CC MTG MINUTES MARCH 7 2012 ' REGULAR MEETING OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Minutes dated March 7, 2012 ' President Johnson —Welcome to the March 7, 2012 meeting. Item I. Roll Call ' President Johnson - I'd ask our Administrative Assistant to call the roll, please? ROLL CALL—9 PRESENT, 2 ABSENT (Councilors Cichetti and Letcllicr) President Johnson — With nine present, two absent, we have a quorum. Councilor Cichetti informed me he's returning from out of state, since his plane doesn't land until about ten minutes from now, he's gonna make every effort to be here but likely won't make it in time and Councilor Letellier's coming in as we speak. Vice President Perry ' said she's parking her car so she should be here momentarily. Item 2. Moment of Silence_and the Pledge of Alleance. rPresident Johnson — I'd ask everyone to rise for a moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance, please. ' Item 3. Citizen's Speak Time ' President Johnson —There are no citizens wishing to address the Council this evening. Item 4. Minutes 1. Regular Council Meeting—February 21,2012 President Johnson — Is there a Motion to Approve? Moved by Councilor Rheault, seconded by Councilor Mineo. Any questions or discussion on the minutes? Councilor Cavallo? Councilor Cavallo — Yes, Mr. President, I read the minutes even though I wasn't at the meeting. Am I in a position to vote yes because I understand them and I have no questions about it. President Johnson — It's your choice. Generally, some people like to abstain if they weren't at the meeting but you're certainly free to vote for them. Councilor Cavallo—Yes, I do. I read all of this so I'd like to vote. 1 President Johnson — Okay, any other q uestions or discussion? Seeing none, all those in favor say Ay? Opposed? It's unanimous. 1 1 i Item 5. Declaration from Council President None. ` ' Item 6. Presentation-of Petitions Memorials & Remonstrances 1. TR-2012-7 -A Resolution Confirming the Reappointment of David ' Cecchi,29 Albert Street,Agawam,MA to the Historical Commission to a Term Expiring January 1,2015(Mayor) President Johnson — Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Bitzas, seconded by Councilors Mineo and Magovern. Mr. Cecchi contacted me and indicated unfortunately he has a conflict this evening so he wasn't able to come here to address the Council but I think everyone here knows David and knows of his dedication to the Historic purposes in Agawam so he just wanted to share with you that he would have loved to have been here but unfortunately he's at a banquet for one of his children. Any other discussion on the ' resolution? Seeing none, I'd ask the Administrative Assistant to call the roll please? ROLL CALL --10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Cichetti) ' President Johnson -- With a vote of ten yes and one absent, we've approved the resolution and the Council thanks goes out to Mr. Cecchi for his willingness to continue to serve on the Historical Commission. 2. TR-2012-8 -A Resolution Amending the Rules and Regulations of the ' Agawam City Council and Abolishing all Existing Ad Hoc Sub-Committees (Referred to the Rules Committee) (Councilors Johnson and Perry) President Johnson — Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Perry, seconded by Councilor Bitzas. It was referred to the Rules Committee at our last meeting. Councilor Rheault is the Chair of the committee. Councilor Rheault — Yes, we held a meeting on the 271h of February. Attending were the committee members — Vice President Perry, Councilor Cichetti, myself as Chair. Also attending were Councilors Rossi, Mineo, Magovern, Bitzas and President Johnson. The meeting was called to order and there was very little discussion regarding the removal of the Ad Hoc sub-committees. The general consensus of the Committee and the Councilors present was to abolish all Ad Hoc Sub-Committees except the Ad Hoc Sewer Sub-Committee. The basis for keeping this committee is because we are in the process of putting the sewers in and to keep the community abreast of all the information, it would require the focus of just this committee. It's a very busy and detail-oriented sub-committee and it would benefit the community to keep it as is. Again, the general consensus was to support the resolution so the Council can become more proactive and ' provide a better opportunity for the Council to address certain things that have been neglected in the past (i.e. examples of setting up monthly Ordinance meetings, Zoning Review, etc.). This will establish better communication and upgrade some outdated 2 Ordinance and Zoning concerns as well as others. An amendment was suggested to change the Internal/External Sub-Committee to be named "Community Relations Sub- Committee". That amendment will be offered during discussion at our City Council meeting. Motion was made for the committee to positively recommend the resolution as amended by a vote of 3 to 0. Bear