese?
Councilor Calabrese— Yay, Rosie! Well done at WPI. They're going to be going to the
World Robotics competition in St. Louis in April and we'll have more about Rosie at
another meeting. Thank you.
President Johnson —CounciIor Cichetti?
' Councilor Cichetti—Nothing this evening. Thank you.
President Johnson —Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry—Nothing this evening.
President Johnson —Councilor Rheault?
Councilor Rheault—Nothing this evening.
President Johnson —Councilor Magovern?
' Councilor Magovern — I just want to say thank you to the Agawam St. Patrick's Day
parade committee for a wonderful job in organizing the Agawam participation in the
' Holyoke parade. There are 500,000 people up there, all enjoying the Agawam parade as
they walk by and I want to thank CeCe Calabrese for her marching in the parade along
with myself. It was a great day and some good sun burn but it was a great time. Thank
' you all.
President Johnson —Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo — Yes, yesterday it was a great day. I didn't march, that's a family day
for me, but I did see Bob and I did see CeCe. It was a nice day, really nice.
President Johnson—Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi—Nothing this evening.
President Johnson —Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier -- I'm sorry. In addition to a Rosie a Jay Cameron, former
ri'Y YY � YY Y
School Committee member who won the Mentor's Award so I think Rosie won three
' awards, four, I'm sorry, four awards so yay Rosie and Mentors and kids and everybody
else and good luck in St. Louis. Congrats to the hockey team that made it to the finals
and we have this resolution from this Organic Change and when I read the letter I just
thought that that was the nicest thing to do. We've got a Park & Rec employee who is
sick of the flooding at the pavilion and is gonna donate some money and I think that
' that's a really great idea. I think he should be really congratulated and I'm sure we will
next week but perhaps he can come and we can congratulate him on the record. Do you
want to — I realize that that's Council President's purview but do you mind if we invite
President Johnson —No, I think it's a great idea.
' Councilor Letellier — Okay, thanks and that's it. Thank you. Have a good week
President Johnson — Thank you. I just have one quick item and that is that when we
held our last workshop, we talked about holding another one, now that we've got the sub-
committee reorganization in place. So I'll be talking to our Administrative Assistant to
try and pick a date for that. We'll try to pick another Monday and perhaps next month,
' we have five Monday maybe, see if we can pick another date so we can continue to move
forward on that. Other than that, thank you all and everyone have a great evening. The
Chair will entertain a Motion to Adjourn? Moved all around the house, seconded all
around the house. All those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? We're adjourned.
' Adjournment.