with me, my second part is glued. The second item of ' Agenda was `Any other matter that may legally come before the committee'. It was agreed upon by all to direct the President and Vice President to appoint both a Chair and a Vice Chair of all committees. It was also discussed that if a sub-committee meeting there is a quorum of councilors present, can all participate or just the committee members? The Chair requested an opinion from the Massachusetts State Ethics Commission/Attorney General's Office regarding this matter which I believe you should ' have all received a copy. I would only stress to you the importance of following the Open Meeting Law and to be guided by what they set us up as the directions of the committee. We closed the meeting at 7:19 and respectfully submitted by myself as Chair. President Johnson — Questions for the Chair of the Rules Committee? Councilor Bitzas? Councilor Bitzas — Yes, Mr. President. I do not have a question but I was there and I'm glad I was there. The meeting was a very, very good meeting and I do agree that we do ' have so many committees. Every new council-elect or every year we always add committee here, committee there and sometimes less is more. It'd be less meetings and more accomplishments with the five members so now we have so many committees and many times the same people they belong to same committees so now by bringing more together I think it will be a lot better. So I'm supporting. Thank you. President Johnson— Other discussion? Councilor Perry? I Councilor Perry — Yes, thank you, Mr. President. First of all, I want to thank all of the councilors for their participation in one our workshop which I thought was very productive and basically being involved in reorganizing our sub-committee or ad hoc ' committees and things of that nature. I think it's very important that we do this, that we move forward in a proactive manner in regards to what these committees can do. When you have what do we have twenty I think, total committees and sub-committees and ad hoc committees spread out over a course of a year, there's a number of different meetings and things of that nature, condensing this to what we're trying to do with this resolution, is only gonna help us to be more proactive. Making three member ad hoc committees to fall under the purview of regular Council sub-committees and having five members, I think it's gonna help us to streamline Agenda items that come to us, but also putting together goals and action items for these committees to help move our Council forward in helping the community and I want to thank everybody for that. I do want to put forth an amendment to the resolution that's before us and that's to strike out on Section C — Internal/External Relations Sub-Committee and strike out `Internal/External' and put ' `Community Relations' Sub-Committee. So we're striking out `Internal/External' and putting in `Community'. 3 President Johnson — So we have a motion to strike `Internal/External' from sub- paragraph C and substitute in its place `Community' is there a second to the Motion? 1 Motion is made by Councilor Perry, seconded by Councilor Bitzas. Questions or discussion on the amendment? Seeing none, all those in favor of the amendment say Ay? Opposed? It's unanimous. We're now to the main motion as amended. Stepping from ' the Chair just as a housekeeping matter I would make a minor amendment to the last paragraph since Councilor Rossi has a Sewer Sub-Committee meeting scheduled for tomorrow evening that we indicate that the Ad Hoc Committees are abolished. The amendment I would offer is that the Ad Hoc Sewer Committee would be abolished effective upon the naming of the members of the new Administrative Sub-Committee provided this passes just so that his sub-committee stays in place through the scheduled meeting tomorrow and that sub-committee would be subsumed by the new Administrative Sub-Committee so the amendment I'm offering is that none of the other ad hoc committees have any meetings that are currently scheduled so they would be abolished upon passage of this resolution in signature by the Mayor but the Ad Hoc Sewer Committee would stay in effect until replaced by the Administrative Sub- Committee. Amendment offered by the Chair is seconded by Councilor Bitzas. ' Questions or discussion on the second amendment? Councilor Rheault? Councilor Rheault — I have one question. Do —by abolishing that committee —does the committee under the new direction still have the public serving on the committee? President Johnson—No, it's a sub-committee of the Council. Councilor Rheault— So those currently serving on that committee would no longer play a roll? President Johnson— Correct. Councilor Rheault — All right. Thank you. Questions or discussion on the second amendment? Councilor Rossi? ' Councilor Rossi — Just for clarification. We're not actually abolishing the Sewer Sub- Committee, we're just placing it into, under the Administration, correct? President Johnson — Right. Any other questions or discussion on the second amendment? Hearing none, all those in favor say Ay? Opposed? It's unanimous. We're now into the main motion as amended. Any further discussion? Seeing none, I'd ask the Administrative Assistant to call the roll on TR-2012-8 as amended. 1 ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Cichetti) President Johnson — With a vote of ten yes, one absent, we've approved TR-2012-8 as 1 amended. 4 Item 7. Report of Council Committees ' None. Item 8. Elections ' None. Item 9. Public Hearings None. Item 10. Old Business ' 1. TO-2012-11 - An Order Granting an Application for Abatement, Redetermination,Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment Requested by Joseph A. & Mary Ann Czerpak,636 South Westfield Street, ' Feeding Hills,MA. President Johnson — That was referred to the Sewer Sub-Committee at our last meeting ' and because of inclement weather, they haven't had the opportunity to meet so 1 would ask that we just move it onto our next Agenda to allow the sub-committee to meet. Councilor Calabrese—Motion to Table? President Johnson — We have a Motion to Table by Councilor Calabrese, seconded by ' Councilor Rossi and Councilor Magovern. Any questions or discussion? All those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous. The item is tabled until our next meeting. Item ]]. New Business 1. TO-2012-12 -An Order Granting an Application for Abatement, Redetermination,Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment Requested by Ralph DePalma for the Property Located at Rear 683 South Westfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA. ' President Johnson — That will be referred to our new Administrative Sub-Committee, next Agenda. Do you want me to read the balance of those or just — we have a total of eight or seven more requests for abatement, redetermination, extension or deferral of sewer betterment assessments. They are TO-2012-13 through TO-2012-19, those will also be referred to the new Administrative Sub-Committee. 2. TO-2012-13 - An Order Granting an Application for Abatement, Redetermination, Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment Requested by Giuseppe Tirone and Ralph DePalma for the Property Located at 497 South Westfield Street, Feeding Hills,MA. 5 1 iPresident Johnson —Please see Item #1 above. ' 3. TO-2012-14 -An Order Granting an Application for Abatement, Redetermination,Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment Requested by Joseph A. & Mary Ann Czerpak,for the Property Located at South Westfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA. President Johnson—Please see Item#1 above. ' 4. TO-2012-15 - An Order Granting an Application for Abatement, Redetermination,Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment ' Requested by Luigi Chiarella for the Property Located at 371 South Westfield Street, Feeding Hills,MA. President Johnson—Please see Item#1 above. 5. TO-2012-16 -An Order Granting an Application for Abatement, PP Redetermination,Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment Requested by Thomas S.and Paul J.Napolitan for the Property Located at South Westfield Street, Feeding Hills,MA. ' President Johnson—Please see Item#1 above. 6. TO-2012-17 -An Order Granting an Application for Abatement, ' Redetermination,Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment Requested by Thomas S. and Paul J. Napolitan for the Property Located at South Westfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA. 1 President Johnson —Please see Item #1 above. 7. TO-2012-18 -An Order Granting an Application for Abatement, Redetermination, Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment Requested by St.Anne's for the Property Located at South Westfield Street, Feeding Hills,MA. President Johnson—Please see Item #1 above. 8. TO-2012-19 -An Order Granting an Application for Abatement, Redetermination, Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment Requested by Paul G.,Karl J. and Linda Schmaelzle for the Property Located at 336 South Westfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA. ' President Johnson — Please see Item#1 above. 9. TR-2012-9 -A Resolution accepting Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section SG (Mayor) President Johnson — I don't believe that needs to get referred to a sub-committee. It's fairly straight forward. So that will move onto our next Agenda. 6 10. TR-2012-10 -A Resolution to waive the right of first refusal for land classified under M.G.L. Chapter 61B located at 365 Main Street,Agawam, MA. (Mayor) President Johnson — That will also I believe go onto our next Agenda. In speaking with the Mayor this morning at the Agenda meeting, he indicated the process involves the Conservation Commission making its recommendation and I know it's been sent to them so hopefully they'll have the opportunity to meet before our next meeting and we'll get their recommendation relative to the property. So that'll also go onto our next Agenda. Item 12. AnV other matter that may legally come before the City Council. President Johnson —We'll start on the right this evening. Councilor Cavallo? Councilor Cavallo — Yeah, I just have one item. I appreciate the explanation that Councilor Rheault did receive from the state regarding the Open Meeting Law and I think it's gonna make our job a lot easier as Chairpersons of our committees. We, the Chairperson will be in charge from what I understand, that Chairperson will make a decision as to whether or not the public will be participating that are there and in many of our meetings, and I remember when I was on the Council, there would be, like your ' meeting, five or six more people than the original board itself and I think it's incumbent upon that core person to make the right decision or else if you have five or six councilors and three, well there'll be five now on that committee, you'll have almost enough for a ' meeting so to speak and it just doesn't Iook kosher having that situation so I think it's wise for that Chairperson to use good judgment as to whether or not they open it up to the floor for the councilors or they open up to the public. I think it depends probably on the gravity of the situation but I thought it was very well done and a lot of cases are presented here so it makes it clear to us. That's all I have. President Johnson-- Councilor Bitzas? Councilor Bitzas —Nothing this evening. President Johnson— Councilor Calabrese? ' Councilor Calabrese — Yes, I have a couple things. First of all, I want to wish Team 839 Agawam High School Robotics much luck in their competition at WPI. They're gonna be having their first Regional this weekend. They placed extremely well in their first scrimmage of the season in Suffield. They placed second overall out of thirty five schools from all over New England. So they have a really wonderful team and also I'd like to thank James Cichetti, our Public Safety Sub-Committee Chair for moving very ' quickly on an issue that I had brought up at the last meeting with regard to some broken glass and some broken plastic tubing that was found at the Agawam High School parking lot and I just want to read this memo from Mr. Sapelli if I may. "Dear Mr. Cichetti, it's dated March I", I am in receipt of your memo of February 22"d in which you asked if the surveillance camera located near the high school's band room could be re-directed toward, due to broken glass and plastic tubing being found on the school grounds. I 7 ' spoke with instruction technology director Michael Feeley who confirmed that another security camera will be installed in that area of the school building in a week or two." And I really appreciate the quick, rapid response to that situation and I just wanted to extend a thanks for a job well done. That's all I have. ' President Johnson— Councilor Perry? Councilor Perry — Yes, thank you, Mr. President. I'll just be brief in regards to; I want to thank Councilor Rheault for getting this information to us in regards to our sub- committees and the Open Meeting Laws. As we discussed that evening, Don, that we as councilors are still members of the public. We have the right to go to any public posted meeting that we want to but again as Councilor Cavallo had said, it's up to the Chairperson if they do open it up to the public, the councilor attending the meeting has a right to voice his opinion but the main concern is that when any type of voting is done, it's done under just the committee members themselves. So you do have a right to attend these meeting, if it is open by the Chairman to the public, you do have a right to speak your mind but that's where it ends and it's up to the Chairperson to make sure they follow those rules so thank you Don. Councilor Rheault— You're welcome. President Johnson — Councilor Rheault? Councilor Rheault — Yea, just one thing. I want to wish the High School hockey team the best of luck in their final game tomorrow evening and hopefully they can turn that around and beat South Hadley. President Johnson—Councilor Magovern? Councilor Magovern — The only thing I want to add is again to reiterate what Councilor Calabrese said about Rosie Robotics, I think that the town should be proud of what our robotics team has done. I was up at the library the other night and they had one of the robots up there and one of the members took a lot of time explaining the inner workings of that equipment to me and I'll tell you, it's just amazing what our high school children can do. Again, congratulations for getting this far, hopefully they'll go down there and ireally make Agawam proud so again they're to be congratulated. Thank you. President Johnson— Councilor Mineo? Councilor Mineo —Just good luck to the Rosie Robotics team and the hockey team. President Johnson—Councilor Rossi? ' Councilor Rossi—Nothing this evening. President Johnson —Councilor Letellier? 8 Councilor Letellier — Yes, thank you. I do want to thank Councilor Rheault for getting that opinion from the Ethics Committee about the Open Meeting Law. That was my position when I was Council President was that as long as you didn't vote and you sat separate from the committee, you had a right to participate. I know we had gotten a position letter from our City Solicitor that was opposite so I thank you for taking that extra step to getting that matter clarified. But just to remember when we do have a meeting if you're not a member of the sub-committee, you have to sit apart from the ' councilors. You have to sit with the public and it can only be opened up for fellow councilors to comment if it's opened up to the rest of the committee to the public. As we all know the Open Meeting Law, the violations are getting steeper and steeper so it's really a simple process, I think, it was a good memo and I thank Don for getting it and I think we can all follow it and still participate as we want to with those simple rules — sit separately, wait until you are called upon, if you're calling upon a councilor you've got to let other members of the public speak. Thanks. President Johnson — Council Vice President and myself will get the new committee ' assignments out hopefully by the end of the week and we will take the suggestion of the sub-committee and appoint Chair and Vice Chair far each of the sub-committees. So hopefully we'll have that out by the end of the week. I also thank Don for getting the opinion. I'll get out to the Council, there's a recent decision from the AG's office and it was about a month ago with the City Council from the eastern part of the state that really explained everything that Don had in his memo but it clarifies what exactly the Chair of ' the sub-committee can and can't do and what they actually suggest in that decision is that if it's anticipated that a majority or quorum of the full body will attend, they actually recommend that you post the meeting both as a Council meeting and as a sub-committee meeting hence opening up — in this decision which just came out in January, they walk that fine line between what is participation versus what is deliberation. And that's the legal niceties of what they define. In that particular case, it was an eleven-member ' council that met in their chambers like this and all eleven members sat at their normal chairs and the sub-committee meeting was conducted by the President of the Council but then only the sub-committee voted and they said that's an Open Meeting Law violation. ' And so they talk about what Don talked about in his memo and what Councilor Letellier just talked about which is the other councilors have to sit in the audience and participate when called upon but it puts in there, in this decision, what the Chair of the sub- committee has the ability to do at a meeting. So I'll make sure that we get that out to you but they recommend that if you anticipate a topic to be such that you're gonna have a lot of councilors there, just double post the meeting both as a Council and as a sub- committee meeting. With that, is there a Motion to Adjourn? ' Councilor Letellier — May I ask a question just in case it's not - would that then require the Administrative Assistant to appear and take, keep regular minutes versus just sub- committee minutes? Was that addressed? ' President Johnson — No, because minutes is within the Rules and Regulations of this particular council. 9 Councilor Letellier — Okay, so she wouldn't have to appear as opposed to the regular Council meetings. President Johnson — Right. What they suggest is in this particular case what it was was a School Budget sub-committee which of that council was a five-member similar to ours and like I said, they met in their normal Council chambers and all eleven councilors were present and all were sitting in their normal chairs and they conducted it as a normal 1 Council meeting but then when it came time to make the recommendation relative to the school line item, only the five members of the sub-committee voted and that the Attorney General's office said well that's a technical violation because you didn't call it as a full ' council meeting and therefore the six who weren't members of the sub-committee could only participate and couldn't deliberate. And even the author of the opinion says you are really splitting hairs when you talk about what's the difference between participate and 1 deliberate but they make the recommendation to that City Council that if you know you have a hot topic which you're gonna have a quorum of the full body, double post it as a regular council and as a sub-committee and now you're covered. Councilor Letellier—Thank you. President Johnson — We had Motions to Adjourn all around the house. All those in favor of adjournment say Ay? Opposed? We'll see you in a couple of weeks. Thank you. 1 Adiournrnen t. 1 i i i i 1 10